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Durham Review (1897), 8 Jul 1915, p. 1

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Ll 8th be AONT wlC m _ o0 00 000 on pa 015 ne Sec Toronto, F £0€6 ths SO U recting a M groaning with good things, were surâ€" rounded anda notwithstanding the crowd there was ample for all, _A proâ€" gram followed with Mr Geo, Binnie in the chair, RNometime away on in the gentury, they will likely have to de without Me Binnie, but meanwhile no better choice could be made, The loâ€" cal choir rendered at intervyals choice music and duetts from Messrs Wylie and Fallaise and songs from Mr Thos. Binnie were muck appreciated, While talking music, too much could not be swid for the splendid bagâ€"pipe selecâ€" tions by Mr Arch. MeDonald, a young Toronto friend oi Mr McGillivray, visâ€" iting there at present, _ Generous in quantity a« excellent in quality, the pipes lent a charm to the whole eyenâ€" Glenelg Centre Baptists hold thei, annual Garden Party at the home og Mre Jas, McGillivray on the 2ad of Juâ€" ly and its promoters must haye been gratified _ at the splendid . success achieved, in spite of the rain which about 6 p, m, threatoned to spoil tbhe evening. It cleared however, and a very large crowd gathered to enjoy one of the best evenings in the Cen tre‘s history, Two scrub teams trom Durham gave an exhibition of lacrosse the score being 4 to 3, indicating a keen contest, This over the tables, ing. Mr Mcikenzie, another Torouto friend, played on the accordion and reâ€" ceived a rousing encore. . Rev, Mr Wylie, the pastor, gave the address of weleome. Messrs C. Ramage, And. Derby, Hanoyer, and John A. Graâ€" ham gave brief addresses, the latter dropping into a remwniscent strain re« calling early days in his old home secâ€" tion. ‘The address of the evening was given by H.H. Miller, of Hanovyer, and was marked as usual by breadth of yview and patriotic sentiment, with dashes of humor that show him to be a master on the platform, The proâ€" ceeds of the evening were $86.00, Fitty ladies atsead +1 an interesting meeting of the Dasham Branch Woâ€" men‘s Institute held in the Town Hail Darham, on Sitarday last, when Miss E. McUlare gave a most instructive address on * Nursing Contagious Disâ€" eases." She first told uas the differâ€" ence between infectious and contagiâ€" ous diseases. She explained fully how to isolate a patient in one‘s home, how to care for the patient, the use of dis. infectants in the sick room and â€"how to fumigate the room after the patient has reeovered. The symptom s of the varicus diseases woere fully explained and alse the diet to be given in each. It was an address full of practical inâ€" struction and the only regret is that more ladies did not take the opportanâ€" ity of heariog Miss McClare. â€"Com,. * THE 12rH."â€"L eal OQcangemen in cousiderable numbers will 5o to Owen Sound on Monday where a very large gathering is look d for, Instrauctions have been issued we believe for bands to play only pattwotic music and the speeches ot the day will no doubt take en the serious tone caused by the war situation. H,. H. Miller is to be present and there will sure be a good time, Jast R=ceivedâ€"A full stock of Neil . son‘s Chocolates at the Variety Store. Don‘t miss hearing the Scotch piper at the Presbyterian Garden Party on the Manse grounds this Thursday, July 8th. _ Grounds open from 4 o‘elock. Band in attendance for evening, also a good program of music and speeches. Admission 10c. Proceeds for Red Cross work. H. H. M next the Royal Bank, Through the kindness Keily, a liwn tea will b grounds in aid of the