West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 24 Jun 1915, p. 5

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en m municae on ye nt nd rk es re 1e 11 es York for You can Enter any Day at the 2 }fi’afilifi s CAZHIALbHE SINGLE FAREâ€"Gooed going and returning July 1st only. FARK AND ONEâ€"THIRDâ€"Good goâ€" a5 June 30th and July 1st. Return â€" uit July 2nd. 1g15. Return tickâ€" »is will be sold between all stations Individual instruction. Our own hree story building and 34 successâ€" tul years of experience. Expert inâ€" structors produce the very best results. â€" Catalogue free. c a PLEMING, FCA _ G. D. FLEMING Principal for 35 years Secretary DURKHAM PLANING MILLS JUNE 24, 1915 The undersigned begs to announce o residents of Durham and surroundâ€" ag country, that he has his Planing N.\ and factory fully u}mw'd and is prepared to take orders for DOMINION DAY EXCURSION FARES SASH, DOORS, and all kinds of HOUSE FITTINGS Shingles and Lath always On ptonnims â€" sndudith ree»sik> / _ °T hand at right rices. Custom Sawing prompgy attended to Below are a Few Specials this Week: BUY YOUR PARIS GREEN NoOwW. Highest Prices for Wool, Butter and Eggs. B:ing them in, and fee! assured you‘re getting the highest price Our regular 35¢ Tea, in black, mixed, or green, was hard to beat It was excellent value. _ For this week only, we offer to ne customer two pounds of any kind for 56¢c. No ome customer to buy more than two pounds. \lso Sole Agent and Dealer for ham and vicimty of the n Canada east of Port Arthur. Secure your tickets early at Grand Irunk ticket offices. WM CALDER, Town Ticket Agt. J. TOWNER. Ticket Agent For interior of bnlldlm': cheaper than lath and f Fasy to handle Cute wit Easy put on Cannot ! gaves fuel No dirt C ;fioiefiew to New Subscribâ€" ers to Jan. Ist 1916, for only 50c URH A M. It 1 be good in either. {ranulated Sugar, per ewt.......... ‘rantulntod UE ...«Crrdrecerecrects. +rolden Yellow Sugar.................. ‘nned Goodsâ€"Corn, Peas, Toma toyal Household Flour, per bbl.... ‘ream of the West Flour, per bbl ‘lenora Patent Flour, per bbl...... d PRICEVILLE 42 NEW FIBRE BOARD ZENUS CGLARK F. G. KARSTEDT & soNS OowEN sSOUND handle Cute with a saW it on Cannot fall off 1el No dirt or muss Call and see for yourself Special in Teas â€"â€" 26¢ Ib. Port Arthur. irly at Grand going and better and ONTARIO car h hn db it ssssssssess++..... . 14 Ibs for 1.00 tssssssss««»««...... 16 lbs for 1.00 + '_I‘_o_matoos....3 cans for 25¢ Rear Dr. J. A. Macdonald at Priceville Patriotic Concert Everyone for miles around should plan to attend the great Patriotic Concert which will be held in the Presbyterian Church here Taesday, June 29th. Dr. J. A. Macdonald, editor ot the Toronto Globe, will be the ehiet speaker, and others will be Rev. Father Ferguson, Rev B. M. Smith, Rev S. M. Whaley, Hon. Dr Sproule, R.J. Ball, M.P., H. H. Miller, M. K. Richardson, and Hon Dr Jamâ€" ieson in the chair. Swinton Park Orchstra will supply musis. Adâ€" mission 25¢, reserved seats 350. Seats may be reservyed by mail, phone or otherwise, from P. MeArtbur, Chairâ€" man Seating Committee, Priceville. Entire proceeds in aid of Toronto Base Hospital. The hydro gangs are with us making things lively for the time being. They are making good progress as the poles are all up and most of the cross bars and wires. We are having a meeting on Monday night to decide as to whether Priceville is to have electric lights this fall or not. Our patriotic concert, financed by Dr. Lane, as his contribution to the Red Cross or base hospital, comes off on the 29th. With such splendid talent as the Dr. has seâ€" cured, it ought to be a huge sucâ€" cess. Mr Sandy McLean is still very low and very little hope is enterâ€" tained for his recovery. Mr Donâ€" ald McLean is some better. Miss Caswell, of your town, spent the week end with her friend, Miss Lizzie Mather. Mr and Mrs McClelland (nee Myrtle McArthur) are at present visiting with her mother, Mrs McArthur, of this village. Mr;';iV:;tson has purchased the property formerg owned by Mr and Mrs Clark Russel. Mr W. Aldcorn has sold his store business to Mr J. J. Pattiâ€" son, of Ceylon. J.J. intends carrying on the business here himself we believe. Mrs