West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 22 Jul 1915, p. 1

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has wit the revel«* fliib is mc#‘ ite preâ€"em viour of all $ Jesus ived bY VID GK tal wn bis ye are ade it , left &in memot ies .hnd 0‘ l ig ber thin uw sLroD@ ntario men tâ€" *ae se on alele i1 unes siness are as e Sec y cretary ghted 4 cars. 18th Droug of «00 oronto, ths Ont. $4.5 25¢ Eve t maAD By ife 14 be spared, There are still plenty to carry on the work on the farms and in other industries, as is testified by the number of idle men to be seen on the streets and in the poolâ€"rooms of the towns. Let Grey continue to he one of the districts that can always be counted on to fursish its proporâ€" tion of the men required. . It the quoâ€" tw is flled up quickly the officer comâ€" manding the Thirtyâ€"Arst regiment bas instructions not to stop recraiting, but to take on all who offer themselyes and are found fit. Those men already enlisted are now hard at work under Lieut, H. 0. Young of Hanover, who is going everseas with them,. Rulistâ€" ing is still going on in the armeries in Owen Sound, Meaford, Hanovyer, Markdale and Clarkesburg. Ten days after the call has been isâ€" sued for thirtyâ€"two volunteers for overseas service by the Thirtyâ€"frst regiment, twelve recruits bave been passed as physically fit and accepted. While this response is gratifying in view of the slowness of recruiting all over, still at the same rate, it will take nearly a month to compiete the quota. It is desired to have the quota from the Thirtyâ€"first regiment complete by the end of this week, and in order to accomplish this, recruits will bave to come out, If @rey county does not furnish its quota within reasonable time, it will be che privilege of some other section of the proviace to make up the deficiency. Up to uow our country has not failed to supply alj and eyen more than the number of reâ€" cruits she has been asked for,. Many other sections of Ontario have feund it necessary to go to the larger centres principally Toronte to gather recruits, De the people of @rey want their counâ€" ty to be classed among these? The young ruen are here, and they can still man, Dr. Jamieson, musical selections by the Darham bind and a number of vocal and instrum ental pieces by local amateurs, Admission to grounds 10c. If the weather should be unfavorable, it will be postponed until the followâ€" ing evening. _ Kveryone come and help the boys at the front. An Entertainment in aid of the Red Cross Society will be held on the lawns of Messrs $. Morlock, Campbell and Pickering on the evening of Tuesâ€" day, 27th July. The programme will consist of a short address by tbe chairâ€" CUTHING Trkrs.â€"The decision of Magistrates Binnie and Crawford in the case of Colier v. the Hydro emâ€" ployes was given out last week. Mr Calder is awarded $25.00 for damage done and the defencants fAned $1 each and costs. An appeal is likely to be made as to whether town or Hydro people should pay the award, certainly the workmen should not be mulcted unless proved plainly they were exâ€" ceeding instructions. be beat. _ Next week ends ’W' p ties. Black Ourrants a few Black Urps and Cuthberts are at their best. For canning they can‘t Although no examination results have reached us as yet, we learn on good authority that Durham Entrance candidates have made a clean sweep and are qualiied to take up high school work. Of the 20 students writ ing, 8 have taken honor atanding , We understand that a son of J. 8. Raechâ€" tel, Hanover, won highest marks in the riding. A Warning. If you hays not secured The Red Cross Society have decided to postpone their Ice Cream and Cake sale until Saturday, July 24th, when it will be held afternoon and evening in their beadquarters next door to the Royal Bank. In future will the other societies of the town kindly communiâ€" cate with the Becretary of the Red Cross Society before arranging for anale ts Trinity Church will Q & garden party on John Kelly‘s lawo on Thursâ€" day evening, 22n¢ July. _ Good proâ€" gram, band and other attractions. Admission 10¢, Durham tennis players wish to arâ€" range games of men‘s or mixed doubles with players from any adjacent town. Any interested kindly write P. Ramage Durham. A Goop BaL®.