West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 1 Jul 1915, p. 5

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ren, for Men ed of 961 NEAR Staunâ€" d,. vet )dds and m work Small Prof ts ur large terns. t can ewest Prices rices on all in >y cOl' tland, ived Hosiery trom Ym. ITH pricâ€" ?tugs itest SINGLE FAREâ€"Gooed going and returning July ist only. "ARKE AND ONEâ€"THIRDâ€"Good goâ€" DURHAM PLANING MILLS _ New Term Opens \ SEPTEMBER Ist at the > NORTHERI f/j//////w%fl The undersigned begs to announce rssidents of Darham and surroundâ€" x country, that he has his Planing Mill and factory fully eq'mpped and is pared to take orders for SASH, DOORS, and all kinds of HOUSE FITTINGS Shingles and Lath always on hand at right prices. Custom Sawing promptly attended to \Iso Sole Agent and Dealer for Dur« ham and vicinity of the Easy to handle Easy put on waves fuel OwEN soUND Catalogue on request. C A FLEMING, FCA G. D. FLEMING Principal for 35 years Secretary The Review to New Subscribâ€" ers to Jan. Ist 1916, for only 50c Subscribe toâ€"day. DURH AM, DOMINION DAY ing June 30th and July 1st. Return limit July and. 1915. Return tickâ€" ets will be sold between all stations in Canada east of Port Arthur, Secure your tickets early at Grand [runk ticket offices. WM CALDER, Town Ticket Agt. J. TOWNER. Ticket Agent EXCURSION FARES _ C Gmma i VE Henceforth our business will be run as the abo y e * We all know that one can buy at better prices whe:: t‘;:emqe:nfiltri?y can be handled, In having the two stores so close together, it affords an excellent opportunity in handling the quantities. _ In turn, it fin:bl;s us to sell at the lowest possible prices 'These prices will be the same in either stores, F will be good, in eithen, & and due bills on one store ZENUS CLARK Below are F. G. KARSTEDT & SONS PRICEVILLE FLESHERTON JULY : 1, 1915 (Granulated Sugar, per cwb..:...:,...". (Giranulated Sugar......................4 (Golden Yellow Sugar..................‘ Canned Goodsâ€"Corn, Peas, Toma: ltoyal Household Flour, per bbl..... Cream of the West Flour, per bbl. (ilenora Patent Flour, per bbl....... h:\:;ile_ o C-ut.s with a saw it on Cannot fall off 1el No dirt or muse Call and see for yourself BUY YOUR PARIS GREEN Now. Highest Prices for Wool, Butter and Eggs. Special in Teas ilaingsâ€"bet nd plaster. a Few Specials this Week: ONTARIO assured you‘re getting the ways and kindly disposition and alâ€" though he must bave liyed nearly, if not more than hbis allotted years, he will be missed greatly, not only by his own family, but by his many friends. He leaves to mourn his loss one brother Donald at home, an invalid, and two sisters, Mrs MceEdwards of Chicago and Mary A., who has alâ€" ways lived at bhome and has taken eare of har brother as few sisters would and tor such we are sure sbhe will receive her just recompense and reward. The funeral took place toâ€" éay, 28th, at the old cemetery here. Mr Leece preached his farewell serâ€" mon on Sunday to a large congregaâ€" tion. In his four years as pastor here Mr Lcece made many warm friends and among them none warmer we are aure than the pastor of the Presbyterâ€" ian church. There hes always exâ€" isted the most friendly relations beâ€" tween the two pastors. As a resuit we have a united prayer meeting and a united Sabbath School, also in the exchange of pulpits and we do not fear that when the sime for church union comes, that there will be any difficulty with the congregations here, for our people are almost united at beart already and we are sure that the heartiest good wishes and earnest prayers of both congregations will (olâ€" low