West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 12 Aug 1915, p. 5

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wn Offiee kets here TWEAR hildren. ion for Me- E1 makes, in ices, we are sx 089 rrived nufacturerl. nee and not 's Hosiery 12, 191. the Neatest test designs, " prion. (us. ordered ,RAITH "MMWa Odds and "atom work ble. Blue. st Price rides {nan fl rroAts rham our large . Price- pricos on ..250 ..2se ..25. ..sse ..sse .15. ..2sa ..2so ...25c ...25e Small 1.75 C Flour and Peed , (i, Iisi' Delicious Light 7: Summer Desserts il Preston an} a Newl il Spli , Silk Lil E Fr Hum! I9 and 26 1 , ttt stations King-ton ond Row ‘1. A and E Ist in Oat. and Quebec. Iagtts bilingles DURHAM JLANING MILLS 'TASH. MOM, and all kinds 'f HOUSE FITTIIGS _ IHIIEI‘J - -. - - _ tnd at right rices. Custom “Ming Jlfl'A attended to prc,ton's Jelly Powders Split Bamboo Reds, Silk Lines, Gut Leaders, Front Hooks. Etc. N ew FishingTackle House=cleaning ? DURHAI. must M and 28 New Term Opens SLI’IEMBER lst at the ' stj)t't'fftiiii;e / /trs"/y'tyc) "pt i3\'CURSlONS H100 to Winnipeg Fur interior of built“! iwaper thao lath I!“ -, my .0 ttandio C say But on C Aves fuel I , Sole Agent and - an and vicinity ot m AUGUST 13,'l915 Binder Hardware and Harvest Tools Highest Prices paid ter all kinds of Farm Produce [handcr- Old Stnll ." :mlursigned has: to announce 41mm of Durham and among“!- mlry, that he bu his Pinning nu hctory tally 'ag"" and N _ uni to take orders or HARVEST HELP a V Il CALDER. Town Iieket Attt. 5 rows ER. Ticket Agent .m stations in Unuuu "t"."r ' ' ireet of Toronto but notin- mmg line Toronto to North Bar . purllculal's no to “etc" West Wtunipeg, apply to 'mr Grand " token Agent. NEW FIBRE BOARD ZENUS CLARE _1?_R_ICEVILLEm t 2l and 26 any Flavor. 10e A Box m stations Toronto Inclusive and out. t Lug Kingston. Real: "of, handle ..- -ia. with n I" n on Cannot {all " ael No am or - Call sad so. for your.“ -SAMSON" make ot Harvest T, best on the market. They may quality is there. When wanting Papers, Felt Papers, Nails, Sh Granite or Tlnware. Sweat Pads Horse Collars, etc. Give us a c: you. Let u quote. and Lath may)“ carry a [all ugh of Flour in Ontario North .ronto but potyur route to North “at. but. not no- Renlrew or out bmmo tor Dur- "e and KARSTEDT BROS. we, may be a little dearer, but the en wanting Building Hardware, Tar Nails, Shelf or Heavy Hardware, Sweat Pads. Team Traces, Halters, Give us . call. Our price will suit Harvest Tools are recognized They Pf' bt {little dearer. I By all spponrnncoa the weather has taken it chunge tor the better and we nineerely hope it may remain line us there is 1thygti, buy out yet and the grain is esdy ripening tor honest. Mr Mntheson motored over to at. tend the Civic holiday celebration. spending the remainder of the week with lriends in end around the yil- lane and occupied his own pulpit on Sunday morning, giving a splendid address to on unuauully large con- gregation. In the tanning we Were layered by an address by the Rev. Wnl'er Nichol. an old Pricevllle boy. Needless to say that all his old friends and "tytaintanees were pleased to hour him and untitled to Know that he is: very able and earnest speak- er. The Misses McNexl, of Anon. were tho guests of Bee. and Mrs Boas " the parsonage over the Sabbath. ttist, Marguerinc Hutton. of your tour, is " present visiting with her relating (the Wright.'s) new. Miss Walker, of Toronto, is vianing with her rcluives at the post cilie,e. Week belore last We were saddened to hear of the untimely death of Miss Kory Rulings. She was known