West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 15 Jul 1915, p. 5

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( & K2 v# A l ~s John McQowan The REVIEW All kinds of grain bought at market price. on Flour and Feed in ton lots. Sovereign, Eclipse and Pastry Flour Wheat, Barley and Oats Chop Large Quantity of No. 1 Feeding Hay 500 tons of No 1 Mixed Chop WHEAT AND BARLEY Highest prices for Butter and Eggs. Bay them here. We have a Fresh and varied stock of the choicest Groceries, Oranges, Lemons, Peels Dates, Nuts, Candies of all kinds, and everything required for the Holiday festivities. Our prices will suit your purse. Give us a call. T HE CITY BAKERY Headquarters for Confectionery and all Bakery goods Your _ Hoiday Groceries, Fruits and Confections " Chieftain Corn Feed" It gives good satisfaction. We are im the market for any Quantity of OATS PHONES : Day § 4, Night $ 26 The Rob Roy Cereal Mills Co. Oatmeal Mills, Durham 1st Sherwinâ€"Williams Paints and Varnishes 2nd Chiâ€"namel Graining System f 3rd International Stock Food ard Remedies 4th Royal Purple Steck Specifics 5th Buck‘s Happy Thought Range 6th Detroit Vapor Stoves 7th Victor Talking Machines 8th Plymouth Twine and Cordage o9bh Gold Medal Harvest Tools You all know these goods to be at the very top of their particular line. Anything else is second to them. Do you want inferior goods ? Speaking of quality we would like to draw your attcntl}:: t:ga list of goods for which we are sole agents. American Corn per 100 lbs..............$ 1.60 Chieftain Corn Feed, per ton........ ... .. 30.00 Oats, Shorts, per ton....................30.00 Feed Feed Feed THE RED FRONT _REVIEW is well equipped for turning out all kinds of Commerâ€" cial and Job Printing. Give us a trial. CRIMPED OATS for Horse Feed at Fair;Prices CHOPPED OATS at.... very reasonable rates Special prices in over five ton lots If you want geoed heavy mixed feed, try our We have a good steck of Corn and Ground Feed on hand that we are selling in ton lots at follewing prices : THE PEOPLE‘S MILLS Fresh and Clean, the very best. _ See this Hay before purchasing elsewhere. It will pay you. Every bag guarantoed. _ If not satisfactor7 bring it back and get your money. Try Blackâ€"â€"â€" f â€"He has it W. BLACK E. A. ROWE @2 4P\ PR K P BB BC SH BA D n JBIGIPIEOIEIECIRIEIEIEIEPNE | . * land ber FRONT § witl enmnnpemnpemenmmmegegemmmmmmemepmemmenmmngpmememene was Dur would like to draw your @rio s for which we are sole wak beir to g Paints and Varnishes a‘; : ng System life e Food arnd Remedies l:f k Specifics 8 A ought Range can: es of b ichines :fif: nd Cordage Sg: st Tools | in % ds to be at the very top }gag ything else is second to I ne goods ? Duar me. shal Ck_'- * a08 + The as it befe at \ s JAOK g pub ty Special Reduction wizh blood. _ Some of the sights around there would make any ordinâ€" ary man‘s blood run cold, but WE are not bhnmans auy mere, we‘re more like a bunah of aaimals than anything else. We call ourselves the Death and Glory boys, for if this thing conâ€" tinues much longer, that is all we can see for it, but if they uo get me, I will have sold my life dearly, you may be sure of that, for 1 think 1 have got my share of them already. Don‘t think I am downâ€"hkearted, for I am not. I am simply telliog you the truth, and at the same time am as cheerful as I ever was, and ready to go back and have another go at the Germans army old time. Sull I will be glad when it is all over, and we are back in dear old Canada again (if we are ever that lucky). Next time you are making lemon pies or cream pufls just think of me and say * Well, sill has bisâ€" euits and " bully " for