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Durham Review (1897), 5 Aug 1915, p. 4

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tit The REVIEW 500 tons oi No l Mixed Chop WHEAT AND BARLEY Wheat, Barley and Oats Chop It gives good utisfuotion. We are in the market for any Quantity of OATS PHONES: Day M, Night l 26 The Rob Roy Cereal Mills Co. - Oat-eel Mills, Durham Large Quantity of No. l Feeding Hay All kinds 013nm bought at market price. l on Flour and Feed in ton Iota. Sovereign, Eclipse and Pastry Flour Iteedert ua tifm __- ---- _.__ _.____7, 1otanthi ltLT.. are "11ing 1n ton Aa"Hettae-ertettse..............tt.60 Milled-Feel, mtg..............30.00 ttnts, Shorts, 'rerun...................." Special prices in over five ton lots _If you want goodheavy mixed feed, try our 32?“: John McGowan If you are going to travel and need Baggage, see our North Window. We carry everything from a steamer trunk to a lumberjack'a turkey. See our assortment and you are sure of finding just what you want. Is the largest and best assorted in town. Table and Pocket Cutlery, Cabinets and Cased Goods, Razors and Scissors. Ask for one of our 200 leaders; the best value we have ever had in Pocket Knives. Around the World Baggage Feed Peed Feed Highest prices for has and Bus. Bar than here. We have . Fresh tad varied stock of the choices Grocer-in. Oranges. Lemons, Peek. Dues. Nata, Candies of all kind; and everything required tor the Bond” futivitiel. Out-price- will suit 1mm. Give In a all. THE CITY BAKERY Headquarters for Confectionery and all Bakery goods: Your Ho iday Groceries, Fruits and Confections THE RED FRONT g " Chieftain Corn Feed " REVIEW is well equipped for turning out all kinds of Commer- cial and Job Printing. Give us a trial. CRIMPED OATS for Horse Feed at Fairprices CHOPPED OATS at . . . .. very reasonable rates It sends the flies to the other fellow. ' Yam, gopdptoeh of Corn and Ground THE PE0PLE'S MILLS Get a Tin of Fly=way Fresh jand Clean, the very best. See this ttay before purchasing elsewhere. It will pay you. Every bag guaranteed. If not tratisfaotor7 bring It back and get your money. Our Stock of Cutlery E. A ROWE m __ u tj, _ m Md Baggage in E nd need Baggage, see our t erything from a steamer d: See our assortment and Si t you want. m g th . p: bf Cutlery I g rted in town. Table and ' d Cased Goods, Razors and ' tt [00 leaders; the best value I m was. lc h f F l "way 8 I y . tr, tt " fellow. ' fi 'li ctr.-.. I a o I! as it ' ft g d ly .3 -e-eqtt8eqtt* , Special Reduction - Fertattt The following letter received from Liettterttuttthmtta, R. A. M. 0.. broth. " of " Dr. Fnrquhanoa. whloh wee received at Agineourt last week will be of interest to our readers. Dr Coutts left Aginoourt June 19th, re. ceived his commission from the War (Mice in London on Jul: 8rd, re- eroded to the call " Al enhot on t e 9th and on the 15th asked to he in readiness " any moment to proceed to the Mediterranean though he was not informed as to his port of sailing or the place of deetinstion. This letter was written at h'arnboroutth and bears the date of July 15th and was written just before the order for the Southern front was received. His letter is " follows ; Westminster Abbq 'P Dawn'- nuk- _ And poor Germany! That great :netion "i0ghtitttt for her life with a ispiric and " energy that1 far we l hue not yet emulated but win do so Tone dar. Cenude bu not yet Irons- (trd. There are thousands of our 'young men there to-dny who nre Enever dreaming ot joining the t'tlgi ith Vii] yet I [3| macaw" t em "I no. on t ’mMsd Europe. Mahala” Lieutenant Coutts goes to the This is a tertiM war. The taskil gigantic, The efforts of our Empire have to be equally stupendous. We are rising by degrees and the degrees will continue. I fully expect to see conscription utter a while. There Is always a section ot a. community that require compulsion. It is an awful ordeal tor a men to face and yet we must face it today. Living here in Britain 3 man who is fit and free must have a thick skin to resist the appeals and pressure ot public opin- ion. Everywhere the country is puts. erded with appeals to men to join the colors to do their duty. The news- papers ell echo the retrain, the pulpit calls upon men to be true to their c entry and duty. I fancy no presch- er in the land preaches a sermon