West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 19 Aug 1915, p. 5

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CCX DY )e and 1.00 s and nuts. m $1 up RAITH Idren, n for Men rre lookin aaraapaa» 1w e and 60e .30c, 60e xe$, in we are esigns, ces. rdered WEAR ms$s rived , 1918 turers, ad not es s n n how s cna‘a iss & ts & Small Frofts | [ W & 1.15 1,.50 2.35 2 28 Hosiery )imce day lere est arge August 21 and 26 August 19 and 26 The undersigned begs to announce ) residents of Durham and surroundâ€" : country, that he has his Planing Mill and factory fully equipped and is repared to take orders for SASH, DOORS, and all kinds ~ HOUSE FITTINGS Shingles and Lath always on Land at right prices. Custom Sawing promptly attended to l «isy to handle DURKHAM PLANING MILLS > Ladies ~ Waists #p just in â€" well WOILB i your inspection. Also ;:;Ladies' Boots â€" % # and Slippers ® + C. L. GRANT * * e paRQRRQRPRR®®® DURH A M, * # We have a nice lot of # s 4 "Â¥ * 9 > Ar LadleS § #g & 5 aists # F;; just in â€" well worth $# i your inspection. Also g C h Â¥ Ladies Boots J [ Quality Pharmacy [ PRICEVILLE, â€" _ oNT. August 24 and 28 \lso Sole Agent and Vealer for Durâ€" m and vicinmity of the t e sige ofo ofe ofe afe obe obe ofe efecgects ‘tions. _ Business, Shorthand and Preparatory courses. Expert inâ€" itructors. _ Catalogue free. New termw opens September 1st. C A FLEMING, FCA 6. D. FLEMING OwWEN SoOUND W ho are successfual at their Novemâ€" ber and May Civil Service examinâ€" Dominion Government Pos itions guaranteed by Civil Sesvice Commission to Students of the $12.00 to Winnipeg Frow stations in Ontario North and West of Toronto but not inâ€" cluding line Toronto to North Bay For particulars as to tickets West ct Winnipeg, apply to any Grand Trunk Ticket Agent. Our Drug_s apq StatM are all fresh and kept so. Thu'. you get the best and best value for your money at WM CALDER, Town Ticket Agt. J. TOWNER, Ticket Agent etc., ‘o render every corner and articl«e in the house tary shiming. sant and From stations Kingston and Renâ€" frew and Eist in Ont. and Quebec, From stations Toronto to North Bay inclusive and east, bat not inâ€" cluding Kingsion, Renfrew or east thereof Various kinds Disinfectants Metal and Silver Polishes, Principal for 35 yeifiâ€"i_flecrc-&;y Split Bamboo Reds, Silk Lines, _ Gut Leaders, Front Hooks, Etc. Houseâ€"cleaning ? Preston‘s â€" Jelly NewFishingTackle NEW FIBRE BOARD °* Delicious Light Summer Desserts Men‘s White Pique Shirts and Silk Ties. ZENUS CLARK HARVEST HELP EXCURSIONS > MORTHER o TV AUGUST 19, i915 ton‘s k"y Pflwfin any Flavor, 10¢a Box PRICEVILLE : oNnTA Rro Mr. Wim. Knox, a former Swinton Park boy, is one who has made good in the West. _ Me has been 20 years with the Lake of the Woods Milling Co, Forthe past three years his work has been in Saskatchewan as traveller, but on July 1st he was asked to accept w position in Winnipeg in the head office as assistant manager of the grain department. â€" This means a deâ€" cided promotion and an unexpected one,. _ Mr. and Mrs. Knox, (who was formerly Miss Hardy, a teacher of Swinton Park) will move from Moose Jaw to Winnipeg this montb.â€"Herald "Rough on Rats" clears out Rats, Mice, etc. Don‘t die in the House. 