supper toâ€"night and maybe a little tea or water or maybe neither," and you can think of the thousands the same as me, We were down to & beautiful city yestorâ€" day to get m batk, but is is out of bounds for us, so we were not utlow2d to haye a leok around at all, except to get our bath and come straight back to billets agair, I can sleep just as good on a hard fleor or on the wet ground now as I could in the feather bed before. This is a beautiful counâ€" try around here and a fine climate. But I don‘t care for the Frenca peoâ€" ‘ ple around these parts. 1 thiek they are proâ€"German. ..........,............... The Canadian Pacific conveniently reaches Point au Baril, French and Pickerel Rivers, Ssyern River, Muskoâ€" ka Lakes, Kawartha Lakes, Rideau Lakes, Lake Ontario Resorts, etc. If you comtemplate a trip of any nature consult Canadian Pacific Ticket agents or wiite M. G. Murphy, District Passâ€" enger Agent, Toronto. \ 1 have a few minutes to spare, so I thought I would drop you a line. We have been out for a couple of nights sleep and a bath, but suppose we will be going back to the trenches soon. We haye been giving the Germans Hâ€" lately, as you no doubt have seen by the papers, BU‘E don‘s let yourself belieys we did it without losing a lot of men. ‘The creek close to the first German trench that we took on the nighkt of the twentyâ€"second, is red (From brother ol Mr G. H. Stinson) France, May 25th, 1915 Dear brother,â€" The part of the country is full of canals so we are able to do quite a bit of bathing. About a week ago orders were issued that bathing was not perâ€" mitted unless some costume was worn. Consequently when we went swimâ€" ming that afternoon we were attired in portions of sacks which certainly gave us a savage appearance , I met an old Durbam boy a couple of weeks ago in the first field ambuâ€" lance but I‘m hanged if I can rememâ€" ber his nams. He recognized me and told me he had been at high school with Ray and I think he said his home was now in Mt Forest. 1 suppose Durham is travelling at its usual hilâ€" arious pace and only in moments of wakefulness realizes that a war is being fought. _ However I would like to go back for a couple otf weeks and go fishing up the Rocky Saugeen. It would certainly be a contrast to this life where you have to dodge shells and bullets when you are in the danâ€" ger zone. me. . Some day if I ever get back 1 shall tell you under what cireumstanâ€" ees I received it but I daren‘t write it. The watch came to a sad end. _ Just before the regiment went into action at Ypres llent it to one of my pals and he was killed. _ The other warch I had was also lost at Ypres in a dugâ€" out which was blown in. _ 1 was sorâ€" ty to lose it as 1t had a picture of mother in the case. _ However 1 have been issued with a government watch which although not a fbeauty, keeps excellent time. _ One advantage of being a signaller is that you must haye a watch and if you don‘t happen to own one, they supply it free gratis. Some way or other I bhaye a notion 1 never wrote to thank the ladies in Durham for the wrist watch they sent Che Burkam Review We are living our usual life slee>â€" ing in barns in our intervals out of the trenches. _ It seems to me we must bave occupied a; least half the barns in Northern France since we came out here last February. _ Howâ€" ever they are all the same in that they are all more or less filthy. The only point in their favor is that you can get enough straw to make a soft bed. Boon we shall be able to slzep out doors altogether which will be a change for the good. Living in Barns Through the courtesy of Miss Marâ€" garet Harris we are