West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 19 Aug 1915, p. 1

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Icurs Wilkin Bro... proprietors of the Uhmloy Woollen Mills, have re- ceived no order from the Canadian government. tor mo blankets. The blankets no to be completed by Det. I. This Ilnn Also has nn'order ii; hand to: 48.01!) pro of socks and is turning out 400 pairs ['1 any. [.031 -0n 'day, Aug. tt, in Glen- rig. letween M no. Sharp's and Wm “image's oidern ' Egrolnont and (ilvnelg lownline I lady’n satchel. black. containing smell porn with money and railway ichrt to Toronto, a imby‘u pinnlore a Imell drinking cup. Finder will he I tnbly rewnrded try returning ulna to "or Dulce. Asmnuc Vina-A nizen of n nearby municipality w bud no but. wvek for being drunk in a local option town. An expensive lee-on but a salt-tor, one And I waning to others. Countable Arrowsmilhhu n goal in his mind's eye Ind that it. den" town and if council. courts and community hank him up we'll nil-e9 it accomplished. Hundr of dolluo worth of line shoes been Almost given - " A’irthnm'< W rlwmd am. Tub- " hodak In you. Munr- lnna‘u h wa- them fro I up. The Hanover Post, out“ Fomt Itrprrnentauve and Anon Lanna m taking their Bttnats1 bond-y this week. Two Harvest cushions. Aug. Nth and 282h. 012 to moim over thet C, P. H. For turtti wticulnn a“ R. lidacFartcaNn, tow Agent. Thenuendnnce “the Panama Pa- Tttat attendance nth. Panama Pa- eitie exhibition bu been dllePOilll' imr. The directors decided they would not, ndvutioo in the new-pap- The water urns let on the Eugenia pipe line Int we k and everything was hand to be “when”. Tho wooden pipe line At Int "new upnyu of water IWIDIY beet high "on the and. but lheae soon swelled out And now every- thing is as tight as n dlum. The pow- er house h approaching completion and i' is expected that next month will we the light. turned ort.-imtr. "to" Advance. Dornoch Presbyterian Gel-den Party ml! he held on Friday, Ang. S0th on the church grounds when “deem- will he heard trom H. H. Miller. R. J. Bali. M. P., Wm. Irene and others. Prof Bottserhutd, . South African vet- emu will give patriotic nleclions on the bagpipes and Focal music by Wil- Immsfurd choir. Tea served at 0 p. m. Admission Me. _ The Canadian Pncillc Railwny will again he one of the prineapat exhibi- tors at the forthcoming exhihltion to be held In Toronto, and in addition to the display of Unuadn‘u golden we” product, a utw departure will bead. ded, taking the form of a Railway Kitchen and dining car. Thu will doubtless be a reveluion to most peo- ple and at particular ink-mt to hr men wives and cinnamon. New Fla-Mi“ and mm; at leduccd price: " . (ulna.- In! Store. The Annual Oonvention of the Grey County Women's Institute will be held in the Town Bull. Durham, on Thursday. Aug. 26, 191s. Afternoon session at 2.3) and evening tension at 7','gr. Mrs J. Hunt". of “rmpton. will give addresses on ., Little things that make home life huppy or other- VOL. mm, iidrii wise " and " A Plea for the Bog." Mn Dinah), of Kemhle. will Imk on .. The Country Woman and Nature ' and Mrs Marsh, ot Heinlein, on "A Trip to Bermuda in Winter." In Ib- bott and others will oupply mmlc at both ueasions. A cordial invitation ll given to all ladies to attend that. meeting: and he" the Iplendid .aara. 50-). Warden Calder will be chsirn-n at the evening meeting, to which “mm-men are invited. Collection :va be taken at both cloning. and tea will be served . Dunn“: Wins In Pnata=-ltt" Wmlkerton Telucope of In: week pats. lishes a letter from Dr. than of that town, who " serving his country in France at the present time. [lo-1km relelenoo to meeting I neplmv of Bob. ert Cochnno also on the Brintt line. and bu a distinct vbion of " Ratrtry " himse” taking part in the " min' game." We copy in part ' " I not a nephew of old Bobby Cochran. of Durham. You know the old mtle' man who comes over with the curler. and sings the song with novel: val-0a. He is with the 316 tuid ambulance put. up Bee tum “mu-ma deenon and Outlaw. deotton met. Sm" thou. . a"; The second and third had . bunch." match and Cochran And I I Niagara Dasrrict Peach Genoa is now open mud the tutorial: Yellow Bt. John about My. Iowa ex- cellent white new Poncho. wtit use to“; Till. Plum pool-on it “it: an a my ttood vmot Ie-tet" no my. FRUIT BULLETIN " you. Macfar. IN“). 