West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 12 Aug 1915, p. 8

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i'2 " " til LI tf4xxgx'iia'D:y,'ayyiy,'sr CREAM WANT! SALE men! on 15th o I Crea RELEA Taylor a Go. BRAHAM FAIR AND SQUARE Carpets, Linoleums, 0ilcloths LADIES tit Blan Ladies' V ALE he mdreds of pairs of ine Shoes most given away W ireate day . nag us your i I Abraham', I "Great Whirlwind he All Summer Dress Goods at less than Wholesale Cost " irgams l e “WEB tcu the man Ill ”IUD Dromore, Ont. iii, _,', :3") 'diyNilXg0XXX xssstsyseri/flilihl's' Aug. n nd Special Bar Uhderw ear, and Overalls gains in Men's Shirts OR ALL PRODI tttet Jew. ' T lines IO to I ABRAHAM FAIR of Cost Groceries for less than you pay elsewhere AND SQUARE 21 " C'e You US durum: the period of [went yen the currency ct said deb tut ymx-ly sums being of su te amounts that the agar Ate payable in each year for rim: mien-st in respect of t e an ettali as nearly as posqi e (1; amount so puyable in ea oi b AND Wit EHEAS the amount of the rxintipz delwnture de of the said hlunicipalit.y of the Town ipot Egre- mont c xclusiert lac-3L3 movement 1lrilOLsTEIl)4 In BY-LAW NUMBER 304 Al Municipal Corp Township of lim WHEI 7tl H A“ tU ate ttl S the otslamnunt ?iunic pa) Act " fo tl “BER 305 H: amount of Mr y of the said It ccordmg to I; II in th vu.. “iv m“ rm" n 'f'// . 1'i w I On FRIDAY the 27 A 14. k " nut and J. it, A., U. 1915. wuunencn l rune o’clock in the L . tiuuing till tivno'cloc4 J/ste," “21;“: of the same. day by " ci.tt FC', mm» my Returning 01110..- l .. Titre, Dun-l At. John D. itooerti y h, tir h and l Luge ot' Holrh'in by L 5, orwevtively uty la'etuvnuw, Otticet otnrio at the Is in, in the be t lenpectlve Me unmmm ‘rinclpal and " Bald debt P. equal the ol weather period (as hereto un- hu rate interest )he sum F of the mid instalments 'yezlrs being talion oi mom. ll I) mowing and sale In " M NACTED r o aid rate. question Vt by the 11%! ti, " '. ,u‘._.(-p_mni In the Surrogate} l by the isiribr 1 Pohc In ici Dt mil i hunt Puli Hid in (in Ill TICI I'D ed u rher. own. Aug dune 'er D (he iu NOTICE is here" given, pulsuant. ve to ll. B. C. 1914. Cap. Pd, Sec. 50, that m ml“ persons having c! has against; the url estate of the said lexander (loutts. “I : who died on or ahm the 31ist day of he August, A D., I87 ' are required to " I send bmest p_repni or otherwise de- w I liver to . P. Telfor , of the Town of I Durham, Sollcitorf r the administra- j tor, on or before th Tlth day of Aug. lil ust, 1915, their an B, address»: nnd to)deseriptiomt and a full statement at by I particulars of their laims and the na- us ; lure of the scour y (if any) held by oil them, duly cam ed, and that after ithe said day the admittistrator will of ; proceed to diam-in e the was of the id‘eatate among t parties entitled to ‘ thereto, having 13rd only to the ,0, i, claims of which tt s all then have no- i tice. " of I debt tiectt " special ram or men- I rm m i, merits in e sum of s nil, whereof l, 9 no unit of principal or interest ialg. LOCAL " l in arrears. 1 t THERE E the Municipal Conn- lcii of the C. ration of the Township 1 The Womens lot Egremon e acts as follows _ lat the home of l tt 1. That t5 he purpnsea c.) t it shall be la f I forthe Uouucn l mid Municl a CorporatiOu of Town-hw of emont to horrm sum ct $3,t a d to issue deben of the mid tl r ration to the am THE DURHAM REVIEW Edi}: stir - a riraG, sieiienidr% Miss M. Ross loin tew days. . of the said G r ration to the amount . . of 83,000. ea h of wliith debentures Mites Zetg Pyd _Mlde1me Me- shall be date the date of the issue Clocklm are visiting 1n Owen Sound. thereof, and F ll be Daynblg within . ' twenty 3mm: 1: rather an theOiBee ot E comrrttt'1atit.ya are dug to the two The Back 0 untreal at. ttte mild gremont pupils attendugg Durham Police VJllug of Holstein in the High School, namely Rita Roberts Fawn-hip at E mom and .Russell Ecclea. -on successfully P. Etch oft sajtrtietren_turfts shall P359133 the Entrgnce to Normal lwaigned by t Reeve of the said School exam and with honor stand- Township of I lemon: amikbyf {Ev ing. 