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Durham Review (1897), 29 Jul 1915, p. 5

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AR ed 250 250 250 2506 350 250 ere 256 Men =5C arge apanpaap)" en 1ery ) make Price Small Profts of «L. I0 n i)}‘; 25 y ) () F* Delicious Light Summer Desserts Preston‘s Jelly Powders NewFishingTackle Summer JULY ‘29, 1915 â€"â€" Split Bamboo Rods, Silk Lines, _ Gut Leaders, Front Hooks, Etc. 2.05 a m daily for Muskoka Lakes, Iv except Sunday for Lake of Bays zgonguin Park, Maganetawad R and Timagarmi Lake points. ERNREREE | sot . Various kinds Disinfectants Metal and Silver Polishes, Binder Houseâ€"cleaning ? 1'!-.15-;‘177-“; except Sunday gian Bay, Lake of Bays, an awan Riyer points, 1201 p. m, daily except Muskoka Lakes, {Ale of B googuin Park. etc., to render eyery corner and article in the house sanitary and shining. Our Drugs and Stationery Flour and Feed are all lre;h and kept so. Thus you get the best and best value for your money at Hardware and Harvest Tools Leaves Toronto 11.15 a, m« Arrivyes Sarnia Whart 4.90 p.m. Each Monday, Wednesday,. and Satâ€" urday, connecting with N, N, Co.‘s paâ€" latial steamebhips for Sanit lte‘.‘ Marie, ips 1ot * / /+ NDu Quality Pharmacy urday, COnn®®tEU® * O lte Gea. 2 latial steamsehips for Sanit Ste. Marie, Port Artbhur, Fort William and at Duâ€" luth, and at Fort William with G. T.P. Railway for Winnipeg and points in Western Canada. Goaches, parlorâ€"liâ€" braryâ€"Cafe and PtrlOl-umry-Ruflgt care between Toronto and â€" Sarnia Whart. Further particular on Application to Grand Trunk Ticket Agents® WM CALDER, Town Ticket Agt. J. TOWNER. Ticket Agent Old Stangd Highest Prices puid for all kinds of Farm Produce New Term Opens SEPTEMBER Ist at the TA ~MORTHERNEL] /J DURKHAM PLANING MILLS The undersigned begs to announce to residents of Durhare and surroundâ€" ing country, that he has his Plulng Mill and factory fully ec}mpped and prepared to sake orders for SASH, DOORS, and all kinds _ TU T LCE C acmmret WE PE Shingles and Lath always O" hand at right srices. Custom Sawing promptly attended to Also Bole Agent and Lealer for ham and vicinity of the STEAMSHIP EXPRESS NEW FIBRE BOARD For interior of huildinfl;:fltor and cheaper than lath and p s Easy to handle Outs with a saW Rasy put on Cannos fail off gaves fuel No dirt or muss COall and see for yourself PRICEVILLE "rolnr DURHAX, mer Service to Highlands of Ontario from Toronto any Flavor, 10¢ a Box The harvest season is at hand. New is the time to bu your Binder Twine. We offer for sale the Brantford Co:dy- age Co‘s 600 ft. Twine. We reckon it is the best Twine on the market. Order it now, and we‘ll keep it for you. 3H, DOORS, and all kinds of HOUSE FITTINGS We carry a full stock of Flour and Feed, and all kinds of Pig Feed. In Flours we handle the Royal Household, Cream of the West, Glemora Patent and Monarch Brands. These are all wellâ€"known brands and need no introduction. Our prices on the same are the lowest possible. ©SAMSON" make of Harvest Tools are recognized as the best on the market. _ They may be a little dearer, but the quality is there. When wanting Building Hardware, Tar Papers, Felt Papers, Nails, Shelf or Heavy Hardware, Granite or Tinware, Sweat Pads, Team Traces, Hailters, Herse Collars, etc. Give us a call, Our price will suit you. Let us quote. ZENUS CLARK * t y ‘except Sundnx for Lake of Bays and Alâ€" ay for Georâ€" and Maganetâ€" KARSTEDT BROS. River daiâ€" , Alâ€" Priceville‘s Big Civic Holiday Celebration Monday, August 2nd POLICE PIPE\BAND, Toronto Basebail at 1.30\p. m. ERPWORTHS