West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 5 Aug 1915, p. 5

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5, 1915 t1 Office ts here WEAR men ham ten, ior Mel ts sed of "yy,ytaelMi) AITH ”PM?!” sv. cies ired Hosiery Price GNh 250 25. 'Pats 25° 250 250 25c 2se use frttits uake 1.10 }- a. 25 n Hm Delicious Light ESummer Desserts Surromer Service to Highlands of Ontario from Toronto C G a m dnily for Munkokl when. Ini. ' except Sunday for Lake of Ban. Ai. .wuqum Park. launch-nu River 'rd Tinmgami Lake poinu. 15 daily except Sunday tor Geor- F 111 Bay, Lake of Ban. ind Malina” M It) Rives points. _' " p. m. dully except Bunting '03 r' hkuka Lakes. Lake of Buy: an Al- "half. A piieatio, ' "ur on P . ','y2'i'irrrt,.t',','f Ticket ARGO" " Catalogue on request. c A FLEMING. . ca 0. D. "ammo Principal for " year. Secretary Fine undersigned begs to announce ",, t osident. at Durham And surronpd- h: country, [hat be In. hi! Planing M ll and factory fully XP"'" and h w "pared to take orders or SASH, DOORS, and all kinds of HOUSE FITTIIGS DURHAM PLANING MILLS Shingles and Lat]! "eeee iiiiirii' REE“, Erie; Gaston: Sawing promp y attended to Also Sole A cut and Dad" tor ham 3nd vigil” at an For interior of Minimal" and cheaper than lath and: .IL - “- Easy to hurdle Easy on. on - Incl BUREAU. Leaves Toronto 11.15 n. m. Arrives Stu-nit wharf 4.” pan. , h \hnday, Wednoodny. and Bat- "Y. conneclmg with N, N. 0039 p:- d “thships for Bault Ste. Marie, "t Art hur, Fort William and n Du. ll, and M. Fort William with u. T.P. hwy for winatpett and points in «an: Upload». Conch". prior-li- t y-Uaba and FariiCiitGrrfurr . k between Toronto and Sarah l p, m: "tLire-pt Sunday tor _k,,lo Lakes. Lake of Bays and Al- quin Park. STEAKSIII’ IRRISS AUGUST 5, 1915 Binder Flour and Peed Hardware and Harvest Tools WM CA LDER. Town Tickrt Ant. J. TOWNER. Ticket Agent. NEW FIBRE BOARD ZENUS CLARK. ti2Tiii," ___ do" with s I“ " on Cal-oi (all " nel No dirt or nun Cd! And to. lot ”and! The harvest BCStknt in at hand. your Binder Twine. We otte, age Co's 600 It. Twine. w, on the market. Order it now We carry a In]! Stock of “our Pig Peed. In Flour: we h Cream of the West, Glenon 1 These are I" well-known bun Our prices on the same are the “SAMSON" make of Herve best on the market. They I quality is there. When Watt' Papers, Felt Papers, Nails, Granite or Tinwue. Sweet I Home Collars, etc. Give In you. Let u quote. OWEN SOUND u .5 M? - - '61wnmo ,ICEVIEEEEE _ -" - I” sun]! II “our: we handle the Royal Household. :, Glenorn Patent and Monarch Brands. known brands and need no introduction. “on. no- 01-. 1-7,7 _. .- - t ot Harvest Tools are recognized as the . They may be a little dearer, but the When muting Building Hardware, Tar 3f. Na"- EL-‘I -- i- -- - KARSTEDT BROS. It lend. New in the time to buy We Otter tor sale the Brantford Cord. Ie. We reckon it u the best Twine r it now, and we'Il keep it for you. Nails, Melt or iFiirriiii1rirC, Sweat Pads. Team Traces, Halters, Give us 1 call, Our price will suit are the 1owGtGGiifie', Dur- Civic Holiday The committee in charge of this year's demonstration had a rather de pressing experience, but deserve con- gratulation that, out of most unto. ward circumstances, they snatched success. First, the weather was un- certain