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Durham Review (1897), 5 Aug 1915, p. 8

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l l W it .a"rua.s:aa:a:asras .a:a:-.ear.a:aaa'a:9.9.9 It! W M: W W rt""'""""'"'""'""'"' w ._. W CENTRAL DRUG STORE ff, :'”c“00- ' Jet, 0'1:th moat beautiful ideas of Electors are called tt n to examine , e 500'“ oeement ts t at enmodied .e said list and if "I? omission- or 'll, a::%1:::3:::::- C,he.li'eovtetri'a"p.',', U otkher_erro!s_are tonud dghe'mn' l We have i',U','l'lth' in enlisting the ' ta e iay?ediate proeee 1tttN to l sympathy of the scouts with this idea, I an the said errors corrected accord- I the following being two incidents . mg to law. . 2e,"ght,ody,,r notice racentlvh which D ' . " ls owsl e a are cute ing l is true 1t?,'fitte1stein on the 2oth day l spirit of the movement, A week or so . y, o. DAN ID ALLAN Iago one of the Scouts Rot lgyonddhis ' (depth in the mill dam an conl n't Clerk of Egren'mm ggt back again. Another scout seeing _â€"_.=_â€"__~_â€"’ 'tt danger displayedl 'Atl'il"',", lo! an)?! ypus ingoutanot m t wnc the Th Review te New Stlmggib. l former clung to and was brought safe- ' ly in. L fl te Jan. Ut 1916, tor "lr Ah: l, A similar incident occurred on Bat. t' "The Ontario Voters' List Act" the , "pies required by said sections to be s trsnsmitted or delivered ot the st, made pursuant to said Act ot all persons appearing by the lest revised Assessment Roll ot the said munici- polity to be entitled to vote in the mid municipality at elections for authors at the Legislative Assembly ad at Municipal Elections and that I hid list wss first posted up " my ) eaee at Holstein on the 2oth day ot 1 Jaly,1915 and remains there tor in-! ,ection. I Electors are called upon to alumine .e said list and if my omissions or -dy other errors are iound therein, l NOTICE is hereby given that I an transmitted or delivered to the ”rogue mentioned in sections 8 and 9 We ere in the market to buy cream ~woet or no", " the highest market price. We lappiy two one free to tacit of our Mme, pay all exprele chug“. pay twice each month, chains payable at par. Receive creem my day in ttte Week. test each an received. and send our patrons a moment ot same. Write for cans , 1d give our ereemery a trial. Ite- rereneer--tutr bank. - TRELEAVEN a RAMON. Palm Creamery, Palmerston, Ont mnticipality oi the Township of Egremont, County oi Grey Payment on tsth of each Month , _ take immediate proceedings to we the said errors corrected accord- qt to law. I Dated at Holstein on the goth dayl 'July, 1915. I A recent modulus says: "I am now receivmg 82500 per annum." Another who left us t year Ago gets 88) per month. You see our gnduate- succeed. Do vou wish particulars of our school? Write us [or free catalogue. D. A. McLachlan, G. M. Henry, President. Principal Mt. Forest Business College FALL TERM OPENS Monday, August 30 Voters' List', l9l5 G. T. R. Ticket Agency The Central Drug Store CREAM WANTED Can be used on all kinds of Vinee---Tomato, Cabbage, Currant. Bushes, Bose Bushes, etc., etc. DARLING’S (t . m Potato Bug Killer)) almost given The Greatest Bargains ever offered. Come to, day. See large Bills for Bargains. SALE Hundreds of -- pairs ot 'Bl)AArYM sotiRE l Abraham’, to Manufactured and for sale only at Sure Death to the Potato Bugiil: at the A Splendid Fertilizer A Genuine Insecticide he!" Hound Dollar stock 3e Slaughtered Regardless of Cost J2 Abraham Co. Great Whirlwind at less than Wholesale M Summer Aug. l, A similar incident occurred on Sat- l urday oflasi, week when GeorgeBrown land several others were in the dam lswimtuing. George got beyond his "epth and could not get in again and Secretary Nicol who was the only one :left in the water with George heard (shouts and on mining round saw him ‘going under for the second time, and {as he (Nicol) could not swim himself, (he grahhed a plank which was near by 'and threw it out. George seized it, l when he rose and was pulled ashore by i the secretary, none the worse for his experience save for a few Iuouthfuh _ of water. Let this be a Warning to the boys who cannot swim nut. to venture out too far in the water unless there are some around who can swim and read, ily render atrsistance.