per- eonnlly by many ot on and to know her nu to love her and we marvel why our most helpful and moat need- ed members should be snatched trom no, bat we meet remember that heaven needs the bent too, although sometimes we grudge them new. Yea, the lately old ship has rounded the bend and passed out ot eight with I gdenr one on board and we know th t the hearts ot her parents, her sisters, brothers and lriends will often cry out with longing (ttht tough ‘ol I "vGiaiiiit" hen} did the sound ot a voice that is sum. We extend our heartfelt " mpatby. The committee who arranged for meals " the Preabyierion church on Civic holiday wisn to express their high apprtstsits'iot! of the practical as- 'lttamm--eream for the tea not being refused-given with such good will in many necessary Ways. bringieg water. arranging tables. am. all of which greatly helped to make the result a success. rain notwithstand' ins. . u_, t--.n.-n. ",x.arirtsr ""iiememtser the 105mm meeting thin Week at Mrs Mather's Thursday. Aug. $150,000 l 'Giy11il!lJ1fe' 2x,,,y,l,l8J,l,0N Model Military Camp Destruction of Battleship. Battles of the Farm under Cultivation Millions in Livestock Government Exhibits Belgian Art Treasures Canon's Famous Band Bingo-t Cat and Dog Show Field Grain Competition Custer Poultry Show me! of Manufacture' One Thousand and One ' New Things to See , REDUCED RAILWAY RATES FROM ALL POINTS PRICEVILLE VILLAGE MAM “0TH Military Ih1Ply m-------'--')-;, WAR 'iit.tt.e.ll.ry-i.st , THRILLING Naval Spectacle mvmw or THE mar; E' Canadian Sep jft,te,ti1/-iii main oi, THE nuns TORONTO Ea: 'U/J/I/ix? s150,000 1itiiiiiiois price will suit Air " the YEAR” Sept Mr nd In J. T. Toleherd and family. of Toronto, renewed old ee- quaiutaeces in this section on Sun- day. Members of No 9 Sande! School were pleased to beer the the splendid address given br If wound. Misses Annie and Elizabeth 809" are holidlying with friends in Wil- liamstord and Owen Sound. Mr and Mrs Ford, ot Toronto, Ipom Civie holiday wlth Mr Ind In Wai- ter Nichol. Mn MeLeod, a Oregon, visited her cousin. Miss Sarah MoDJn-nld. We are sorry to report that “in L. Andrews in quite ill at present. We trust health may soon be restored. Misses Margaret and Agnes Me. Girr returned home from Shelbprne. where they spent. a pleasant holiday. Quin: a number attended the .?,t nimce meeting at Mrs Paterson a and quite a bit of work tor Red Crou was accomplished. Miss Sarah McDonald spent a few days with Priceville triends. We are sorry that Mrs W. Weir is at present. in General Hospital, Tor- unto. Mrs J. McClure. Toronto, visited with her parents. Mr and Mrs J. At. kinson. We are pleased to hear that No. 9 boys at Niagara are enjoying their work there and mm that John Weir, who is now in France, may be spar- ed to return to us in health and strength. Mr and Mrs J. W. Firth and little daughter Jean are visiting with the formers mother, Mrs D. Firth. Miss Maggie Camp bell, Swinton Pare, is the guest this week of Miss Alix Edge. Mr Ed. Pratt has this week moved his well drilling ou'fit to Mr. W. G. th‘s. Miss M. A. Edge was visiting this week with friends at Zion. Mrs Ellis and daughter of Owen Sound are visiting this week with the iormer's cousin Mrs G. Ritohte. Congratulations to Miss Edith Edge who passed the Entrance to Normal exam with honors. Mrs John Ritchie, Pt Arthur, is visiting this week with the Ritchie families in this district. - Miss Katie Bell Black, of Chesley. is visiting her cousins. the Misses Mcb'aydeu. Last Wednesday a number of the young girls on this line gathered a the home of Mr. D. Edge