of Coronto, Western Senior League te: vs,. VANDEâ€" LEUR, District champions. Football FLESHERTON vs. DROMORE Wire Walking By Chas. Saunders, DQrham. Water Sports & Athlétic Events GRAND CONCERT at Proceeds to Red Cross Fu Come and assist in making this 4th Annual Celebration the greatest yet Meals served at Pres, Church baseâ€" ment and at hotel. Meals 35¢. | Admission to grounds 25¢, chilr{ten 15¢. Autos 25c. 12 of them, ‘f&mous over the conâ€" tinent, will ‘"‘blaw" stirring music. doi ind °5. coclafhmiiend unsmd T in with good seed, lots of bugsâ€" they are never a failure. Roots are growing good, such as turnips and mangolds. Harvesting in general will be well on in Septemâ€" ber before there will be much done in this locality, as in generâ€" al oats are only heading out and it should take six weeks after heading before it is fit for cutting. Arch. McDonald, who spent the last couple of months visiting friends in this part, left for his home in Portland, Oregon, on this Monday morning, the 26th July, 1915. Annie and Donald Graham, children of Mr J. A. Graham, of Durham, spent & few days with their friends at Wm. McLeod‘s, south line, Glenelg, and at their grandmother's, Mrs Graham, of Priceville. They enjoyed *them- 1 +0 4t _ Aanntry Miss Mary Bruceâ€"Brown, \the noted British soprano, and Jameb Fiddes, the great Soottish temor, with musâ€" ic and dancing by the Pige Band, will furnish the program.\ Miss Rita Irwin, accompanist. LnOIr LLEORXET C200 000000 w south line, Glenelg, and at their grandmother's, Mrs Graham, of Priceville. They enjoyed themâ€" selves well out in the country. Misses Edna and Rita McDerâ€" mid, of Toronto, are spending their holidays at their grandfathâ€" er‘s, Mr John McPhail, South Glenelg. A number of the friends of Mrs Brown, of McWilliams, paid Mr and Mrs Brown a visit one evenâ€" ing recently and were well enterâ€" 1ng T®CC""0 /C mack some time PRICEVILLE AND LIMITS C â€" Wohvanbtamdatst, 4A 00000 tained, getting back through the night. Everybody will . re sports of all k}gdg to] Bvery 009 _""/°" na h sports of all kinds to be held in Priceville on Civic holiday, the Ind Aug., 29 matter whether they are done haying O" not. CURE DANDRUFF FOR 50 CTS. It‘s ;sy, and you take no ie a cen ENOUGH PariSiAN SAGE, the germ nn killing hair cestorer. T96 oue â€"1f it does not cure dandruff T C 20 31 aive YOU your money back. JARISIAN SAOB.nl;huigmt. nfibpdmdwlc a % It is guaranteed to stop falling n:'r or itching of the scalp, and to cure all diseases of the scaip and hair, PARISIAN ;AOB has many imitators â€"get the gen: W‘&Co-. Dfl‘“i‘t’v a% 66 CSR O remember the Come everybody from near and far and help a good cause. We noticed that Sandy Murchiâ€" son is wearing & black eye, not that he was over to the front fighting the Germans, but from getting entangled in the horse rake while raking hay. The tongue of the rake dropped some way (a twoâ€"horse rakey and pitchâ€" ed Sandy under and miraculousâ€", ly escaped from being killed, but we were pleased to see him out in church on Sunday, although wearing a black eye. Miss Maggie McInnes, daugh. ter of MrJohn McInnes, of Midâ€" napore, Alta,, is at present visitâ€" ing at her aunt‘s at Duncan Mcâ€" Donald‘s, D. Road, Glenelg, We notice that Donald Mcâ€" Lachlan moved his stable to the west corner of his lot in town. Angus McDonald, South Glenâ€" elg, lost a valuable young mare lately from lockjaw. Mr and Mrs Arch. McKinnon, of Durham, motored out this way and were callers at their fricnds, édlg'fi'and Mrs Shortreed, of Top iff . Mr Hahn, of Durham, and a number of