all day, but kept fair until mid-afternoon when it began to driz- zle and kept it up till dare, occasion- ally a vicious shower sending every- body to the shelter of the school or the show room. Then the " 72 feet of pipers " dld not come and again it was the com. mittee's misfortune, not their fault. The promise had been fairly given by the police band. but on Saturday " ternoon. some sinister rumors brought orders that leave could not be granted so that only one, a Mr Reid, braved the prohibition and came, bringing with him however another piper, Mr Blythe, and the two furnished splen- did music and plenty of it. In the forenoon the water sports took place on the darn, swimming, tub races. walking greasy pole, ke., and the fun was good while it lasted, Sorry we did not secure the prize winners. Vandeleur was out in force with their baseball team, but their antiei- pated Toronto opponents missed the train and no doubt a trouncing. The committee got busy when this word came and at last found a substitute team at Grand Valley. They started in autos, but after going 8 miles, gaye up the trip owing to rain and mud, so the baseball fans were dis. appointed. Not so with the football ones t Flesherton and Dromore were on hand and under difficulties of rain and wet grass played otf their game, neither side scoring. They were well matched and showed some good work but Dromore seemed to have a little the best ot it. Mr Les. Watson, Dundalk. was referee and the line-up was as follows '. Dromore Flesherton J. Renwick goal Jeg . McKenzie twin b, Geddes ) backs Fawcett Peter Bay Best C. Watson ) hall backs Brown A. Renton Barrett W. Findlay Morgan J. Nicholson ) Campbell R. Eocles I forwards McArthur l, W. Bragging f McNulty 1E. Renwick Hayes Mr Chas. Saunders pulled " the wire-walking stunt as advertised and showed some daring antics even in the rain and on a wet wire. He lost his pole once bat cleverly caught on the wire and got safely through. The conditions were not fit for wire- walking. A brief dancing program was In troduced by such skilled exponents as Don. McMillan and John Fergu- son, (allowed by piper Reid and Study McDonald. Piper Blythe, Dang 1 Harry Lauder song. Thog. Nichol _ __-a-g-_A oh- Int-unan- I lama; Abe"'""' v as chairman explained the non-ap- pearance of the pipers " given above. The attendance was a surprise to most people, a sum of 3227 being re- alised at the gate, Mr Jos. Blaek's hoatelry was well patronized as was the church basement, and the public were well served in the way of meals. The concert was a success also and $93 was realized. Miss Rita Irwin was accompanist and the two per- formers were amongst the beat of re- cent years. . _ - A- "A: m-.. will In: lulu-v v- - get a substantial lift by the proceeds of the day, so here's hoping for bet- ter weather for future celebrations. MACINTYREv-In d but ion memory of ou dear bro Peter, who was i tantly ki at Woodstock, Au 7, 1914, of Priceville, Ont. Sad and sudden was th call, Of our dear brother love by [ His poor. bruised body lie at Our earthly loss, Heaven g "nu-nu Mum A Financial Success mas ol an: Red C cattdpt11 kinds of In Memoriam in Priceville hall backs Brown Barrett Morgan Campbell forwards McArthur McNulty Hayes h H"e$v'éh\ggaiu SISTER TEN . ,d but loving dear brother bt,nfg killed L 7,1914,late Flesherton Kerr f twin Fawcett Best tress will grocgeds by 'all : at rest, in Mr g, Barr had his large brick real done. It!