Runciman and two ren are visiting with her Mr W. Taylor. Mr W. Sackett is cutting shingâ€" ( les for Mr Joseph Harrison, | Quite a number of outside puâ€"| pils are writing here®on the Enâ€"| trance Exams, also the Jr 5th are || writing this week, Principal Holâ€" land, of Flesherton, presiding. | Notwithstanding the coolness of the evening, Messrs Elmer Watson and Gordon Sackett sold five gallons of iceâ€"cream on Satâ€" urday night. Their motto is I suppose, that a good thing must be good at any time, The Thankâ€"offering service on Sunday was very largely attendâ€" ed, Mrs Dr. McClure gave & splendid address on her work in China for the past twentyâ€"five years, being & missionary there during the Boer rebellion. Mrs McClure said that the harvest was truly great but that the la~ borers were far too fow, and makâ€" ing an earnest appeal for more workers and asking that we give as many Soldiers of the Cross as Soldiers of the King. say‘ilng tha: U K _ osatMinnge i if we did that Chinese heathen won for Christ. is worthy. MISI We U TY en 4 from O. S. Collegiate, having written on her exams last week, The monthly meeting of the Women‘s Missionary Society was held at the manse last Wednesâ€" day. The ladies were very forâ€" tunate in having with them & Deaconess who WAs visiting at Mr A. MeLeod‘s, a Mrs Hunt, of Listowel, who has been a Deaconâ€" ess in Africa for some years. And such are the strange things in life, that while a missionary PRICEVILLE VILLAGE Miss Myra FLESHERTON McLean is ho_me the millions of would soon be Surely the cause childâ€" father, meeting was being carried on in the parlor, a marriage ceremony was taking place in the study, the contracting parties being Mr Eli O. Strander, of Salem and Miss Bella Hay, of Bwinton Park. We wish them happiness in their journey through life, This is sweet Saturd ay night, 19th June, 1915, Saturday night is a welcome visitor to a large number of the buman race fer they can look back and take their ease till Monday morning. It was said by the hard laboring man "Sweet Saturday n#ht and sour Monday morring." ow | many of our fellow beings at this critical time are deprived of the sweet rest of a Saturday night. They canâ€" not discern from Saturday might any more than any other night in the week. How many a youog brave boy are on this Saturday night deâ€" prived of their sweet rest. ‘They pass sleepless nights during the week and how glad they would be if they could only rest on this oeautifal Saturday night and have a good sound sleep. Bat they must be on the watch for the enemy has no respect for the comâ€" ing beautifal Sabbath morning avy more than any other morn‘ng. Conâ€" sequently the watchword is "Be ye always ready‘‘ for the enemy may come unexpected at any moment. Saturday right reminds us of the passing of time tor it brings each and all, young, old and middle aged, a furlong on the journey of life. Every week that passes by is makâ€" ing an impression in some manner or another on old and young. The aged feel that week by week they are nearing the goal and although they do not feel much difference in their vitality yet the strength of youth is gradually fading away, alâ€" though not notieeable by the persons affesied thereby. _ In the same man: ner we look at the little babe in its eradle. _ One week makes a change it its little limbs by giving it a little more strength than a week ago. And as the aged persons strength is going backward week by week so in like manner the young babe‘s strength is goiog forward till he reaches the age of manhood or womâ€" anhood. _ How*many weeping mothâ€" ers are on this Sataurday night thinkâ€" ing of their datiful fboys who occisâ€" ionally gladdened their hearts by coming to the old home on a Satarâ€" day night. How many a brave boy gave up a good situation for the purâ€" pose of doing their share in defendâ€" ing their country. Many a poor mother as she lays her head on her pillow at night pasâ€" ses many sleepless hours thinking of her dear boys that are liable to be cut down by the enemy. _ No wonr:â€" derthat mary a pillow is wet from the tears of weeping mothers but if it is the lot of their braye boys to be numbered with the slain, yet they can feel that