that has not a direct bearing upon the war. “It you know where Farnboraugh is, then you know where I an. Aid. ershot is better known to you. Well this is Alderehot-one at the training grounds for our soldiers. The town ot Aldershot is two miltrtrfrtm here. In travelling over England you pass through ‘considerable towns every few miles. The population is Very dense. I came here on July 9th and became attached to the Connaught Hospital here. In times of peace it affords alew hundred beds but now by the addition M temporary struct- ures there are 1000 or 1200. The increase is for the soldiers. Poor fellows! I have seen already de. glorable results of the war in the attered wrecks ot men. Bat splen- did to relate, their sgirits are always superior to their tr: ies. They are not battered or conquered. This is the great tribute that is generally paid to the British soldier. The vir- ility of our race I believe was never greater. That is one of the pleasing demonstrations of the war. This is a beautiful valley-miles and miles gin about with hills in the distance on every hand. We have began to explore the valley 'and each atternoon sees as sally forth in anew direction, with our military uniforms and swagger tstiokti--the baton of military ottieitudom. From a professional point of View my work is quite interesting. It is not at all heavy because there are a lot of men in my position attached here. It is a clearing around tor " We are waiting to be sent on. More than haitthe men at present however are tor home duty only. It seemed to me a shame that one be physically fitats myself should remain behind, so when I interviewed 1the war offiee Iturned backward old time in his tlight to (the extent "of two years to make myself the more eligible 'dfor foreign active service. The type of doctor here is very good indeisd- eompetent and energetic. I thave made egrecial friends with three of them,--- oLeod, a graduate of Glas- gow who has been in practice in Lon- don for some years; Biffattlt, a New Zealander with French in his blood " his name implies and Dyke whom I knew in Glasgow when I lived there in 1904. . We all board in this hotel with about 20 more khaki men. We find ourselves together in leisure hours and " present are all in the smoking room where we have been sitting from dinner time until 10 p m, We have a table to ourselves in the dining room. These pleatstutttimtsa will not last always. From time to timea group of men receives quiet and silent orders and quickty pass from view. I spent my flrgt Sunday in London and tonnd my way to Westminster Abbey for the morning service. Again " 3 p m I found myself in the same place. Again ai 8 p m I was there. The preachers were three distinguished men. The chimes were mvstical and enchanting in their effect. The English church service was delightful in its effect. The old Abbey with its dim religionslight, its hallowed memories, the spirits of the departed great haunting its hal- llowed environs was wonderfully lefrtststwt and carried one away in i spirit out of the realm of material life into a land of spirit. Together with the solemn service the nation’s awak- ening. its response to stusriMo, all blending together. made you feel that you life must not be of much conmaeneo in the seals of desire. A majestic statnecf Gladstone looked 1 down upon the mf1etstlntt his splendid and noble nature. Peel stood near him, Canning a little farther away and " great opponent Disraeli some- what to the rear. I could imagine inc scene in England more ditttslfud pr more calculated to call iortha man’s devotion and service tolls country. “.50 per you. '1.0tt it paid in alum. AUG. g, ttteg THE DURHAM REVIEW had no name of the talk we I'h wanking. It is being brongh home to her more and more In in another year the will be fully nuke. But another year will "suredly not close the In. That time in known to Heaven “one." like IeGregon travelling Sec’y- for milieu york gave a splendid lec' lure on Ill-ion work in Indie and one! an" and in the we“ among the In lane. She alao spoke '0 the children of the Minion Band l t It ' d has!” last which was much a, i 'e el. a . Min Thelma Ute i?) ot the Boo, is visiting hat uncle and aunt. Mr. and In J Robertson. north of our burg. In Thou McIntosh and two datpth- ten ot Owen Sound m visiting " Mr A McInmh’l and otherfrieudl for a few can. The Women! Institute will be held on Aug. 11 at Mrs. Alex Oampbeii's. Members ttll requested to be preeem. Mrs Wm. Ledinghun left on Mon- day for the wee: where Ihe will visit some of her children before going on to Vancouver, B C. 