“ ”In eighty rods to I higher put on " mm. Contractors from Guelph did the job. It Haw is at present laid up with mum-in fever. A good many of our lumen have commenced buying. bat the weather unhwnble A bumper crop open “ions no glow Ind mil take some duo yet “(are completing. L. o. L. 1136 annum picnic " to held on Aug. 12 in Mr Geo. Blue]: , groye. Ladnes‘ baseball, football and other sports. Mr chk Wilson Sundnyed with his Mead, Mr Fred Enos. MISS E. Patterson, of Durham. is wishing with in: brother, Mr Wm. Patterson. . Mm McQueen, of Stnynor, is visit- mg at Mr Neil hieMiilan'g. Mr C, McMillan and lim, Katie, of Ceylon, Sundayed in our burg. . Mrs titonetmsn, of West Toronto, 13 holidaying With her parents, Mr and Mrs ll. J. Porter. Mr Hunter, of Conn, spent hm Sunday in our burg. Mr It. Hardy is engaged with Mr Wm. McCormick for the buying. Mr B. Whittaker and Mr Wm. Mo. Arthur, ot Ceylon, spent Sunday here. A Garden Puty under the auspices of Salem church will be held on Aug. 20. A good program is being pu- pnred. amgmg by the their, Lunch served from b' to 8. ' hh Ed. Hen-d 'spent Sunday eye!!- ing with friends on the Nth con. Mr G. Duncan, of Bethel, was a Sunday caller. Oar community was quite Well rop- resented in Priceville Monday. We look fora good return on Monday, the 16th. Snowers still sontinne. Playing weather not the beet. The Ladies Baseball team will hold a patriotic social Monday, Aug. 16m, on Mr Ostrander‘s lawn. A ladle, baseball and gentleman's baleball game are being arranged for, ball to be faced at. 4 p. m. after which de- licious eatables, trait, ice cream. etc. may be purchased at the different booths from our young ladies. Begin- ning at 8 p In a good program will be given by local talent conaiating music by orchestra. recitation. chor- uses. addreesea and drills. One a military drill given by sixteen young ladies in patriotic address. Admis- sion at the gate ; ccnlldren 10e, Adults 15c. Come, and by so doing you will assist the ladies in this noble cause. 7 Mr A. U. Burner. received Word by phone on Saturday of the death of his brother in-law Mr Cerlott, Bur- lington. Mr. B. lot: by train Smur- day for the funeral on Monday. Mr, Elwyn McKechnie returned to Buffalo Monday alter a fortnight" visit at home. Mr AlbertFette8 motored up trom the tsity Saturday. Mr Love. wife Ind babe of city, necompam‘od by MA: B. Love, motor- ed up to Mr Jas. Lough Saturday. Mi. and Mrs. A. D., Harrison and Master Freddie holldayed od Satur- day at Mr Hoekridge'a. A number at willing helpers min. ed oat Thursday evenlng and assist- ed in the raising oi the new Hall. Miss ti. Armstrong received I letter hom her cousin, Geo Gill. France. in the trenches telli-g of the tieree times they are having and the trials they are enduring while there. The Council met July 3rd. pursu- ant. to adjournment. All the mem. bers present. the teeye in the chair, minutes of last meeting read and con. firmed. Accounts and communica- tions read as follows 2 It 0 Whitby and J D Grahlm on defect in pert of townline G & A ; from Lucas. Pansy & Henry, to Leitch claims ; T J Ilan. nigen on Hydro Electric ; James Bell sheep claim ; the Reeve. special work on Glencross bridge ; the Treasurer's finsmrial statement. Turnbull-Munn" That cheques issue for special work on Gloncroel bridge to amount of $42.05. curried. MtsInnis--Yoatlg That Report No l for ward‘3 appropriation " present- ed by Mr Pear: for $45.40 be adopted, carried. ___ _ .. _ MeInnes--Turnbull That gravel accounts he paid as follows; John Stonebouae $8.05 ; Malcolm Woon 3.20 ; Wm Legals 2,20 ; Adam And. erson 5.80 ; Wm Ryan 1.45 ', James McNally 8.00 ; Fred Kelsey 86 cents and John McCarthy 5.05. carried. Turnbull-Young Thor. Mr David Kaye be pud $60.00. balance on Mor. rison bridge and 486.75. bounce on Trio orator: bridge, carried. Peut-Melon" That thin Coon- oil sustain no action of the Local Board of Health re Leiteh claim, the council being "tiafied that Mr Leitch was oftuiently paid for services ren. dered sad that if_ H30 cheque for $9.00 be not tempted by Mr Leiteh la a settlement. m tall, that Mr Henry be uked to return it to the Treasurer of Glenolg. curriod. -. _ I": " AL- nl--l. Uw-w... -.....__. YoGg---Mtsinnes Thu the Clerk be instructed to write to Mr Ross and ask him to release the lien put on Trayerston bridge, earned, _- siart--ai.oAryy)rr.:-pat John Me Nully be paid $5.85 for gravel for two road dwieiens. Carried "iLuis--Young-- That J Is Bell be [mid $6 being two third: for abcop kilhd by dogs. Carried. VIGINITY GLENELG COUNCIL SWINTON PARK HOPEVILLE - Ou- u w LL: paid $1 to: input" “In" u lot 88 con I, o. mango“. Cmiod P-t-.hmtnti1--T!hat Thou. In. Knight be pid ”.76 for unit! to {aim Ray's buggy dammed on man. Penn - lolnnil - lint Ango Black be paid $1 [for "pin to And- ersen's bridge. Ont-rid erscn's bridge. . - (1.er Turnbull - Melanil - TUt the aisrk be paid $15 on “1.17. Untied McInnia --. Yotmg--/tlut Henry Eckhudt be appointed " pound keep- er in wsrd 2. Curried Pesrt---Xtruttg--TUt In Wright be puid " inspecting Ibo.) killed by dogs. Carina Council “found to Aug. 7th. I. B. BLACK Court ot Revision After Council adjourned the ud- journed Court of Revision "a resum- ed when ohan on in "Casement roll was made " till',"' ; Lot 26, con 3. E. G. ll, uses-ad to Geo Ritchie It " Silos Edwards nine entered for lot 12 can 1 S D B. Chas McFarlme entered on lots 11 N 12 eon1.N DB. John Sulliun entered on lot 6, con 3, lil c, B. Daniel Brodie entered for lot 6, can 12. Kate McKinhon. entered for lot 27, con 6. Turnbull-Pei-Tut the Assess- ment Roll as Revised by the Cami. of Revision be now passed and bended over to we Clerk as the Revised Ag. " esmem Roll for the Township of Ulenelg for the year 1915. Carried The Court of Revision closed. J " S. BLACK Thea A Lauder. entered tor lot I of 21. c. l, E G It. (hrofreer and John McTaggu't en tered for lot 24. con tr, Mr and Mrs Harper and son, of Mt. Forest and son-in-law, Rev. and Mrs Perry, of Barrie, motored up to visit the Edge’s in this district last Wednesday. John Baird entered on lot 29 con 8, y, fl R. Jno McGillivny Jr, entered on lots 17e18tson8,NDB. Mr Will Fletcher, Mr John Clark and Miss Dolly Hopkins, of Toronto, visited at Mr W. R. Edge’s Saturday. Miss Maggie Edge is visiting tlus week with cousins at La- tone. Mrs Moffat, of Narva, is the guest of hot mother, Mrs R. Ector, this week. Congratulations to