Mr and Mrs Leece to their new pastorate at Barrie, for which place they leaye on Wednesday, 30th. Death hbas again visited us and taâ€" ken away one of our members in the person of Mr Alexander Melean, Alâ€" though Mr MeclLean has not lived very many years amongst us still he made maoy friends by his cheery friendly The Football match or Saturday between Priceville and Flesherton reâ€" suited in I to 0 in fayor of Flesherâ€" ton. However we hape to turn the tables toâ€"morrow (Tuesday) evening, when a return game will be played and win at least that one back. Mr and Mrs Walker and family have come from their home in the city to spend avother summer with us. We extend a hearty welcome to them, Why not advertise our sumâ€" mer resort ? Mr Sinclair, Sr., spent a day with his son at the staticn. Our union 8. 8. picnic will be held in Mr Wm. Mather‘s bush on Jualy 7. We believe that the S. S. of the sister congregation of Swinton Park intend joining us there. We are sure that our 8. 8. and O. D. R. will be deâ€" lighted to entertain and be entertainâ€" ed by them. _A Royal welcome 8. P. Mr and Mrs Matheson and family, accompanied by some of our young people, motored over to the 8. 8. convention as Eugenia. The monthly meeting of the Wo mem‘s Iostitute bas been postponed from Jaly 1st to July 8th. 1t will be held at the bhome of Mr and Mrs F. McKinnon, N. L. Good papers will be given and the programme for the year distributed. All ladies welcome,. The Football match between Proton and Priceville resulted in 1 to 0 in faâ€" vor of Priceville At his home in P MCevLUO OM i/ /// . day morning, the, 26th June, 1915, Alex McLean, native of Argyleshire, Sootland, after a lingering illness of some montbs from affection of the heart and other ailments, at the age of over the allotted time. Mr Mcâ€" Lean was amongst the pioneers of the townsbip of Proton, coming there about 60 years ago with his father‘s family, the late Archibald McLean, where there was nothing but solid bueh for miles. Through careful management the deceased and father‘s family accumulated plenty to keep them comfortable. A few years ago they sold the farm in Proton to Mr L. Frook and became residents of Priceâ€" ville, Then they pot UP a comfort â€" able bhome, the two brothers and sigâ€" tor Miss MoLea®, all unmarried. On Sandy the care tell for some yoars back of manag!"8 the affairs, as his brether Donald w29 deprived of bis | eyesight for some years past. * """ . /s nosscesed with rocccsere}.... .14 Ibs for 1.00 syrnrssss»>>>.....16 lbs for 1.00 E‘gmatoes....l& cans for 25¢ _\ _ _ _ & ‘"C quantities. In lowest possible prices. â€" These ‘1res, and due bills on one store PRICEVILLE AND LIMITS The deceased Was PRICEVILLE VILLAGE == 26¢ Ib. week home in Pricevllle on Sunâ€" mt highest price 7.50 7.00 wl J aPu The Sacrament on Sunday, the 26th June, was largely attended in the Presbyrerian church in this town. He leaves to mourn his death a lonely brother deprived of eyesight and a sister, Miss M. A. MeLean, who attended to her brother during his illness with tender care and now she can leok back and say that she did whut she could to alleyiate the suffering of a dutiful brother, but the allâ€"wise Pbysician saw fit to take him from the cares and sufferiogs of a peaceful world to enjoy the life that shall never end in the better home . The Rev. Mr Matheson motored to Orangeville on Monday evening, the 28th June, to attend Presbytery there. The Rev, Mr Leece preached his larewell sermon in the Methodist church last Suanday. Mr Leece‘s next field of labor is at Angus on the Northern railroad. Congratulations to Mr E. A. Osâ€" trander