'l‘nJHIrH' theres and the Cle: u t e. . . . 5:11;! 't'ownsuip l ligrrmont shall M-i w.. Cleave, of Toronto, visited his ten-h mm to tttra wpmulle Seal of the l cousin, D. P. Coleridge on Monday. ,iitiluunicipalityt, 1 (lllhnrl’ Duran} h, Inning ‘rnm Tar, 3. Tlr. said d 'entures shall tear inn-1 eat at the rat ot tiee and one-half per cent per am'un . payable yearly at the ottice of the aid Bank at Mon. treal at the Police Village of Holstein and shall lune at chad thereto cou- pons fur wyment tthe said mlersst. which cuupuus ill be Signed by the lt.reve and Treasur rof lbeudld Town- ship of Bguununb. J. During the C Tent-y of tbe said dam-mums llnre sh ll be wise-d gunm- ally by special late I) all the rateahle properly in the Poli e Village of Hul- srein the bill" of 82 1.04 for the pur. pow of rvtytiT,' the a mun! due in each of the years 1er win ipai and interest 9059 " payinglhe a Hunt, due in each " the yam-s fwr win ipal and interest in r. ”we: wt tbe an debt (o yyown in Schedule "A" ' to annexed.) 5. This By-Mw b ll tuketlfect on and {mm the flual ssing thereof by she hlunicupat Count of the Township ot Egremuut. _ ti. The votes uf t! ' electors of sand Police Vlllngn of HU tein lbull he tak- e-n nu this By-law t the folluwiug timu and place, that a, to any: Dated the 4th d of August, A. D., 1915. be Iiunfly [unwed by Municipality of the want (in the event o electors being obtain three weeks from “a thereof in "I‘m: Dun date of which iirss ’l'bursduy the 12th (In 1915, and Hunt the yo of the Pshee \"EY'nge Itetet slmwin ilk-rein hy spec Year 1010 In Me matter of the trndcr Coutts, late 1 of Kqremont, in (In farmer, (imaged. It)ttl 1935 919 91 J17 ’18 al at the Police Val, d shall have. at ch u" for pmyment ttl rich coupons sh l eve and Treasur r0 ' of Emununt. I, During the c Wt Mixtures Ilnre sh ll y by special late n "petty in the Poli e in the hum of 82 ti,' of paying than u the years fur [Min i; 1'trlu't't lit tbe tra Schudule "A" lu-r r S. This Bf-liw b d {rum the final a v Municipal! Uoune Egreuwut. i. 1'iu, votes ot' " Hive anlng» of Hol t I) ll Clerk Notice to ( l Township w I an thereon on 'dr xrs and place tho. JAMES GED B, Administrator, by his Solicit , J. P. TELFORD NOTIt ARE XU'I‘ILE ll) Clerk of the Tus) 83000 00 County o Ile, 192 202 Nil 237 os (I6 Ethic-38 (Hie an“ ong t parties Ming egard om vhich b shall ther e 4th d of Augu st'H 1' 13 l8 15 8.1).] It) DAVID 0.: b8 d tl, Uf 16 Tt 't'o"rt0'rrt"iCis'c";'t ' /' T Kit and Mrs John Ross and daugh' mum): to borrow the, F. of, Btmtrttrd, visited his sister, Jer oft ll pp 2-4 , electors of sand tein shall he Lak- bt the following ' to any ' h day of August g at the hour of lenoon and cun- in the afternoon " following drp- 'aud Poll Clerk t 'ilall m the " ..vrd Allan, Dep- aml J. R. Hunt, l! the above is a “I ich bas been n and which will he Council of the mvuship of Egre. the assent. of the d thereto) after f first publication my REVIEW," the publication was of August, A. D. ice of the electors of Holstein in tho :qremont will be m stated. ALLAN. ushlp of Egremont 26th 'dny of Aug- ieeye of the and w shall attend at 10 said Township or at ten o'clock puiul, pusous In Place aforesaid g op ot the voles t ct the persons ohm; or opposing aw respectively. 6 Council of the mont shall attend aid Township of k in the loreuonu y of Amman A, number " Vans IMO 84) 85020 80 5b' ha EUuie of Alem- f the Township County of Greg, reditors Court of the Grey. l.5 1-30ng By-law, mm of $251.04 mined annually (mum. " it) in nt l 46 ere toil Cuambcr in utthi,10tlt day US 90 00 2S 50 " 88 oo MI I)? 40 IO CLERK and it the REEVI 25l 04, 251 on 251 04: 25104 2510“ 251 t14' 251 IH, 251 01 251 04 25[ (H 2tu (H 2551 04 y.M Ol 251 04 25l 04 251 04 MI ol Wil m 3.31 044 Ml (I41 151 04; '.st on Total TORONTO gLocAL AND PERSONAL j) at the home of Mrs C. Drumm, Aug. "417th at a p. m. Congratulations are due to the two Egremont pupils attending Durham High School, namely Rita Roberts and Russell Eccles.