West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 19 Aug 1915, p. 4

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" h J Gr it N ti! U l 2rt John McGowan The REVIEW is well equipped for turning out all kinds of Commer- cial and Job Printing. Give us a trial. m “mimic: has.“ Ens. All kinds of grain bought at market price. ( on Flour and Feed in tons lots. 500 tons of No l Mixed Chop WHEAT AND BARLEY Bey them here. We hen e Freeh end veried nook of the choiceet Grooeriee. Urenzee. Lemons. Poole. Dem. Nuke. Cendiee ot ell Mode. and everything required tor the Holidey feedvitiee. Our emcee will suit your puree. Give u e cell. Large Quantity of No. I Feeding Hay Sovereign, Eclipse and Pastry Flour Wheat, Barley and Oats Chop THE? CITY BAKERY Headquarters for Confectionery and all Bakery goods Your Hoiday Groceries, Fruits and onfections Peerless machine oil, Polatine gas engine oil, Acme cylinder oil, Tfel white neutral oil, Arctic cnp grease, hig sponge grease, cut lace leather, Maple Leaf canvas belting and belt dressing and a complete line of valves, cocks and pipe fittings. When in need of hardware of any kind It gives good utisfuiion. 7 We are in .the market for any Quantity of OATS "0'38: My " Night l 26 The Roll, Roy Cereal Mills Co. Mud Mills, Durham _ We have: good stock of Com and Ground Peed on had that we we selling in ton iota " follo'ing prices: 1efeeomrertettsi..............t t.60 Waistband, pecton.............ao.00 Dds, Shorts, pertains.“ Feed Peed Feed W. BLACK THE RED FRONT CRIMPED OATS tor Horse Feed at FairiPrices CHOPPED OATS at. . . . very reasonable rates Threshers and Mill- men, - Attention! '2t'rgr. E. A ROWE If you want good heavy mixed feed, try our " cha-. racc- Fond " We have taken particular care of our mill and threshers' supplies this year and now feel that we can supply you with everything you need for the coming season. We handle only the best that can be procured in all lines. THE PE0PLE'S MILLS Freshland Clean, the very best. See this tiay before purchasing elsewhere. It will pay you. Every bag guaranteed. If not satisfacton bring 1t back and get your money. Special prices in over five ton lots Try Black........- _He has it Corn Feed Special Reduction 1 The Globe and other prominent Ejournlll are advocating action in lure line of drink 1,rotrtrietion in On- [tarim beyond any of the pro-en: methodn. 3. Let the Government as: quick- ly. For inaunoe the rople eonld Tote on the question an 0 same time no the next “lapel elections. The Government eon all the Renato sit in November and the menial-y legillnuon could be penned atthat time. We are low prepared for school opening an! Ink your "tee-d pat- ronnge {urchin lino u we carry a com. plate stock of public Jehool reinstate; I Tami To} TaT iii Ta: VANITY he“ 2. Falling this let the Government " leutgive the people of Ontario the opportunity to say the-wine wheth- er or not they do went tho Manor tradio eboliehed no the people ot Al. hem hove done. 1. Let the Ontario government close all drinking places by loam:- tive nction. for "ample " the Gov- nrnmons of “kahuna bu done. Advance Temperance Legisla- tion Wanted tt And thus by one green work," exclaimed Mr Porter, " we hove the most marvellous power development in the world--. lake port It Niagara Falls, New Ymk Ind Niagara Fella, Ont., and a ship can“ nound the falls on the American side, Iomothlng llm has been droemed of for more than a century." A deapateh to the Review from Toronto guys that Mr Bowen‘s pro- posal on the liquor question after his return from the neat where be new the marked developement in temper- ance feeling and legislation. he: aroused keen interest and 15 sure to reopen the definite Question of what to do with the liquor mine in Outer- Mr Rowell‘l proposals are " fol- lows; The scheme. es explained by Mr Porter, is to place s. lift look at the foot of the proposed ninety-foot dun which would carry lake vessels up to the highest level end permit them to stesm right up to this city, melting their whsryes where the Maid of the Mist decks are new situsted. _ At the loot of the falls would be two greet lift-locks. one on the American and one on the Consdien side of the ester. not. The Americsn lock would htt vessels up to the high bank, where they would find pesssge in a short ship csnel to the upper reaches of the _ river and thence on to Bnffalo and the upper