R* day, July Ooh. _ Admiss musical progrcam will be 1 Burns Church, Rocky & hold their annual Gard Friday, Oth Jaly. at the h Putherbougb, 2504 Con. Ice Cream and Cake will be served afternoon and evening, in aid of the Red Cross on Saturday, Jualy 17, at the headquarters of the Red Cross Bociety* next the Rovyal Bank. " "7 foung People of the Baptist Church intend holding a sale of home made delicacies on Saturday, July 17th. Watch for further notice. Durham lacrosse team met with a 6â€"5 defeat in Shelburne on Dominion Day. Durham‘s next league game is in Duandalk on Jalv 1. b. Izer and Lasecticide. Sure the bug. Onty at Central D The ‘uâ€"cmbers of Durha Lodge, with outside visito tend the Presbyterian Chure day morning next, The Young People of th Church intend holding a sal made delicacies on Saturday, . Watch for further notice. Buy your cherries now : White, Biack, Red Sour all Niagara Peninâ€" wula grown are now most pleatiful. The Red Sour is the par excellence tfor preserying. Haye your grocer secure your needs at once., Raspberâ€" ties begin to arrive next week. N "“90!1 t bl.' APo Store, _ . VOL. XXXVIII, NO. 27 Darling‘s p y +KE OPICS FRUIT BULLETIN Vaty at Central Drug Store. ‘â€"wbers of Durham Orange with outside visitore, will atâ€" Presbyterian Chureh on Sunâ€" s Chocolatesâ€"the chocolates different, _ Ar the Varicty otato indness of Mr John will be held on his the Read Cross, Friâ€" Admission 10c. _ A will be provided. the home of Mr 8. Con., Bentinck. present and there Bug Killer, Fertilâ€" Sauzeen, will len Party on death to Sr 2ad to Jr 8rdâ€"A Kress, W Jacob, E Wakefield, 8 Donnelly, W Traynor 8. Russell, K. Schultz, M. Bryan, B. Walsh, W. Vollet, A. McAuliffe, W, Collingov, B, Stonehouse, 1. Elvidge, M Yirrs, E. MsQueeu, R. Davis B. Pilâ€" key. J, Cruichley, 8. MeDonald, N. Falkingham, H Harvey, J, Lawrence, (recommended .) Jr 2ad A to Sr 2ndâ€"E. Willis, Katie Kelsey, C. McGirr, M. Duncan, E Hewitt, A. Allen, E Leyine, M. Orr, M Cliff, L McDonald and J. Mepburn eq, D Grabham, G. Marshall, A. Nichol (recommended). Sr Ist to Jr. 2ad Bâ€"B. Traynor, M. McDonald, F. McKay, A,. Lawson, I. Saundets, B Levine, I Sharp, A Clark, K mcLean, b Hopkins, V. Havens, C. Noble,. Jr 2ad B to Sr. 2adâ€"K . Hughes, V Ryan and M. Saunders, eq., L. Hinds M, Crutchley, W. Bryon, M. Mitchell R McDonald, 8. Levine, D. McDonald. Jr. 2nd B to Sr. Jnd Aâ€"E. Bean, C. McCrae, A McLean, A Havens and B. Ritchie eq.. M Ryan, M Lauder, A Mcâ€" Donald. Recommendedâ€"E Cameron, G Blilings, 8 Williams, W Nicheol, 8r, Primer to Ist bookâ€"L, McCloekâ€" lin, A. Vessie. M. Montgomery, E: Smith, 8. Hartford and K. Milne eq M Mountain, H McFadden, J Billings, N Lioyd and L. Dean eq., M. Burnett, 8. Rowe. Sr 3rd to Jr 4thâ€"Viola Jacob, Kathâ€" leen Cofticid, Catharine Wylie, Reany Snell, Margaret Cox, Aunie Brook, Annie Smith, Ward Koch, Jean Allan Irene Whittaker, Susie Pettigrew, Clifford Cameron, Willie Abraham, Margaret Isaac, Katie McCallough, Mae McGirr, John McPhee, Arthur MctGowan,. Campbell Clark, Bryson Morlock. Jr 3rd to St 8rdâ€"E. Search,. 0, Wigâ€" gins, R, Burnet, W. Spell, M. C. Mcâ€" Kechnie, A Graham, O, Buschlen, M. D, McPhee (recommended). Class Aâ€"V. McCutcheon and H. Pilkey eq., V, Brook, F. Ryan, M. Jacob, N. MeGirr, C. Hews, L. Halwe, H Thompson, M Dean, C Mâ€"Coughey, I McCoughey, L. Voliett, W. McDonâ€" ald, B. McDovald, A. Martin. Jr. 4th to Sr. 4thâ€"Floreace Lawrâ€" ence, sheldon Abrabam, Caldon Busâ€" cblen, Clifford Buschien, Bell Lauder, Elvin Schutz, Gladys Douglas, Nora Sproat, Harry Kress, Sadie Jaffe, F. Bell Nichol, Frankie Burnet, Lerne Smith, Robert Clark, Violet