~on successfully passing the Entrance to Normal School exam and with honor stand- mg. W. Cleave, of Toronto, visited his cousin, D. P. Coleridge on Monday. Gilbert Durant is home from Tor- onto. Mrs St. Ledger and daughter Jean are visitors at' Mr Ihtrant's. Lou. Kerr, banker at Waterdown, is spending his holidays at his home here. Mrs Mickleborough is improving in health after an illness. Rev. and Mrs John Little and the Misses Little, of Listowel, were tran. sitory visitors in this locality recent- 1y. Mr Giaham, of Milverton, was the guest of ----- at the manse. Mrs W. P. Ellis and children are visiting her mother in Dundalk. Rev. Win. and Mrs Hunt and fam- ily, of Georgetown, are holidaying amid their relatives here. Mr and Mrs Wm, Hunter, Sr, North Egremont, arrived home from their Western visit on Friday last. Miss Ethel Match, of Toronto, was a recent holiday visitor at her home. The council met on Monday in or- der to make changes in the hydro by- law. It now calls for 20 year deben. i tutes instead of 10 years and the day} of voting has been postponed untili Aug. 27. i The Board of Health held a meeting on Monday. Routine work transpir- ed Dr. Sueath. oi Drotuore, leaves this wcek for Orillia to spend a few holi- days with relatives. The Womens Institute will be held The Missionary Societies of the two churches were active on Tuesday afternoon. The fine weather induced the Methodist workers to gather in the park and they held their meeting in the grove, picnic-style. The Pres- byterian ladies were busy packing a large bale of clothing for an Indian mission station in the West. They were addressed by Miss Jennie Little on the subject .. The work of the Deaconess in the Home." Miss Little, who is training for a deaconess and has spent a year in college, appeared at the meeting in the uniform of the order. The W. I. oi Dromore, held a lawn social on the grounds of Jas. Snell on Wednesday evening and we understand the Holstein football club are playing the Dromorc team. b'lu-0n Wednesday, July 28A, 1915, to Mr and Mrs Robert Sun, of Gap View, Sask ' a daughter. G. T. R. Ticket Agency, The new proprietor, who has had an extended experience as a druggist, in taking charge invites a continuance of the generous patronage bestowed upon his predecessor and will strive hard to deserve it. SCHOOL BOOKS-send along the children and we will fit them out for the coming school opening. complete. This week the Central Drug Store, so well and favorably known to the people of Durham and neighboring townships, changed hands. A Change in Management but No Change in Quality of Service to the Buying Public BORN ..-. The stock of Drugs and Druggists' Sundries is large and GEO. B. DIHGMAH, --- Proprietor Central Drug Store A pretty wedding was nolemnized on Wednesday of hut week " the home of It George Walmsley. Egre- mont, when hie niece, Miss Jessie Burrows, became the bride of It Geo. Plume, of Holstein. The cere- mony which took place " the boar of The bridal party was unattended and during the reading of the sol- emn rites, the wedding march was sweetly played by Miss Della Reid. The bride was becomineg “owned in a dress of Copenhagen blue silk. The wedding guests numbered about 75 and about 6. 30 o'cloek all partook of a well served supper. Four tables in all were served, while the presence of a 4-slory wedding cake enhanced the bountiness of the repast by no small degree. After the wedding supper. the guests euiored themselves in many social ways and the evening passed pleasantly away . The wedding gifts were numerous and costly and the bride was the If: cipient from the groom of a beautiful gold watch and fob. sT3rfoieroir, Grcaldiscted by Rev. T, H. Ibbott, of Holstein. - Guests from a distance were Mr Petey Plume, Toronto ; Miss Davis, Toronto; Mrs Ballantyne. Mr and Miss Wollace and MISS White, Strut. ford ; Mr and Mrs