stretches of the great lakes. On the Conudlsn side the lock would hit the vessels to the top of toe firet bluff; a second look would carry them to the higher level and thence by canal to the Welland cane]. tt Not only do we prepare the greatest power development in the world," declared Mr Porter. but we have a plan to plane Niagara F alla on the map " a lake port and to bring to a realization the dream of a ship can- al from lake to lake around Niagara Falls. This 90 foot dam would give a kind of second Niagara and would furnish it is estimated about 2,000,000 elect rice] horsepower. which would be " vided between Canada and the United States. The sanction of both govern- ments will, of course, hare to be ob. tained and the east is roughly esti- mated at $100,000,000, part of this to pay damages to the present Gorge Route, which would be destroyed. but no other spectacular features would be injured. The plan is to dun the Niegnre river Just above Lewieton and Queen- ston With a structure 90 feet high, which will beck up the Nisan: river between that point and the Fells. which would eliminete the Deuil'a Hell repude and would not interfere with the present Falls nor with the power dou'opment p'nte on either aide. Elf: 'htrtiam 3mm We had sent us lest week oopiee of the th Niagara Fells Journal " with marked articles under the above allit- ereuve heading. The articles refer to one of the biggest engineering enter- pris'e "" undertaken in the world. The chief interns centre. In the Germen driye ot the Bunion union. which continues. but in by no menu- I rout, Were“: Ind other cities hue been ween-ted end occupied. leareely captured, the “tempt to en- circle mum of Bunions bu foiled. and name likely to fail, bat the pro- gress of the German " having 3 bad afoot on the Balkan notions. who are faring rether than favoring n Germnn victory. Bulguis holds the whiphund 1nd seems inclined to demand more than she will get. The diplomuu of the Allies. are using Barbi. Ind Green to yield some “on that Bulglril had taken from her " the lust var. Ber.. bis seems more placetble than Greece and the outcome is uncertain. Wu mm from day to day in - pontiuly indooiufxo’. _ Punch wu- fare “a. Duds-ell“ mica new ulow and may on the “and." at little or nothing u doing, further in- land, Fume bu nude lame import- ant though pun" pins. while Italy in bringing unto manure upon Luci: but has In yet and. no unable Tits tory. . Peter Porter's Power Plan 81.50 per you. "oo if paid In dunes. War Notes AUG. ttr, I.“ THE DUDE“ REVIEW Heads Thu-w! dining-him! son at Cunt.” (Mar B. C. pun-u m and: term "-"oe WI Blush. owe- Mm thunk: for lhlt he dolnl." . ' . Vancouver Province, Com, “ya ; “Fred, conceded to be the no» stir. ring and patio“. Adiron- given here. viotoriaColortist thtt,-yBimppeal to (handin- wu calculated to gtir the meat sluggish blood." Allen" 21aat aim 2ttirr-trrom Toron- to and stations West and North in the Provmce of orAarto, but not in- cluding motion: on lino North of Toronto to 'udtmrruuid Saul: Ste Marie, Ont; .. For full with main tun:- panama tttll of Winnipeg. 'dd see nearest C. tan. “out. or "In MAT. Murphy. Dhtrict Passenger MEN. Toronto. V GOING DATES AUGUST 19rgr AND 20TH--From King. ston, Ticbborne Jer., shat-bot Lake Renfrew tnd Baal. in the Provinces of Ontario and Quebec. including in- termediate nation: and branches. AtratmTSuT AND 'tmr-tfrom Toron. to, Sault Ste Marie, Ont ' and East in the Province of Ontario including intermediate lingo” and bunches, but net East " or including Tich- home Jet., 8&th Lake or Ren- Excursions from points in Ontario to Manitoba. Saskatchewan and Al. berta will be run. and special trains operated, making the trip in about thirty-six hours and avoiding any change of cars or transfers. " Going Trip West.” “2.00 to Win- nipex. "Return Trip East." ".00 from Winnipeg. Consult C. P. R. Agents regarding particulars in connection with trans- portation east of Winnipeg. Thousands of Men will he required from Ontario to hell) in the great work of humming the Waite: n crop, and practically the entire task of transporting this great army of mu.. waters to the West will {all to the lot of the Canadian Pacihe Railway. Many Thousand Men Required for the Harvest in Western Canada on our issue, which is only oncea week. So you see your gilt was doubly welcome. You have no ides how we apyreciste these gifts from kind people like yourself out here. It is very encouraging to think we are remembered by our folks in Can- sds. I belong to the eastern part ot Canada myself. bat I em one of the boys of the 10m Battery, which no doubt you know well. Well friend, I must brim: my letter to a close, again thanking you kindly for your gift, I remain, yours elIeerely, F Gunner Geo. Morris, 85910, 1 Mr Henry Simpson received a post card [mm France trom Pte E. B. Smith, No. 81817, lst company. 