'ost, aunt. For-"t td Avton Advance nnnual holidny this A: OPP TUmTT,-An elderly lady in Mount F est wishes I: well-recom- mended Bus on Collette student to act as comp ion Mime and after school, in tell tt for bond. Work will not inn-Her withstudirs, Write at ance to Cr. M.' Henry. Principal, Mount Forest. Rev. W. M. McKay, former Pres. byterian minister of Knox Church. Harriston. and who resigned hi: pal- pit there a year .30 on account of ill health. hu now tally recovered and has accepted a can from Weston. Fmolns Cc'r.--Harrr Wilson, an employee of the J. U. Fart, -r Uo. had two Brtiters on his left hand uverely cut on Thursday last while working at tour. The incision was made trom tho knuckle downward and the mis- hap will lay him " for a couple of weeks. SORAP BOOK won SoLoiERs.-The Miuxon Band of the Presbyterian Ch.. are not going to have the Grey County soldier: .utrer for lack of home news while away. They have taken up the idea of making a scrap book of interest- ing new: items, clipped from the county paper' and send to the boys when away' F": "sEnA'rrorm--it h not often that tire generations assemhlo togeth- er in town bat hut Saturday one was recorded. The senior mam her of this group la Mr Rom Aljoe Br. who is a hallucination in years and a great. great trrtuttttather of the youngeat member. His daughter is Mrs, Matt. Scott who lives with him. Mrs. Wm. Watson of McWrlliams is next in line and is followed by Mrs Crawford Har- rison and her infant child. This baby con she claim. great, great grandpar- outage on the other side of the house. The above group and a. photo taken " Kelsey B. GIT A Puz- 1u.r.-The prize Im- of South Grey Fall Fair have jun been issued. You may ohtain one by mit. intt or enquiring of Beer. a. Binnie, R. R. 2, Priceville. A Rrttac.-Mr Jae. A. Hunter, Min- neapolis. who has spent a few weeks with his mother at the Hedges leaves to-day for home. Mr Hunter still keeps in touch with his birth-place, founded by his grandfather and en- joys when at home in unearthing rei- ics of the early days. Among these was a dsybook ot the. general store, founded and kept by his grandfather. which we took pleasure in perusing. It is In excellent preservation and methodically kept, and is interesting as a means of compartng prices had about 1860 with those of 1915. It has n sombre touch however when one titto that the nearly 60 years has left scarcely one representative purchaser alive to-dar. The accounts are all in S. S. D.. the dollar and cent. not then hnving Arrived. Mr Hunter two years ego had the trip of his life to the land of his forefathers. along with his father-tu-law, Sir William Whyte, and has ebounding mementos to satis- ty his entiqnnrian spirit. Rev. Mr. Henley, former Rector at Trinity, will conduct the services for the next two weeks. Me arrived in town on Tuesday evening. A Lam, Tea will be held " the home of Mr And. Baby. Dominick. on Wed. neuhy. 