Cunningham. from Guelph Mr and Mm Benjamin Dally and two children and Mr Bert Calise from Stratford. Mr and Mrs Plume ate making their home with Mr T. R. Tribe in the vil- lage and much joy is being meted out to them by their mnny triendts here. Seaside Excursions Attractive trips to various points in Que bee, New Brunswick, Nova Scolim Newfoundland and Prince Eduard Island. Tickets good going Animal Bah. Uth, 15th and 10:h, return limit August 31st. 1915. To Maine Retort: including Kennebunkport. Pox-thud, Old Orchard, em. tickets good going August 27th. 28 h and 29:h, return limit September Wh, 1015. Particu- l..rs from Cdnudian Pacitie Ticket Agents or write.M. G. Murphy, Dis- trict Passenger Agent, Toronto. To the Customers and Patrons of the Central Drug Store: Ladies and Gentlemen ; I beg leave to inform you that I have sold out the stock and good will of the above business to Geo. B. Dingmnn of Stratford, who comes very highly recommended as a fintt- class Druggist, and who will give you the some "ieient service with the present staff that has been rendered in the past by this store. Again thanking you for your patronage which showed an increased business each yen for the past six years and kindly asking you for a continuance of the same to my successor, I an). Yours very truly, Durham, Ont Puma -Btrsttgttws Hymnal Via Canadian Pacific Tie', Buy your§tickets here The than“ ire hull! v (notable weather _ W" “Winn: wan-- - -r tdr and In Fred Wilton M w. and In G Scott and daughter. I!!!“ motored from Hilda-y In! Till!!- day to visit an farmer's “out. In. W. T. Finder. Miss Ann Nichol of Gait to spend- ing her nation with her litter, In J no Kirby. - . . __.ss-- old- JIIO All u, . Mn John Douglas in visiting this week with relative. At Gall. Mn P. Cornish (Ive a put lol- day night in honor of Mrs. John Cor nish. Harry and Bell who mu tor ansden Wednesday. Everybody enjoyed themselves with their old trferiO . Mr. and In. Wm. Pindet. Willie and Miss Norma motored Saturday to clitrord sud Mildmay. mu New: in staying a week with her count at both places. _ Mr and In Ed. Smith and “DUI. of Toronto. are visiting the - parenta. Ir and Mn T. Wallace. Mr and In Arthur anronoo, of Ezremont, visited with Mr 3nd In A. Pieken luv. Sand-v. Mr Thos. Wallace in busy mile; cement blocks for I new silo. Mrs ll, B. Watson sad we ohlld ren Harold and [unmet are u pres- ent very ill witty typhoid fever, bat under Dr. Gtttt'tt and Name Our- moant'a cthre, We hope to no them better m 'il . - Messta Gibson and Vernon "at. Hopevillo. spent over the week 01 " the McAlmer home. _ "7|:er Ju. Wuuon in mending I coniple ot week: withhil soul in Das. mm jar and IrrRuvlcy. of Lawrence. Mu- , visited the luter’l cousin. Mr Albert Marshall. rocemly. __ The Review to New Subscrib- ers to Jan. Int I9l6, for only tlk Holutem mill will closed for chop- slag on Friday and lurdly. Aug. 3 and M, for repairs. NORTH-EAST NORMA NBY W. CALDER ’Icuowm cl W W hiking tlr went. TWO Hun-cl Ind 2511:. ll! R. IA Kover H Slow cut VOL. xxxvnl, it tl All! tl d d Hu Nd The Th M Tnk New Hannah duced Ptiees ttt pr " " old tad D nephew Dudum - wh h M hue? put up m deermn loot. Scum Ill h no“ "pen :Il4’l [If lA‘Ulur . TI It. John About ready. Same cellent white firstt Pawnee WI" be in. The Plum mum " l Ind-gin in many good uric to.“ ulna "My. In H M l'hc kodak wt For fun! ARLAKI. u ham " M Bern “in T th minute at mi Pun-n I niuon has been drum“ c directors decided it Min-Ilium in the "VIII h “I The " w 30w Nea crlr'. *OPICS wnl them fr W rum BULLETIN lk We Ind h h ver M ma th th ll limo“ In" In ll and Anon Adv t mama! holidnyt d t Iwmd Sale Hr Ind Bum, peopeutore, ollen In“, "rot from the Candi I”) (“out I r cumpleted by " has tn order in Int Imku and in tttrttt) d W UT kl Durham " Aug, tr. III (in Shup'u and W Lndlw on ll W [an In one. Aug. an aim over t patient". I “new. Id y H [up scum the "the e a Dr in (N1 $titskt "was Mud “(ch “km dd! "

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