able to presect the following letter received from Mr. James Farquharson lately : I believe some way or other that this is the first letter I have ever, written you but whether you objeet or not I am going to start now. At present I am on duty at the phone from 8 p. m. to 12 p. m. so bave four hours to fill in some way or other. Letter from the Firing Line. The Ideal Vacation Route $1,.50 per year. $1.00 if paid in advance. JULY 15, 1915 Jim M Farquharson and Dodging Shells W. H, STINSON June 21st, 1915 THE DUBHAM REVIEV Prayer Soldiers Wanted | The following card issued by the Brotherhood of 8i. Andrew of St. Matâ€" thew‘s Chureh, Winnipeg, speaks for | itself ; Will you not enlist, carry out | the request and induce others to do} likewise ? "Will you enlistâ€"we want 8,000,000 praying sofdicrs. You can ; enlist and fight right at home, Obâ€"| jects for prayerâ€"For removal of ullt which keeps us apart from God, that we may fight on God‘s side and winl His victory in this terrible war. Or for remoyal of all vices which muy' offend a merciful God. Or for com,| plete removal of the liquor traffic as‘ beyeragesâ€"as a menace to our soldiers | and citizens whether in wa;r or peace.‘ C M. B. RE&ip, Teacher, No. 6, BENTINCK Jr 4ith to 8r 4thâ€"W Boyce, 8 Mcâ€" Callam. Sr3rd to Jr4thâ€"W Adlam, ECox, 8r 2nd to Jr 3rdâ€"G Brunt, G Brown, E Vickers, J Vickers, G Torry, Ist to Jr 2adâ€"B Boyce, M Brown, G Brunt. Pt 2 to Istâ€"G Meâ€" Callum, 8 Reay, P Reav, E Unrub. Sr Pt 1st to Pt2â€"J McDonald, U Meâ€" Calluw, C Noble, A Uarub, 6 Adlam. J. M. WYLiE Teacher, No. 3, BENM. & GLEN. Sr 3rd to Jr $thâ€"Mary Morrison, Peter Ledingham, Annie MacGilliâ€" vray rec. _ Ji 30d to Br 3rdâ€"Florenee Renton, Joe Davison, Howard Smtth,. Sr 2nd to Jr 3rdâ€"Stanl. y Lediogham, Katie Morrison, Mattie Mortley, Jr 2nd to Sr 2adâ€"Pearl Mortley, Katharâ€" ine Ray. e TiÂ¥ . hyA Mr Alex Stewart, of Glenroadâ€" en, entertained the neighHorhood to several selections on the acâ€" cordeon one evening last week. Mr and Mrs Thos. Shewell and family visited on Sunday with Mr and Mrs Thos. Bailey. Mr and Mrs Alex McDonald and children John and Ulva, of Crawford, spent Friday with Mr and Mrs R. Ledingham. A few ot the young people of this vicinity took in the party at Mr George Braun‘s on Wednesâ€" day evening and had a very good time. Mr Alf. and Viss Nelly Shewell spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Chas. Shewell, of Chesley. Rev. Mr and Mrs Mills motorâ€" ed to Keady on Sunday, where he addressed the congregation, while Rev. Mr Sinclair, of Keady, filled the pulpit here and gave an exâ€" cellent sermon. Misses Ruby and Alice and brother Howard Smith are spendâ€" ing a week with their uncle and aunt in Eldersly, Mrs J. Wagner, of Victoria, is visiting her parents, Mr and Mrs P. MclIntosh. Mrs R.J. Corlett spent Monâ€" day with Miss M. Mclntosh. Miss Kathleen Sullivan, of Dorâ€" noth, is the guest of her aunt and uncle, Mr and Mrs Jas. Walsh, Mr and Mrs John McKnight and son, of Toronto, spent the latâ€" ter part of the week with his brother Thos. Mr and Mrs Peter McCallum, of Derby, visited over the week end with Mr and Mrs Robt. Ledâ€" ingham. 