loved ones stood like the brave with their faces to the foe. The world bas its trials and disapâ€" pointments to all classes of people, tromitbe millionaire down to the poor man that does not know where to get the next slice of bread for his suppef tor As sparks in close succession rise, PRICEVILLE AND LIMITS So man the child of woe Is doomed to endless cares and toils Through all his life below. Onee on a time a high class lady was driving in her fine carriage with gay horses and a good coachman with ber maids in attendance While: going along on a beautiful June morning through the country taking observations, she saw a washer woman bard at work with her washâ€" tab under the shade of a beautitul maple tree in the orchard near the tarmers bouse where she was emâ€" loyed as a general servant. . The fady io the carriage made the reâ€" mark that she would give all her possessions if she was as strong and healiby as the washmaid (as she was always in the last stage of consumpâ€" tion.) _ At the same time the washâ€" maid made the remark of what good times the lady in the carriage bad beside her, who hbhad to be in the washtub washing the farm hands dirty clothes saying ‘I wish Iwas able to be like her.‘ We see here the two who were envying one another‘s poâ€" sition of lite and health and did not know une another‘s cireumstances. The peals of the old church bell Sunday morning brought out an exâ€" tra large congregation to hear Mis. Dr McClure, one of the first missionâ€" aries to Honan, give an address on China. _ Mrs McClure is & good speaker but it she had stood up highâ€" er on the pulpit plattorm the audience could bear her better, She sang the old hymn "When He cometh, when He cometh‘‘ in the Chinese language. She is a good singer as well as a speaker. sls miay P agwo o onl e ME Es «on The Sacrament will be dispensed in the Presbyterian charch here next Sunday at the usual hour. Revy. Mr. Jones of Eagenia, (Methodist) will preach preparatory services on Friâ€" day evyoning, 25th inst at 8 o‘clock. Gaelic communion on the 1sc Sanâ€" day in July, REvigl, o oc ty s As can be seen all over with prinâ€" | € ted bills a patriotic concer‘ is to be | | held in the Pres. Ch. on the 29ch inst. It is probable that the large shed ( must be fitted up as a very large | audience will be in attendance to | . hear one of the best speakers in the Dominion Rev J A MeDonald, Ediâ€" tor of the Globe Judging trom the attendance to hear Mrs McClare of about four or five huandred â€"p Sanâ€" day it is safe to say there will be double that many at the concert. The sheds will accommodate about a couple of thousand people it properâ€" ly seated. So if it is a fine night the animal worshippers can sately stand in the open air tor a tew hoars. Miss Cbristena MceDonald who spent the last few years in different parts | of the world came home a week ago to her father‘s, Duncan McDonald, a young gentleman whose Rame we do not know. Buth attended charsh here last Sunday. i", Durham Road, Glenelg. * We congratulate Miss Myrtle Meâ€" Arthur who was married resently to Mrs Mather and Mrs McLean sang a fiee soio in church on Sundag suitâ€" able for the lady missionary‘s . adâ€" d@ress. â€" The rest of the ehoir -:5 the old favorites of our fathers a grandtathers in geod style. ‘Tha ga leor an sin air an am so air u?l s gun sgwaich mi fear a oldr bhuaibdhb le bhi, our tuilidh sa cher uige air aon am. QGarden parties and &lcniu are the order of the day. Rather cool weathâ€" er still prevails. Mrs Thos. Dingwall, Mr Rarl and Miss Pearl, Holstein, visited friends here oyer Sunday, Mrs Dingwall reâ€" maining for a few days visit. The Allianee Convention here last week was quite successful, Mr Burâ€" tou of Africa and Mr Lox:fi. Toronto, were the speakers. _ Sunday eve the church was filled, Many were present from Fairbairn. :(v’:r:ftleef:ig‘u.k’le‘:s M:sl::.:g-'yT:::ntt:é [The following article takem from church was filled, Many were present the Farmer‘s Advocate was brought from Fairbairn. to our notse by Mr Wm. Jacques, Mrs James Fettes received a call to| who has personally found the value of her former home, Owen Sound, bY |sgweet cloyer as feedâ€"as have the phone Sunday eve and left Monday | publishers of that magazine on their noon train. Waldwood farm. It may assist in Miss Annie Sturrock spent Sunday | solving the feed problem for others.