to new for the Red Cross and a pleasant aiter. noon was spent and a nice pile of towels, etc were hemmed for the Red Cross. The weather is unfuvonble for buying these days. Tuesday was a Windy day with a lot of mm. The crops were knocked very badly in places. It has ruined nearly eyery day this week. Mrs Williams, from St. Louis, vie- ited Mrs T, Ryan one day last week. Mrs Adam Anderson visited Beugeen Valley friends one day recently. Mrs J, Carter and children, of Owen Sound. are visiting the O'Neil homestead. We notice Robert Jackson is raking stones offthe road. Congratulations to Muster Edwards, of Travemon. who the Entrance exam, Mr and Mrs Archie McNab Mr Weir on Saturday the 7th. 0n Ang.5th. the Epworth League of Zion held their annual garden par- ty near the church. They were going to have it outside, but as it started to min, they went to the church. Rev. Mr Moyer made an excellent chair- man and gays a good address. Mr H. J, Ball was the speechmaker of the night. He coaxed the boys to stay cutie farm. Music and songs were plentiful and A. G. Blair played three pieces on the phonograph. The Ritchie family gave a for pieces on the violin. The night was well en- joyed. a number from here attending. The proceeds were about $45. Haying is still making slow pro- gress. Rain lull: still quite frequent. Mr and Mrs W. McEachnie visited Sunday at Dromore. _ Francesville vs. Allies played . friendly game of baseball sunrday eve. score A--22, in favor of Allies. Swinton Park vs. Franceuville play this evening. Don't forget the patriotic Lawn Bo. cial at Mr 0 Canada“. Mend-y. Aug. 16th, given by our busts“ ladies Tjribyetra1l,.yrtyet are to be p1ared-8wiYoy Park boys vs. Bethel, some called " 4 pan. slurp ; Swinwn Park ladies vs. Proton Ma. tion " 5.30. Would the ladies ot the community kindly anoint in providing me delicacies tor the lunch booth. Admission at the gate. children 10c l adults Ilia A good program will be given during the evening. Lot 8, Con 12. Proton, contoining 100 acres more or less, 90 acres cleared and in good note ot cultivation, 10 mm of hardwood bush. On the prem- ises is a brick veneer house 18 :24 with kitchen 16 x 22 and woodshed w I Its, also a good hunk barn (to x M, driving shed 18 x N and no; pen. The farm is well fenced and well watered Good orchard. Mile and a quarter from elm-ch. post-0mm and school. For terms 'gh, to Geo. Sturrock, an, -Hopelpy, or a. A. and Geo. Troup, Box 378, Pence, Bask. VIGINIT_Y GREEN GROVE BEAVER CREEK EDGE HILL HOPEVILLE Farm for Saks on... J oaeph passed visited Du. WiliauAnn"lili-,ot Tov route nd Ion Jimmie visit“! her when Mt Neil meGilllvny. Mr ad In Will Duh “a child- ren no "ttttttt " h when. It T. Davis. Min and. Chapel. at Tomb. in the can: of In: Tens Milan-3y. Mr Will Irwitt,otNtattp, II holl- f2,'."r with his aunt, In Fat. Pst. also. _ like Ella Cal, from Human Hill. gem the wool and nth Mr and In . J. mailllvuy. Irma In Bowling. of Holstein, visited Lt It Nat. Whittttore'g on Sand". Mater Bobbie Davis. Darkien‘ Cor- ner. in visiting in no Valley. Mr Bert Linn. ot Em Linton. was r,',','lt'.'i'* old minimum here In: wee . Mr R Brunt, Toronto. in holidaying " Mr T. Dlvil'. [in Tons InGlllimy upon: " week end in Priooville. Arthur...... .................0eb. " Ayton .....................Bept.2l-12 Chatcworlh................Bept.16-l7i Uhnley.....................Sept.21-22 Deshoro...... .r.r.r.rrri'e"p",i',,i'i,i? Dundalk........ .... .........0ct.7-8 DURHAM.................Sept. 2sul Flesherton..................Sept.28-29 Bnmover................... Sept. 10.17 Holstein............. .....sept.2trgsl Undon (Western Pair). . . . .Sepl. 10-18 ‘ Markdale.... . ............0ct. 12-13 Muaford.....,..........tlept,m,0et.1 Mount fforest.......,.......Bept.15-i6 Ottawa (Central Canada). . .Sept. 10.18 OwenSound. s.........,.......' 5-7 Prieeviile.........-Npt.30 Oct.1 Toronto (Can. Nat.). .Aug. 28-Sept. 13 Wrukerton,..,. ...... .....Sept,H-l° “Rough on his” clears out Hate, Mice, etc. Don't die in the Home. 15c and 25c at Drug and Country Scores. SOME GOOD MIME If you have dandruff, get rid of it by killing the germs. If your hair is falling out, stop it. There in one sure cure that will remedy .these misfortunes and aid you to remain young. ci'iristvbsirsbsivefivb%rsil, PARISIAN SAGE, the great hair re. atorer. is guaranteed to permanently remove dandruff in two weeks, or we will give you your money back. PARISIAN SAGE Itopc fallin‘g hair --i.t p.reenta.the. hgir he: fad-ins: .. . Ith'd the-bed iGuiitfeCtor- ladiu' hair," an it makes harsh, lifeless hair huitr, loft and beautiful. PARISIAN SAGE is rlgldlr [m- mtecd. to cem- a large bottle. Macfarlane & Co., Druggists, Durham, Ont. (i, just in - well worth vi? ' your inspection. Also 't iLadies’ Boots IF and Slippers t c. L. GRANT * '* tiy4Misa1Mis4siF1MMMMh Qwuogfiuuuuumomuuug p, Dates of Fall Fairs,. I915 SAW” VALLEY We have a nice lot of i), Talt DURHAM REVIEW Men's White Pique Shirts and Silk Ties. Ladies' Waists ...............Aht. " .............Bept.2l-82 ......... ....Sept. 16-17 .............Bept.2l-22 ,............Sept.25-24 ..... .........oet,7.8 IL Roasts retain their natural flavor- bread, cakes, puddings, etc., baked in a ill?ttntillldrtt orcycles. Automobiles, Accessories. Etc. Local positions; Machine furnished. 50 brlngs the offer; also special easy pay- ment terms. General Motors Agencies. 703 c. P. R. Bldg., Toronto, Out, y" u" â€"â€"" -.- - z. a” .,1". .- always come fresh and sweet mnje from its perfectly ventilated oven. See the McClary dealer in your town. Sold by Lenahan & McKechnle FARE 9322 mug J'i,liiliillrh'l Durham Markets. YOUNG MEN WANTED: Handle Mot- E? a THE cl EVE-LAND a B'UFFALo' -riiA-NttrT- ...-.."".._M "Crt-g-semi-lieu-Tal-r" 'i'y,"iir'iii/.C.C...1200 to 14 00 List has been tsaretttllr revised. Western Fair L029?“ W. J. REID, President. Prizes increased this year by $3000.00. Excellent Program of At- tractions Twice Daily. SINGLE FARE own ALL unwus West of Toronto, and Inc and One-Third from outside points. Prize Lists, Entry Forms and all information from the Secy. \Wum. an yvur "v.“ ..l... w. .n--- ...\.. - -. ......._. " 's'ttrh'a?4 s"ahret.t,'y, t',T,,egtt,ti Yt',",,', ttt lxmior and int-ion- " “the that 3 ”Ohm! o V.MI ONVEWMINI-uh‘. m.“ 's',','.",','.' 24-”.- pictorial and Mum booklet free. _ I Music by the Best Available Bands $30,000.00 in Prizes and Attractions Canal; Two Speed Events Daily. Fireworks Every Night. New Steel Grandstand. Midway Better Than Ever. Buy Farm it is bound to increase in value. Men in u. position tut'", any Unit 1"" ‘armer I vmg to my wall an r 1.3!"? see cheap beef. This certmr'y mum“ an early incl-cue m the sc‘ling price of farm lands. I have for gal-n t _ [00 nerel near Dromore, convenient 10 mum. Bplendidly improved. only $1000 down, balance M. 6per cent. Price 82500. 10) acres con 18. Egremont. well pho- served E5000 or with another 50 =-:rea, . IN acres Egremont. near Mt. Forest, Hood farm, worth more but om. d W or trifle under for quick enln 200 acres Egremont, near Holsten.. One of the very best farms in we l Township. Will soon bepicked up l at very low price quoted. 