7 Cigfi €4, Mrs Wm. Smith, Sr., is spendâ€" ing a week with her brother, Mr Robt. Corlett, of Bentinck. Miss Lyla McKnight and Mr Ed. Simpson took in the 12%th at Owen Sound. Mrs O‘Bryan and two sons, of Chicago, is visiting her father and brother Mr R. Corlett, west of our burg. Mr and Mrs Fallaise® spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs McInâ€" tyre. _ ,=> is Sn s Lak Quite a number from here atâ€" tended the Rocky garden party on Friday evening and report a very good time. â€"Mr Morrison Smith left for Toâ€" ronto last week, where he will spend his holidays. Mr C. Mcintyreis spending a week with his friends in Bruce. The Presbyterian church purpose holding a garden party at the home and grounds of Archie McDougall on the evening of the 21st. Preéparation is on foot for a good time. Miss Jennie McDonald, of Lamâ€" lash, is visiting at Miss Tena Liyingâ€" stone‘s. Pleased to hear Mrs Alex Mcâ€" Intosh is able to be around again after being laid up for a few days. Mr D. H. McDonald, of Toronto, rejoined his wife and two children at A. Hobkirk‘s and is spending two weeks‘ holiday pleasantly with his touring car, _ Miss Florenee Leslie left last week to visit her brother Arthur in B. C. and to the Panama Exhibition. The Boyd brothers expect to raise their new barn next Thursday, which got quickly in readiness. Mrs Wm. Ledingham, who was absent about three yei‘s in R. C. with her daughter, Mrs !. M.i.«‘), returned to yisit other membws «i her family here. Mr Dunean and Miss Kate McKin~ non is visiting relatives in Walker ton at present. Miss Mabel Anderson, of® St. Mary‘s, is visiting at her mother‘s at present. . Promotion Exams. CRA WFORD WELBECK DORNOCH TORONTO Durmax, Jalyv 14. 1915. 4 Flour per ewt ........ 3 45 to 4 00| Oatmeal per sack..... 3 50 _ 4.00| Chop per ewt........ 1 50 to 2 00| Buckwheat...... .... 70 to 75 F all Wheat........... 110 to1l 10| Spring Wheat........ !10 to 1 10| Oats, feed........... ... Sb to . 561 Oats, milling.......... _ 55 to 55 Peas.......... .... ... 1 00 to 1 00| Darlov ... .:ocis.s‘..." 000 * 401 Particulars from Canadian Pacific Ti ‘ket agents, or write M. G. Murphy, District Passenger agent, Toronto. Canadian â€" Pacific Palatial â€" Great Lakes Steamships leave Port McNicâ€" al!, Mondays, Tuegdays, Wednesdays‘ Thursdays and Saturdays for Sault Ste Mar‘e, Port Arthur and Fort Wilâ€" liamw. Steamship Express making diâ€" rect connection leaves Toronto 1245 If you have dandruff, get rid of it by killing the germs. If your hair is falling out, stop it. o There is one sure cure that will remedy these misfortunes and aid you to remain young. PARISIAN SAGE, the great hair reâ€" storer, is guaranteed to permanently remove dandruff in two weeks, or we will give you your money back, It is the best beautifier for ladies‘ hair, as it makes harsh, lifeless hair Auffy, soft and beautiful. PARISIAN SAGE is rigidly gi anteed. 50 cents a large bottle. Macfarlane & Co., Druggists, Durha m, Ont. PARISIAN SAGE stops falling hair â€"it prevents the hair from fading. _ _ REmenISAREA S mrs mt Five Sailings Weekly Port McNicoll to Sault Ste Marie and Fort William. SOME GOOD ADVICE DarlGY.«.: ;.« 1«»s «: .. DP +S%0 * 10 Dulter.;....:. :..«. . . «+ 20 o.‘ 20 CERS..:+»+r8sk«s1r11% . AJ K0 ~ 19 Potatoes per bag. .... 40 to 50 Hides......»*.ri11» 14 00 Beef, dressed ...... .. 12 00 to 18 00 Hogs, live, f o b..... 9 00 Hay, per ton...... .... 16. 00 to 21 00 JIIUPPUI' U Wb y uk k a k k e £ EV SU Buckwheat...... .... 10 to fall Whoent:....;.;.,. ‘ 1 10 to Spring Wheat........ i 10 to Oats, feed........... .. .. DD to Oats, milling........ .. _ 855 to PCAS+.. . ¢+«++« «++ +1 100 40 DarlGY.«.: :.« 1¢»s :41 .. d +S0 DUtter ;. : .+:. Ar«« .« «+ 20 40 MOUS .:.« sskainsir xa se asl n AU B0 Durham â€" Markets. List has been carcfally revised, Misses‘ Dong Oxfords......... +9ge Misses‘ Dong Pump........... +g9¢ Boys‘ Patent Oxfords.......... 1.49 Get a pair of these while they last. Bring your Produce We have a few bhu: room for our fall stock. Double E Wide Oxford .......1.75 E width Strap Slipper........2.25 Double E Dong. Blucher .... 2.35 B width (Countess).......... 