Snell, Mildred Vollet, Laurence Chapman, Stella McAuliffe. CUlass Bâ€"B. Vessie, M. Lawrence, 1. Keisey and N. Search cfl G Hay. H. Lee, J. McCoughey, . Boyce, A. Holmes, M Traynor, W. Hepburs, G. Hinds, T Brown. Form 1. _ In order to pass pupils were reqaired to take 40 per cent on each subject and 60 per cent on the total,. Those who obtained 60 per cent on the total but failed a few marks on a subject are recommended. Names are arranged in order of merit, L. R,. Campbel! (Scholarshipâ€"1411 marks out of a possible 1550), Amnie Cliff, Anrie Knox, Alice Stewart, howard Meade, Charlie McDougall, Janes Wylie, Lillie Hamilton, Camerâ€" on Wakeficld, Minnvie Limin Islay McOnaig, William Mather, Wilkam Milne, Elzie Beaton, William Lawson, Eddie Hilderbrandt, Victor Catton, Edith Mcixemzie, EKtfic Milligan, Rusâ€" sel Gun. Form 2 Promotion will depend on the result of the Lower School Ex amâ€" ination, Recommended â€" Eliza Patterson, Bdith Hughes, Eva tedford, James Langrill, Names are merit. Durham _ School _ Promotion Examinations * Patriotic year" they are endeavorâ€" ing in every way to stimualate and hasâ€" teo the commercial awakening that must follow or precede Peace, and are courageously going ahsad on a larger scale than evyer. As usu«al then Auâ€" gust 28.h to Sept. 13th, will see the Big Fair im operation with thousands of gratified exhibitors and spectatore, Toroxto Bro Fam as Usuar.â€"It appears an idea has obtained in some quarters that the Canadian National Exbibition had been called off. By no means. _ The Directors have never considered such a step, In calliug it Confirmation Services were held in Trinity Church Sunday morning when nine from Durbam and Egremont congregations were confirmed by Bisâ€" hop Williams of Huron. 25 per cent‘offt all China, Cut Glass and Fancy Goods at Pustic Soncor Proxotions Promoted to Jr 1st Che Burhim Review. â€"â€"%+ 4@ .â€"__._._ arranged in order of The REVIEW to New Subscribers to: January 1916 for only Fifty cents. Central Drug Store, %s. %s. § Mr Haslett was born in Belleyille in 1855, where he was educated at Albert College. After studying civil enginâ€" eering with his father he become a pioneer of the West which he entered over the old Dawson Read. He was one of the early surveyors who assistâ€" ed in the laying out of many of our townships and railways, After a short service with the Manitoba gov‘t he beeame colonization agent for the C. P. :. This gave him the opportunity for extensive travelling throughout Canada, U. States, Gt. Britain and lteland during a period of nearly 18 years, Naturally a good conversationâ€" alist his wide experience in many parts of the world greatly 1improved his natural endowment in this regard. He was a Fellow of the Imperial Inâ€" stitute of London and was a member of the Adanac, the 8t Charles Country and the Canadian Clubs of this city, He was also an enthusiastic golfer and could be seen up until but a few days before his death covermg the golf course with the enthusiasm and vigor of a young man. I met a finer physical specimen of mature manhood who bore the dignity of 60 years with a lighter or such boyâ€" ish grace. _ When only a few days before his death 1 was chatting wich him he gave me the impression of a man possessing as good chances fof life as most men of half his age. At the last meeting of the Walkerton 1. 0. D. E., a hearty vote of thanks was tendered Durham Choral Society for the very material addition the operâ€" etta presented made to their funds (over $40), as well as for the pleasure afforded by the entertainment. This was conveyed to Miss L. Walker, Secy. of Durham Society, from Miss McGregâ€" or, Secy. of the 1. 