--Uoro. The Boy Scouts of Holstein are get" ting busy these days. They already have put up swings in the Path! for public use and have improved the looks on one corner of the Mill Dam by pul- ling down the old Boat House and and erecting a new one. They are also going to " the bathing house. Hie boys make great me of the boat. which they have out on the Dam every night. Anyone wishing to hire the boat can do so by paying ten cents an hour. We were surprised on reading in the Holstein Leader of last week tin Mr Alex Bell. our popalartttusl" " for tho last year had joined the uni-till ranks and is now training at Niagara Camp to tight for the meteor fue. We wish him good luck and victory crowned may he return to [his cwnntry and his home. Mr. Jas. Farall and son Joseph of Dundalk visited his cousins. Mr and Miss Fara” and Mr and Mrs C. o. Hana the beginning of the week, The late Mrs Harper of Mt Forest was tor many years a respected resi dent of this neighborhood, a kind, generous friend abd neighbor. We know our residents join as in extend iin: sympathy to the bereaved fam- ly, The Ladies Aid of Letter Breen church held another very successful entertainment at the fine home of Mrs lawn on Fnday p 111 23rd alt. The weather was ideal and a very pleas- Inc time WIS spent. Mr Gilbert Durant. teacher at Don- ald, New Ont. visited " parents nnd other friends here some time ago. gains in Men's Slims Underwear, and Overalls Special Bar. Buy ypur tickets here. Saved from Drowning SOUTH BEND to 21 ABRAHAM FAIR AND SQUARE pay elsewhere Groceries for less than you Fifteen Day SALE iii m a! In (0 m V. .- "99t w... v- Thu“--. AND WHEREAS the Imuunt of the existing dehcnlun debt of the laid Municipality of the Township of Egre- mout exclusive ot local improvement debt secured by special rates or m- AND WHEREAS the amount of the whole mteablo property of the said Township of Egremont according to the last revised asses-went roll there- of is the sum of81,W0u712, AND lVHERRAS it is desirabl to issue the said debentures at one t mo and to make the princifal of the aid debt repayableotg year y inataim nLa during the peri of ten'yurs, " the currency of said debentures, id yearly um- being of nut-h leapec ve amounts that the aggregate amo at payabla in each year for Erincipal d mine“ in respect of,? e said d it shall " nearly as possible equal the amount so payahle in eaqh 01th. other lineage“! of said period (as shewn in Bets tale "A" hereto annexed.) AND WHIREAS thg‘tom amount required, by "The ManigipttAet" to be raised annual]: bf special rate for aying the said oh and interest as Il'eTli"/'u't'l,'.' provided is the sum of $407.00. ' . AND WHEREAS in Older the eto it will be necessary to issuedehent res of the said Township of Egremunt for the sum of $3,000 as hereinafter ro- vided (which is the debt intended t be created by this By-laW. the proc eds of the said debentures to'be appli to the purpose aforesaid andjo no ot r.) A By-law to authorize the borrow g ot sum 0183.000 by the issue and I e of Debentures to provide tor the o in ot a plant to distribute electric no r to he supplied by the Hydro Ele trio Power Commission of Ontario tt the Police Village of Holstein, in the Township of Egremont. _ WHEREAS it is deemed advis blei and necessary to raise by way of an ml the credit of the Municipal Cor or- ation of the Township of Egre at the sum of $3,000 to provide for he cost of works, plant. machinery nd appliances necessary for the distr u- nou of electric power in the said P we] Village of Holstein in the Munic pal Corporation of the Township of E re- mont, to be supplied by the Hy r0 Electric Power Commission of Ont in. BY-LAW NUMBER 5 of the Municipal Corporatl n oi the Township of Bgremo t. JOHN McARTH R, Reeve DAVID ALLAN, 'derk NOTICE TAKE NOTICE that the above is a true copy of a Brlaw pa ed by the Municipal Council of the To nahlp of Emu-monk on the 3Ist da of July, A. D,, 1915. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that at the hour, day arid plu e there. in fixed for taking the vol 5 of the electors the poll will be held. First published the Sth day t Aug- uol, A, D., 1915. --. .DAYIQ ALLAN, MADE, PASSED ANDJ at the Council Chamber i ship of Egremont this 31% A, 1)., 1915. v. ___' ___- """-* .P. - w”, a. u., I‘Jls. at the Clerk's ottice in the Town. ship of Egremont at 10 u lock in the fun-noon, is hereby appo uted for the summing up by the Uler of the said Corporation of the num er of votes given In the "ttmatie and in the negative respectively. 4. On Thursday. th 19th day of August, A. D., 1916, t the Clerk’s (mice in the said how ship of Egre- mout at It) o'clock in th torenoon, the Reeve of the said To nahip will in writing, signed by hi. appoint two persons to attend at the nal summing up of the votes bv th Clerk of this Corporation and one pe son to attend at the said polling place on behalf of the persons interested i and desirous of the answering the Sui question in the affirmative and a li e number on behalf of the persons int rested in and desirous of the answeri g of the said question in the negative respectively. 5. The 21st lay of A ust. A. D., 3. A tr ue copy of t is By-law shall be published in the allowing news- paper on the days t.1eptieN,?yt men. tioned, that is to say: In " THE DIR.- HAM REVIEW " on t 5th, 12th and 19m days of August, 1 15, respectively And a. cosy of this y-law shall be posted at the polling p ce mentioned and at the Post cm In the Police Village oi Holstein, At John D, Roberta' Hall in the " lage of Holstein by DAVID ALLAN, Deputy Rpturning Oftieer. and J. R. HUNT, Poll Clerk. of nine o’clock in iG"tijieGan%iri continuing tili the o'clock in the after. noon of the samttday ; On Friday, the 20th day of August, l, Dr! Mus, .eot.nryentirtat the hour 2. That the votes ofthe said rate- payers shall be taken on this question at the following time and place by the Deputy Returning Otrieer and Poll C'lerk hereinafter mentioned, that is to say .,-- . ot the Municipal Corporation of the Township of Egremont. A By-law to take the vote of the ratepayers of the Police Village of Holstein in the Township of Egremont entitled to vote on money By-laws on a question to be submitted whether the said ratepayers are in favor of a supply of electric power from the slit/tttite?,', Power Com- mission 0 Ontario. WHEREAS the Municipai Council of the Corpora ion ot the Township of Egremont dee s it advisable to sub- mit to the r tepayers of the said Police Village Holstein in the Town. ship of Egreno t, entitled to vote on money by-lawa question as to whom. er the said rate yarn are in invor of a supply of el etrie power from the Hydro Electric ower Commission of Ontario. v. THEREFORE; the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Egre- mont enacts as follows l l. That the f Ilowing question be suhmitted to th ratepayers of the Police Village of olstein in the Mun- icipal Corporatio at the Township of Egremont emit] to vote on money by-laws 'c-e l Are you in favor of obtaining from the Hydro Electric Power Commission of Ontario a supply of electric power? Clerk of the Township bf Rghlnont BY-LAW NUMBER 304 I-IOL-fi-hi-ill-tli-ij'?;)" LEADER. ENACTED the Tomi. ay of July. or- nt he nd “- Ice pal re- re io. Don't forget the Garden Party to be held on the lawn of Mr Jas, Snell. on Wednesday, Aug. nth. A good rogram is being prepared, also a foot ball match is being arranged for. Ice cream