passengers gave Priceâ€" ville a call on their way from the east one evening lately, with a full car of youug ladies and genâ€" tlemen. Dr. J. A. Macdonald of the Globe, who recently spoke in Priceville, lately addressed _ a meeting in Detroit at which Henâ€" ry Ford, head of the great motor car firm, was present. So greatâ€" ly impressed was Mr Ford with the eloquent message of Dr. Macâ€" donald‘s address, that he presentâ€" ed him with a new touring car, which awaited Dr. Macdonald on his return to Toronto. Miss Bessie Davis is bome from Torento for her bolidays. Miss Raby Moffat of Toronto is visâ€" iting inthe Valley. Mr and Mrs G Clark of Toronto are spending a tew weeks at Mr 'l‘ Davis‘. Miss Tucker from Holstein spent the week end at Mr Geo Binnie‘s. Miss Laura McGillivray is home from Owen Sound. Mr Stewart Lina of East Linton is holidaying at Mr Jas. McGillivray‘s. Mr and Mrs Wan Beaton spent Sunâ€" } day at Mr John Beaton‘s. _ Misses Maud and Ruth MeGillivray returned to Toronto after holidaying at home. o Mr Harry Graulman of Dornoch is employed at Mr Archie Beaton‘s. Miss Annie MoGillivray left Wedâ€" nesday for Arrow River, Manitoba, in company with her aumt Mrs Hugh McNab. Mrs. Geo. Binnie visited with her daugbter, Mrs John Stevenson at Holstein. Mr. Weppler‘s barn is almost com* pleted now. It makes a great im provement on the tarm. We are having a shower of rain to pight and last Wednesday night had some hail. Most of the men are at the bay now. _ Some say it is a good crop. Miss Katio MeNab has retarned home after spending three weeks with Mr and Mre Jamos Nelson, of Paslinch . . Mr Dan MoAuliffe is building a foundation tor a stable. Miss Annie MeGillivray of Sauâ€" geen Valley is starting for the West en Tuesdsy . Mrs M. Qaillinan and childrer visited Mrs. T. Ryan one day this week. ts M; ind Mrs. Arch McNab and Mrs Ewen D. MeNab, visited Mr. J. J. Peart of Trayerston one day recently. Mrs Ewen D. McNab and baby started for Corbetton on Friday, she took thetrain from Wlesherfon. We droye up and saw a good strip of the country. _ Mris MeNabZwill leave tor the west on Wednesday. _ Miss Arâ€" nie McGillivary accompanies her and will stay tor the summer. Poor baying weather still continâ€" ues as it is very showery. Mr Elroy N MeEachnie, Baffalo, is holidaying under the parental roof. W_c; 'sro"sorry to report Mr Nelson very little Ainproved in bealth. Eo s o o 0 Mrs Archieo Ferguson and Mrs Jas. Ding wall leave Tuesday of this week to visit their daughters infAlberta. We wish them a safe and pleasant trip. SAUGEBN VALLEY CEuEe o Council toâ€"day, (Monday) with quite a stir. . Mr. Jos Goodfellow is not able to attend, being ill. Mr Sinelair, Yeovil, visited at Mr. J. Bimclair‘s the beginning of the week. Mrs Edington, Toronto, is yisiting her daugkter, Mrs Geo Gilkes. Mrs. A. Levitt and two boys are visiting at Mr J W Armstrong‘s. The Women‘s Institate will meet Wednesday. Aug. 4th at 2,30 p. m. at Mrs John Smith‘s. Ladies weleome Mr and Mrs W. Ding wall and Mr. Jas Dingwall were in Owen Sound last week. â€" â€"Nationalist mobs in Quebee provâ€" ince stoned aud egged a patriotic speaker endea voring to stimulate reâ€" 4+ O eraiting. BEAVER CREEK ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO HOPEVILLE o uk wo,," 8e Mrs Andrew Soott and Miss Elizaâ€" beth spent the week end with Priceâ€" ville friends.