West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 12 Aug 1915, p. 1

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hut. the» It!” pupa an: cc: my“ a “DID “in tg mm m. f mum Mc hs Bttt AN IVS Jan hum " " TRUL'BLESOME Airsctgss--,As the rtsult of an abscess behind the ears which has troubled him for years past, Mr. Hugh McLean was stricken down With a severe affliction last week. Retiring Thursday night he complained oi a sore head and on Friday morning when he did not wake up his wife and friends were greatly startled. Unconscionsness prevailed all that day and it was not until Saturday noon that he returned to a rational state ot mind. Medical attendance which had beenseenrsd advised an operation as the only chance of permanent remedy but this has been delayed for the present. Hugh is improving. slowly and was able to be around on Wednesday morning. His friends hope foe re- covery. Fifty more re mils are asked tor [tom Grey County and of this numbea " have enlisted since the lass: group of about GO left. The present .squed are in charge ot Sum, Jas. Watt, Owen Sound. There H a great shortage In non commissioned onlcen owing to "enuaaerotr, calls on the lilac Reut- and it [we been decided to hold a class to train for such " Owen Bound Which will am" about Sept. lat. Publishers lhroughaut the Domin- in" nu doubt, have received a little red pamphlet. warning them what and what not to publish of mu- news. There has been a great deal of indiu- cretion in this matter, in city papers mpecially. each one vieing with "ID other in announcing when certnin umu were, when nailing. ar., inform. at'on that will be of use to the enemy. Even in penceful Ontatio, in unsun- pected plat-n. there may he enemy Gym. and can making for information. 1'oure to Atsrati7 Is Whirlwind Stile this werk and get uhle value tor vmur money. a hold try ttcope. Our lat-rouse team play. in oaw. ville this Wedueaday alternoon when they will have doubtleu their hardest match of the season. Tho Orangryille ten are looked on as the team to beat tor district honors and though Bert Boolh'a nggregati on are almost Invis- ilrle at home. the Durhams will make Take " with You. Madur- hmu'u havgxlom 81 up. Lotrr.--On Friday, g. tl, in Glen. elg, between Mr Jun. tl rp'a and Wm linumgc'a uidenud, h euwut and Gleuelg lnwnlin", a la 's satchel. black, cuntuiuing annual! urue with money and railway ticket Toronto, a lully's pinata" and shall linking cup Fmder will be suitably r arded by returning same lo Rlvmw Moe. Loerr.--on ma}, tht, Mtwren Mr Jon. Bamage‘. sideroad, (Hem-Ix lownline, i black, containing a There will he no service in than Pres. byterien Church next. Sunday [homing nor in the Bipl's' on Sunday evening. Rev. Mr MLCullum, of Tan. will oc- cupy the Baptist pulpit. in the morn- ing andlhe Preshyc.riah at the even- imyurvico. _ The Ppg,t/g'.,e'.,N,2"toe, In the Niagara Dtstriet is bout over. A few excellent. Pit--- Wuhinuton, Gage. etc. an now be had. - good only Fetches ready. House- keeper: ohgyld lets? te, clog”: EA", to bed and only to rise . eat the weeds and swat the, tties: mind yvur hminus and tell no lies: don’t ttettray and deceive your when . par your debts and um enterprise and buy Iron: those who ndverlue. The Domoch Branch of the Wo. men’s Institute will meet at the home " MrsiAlex Campbell. Welbeck. Ann. lecyrla III- uuu. ___-'" __ important Nissan Fruit Bulletin; thetthhimst., Thursday of next week, The July Pair was a [grad one but memo!" B'mk thinks that August. will be better. Uocd bayou are r!- pond. mom h an“ a t given nu) at A'Inhaun's ':,v:i,1?joii:iiie'. New arrivals of For curs this week tto to In." Allan Cameron. Funk Lenahan, P. Rummage. N. lchnel. nod It Gui. Johnston, Ettremorst. A busmm meeting of the members of the Women; Institute will be held on Saturday. Aug. NW), at 3oclock. All member- are re quested to attend. Hum» -d shoes h -u A'Inhun‘a ior Mat nounud St on " in New Fla-h " ducrd prices VOL. xxxvrii/iiii.