100 mm Bentirtek---the John Chnk farm. con 3, W G R. Cheaper th -n ever offered before. 100 acres Bentinck. lot 51 con 2, W ' G. R., near Durham. Good fat "1. rheap. to BU seeing H. H. MILLER, You con ot Mrord to BUY or SELL I fll)f'lllllhh or BEND without an at. A. M/HUNT, iSecretary um I AKIU ARCHIVES TORONTO Sept. 10th " 18th 1915 Property Now Hanover BIG A . H333 NEW SPRING GOODS " tt than gtinwmeFe"ifr " 'tah"lllattttT2 1.609: " two-Iona, “bride law “Mus hmeLhnmI-HMLp hp"attttiahcottmt6herea,wccet) My.u...............J!r per 950 Yabuuoeeas...m,gtum1tnePerras, (in, Conan Bursting , ydn wide ."w y. - bleached Nhoewu; 24.1, wid-e.................."...,"....:" 1 Heavy 11x4 Flu melleue Bhnkov. whitewd gr y....... ...14 pm Us“, 1234 Flunnelletle Bhutan. whiuonly........... ...185 .,0' uer"uetain"trd. low. " Mt wile 1uuvnts ot wanna: cream-rico- at. cheeses tum-m. WI! Int. yam ist _ mm“. lit an ker months. 81".: pncra p.141 " {Had me m. We: All ply um um. at, e and pay lwioo dtsel month. Wnu- tor can. J. ARTHUR 000K in now {jinn lea-one. in Voice Prnduction un Singing. a 'he home at Mrs N. l Notional). every Tuesday. how '... n , p.m. Apyoinuuenli now tteu, booked. W. EL BEAR Licensed Auctioneer for Cour y .1; Grey. Team moderate. Atratg: new foe “I: dutes can be made " mun... one: or " my rcsudencc next doc.. Phone call to No. 6, Durham will be promptly attended to. D. McFHAILJ - Mr Mom“. ha a umpuoue in In: l Aemseta Germ. J. G. tIt0l'0iM.J,, o' tit um and a; i GE. rem noun ', W§»».J~ .or an... Wuhan. can. " human 1‘): ttt View Mbuumu. " 1?set%uao "t.'L, gm» . or .4‘ C't_uqtt 1‘.0.'. lt . AK Plump“ Wu. T/zmuouwpl.thon w We: can“. 9111mm: and lull Duane "10:: Our J. r. E ‘5 " a up. 0 oping!“ have” m0 CE: and no " LN“) of M1”: qM1t.'ttgt can!“ at Juan" (”-5105 1107188 0-11.. I lama. . 'i--9 y. I- Telephone Calibrated.“ bewecn Lu... . u; m _ no. u Bil noun. HOHOB GRADY "is" Torouw " 'vu'm dine “0:1 Conan Duh.“ than»: Dummy m w Its me he». ottlee-ovtr Jewellry won , l n we ran on)“. hoxozz GRADUATE ot ' b, Uni'vmniy. g .dugrte of Royal L-dl. of Dentytthyyttru'e. of 0: 'P" do ' oot Ores J &J BLN’I‘ELo Nu. Jw W.C.PICKERING 0.0s.,; . Banister. “new: in Sus Court Notary Public wanna. " Money to how. nice on Uanb on Bu, I: I O Walw-le’u game... ppm ARTHUR H. " Guts luau-um“ "tent, Money to J u. [uuer of Mun-Iago Lieu-ea. Ag all tinaveial business unumlmi. UNDERTAKER a 4 Funeral Directc toe Aged Mia. mm . Spoc!n!!t;. Picture Framing, Shortest Non. "gqrRooo-A+ from Midauu Liceneua Auctionm-r tur co. (4 [sanctum Jpn-lug. Bowie-u. ”um-tuck“. Dun-mt Ill-d *ndeel-un.“ {anon "it" flu mama. /"ri',5lR'Jfn' 'ttt"tmttt1irttmatretc' ttat can, ya: ,tbtrutoestsreisrmrintsi 36:!me "ro, Ott no eylrtreAyrfe REDS“). - fri hgaoe' u u! Mech- 5lik,fftll 850p. can and (calm-one. the igloo: ig manually rautpped In new ' shthan agent“ ”delta... "ulnar-nu» I Quinn‘s. to: album» Leavulu'u an“ _ C, mm. no [allow-a comps; " --.l on u: cum t 1‘an PM”! an Ptrsettp up! mod tastiotslI an. an. no m"'9m‘.ll.1m I and pay“: but as; “1511me Le;- . pun-II- "tc-ut- ol b H-:. W .031. In Mu J. F.0RAMT D. 9.8.. L. n. S" W!" Btue9ftthee etteCHe , DURHAM HIGH SCHOOL Noun 'Nbtic, Uommi-ioucr, 003m... ONT. (Lowe: l m Full line of Usthollc Rt,',"' and buck “a wuue .l" J. P. ililL1i'0Rih, Cream Wanted a wool m. m CIA-um!" R, I. ISAAC CON v EYANCER. __8_r, o, tePRA L, Ceylon one C MARIE) Dunn. SINGING R. H. ISLXC, Durham Plum Gram»: . ' k‘dmouw. BELL LTlrefrr"'-"'""e" ILL ari, I0? cs-o * 80 m B--....-...--- “a U a tf iii a, M

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