Kate Me. Nally and George Williams on passing the Entrance exam and Miss A. M. Edge on passing Part I of Entrance to Faculty of Edu- cation. A number from around here took in the Priceville celebration on Monday and got their share of the rain. Misses Winnie, Ethel and Mr Ernest Greenwood visited friends at Dromore over Sunday, the girls remaining for the Priccville Civic Holiday celebration. To-day, Tuesday, we are again having a heavy rain with wind, which is knocking the grain down badly. Peat-ry-g-IN" up may}. Lot 8, Con 12. Prot , containing 100 acres more or less, acres cleare and in good state of ltivation, 10 acres of hardwood bush. n the prom- ises is a. brick veneer ouse 18 x 24 w ith kitchen 16 x 22 an woodshed 16 x Ib, also a. Rood bank b n 60x 66 driving shed 18 x " and ho pen. The tarm is well fenced and we watered. Good orchard. Mile and quarter from church. potrtrotrice no school. For terms apply to Geo. titur ck, Sn, Hopeville, or Joe. A. and Geo. coup, Box 378, Pense, Bask. "oe-o-to-'""'""""'"""", I Tubman “VIEW EDGE HILL Farm torAiale E3 To the Public We Sell Purl-[an Sage, and we Know the (luanntee is Genuine PARISIAN SAGE. the quick-acting hair reatorer, is guaranteed-- 'Po atop falling hair, To cure 4Nt4riur, To cure itching of the scalp. To put life into faded hair. To make harsh hair soft and luxuriant. To make hair grow, or money back. it is the most delightful hair dressing made and is a great favorite with ladies aialira . beautiful, and luxurilnt hair. Large bottle only 50 cents. Macfarlane & Co., Druggists. Durham, Ont. The Clltdill Pall: cox-union“: ruche- Punt AI Burilaj'renoh and Pickerel Khan. Buyer: River, Mulle- " Lakes. Kawartha Lakes. Ridetu Lakes, Lake Ontario Hoorts, etc. If you contemplate a trip of any nature consult Canadian Paeific Ticket agents or mite M. G. Murphy. District Pus- enger Agent, Toronto. Utilizes every heat unit. Fiuaaiutttttiitt0g ttti heat is forced to travel over top of even m Buy Farm d bel in??? dgxtllie b It is bound to increase in value. Men in a. position to judge an) iha' no farmer living Lo-duy will even again see cheap beef. Tttits culminly means an early increase in the. milling price of farm lands. I have tor sale ; 100 acres near Dromore, ccnvenimt. 't school. Splendidly improved, oulo $1000 down, balance at. apex-com, Price $2500. l 100 Acres con18,"Egreuooat, well pre-l served 35000 or with another 501 acres, 36(0). I 100 acreI Egremom. near Mt, Forest, Good farm, worth more but "',i'rfl'l','il $4000 or trifle under for quick sale. 1 200 acres Egremont, near Holstein. One of the very best farms in the ' Township. Will soon be picked up at very low price quoted. 100 acres Bentinek--the John Clark, farm. con 3, W c, R, Cheaper than ever offered before. too acres Bentinck. lot 51 con 2, W . G, R., near Durham. Good farm. cheap. You cannot. Mhrrd to BUY or SELL to BORROW? or LEND without firct seeing H. H. MILLER, Hanover a 12!? down behind it and twice un- der the bottom before escap- ing to chimney. See the McGlary dealer. u Sold by Lenahan & Mcchhnie FARE $592 iitoAflili, BETWEEN A r, stiii,'t" BUFFALO & The Ideal Vanilla Route Property Now ThelBusiness Man on T His Western Trip, Cannot afford to leave out the cide- that handle the crop. Fort Willisn. and Port Arthur, Take