- I l _,r2lf'ii-iii.)ii.fi,'ltrtiiiite tisis iii-zones " up FRUIT BULLETIN att mud the results ot the Jun iculal ion exam. will he an hrs Week and. ht ' “ML: s,,9: e ~.,- MiL'yii,hdait ' 1 m: you". won th air will he [ 3nd ttatteriee at Mancunian:- Drug mg end of the Med tor athl'ol esteemed pat- carry a emu- Siii requisites. of flate GOING DATES AUGUST urru AND 2tyrH--F'rom King. ston, Tnchiuorne Jet., Sharbot Lake Renfrew and East in the Provinces of Ontario and Quebec. including in- termediate stations and branches. AUGUST 2151' AND 2erru-From Toron- to, Sault Ste Marie, Ont , and East in the l’uovinco of Ontario including intermediate stations and branches, but net East of or including Tieh- borne Jet., Shin-hot Lnke or Reu- new. AUGUST 24111 AN D 21m: -From Toron- to and nations West and North in the Provmce of Ontario, but not in- cluding Station. on line North of Toronto to Sndhnry and San". Ste Marie, Ont. For {all articular: regarding tuna- portntion at of Winnipeg, etc.. no more“ C. P. tt. Agent. or write I.G. Murphy. District Pan-anger Agent. Toronto. " Going Trip West." 812.00 to Win. nipett. " Return Trap East," $18.00 from Winnipeg. Excanions from points in Ontario to Manitoba. Sunmhewan and Al, berta will be run. and special trains operated, maklng the trip in about thirty-six hours and avoiding may change ot can or transfers. Commlt C. P. R. Agents regarding particulars in connection with Vans. portation east of Winnipeg. Thousands of Men will be required from Ontario to help in the great work of harvesting the Western crop, and practically the entire task of tun-porting this Rreat army of IGt. vesters to the West will fall to the lot of the Canadian Paeiite Railway. The results of the Middle school ex. amination for Entrance irto Normal schools. made public Siturdoy and D school appears with a better record than in the Lower School oxaminauon. Thirteen students out of 25 writing have been successful, three with honors, Aliases Edith A. Edge, Reta M. Roberts and w. Ihlaaell Eccles, and to the one of these three taking highest standing, will be award ed Principal Allan',, medal. The oth- er successful candidates are Jno. M, Bell. Evelyn H. Con Us, ts, Isabel Crawford, Florence J, Kerr, A. Neila Marshall, Gertie Mct'uarg, Frank F. Mollraith. Grace H. Petty (ohysita to write om, ll Edgar Reuwick. James M. Wylie. In Grey Co. list also up- pear Misses Jean Aldcorn. aformer student at. Durham High School and Mary Aldcorn, a former Model Mu.. dent here. who passed at Owen Sound Collegiate. We extend hearty con- ttratulations to all on attaining the coveted standing. Many Thousand Men Required for the Harvest in Western Canada Durnuch Presbyterian Garden Party will be held on Friday, Aug. mm on the church grounds when addresses will be heard from H. H. Miller, li, J. Ball, M. P., Wm. Beeese and others. Prof Sutherland. a South African vet. eran will give. patriotic selections on the bagpipes and vocal music by Wil- Iiamsford choir. Tea served at tt p. m. Admission 250. f Durham's Chinato% colony has ex- perienced an increase for on Thursday of last week the first Chinese baby born in town made its appearance and Char- lie Sam. laundryman and his wife, are the proud parents. It's a girl too. Moreover the new citizen is to be pre- sented with the perfectly good name of Eva. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Crawford com- pleted forty years of wedded life on Monday last and to mark the event, a quiet family picnic was held at Aber- deem The town has no better citizens than Mr. and Mrs. Crawford and that they will be the receivers of widespread good wishes on the occasion of this anniversary and the following "of many more years of usefulness goes without saying. We learn just as we go lo press that death has claimed Mr. Jas. Mc- Meeken of the 3rd com Itgreanottt. He died to-day. Wednesday, about noon in his 8tth year. Further par- ticulars next week. Thousands dollars Wot" h of Dry Goods being obs htered thiw week at Abraham's Whir ind Sale. The . Forest post. ponebrnces and basretrall urnAuent will he held in Mt Forest. air day, August 1tRh. A large field of rap: guaranteed. Four races. Large rsea. N ' entrance fees on deductions In winners. Lost.