15¢ and 2¢ at Drug and Country Stores. Miss Katio and Master Ewen Mcâ€" Nab yisited D, McGillivray‘s on Sunâ€" day. Miss Hilda Chapel, of Toronto, is visiting Miss Tena McGillivray, of Saugeen Valley. Mr Bill Irvine, of Toronto, is spenaâ€" ing bis holidays with Mr J. P. Mcâ€" Gillivray and other friends of Saugeen Valley. Cutting wheat and barley is the orâ€" der of t.e day. Haying is done in most places, although the wet weatht er has put it back some. Mr A. J. Greenwood had a bee last week raising a stable and moving oprto the fâ€"rmer Banks prope:ty now owned by him. He intends having & concrete foundation placed under it. After the raising the men tried target shooting , Miss Mary Edge is &p nding this week in Toronto. Mr John Firth has his silo completâ€" ed this week, which makes tour con crete silos in this district. Misses Kate and Mary McFayden and brother John visited in Paisley on Sunday. * Mrs A, MceNab ana children visited Mra Nelson one day lately. The trustees of No. 3 are to be conâ€" gratulated on again securing Miss Mortiey as teacher for the fall term. Mrs W. J. Ritchie gave a quilting bee to her young married friends one day last week. Miss Nellie Collier, of T visising at present with her Mr and Mrs Jno. Collier. enjoy yourself. on Ar, 50 onl 2itCuit garden par. ty on Mr Geo. Black‘s lawn Aug, 20. Baseball match at 5 o‘clock, after which lanch will be served while bagâ€" pipe music is played, followed by a good program of recitations, drills, addresses and solos. Swinton Park orchestra will provide plenty of music. Admission 250 and 15¢. Come and Bmiaw a2lcccas Come to Salem ty on Mr Geo. Blac 000 CE 2C S 0GBO WYil~ . 4 _"" 16 Visiting friends in the vicin. ity. Congratulations to Misses ~Mae Coulter, Vera Campbell, Eva McLean and Mesers Thomas Melean and Ed. die Haw on being successful on their entrance exams, Miss Sadie McQueen, of Btayre, ;: visiting her aunt, Mrs Neil MeMil. o. Miss Agnes Black is visiting friends at Walkerton, Aug . _ Mrs Elliot and son Gordon are yisâ€" ti0g at Mro Geo. Blaek‘s, U ... a» Pm $150,000 Model Military Camp Destruction of Battieships Farm under Cultivation Millions in Livestock Government Exhibitg Battles of the pxHiBINION Belgian Art Treasorts Creatore‘s Famous Ba Biggest Cat and Dog : Field Grain Competition Greater Poultry Show Acree of Manufactures REDUCED RAILWAY RATES FROM ALL POINTS mm S wAr TROPHIES | "PATRIOTIC YEAR" Miss Mary MeMillan _â€"_â€" MAMMOTH Military Display Nav;l_l'__Spectqt_I!e One Thousand and One New Thinds to See _ ‘\Canadian| *3 'lNationall_ MARCH OF THE ALLIES REVIEW OF THE FLEFZ TORONTO BEAVER CREEK SWAMP coLLcar THRILLING EDGE HILL sls s $150,000 and Dog Show Air . of Toronto, is « of Fort Wi). in the vicinâ€" parents, Sept Self constituted _ "Generals" gather around them as many of the hot blooded ignorant classes as they can seduce and then "goâ€" aâ€"gunning" after some other as~ pirant for power and so there is a moral and physical welter of blood, shame and suffering. _ It must have proved a difficult task for a high minded nation like the States to stand by and witness the treacheries and butcheries, going on just over their borders. Patience and "mind your own business" have ceased to be virâ€" tues and some American ships have been ordered to Vera Cruz in &n endeavor in the name of humanity to stop the orgie of blood. United States as a Pacifier The Republic of Mexico for the past two years has been seething with discontent which at spasâ€" modic intervals bursts into open rebellion, perhaps we should say warfare, for rebellion implies a constituted