and other refreshments will be served. Admission roe. Several ttom this vicinity took inlthe sports at Priceville on Civic Holiday when our Football team played against Pleaherton in very unfavorable weather. Score o-o. Misses Florence Renwiek and Eva Kenton have been engaged as teachers in S. S. No " and n, Egtemont, re- spectively. Miss Emmeline Brooks, Buffalo, is spending her vacation at the home of Mr John Benton, Miss Ella Renton, Guelph, is hav. ing a two weeks vacation at her home ere. Misses Nellie Atchison and Alma Renwick, Toronto, were visitors at the formers home here over the Week end. The latter contributed a very beautiful solo "Face to Pace" at Amos Sunday morning. . Mr and Mrs Rowen, Toronto, Mrs. J. M. McIntyre and daughter and Miss J. Kinnel. Dundalk, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. R, Renwick, Sr, on Saturday. Mis Geo. Robertsdn and baby Isa- bel, Calgary, are holidaying with Mr and Mrs Wm Hay. Misses Janet and Georgina Hay oi Toronto spent over the week end at their parental home here. _ TAKE NO'J'ME that the above is In ;true copy of n Jig-lay wl ich has been taken iniorroursideratu% and which will be finally passed by the Council of the Municipality of the Tuwulhip of Egre. mont (in the event or 'ue tt'suttt of the eloctora being ubtamod thureto) alter threo weokl from tlm,1irst publication thereof in 'THE Dunn! REVIEW," the date of which first publication was Thursdny the Mis day of August, A. D. 1916, and that the votes of the electors of the Pulice Village of Holden: in the amid Tywuship of Egremont will be tnkcu theroon on the day an! at the hours and place therein stated. DAVID ALLAN. Clerk of the Townglnts of Egremont Referred to in the'foreqoin By-law, showing how the amounj: 0 $407.60 therein required to he raised nnually by special rule is apportioned, Year Principal lnteregt Total 1910 227 tto 180 00 107 00 1917 241 w 166 31 407 Go 1918 255 "it 151 86 407 60 1910 271 08 136 52 407 oo 1920 287 w, Leo 25 1407 60 1921 304 58 103 a 407 60 1922 322 86 81 74 407 60 1923 312 2it 65 37. 407 60 1921 iltU, 77 44 83 407 oo 1925 884 58 23 07 407 60 DATED at the Oo'unci! munbev in the Township of Egremout as 81st day of July A. D, 19l5,. 8. The Clerk of lu Council said Township of Egrem “hall: a! his oftioe in the saix Towns Egremont at ten o'c10ck i the for ot Saturday the 21stday f Angu D. 1015, to sum up the nu bar of for and against this By-l- At John D. Hot, ts' Hall in lag. of Holstein h David Alla uty Returning 19ftic r and J. R Poll Clerk. . 7. On Thursday tl 9 19th day use, A. D. INS, the leave of l Township of Egremo t dun a: the Clerk's otfico at 1 c said TI; ol Egremont " the l: m of ten iu the forenoon to a point pal attend at the Polling Place a and " the titrql summit up of tl by the Clerk on bull!!! of the interested in and prom lug or o the passing of this Bt-la respec On FRIDAY t 8 20tt A, D. 1915. comm ncing nine o'eloek int afar [inning till tive o"c ck i of the same day h the uty Returning 0 met: TBEREFORE the Municipal Coup- cil of the Corporation ot the Township of Emmont enacts " follows t-- lent/ttse au_m pt] nil, whereof no but of chi iGairsii%:"intUcrt"Ti in metro. 1. That for the purpnsea aforesaid it dull be lawful for the (Hum-ii of the aid Municipal Corporal, 'rt . I he Townahi of Egremont. to tr. tr _ the t(dl;'llr"'lta mud to issue deb .. -s ot the Mid (iorpontion to the uni-m 't W. each of which debentures tU be dated on the date of the isnue th cot. and up." be payable within. ten can therUfter at the one. of Ile, 'et. of Montreal at the and 6. Thovotes ftt, Police Villageo Hell en on this By- 1w I times and place, tut -_- -. um um uruemures shall be sin by the Reeve of the said Town. ip ot ngemont and by the Treun . thereof had the Clerk ot the said To nshup of Exremont shall at. tach the to the Corporate Seal of the said Mu cipahty. _ s. This By; and from the the Munimpal nf EKI'Emout. 