3.00 following lines: We have just received several shipments of Footwear made from the best stock procull;able, built on lasts that will ensure comfort to the wearer. If you I‘n““’f__fi_“n’_ef_,“o_f sore foot, we would like to call your attention to a few of the Departmental Store Take . Kodak With you Eeelere]edelatelee cevelasoleze ecele se eve ecelecelevelecelece e09 Large Sales MacFA'RLANE’S Drug Store The Roxolk store BS} §$ Easy to operate and always ready for business, We have them from $1,00 up. Any of the above lines we guarantee For the Ladies A Large Stock of McKechnie‘s Weekly News &::. G. & J. McKECHNIE Low of all Designs and Lasts Suitable for Summer Wear hundred pairs of low shoes which we wl Shoes at Low Prices Boots & Shoes :\ in itaid ht ht t ut ult ud on z. § Musical Instruments 3 Must be Disposed of PRRHRNRRPRRRRRRRRRMNIR | / _ _ SPECIAL New Rexall Gum 3 pkgs. for 106 Stricty Pure Paris Ureen . Potato Bug Killer Spring GoodsS Be just to yourselves by havingf a look at our large stock before selecting your next pair 0: In our higherâ€"priced goods we have FmTWEAR Classic for Ladies, Eclipse and Westons for Misses and Children, Astoria and Brandon for Men with many other makes in medium priced lines. are the same in most lines as last season. Close j Men‘s, Ladies‘, Misses‘ and â€" Children‘s Trunks, Valises Suitcases at bottom values. Odds and Ends of broken lines at cut prices to clear. Custom work and Repairing attended to as promptly as possible. Down Town Shoe Store T have purchased the stock of W. J. McFadden and Aoved my present stock to McFadden‘s stand. Ti store is now filled with Pianos, Grgans, Sewing Machines and Musical Instruments of all kinds in the highest and best grades. We must have more room, and to get it, our big f stock must be reduced at once. _ If you are looking for a snap in an instrument, or anything in our line, | call and see us and arrange your own terms. You ; will find our prices right. 5 1 1 H. J. SNELL | McFadden‘s Old Stand, THE (English made), amsmsxmxmmwmxifi to give genuine satisfaction. Wide Kip Bluch............... . .2 35 Double E wide Dong, Blucher ... .2.75 Double E. "_ (Goodyear welt). 3.50 Double E wide Calfskin Bluch .. .400 We pay you Highest Price Two Businesses in One Ladies Pat Tie Vfiff black..... Ladies Dong Blach... ... . . . . . .I-‘a'd“'s Button Oxford. They are a snap. For the Gentlemen J. S. McILRAITH ies must clear out to make bave Arrived C. P. R. Town Office Buy your Tickets here Grape Juice Refreshing, Cooli Healthful. pe ns JUOLY 15, 19156 Durham Close prices on ren‘s Hosiery .., .25 and 5oc .. + » 10, 25, 50¢ fk...,. .. â€". 250 »+,.1,10 es s L. 245 »»»1.39 Durham mces Summer 2.05 a m Iv exee; gong uin and Tin 10.18 d gian B awan | 1201 p. w. 0 Muskoka Lak gonguin Park ur‘.y_ cont latial stean Port Aribhy luth, and a Railway 10 Western ( brary â€"Cat« carse â€" betw Wharft The undersig to residents of U ing country, !! lfil and factory prepared to ta ks SASH, DOORS of HOUSE PLANINC Bhingies â€" band at 1 Sawing p: Also 80| ham and v For intermio cheaper tha y to han pyL OF gaves lucl C A FLEM!I Princip Fo" Delicious | Summer Des: Preston‘s NewFishine] _ ZENUS C Split Bar Silk Lines, Front Various kinds Disinfe Metal and ~ilver Po Our Drugs and Stat House:â€"cleanin etc. anti shir Arrives New Term 0 SEPTEMBER Ist & â€"AFJNâ€"~NWORTHERNZ/ STEAMSHIP EX Brander s Old Stan d urti embod y Leathe: Boots c count o They ; marke Empress Worl Fresh Gro Footwe; Buy a ; be b Hardware In JULY 15, 1915 nt y J. TOW W M 1 mer Service of Ontario in NEW FIBRE Q PR A g ali U K M uut 00 ith i Nes

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