2nd Batt, let Intantrv Brigade, Canadian Expeditionary Force which says; ‘Just a card mthank you for the cigarettes you sent through the Tor.. onto News. We got them In the trenches just when every one wee running short so they were more than l enjoyed. It would do your heart! good to see the boys enjoy them." f Dear Friend t J , It is with great pleasure I git down and acknowledge your kindneee shown to me by receiving the gift of cigarettes which you sent. There was not much information in the box, but nevertheless I thought it my glance to acknowledge your kindness. hey could not have arrived at a better time, Iwee practically down to my last one. They are very hard to get out here, as We are dependent on our issue. which in nnlv nnnpn The following was received by Mr Robt. HoMicken of town t . Ar and In D. Laid! and It Thou. 11on "ehed hone-M wool: from a hip through the Won. 7 It Ttttnee Innis“ 103 Inc Tue: any to visit " Ion Thoma in the West. , Mr Ed. Smith. at Toronto. who was ope-ding his bonds” " tho Walla?” homo, returned to the any on Satur- doy, hing called ”are on human. J. P. Telford 1 00 D. Homilton a; N W Cnmgbell 1 00 Jan Hopkins 60t Dir-Black urn l 00 MluE Canon 60:: A Mel-schlsn 1 00 R Lindsay we M1928 Nek'naiel 00 M Kreu stk A 8 Jackson 1 tio Jun Eden 25c U Bovingdou Me ---815 00 Thin is the seventh remittance sent. by Mr A H Jackson. making a. total of over $155.00. Several lotters and cards have bean received in town by partie. thanking them for the tobacco gem, and they are verv much valued by those who received them. Two follow an a sample : Ir lad In 2,h/ggtifrt ltr and” qtternoo. Am “I Mr I Ill-1A. Melon. mm. Bvr‘inck. It akin-I W. Nelson. th, "" 'l at " "erdtott 7 wit A osi" Ile', D, huh. I' Mr A. A. Buck-jammed home from Sukatchunn 1m wank. Mr nd In John Bloc. of Holstein. went Sunday with Mr 1nd Mu J, J. "ton . In Barrie und mu Burris. of Durham, a at over the week and with Mr Jt'E, Mathew Barber. j ...Mr Thu. ance iii busily comm ed making cement iriairi;l " silo}: Glad to hear that In R. B. Wat: Ion Ind two children are improving mln a P"" attack of typhoid. Mr tad Mrs D. taruiam" Sun day evening with Mr 1nd Mrs W Onion. For Canadian Soldiers in the Trencher The following is the lttest list to the Daily News. Toronto t MQFK Jack- -- Mips M. Me. Pagittg Coast and Rowe" KNOX CORNERS Tobacco Fond France. July 26, 1915 ONTARIO Arieiiiiriiii" TORONTO WE Kenzie .... It D. Hamilton Jul Hopkins 60e gigs Efhutott 60c mil: Farmers had very unfavorable Weather for harvest last week, but by all appearances the weather has taken a change for the better and we sin cerely hope it may remain fine. Mr and Mrs Will Ahrens motored out from Hanover Wednesday evening and spent an enjoyable time it the home of Mr Ind Mrs Wm. Brown, Rev. Mr Ind Mrs Philpocs. of Elm mood. were the guests of Mr and Meir Herbert. Chittick Thursday of lust week. ‘ Mrs Jno. Clark 3nd family. at Coch- rune, no the holiday guest; of Mr and Mrs Edward Boyce. Mrs Wm. Lunney leaves shortly on a trip through the West. to vim many friends than. We wish her a plane- ant trip and safe return. Muster Hugh McCallum, from Wi. nnon. is waiting bus grsnthnothtrr, Mrs MoCallum, at preaem. Remember the Initial“ meeting this week " Mr Geo. Brown’s Thurs. day. Congratulations no due Mum Etta Twnmley, having successfully planed her Entrance Enm. We Baht. Smith. of Durham, visit. ed her sister, Mrs Herbert Chittlck. recently. livered In Firaiai.'" . . "Aaditom gtirnd to a “gnome pitch of enthus- Mam." . . " are” plainly moved by the unplanned upon. be." Mr and Mrs Barclay is spending I few dare in Owen Sound this week. fir/ Miss Janet March-ll and little Min Erma Heughan. of Durham, spent the week end with the former‘: mutt, Mrs Wm. Brown. The subisct for Sundsy morning service. Aug. 28rd. will be " Bsptism --w|m sud why," Sunday evening " The Great Fishermsn." f Intended for lqst week) Mrs O'Neill. of Pittston, Ps., is spending her vscstien with her sisters. Mrs Dunesn Clark sud Mrs Mslcolm MeCsllum. Mr. Rowell In that mounting up to one of the tonmou Imam» .0! Canada and bu certainly no Inpenor in hig naive province. Like-tut atriotio speech ever de- “var-d in Wd,',',',',',',,,,'.'