and bride (nee Miss 6. Hay.) Mr and Mrs Ostrander take up bomeâ€" making here. Miss A. Fadden, of Markdale, spent a week the guest of her sister, Miss M. Fadden. A : post nuptial presentation was tendered to Mr and Mrs R. Hunter by the young people of Swinton, when they presented them with an approâ€" priate address and a beautiful couch. Mr and Mrs Huanter thanked them for their kindness, The pall bearers were six of his old friends and neighbors. Thus ends the career of another fellow mortal. Mc George Martin apent a fortnight in Owen Sound. Misses Sheriff, Fadden and Martin are leaving their respective schooils. Miss Martin is home from Toronto for the summer months. _ The funeral on Monday the 28th June was largely‘attonded by all his eld neighbors and those who knew him at his former home, as well as those in Priceville, showing the reâ€" spect he was held in by all who fo rmâ€" ed his mequaintanee, The Rev. Mr Matheson, his pastor. preached the funeral sermon, taking for his text the words " If a man die shall he tive again " and proached an able disâ€" course suitable for the eceasion. The remains were laid to rest beside his father and mother in the small graveâ€" yard in Priceyille,. Mr N, G. Wilson bad the misforâ€" tune to get his ankle broken. Miss Rocks, of Toronto, is the guest of her cousin, Mrs R. R. Kinâ€" nell. Wedding bells are ringing with no uneertain sound. Mr and Mrs Wm. McCormack visit ed with Mr and Mrs C. Moon, Markâ€" dale. Mr Huagh McMillan and son John, accompanied by Mr Alex Ferguson are spending a fortnight at Wellwood with Mr McMillan‘s broher . Automobiles are becoming quite common now and the owners are beâ€" coming quite proficient in running, Electors of Proton want to beware and elect no automobile owners or taxation will soar about 10 mills on the dollar for road improvement. But let us drop a word in the ears of the yarious pathmasters.â€"It‘s time that all those old cordoruy roads were torn out just the same, as the oxenâ€"drawn waggons are being displaced by the buggies and auto and improved wide level roads take their place. A lot of improvement eould be made if every road boss and his men did their utâ€" mostâ€"in fact a man with a nice farm should try and ‘see that the cordoruy at least goes out in front of his place. Total obtainable 450 marks. To pass 225 marks. _ 8Sr, 3rd to Jr. 4&thâ€" Wesley Heard 281, Liazie Wright 264, Milton Fowler260, Hazel McLear 259, Seymour Heard 250, Gilbert McCanâ€" nel 240, Laurier McLean 226. _Jr 3rd to 8r 3raâ€"Annie McLean 274, Edward Baker 251. 20d to Jr. 3rdâ€"Mary Meâ€" Cannel 291, Nelson Coulter 283. Mr and Mrsg W. Dingwall enterâ€" tained their friends Friday evening. Pine weather now prevails, A good shower would be very welcome, Mr and Mrs A. H. Burnett visited Friday at Mr White‘s, Priceville. Mr R. Hal!, Mt. Forest, was in our burg last week. Mr G. ficett sold his Ford autoâ€" mobile to Mr Jno. Ferris, a liberal disposition, kind in his manâ€" ner and fair in his dealings, a geod supporter from his youth of the Presâ€" byterian church in Priceville. PrRroMOTION #xAMs. No. 12, ProTON Steamers leave Port McNicoll Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays for Sault Ste Marie, Port Arthur and Fort William. Whe steamer ‘Manitoba‘ sailing from Port McNicoll on Wednesdays, will eall at Owen Bound, leaving that point 10.30 p. m. leaves Toronto 12.45 p.m. daily, except Friâ€" da nuung direct connection with steamers at {’on MeNicoll on sailing days. Particulars from _ _ R.MacFarlane, Agent, Durham Mr Brett, the agent from Shelburne, GREAT LAKES or â€"M G Murphy, D.P.A., Toronto Steamship