â€"A shorthorn steer, 18 mos, old, was bought the other day by Mr Malcolm Mclones for the tidy sum of $100,80, which at 9 ote made its weight 1120 Ibe, This little calf was bred and fed by Mr Gordon Geddes, Varney R. R No. 1, and shows what can be done by good selection, care and good feeding. CouN Drug Store, Neilson‘s choeolucoâ€"uu chocolates that are different. a; the Variety Store. VOL Barling‘s Pot and : XXXVIiI, No. / see your grocer at P-{mh grown hard fulim_ between citizens of Canâ€" ada 'hl; ::» tohhve hm-nited th:nl‘e:n sympathy with each 6ther to ‘st interests of Canada and the British Bmpire. MRS. WM. CONNOR I, J. D. Abraham, of the Town of Durham, in whose store the said expresâ€" sion was alleged to have been said and for such expression I ejected Mrs. Conâ€" nor from my store, positively deny that it was ever made in my presence or in my storeâ€"and the allegation is a pure fabrication and should never have been cireulated. Countess street, welRlocated, a quarâ€" ter acre of land, g cistern, bard water, tap in kitcheR ; windows and Fourthâ€"1 have no other hope than to live in this town and remain under the British flag which 1 am proud to do and believe that the circulation of expresâ€" sions such as have been made has a tendency to stir up strife and eause Thirdâ€"1 am a British born Canadian and have always resided in the province of Ontario ; and have been taught to believe that I enjoy more liberty and rights under the Canadian or British Government than in any other country in the world and all my expressions of sympathy have been entirely with the British or Canadians in the war with Germany. And furthermore 1 believe the circuâ€" lation has been designedly made as be" fore stated to cause feelings of distrust and otherwise injure my charaster. Declared before me in the Town of Durham this 20th day of July, 1915. W. CALDBR, J. P. Second â€" 1 positively deny that 1 evâ€" er made such an expression either at that time or at any other time and the circulation is a malicious fabrication inâ€" :Iended to injure me in the town of Durâ€" am. * That I could wade in l-fngliah biood up to my knees in order to fight for the Germans." First â€" That it has been alleged and circulated through the Town of Durham that at some recent date at the store of Mr. Abraham, in the Town of Durham, 1 made the following expression, vizâ€" 1, Mrs. Wm. Oonnor, of the Town of Durham in the County of Grey, Provâ€" ince of Ontario make oath and say : That the committee alse feel deeply thankful to all those who patronized the concert and made such large proâ€" eeeds for patriotic purposes. Bigned : Thos. Nichol, President ; P. F. McArthuar, Secretary ;\ Jos. Black, Treasurer, officers of Patriotic Committee. That the entire expense, as regard payment of moneys, was defrayed by Dr, and Mrs Lane as a patriotic gift. That the committee feel most grateâ€" ful to all who gave their assistance toâ€" wards arranging the sheds for the concert, especially too at the eleventh bour to Mr Aldcorn tor the free use of his piano aod to W. G. Watson, tor use of seats. The original reserve seat plan is still in our possession, marking all roseryvâ€" ed seats sold and is open for inspection of any wishing to see same. That the statement of proceeds is as follows : Reserved seat sale, 814 at 36c..8 109 90 Ru-b:eats sold by N. MeKinâ€" BQU +¥‘ s4ssks .. Refund by Miss Irwin That whereas the Toronto Universâ€" ity Base Hospital has not as yet been established as a unit in either Bogâ€" jand or France, we have heen adyised to hold the money till the hospital is properly established as such, which will be in the neat faturc. That the money amounting to $160.â€" 00 is deposited in the bank in the name of the Treasurer, Jos. Black. Comfortable 2â€"root frame house on The Priceville Patriotio Executiye wishes to make the following stateâ€" ment to the patrons of the Patriotic Concert held in Priceville, June 29, 1915 : Re Priceville Patriotic Concert Again theenergetic Priceyille comâ€" ’-ittn have posters out announcing their 4th Civic Holiday celebration. A great attraction is the presence of the Toronto Police Pipe band, 12 of them and every man 6 feet tall, 72 feet of Pipers! Baseball, Footbal!, water sports, Wire walking, Athletics, &c., fll up a busy day and a concert at night with Arstâ€"class talent, Look for furtber announcements. Netice is hereby \given that Monday, 2nd of August, 1915\ will be observed as Civic Holiday for lhe town of Durâ€" ham. Priceville Civic Holiday A Refutation. Civ A. 6. HUNTER, Mayor he BDurha J. D. ABRAHAM The. REVIEW to New Subscribers to January 1916 fer , Durbam $160 10 Owkx Souxnp DouBLED ScorEâ€"In a rough match at Owen Sound Wedâ€" nesday