0. D. E. there. The family desire to thank many friends for kindly words and deeds of sympathy during the last deys of deâ€" ceased. The Winnipeg Saturday Post of 20th June has a splendid cut of the above gentleman whose: sudden death we announced two weeks ago and an appreciative sketch by the editor from which we‘quote. _ He speaks in the first person : Last week I in common with hundâ€" reds of other citizens of Winnipeg, lost another good old friend when Mr. J J Haslett died suddenly‘at his homeâ€" I knew Mr Maslett very intimately for a number of years and never have The deceased gentleman leaves to mourn him sincerely bis wife, his mother, three sisters and t wo brot hers, The body was shipped to Bellevilie for interment in the family plot. Alarge number of beautiful floral offerings including a handsome one from Pittsburg spoke the love and respect of many friends. â€" Visisors from a distance were Mrs. Capt. Mcâ€" Nab (a niece) of Owen Bound, Mr Don McGillivray, Elmwood, Mr. Dan Mcâ€" Kinnon of Toronto, Miss Teenie Mcâ€" Cormick, Toronto, Mr M. Huck, 0. Sound. Mrs, McCormick was of a kindly genial disposition with a large meas. ure of the hospitality chararteristic of the higbland race. To her home circle she was greatly endeared and as neighbor and friend ber memory will long remain green. It was no wonder that the funeral on Monday drew a large concouree from Bentinck and Durham to pay the last tribute. Impressive and comforting services were conducted by her pastor, Rev, Mr Whaley assisted by Rev Mr. Wyâ€" lie and interment took place to Rocky Saugeen cemetery where she rests beside her kindred. _ The pall bearers were Messrs 8 Putherbough, Jas. Mcâ€" Donald, Bugh McLean, C. L. Grant, John Robertson, C Ramage, Mrs. McCormick was Isabella Mcâ€" Lean and came to Canada in 1854, livâ€" ing for some time in Hamilton and in 1855 come to "the bush" in Bentinck. On the stage with her for the journey was the late Kev, Charles Cameron. Jn 1857 she married there the husband who predeceased her by 7 years, The young couple faced the toils and priâ€" vations of the pioneers bravely and made a comfortable competence, the while raising a large family of six sons and two daughters, all of whom survive bher and all but Archie got home to render the last filial duty and he was prevented. The reâ€"union at the deathbed of the mother ‘was reâ€" markable in that two of the brothers, Hugh and Dan had not met for 80 years,. _ The sons are Alex. ot Sault Bte Marie, Angus on the homestead, Hugh of Pittsburg, Dan of Wisconsin, Archie of Milwaukee, Charlie at home, The daughters are Mrs. McQuaprrie of Bentinck and Miss Kate at home, the latter haying beea her mother‘s comâ€" panion and no mother ever had a more tender and faithfal nurse. 1 her memory will ever remain a sweek treasure to the family she loved so well and who loved her devotedly in return, On Friday, 2ad Juiy, 1915, death came to the above lady as a relieving rather than a destreying angel. _ She had reached the patriarehal age of 84 years 3 mos, having been born in Mull, Argyleshire, Scotland in 1831. Her life work was done and well done and The Late J. J. Haslett Mrs., Auex. McUor»ick Obituary. DURHAM, THURSDAY, JULY 8, l915 With which is ineorporated the Holstein Leader A meeting of the above Society will be held in the Library on Thureday, July 15th at 8 p. m. _ Members and friends are cordially invited. Mrs. Mcliraith, Chris Firth, President Secy Treas. A communication from Mr N, Mcâ€" Intyre, Sr., for N, P. McIntyre was read promising to continue electric light service in the usual