authority to rebel against and of such authority Mexico has practically none. There are elements in the States, proâ€"Germans chiefly, who it is said are trying to embroil the countries into war with the hope perhaps that the flow of muâ€" nitions to the Allies would be stopped. There has just been discovered evidence to prove that German officials from the Amâ€" bassador down have simply been spies using their official positions to help Germany and to create a pro German atmosphere in the States. â€" If what is alleged is true there need be no surprise if diplomatic relations are broken of. _ The time and thought de:â€" manded of the President by the European conflict is gufficient, without having a Mexican war on his hands. Where‘er it may be found Beneath it‘s folds of liberty, That spot is British ground. The protecting flag of Gt. Briâ€" tain, supported by its army and navy, will compel Germany to respect the rights of humanity to the same extent as if Belgium were in reality British ground. London Advertiser. There are signs that Germany would like to make peace, followâ€" ing what seems like success in the East against the Russians. Germany thinks this a favorable ltime. The suggestion has been met by an emphatic "No" from ; the allied nations, including Rusâ€" | 1@ and the response from Great 100 acres more or less, 90 acres cleared and in good state of cultivation, 10 acres of bardwood bush, On the premâ€" ises is a brick veneer house 18 x 24 with kitchen 16 x 2 and woodshed 16 x 16, also a good bank barn 6u x 66, driving shed 18 x 24 and hog peno. The farm is well fenced and well watered Good orchard. Mile and a quarter from church, postâ€"office and school. Box 378, Pense, Sack. The Canadian Pacific conveniently reaches Point au Baril, French and Pickerel Rivers, Szyern River, Muskoâ€" ka Lakes, Kawartha Lakes, Rideau Lakes, Lake Ontario Resorts, etc. If you contemplate a trip of any nature consult Canadian Pacific Ticket agents or wiite M. G. Murphy, District Passâ€" enger Agent, Toronto. For terms apply to Geo. Sturrock, Sr., Hopevilie, or Jas. A. and Geo. Troup, Fhe British flag stands for freeâ€" dom. It is supported by the whole civilized world and Ger many will yet know thatâ€" The British flag where‘er it flies, west, the supply of munitions and other questions, must tax the stoutest hearts and intellects. But there is the stubborn fact staring Germany in the faceâ€" that Britain went to war because gfL Bg!giqrr‘l, b:aca.use of humanity. There are considerations of the greatest weight now being settled. The attitude of the Balkan States, the forcing of the Dardanelles, the recovery of Russia, the mainâ€" tenance of the strength of the British and French armies in the The navy of Gt. Britain has maintained its power and single handed Gt.; Britain in time could wear Germany out. That would be a question of time. Belgium‘s cause is the world‘s cause and so is the cause of France. â€" The atâ€" titude of Germany towards both nations is so inhuman that the balance of the civilized world must see that Germany fails in its purpose, and pays as faras payment is possible for its stuâ€" pendous crime. There has been no decision yet. Each side has scored points at terrible cost. Germany has utâ€" terly failed to do what it started the war : to accomplish andâ€" if a decision were arrived at as it would be in any other contest, Germany would pay the cost. It will be necessary to continue the war for some time to compel Gerâ€" many to do so. eB LA Oe Britain is quite any,. Lot 8, Con 12. Proton, containio The Ideal Vacatiun Route Avenge Belginm First Troubled Mexico VICINITY C i neustaate Lk Farm for Sale ols as emphatic as Toront»o (Can. Nat.). . Aug, 28â€"Sept. 13 Walkerton............ ......Sept, I4â€"15 KTLBUL .. ./. :>+«+++«..«+ssa2112006.. &0 AYIOR +.+...+.+ .. .+sr%«¥+«+@Ept. 21â€"88 Chatsworth...... .... _ .... Sept. 16â€"17 OChesiey......... ...... .... . .Bept, 21â€".22 Desboro........ ...... ... ... Bept, 28â€"24 Dundalk.......::...>....+..20¢t, 78 DURBHAM ................. Sept. 2824 Flesherton............ ... ... Bept, 28â€"20 Hanover.................... Sept, 16â€"17 Holstein............V.... . .Bept, 28â€"20 Loadon (Western Fair). .. .. Sept. 10â€"18 Markdale.... ......... .... ..Oct, 12â€"18 Meaford.....,.... ... ... Sept, 80, Oct. 1 Mount Forest....... .. ......Bept. 15â€"16 Ottawa (Central Canada), .. Sept, 10â€"18 Owen Sound........... .... .... Oct, §5â€"7 Priceville............... Bept,. 89 Oct, 1 0000000000000000000000000000 4290003806009 PUTS HALR ON WOUR HEAD AND KEEPS IT THERE What‘s the use o# @ming bald? What sense is there in debiberately allowing your hair to turn g@@ig! _ ~_ _ Do you .“fa!ifntb’lal};old before your time? Give up the thought; old age will come only too soon.> _ _ _ __ _ _ Come in and get a large bottle toâ€"day, it only costs 50 cents, and your money back if it does not cure dandruff, stop falling hair, or itching of the scalp. It will make your hair luxuriant, bright and beautiful, and it is the most refreshing, ple:sant and invigorating hair dressing made. Look after your hair. PARISIAN SAGE will kill the dandruff germs, and is the only preparation, so far as we know, that is guaranteed to do so. _ _ Man or woman, no matter how old you are, PARISIAN SAGQE will make you look young. _ C aoge $ PARISIAN SAGE In the west the weather has been ideal and the monthly reports from vyarious parts of the west show that the crops are coming along fine, and the various weather bureau and exâ€" perimental farm directors seem to be puite optimistic as to the outcome of the crop. The cool weather and the heavy rainfall during the samâ€" mer indicate that there has been 8 rank and rapid growth which will mean a heavy crop of straw. but the maturing of the crops bas been a jittle late. With favorable weather, the yield will be quite heavy. epta d o s Jaly 31...... Trace of rain. Aug. 1...... Traee of rain. Aug. 2.... .. Trace of rain. Aug. 3...... Very heavy rain. Aug. 4...... Showers. Aug. 5...... Showers. Aufi. 6...... Showers: Aug. 7...... No rain. Aug. 8...... No rain. Aug. 9...... Bhowers. Aug. 10... ... Light showers. Aug. 11...... No rain. Aug, 12...... Heavy rain. Aug. 13 ... ... Sbhowers. Aug.14 ..... No rain. Aug. 15...... No rain. Aug. 16 ...... Trace of rain. Aug. 17...... No rain. Aug. 18...... No rain. According to reports from all parts of the country there has been little rain in Quebec, the northern part of which would be better for more rain. ._Although the Weather fnn.l‘n nl‘“ in any way suporstitiouns, he to that lf’ rained some nearly every day since â€"St. Swithin‘s Day, (July 15) There have been only eight G@ays since that date when it did uet rain. The following table shows the reeâ€" ord : s 1 Aug. 1...... Aug. 2.... .+ Aug. 3...... AKag. 4...... Aug. 5...... Aufi. 6...... Aug. 1....., Aug. 8...... Augâ€"9.;. :.