3. Th said debentures shall bear interest the rate of six per cent per annum, p yuhle yearly at the omed of the said ant of Montreal at the Po. lice Villag of Holstein and shall have attached t ereto coupons for payment of the uni Interest. which coupons shall be gned b'y the Reeve and Treasurer the said Township of Eg. remont. . 4. Darin the currency of the said debentures ere shall be wiser! annu- ally by speci Irate on all the rateable property in 9 Police Village of Hol- stein the on of $207.60 for the pur- pose of payin the amount due in each of the years f r princinal and inhuma- '"""" u: ply") the amount due in ehch of the years f r principal and interest in respect of he said debt (as shown in Schedule " " hereto annexed.) s. This By-l w shall take etfect on and from the nal passing thereof by Ihe Munimpal ouncxlof the Township of Ezremnm. THE DURHAM REVIEW 83000 oo Iach of the Said debentures shall .3 h.. u... n, - SCHEDULE "A" ‘nutsday ll 9 19th day of Aug- INS, the lesste of the can] DROMORE Interesr: whisk "iGi;iii; glued b'y the Reeve and (the said Township of Eg. NOTICE f the electors of and Holstein shall he Luk- lth up .the following 31076 00 lent is to any t n 9 20th day of August Doing at the hour of e forenoon and con- _ " ittthe afternoon the followih} -liVrc fer and Poll Clerk .. ts' Hall in the Vil- David vAlynxDep" n of ten o'clock mint persons to Place aforesaid {up of the votes of the venom king or oppoqmg dull attend}; said Towyrhip I respectively. Canned of the "hall attend Township of tho [oranonn f August A, TORONTO I ‘EYE C EEK It. Hnian. 91076 00 107 00 407 60 407 oo G'f on 1407 60 407 60 407 60 407 60 407 60 407 w votes f “i From " 45 to 1.30 o'clock on Wed. '/'ll . nesday of this week. a special prayer the j and 1uppliet.ion service was held in we. 1 the Methodist church to mark the the j anniversary of the war. The servic- ,m.‘es were appropriately conducted by ion‘ Ree Mr. Ibbott. _ the I'uesday's rain and wind storm mu ; wrought great havoc in the village D. l and surrounding district. The crops 0” l especially suffered. The grain has Pi been beaten down and the corn is ly- be i ing flat. Prospects for a good crop be l has immeasurably been lowered. jTrees at various points were at the '; mercy of the high winds and branch- Int I es strew the roads and fields as a re. sult. One of the rural phone lines i was also placed out of order. _ l The Hydro question is under warm l of l discussion at present and opinion l at ', seems to be wavering against the by- I 1law to be voted on August 20. This ( may be though on account of lack of}I s. I information re the by-law and meet-I id ings will undoubtedly be held to shed he I light on the question. I Dated the 4th day of Augu t, A. D., 1215. ___ - . Hull's matter of the hrtate of Altos _ under Coulis, late the Township l of Eqremont, in the minty QfGn-y, ', farmer. deceased. NOTICE is hereby iven, pursuant to R. S. o, 1914, Cap. L' . Sec. 50, that all persons having c'ai B against the estate of the said Ale under Comte, who died on or about t e 319: day ot August, A D., “75, a e required to send by post prepaid or therwise de. liver to J. P. Telford, o the Town of Durham, Solicitor for t admmistre- tor, on or before the 27t day of Aug. ‘ not. 1916, their names. dresses ue descriptions and a full (moment 01‘ particulars of their claim and the na- l ture _of the security (if ttT) held by them. duly certified, an that, after the sold day the admin: traitor will} proceed to distribute'the eta of the estate among the parti entitledl thereto, having regard n ly to the! claims of which he shall the have no-l lice. I In the Surroga Court of the County o Grey. Miss Kate Davis of Toronto is a guest at the parsonage. The quarterly service of the Meth. odist churches at Holstetn and Yeo- vil were held Sunday. The business meeting was