-At Aberd ' between spring on hill on South Rd and Aberdeen mill. apair of glasses 1 green leather case. Reward at Standa Bank. Mr Dingluan. he now proprietor of the Central Drug Store makes, his tiret announcement in our advertising col- umn: this week. See page 8. R. MACFARLN, town-agent Fro vent Reunions. Aug. 2ith Ind 28th. 012 to Wmuipeg over the y. P. R. further particulars see A big bu ot new attractions for Friday and turday at Ahruham‘a Whirlwind 8a Passed Normal Entrance iiht El tttttitat 1ttgii,itt,tk -----_.i----- The REVIEW to New Subscribers to January I916 "E She-rm Moore, one of Grey County’s oldest and most faithful public ser- vants. died on Saturday last at Bow. m-mville where he was visiting his daughter. He was 78 years or age and came to Canada with his: patented!) vents ago and settled in Artemeaia. Five gems and tiye daughters survive him. His wife, a niece of the late Geo Snider, died 12 years ago. One of the donors to the Toronto News Tobacco Fund in Durham, Mr. N. Fagan has received this acknow. ledgement from a Canadian in France; N. Fagan, - - - Durham, Ont. Just a line to thank you for the cigarettes you were so kind as to send me through the Daily News. I enjOyed them very much. We are all getting along fine but will be glad when we get back again to Canada. Everything is progressing very favorably along our, front and at present things are pretty quiet. Again thanking you for the cigaret- tea, I remsm, The original intention we believe was to have the tusb-station at or near the Cement Works which will he by far the largest consumer of the tt juice," hutus it became known, and Ps Mr Surteee claims that no advant- age will accrue to the Works by prox- imity of the sub-station, and that no disadvantage will be felt by them he. cause of a central location, opinion at once fastened on the central site. A motion by W. Irwin and Gilb. Me. chhnie that the council be instructed to arrange With the Hydro people to have the sub-station erected on the old market ground, was put to the meeting by Mayor Banter and carried uuturimourlr. f Mr H. J, Sauces. Assistant Engin- eer of the la'yurro-Electrie Powert)om. mission Watt present and explained the proposition. He favored the old market site, where connections, could be made from Elgin Street without crossing river or railway. The meeting trailed by the Mayor un liaiday night last to discuss the plac- ing ofthe Hydro.E.rectrie Sub-station was quite well attended and passed " as pleasantly as a. picnic. Since coming to Durham some 10 years ago. Mrs Hahn proved herself AU excellent hostess and no small part of the success of the house was due to her tututagetuent and to her skill m the culinary 4epartment. But; beyond all Jtoussswitely excellencies she en- deared herself to her assistants aiut indeed to all with whom she came in contact, by kindliness of manner and uprightness of character and it goes without saying her less wilt be im- premely fell. by her husband and only son Oscar. They have the sympathy of the whole community. Destiny in ilferlin hear which‘vas her former home and her remains will rest. beside her kindred. Two brothers, William and Archie, are well known here. Iru, sisters are Mrs Hoaxion and Mrs Thott. Grasby. Sr, Har ya and Mrs Glenholm, Toronto. Mus. VG.. HAHN Last Friday, Mrs. Hahn, wife of the Proprietor of the Hahn Home. left for Bviliu to undergo an operation which Was pvrtortued but did not save her hie as she died on Sunday morning. The funeral takes place to-day, Wed. pathy of the community Acknowledged from the Front Deceased was go yrs., 4 mos. 27 days old, horn in Egremont