+ Aug. 10..... Aug. 11..... Aug, 12..... Aug. 18 ..... Ang.14 ..... Aug. 15..... Aug. 16 ..... kag.l7..... Jaly 16...... Rained a little Jaly 17...... No rain. July 18...... Good shower. Jaly 19...... Light shower July 20...... Ne rain. July 21.... .. Light shower Jaly 22...... No rain. Jualy 23...... Norain. Jauly %4...... Showers, Jualy 35.... .. Showers. July 26...... Showers. Jaly 27 ...... Showers, July 28...... Good rain. July 29...... Trace of rain. July 30...... Ne rain. _ Jaly 15 ... Only EHleven Real Dry Days since July 15th Dates of Fall Fairs, 1915 Macfarlane & Co., Druggists, Durham, Ont. TOE DURHAM REVIEW +... .. Light ehower. ... ... No rain. ... ... Norain. .. . . .. Bhowers, ... . .. Bhowers. ... . .. Showers. ... . . . Showers, ...... Rained a little. ... ... Raiped a little. . ... .. No rain. ... ... Good shower. . .. . . . Light shower . Ts as i+‘ +xsg +x2006, $ 0 + +++r%+++.« BGpt,. 21â€"88 ... __.... Bept, 16â€"17 .«....... . .Bept, 21â€"22 HUp PVE CVRA Y* L* :s N|Buckwheat...... .... @!Fail Whenat....:...... * |Spring Wheat........ q ; Oats, feed............. e | Oats, milling........ .. PORS::4: .ixsss si<.ss‘s f | D&tlGy +.:. .«1.11:«4«s =Y|Butter................ P IEBRS .: +« cesÂ¥ iess «* +s orcycles, Automobiles, Accessories, Etc. Local positions; Machine furnished. 5¢ brings the offer ; also special easy payâ€" ment terms. General Motors Agencies, 703 C. P. R. Bldg., Toronto, Ont. Flour per ewt ........ 3 45 to 4 00 | Oatmeal per sack..... 3 50 _ 4.00 Chop per ewt........ 1 30 to 2 00| Buckwheat...... .... 70 to _ 73| Fall Wheat........... 100 to 1 10| Spring Wheat........ 1i 00 to 1 10| Osts, feed........... .. 56 o 56| Oats, milling.......... . b5 to 55| Potatoes per bag. .... Hifeg:s..:«. :s~<..¢. /. 14 00 Beef, dressed ...... .. 12 00 to 13 00 Hogs, live, f o b.... . 8 60 Hay, per tou...... .... 12 00 to 14 O List has been carefa‘lly reyised, Durham â€" Markets. YOUNG MEN WANTED ; Handle Motâ€" Pandora The fange with pure white enamelled steel * t @ â€" enough to use in cooking and preserving. See the McClary dealer. = Sold by Lenahan & McKechnie o fifireserv“_ o; iâ€"s:-seaml' essâ€"and cvleaâ€"n %fl! h enough to use in cooking, FARE $300 J@DAIL% w & .‘."Mâ€"' ariP io w SINGLE FARE ovER ALL RAILWAYS West of Toronto, and Fare and Oneâ€"Third from outsi‘e points. Prize Lists, Entry Forms and all information from the Secy. W, J. REID, President. A. MJHUNT, {Secrotary by $3000.00. s Excellent Program of Atâ€" tractions Twice Daily. Prizes increased this year Western Faip London Durray, Aug. 19, 1915. THE CLEVELAND & BUFFALO for our 24â€"page pictorial and deseriptive booklet free, in 2 Sm e o e ie Beautifully colored sectional puzzle chart, showing both exterior and interior of The Great Ship "S!EKANDB_EE'f sent pg?aeglm o?fivq cents to cover postage -?:um ?I. ask Music by the Best Avaiiable Bands $30,000.00 in Prizes sent on receipt of five cents to cover postage 1 00 to 65 to 21 to 18 to V.VUV 111L 1 and Attractions 15 10 10 55 70 21 19 Two Speed Events Daily. Fireworks Every Night. New Steel Grandstand. Midway Better Than Ever. Mn is bound to increued in value, en in a position to judge say ths: no farmer living to-tiay will eves again see cheap beef, _ This certain‘y means an early increase in the selliv price of farm lands, I have for sale : 100 acres near Dromore, convenient io achool. _ Splendidly improved, on!: $1000 down, balance at 5 percen:, Price $2500, 100 acres con 18, Egremont, well preâ€" seryed i!50(1) or with another 50 acres, $6000. 