'Sorry to heist Mr. J. Ledingham. Bannock} ialud up with a. slight touch ot appendicitis but hops more will not have to be on operation. Mr Sandy Campbell arrived home on Saturdaytrom Detroit, Mich.where he has spent the last few months. Mrs John Ledlnghun of Sank. is visiting triendl around our burg. Min Ruth Ledlngham returned home on Satin-day after spending a week in Owen Sound. The Boyd Bros. have completed their fitte new Urn. It just. took four weokl fromthe time the tunber was standing in the bush u'll n. was bowed and fumed and finitrhed up. Who can beat that. ? . Tourists bom all parts of the coun- try are.thil your seeking the Great Lakes for their recreation trips, and to those who have never before enjoyed the delights of these great watet ways the huge and splendid steamers and utteateelled Berrce will he a revelation, This is particularly true of Lake Erie upon whose waters plies the Great Ship "BtttrgANDBEv." daily between Cleveland and Bulhlo. This great Mrs Ellis and daughter. of Owen Sound, is visiting her cousin, Mrs W. Cook. Wo congratulate Misses Glenna Campbell and Linda Tenadale in page- mg their exam and are ready for the Model this full term. The monthly meeting of the W, M. S. will meet this Wednesday at. Miss h, Hobkirk's. Mr and Mus J, Summon. of Bruce. visited recently M. A. Hume's. Mr and Mrs D, H. McDonald, of Toronto, came up to spend " er Civxo holiday with their friends here and in Walkerton. Mr H Pratt has finished drilling a wall over 70 " for Dougald McDon- ttld. Mr and Mrs Dan McKechnie, of Glenelg, visited recently with rela.. tives in this vucinity. The garden party that was held over a week ago " Mr A. McDon- all‘s was very wall attended. The duena. quarceues and choruses by the Durham and Elmwood friends Wore much pleasing. The gate fees Imounted to $65. Mr George Smith. of Durham, made some busmess call: one db; last week and gave come fut. rides. Miss Bierwonb, of Brant, former teacher M. Lamlash, visited " A, Haltie’s recently. q Aug. $150,000 "lr'&Jld? $160,000 I “PATRIOTIC YEAR” I Model Military Camp Destruction of B. It ;:.lpc little: of the Air IiNl,lPJ,l!,ll,0N Farm under Cultivation Million. in Livestock Government Exhibits I WAR TBOPHIES I Belgian Art Treasure. Creatore’o Famous Band Blunt Cat and Dog Show Field Grain Competition Greater Poultry Show Acts of Manufactum REDUCED RAILWAY RATES non ALL POINTS The Lakes are Calling Yon _/lj9e.ailiaerii' d National MAMMOTH Military Display i _ THRILLING Naval Spectacle One Thousand and One a New Think to See t MARCH OF THE ALLIES REVIEW or THE MEI"; TORONTO CRAWFORD DORNOCH TORONTO Sept, W gammawmm ER iiiiiiiiEEiiirmgtiia1irr=l= IMtlgMltlgllitlg g Seasonnble FREE Toilet ii Remedies I “331:? an? Jntrbf, We!" ti ' O I... A I I m ship is ao feet long, % feetdinchea wide and has MO stateroom" Bud pu- lon deluxe accommodating 1500 pu- sengers which equals the sleeping up acity of the largest hotels in the coun- try, The splendid stunner: " an" or BUFFALO " and " CITY or Elm: " also ply on this route and with the Great Ship " SEEANDBKE " maintuin duly service between (llevelnnd and Buthuo leaving either city at nine o'clock in the evening and reaching destination following morning at 7.30. - In point of expense these lake trips an by far more economical than trar. el by rail, and once one has tasted of their delights, succeeding vacations arc sure to include a. lake journey. Miss Mamie Rocks of Toronto is spending a few weeks with the Leith family and other friends. Mrs R. R. Watson, is, we are sorry to say on the sick list at present, Mr. and Mrs. John Morice spent last Friday with Mr. and Mrs. D. Hamiton and attended the funeral of Miss M. Ramage. Much sympathy is felt for the bereaved ones. Mrs. Thos. Reid, of Manitoba, who is visiting her mother Mrs. Grant, Sr., attended service in Knox last Sunday. Barley............... 65 to 70 Butter................ 21 to 21 fihres................. 19to 19 Potatoes perbag. .... 40 to 50 Rides...:.,........ 1400 Beef,drtsased........ 1200to1300 frogtr,1ive,fob.,... 