* Rev . Mr. Nichol and son Ben ar® hlolsldl.ymg with his mother Mrs.Nich* ol Sr. Miss Liszie and Mr. Will Weir spent a few Gays with Egremont frieads. Mr Earnest MeQGirr renewed acâ€" %ninumo with friends at Swintom ark over the week end. Master Stewart und Iryine Ford of Toronto are sperding their holidays with their aunt, Mrs Walter Nichol, Jr. Last Wedresday about 4 p. m. & heavy shower of hail fell over this district and lasted for balft an hour. Although the hail was about the size of marbles mno material damage reâ€" sulted. The hbail remained on the ground till 10 o‘clock next morning. £ Miss Wracktett from near Dundalk was the guest of her tormer teacher, Miss Emma Ritchie. Mr and Mrs Jas Geddes of Dromjre visited at Mr T. Greenwood‘s, Everybody is at present busy hayâ€" ingâ€"when weather permits. The frequent rains have delayed its ripâ€" ening but thegrain is now coloring and has every appearance of being a good erop. _ Nrs Petce and two children of Edâ€" montou arrived on {Saturday and are visiting her mother, Mrs R. Ecetor. The most brilliant and spectacular | episode ever staged before the grandl stand at the Canadian Natioual Exhibâ€" ition, will be the Review of the Troops at Calais, and the Grand March of the Allies. â€" In the former the visitor wili see the armies of France in the anciâ€" ent City of Calais, (Massed upon the literal will be the Commanders of the allied armies and the Sovereigns of the allied countries, Soldiers from Russia, France, Great Britain and her Domirions, Italy, Serbia and Monten egro, dressed in their national uniâ€" forms will march in one great phalanx before men who to day are making history and changing the map of the world. When this great military aggregaâ€" tion has passed in review order before Kings and Generals, a wonderful visita will open before the eyes of the peoâ€" ple, On the far horizon will be seen the watch dogs of Great Britain, led by the latest superâ€"Areadnought the Queen Elizabeth, aud followed by twentyâ€"six battle ships, battle cruisers, torpedo boats and submarines. In his Flagship the Lion, Admiral Sir David Beatty will lead the total fleet before Sir John Jellico the Admiral com manding in his Flagship the Iron Duke, who will review the fleet amidst a «lvo of broadsides, Thenat a given signal the whole fleet will be brilliantâ€" ly iluminated and amidst the strains of 0.d Hundred will vanish over the horizon. â€"Sir Sanford Fleming, a distingâ€" uisbed scientist and Railway builder died in Halifax last week in his 89.h year. He was chief engineer in the building of the Canadian Pacific Railway . TJB DURHAM REVIEW Turxam, July 28, 1915. j Flour per owt ........ 3 45 to4001 Oatmeal per sack..... 3 50 4,00 Chop per GWb.... ... 1 50 to 2 00 Buck wheat......>>>> 70 to 75 Fal Whoeat........... 110 to 1 10 Sprin%Wbeat........ 1 10 to 1 10 Oats, feed . .... .. > > > bb to 55 Oats, milling.. ... > bb to 55 Daaa Celulnle atew‘s lw tolm Durham â€" Markets. @ ““““mnnwnmo“nnnag € Grand March of Allies Pbyor ES EETECAL C mol0 .t ay, per tOn ......+>+> 12 00 to 14 00 List has been carefally reyvised, GREEN GROVE EDGE HILL 12 00 to 18 00 21 to 19 to 40 to disting The Review and Toronto Daily Star fOf 1 YOAT... cccee se sn enre® The Review and Toronto Daily News fOr 000 YOAT...cceses es en# The Review and Toronto Daily World fOK YE@P....cu sc se k6 The Reyiew and Weekly Mail and FEmpir® fOr 1 YO@AK....sssece e e e 6+ The Review and the Family Herâ€" ald and Weekly Star for 1 year The Review and Weekly Witaess fOF 1 YOAT,....ccccevs ces eve en en en en e 6e# ‘The Review and Weekly Sun for IYOBI..cvcseae ce« 900 666 ae6 68 6n 6n 6n t nf The Review and Weekly Advertisâ€" @F FOT ODO YORF. .ce e ces se e en en e sn 6e# The Reviecw and Toronto Daily Glob@ 1O 1 YOAPrseqqeece en se 66# 70 21 19 The Review and Toronto Daily Mail and Empire for 1 year...... The Review and Daily Free Press fOT 1 YÂ¥ORT,.. .cc cce cce se se e en n en en n# The Review and Weekly Free Press fOf ONO YOBY..ccce ce 6e en 6++ The Review and Farming World fOT I YOALs .cc cce s cesc ev es se 60 e e en n e# The Review and the Farmers‘ Adâ€" =â€" YOCAt@ TOP I Y@OAI... .