West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 24 Jun 1915, p. 4

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1 i%. NCRA S ICIC:. The REVIEW â€" is well equipped 500 tons of No 1 Mixed Chop WHEAT AND BARLEY Wheat, Barley and Oats Chop Large Quantity of No. 1 Feeding Hay All kinds of grain bought at market price. Special Reduction on Flour and Feed in ton lots. Sovereign, Eclipse and Pastry Flour It gives good satisfaction. We are in the market for any Quantity of OATS PHONES : Day § 4, Night § 26 The Rob Roy Cereal Mills Co. Oatmeal Mills, Durham Feed Feed Feed American Corn per 100 Ibs.......... . ... .$ 1.60 Chieftain Corn Feed, per ton.... ... ... . .:30.00 Oats, Shorts, per ton....................30.00 Special prices in over five ton lots If you want good heavy mixed feed, try our Bay them here. We have a Fresh and varied stock of the choicest Groceries, Oranges, Lemons, Peels, Dates, Nuts, Candies of all kinds, and evorything required tor the Holiday festivities. Our prices will suit your purse. Give us a call. Highest prices for Butter and Eggs. T HE CITY BAKERY Headquarters for Confectionery and all Bakery goods Your â€" Hoiday â€" Groceries, Fruits and Confections will do the same work and save time, money and temper. Bring in a par of your next baking for a free demonstration. Watering Pots Our New Perfection Oil stove Do you realize that you are giving the best part of your life to that kitchen range ? THE RED FRONT Put that Fire Out! ‘Chicftain Corn â€" Feed" [or turning out all kinds of Commerâ€" cial and Job Printing. Give us a trial. CRIMPED OATS for Horse Feed at Fair,Prices CHOPPED OATS at.... very reasonable rates <John McQowan We have a good steck of Corn and Ground Feed on hand that we are selling in ton lots at following prices : * Before buying, look over our stock of Do away with it for the balance of the summer. THE PEOPLE‘S MILLS Fresh and Clean, the very best. _ See this Hay before purchasing elsewhere. It will pay you. Every bag guargantoed. _ If not satisfactor7 bring it back and get your money. W. BLACK The Red Front Hardware Ice Cream Freezers Lawn Mowers Garden Hose Lawn Rakes Screen Doors Windows and Wire E. A. ROWE \3C 3¢ .3C IC.IC BC BC 3¢ Ehe Purkam Review The Finance Minister‘s Apology When Mr White accepted an invitâ€" ation to address the electors of Southâ€" east Grey he had two courses open to him : to make a high minded appeal to a patriotic people passing through a perilons and unprecedented crisis, and to make a partizan appeal calâ€" culated to draw public attention away trom patriotic duty and diréet it to a question of holding office with its emoluments and other incidental adâ€" vantages. It is not to the Finance Minister‘s credit that he chose the more ignoble part: it goes to show bhow far he bhas descended since he began to associate himselt with men who have deliberately put themseives under the domination of a sinister plotter for the prometion of his own } selfâ€"interest. For the past two years the Grey County Board of Agriculture have, by the generosity of the County Council, been able to offer prizes at the Winâ€" ter Fair for live stock raised and owned by a resident of this county, In 1913 the prizes totalled $100 and of this amount $40 were claimed as prizâ€" es, Last winter the Board were able to supplemment the grant of the Coun:â€" ty Council and made the total prizes offered amount to $:i50, More than half of this amonnt was claimed and the Board feels that in justice to those who would like to exhibit this year, that the prizes be the same as they were last year, It will be noticed that these prizes are only for amaâ€" teurs, therefore those who have won money in open competition at any of our large fairs will be barred from winning these prizes. This should encourage as many as possible of our younger men to show at this year‘s Winter Fair. The prizes offered are as follows : For the best