Service STEAMSHIP EXPRESS SWINTON PARK VICINITY Mary SHERRIFF, Teacher HOPEVILLE t o y i dn it Et The Women‘s Institute will meet Wednesday, July 7, at Mrs F. Mcâ€" Lean‘s, 8th con. Contributions for the soldiers thankfully recéived. Mrs Burnett and daughter, Mrs Irâ€" win and babe, Flesherton, spuat Sunâ€" day at Mrs A. H. Burnett‘s. Mr and Mrs Chas, Allen, Proton Station, spent Sunday at Mr Will McEachnie‘s. County Rate 3; Mills Assessment of Artemesia Lowâ€" ered Owing to Hydro. One of the chief items of business at the June meeting of County Counâ€" cil was the appointment of Mr Fred H. Rutherford to succeed his father the late John Ratherford, as County Clerk. There were only two a;{pliou- ti~ns tor the position, and Mr Rutherâ€" tord was the unanimous choice of the council. _ Another important item of business was the equalization of the assessment. No changes were made except in the ease of Artemesia, the assessment o‘ that towuship being lowered $21,200. The village of Ayâ€" ton petitioned to be a police village. It was moved by Mr, McTavish, seconded by Mr Boyd that the Coun:â€" ty Treasurer be requested to farnish the amount of insurance carried on the property of the Corporation of the County of Grey, the name of the company carryiog the insurance, the amount of each policy, the date of Tuesday afternoon all the members were present, except Reeve Chisholm of Holland. _ Alter the communicaâ€" tions were read, the Warden said he had applications tor the position of County Clerk trom Fred H. Ratberâ€" ford, Geo Menzies and Chas H Crowse, also a letter from Mr. Menzies withâ€" drawing his application, _ A byâ€"law to appoint a clerk was introduced by Reeye Ryan of Normanby and the byâ€"law was finally passed, F Hâ€"Ruathâ€" erford being appointed clerk at a salary of $900. Mr and Mrs E. Hockridge were a Mr 1. Hockridge‘s Sunday and heart ily enjoyed the serviees in Mr. Chal lenger‘s grove, at which Rev. Mr Ibâ€" bott, of Holstein, very ably preached both afternoon and evening. It was moved by Mr Morrison, seci onded by Mr ,Thompson that Messrs Ryan, Wilson, Breese and the mover be a committee to draft a resolation of condolence to the wife and family of,the late John Rutberford and to bave the same illaminated. The motion earried unanimously. F Among the communications Wedâ€" nesday morning were two important memorials. One was from the city of London, asking the Ontario Gov‘t to amend the Colonization Act in orâ€" der to assist desirable agricaltural settliers to bomestead farm lands in Ontario, The other was a memorial from the Comnty of Welland to the Provincial Gov‘s re the reduction of lisense tees of motor vehicles on non residents of Ontario so as to enecurage tourists to come here. There was also a letter from Mr R A McGregor regarding inspection of steam boilers. Wednesuay afternoon, byâ€"law 848. to erect the incorporated village of Ayton and parts 15 and I6 on lots of the 1Oth con., Township ot Normanâ€" by into a police village was giyen its first and second readings. Mr Donald Gillies‘ team ran away Saturday evening, the tongue free from the neckyoke causing the horsâ€" es to start, Mr Gillies came off very safe with only a few small wounds, 9 40400040000040004040460000000 0060060000006 C Reeve Ryan of Normanby presenâ€" ted a petition from the yillage of Ayton to the County Council to erect it into & police village and leave was given Mr Ryan to introduee a byâ€" law in accordarce with the petition. Mr G.