« cce e rer en e 6e# ;TheReview and Canadian Farm _ AOF I Y@OAT.....c cce en eerer en * The Review to New Subscribâ€" ers to Jan. Ist 1916, for only 40c Farm for Sale Lot 8, Con 12. Proton, containing 100 acres more or less, 90 acres cleared and in good state of cultivation, 10 acres of hardwood bush, On the prem-‘ ises is a brick veneer house 18 x 24 with kitchen 16 x 22 and woodshed 16 x 16, also a good bank barn 60 x 66. driyving shed 18 x 24 and hog pen. : The farm is well fenced and well watered. G»0@4 orchard. Mile and a quarter from church, postâ€"office and school. For terms apply to Geo. Slurrock, Sr., ; Hopevilie, or Jas. A. and Geo. Troup, Box 378, Pense, Sask. * Western Fair Great Lakes Service|SUMMER TOURs FIVE SAILINGS WEEKLY TO P!:CIIFIS COAST rivL oAILNNVJO 17 RLERIE® | Including Steamers leave Port McNicol! Monâ€" | ©CALIFORNIA EXPOSITIONS days, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thurs-! Also to * days and Saturdays, for Sault Ste.| Atiantic Coast Resorts Marie, Port Arthur and Ft. William. | Lake Massanoga (Bon Echo) Steamer ‘Manitoba‘ from Port Mcâ€" | Pointâ€"auâ€"Baril. Nicoll Wednesdays calls at Owen§ Muskoka Lakes Sound 10. 30 p. m. | French and Pickerel Rivers. ""Steamship Rxpress" leaves Toroâ€" \| Severn River. | nto 12.45 p. m. daily, except Friday,| â€" Kawartha Lakes, Piai SA mcnabmen. e lrrenncr mere e Rideau Lakes, Etc. Prizes increased this year Excellent Program of Atâ€" tractions Twice Daily. Steamer ‘Manitoba‘ from Port Mcâ€" Nicoll Wednesdays calls at Owen Sound 10. 30 p. m. "Steamship Rxpress" leaves Toroâ€" nto 12.45 p. m. daily, except Friday, making direct connection with steamâ€" ers at Port Mc Nicoll on sailing days. SINGLE FARE oVER ALL RAILWAYS West of Toronto, and Fare and Oneâ€"Third from outside points. Prize Lists, Entry Forms and all information from the Secy. W. J. REID, President. A. M. HUNT, Secretary (â€"J:nadian Pacific 4. "he wer is NNPEC ANl Particulars from Canadian Pacific District Passenger Agent, Toromto. by $3000.00. Fast Time, Clubbing Rates. Music by the Best Available Bands i‘lme, c;nvcnlut Train Seiv!ce, Modern Equipment Between Montreal, Ottawa, Toronto, Detroit, Chicago $30,000.00 in Prizes » London WINNIPEG AND VANCOUVER and Attractions R MacParlane, Agent, Durham 8 T5 1 75 I 90 3 90 1 90 1 60 to 90 50 59 Two Speed Events Daily. Fireworks Every Night. New Steoel Grandstand. Midway Better Than Ever. The Business Man on His Western Trip. Cannot afford td leave out the cities that bandle the crop, Fort Williamw and Port Artbur, Take the Canadian Pacific route tâ€" Winnipeg, the way th busimess travels, Daily service, obsers â€" ation and dining cars. electric lighte: equipment. . Double track more than half the distauce. Comfort, scenery and one management all the way. ?lDiatetlc blended meals, the scientif> combination of food for travellers, Particulars from Canadian Pacific Ticâ€" l ket Agents. Buy Farm ¢ Summer Tourists Fares now in effec. Agents, Sept. 10th â€" 18th 1915 Property Now or write M. G. MURPHY, clptes m Crm No change of Cars or Depols BIG 4 "au," N 2016 0J$ Lace Curtzios 2; yas long# 40 th w *# Zi’)?- long, 42 in wi2; * â€" & u‘.on..'fl in wideé * S{ldt long, 47 in wide P All Oartains bave the new finishes i 1p Fime English Covton Orepes, white and famey, at .............. .. 