held on Monday evening when the various reports presented showed that satisfactory progress had been made in all departments. Rev. T. H.1bbott the pastor was granted two weeks holidays. The district meeting for the Methodist church will be held in Holstein on Sept. 7 and s. Mr Jas and Miss S. A, Coleridge of Toronto, visited their brother last week. Edith and Willie Ibbott visited at W. Philp's, Dromore for a few days. Mr and Mrs ll, Irvin and Sam Smith motored to Fergus and spent Sunday there. Mr and Mrs Reg Llunt and children visited in Shelburne on Monday. Mr and Mrs Moses and son Alvin of Toronto, are guests of her parents, Mr and Mrs Durant. Mr and Mrs John Manary and Mr. l and Mrs Doward Henry of Toronto.[ spent Civic holiday mth friends in I Egremont. Mr lurtees, s Hydro Electric en. gineer, will address a meeting and give any desired information, in the Agricultural Hall, Holstein, on Pri, day, August 6th, at tt p. m. All ratepayers and electors Ire requested to attend, Ladies also invited. Mr. and Mrs. Drumm and family Sundayed in Waterloo. ELocAL AND PERSONAL Mrs Shiels from near Ayton while visiting in Egremout on Friday last was taken suddenly and seriously ill. Mr G. Calder was summoned and she was conveyed to her home in the car. e Willie Sharp of Mt. Forest was a guest of relatives here this week. Notice to 6reditors Public Meeting to Discuss Hydro Mrs Ins MeClocklin and daughters Gertrude and Mabel of Moose Jaw are spending the week end with her brother-ln-law, Mr Fred McClocklin. Hartley Allinghnm is holidaying with relatives near Sarnia. Bari Hunter of Drinceton still fav- ors Holstein, renewing acquaintances this week. Mt Forest postponed their celebra- tion on Tuesday for a week later. Miss Jennie Adams and Agnes left Wednesday to visit in Detroit for a month. Roy Connor, Mt Forest, viaited his chum, Percy Ross for a couple of days, Another caxload of cattle from Eas- tern Ontario arrived on Saturday last. No doubt they will be bought up quickly. At the home ot Mr. Geo Walmsley, at 5 o'clock on Wednesday the mar- riage of his niece. Miss Jessie Bur. rows to Mr, Geo. Plume of Holstein, took place, Rev T H Ibbot officiating, Miss Mary Marsh of Toronto spent the holiday at the Manse. Mr and Mrs Erwin Dixon of New Liskeard are visiting his parents, Mr and Mrs J. M. Dixon. Robt Eccles of Preston is visiting at his parents in the village. Mr Henry Werry is visiting his niece Mrs J. R. Philp. Mrs Dgff Morrison of Mt. Forest, visited last week end at Mrs. J. D. Roberts, Miss Ella Carson of Durham is vi~iting friends here. _ JAMEU Gamma. Admiaimmr by m. Solicitor. J. P. I wow Gordon --1 A Fergatron--That Cumr W Ferguson‘s report be adopted and J, receive 69.00 com tees., -Carried. Comr Gordon reported road Jobs ' Donald McQueen. pnthmuter, to the amount ot $29.00 ; repairs to Gardin- ler's bridge, amounting to 23.50 ; rail- ling at culvert onU Srond opposite ano Hastings, timber and labor, 2.00; jDavid Halliday, two men shorelling igrnvel, 3.00. i, Comr Robb reported road Jobs; iWultor Horsbnrgh. puthmnter. to jtbe amount of $49.00 ', James Hunt- (er. ptuluntuster, to the amount at 11300; A McMillen, (Inning tile. [digging ditch and putting in tile. Ai,75 ; Geo Eaketc. drawing and put- itiptt in tile, 3.50; TB Nicholson. [plank tor bridge, 80e ; Jno Caulfield, 'rep bridge, 500; Dan O'Connell, 52 rods wire fence, 13,00. Comr J A Fergnsm reported road Jobs : Jno Eecles. pathmnster. to the amount of $30.00 ; W J Ferris. path- mester, to the amount. of 17.00 ; Cha, Lewis, pathmaster. to the amount ot 1.50 ; Alex Henderson. pathrnaster, to the amount ot 75c ; Chas “clones, pathattuster, come amount of 675; Alex Henderson, contract rep bridge 10.00; WJ Iiccles, digging ditch. Comr '" Ferguson reported road jobs: Nelson McGuire. Re"/dtrerri.' to the amount ot $25 50 , has Barri. son, pathmaster, to the amount ot 7.75 ; George Hargrave. pathmuter. to the amount ot 35.00 ; D McConnell patlunaster, to the amount of 11.00 ; James Tucker. pathmaster. to the amount of 7.50 ; J J Wilton, path- master. to the amount of 45 .75; Wm Aberdeen, operating grader, 17.60 ; J M Lawrence. Iuttintt in culvert, 16.00; David Hooper, 40 rods win fence, 8.00; W J Wilson, 100 yards wire fence 25.00; Archie Allan, 52 rods wire fence. 