Durham lacrosse team met defeat by an 8â€"4 score though it wae only 5â€"4 against them at three fourths time. _ Hartiey of Pt Eigin gave poor satisfaction as referee, Thke same day Oraogevilie trimmed Shelburne 10â€"1 in Shelburne. This fine comes to the town by virâ€" tue of byâ€"law 660, passed by council ut the request of the temperance Alli~ ance in March last. This byâ€"law gives the constable all the power of a Proâ€" yvineial officer and the powers have been worthily eonferred. Under it too, fines cometo thetown and oneâ€" third of the amount is set aside as a fund for the enforcement of the local option law. All will hope that the lessons underâ€" lying this case will be well learned and that an era of better law observ‘ ance will follow in our town. Satisâ€" faction is expressed on all hands with the judicious use the constable. has made of his power, as well as over the handling of the case by Messra Laidâ€" law and Ryan, Large congregations assembled at Knox, Normamby, Anniversary serâ€" vices on Sunday last, Rey. Mr Whaâ€" ley being the preacher,. A very sucâ€" eersful Monday evening was held of which we bhave no details at present. Mr Klein gave notice of appeal and asked that payment be deferred until regult of appeal was known, but Magiâ€" strate Laidlaw insisted that money be paid now and if the appeal was sucâ€" gessful it would be returned. His colâ€" league took the same view and beâ€" fore the day was much older, the town treasury was enriched by $300. ed a fine of $300 and costs, pay;bie forthwith. Mr Nichol in giving evidence describâ€" ed himself as manager, denied baviog ordered the liquor, knew not the own.â€" er of the trunk, Mrs Nichol also knew nothing of the matter, hadu‘t ordered it, did not know it was orderâ€" ed. was not expecting it. Mr Klein in his cross examinatcion of Mr Arrowsmith did not shake him im the least and the crown attorney in summing up poi .ted out that on severâ€" al points the charges were proved : I8 galions of liqvor found on premises with bar and all equipment for selling, coming concealed, &c., was proof sufâ€" ficient of violation. The point raised by Mr Klein that the case was entered wrongly. and that it was " liquor in transit " only, seeing it had not yeb rearhed its owner, had little weight with the bench, who deemed the cbharge abundantly proven and imposâ€" ) County Crown Atterney Dyre conâ€" _ducted the prosecution, Mr Klein of Walkerton, the defence. Mr Ford, the hostler, testified to helping off with the heavy trunk as he was passâ€" ing, but knew nothing of its contents. The bus man, who could have thrown light on certain points, disappeared before the trial. Mr Arrowsmith told of demanding a key from the defendâ€" ant who appeared as he was talking with the hostler, told her he was there on duty and as a result of the pleadings of certain women, who with tears had asked him to try to improve condiâ€" tions. This drew from the defendant the remark " darn the women " and the refusal of a key as she had no authority to epen the trunk. Mr Nichol coming im about this time also denied ownership and could not open it, so the constable took possession. by a partition and carefully packed with old rags and paper. This in sub stanee was the story told hy the conâ€" stable. The trunk and keges were on exhibit in the court room, Efforts to get a key to unlock it proving fruitless, in the presence ot witnesses he cut four riyets and on lifting the lid there was the evidence of duplicity and evasion of the law. #wo casks of liquor, one of 10 gallons or more of whiskey, the other a little smaller containing brandy, separated * T, Armstrong " and no such person being around the constable had the bheavy bulay trunk remoyed to his residence., _ By the evidence of Gonstable Arrow. smith it appears that on a day in Jane last he observed a certain trunk being taken from the Middaugh House to the @. T. R, station. No uncommon eccurrence of course, but as this lone ly trunk had been noticed before goâ€" ing by G. T. R. and it or a similar one coming sbhortly after by C. P. R. curiâ€" osity was aroused, then suspicion, then action. The constable, on the alert, saw the trunk return, saw it deâ€" livered on the premises, and just as the door was being closed, stepped in and took charge. 