way till I0th July. Much discnssion took place and a solution will doubtless be found for a continuance of the service till the Hydro is ready. A claim ot $20 by Mr Willougbby for absence of power on two nights was not acceded to. A discussion took place as to the propriety of securing legal assistance to conduct a case of a seizure of liquor by the constable, no less a quantity than 8 gallons of whiskey and 6 of gin having been found by him in a trunk. The feeling of the council, as it cerâ€" tainly is of the citizens, is that the censtable must be supported in &is efforts to make a clean town. A statement of the treasurer re town finances was read, showing accoun t overdrawn. The hallâ€"yearly grant to the Library of $225 coyering January to June was made, A delegation brought to the Cauncil‘s attention a Tetter receiyed from the Carnegie Trust, asking for particulars of Receipts and Expendi. ture in comneetion with the new Liâ€" brary singeits ereetion and as to the rate leyied by the town, &c. The resignation of Mr Jacobs of the Furber Co. was handed in and receiyâ€" ed with regret, It was not accepted in the meantime. The third reading of the ‘byâ€"law for the erection of the new High School was completed, sanction haying been received from the authorities to make legal the delayed procedure. Met in regular meeting on Monday night and did considerable business. It is not a time for indecicison. Your King and Country do need you, and they need you toâ€"day. At the following points in the county, you are privileged to enlist: Markdale, Owen Sound, Hanover, Meaford, and Clarksburg. _ Fall particuiars can be supplied at any of these points. Germany is not beaten yet. It is our task to see that she is beaten. For if the inconceivable should hapden, and Germany should win, Great Britâ€" ain has the most to Inse of any of the uations, Germany will seize the many rich prizes of the British Empire: and of all those prizes, Canada is the richâ€" est. 1t is more and more apparent that the British Empire is in greater danâ€" ger than ever before in its history, And if the Empire is in danger, than Canaca is in Ganger, and the home of eyery individual citizen is in danger. Of the first Grey Contingent there are now but few left in the fighting. The Second Contribution is nearing the firing line. _ More are in training and on the way to the front. So far our County has sent away four bunâ€" dred voluntcers. BUT MORE ARE selves tori;r'A the defence of the British Empire®‘ Again is Grey County to have the privilege of contributing her quota, Grey County has not yet failed to supply the number of mén that has been asked from the 31st Regâ€" iment. _ It is for the people of Grey County to see that that she does not now fail. Durham Horticultual Society WANTED, Field Marghal Sir John French says bhe wants m@re men. _ Again be calls for young ‘Canadians to offer themâ€" for you? Mother‘s and Fathers and wives: Are you contemt your neighâ€" bout‘s sons and ,§:asbands to endure dangers and hatr ships, and to risk their lives tor.m. while your own sons or husbands remain in comfort at bhome? * Young men of Grey: Are you conâ€" tent to let _yo@ar shums go and fight Col. Chisholm makes Stirring Appeal to Young:Men of Grey for Service Your King and Country Need You | THE SITANDARD BANK The Danger is Real Town Council. Absolute Security # Best of Service j COurteous Treatment in f We solicit your account in our \ SAVINGS DEPARTMENT iz DURHA M BRA NCH, b’ en d nâ€"n D S l Established over Fortyâ€"one Years The A,B,C of Banking ASSETS OVER $48,000,000 the the Congratalations to the stadents of the Teachers‘ Training Class, whe were all successfal in their examinaâ€" tions on the subject of the Old Testaâ€" ament. The class comsisted of Missâ€" es L. Weir, E.. Seott and M. J. Mceâ€" Girr and Messrs A. Bell, W. G, Lawâ€" rence and E. J. McGirr. Miss Maggie Weir, of Toronto, is visiting her grandparonts, Mr and Mrs John Weir. The aunual 8. 