850 Hay,pert.on.......... 1200001400 List has been carefully mined, i 3.. ksrsamgsgygsigggtiissgsinrIrt':1 NORTH-EAST NORMA NBY Blukberry Gordhl........ Mumu................ Din-thou Buody......... NudeIeCuro...... Rubbing on......... ...... iirdro-i?erprida.. ...... .0“!qu 'l‘nbleuu . . . . . . . . Liver PHIL... .... .... .... We have just received several shipments of . Footwear made from the best stock procarable, built on lasts that will ensure comfort to the wearer. If you have a weak or sore foot, we would like to call your attention to a few of the following lines: Double B Wide Oxford . . . . . . . 1.76 Mride Kip Bluch . . . . . . . . .. . E width Strap Slipper. . . . . . . .2.26 Double E wide Done. Bloch Double E Dong. Blucher ... . 2.35 Double E " (Goodyear It width (Countess). . . . . . . . . . 3.00 Double E wide Calfskin Blu Any of the above lines we guaruntee to give genuine satisfaction. Misses' Dong Oxfords . . . . . . I' . ,99e Misses' Dong pump. . . . . . . . . . .99c Boys' Patent Oxfords . . . . . . . . . . 1.49 Get a pair of these while they last. We have a few hundred pairs of low shoes which we must clear out to make room for our fall stock. Large Sales Bring your Produce Departmental Store, For the Ladies A Large Stock of MacFARLANE’S Drug Store aeeat,fluio Ji") hlfdKedl1nie'g Weekly News ma Low Shoes at Low Prices ' & J, McKECHNIE of all Designs and Lasts Suitable for Summer Wear 25c 25. 250 2se 250 " " Mic 25ts 25tt Boots & Shoes "4tveevvvvvevmrmeenmnvrmmmmm- 4 subject. to choose from: .How O'Lury won the v. C.t “the In: dun-tic. nan! incident at the uni; The 9Pt qualm- With every 250 when of Rex-ll Remedies, we wlll give while they last, a tttte we "I! 3 Jun: .-. -- ---'" eel“; “The Cindi“. " Lugo- muck capturing melon: not. Rotognvoure War Picture. " I " Spring Goods fh', jtimt to yourselves by havingf a look at our large stoc e ore selecting Four next pair o In our higher-priced goods we have FOOTWEAR Classic for Ladies, Eclipse and Westons for Misses and Children, Astoria and Brandon for Men with many other makes in medium priced lines. are the same in most lines as lest season. Close I Men’s, Ladies', Misses' Trunks, Valises Suitcases at bottom values. Odd Ends of broken lines at out prices to clear. Custom and Repairing attended to as promptly as possible. ooiG Town Shoe Store I have purchased the stock of W. J. McFadden and moved my present stock to McFadden’s stand. The store is now filled with Pianos, Organs, Sewing Machines and Musical Instruments of all kinds in the highest and best grades. We must have more room, and to get it, our big stock must be reduced at once. If you are looking for a snap in on instrument, or anything in our line, call and see us and arrange your own terms. You will find our prices right. H. J. SNELL Musical Instruments Must be Disposed of McPadden's Old Stand, THE 933 aoaysgatsgsggmtarsiailrrlfe4 Mride KipBluch.................235 Double E wide Done. Blacker . . . At.75 Double E " (Goodyear welt)..3.50 Double E wide Calfehin Bluch . . A.00 Two Businesses in one We pay you Highest Price Ladies Button Oxford. . . . . . . . . .110 Ladies Pat Tie, dull black......x.25 Ladies Dong Bluch............r.3i; They are a snap. For the Gentlemen J. s. McILRAITH have Arrived C. P. R. Town Office Buy your Tickets here AUGUST 5, 1916 nines. Odds and Durham lines. Prices Close prices on Durham wo rk " " " " " 2se 2se 250 25c 2se 1% a In da " Gleez‘l I gouge": l' (in: Bayil an“: It Irl " 01 p. ttt. Insight” i [enquin P Summer to." doc fail',, M rt,' A , tux, “(hf-Ir ‘n Port Art in km. and it Duly“) 1 Water“ l M45“: “I" betm The under-K to ruideut- u! country. tai And {nu-1m med to an slum, DOORS. of IIIOlJS.r 7 PLANINS hand " right r'. 8m promptly Aut, Bote Agent ha- ul 1mm: y " htterior ot MM - than mm a. “I to bundle ”at on - Incl WHAI. - For Delicious Summer De ai/l/tl/ Preston's Jelly NewFishi AUGUST 5, IO Various kind, Bisi Metal and Silver c A FL Prin ttouses c lead 4he Drugs and 'tte., '0 ran netiele in ti dining. I" All fret {on an m or your n Binder Quality Pha PRICEVILI L, - Furthe- Artirer "BANS?!" New Term SEPTEMBER Isl rro0RTtititis to H and J. TOWN, of Ontar IEW FIBR ZENUS icing any From Hooks Mud The harvest your Binder In Co's 600 on the mute Ser and In" mng ce bulldi otthi rom

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