16c por yard Table Linens. .. 25, 50 and 60¢ per yard Grey Cotton Shoeiing 2 yds wiae 2s0 v 4 Heavy bleached Sheeting 2 yes h Our New Spring Prints now }in. Cali and see thew, Wide. .. . . . .. . . . s 212 +442 a & . » a . x 0G Heayy 11x4 Flaunellette Blanket white and grey........ . 1.0 a r Heavy 1254 Flanneliette Blankets, white only.......... ......1.80 & p W. H. BEAN Patrons of se mimer creameries and vheese faciories, we want your cveam Jduring tbe winter months, Highest prices pa d tor good cream . . We sup ply Lwo caus free and pay Lwice cuch wunth, â€" Write ior cans, Licensed Au.tioncer for County of Grey,. Terms moderate. ~â€"rangements for sale dates can be maue at ineview Offce orst my residence next door. Phone cail to No. 6, Duham will be promptly atten «d to. #@gr Ns lioPha dence in Cexion J. G. HUFRON,M.0., C. !d ARTULUR COOK is now giving lessons in \oice Production and Singing, at the home of Mrs 8. F. McComb, every Tucsday, from 2 till there, or lo Coylon P.v., Wid be psu atfended to, WFemus on »pplication to D. lIfiP&L. veyi0a uP to V. AGE, Diuw #y> NT McPhall has m telepbone in h. booked Member Oollego Physicians aud urge Jutario Ol‘l‘[ch‘.: Qver J. P. Telford‘s ofice, nc opposite Bu,.. 4ry omce. RESIDENCE : second house south of T‘ep office on cast slue of Albert st. 010B HOURE gâ€"â€"11 a. it & â€"4 pQa, u| Telepbone Comw. aication betweap @AW C Lacensed Auctuiorees ‘or berms mugonate. . Arrangzome®r®s 0 aates; Ac., mu~t be meao at s ide, Duchein, . xo Cortbapon lef HON‘OB GP ADUATE Torouto Univomsity dumic Boyol Collego Lenti turgeo Dentistry â€"n a‘/ its oranches, Officeâ€"Over Jeweliry store ad 0 n site Post Uflice, University, grouuate of Royal C * ; of Dental Snrgeons of Outar a Eon Oyer J & J hUNEER‘S New Stoce W. C, PICKERING D. 0 S., L Ds HONOKR GRADUATE : Porome. Barrister, Sclieitor in Suprou Colrt Notary Public Commissioner Money to Loan. fice on Lambron St., opposite O Waipole‘s Stabies, ARTHUR H. JACK.JD . NMciPPMPMAiL :.* Issuer of Marrage Lisenses. A eral financial usiness transac®<d J. F.GRANT D.D.S., L UNDERTAKER and Funereal â€" Birocto: Fall linc of Catholle Robe: and bi. k and white Cap for aze«. péople, Embaiming a Speciality. Picture Frasming, Shortest Notice kmawlinomsâ€"Across from Middavg ' DURKAM H!IGKH SCHOSL Snxowliloomnsâ€"â€"Across Hov Insurance Agent, Money to ! V The school is 1 soroughly equ‘ nc In @0054 ability, in chomicas wnd electncal eupilu. £D 1 , fittings, &c., for ftuil Junior Loaving ab Masrioâ€" | ulation work. The following commpetent atafl l are in chargo : THOE. ALLAN, Principa! and Provincial Mod. | lnu:iqu 9’3";.‘;1‘.!5 si.ouid emuer wÂ¥ NC C00 4 ning of th* term if pussible. _ Board can 1x © > !Ml?‘r«m «ble rates. Durmnuflm‘ y | ;ndn?r’umv +town, making it a most «6t . «4 o pace xrcuid'.tvx. The record of whe Bchool in past yeat, . & nmrl.nfoue. The trugwes are progrc««!¥€ ; cationally and qnnnop‘umuet‘\su: £ i8 and pupiis have m:d mglo: the profier | presentation and uon of know|soge, | FEKES:gi per month in ad »=c0, Notary *ubiic, Commissioner, CINVEYANCER. «c. Creainmn Wanted DURHAM, IntezAiug Stadonts should enter at the J. P. TELFEORD, K. H. L5AAA C. RAMGE, Chairiman Appointments now being el Bchool Teacher, 1st Class Certuicay SINGING Staif and Eguibmer®. Paim Oreamcry, Palmerston, Ont viopeer ‘or Co, tre H. 18AA2, Daurkha» cation be ge at all nw ONT, (Lower Town BELL AGE, Dis‘nam enbone in his i be peuinps nl- ‘l r. ‘n“' pau LD e 2 3 * A ?' ® 1 &

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