and grew to manhood there, 'rchotblmtrtes and (“ends will deeply regret his untimely end. His tellow-workmen at tit. Marys turned out In large force to pay the last tribute and parents and other relatives here Invo- the aim-ere sym- The remains were brought tis pur- ham on Friday to the home dt his aunt, Mrs S. Ritchie. from which place interment took place on Snurday to Maplewood cemetery. many friends and relatives being present. Rey. Mr Mmria conducted the services. The above young man. son of Mg and Mrs PetrrBlark, 3rd Com. Egre- mont, mer with an untimely end last 1 werk in a C'rment mill at St. Mary'., where ha was employed. On Wed- nesday, about. JO B. m. he was pitting a belt on a. wheel some distance trom the ground and toheip get it on mow easily a puwu- motor was started, but so auddenlv the belt struck him that be Wits .,hrmvn or! his balance and Tell backward s:riking hi, head on s ce- ment pier and crushing hm skull. Med- ical aid Wu: summoned and he was taken to the home of his brothel! Wil. In“). but to, nw'rr rallied and passed away at 5 H. m. Thursday, Is houia aCrr the auleu.t. . Gunner Chas. Kern, nth Battery, 3rd Brigade, C. F. A., Regt. 42, 341 Arthur W. Buck the Victim Sub=Station Site ------_qi--..- Yours gratefully, Fatal Accident crushing hm skull. Med- summoned and he was unmof his brother, Wil- n 'ver rallied and passed an. Thursday, Is houh, France, July 25, 'rs DURHAM, THURSDAY, AUGUST 12, 1915 With which is [annotated the lobbi- Laue: Durham 5 o. Sound 4 1hangeville 3 Hanover 3 Dundalk 2 Shelburne l NOTES Four Wendorf brothers appeared on the visiting team, Herman. Walter and Ram being of the old guard. They could almost play a family ttsam-and a. strong one too, The only "scrap" was when Grier- dodte crushed Elvidge on the and. causing hum to retaliate, for which both were penalized. District No. I Standing, 0.A.L.A. K, trney goal Booth H McDonald point w. Kenning B McDonald cover Each Al Saunders lirt def. Grierdodte McEachern 2nd def. H Wendorf McLachlan centre S. Wendorf Kerr 2nd home o. Wendorf Rife Pt home Devlin Elvidge outside W. Wendorf M. Saunders inside D. Ries The victory places Durham at the cop of the district with ' wins and 2 losses. Who will win ont? It is still very pt'otrlematical, as Orangeville, Durham and Owen Bound are very much in the running, with Hanover having an outside chance. 1f0rtuttte- ville wins allits remaining trsrmm," they are champions. If Durham w"", at Hanover or Orangeville they will, have to be reckoned with. If Owen Sound wins at Dundalk and Shel- burne they will be most dangerous. Two weeks from now will tell the tale. Theline up ', Kerr, Rife and Saunders tallied 3 more goalr. Hunnvvr took another, three qusrtet time ending 10-8, The last penal was m Durham’s favor, the new a il-l, even more so than the play, Referee Jettcies of Orangevillo handed out the penalties strictly and impu'tially and is entitled to credit fur keeping the game so clean. About halt a dozen on each team were penn- lized. Again Cthe visitors rushed the pity and two more tallies put them ahead. TLen followed the spell which dazzled the red and whites and cinched the game. M. Saunders after some clever dodging tied the score for the sixth tune 7-7 and inside of 8 min. in all l Exciting Game With (know: Elvidge counted Durham's first goal but. Hanover soon evened up. Durham took No. 2 and again the visitors scor- ed, making quarter lime count 2-3, The quarter was in Hanover',, favor as hmrney relieved the nets of many shots. Jim McLachlan secured the tally that made it 3-2 but Hanover came hack with two and for the first time had the lead 4--8. Some fuel play added 3 more for Durham and Hanover took the last heforerhalf tune. which ended 0--5 for Durham. lathe closut and most hotly 0011' tested game some 0! the moon. Der. ‘hemlscroue teem Int Friday took Bsnovsrinte coup by Bu--' score. A heavy rain had fallen preceding the match and it I" 4.40 