12 60. Council met July 28th, par-um; to adjotlrntntsnt. Members .11 DMIt. minutes of in: meeting read and tsotttirated, Mr liming- waitedon council chiming damugu to the amount ot $20.00 to buggy cud lur- nees in an accident on 0 S Road. Robb--,; A Ftsretuou-7'Ut, we in- struct the clerk to write the clerk of Normanbv tp in regud to the mutter. Mr Hastings agreeing to weep: $18 in view of Attieinent.ct2arried. The Reeve reported meeting the Cunt from Proton re the Inter griev- ance on Eat. and Proton T L opposite con}! and agreed to put in a culvert Robb-Gordon-That the Reeve! report be adopted end he receive $2.00 com feets.--U'arrmd. J A Kermusotr--Rottb--TUt we in- struct Comr W Ferguson to look after water grievance at Gore A, con 22, re communication tram Anthony iawrenee.--carried. W Ferguson-Gordon-That Cumr Robb’s report be adopted And he re- ceive $2.00 com fees --Carried. W h'ergotm---Robtr -That Comr Gordon', repel: be adopted Ind he receive $3 00 com teas.--Csrried. Egremont Council _qEb'titrges't. AUGUST 5 .. :11 do“; Holstem mill will closed for chop- ping on Friday and Mutiny, Aug. 18 and u, for repairs. cmutms.---tht Thursday, July 29th, 1915, to Mr and Mrs Da- vid Christie, of Mt. Forest, s daughter. ‘ Gordon-I A F'srttoun-That By- law - of the Innicipnl Corporation ot the Township of Egnmont to anti- orize the borrowing at the an of $3000 by the issue lid “In of deben- tures to provide for the can of n plot to distribute Electric Power to be supplied by the 11de Elm Power Commission of Ontario nf the Police Wings ot Holstein in the Township (t Egremont. be noun-end s ttrw. and "aond titne.--Carried. van. 4.00; Goo Bun-I. pumm- tothe amount of 6.00 ; Goo Latina. walnut». some A“!!! of 6.76 ; 9 It Abolish. My grader, W F'erttttatat--G+-7?ttat Cent J A Forum'- upou heuopbd “(I he naive 10.00 can tum-Gun“. Resolved than. following new be paid.. June. IGIrilttyt, shup get r'i7fii'ria'i'ih!l'i'l9it.i1i'it a up. 1 I ' I 8.82; Jno Gallium. “up Jared. 2.00 :00. Woolu. “loop killed. 47 32: Ino, Dung". Jem 0600p. 6.36 , All“ liotrb-aordat Thu By-lsw - of the lanicipsl Corporation oi the Township ot Egremoot he now reed a tht and second titne.-Ahrrud. J A b'ergttsotr--W Fer-et-That B., MW No 304 of the Inolsipsl Cor. poration ot the Township of Egrsmont to lake the vote of the rstspsyen oi the Police Villsge of Holstein. entit- led to vote on money By-law-n s question to be submitted es to wheth- er the said rstepsyers sre in invor at s supply of Electric Power iron the Hydro Electric Power Commission of Ontario be now read s third time, stgned. sesied and engrossed on By. luv book-Carried. 12.00; Thu Watson. hul- un. 4.00; g,?fppgl,1ttvll4)ti McDouxull. Ion. snoop. The; Sign Senna. communion my ex- panded, TNS,. A P Mayor. do 3.00; Wm Smith. crop annual. and through Edda. 1.00; Thou “I: do Li, Goo Harmon. malt-don money expended. 6.00; " Hunt. tor tile. 28.50 ; Smul an». at- una Juo Lamont to Home cl Blue. 1.50; C Runny & Sou. ulna-t. 65.40; King Eduard Samarium. to Herb lichen for month July. 81 00; Councillor. pay the“ 15 oo; Jno Meilrath, no or room, um , gravel new mounting to 203.52. Robb-Gordon-That we now ad. journ tomeetonSopt. m to mom uppltcuionl for Anon-or. mlko the rules and general buulnou. --Cerried DAVID ALLAN, Clerk. A special meetingol Council was held Sunday evening, July 3m. Members ot Council all present. DAVID A LLAN, Clerk. 1916 'xcnouum it .VOL. xxxvm, IT BUM "HIC

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