2gttt August. in aid of the led (iron Fund. Admin-ion 10e. John H. Hunter and Robt Scott have their home entered in the Mt. Forest races this Wednesday. Several from town Ire taking in the day's sport. Ir las. Hopkinl. chilliams, has Portland a Ford car. Jim meets Jack A letter pledged to refer to nothing but private and family matters was received from J. M. Burquharson, by hll mother, hearing date of July 28th. The following items will be of interest to our readers. He my. t " Was greatly surprised the other day to have Jack Weir look me up. Although I knew he had en- listed I had no idea he would be in France 00 coon, especially as he had joined the .l'd Conlingent, He is in the llth Battalion. so in in our bri- gnde. At present he is living about one hundred ynrds from our hut. Quite I number of chap: from North Grey come across on reinforcements, but Jock is the only one I know. Saw Milton Mills too the other day. The line we are holding is quiet at present, but it is hard to tell how long it will remain so. We hare good tnncheo. so if the German; start any thing we will be prepared. Fortun- atetrs the wind bu been (noting us and unlu- it change- wn won’t be up “that my a”. A meeting of the then Society Will be held every Monday evening in the Public Library at 8 p In until Sept. ttth when members and friends are cordid. ly invited, An Exhibition will be held in the Town Bell on Sept. 9th. Pal-Healers will be given Inter. In J. tr. Mettratth, O. Firth, President Secret.” Durham Horticultural Society iiht Bttrttg;itt Minn. on the Fighting Line The REVIEW to New Subscribers to January l9l6 tor only Twenty-five cents. Col. Carrie, M. P. for North Sim- coe, whose command at St. Juliet: did so nobly and ”saved the situation." will speak at Dr. Jnmieson'o lawn on Monday evening next, 23rd in». Wm nddreu will tell of Actual conditional on the tiring line and he descriptive of soldier; life in the trenches. But for the Canadians the German: would have got through to Calais and 75.000 mitish troops would have been drowned in the Y pres Canal like rate. We did our duty, The colonel ex" pressed the hope that never again the Canadians be called upon to nuke such a "criiice. No better army ever fought in Europe than our 1Janadtans. The Canadians are not grumble" and the Empire needed more ot the some material as the flrst contingent. " one got a. wound he was far prouder of it than if he did not. He traid those who went would enjoy it as the big- gest hunt they ever had. H has done valuable wont since coming back in atimulnling recruiting, and we give a small extract from the o. S. Advertise: of a lecture delivered there Ou Mondsy next for the nm time, under the auspices of Durham Bunch of the Red Utosq Society. Oath-m cit- izens will have the priwh-ge of seeing and hearing at firrt hand of war cow. ditions in Europe. The admission is only IN. If you feel disposed to give more all right. Durham Bram Band and Highland Pipers will be present also. It weath- er be unfavorable the gathering will he held in the ttink nearby, Come out sure and hear the gallant Colonel, whose right lung is yet affected with the German Kiss. Our town financiers have decided on a 36 mill rate for 1915, which establish. es a raord in that line in excess of any past year. We believe the council is acting wisely in thus meeting necessi- ties rather than staving off the evil day as has too frequently been the custom in past years, so as to boast ofalow rate. That practice is to some extent to blame for the present situation and if this year's rate puts the town on solid footing it should be the aim of future councils to make every year stand on its own resources. _ While this should be the aim one wonders it no leaks have occurred in uncollected taxes, dog taxes, poll taxes, and some other subsidiary sources of revenue. There is occasion for the strictest oversight and the council that dared to impose a M mill rate, should be equal to the task. Col. Currie, Commnder of the Highland Brigade at Langemnrck Obituary. Limes McMIctttrtt As we briefly intimated last week the demh of this gentleman took place on Wednesday last, 11th August, 1915' " the age of 82 yrs and some months. Interment took place on Fridnv to Maplewoood cemetery, there being a lame and sympathetic attendance of relatives, friends