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Durham Review (1897), 19 Aug 1915, p. 8

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m " O! " _ if Taylor a Go. i'),': te' V Dromore, Ont. g tkxamaai,gmmaid'il','l1'll'ii'liliJ'i' .,. Carpets, Linoleums, Oilcloths it? Vu' Pt TRELEAVEN & RAMON, l'alm Creamery, Palmerston, Ont We are in the market to buy creel- eweet or sour. " the highest mute: p:iee. We anppiy two can. free to web of our patrons, ply all express l names. pay twice each month, t mquce payable " per. Receive t ream any day in the week, ten each t' so received, and send our petrone A moment ot same. Write for one . ed give our ereemary atrial. Re. , "enee--rtnr bank. Payment on I5th of each Month '2'iro>2hrst'le4xxxmaxxsiaeeeeiieyiirta1r; Now these are Ladies' Vests LADIES ! In Muslims Hosiery Special Blankets CREAM WANTED Season is at hand for Wool and we are as usual prepared to handle any quantity. We are ready with the Cash or if you wish to trade it out, weare exeptionally well stocked in all lines and_ we are e to oblige you. It's our business Clothing to do so. A...“ mBfS0i-rtotn luau-Jim human». “to. Roam-ad BaatitttM 15mm. of Ont-no lad Ounce. Includ 3 human. union. And “I: . A." an no "eq-rtom Toronto. mutt an. Marks. Ont, and Eaat In no Province " (undo. new. mlw unions Ind humus. but not has og or mm; ”on. " Jet., Shaw: me or Ranker. - It. and ""%','g"l Mrfg, In “no" 'Jn,ty'stbY 1?!!!» Province“? Ont-m. ”Minion-6- a ortho mog"oto barium In" an. “.10. Out. ' tun wumlm rmrrtim I'll-Winn van ttf Wlnmm. etc.,nee non-ac (LEE. Agent, or 'rrttt-. M. G. .UI'HY, - Faun." Aunt, Can. Pu. In, TOIOII’. HIGHEST PRICES FOR ALL PRODUCE Bring us your Wool, Butter and Eggs Fifteen Day Men who are going West on the Harvest Exeurm'on- come In and let us fit you with Overalls, Underwear, Sex, etc. We'll save you some money. The Store that sets the pace. _ "coma 1m? war- "RETURN mp EAST" tlt." " 'IIIIPE. I ttILM Fil0ltt "IIIIPEG Greater Abraham's Whirlwind Sale SATURDAY, AUG. ill 7 FOR HARVESTING IN WESTERN CANADA “coma 1m? war- I “RETURN mp nar- The largest range we ever carried and the prices suit the moat careful buyer. Galateas Cords, Shepherds Checks, 8hantungs, Rice Cloth, Silks, we can supply you with anything you want or secure you any shade you wish. Let us accommodate you in any way we can. Many other lines, prices R. MacPARLANE, Agent, Durham. - Phone 2l Purity Blanket, guaranteed pure wool y r. 27 X Blanket, extra heavy.......... Flannellette Blankets, large size........ " " IIx4,at........ The prices are so low you c In the Tailor-made goods guarantee satisfaction. so are a few and only a few. show you the many other lines. MANY THOUSAND FARM LABORERS WANTED WOOL, Everybody Welcome JIt Abraham Co. Bargains for the last 3 days ranging from is the last day of GOING DATES Fou, can hardly notice them away W. J. SHARP Holstein Conveyancer Issuer of Marriage Licenses Money to loan at lowest rates, and terms to sun borrower. Fire and Life Insurance placed in thoroughly reliable companies. Deeds. Mott. gagps. Lenses and Wills executed on about“. notice. All work promptly attended to. Pllr. D. B. IARSH, Sc. D, F.R.A.S. Pastor Sunday School at 10. Service at 11 mm and 7.80 p. m. Y. P. S. C. E. Tuesday at 8 p. m.. Sunday School at 10. Services at ll 3. m, and 7.30 p. m. Epwortb League Tuesdays at. 8 p. m, Week night service Thursday at 8 pm Presbyterian Church we measure you and T, n. IBBOTT. Ph. B., -.. minor 2 pr. for 2Sc Methodist Church ....10c to 50e each GROCERIES for less than YO“ pay elsewhere 15c to 500 Let us " you Let us Fifteen Day SALE any " autumn} tLe amount ot the whole ruteahle propurly of the said Township of Iilgreiuoht uccordmg to the last “vised assessment roll there. of is the sum of 81.“.712 AND WHEREAS the amount of the existing debenture debt of the said lunlcipnmy o! the Town-hipot Egre- mont exclusive of loos! Improvement . v, -u‘ T"'""""- be mused annual? by special nying the said ebt and in llt,'Jll',i//e','.' provided is the $251.04. AND WHEREAS the an the whole ratenhln unmar- .. Atl l AND WHEREAS it is desirable to issue the said debentures at one time and to make the principal of the said debt renewable by yearly instalments during the period of twenty yen-s being the currency of said debentures, said yearly sums being of such leepective amounts that the Aggregate amount pays hie in each year for Erincipsi and interest in respect of t e said debt} shall as neulyae possible equal the amuum so payable in each at the other nineteen years of aid period (es shewn in Schedule "A" hereto sn- nexed.) ' AND WHEREAS the tote] amount {ignitedI by "The _Municipej Act " to AND WHEREAS in order thereto it will be necessary to issue debentures of the said Township of Egremont fm the sum of $3,000 as hereinafter pro- vided (which is the debt intended to be created by this Br-hor, the proceeds of the said debentures to be applied to the purpose aforesaid tutti to no other.) _ _ - V- . _ ..