â€"McVicar, while driving to our village Monday morning discovâ€" ered a swarm of bees on the fence near <the eld Orange hall and was successful in boxing the same. nie motored over to Eugenia Friday. Mr Chas, Haw has purchased a new traction engine and is preparing to cut timber for Dr. MePhadden on his farm on the 7th concession. Mr Calder, Holstein,; accompanied by Mrs Henderson, Mis# Jean and Mr Mae McP hail lnd'fhr_Sandy MeKechâ€" came in with Mr Jas, Russell of your town and sold‘an auto to Mr Dan Haw a week ago toâ€"day. This means three within 2% miles. Very good for the Ford Co: TE DURHAM REVIEW It was moved by Mr. Nichol, seeâ€" onded by Mr McArthur, that leave be granted Mr Ryav to give the counâ€" cil an explanation of the Health Act. Carried. It was moved by Mr. Wilson seeâ€" y onded by Mr Frook that the usual | PDuRRA M, grant of $75 be made to the agriculâ€" " Flour per ewt . tural societies within the couoty &s OQatmeal per sa heretefore granted and that Priceâ€" ‘Chop per ewt. ville Agricaltural Society receive Buckwheat... above [grant for 1914. _ A grant of Fail Wheat.... $1000 was made to the General and Spring Wheat . Marine Hospital. | Oats, feed..... _ A deputation from the Canadian Oats, milling.. The assessment of Artemesia will be reduced to $21,200, owing to the expropriation by the Hydro Electric Cemmaission of lards which reduce the taxable lands of the township about $56,000. The total assessment ot the eounty is thus lett at $33,354, 900. . The county rate this year is higher 3 mills. (One balf mill will be devoted to the Red Cross Furd, $2000 of the amount at onee and $1000 per morth until $165000 be paid. The rate to meet enrrent exâ€" penses is 2 mills, the same as last year and one ({mill will be levied for w:l:i taxes making three and a baif mills. A deputation from the Canadian Patriotie Fund addressed the counâ€" cil, asking for assistance for patriotâ€" ic purposes. â€" The Warden stated to the deputation that the Council would give the matter its serious attention. "Rough on Rats" clears out Rate, Mice, etc. Don‘t die in the House, 15¢ and 25¢ at Drig and Country Stores. expiry of any insurance, the rate and premiam. â€" Fhe motion carrted. Junshine _ MClary‘s Fuaurnace See the McClary dealer or write for booklet. Sold by J. H. Harding ECONOMICALâ€"â€"â€"â€"Heats the house well without_bur_nig_g“a;ll the coal you can buy. At no period in our experience of over a quarter of a century, have there been so many new inâ€" vestors in Government and Municipal debentures as during the past six or seven months. This is due to the fact that these securities conâ€" stitute the safest class of investment, and that owing to present financial conditions, they are now obtainable at most advantageous prices. They are readily resaleable and are being constantly purchased by such discriminating investors as Banks, Insurance, Loan and Trust Companies. Our latest list contains full particulars of such highâ€"grade debentures as: Investment Bankers Write for our latest list and pamphlet explaining fully the nature of debenture security. Safe and Timely Investments GovT. PROVINCE ONTARIO GovT. ‘PROVINCE MANITOBA GOVT. PROVINCE ALBERTA CITY sT. THomas ciTY syoney TOWNSHIP RICHMOND A,. E. Ames A. E. AMES & CO. TOWN NEWMARKET ano many orhens lnv?tment. are available in small as well as large amounts nes H. R. Tudhope F. J. Coombs Union Bank Building, Toronto fupr ie ie oo Mialy ty ons es ,m’ww% Y ie Purnam, June 30, 1915. Flour per ewt ........ 3 45 to 4 00 Oatmeal per sack..... 4 00 _ 4.00 Chop per ewt........ 1 70 to 2 00 Buck wheat...... .... 10 to 75 Fall WhGrt.;«««2+:«« â€" 1 10 60 1 10 D&tIGY....+1»s«a1+*1+ :. D0 . %0.; 10 BUCL:1...«..+111*+«« : U &0 .20 FGRGS.)11 1iisÂ¥kxax»««»7; . â€" 18.to 18 Potatoes per bag. .... _ 40 to 50 MiGGS : :i 1s4arxrinss ; > 14 OQ Beef, dressed ...... .. 