before. the guns could commence. while mother shower came on during the some. Under these conditions the footing wee rath. er insecure. nevertheless the play wo- much faster than looked for. The visitihOrte-up were over to win the - and on several occasions looked as if they might .make goitii. It wns Honovei’s strongest out, on the green this season and their combina- tion of steady veterans and fast youngscers. until the last half,came close to turning the trick. They gave the prettiest exhibition otttick hund- liug of any team nppeu-ing here. There was no lethargy among the Durham either. They realized the stret gth oftheir opponents and ex- hibited their spuediest team play. it was see saw in the scoring till about half way through the third period whtuDuxhsm forged ahead to stay. V DURHAM BRANCH, JohnKally, . in!!! I Aug. 13-Hanover at Shelburne Aug. J8--Shelburne at Orangeville Aug. 20--i2rapgeville at Shelburne. Aug. 20-Durham at Hanover Aug. 20-Owen Bound at Dundalk Aug. M--prangeville at Hanover Aug. gr-Shelburne at Dundalk Aug. 27-Owen Sound at Durham Aug. 30--Dundalk at Urangeville Aug. go-Owen Sound at Shelburne. DURHAM THE STANDARD BANK Games yet to play gum 3 goals won lost. to play for against 6 2 3 81 47 4 2 l 39 47 e 3 2 g 45 21 Established aver Forty-one Years The A,B,C ofBanking Perfect Snfety. _ Quick Assets. Reliable Service 1 We solicit your account in our SAVINGS DEPARTMENT HANOVER ASSETS OVER “3.000.000 61 67 67 s: About a dozen of our citizens took train this Wednesday morning! for Berlin to attend the funeral of the late Mrs Val. Hahn. Among those showing sympathy were less" J. P, Telford, John Robertson, Dr Hutton, Ed. Limin, Mr and Mrs. Alex Grier. son, Jno H Hunter, Wm Calder, Juo Towner. Mr Geo. Arrownmith was in Harris- ton and Palmerston on busineos Men- day. Mr Walter Cleave. of Toronto, visit- ed his cousin, Mrs tl. Ramage. our the week end. Principal Allan returned from his summer course in Trenton last week and left with Mrs Allan on Tuesday to holiday with relatives Ill Garafraxu. Miss Jennie ide Dermid, of Price. ville, was the guest of Mine Margaret Holmes last week and the Utter re. turned with her on Monday to Price. ville. _ Miss Nellie Hepburn left on Monday on a visit to friends in Hamilton. Mr W. F. B. Switzer, of Btreetaville, judge of the Field Grain Competition in Oats, of South Grny Agricultural Society, is around this wwk with Mr Chris. Firth in a can judgingibe2l entries. Miss Myrgaret Derby, Bentinck, left Monday to visit with relatives in Bernie. Mr G'. S. Dingman, editor of 'he St. Thomas Times. spent a few days with his brother. the new proprietor of the Central Drug Store. Mr W. H, Bean and daughter Elias. beth are holidaying this week with Fordwich relatives. Miss Margaret Hunter Is holidaying in Toronto this week. Mrs Bruer Turner (hue Mus: Lou Firth) and two children, of Daron. are spending a month with her par- ents, Mr and Mrs Chris. Firth. Miss Annie McKenzie leaves Thun- day on a. trip through the Thousand Inlands. Mrs E. W. Lquin left Wednesday 10 visit her sister, Mrs Thomas, in Aorth Bay. Mo. Wm, Noble and lmbylof: an Tue-dry for Bwift current. Bask., when uho will want among her reh- tives, the McCvie's. Mr Noble accom- pnnied her to Toronto. Mr Fred Smith returned to Ltcombc, Alberta, on Tuesday. Mrs Lloyd Miller. Brantford, is visi- ting her parents. Mr and Mrs. s. Mc- Cumh. Miss Rita McComb who bl! been visiting there, accompanied bur home. Miss Bessie Telford left Monday to poliday for two weeks at. her uncle‘s cottage at 6hriffith's Island, Mrs. Uhae. Wateon, London, came Saturday to Durham, to visit at Mr. Wm Mountain‘s and with Miss Chris- Rena. McKinnon, Priceyille. Mr, Jam A. Hunter and friend, Mr, Dude of aneapolil me visiting tok mother at "The Hedges" and other old friends and acquaintances in town. Misses Laura and Edith McKenzie and niece Miss Edith returned last week from a two week's yuan In Tor- onto, Hamilton