!,", _ . ”Auditors Departmental Sting, Nothingknoro delightful or {strutting in the wall rather than nice Tnlcmn. Tty one "chime: Y-...,..,...??' V "iiG"iiiugitr.....-..i-ef sriiiiiiiieiiFii--et, _iioil"iii,ii,il1f,iii,?,/yccr.r.iti', (ithsss Jac:........-??! f Nylotilmmwn. ......s [sylowor..,.............25o - . m Bring your Produce Our Rugs are the product of the best having all the Oriental tint: of the famous Our stock in large and full in All lines and delivered st once. still selling at the old "prices; The Linoleums and Floor Oilcloths are of Canadian and Scotch makes, in the best ttto-date designs. Notwithstanding the greet edvence in prices, we are Still $9111.11- at ' n A w-h,-. The Wall Papers are made by the Canadian Wall Paper Manufacturers, STAUNTONS. They are reliable, new in design, neat in appearance and not too costly. Our stock is large and varied, comprising the Newest Design. end the Neatelt Patterns in Wall Papers, Linoleums, Floor Oilcloth end Rugs. C Large Sales iiiiibo Indies. LE3EWEEEEEEEEEEEE‘REENEEEEHEWEEMEEE MacFARLANE'ti Drug Store That 'titttssltA Mn BS); I); Boyl' School Shoel, . good substantial shoe . . . Ladiu’ Common Sense, thin and comfortable. . . Ladies Dongola. Blue, very serviceable. .1,76 Lakies Dongoia Blue, dressy. . . . . . . . . .2.10 MULOCK tddKedl1nie'in, Weekly News pg,tll, House Furnishings G. & l MCKECHNIE ”figâ€"â€" __ A - ---- mmamxmwl 3 ii??? Boots & Shoes qtvvewrvewvvvvemenemamnvmmaeam, Wall Papers On Second Floor School We are tteadqttarterrrtor every- thing in the school line. C one: the Cheapest. 'ttgggihMMhMghttMhigAihhigtiiWMighgitliliuehhl McFadden's Old Stand, We must have more room, and to get it, our big stock must be reduced at once. If you are looking for a snap in on instrument, or anything in our line, call and see us and arrange your own terms. You will find our prices right. H. J. SNELL with many other makes in medium priced lines. Prices are the "me/n most lines as lost moon. Close prices on Men's, Ladies', Misses’ and Children's Hosiery Trunks, Valises Suitcases at bottom values. Odds and Ends of broken lines at out prices to clear. Custom work and Repairing attended to as promptly in possible. Doiifi Town Shoe Store Spring Goods have Arrived Gassic for Ladies, Eclipse and Westons for Misses and Children. Astoria and Brandon for Men I have purchased the stock of W. J. McFadden and moved my present stock to McFadden's stand. The store is now filled with Pianos, Organs Sewing Machines and Musical Instruments of all kinds in the highest and best grades. Be just to yourselves by hevingf a look at our Inge stock before selecting your next pair o In our higher-priced goods we have FOOTWEAR Musical Instruments Must be Disposed of TEE New Scribbler: New Exercises New Requlsltcs Rugs , L Ow, -iiiiGi the In. I We clan no: Ibo!) by ttto day. Supplies We PV you Highest Price English Loom, in the best designs. Eastern Rugs, Inst " lower prioee. Special sizes and designs, ordered Two Businesses in One Men's Box Rip Blue. Mon’l Split Blue. . . . J. s. McILRAITH HEW CANDY vacuum»... .800. 600 Bud mas. “and mm. C. P. R. Town Ogice Buy your Tickets here AUGUST 10, 19K Durham Durham 2.36 EM 1.75 _.I| I'; C. L. Ciph £Laclics' no." it am] Sli it, just in ---- 4), your inspe For interior cbupw 11m guy to ban may put on - fuel 'r6iii , DURHAM Au, Sula Ag Inn: and he}: Shingles and I hand tttrig':::; Sawing mung. SASH. DOORS of HOUSE inn country Mitt and t it pupa-mi 'vit DURHA PLANING l August tl a August I August It and It $¢$$¢$Â¥y “futon Gowrnmu -teed by Co “Omission tc, Sum Who her an whom I'm; qt I m Irv-u Men's White Shirts and Silk HARVEST EXCU RSII $l2.00 to ll “I Our Drugs and SI Quality Pha menu”. _. are all fre re' get th or your n Various kinds Disi Metal and Silver mind» i chimug Preston’s Jelly Split Bamboo Sit Lines. Ctut From Hooks. ZENUS CI NewFishing For Deliciou Summer B ttouse, Clea NEW FIE APL sud " clumn rt W WM t Bu clua t ht I fre v AUGUST 19, Ladie it or" “I, Flavor, I N avt a als we ath - Ill

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