stallion, raised in Grey County, shown by an amateur exhibâ€" itor, resident of the County of Grey. Prizes, ist $25 ; 2nd $15. For the best sheep of a medium wooled breed, raised in the County of Grey and shown by an amateur exâ€" hibitor, resident of the County of Grey, Prizes, 1st $10 ; 2nd $5.00,. As many as possible should make an‘ effort to secure one or more of these prizes and thus advertise the stock of the County and for themâ€" selves as well. For further informaâ€" tion write For the best sheep of a long wooled breed, raised in the County of Grey and shown by an amateur exhibitor, resident of the County of Grey. Prizâ€" es, 1st, $10 ; 2nd $5.00. It would be fatile to deal with the mass of misrepresentations that make up the bulk of his Darham speech ; it will serve a more useful purpose to eall attention to his umpatriotic and uncalledâ€"for treatment of the Nationâ€" al Transeontinental Railway. For the sake of making a little partisan capital he yiolates trath and maligns blameless third parties. His exagâ€" gerations regarding the initiation and the subsequent development of the National Transcontinental enterprise amount to willal misrepresentation of the attitude and administration of the Liberal party ; his assertion that the Grand Trunk Pacific Company reâ€" tused to take over what it agreed to take over under the statutory conâ€" tract of twelve years ago is a deliberâ€" ate falsification. _ What the Grand Trunk Pacific Company originally agreed to take over was the _ completâ€" ed eastern division of the Transcon tinental line, and that eastern divisâ€" ion is not yet complete. What the company recently agreed to was a working arracggement with the Govâ€" erament that would make it possible to use the road in its present condi tion. It will nevyer be forgotten that ‘since the Borden Governmens came ‘ into office four vears ago it has been systematically endeavoring to damâ€" ‘ age the reputation of both the eastern division and the country it traverses, ‘ apparently for no other motive than to be able to proclaim the project a failure. Mr White, like other members of the Government, complains of the Liberala‘® preparations for a general election, such as the nominations of candidates and the circulation of litâ€" erature. It be had any saving sense of humor he would have refrained from reiterating this grievance. He knows quite well that a certain see tion of the Borden Cabinet wanted a general election, and would have bhad it but for some obstacle not plain to the general public. He shows that for months Conservative preparâ€" ations of all sorts for an election have been in progress. He knows that if there is no general slection before a session it will be on account of the Manitoba scandal and its disabling effect on Mr Rogers and his electionâ€" winning machize. And he knows that if Sir Robert Borden would give to the Govyernorâ€"General and the Canadian electors the assurance that there will be no general election till after the next session of Parliament the Liberasls would promptly and gladly cease to prepare for one. I; is too much to ask Liberals to abanâ€" don preparations while Conservatives continue them. Special Prizes at Guelph for Grey County Farmers For the best steer or heifer, any beef breed, 2 years of age or under, prizes, 1st $25 ; and $15. These prizâ€" es are open only to exhibits raised in the County of Grey and shown by amateur exhibitors, resident of the County of Grey, Bor the best gelding or mare, any draught breed, raised in Grey County shown by an amateur exhibitor, resiâ€" dent of the County of Grey. P rizes, ist $25 ; 2nd $15. $1.50 per year. $1.00 if paid in advance. T. H, BINNIE, Priceville, or H. C. DUFF, Markdale (From The Globe) JUNE 24, 1915 s @â€" ++ THG DUBHAM REVIEV 24 l Tarnbull â€" Melonis > That â€" the Clerk be paid $40.00 on salary and 45 cents on express charges.â€"Carried !