â€" with the Misses Ferguson. Ed.] Messrs Jas Fettes and G. Scott °X*) Vigiors who have seen the excelâ€" pect their new Fords today, Monday, ‘lent stand of sweet clover on a oneâ€" Mr Phillips, agent of the Maxwell auto, accompanied by Messrs Skales and Langdon, Mt Forest, were in our burg Thursday afternoon. Rev Mr Matheson and Master Kenâ€" neth, Priceville, motored over to Mr N. McEachnie‘s Sr, last Thursday, bringing with him Mr and Mrs J. Ferguson and Master Archie, Mr Alex Ferguason, London, in our burg last week. Our annual Garden Party will be held at Mr Jas. MacGillivray‘s Sr., on July 2nd. > Mr Angus McDonald, of Torâ€" onto, one of Canada‘s youngest pipers, will play at the Garden Party. Mr Emerson Peart and Miss Mary were visitors at Mr John Beaton‘s lately. Mr and Mrs Wes. Arnett spent Sunday at Mr Herb. Allen‘s. Mr and Mrs J. P. MacGilivray visited at Mr Nat. Whitmore‘s. Mr and Mrs Henry Eckhardt visited at her father‘s, Mr John Beaton. Mr and Mrs Dan MacArthur visited her father, Mrs Neil Macâ€" Gillivray. We are pleased to see Mr M. McMillan able to be at work again.. F ~Mr and Mrs Vincent Paylor, of Zion, called at MrJ. MacGilliâ€" vray‘s on Sunday. Mrs George Binnie is visiting in Mitchell. Mr and Mrs Bert Ritchie, of town, were Mr George Collinson‘s guests one day last week. 7 _ Mrs Peart and Miss Mary visitâ€" ed at Mrs J. MacGillivray on Wednesday. Mr Archie MacArthur is getâ€" ting his new house up at a good speed. Messrs Jack Newell and Rob MacGillivray traded horses on that wet day last week. I don‘t know who got the best of the barâ€" gain, but Rob got the biggest horse. We want you all at our Garden Party. Mr and Mrs MacKiterick, of Crystal City, visited last week with their niece, Mrs Donald Macâ€" Gillivray. "Rough on Rats" clears out Rats, Mice,:etc. Don‘t die in the House, 15¢ and 25¢ at Drng and Country Stores. 0 0000000000000000,0000000000.000000000000 TEEDURHAMIREVIEW "3 0C SAUGEBN VALLEY HOPEVILLE Vigitors who have seen the excelâ€"|! lent stand of sweet clover on a oneâ€" halt acre plot at Weldwood have been favorably impressed with the erop. Breeders will remember that this plot was sown in the spring of 1914 in an | experimental way and two cuttings were taken from it that season, the last being made in October, rather late. and the crop was cut too close to the ground, A (ayorable winter was easy on the clover but the unprotected roots heaved somewhat and a lesson was learned. It is not good practice to cut too late or too closs. However the crop came through all right and| at time of writing, June 1, the stand | is very thick and ayerages two feet in | lengtb, It is nearly ready to cut and will likely be harvested before this is read. _ We are giving the erop a thorâ€" ough trial as a feed, ‘The old com-’l plaint has been that stock will not eat aweet clover. All we can say is thai | our stock will and do eat it. They! ate it last year as green feed and as cured hay amd if anyone doubts n.r‘ palatability they should see our bull, the calves and pigs of all ages devourâ€" ig the green feed. Pigs running in rad clover eight inches high will leave the pasture and come to the fence and eat an armful of sweet clover thrown over to them. The old sows and the nursing litters relish it and the bull simply " hogs "‘ it down. lt was \ sown thickly and will be cut early so |as to prevent its becoming woody. It looks good as far we have gone | with it in an experimental way, CONVENIENT‘â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"Burns coal, coke, o1 wood. Large feed doors make firing easy Sunshine Faurnace Sweet Clover as Green Feed § 3 oi c 9 o 900. Water pan is filled I‘a" H&Ce without removing. See the McClary dealer or write for booklet. Sold by J. H. Hardiag WiVa Wnn enb l eP h w ul uP l sz â€" Musical Instruments Must be Disposed of I have purchased the stock of W. J. McFadden and moved my present stock to McFadden‘s stand. The store is now filled with Pianos, Crgans, Sewing Machines and Musical Instruments of all kinds in the highest and best grades. We must have more roo m, and