1t was addressed to ed with haying on the premhoi_;-'d for sale a quantity of liquor in exeess of that allowed under the Local Option Act. 6 On Friday last before Magistrate Laidlaw of Durham and Ryan, of ‘Ay« ton, the proprieter ef the Middaugh Houseâ€"Mrs J. 0. Nicholâ€"was chargâ€" Liquor Selzure Heavy Fine Imposed DURHAM, THURSDAY, JULY 22, l915 , Mr Kiein of @. Mr Ford, o helping off he was passâ€" TORONTO With which is incorporated the Holstein Leader The evidence showed that there was nothing of malice or illâ€"feeling beâ€" tween the parties, only something like an unfortunate pravk causing the trouble. Mr Telford, solicitor for the defendant, made an earmest appeal for the dismissal of the case, which being & crimirmal one, must go to O. Sound. The Crown Atterney seemed loath to take another view, but felt it his duty to condemn the to@ ready resort to firearms, and recommended that the case be sent up. Magistrate Mclnnes concurred in this and bail of $1000.was accepted from Edwards and two seâ€" curities. Dickson in company with Joseph Blyth and James Robertson were epending the eyening in the home of the latter in a convivial way, A numâ€" ber of young men, including the plainâ€" tiff, were outside and made things unâ€" comfortable for the trio inside by shouting, flinging billets of wood against the door and otherwise acting in a hoodlem way. Dickson and the orber two stood it for a while, but at last Dickson asked Robertson for his gun and * he would frighten them." He got the gun, loaded it with shot, and fired in the direction of the noise through the woodshed, claiming that he was poimting the gun downward and about 18 inshes above the floor, Robertson correborated this, Blyth did not see it, The shot went through two inch boards and struck Edwards on the leg, though Edwards alleged he was 5 or 6 yards from the building Doctors were summoned and extraetâ€" ed 5 shot at least, and ome are still ‘a the leg. Just Receivedâ€"A full stock of Neilâ€" son‘s Chocolates at the Variety Store. In the Town Hall on Friday befere Justices C. Mcimnes, Yeovil, and Wm, Young, Durham, Roy Dickson was charged with wounding â€" Sdwards of Orchard. The circumstances were as follows : Durham 0. Sound Orangeville Hanover Shelburne Dundalk Jeffries of Orangeville was referee, and was on top of the play all the time. Both teams were inciined to rough it, and as a consequence there were usually one or two and someâ€" times threa of each team serving penâ€" alty, throughout,. No one was hurt, however, excepting Madden, of the home team, who was laid out with a cut in the cheek. The Durhams will play in QOwen Sound Wednesday, when a much smaller, closer score may be looked for, The teams : Dundalk Durbam _ McArthur goal McKim: Wilson point H, McDonald Cummings cover Calder Mitchell Ist def.. B. McDonald Morgan 2nd def. _ McEachern Rundle centre McLachlan Mevronald Z2nd home Kerr Buroside Ist home Rife Mitchell outside Saunders Claridge inside Madden District No. 1 Standing, O.A.L.A. The locals showed much improved form over the Orangeviile game, and their speedy team work was a treat from a spectator‘s viewpoint. That Bundalk scored 9 goals was accounted for to a great degree by the fact that Durbham always maintained a big lead and a goal tight deferice was not urâ€" gent. By quarter time, the score read Durham 7, Dundalk 2, half time it was 11â€"4, threeâ€"fourths time 14â€"7, while in a swift elosing period, half of which was played in the rain, Durâ€" ham equalled the tirst rerord 7â€"2, firâ€" ishing 21â€"9, Manover and Owen Sound in th:& opening game made it enly one goal less, 25 to 4, 21 to 9 was the score of the lacrosse game last Friday here, with the big end in Durkam‘s fayor. 1t was the largest score in the district, though Manover and Owen Sounnd in thai. THE SITANDARD BANK Careless Use oi Fire Arms Big Score against Dundalk games goals won lost to play for against Zgave Systematically & Tnke Care of the Cents and Ultimuely Become Indepenâ€" dent 19 We solicit your account in our SAVINGS DEPARTMENT DURHA M BRAN. centre McLachlan Z2nd home Kerr Ist home Rife outside Saunders inside Madden Established over Fortyâ€"one Ye The A, B, C of Banking ASSETS OVER $48,000,000 40 19 12 Misses Martha and Muriel Hoig of Chatham are visitors at Mr, J. P, Telford‘s. STERNALLâ€"In Berlin, on Sunday, July 11, to Mr and Mrs N, B. Sterâ€" nall, a son. Notice hereby‘ given that under the new ctric Light seryice and until the inst ationt of the Hydre, all residence Iigflt ill be eharged at the sate of $2.00 pechk annum, business lights $3.00 per annt. .._ Jaxre Lnoy * Chairman, Fire & LigM Committee Town of Durkharo, 20 July, Mis. Mr Hugh McLean of Kamloops, B. C, is