12 00 to 13 OC Hogs, live, f o b..... 8 7O Hay, per ton ...... .... 1600 to 21 00 List has been carefally reyised, A handsomely illustrated weekly, Largest cirâ€" lation of any scientific journal, ‘Ferms for anadia S a veur postare mami. "wih it MU Anyono sending a sketch s'vid'd'&?h‘gflon" lon may Qulvk’l{ uoormnn‘our opinion free whether an iuvention is rroblbly&uam BI ‘ommunicaâ€" tious striotly confidential, HAN s‘mi,. on Patents Durham â€" Markets. Gives steady, even heat on least fuel. Stit ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO ciTy ToRonTo TO NN NORTH BAY TOWN WATERLOO TOWN ST, LAURENT GCREATER WINNIPEG WATER DisT. T. Bradshaw C. E. Abbs Established 1889 M..j-; /8 00 T5 10 10 y Jhoiin cape Aviatintit vicivtediseiains se i nc k oc io d c ocs fancy, At ................15¢ per yard Table Linene. ..25, 50 and 60c per yard Grey Cotton Sheeting 2 yas wide 25¢ ya Heavy bleached Sheeting 2 yds wide;:,.;;,5.... 1»***+*»+».+.»40¢ ya Heagy llxl_ Flannellette Blankets CHeese laciot ies dubriug the wiq pPPiGes paig buw ply iwo caus t« MOnth. | Wirice BIG 4 4 5" Cheap Lase Curtains 23 yas long, 40 in ?0 pr " _ 2{ yde long, 42 in wide 75¢ pr *Â¥ Say{lc lon'gn in wide 1.00 pr **~~â€"8yds long, 47 in wide 1.30 pr All Cartains have the new finished top . Fi‘ne Engfinh Cotton Crepes, white and white and grey........ ...1.50 a pair Heavy 1254 FlannclHette Blankets, white only .......... ... .. .1 85 a pair J, ARTHUR CooK lessons in Voice Singing, at the hor l(‘Uomb, every T uk 7 p.m. Appoin tm booked. J. 6. HULZIN. M.0., C. e s o mm UimTy #. 8 "~ duate Royal Coliege Deniai purgebu Dentistry in whi its At;r‘:u“chu. + Ofliceâ€"Over Jowellry store a 1 ap aa site Post Uffice, Wiey, Terms moderate for sale dates can be n Office or at my reside, Phone call to No. 6, promptly attended to. N ] v FONO® GRADUATE Toronto University, Gra HONOR GRADUATE of Torono. University, graduate of Royal College 0t Dental Surgeons of Ontario Rooms OUyer J & J hUNTER‘S New Stome #@r Mr McPhail fius a lelepl;onc in his re dence in Ceyign. W. C, PICKERING D. D S., L Ds Member Oollege Physmcinus apd Surgoons Untario K: *3 /A lord (QFBICE: Over J. P. Telford‘s ofee, mearly Barrister, Soliecitor in Suprem Court Notary Public Commissioner Money to Loan, flice on Lambron St., opposite O Waipole‘s Stables, ARTHUR H. JACKSON lusurance Agent, Moaey in Loan Issuer of Marriage Licenses, A gen eral financial business transacted. attended to, Torms fice, Durham Licensed Auctioneer Terms moderate â€" Arrnven : bos on Terms moderate. Arrenyements for sples m “lou}el.&c..musl be muge at the heviuw O We‘ Nee Arrbeddnomretital ns Arcsscics k. ur New Spring Printsâ€" now ; in. Cali and see them, N. H. BEAN Patrons of J. F.GRANT D. D.S., . McPHA IL icensed Auctioncer Notary Public, Comumissioner, CONYEYANCER. &e. ® patu Tor goud «ream , .W'.'ullp iWo caus Lnce «ad pay twice each bas L V s DURKHAM, ONT, (Lower Town TRAAA reullh c 4) .2 80. / ithaim, ge* _ Correspohdence wioressed Or to Ceyion I‘ 0., Wili be prompty 2d to, Terms on appiication to J. P.TELFORD;, Cream Warted D. MePHAIL, Ceyion OP 19 0. KAMAGE, "Durham a \Voice Production and at the home of Mrs 8. F. every Tuesday, from 2 till Appointments now being . K. ISAAC eanx C p sumamer creameries‘ and us, We Want your CPream muter moutis, Murshest R SINGING lor cans, H ‘wine Or eamery, Palmereton, Ont er for County of ite. Arrangements made at Review dence next door. . Durham will be 1$44¢, Darham i# now giving tor Co, Grey ol Registry Huzhest 1 4 {% * 2

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