100 sccres Egremont, near Mt. Fores‘. Good farm, worth more but offered $4000 or trifle under for quick sale, 200 acres Egremont, near Folstemw., Oune of the very best farms in tue Townsnip. Wl soon be picked up at vory low price quote*, 100 acres Demciackâ€"the John Clark iarm, con %, W G R. Cheaper than evor offereu before, IO acres Bent‘neck, lot 51 con 2, W . ‘%, t., near Durham, Good farm, cheap. You connot afford to BUY or SELL to BORROW or LEND without firse secing A A. H. tMLLER, Hanover Buy Farm TRANSIT ONTARIO ARCHIVEs TORONTO Property Now Sept. 10th â€" 18th 1915 CO., Cleveland, Ohio | 6 30 #@~ Mr McPhail has a telephone in 1 dence in Ceylon. PB Member Collego PMysicians and Bu; vour ‘tario Ol‘flf‘!: Over 3. P. Telford‘s office, wearly opposite Rupâ€"try Offloc, lfllalmu; : ©eco%d house south of Rogistry on cast sluc of Albert 8t. Licensed Auctioncer for County Grey. Terms modcrate. Arrangemen: for sale Jates can be mave at ‘w ic Ofice or at my residence next Loor Phone call to No. 6, Dustam wil be promptly attended to. UFFIOT i10OURS gâ€"â€"Ll a,. on 2 â€"4 pm. 4J §9. ABM, Telephone Comm w»ication between Oft e und Roside ace at all unours A> duate kKoyal vollege Lcatal Surgesn Dentistry in all its . ranches. Officeâ€"Over Jeweliry store a / o > gite Post Office, D. McFMAIL HONOR GRADUATE Toronto Lniversicy, Gra Avata knval sinitama 1.â€"abal Anean oA satrons of cummer creamcrice ar cheese is.tories, we want your crea anming tLoc wivter amovrths, Highe prices pad tor good cream. Wo su J. Al HONOR GRADUATLE of Porono University, graduate of Roy J Colley, of Dental Sury;eons of Ontario Pron Over J & J HUNTER‘Db Mow stove Barristor, Solicitor in Suprem Court Notary Public Commis. ons Money to Loan, flce on L=abron 8t., op te O W alpole‘s Btables, poss W.C, PICKERING D. D S., L D piices pacd for good cream. We s ply iwo cuus trve and pay iwice e sionth. â€" Wirime for Canls, BIG 4 %,8S Cheap Lece Curtains 2} yods loog, 40 in v{l:. se qy ** s long, 42 in w 2 > Tae po *# g‘yg lon:‘..“ in wide l"fl p * _8 ydslong, 47 in wido 1.30 p> All Ourtains have the new fnishe . vop Fine English Cotton Crepes, whie an fancy, at................15¢ per varc Table Linene, .. 29, 50 and 60 per yare Grey Cotton Rheeting 2 yas wide 25c y« Heavy bleached Shecting 2 yas Heayy 11x4 Fiauneliette Blankets white and guey........ ...1.50 a pail Heavy 12x4 Fiannellette Blakets, white only ................1 80 a pair Our New Spring Prints now is. Call and see ihem, W. H. BEAN & ® ARTHUR H. JAGSKSC Insurnoce aAgent, NMoner to Lo Issuer or Marmiage Licenses _A ; eral Jin=ucial pusiness tranrsacie‘ DURKAM, ONT, (Lower Town Terms moderate Arrangements io~ s« to Gates, «C., mu.\ veanaue at the Ley.. , wzmn. ##" UOFFeSDODICLOC udurusse or o Cevion P.O., Wili be prompuy attended to, ‘Tv.zas on application .0 lessons in voice .~urtion Singing, at the home of .e Mevomb, every Taesday, f > 7 pm. Appoinument, oew booked. Licensed Auctioneer (o» Co J. F.GRANT DP.D.S., D. Notary Public, Commissiones J. P. TELFORD, IHUR CJUN . EYANCFR,. L&e A. . BELL ®. M. ISAAC Creain Wanted D. XeP L, Ceylo« oPp to 3 MAGF um"uun R. . ISAAC, D SINGING Whig 2t Paim Creamery, Palmerston, Or 10 W govibs ICUIO0 _ @r« au 0230 be t

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