and neighbors, the eeryices being conducted by Rev. Mr Morris of Trinity Church. in the ab- sence of the pastor of the church of which he was an adherent. Rev. Mr. Wylie. Mr McMicken was a native of Scot- land coming to this country in youth and after some time in the older settle- ments came to Egremont township in the late 60's of last century. It may he said therefore he was one of the pi. oueers and one of the best known men in that community. Together with his wife, who was Miss E, McOlinton. they struggled through the ditBeultiets of the early day-3. the while raising a large family and acquired a fair com. petence and a comfortable home. His wife survives him and the following sons and daughters: Robert, on the home farm, Mrs McKenzie. David at Sault Ste Marie, Mu Dan McAuliffe, Durham. Mrs John Henry, Shallow Lake. William in Toronto, John in Michigan. Mrs Williams in the West. Two other daughters are deceased. The prize winners in Competition in Oats are merit: Alex Grierson Arch. Park H. G. Brigham R. T. Edwards W. L. Dixon Geo. Ritchie Dan Edge The judgo In: delayed on account of wet weather and Baht. Brigham had his field cut before he not. there. The judge F. R. Switzor had a. dittV cult job no woman: of the ruin, being badly broken down by the Itom. CL-rt-rn Chicago. on llth August, to Mr nnd In Bert A. Cleave, . A. Field Crop Competition Wm Speak In Durham Our Tax Rate Field Crop in order of with which is tneoerirrateg the match Lucie: I,‘ THURSDAY, AUGUST 19, 1915 Mm. W. B. Vollett "timed hot_ne this week from a three week's with with Toronto friends, Amotor par}, consisting of Mean John Meparden, Geo Smith and Jim McLachlan and Minus Mary and Kate McFayden Sundayed with Chester, and Paisley friends. Mia Mary Edge returned from Tor. onto on Tuesday evening. Mrs. Fred Hunter who ha been vii. ting in Kingston comes this week to visit Mn J. H. Hunter at "The Hedges." Her husband, Captnin Fred Hunter, is " present stationed with the Indian troops in Afghanistan, India. Mm. Thou. Daniels returned from Guelph Hospital last week und the tttate of her health but not been chang- ed we regret to my. Pleased to have n Call from Mrs Thee. H. Reid, who With her mother, Mrs Gram, is " present domiciled in town. Mrs Reid 1n- one of our bright pupils in our Inching days. Messrs Jack McDonald, D. uchb W. Jackman and Mines Alice and Jennie Williams, of Owen Sound. were guests torn day the beginning of the week, at the founer‘s parents. Mr and Mrs Hugh McDonald. Mr. and Mm Wm Ritchie Sr left Tuea" day on the excursion holiday to the we“. The Spiel Furniture Co. of Hanover have received I war order for 10,000 shell boxes. $12 to Winnipeg, Aug. "or Mon Harvest Excuroions over G. T. R. Bee G. B. Dingmun, town agent, for par" ticularn. Owing to a slight let up in work at the Furniture Factory, a numberof the young men employees have left tempor- ily and contemplate going west for the harvest, their positions being held for them when they return. Rev Mr. Hartiert-tdlng holidayl in town and will will horn his former pulpit In the thence cl tliEr Martin who is on his holidlyl. Wm" WATCH IF. -The Cement our ployes have all "ehipped in" and bought a. wrist watch for their (use: comrade Pte. Geo. Lloyd. Mo, A ale. nelg residents have contributed and lat-1y for Ernest McGirr and Alex. Bell and the gifts will be presented to the buys when home on a. holiday from c lmp next month. The Ladies' Aid of the Presbyterian church are holding a garden party in aid of the Red Cross, on the grounds of Andrew Derby, South Bentinck, on Wednesday, the 25th. A good program is being prepared and candidates Miller and Ball will give addresses. The com. mittee in charge are asking motor car owners to convey people from town on a Mc fare, these funds also to be turned over to the Red Cross. THE Mon-n Gone OtC--Three. weeks ago the Review