_ Tarnbullâ€"Melnvis That the aeâ€" Jim Farqubarson inâ€"a Hot Corner at the Front. â€" . Rev. Dr. Farqubarson last week kindly forwarded the following postal card and letter from his son Jim, who is again on the firmg line. His uncle Ed. referred to is Dr. Coutts of Agincourt, brother of Mra: Farquharâ€" son, who left on Wednesday of last week to join the Medical staff in Engâ€" land and sailed Saturday. His eale| arrival will be anziously fooked fo«. I May 20th, 1915 Came back to the battalion last Baturday, evidently jast in time to get into another hot sorner. _ We have been shelled nearly all day, but only a small number have been hit. I nearly got a nice little wound this morning when a piece of shrapuel gruzed my shoulder, making it tingle.‘ Let me know uncle Ed‘s address when he comes to France if.you please, * May 28rd, 1915 Your letter came this morning along with a couple of pairs of socks from â€". _ By this time you will have the letter I wrote from Ruen hospital and will know I am still unburt, We came out of theâ€" trenches for a rest last night and belieye me I needed it. Thursday night I wawfooling arounad in trenches half fulil of water and since then I have been stiffened up with what I presume a slight attack of rheumatismâ€"nothing serious. MclIonesâ€"Peart Tha; Thos Turnâ€" bull be paid $2.00 for committee on damage to Earl Veesie and Mr D. Clark on defective road and that Josâ€" eph Young be pard $2,00 for conferâ€" img with John Ray re damage to buggy.â€"Carried. Youngâ€"Tarnbull That $100,00 for each ward be appropriated to* be expended on defective parts of roads. â€"Catried. ' Mcinnisâ€"Pesart= That John Neil be pard $6,00 for repair of road at lot I0, con 4, N D R.â€"Carried. Peartâ€"Mclnois That Mike Norris be paid $23.00 and Peter Davey $6.67 being 2â€"8 value of sheep killed by dogs.â€"Cartied. © The small places in the country will be given enough help to assist them in turning the bars into libraries and places which will be a credit to the town. Eyen Russia bas them already where they are known as «* people‘s palaces." The Council met June 5th, pursu. ant to adjourniu«nt. All the memâ€" bers present, the Reeve in the chair . Minutes of last meeting read and conâ€" firmed. After the reading of several communications and accounts, it was moved by Peartâ€"Turnbull That Sam Wright be paid $3 for inspecting sheep killed by dogs.â€"Carried, * Let us be thank{ul for this giganâ€" tic step forward in the cause of tempâ€" erance and. sobriety." Yourgâ€"Melounes That the account of J A Erskine for groceries for the family of George Loith while isolated for scarlet fever be paid, $10,85.â€" Carried, * The clouds are commencing to break away and blue sky is appearing in Saskatebewan and 16 is going to spread in Alberta and Manmitoba. We will be able bye aund ‘byo to bring a little blue sky into old OQutario." ** We are on the eve of the finest temperance legislation ever enacted." Special to the Review, Toronto, June 24, 1915. Extracts from speeches at Thanks. giying Mass Meeting, recently held in the City Hall, Regina, Sask. ; We had quite a time getting inte the trenches. Our route led through an open road which the Germans were shelling. â€" They had the range down pat and dropped the shells right over the road. Quite a number of our chaps were wounded and several killed, but we got through with the wire all right. How we managed I don‘t know, for a shell landed about ten feet in front of us and the road around us was sprinkled with cast iron. # Of the fellows who composed one tent at West down south only swo of us are left out here. One has lost an arm, one has pueumonia and the othâ€" er five have been killed. We are guing into the trenches toâ€" morrow night in all likelihood, so I shall write you at our next billet, Bruce Susherland~"is ;still at the English base, but as the engineers have lost a number of officers, L pre sume he will be uver soon. 1 suppose you have heard Dr Hart of the 5th