and Guelph. Mrs Justus Roedding and children of London are holidaying at the Mine-a Mulder and Chadwick. Upper Town. At the Riverside Camp, Rocky thur geen there are Mr und Mrs. R, D. Me. Clocklin, Mr. and Mrs Thou. McClock- lin of town, Mn. MoClocklln an, Mr. and Mrs Nicholls. Messrs Alf and Al. bert MoOlocKlin and Mire Manie Mc. Ulorklin, all of Toronto. Mus J mm Crawford accompanied by her sister Min Vivian returned to Butralo on Tuesday. . Mr. The; Allen. Jr. is up from the city for a tune. _ Miss Purvy of Markdalo is visiting Mr and Mrs Will Johnston. Mina Edna Matthews, iaurkdale, is Visiting her grandparents. Mr and Mrs John Wright. Miss Janet Mar-hull and hula Mini Erma. Heughan. spent the week end " Mulock. Mm N. Lennox visited hut week with Miss Hazel Willis. Allan Path. m only Forty cents. ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO If] m Ind talking about marrying is I ppm . ttscletothiitand men. He should h reasonld with and if he will not quit it until he in able to support a wife, and to know whom helovea.md tu. difference between love and chicken pox. he chould be quarantined or put. in a convent erected purposely fo such cases. Nine-tenths of the ur b;.ppy Linn-tinge; age the _I_eeult of happy muting" are the result of “We“: human calves being .allowed to run at large in the puture of society without guy yokes on thetn.-Ex. _ -- .. .-..v-u - '"'"V, pun?! t L'iri'lfri',e,S",e sparking a girl rvgul r In ttukirte about maturing in a uno- A 'aw bor without n ddllnr. preset t or Frauen"; inn-Irina " ..;..I .-..-' _ Mrs John Gavan. of Dromore, in visiting Mn Robert [use this week, Mr Wm Lulu" 3nd Read} ' of St. Mary’s. no ' form-HI puentl here, Miss Edith Grant is visi‘ friends. " lull Mr Reg. Aha-than went the week and at erth, with mre, nnd Mrs Wy- he and finally. aa-ttBe' t_-Wmrt-.'TstettrrVt..tSttnrttttt layman-wand [Mr t c you!“ a - nu also-Mum: 1a law-W :0.le "id m not and um_ 1m, pun lm._)llrh. fhtt.. my! m tn, m mum. Auâ€"cmnfimâ€"m-Irmmwngd’rflhgth 21','t'uug; " I M' on of Thmtqtq y ,'. 'lu"gN'h1t.ult'"'" llte-trer---Ntt Days Only 'rida, and Sat- urday. Watch the Window We assure you that thin is the best vaiue we have ever offered and only ask you to compare the article and the price with others you have bought to prom- this Matt ment. We are offering this Friday and Saturday as a Specia! your choice of any Pitcher displayed in the Window for S. F. MORLOCK #3 “GOING TR" war- "RETURN new EAST" $tuhmillMlilm I tttut "OI Willi-it ' ‘FOR HARVESTING IN WESTERN CAN/:1). “GOING TMH' WW I “RETURN ' HST” Edith Grant in visiting Fergu- MANY THOUSAND FARM. ~’ LABORERS WANTS!) Call and see them-get your size and choice. We are offering the greatest values in Ladics’ Waist: ever offered. ' dozen Embroidered Lawn Waists must u sold, reg. 1.25 and 50c 1.5ofor........... "...... Ladies' An Opportunity to Buy Pitchers Extraordinary Good Values in The Store of Honest Value THE VARIETY STORE Mary’s. no oGil, JiGil uh m qmBbq' - “can“: nan-t 01.3. mt. or ml»- i I. O. In”. hm .-- AM Can. I... I... TOIOIYC I OM _ J,fieEaht. --"-_ hum ' minim-1' -___ "uni iorarsetiU, i 7 "mm Lu?- t WWII. Min" mam an or nah-u. Miss Alice “DINO DATES 196 Iptt - “WWW! A' 01.00:”. c. “It“. & SOdm I A meeting o be above Snr'el "I l te held every V an evening in 12 t' lPubllc Library " maritime-p 1va when member: and ' ie;ntiq 31w u-rdi '- tr invited, An Ex bition mu , e held in the Town [in on Cept. 9n . l Nrtieuiar. will be given ‘r. I Mrs J. B. Mellmim. Fireb, President m' ~". ?' Suturd u’h Aug.--0n this date It Middtug Home walcs. Dr'wam, I number n Cows with chx-‘s at foot, 2556.114). and 2gr.-ol"s wil be sold by pm“ action. hum .' 4 mo» on app 'ved int notes, 6 nu cent per annum " for h. Sale .1 A. “ORAN, Proprietor Fs,"r_rii/.'r_ii.i1t'i' Eff-‘35 alsts Sale Register prticultural Sod: t3 D. Md f,thee, Auc . m CT il N a I in I 1 4 h. .

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