voiced the opinion that there would be no Model school in Hanover this term and this was exactly what would have happened if Hon. Dr. Jamieson, M. L. A. had not got in touch with the Educational Department at Toronto with the re- sult that the decision has been chang- ed. Apparently the reason for strik- ing Hanover " the list is the present great supply of teachers and the num- ber who now attend the Normal in- stead of the Model, It also seems at one time this summer Hanover was mdittertsnt to have the school at all but another attitude was taken later, but even then, no provision was made for the school by the department. Teachers were engaged. housewwes cleaned their furniture and restocked their lard'ers, anticipating thestudsnts who were to come from a distance but who would not, have come it the right wires had not been pulled at the last moment. Principal Magee opens his l class this Wednesday but of what di. ‘ m€nsions on such short notice. we are l not prepared to say. Mr Val. Hahn he. to extend his sincere thanks to a many friends and neighbors in wn, who lent aaiaunce and friendl ympsthy dur. mg the illness of hil Aged wife, and use to than who 'ht,ttT,'lt, " the last sandman in her ho a town. THE STANDARD BANK Card lg Thanks DURHAM BRANCH, In [El - I Established over Forty-one Kane TuA,B,cofBanking SAVINGS; DEPARTMENT Save Systematically Take Care of the Cents and ultimately Become Indepen- dent m We solicit your account in on: ASSETSOhrER'4tMNNMNAt 'de)? ET, Min Edltb Peddle, Wiugham. was a guest of Miss Blanche Read Ind Mia Eleanor Ere" for a few days. Mr and Mm Tttos. Banks visited the beginning of the week with in old friend, Mn. Castle of Holland. Min Mary McQueen in viniting Boolhville and lanes-an friends this and last week. Mr. Jas. Baird of Murkdale, w... guest. tor I short time of his uncle Mr. R. have on his wny trout Mt Forest when he bu taken the lord agency in that town. Mrund Mrs Henry Snidel, of GfOEBI- barb. N orth Carolina, motored from their home, a distance of 000 um”. and are guests of Mrs Snider's brown. Mr A, H, Jackson. Mis- Pearl Wilson who bu been the put two you" in Begin. tad St Paul. U. 3.. Came home last. week for a wait to her home friendl. Mr and Mo EA. Hay have had and are having as their guests, Mu (Dr) mum and two children, Jun-n. Colorado; Me and Mrs Hendrickson of Persia, Iowa and Miss Micchell, of Toronto. Miss Jenn Mutants». of Toronto, is waiting among her relatives here. Mrs A. Whittaker, of Ceylon, is a guest at her son's, Mr Juo. Whittaker. Miss Lizzie McDougali, trained nurse of Fernie,. British Columbio, daughter of Mr Dan McDonnell. of Wiuuifred, Alton. formerly of Bon- tinck. " now in Victoria, B. 0.. har- ing joined the Vancouver HoLpiml 00m: and leaves shortly for England to do her part for the Empire. Her brother Dan, who is with the Engin- eer Uorpu of Ottawa, at Bhoruchl. England. has been promoted to the rank of Sergeant. Misses F. Hulliday. E. McLean. B. Brown and M. Wallace motored over from Uhealey last Friday evening to see their friend, Miss Mary Morton, Aberdeen. Mr Geo. Smith left on Tuesday for the West, where he will assist in her- vesting operations for several weeks. Mr Arch. Davidson, Pent Helicon, visited his home hero. one day last week and. Fred Canon started as jumor clerk in the Standard Bank on Monday. Mr and Mrs S. If, MeComb announce the engagement of their daughter, Rita to Mr. w. W. Forsyth, B. B. A., London. The marriage will take place early in September. Misses Mable and Irene Latimer Went to Toronto Tuesday, the former to attend the millinery openings, Miss Bella Morrison, after a few weeks holiday at Toronto returned the week. Mus. Anderson of Bchrciber. New Ontario, who is visiting her pen-ut- near Markdale. was with her brother, John logarty. a. guest of her relatives in Durham, Mrs. David and Jno. Me- AulitN. Mr, and