battalion was captured at Ypres. If uncle James has not heard please let him know. He was order. ed out of the Greseimg station by his Colonel, but refused to leave some teilows © who were badly wounded and so becams a prisoner when his batâ€" talion retired. Alpin Smith (of Claude) came through Ypres unburt and asked to be remembered to you. We lost balt our section at Ypres four killed and four wounded. ‘Thea one of our chaps was wounded in the arm the other day, so our section 18 mostly composed ct new men. Am glad Ray is out of bospital and beginuing to feel fit again, I sur pose unsle d. will be over in France soon, If he is attached to a regiment as M. 0. he wiil bhave his hands full of work. How Saskatchewan Feels Has Escaped the Shells GLENELG COUNCIL ONTARIO ARCH TORONTO Ariveg count of the Municipal World of $5.00 be paid.â€"Carried . Toroballâ€" Peart That Lenaban & McKechnie be paid $1.00 for kettle for the hball.â€"Oarried. Council: adjourned to July 8rd at Council I0 a. m. n s 0 J B. BLACK, Clérk ‘ Glenolg Court of Revision * _‘ June b5th, 1915 After the adjourpment of Council. Court of Revision was organized. Afâ€" ter taking the neeessary oaths, Thos Nichol was : voted Chairman and changes in the Roll made as follows : George Allan, assessment reduced $100.00 ; Roger Clancy, asgsessment reduced 550.00 ; A. J. Greenwood, reâ€" duced 50.00 ; Alex Aljoe, reduced 100.004; Bylyester Martin, reduced 100.00 ; James Bell, Assessor sus tained ; â€" James MceNally, reduoeg 100.00'; James Bell, Assessor sus tained ; James MceNally, reduced 100.00 ; James Goodwill, reduced 50.00 ; Chas Mortley, reduced 50.00 ; Alex Campbell, reduced 200,.00 ; Wm Firth reduced 50.00 ; Adam Watson assesement reduced $20 on Whitmore property. Names added to the Roll : James McNally, Jr., lot 6, con 9 ; John Quillinan, lot 5, con 9 ; James Haney lot 24, con 11;; John Picken, Sr., 6 of 80, con 1, EBE G R; Thomas Cartney, lot 6, con 2, E G R; Frank Sullivan, lot 28, com 6 ; Arthur Mceâ€" Nally, lot 8, con 8 ; Joseph Hall, lotâ€" 11, con 11 ; Ernest McGirr, lot 61, con 2 E G R ; Thos Grasby, lot 2 of 21, con 1, E G R ; Herbert Atkinâ€" son, lot 56 con 2, E G R ; Neil Black lot 9, con 9 ; Kate McGrade, lot 11, con 8 ; Roy Brown, lot I of 9, con 1, E G R ; John Brown, lots 1 and 2 of 10, con 1, E G R ; Daniel ’Ray. lot‘ 4, con 2, E G R ; James Atkinsom, Jot 51, con 2, E G R : Howard Whitmore, lot 1, con 1, N D R and William Clark for lot 55, !con 8, N D h ; Wm Hall, struck off Roll and assessment added to that of George E Peart, The Court adjourn ’ed to July 3, at 2.80 p. m, ing. Messrs A. Anderson, D. Edge, W. Firth and W. Edge all are or have been putting up new wire fencâ€" es lately. A number from around here were at Mr Jas. Heslop‘s barn raising at Aberdeen Wednesday last and this Monday the young people were at Messrs J. and C. Moffat haye a new Baker windmill, erected last week over a new drilled well, where the Pratt Bros, got plenty of water al 80 ft. last spring. This makes 3 Baker windmills in half a mile, all over wells drilled by the same brothâ€" Mr Hugb Firth motored from Markdale and visited with Mr A. Edge Sunday. Mr D. H. Firth and bride (Miss E. Craig of Hamilton) visited at the forâ€" mer‘s mother‘s, Mrs D. Firth, last week, returning to Hamilton Saturâ€" day for a brief visit before taking up resldence in Winnipeg. We extend our best wishes for a loug and happy married life. Miss Belle Firth leit Monday for a nine months‘ visit in the west with various relatiyes. This is the season for fence buildâ€" Try our Star of India and Light of Asia A large stock continually on hand be got in two days after getting order. styles, made on good fitting lasts. Made to order and a good fit guaranteed to be furnished in one week from in one week from date of getting order. A nice stock of cloth to choose from. A fine stock Departmental Store, Rugs .. Linoleums and Floor Oilcloth Wall A!