8. plenoic is to be bheld in Mr Davis‘ grove on the Durâ€" ham Road on Friday, July 9. Miss Belle MceGirr returned home after a couple of months spent at at Ecinf Miss Maggie Wilson, with her brother Will, of Hagersville, are visâ€" iting at Mr Thos. McGirr‘s, We hope to hear of the speedy reâ€" covery of Mrs Andy Lindsay, who is under the doctor‘s care. The numerous teachers of the vi einity are home for their vacation. Mr and Mrs Bert Smith spent the week epd with friends near Holstein. Miss Sarah McDonald spent a few days with friends in Toronto. Mr Wm. Duncan, of Hamilton, visitâ€" ed over the holiday with his daughter, Mrs D J.. Abraham. Miss lone Stares of Hamilton, her niece, was also a guest. Mr Dan McCormack, who was home at his mother‘s funeral, returned to Wiscon sin Tuesday afternoon, BrERâ€"In Mitchell, on June 16, 1915, to Mr and Mrs Herb Beer, (nee Miss B, Binnie), a daughter. Mrs Miine and little daughter visited Fergus friends Tuesday, Kathleen returning with them, Rey 8, Whaley and M; ®. L. Geant atterded Presbytery in Marriston om Taesday. Miss Dora Davidson, teacher of Winâ€" nipeg, is home for the summer vacaâ€" tion. Miss Irone Lennox, teacher in St. Catharines visited her sister Nettie en route to her home in Wiarton. Mr Thos, Allan is in Toronto taking a physlcal culture training coutrse. Miss Oldfield, of the High School stait" is in the city for the same purpose. Mr and Mrs N. W, Campbell and family leave Thursday by motor feor their anpmal vacation at the eettage in Muskoka. Messrs Murray and Fred Smith from Brampton and Alberta respectively, are home for vacation from bank and teaching duties. Miss Anniec Russel, Toronto, is a summer visitor at Wm Calder‘s. Miss Julia Weir, B. A.. left this week for Toronto to take a course in Art. ? Congratulations to Alex Hildebrandt and Miss Florence Renwick, Diomore on their success in Normal exams. Mrs, Gadd of Regina, after an abâ€" sence of several years, is back to Daurâ€" ham visiting among her many friends. She came to Toronto to see her son Will who has enlisted for the froni. Mr Musro Suatherland, of Tor onto, also Mr and Mrs Branier, Mrs Ewart and Mr,Whaley motored to Durham for Dominion Vay and visited at Mr W, B. Vollet‘s. Messrs C. Rife and C. Marshall spent over the week end In Berlin. Mr Dan McKinnon, Torontc, who came for the funeral of his aunt, Mrs McCormick, visited his nncle, Mr Arch, McCormick and other fi1ends before returaing. Mrs E, Smith, of London, visited over the holiday with her parents, Mr and Mrs O. Wiggins. Miss Mary Manning, of Toronto, is visiting with Mrs Michael Ryan. Mrs Geo, Willoughby returned on Wednesday from a visit to Mrs Philip Manning, Brunswick Ave., Toronto. Mrs John Burgess is visiting with Priceville relatiyes for a few days. Mr and MrsJ. Levine left for Teronâ€" to this week on business. GREEN GROVE PHereq Re o y BORN Ina, Miss eveing to reâ€"orginize the Durhar: Rifle Association with a view of trainâ€" img an active +Mcient naumber of rifle mern this sumimer. Offcers of last yoors society were reâ€"olected as folâ€" lows : Uaptainâ€"J P Teliford ; Lieutâ€"Dr Hurton ; Secy Treasâ€"8. Hughes ; Committeeâ€"E A Hay. Dr D. B Jamâ€" ieson, J F Irwin, J Allan, P. R amage, J. H. Robertson. The mem bership fee has been placed at $1 and all