Mrs. David McAulitk, Mr and Mrs McPhee and Mr Mike MeAul- ile took in the Mt Forest sports Wed. nesday. Mr. Oliver and Miss Margaret lun- ter leave next. Monday for 10svilton, where they join a. special party who intend visiting several weaken) Cuna- dian cities on their TT to the Pom. ma Expoaition at San rauaisco and return via Salt Lake City. Yellow atone Park end Omaha and other points on their homewzxd route. Rev Mr Jennings of Blenheim, former rector at Hanover and Allan Park, viii. ted at R. Burnett's and occupied the pulpit. in the English church Sunday Mr. Archibald Marshallof Standard Bank staff. Montreal, is holidayvng with Messrs Arch. nnd Jack Robertson. morning. Rev. Mr. Farr and family of Blyth, motored to Durham and visited rela- tives here last Thursday. Mr. Fa'r leaves Blyth in October and hecomcs rector of the Kincardine church. Durham friends were pleased to h..ve Rev. A. A. and Mrs. Bice of Landau as visitors for a few dlyund hear Mr BAce preach Sunday evening. m. Arch. McComb. of the Express Co's ofhee, Toronto, in visiting bu par- ents Mr and Mn Thu. Mcoomb. A lady and gentleman blond from To- ronto accompnniu him. W 1rr. FNCcf, _ " m 4*? , _ A. A. in.» "rr , l mm. aw.“ Pg??? “' W" _ 1:11” "'ss'isu"e' k The Durham. dipped back I couple n. whee in the diotrlct race. when Or .ngoville put it over them by a 22- 5 T at? but Wednesday Ind are now it, third place. If they can win cut from Hanover Friday they still are aVri"inn the nee: (tiling to do so they will tiuUtt in their present posi- Bat the gun " Granville: it wael m L m ore sided throughout ' at gown wr time it, wiMe8-1 to, Durham emu st half only 54 for the home team. In the third period :Durhlm went to we. as and Dungevillo counted 11 Itous, while the fuoilnde was continued in we last. At that the play wu quite even, though the better team won an the dsy'a work l it wu Durham's I d .y and here’s hoping than we now all out of the ayutem. Atl the sporting nopulnuon of me Orangevllle ran up Score t Lt.-Col. Oldham, the Medical Exnminer of the 3lst Grey Regiment will be at the Hahn House next Monday morning nt ' o'clock. Any young men of Dumam or vicinity who wish to enlist for overseas service should use Col. Oldham then. There is only one medicaléexaminntion and those who puss Colonel Oldham will have no further chance of being rejecth for any little defect. Enlist next Monday at Hahn House Med. Examiner Lt.-Col. Oldham here Now is {he Time SCHOOL OPENING THE VARIETY STORE S. F. MORLOCK our New Fall Suit Your King and Country Neat You-----" We have just opened out our New Dress Goods--. Velveteens, Corduroya and Serges Serges are taking the lead this fall. In these we have a fine assortment in Black: and colours. We secured them early in order to avoid the advanced prices. The prize medal Velveteen: and C orduroys are our Speck! Twill Back and fast pile. Call and Bee them while you have the opportunity. We are now prepared for School Opening and seek your esteemed patronage in this line. We carry a complete stock of Public School requisites. Come here for all Bupplietr---Boolcsr, Scribblers. Slates, Pads, Pens, Pencils, etc. The Store of Honest Value For you to see about 'ATert5 chHIVEs TORONTO PM Want]! n “.003!“ C mm. a 808m town wiil move over to ILatovet ' may for J: much! [saw am! will he ' um» roytl. Banana gs the Dun-hum a sp‘eudid clan an here two Icon "o, thtbtustt to I an... sud the, [ocul- will n-qmr. exert themselvu to La; 1a.; notel, hopin the running. District No. I Standing, O.A.L. 9m“ Aug. 20-Orangeville at Shelbvrrr Aug. 20-Durham at Han nvcr Aug. 20-0 wen Sound at DuMa‘l: Aug. 2s-0tangeville J. Harm :r Aug. 2s-tmelburne " Du.. lv' Aug. er-owen Soundat Durham Aug. 30-1). atdallt at Urangcvmc Aug, ao-Uwen Sound " tp. clhun. Game- yet to play I I'.2C, ICI 'tnl, ail m £1

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