¢ Paper noi: The stock is large and yaried, embracing the newest designs in the neatest patterns of Wall Paper, Rugs, Linoleums, Fioor Oilcloth and Stair Oilcloth. Large Sales e it EDGE HILL McKechnie‘s Weekly News J. 8. BLACK, Clerk, House Furnishings G. & J. McKECHNIE Fresh Groceries Continually Arriving IMS They are of English, Scotch and Canadian manufacture, all in OOp the vewest designs. For neatness of designs and pretty colâ€" orings, those made by Nairn & Co., of Kirkcaldy, Scetland, h excel. Have a look at them. All of Canadiar manufacture, made by the celebrated makers Staunâ€" ton & Co. The style is upâ€"toâ€"date, and the appearance is good, yet not too costly. of DRESS GOODS, in the newest styles, in the neatest patterns They are the product of the best English looms, reasonable in pricâ€" es, yet having the Oriental appearance for which the Eastern Rugs are famous. _ A pretty stock to select from. The Highest Prices for Boots and Shoes Men‘s Clothing *s®I t Efiflfl@flflflflflflflflflflmflflmflflflfl Mr R, T. EAwards at Zion raising a driving shed. _A botn places they tripped the light fantastic. Mr Wm. Edge was in Walkerton the beginning of the week. Rev. Mr Whaley is holding prayer meeting Tuesday in the Grange Hall. June, the month of weddings is at haud, If you are a prospective bride, or interested in such an event, see the REvIEW regarding your invitations or announcements, We carry the latest in Wedding Stationery and print same in your choice of the newest type faces. o On Second Floor Spring Goods have Arrived MacFARLANE‘S Drug Store?:c The RoxoMk store x Be just to yourselves by having a look at our large stock before selecting your next pair of In our higherâ€"priced goods we have FOOTWEAR Classic for Ladies, Eclipse and Westons for Misses and Children, Astoria and Brandon for Men with many other makes in medium priced lines. Prices are the same in most lines as last season. Close prices on Men‘s, Ladies‘, Misses‘ and Trunks, Valises Suitcases at bottom values. Odds and Ends of broken lines at cut prices to clear. Custom work and Repairing attended to as promptly as possible. Down Town Shoe Store THE R. Town Office Buy your Tickets here Let us help you arrange your trip. and any special kind you may want can Our great aim is to have the newest TeA SR win Durham J. S. McILRAITH JUNE 24, 1916 Batrontezs. New Y Qrk Small_ Profit _ _=_ The Review to New 5U â€" _ _ ers to Jan. ist 1916, for 0 SINGLE FARE â€"CGo returning July 1st « FARE ANXD OXE TH ing June 30th and ]: * limit July and. 19 ets will be sold betw in Canada east « f Secure your tickets Trunk ticket ofces WM CALOEK 1 J. TOWNER,. Tick Fo® Delicious Light Summer Desserts NewFishing T ackle Split Bamboo Rods, Silk Lines, _ Gut Leaders, Front Hooks, Etc. l owEX S Individual instruc three story building ful years of expericr etructors produc pesults. Catalog: C aA FLEMING, P CA The undersigno to residents of Ds ‘-&w“er- that Mill and factory | prepared to take | Various kinds Disinfectan ts Metal and Silver Polishes Houseâ€"cleaning ? ete., to render every article in the house s shiniog. DURKHAV PLANINC V Our Drugs and Stationery SASH, DOORS, as< s of HOUSE FITTINS are all fresh and kept ® JUNEB °4, 1915 F get the best ‘or your money a Quality Pharmacy PRICEVILLE, _ â€" ONT hand at right pr= Sawing prompt!y DOMINION DA EXCURSION FARE can be handled. In having affords an excellent opportun turn. it enables us to sell at Also Sole Agent an© ham and vicwmity of ! Henceforth our business We all know that one can bu ;fi"“ be the same in eit} will be good in either KFor interior 0| | cheaper than !st» mm handle put on gaves fuel Below are a Fe You can Enter any Da) at the q rommy IUHU PC ILL 7 DURH A M. = Principal for 35 yc Granulated Sug Granulated Sug Golden Yellow : any Flavor, 1 NEW FIBRE 804 PRI ZENUS COall and «« Special in and Lath use Jelly Powders CLA t J

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