to get it, our big stock must be reduced at once. _ If you are looking for a snap in an instrument, or anything in our line, call and see us and arrange your own terms. You will find our prices right. H. J. SNELL McFadden‘s Old Stand, t M flw e seA .n * on v 4 Two Businesses in One Buy Farm #$4000 Steamers leave Port _ McNicoll Tuesdays, Wedncsdays, Tharsdays and Saturdays for Sault Ste Maric, Port Arthur and Fort William. The steamer ‘Manitoba‘ sailing from Port McNicoll on Wednesdays, will eall at Owen Sound, leaving that point 10.30 p. m. leaves Toronto 12.45 p.m. daily, except Friâ€" day making direct conneetion with steamers at Port MeNiebil on sailing days. Particulars from â€"â€" _ R.MacFarlane, Agent, Durham GREAT LAKES or M G Murphy, D.P.A., Toronto Steamship Service STEAMSHIP EXPRES3 Property Now ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO wl mab i 4+ NEW SPRING G300§$ Lage Curtains 2}; yas long, 40 in *e JP «* long, 42 in wide 75e pr ht ?y{l? hu:‘.‘n in wide 1,00 ':n tÂ¥ Bflclong. 47 in wide 1.90 pr All Ourtains have the new Mnished top fancy, at ................15¢ per yard Table Linens. . .25, 50 and 60c per yard Grey Cotton Bheeting 2 yds wide 25¢ yu Heavy bleached Sheeting 2 yas WIiWle:..., : ... «cisucl.. .t ... ie m Fine English Cotton Crepes, white and Heayy 11x4 Fianneliette Blankets white and grey..... ... ...1.50 a pair Heavy 1254 Fiannellette Blankets, white only.......... ... ... 1.85 a paig W. H. BEAN Patrons of summer creameries and cheese laciories, we want your cream during the winter mouths, Highest prices paid for good cream. . We sup ply iwo caus free and pay twice each month, Write for cans, J, ARTHUR COOK is now giving lessons in Voice Production and Hinging, at the home of Mrs 8. F. MeComb, every Tuesday, from 2 till 7 p.m. Appointments now being booked. Licensed Auctioneer for County of Grey. Terms moderate. Arrangements for sale dates can be made at Review Office or at my residence next door. Phone call to No. 6, Durham will oe promptly attended to. Call and see them, D. McPHMHAIlL._s+ #@r Mr MciPhail has a teicpboune in his s dence in Ceylon, J. G. HJLLON,Â¥.0., C. M Terms moderate. Arrangements for sait> a to dases, &c., must be mate at the Review O Durham. g58" t‘ffl‘ép(.mleu(-v addressed or o Ceylon P.O,.. Will be promptly to, Terms on application to Memoer Oollege Physiciaus and Surgeons Untario Ol"l'lcl: Over J. P. Telford‘s office, nearly opposite Megigiry Oiftve, RESIDENCH : d se Ak ol Rupistry office on m o(*’am. OrFICK BQURE 3â€"11 a, an # â€"4 p aa 7â€"â€"Â¥ p. m. Telephone Communivation bet O#Â¥ee und fi.o-. At mll no'-:r 3 flONOB GRADUATE Toronto Ca:versity, G*A Auate Koval Caliese Denval Surectin *L duate Royal Coliege Dental Surgébn . Dentistry in ail its orauches, Officeâ€"Over Jewellry stoue al opaa site Post Office, W. C, PICKERING D. DS., L D s HoNOR GRADUATE of Torono. University, graduate of Royal Uoâ€"lege of Dental Surgeons of Ontario Roows OUyer J & J HUNTER‘S New Store Barrister, Solicitor in Suprem Court Notary Public Commissioner Money to moan, flice on Lambron 8t., opposite O Walpoie‘s Stables. ARTHUR H. JACKSON Licensed Auctioneer for Co, wrey l.;:;;. &“Hsrâ€";fi.'g;-'Lféeuseé. A gen eral financial business uransacted. UNDERTAKER and Funeral Director J. F.GRANMT D. 0.S., L. D. &. Full line of Catholle Robes and black and white Cap for aged péople. Embaiming &A Speciality . Picture Framing, Shortest Notice Resiopenxnc® â€"â€" First house south of Lawrence‘s Bla¢ksmith Shop. Insurance Agent,. Money to Loan Staff and Equipment. The school is thoroughly equ! in teachi ability, in chemical sn J ouceet supprice and fittings, &c., for full Junior Leaving $D¢ Matricâ€" ulation work. The following competent Btaf are in charge : THO8. Principal and Provincial Modâ€" el m’*.dw put Class Certificate Intending Students shgufd enter at the begin Notary Public, Commissioner, CONYEYANCER. _&c. DURHANM, DUR AM HIGH SCHOOL Cream Wanted J. P. TELFORDa R, H. ISAAC D. lgrflA.'L. Ceylon oP to C. RAMAGE, Durham SINGING R, H. 184AC, Dusham . BELL Paim Creamery, Palmerston, Ont ONT, (Lower Town Across from Middaugh ... 40s yd DR J. 1. GLAKT, Board can be Ob *® u.

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