renewing old friendships in Bentinck Durham and Egremont after an abâ€" seapce of many years. A quiet but pretty wedding was eolâ€" emnized at the home of Mrs L. Elâ€" vidge, Upper Town, at 2.30 o‘clock on Tuesday, when her daughter Alice M\ became the bride of Robert G. Hewltt, Rev. Mr Morris, of the Anglican church, ‘was the officiating clergyâ€" man. The contracting parties were unattended and left on the 4 o‘clock ©.P. R. train fer Montreal, where they will reside. Mr Chas, K. Crawford regurns on Thursday to Eyebrow, Sask., after a few weeks holiday at home. Misses Marion Calder and Annie Russell holidayed with Miss Mary Findlay, Dromore. Mr Geo. Maxwell, of Chatsworth, visited his sister, Mrs Johnston Graâ€" ham, over Sunday. * Mr and Mre D. P,. Coleridge and Mr John Orchard, Molstein, called at tao Review office eanly ° Wednesday merniog in Mr C‘s new car and taking Mrs C. Ramage aboard, drove off to Alleoford to visit Mr and Mrs Wm. Coleridge. Misses Elia Whittaker and Helen Gibson, of Ceylon, spent Tuesday at the former‘s brotiger‘s, Mr Jrmo. Whitâ€" taker‘s, Mr. John A. Graham ieft Monday for Toronto going from there to Hamilton as delegate from Durham te Masonic Grand Lodge. Dr. and Mrs. Ed. Lauder, Cleveland' with daughter and son errived in his old home tewn on Saturday by auto, He left Wednesday previous visiting in Buffalo, St Catharines, Hamilton and Guelph en route and they will have a time of solid enjoyment with relatives here. Mr and Mrs 8. Hughes and family are enjoying a two weeks‘ holiday, his place at the Royal bank being taken by Mr Zimmerman, of Owen Sound. Miss Mary McKechnie, daughter of Mr and Mrs Geo, MeKechnie, and Miss Nellie McKechnie, daughter of Mr and Mrs Dugald McKechnie, have returned from Guelph, after taking ten months‘ Cemmercial course. Both have passed the examination successâ€" fully, _ Congratulations. Mr and Mrs Geo, Bauer and four aaughters, of Elmwood yisited the beginning of the week with Mr and Mrs Jno. Bauer. Mr John Wright, of Proton Station, motored here Saturday last and teok his uncle and aunt, Mr and Mrs John Wright to Kincardine to yisit the forâ€" mer‘s father there. Mr Wm. Heughan has taken charge of his uncle‘s harness shop in Walkerâ€" ton for five or six weeks, during the latter‘s absence in the West. Misses Edna and Nettie Hamilton, of Holsteia, are the guests of Miss Mary McQueen this week. Â¥Mrs Munro and her brother Mr Will Lauder left Saturday for Lorraine, Ohio. to attend the funeral of their brotherâ€"inâ€"law, Mr Wilson, who died very suddenly a tew days previously. Mrs Gilbert MeKechnie and her sisâ€" ter, Miss Nan Gun, are spending two weeks at Go Home Bay, Parry Sound distriet, Their brother, Qr. @un, conâ€" yeyed them to Oollingwood by auto, Public Notice only Fourty cents. The Variety Store The Set Price Store â€"â€" _ Nothing over 25¢ Carpet Tacks..2 boxes for 5s _ Threads............ 3 spools jor 10c Mouse Traps...... ..2 for b¢ Window Blinds....... . ... 15¢ each Brooms.... .........25¢ _ Infants Delight Scap, reg 10c . .4 for 25« Gents Bolts.... ..25¢ oa. _ Gente Suspenders, reg 50c for ...... 25¢ Children‘s Summer Vests (Special) ssse++ ss212+ ...... 6 cents each Ladies Summer Vests.. 10 to 25¢ ca Gents cetton Socks.10s pr and 15c Ladies Lisle and Silk ankle Hose, black, white and tan, extra quality .. ... ; ;.....‘.. .. .. 208 pr Leadies black and white Cetton Hose, exira yalue...2 pr tor ?5¢ Children‘s Stockings and Socks, all eolors and sizes from.... . ... Gents‘ Lisle and Silk ankle Seoyts, A Volley of Bargains that are keeping the advance of high prices back daily . _F. MORLOCK On the Firing Line We are offering the greatest values in Ladies‘ Waists «ver offered. 3 dozen Embroidered Lawn Waists must be sold, reg. 1.25 and 5OC Tâ€"§@fOF.) â€":>=> 11111 »%i2 2s . Call and see themâ€"get your size and choice. Ladies® ° Hosiery The Store of Honut V alue xtraordinary _ Good Values in WM. CALDER, Agent, Durham Vests Published Weekly as $1.00 a C. BAMAGE & SON,Pooumnenk Centres, Gashion corers an« Tray Cloths from ..10¢ to 25e Stamped Towels....., .. 25¢ pr Pin Cushions...... .... 10c eac} Stamp»ped Goods Cheese dishes, good size .. .. 25¢ Clover leaf Cups and Sancer:, IARAAEKAXi :25 » x« 1+ +«~@ Sor 25e Cloyer leal plates .. .. .3 for 20¢ Glass Tumblers......6 for 25¢ Qlass Tamblers, finc..3 for 25¢ Wine Glasses...... ... . he oach Berry Bowls...... .. Berry Servers...... Dishes kess TB w 4 17| 3 * Jt

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