using the targets purchase their ows ammuâ€" miton from the club. Fridsy and Saturday afternoons weekly will be devoted to the shoot. Any wishing to join kindly spéak to any of the above named officers who will see to baving them unrolled. Arrangeâ€" ments are now being made to secure supplics that practice may be comâ€" merced at as early a date as possible, kiammeocks and all kinds of summer sporting goods at A meciing was called on evening to reâ€"orgamize the Rifle Association with a wiou Rifle Association Reâ€"organized / Carpet Tacks..2 boxes fer 5e _ Threads............ 3 spools for 10c Monse Traps...... ..2 far be Window Blinds....... . ... 15¢ each Brooms......... ... . 25¢ Infants Delight Soap, reg 10c . . 4 for 25¢ (Gents Belts ... . .. 26¢ ea. Gente Suspenders, reg 50¢ for ... ... 25¢ The Set Price Store Children‘s Summer Vests (Special) rsas+s si.......... 6 cents each Ladies Summer Vests. . 10 to 25¢ ca (Gents cotton Socks.10e pr and 10¢ kiX Â¥maka *« #Â¥4% » «+4 : «dPUOCBD ROF Gents‘ Lisle and Silk ankle Secis, Ladies Lisle and Silk ankle Hose, black, white and tamn, extra JUility ... ; .. .....++*> +. 4206 pr Ladies black and white Cottor Hose, extra yalue...2 pr tor 25¢ Children‘s Stockings and Socks, all colors and sizes from......... A Volley of Bargains that are keeping the advance of high prices back daily Summer Vests S. F. MORLOCK ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO Specials On the Firing Line The Variety Store We can assure our customars of satisfacâ€" tion by baying our Clething. The Goods are undoubtedly as good value as can be had ; Made of fine Tweeds and Worsted Sorge, and lined with the Best Twilled Satin liningâ€" everything the best. We will give a good pair of Suspenders with every Suit purchased. We would like yeu to see our somplete range of Suits row in stock. The Label that has made Canada ftamous for reliable Clothing. CLOTHING Hosiery The Store of Honest V alue rogress Brand Central Drug Store. Taesday | On Published Woekiy at $1.00 a C. BAMAGE & BON.N-AH e Oretbtupe«. > : * * 2*" 000 u4 .7 B | "Les [)nogn'lmldo Villaras" (RHermi Jali) 18. CGuarne! . Solcâ€"‘ My Old Wentnc 3, Corne! Solcâ€" My Old Kentuci Home," (Variaton«) 4, Wal zâ€""The wedding Dance 5, Song with band accompamientâ€" "It‘s a long way to Tipperas;" By Bandâ€"man A. Mce@regor Inturamtssi0n 6, Marchâ€"*"The Gladietors Farewe| 7. Mighland Parel "Wee MacGrego 8. Oyertureâ€"*"The Choclate Solc or.‘ 09. Marchâ€"*"The Warriors Return fros the Orimea." God Save the King ! On Fridey, sth inst., an inrhnt Patriotic social vill be held on laws @l _ Mr Join Kel‘v. _ The program w‘s consist of selections by the Hanover Band and a Ellx otic address L-LMr. BH. ti. Miller. Refroshments will be servec from 6 o‘clock onwards and if werther be unsaitable they will be served in the Council ehamber of Town Hall anu te program upstairs. Admission 100. Haxover Baxp ProgRax 1. Mairch of Tu.umrhâ€" in "Entry of the Glagiators Centres, Cushion covers and Truy Cloths from .. 10e to 25 Stamped Powels.... .. .. 25e pr Pin Cushions...... ... . 10c each Stamped Goods Glass Tamblers..... Glass Tomblers, fine Wine Glasses ...... . Berry Bowls...... . Berry Servers ...... Cheote dishss, good size . ... Zb¢e Clover leaf Cups and Sauces, k sÂ¥a ++ #2 4+« + s «* s *4 N6 o oo Cloyer leat plates . ... .3 for 25¢ Glass Tamblers......6 for 25 Glass Tomblers, fine..3 for 25¢ Wine Glasses ...... .... be each Berry Bewls...... ... .... .. 19° Berry Servers........... be ca Red Cross Lawn Social. Nothing over 25¢ Dishes t 4 Fp 1 4 i8 Lk * *» I

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