the Ceueaiixn Pacific mum: to Winnipeg. the wey ll ' bud-em travels, Daily service. on». \n “ion and dining one. electric lighter, equipment. Double track more we“ half the di Lance. Comfort, scam»: and one management all the was. Dietetic blended meals, the tteientibe combination of food for travellers. Particular. from Canadian Patihe Ti”- ket Agents. (Jo-Mnblo 8..vom fume house on Con-nu "rut, well loaned, I quip her no“ of Phso.tl ciu-n, bud “at". up in ki en ', window-rd do." weeithor-steipped, good co m. unable and other conveniences. For puvticulan apply on premises, cr mite te TORONTO Feeit'sbsebsirsiFsitsir%rt _ . . * Just 1n --.we11 worth vi! your inspection. Also lt; c. L. GRANT /tLtsqsqsqaqsoqsotst1Mg4se.rs L‘ Ladies, Boots F. . f and Slippers We have a nice lot of Men's White Pique Shirts and Silk Ties. Ladies' Waists EDNA C, R211). Durham. Out. House for Sale 4 F"h sis w BIG A "gc.,','," m 312mm my: ueteNetauut"kgdit. “in 'd a ,. a. " AyitsittiAinwideb" s", iig,'l',',tffMpgl'2ff; ' C long in We " ', AllCu-mmia‘ve the. a." tlrtiatted i. . my. English 00mm Crepe}:1 whim _ ' tuetesr/kt..............'.aieporre. Tabla Linens. . as. sound on: pr f" Grey Cat: :1: t'tsetintr , ro wiuc 2: Reg} 'ucuhw btteeting 2 ydi ._ m"..................."....'....sa.,. rua, y tirt annellecle Blank. wtuter.nd . 'r.........." p.. Hen ' 12.4 Fh unellette BEwnkoI -, 'rtv.tetoir................Ltr- 0-: New 8min: Prints no». .u- Culllnd lee new. W. H. BEAN Pan-um of I ammo. ounce-rim at menu taetorie, We want your rep aux-mg the w: tter mom..s. L. 2201-: puer- pun m (and mum. "u' c'tt my um um. has and My um. I cum month. “5an in: can... J. ARWUlt HOOK is now Licensed Au..ionc¢r for Comm _ Grey. Termaruoderate. Army t" for sale dates an he made at New t? Motor at my residence nut don. len' . to o'0. ti, Durhmnw' » Phon' L to No. ti, prompt 7 amazed to D. Mot "HAIL! J. i1.t10l! rod,ss.0., U b, - Ir Kenn” nu I may: we a denoam Ceylon. or '10! not!“ tat I 174 put. . In one Uomnumc-uon between on at: M" 'Ott " Bll own. u. aioiieho 1;": -o' Ln Otbi sun, A Mung m um. L 'dftdt. " otttee--uvrr J, wellry stole ad c a nine "out 00cc. Tel-Ip- In an!» Anvnggmeun ”a sum todAteg.drtt.,L'c' be mama: Hu- Rem-v txi,'trttt. L . townhwu no» ' or can“ ..u. tru be won; nun-mam. ram- m. upphunliou u. W. C. PlCKErIING 2. D 5., L b ttoycicrci_AOL'ATg o: x. '_t Uurie.sir:. graduate in Royal I of D... tn 2mg; 11.: oiOntario 't 1Jyes J A J L :NTER’H New ht 'rt {JONOR GliADL ATE Totem» Ut-rs" lesions in t mce Prodmtiuu Bintting, " , “v home ot Mm Meuomb, ew- v Tues.“ u. from 7 p.m. Appoiataueuts vow booked. Buriswr Gottsutor ftt Snow . Court blow: “awe Comm .5. we Mon, .' to 1mm. the on Lambron EL, up, aim O Walpoh's Sabin. ARTHUR B. JACK") y' lunumnr-n Agent. "may Issuer of M u r my [linemen on] tlnaucid uusmvsn teanU. Licensed Amuoaeer for Imam, Hymn-nu , IL " " oukhu I '. an: g P. by“! do. urn u “was on”. ' 4 “and hove-n .1. oi ~-,;. on out lid” of A11»; xi. I F.6RANT D. D.S, L. D. E Notary Pr .tic, Conn ”sic ' m CONVLYANCBR. &c. DUN-MI. NT. (Lower kw I J. P. I ELFOPEL. Cream Wanted R. f}. ISAAC. 0.. PH L (hymn on.) t"hhl,isuf, Dun. A. BELL SINGING R. H. lstac, D: PM": Cream: T Panning, i toryh Vitae b, u re) {in " SH " " '-m A

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