‘_mwu 'imMV"">V"r and necessary to raise by way of loan on the credit of the Municipal Corpor- ation of the Township of _Iiltrrertioot the sum of 83,000 to provide for the cost of works, plant. machinery and appliances necessary for the distribu- tion of electric power in the sand Police Village of Holstein in the Municipal Corporation of the Town-big of Egre- mont, to be supplied by t e Hydro Electric Power Commission of Ontario. A By-law to authorize tie borrowing or sum 0133.000 by the 115116 and sale ot Debentures to providei, lor the cost ot a plant to alumna memo power to of the Municipal l the Township of AND FURTHER l that at the hour, day a in fixed for taking tl electors the poll will be First published the 1: ust, A. 1).. 1915. JOHN McA DAVID AL NOTI TAKE NOTICE th true copy of a By-la lslunic'iptil Council of ti Egremont on the MI ust. A. D,, 1915. 5. The 28th day t lots, at the Clerk’s I ship of Egremont at foreman. is hereby summing up by the Corporation of the given m the am: negative respective] MADE, PASSED at the Council Chum ship of Egremont this ust. A, D., 1915. be supplied by the Hydro Electric Power Commission ot Ontario at the Police Village ot Holstein. in the Township ot Egremont. WHEREAS It is deemed adviaahlu 4. On Thursday. the 26ch day of August, A, D,, 1915, at the Clerk’s Ottice in the said township of Egre- moat at. io o'elock in the fore-noon, the Reeve of the stud Township will in writing, signed by him, appoint. two persons to attend at the ttnal summing up of the yum the Clerk of this Cm poration and a person to attend at the said polling lace on behalf of the persons intere ed in and desirous of the nnswuing t e said question in the attirrnativd a alike number o'r behalf of the perso interested in and desirous of the an wering of the said l question in the De tive resuecrivelv. At John D. Roberts’ Hall in the VII- lage of Holstein by DAVID ALLAN, Deputy Returning Otrieer and J. R. HUNT. Poll Clerk. 3. A true copy of this By-law shall be published in the following news- paper on the days hereinafter men. tioned. that is to any t In " THE DIR.- HAM REVIEW" on the 12th, 19th and 20th days of August, 1016, respectively and a copy of this Ely-law shall be posted at the polling place mentioned and at the Post oities, In the Police Village ot Holstein. 2, That the votes of the said rate. payers shall be taken on this question at the followmg time and place by the Deputy Returning Ohicer and Poll Clerk hereinafter mentioned, that is to say P- On Friday. the 27th day of August, A. D., 1915. commencing at the hour of nine o'clock in the forenoon and continuing till tire o'eloek in the after noon of the same day l Clerk Are you in favor of obtaining from the Hydro Electra, Power Commission of Ontario tb supply of electric power P TBERIFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Town-hip of Egre- mont enacts as follows ; I. That the following question be submitted to the T'ltttirirne'tl', of the Police Village of Holstein n the Mun- icipal Corporation of the Township of Egremont" entitled to vote on money by-laws P- l A By-lew to take thevote of the ‘ ratepayers of the Police Village of Holstein in the Township of Egremont entitled to vote on money By-laws on a question to be submitted whether the said ratepayers are in favor of a supply of electric power from the Hydro Electric Power Com- mission of Ontario. WHERIAS the Municipal Council of the Corporation ot the Township of Egremont deems it ndviuble to sub- mit to the rote on of the traid Police Villnge ol gnaw in the Town. ship of Egremont. entitled to vote on l money by-lews a question no to wheth- er the said ratepayers are in lever of a supp]? of electric power from the gytdro lectric Power Commission of tt Brio. -- " - V g h ot the Municipal com of 90 out of the Jl'llled,'iAl'.",t,,tlu"t' 1n urn-urn. the Township ot W- THEREFORE the Manic?“ Cot -- cit of the Corpontion of the owns! A By-law to take the vote of the I ot Baum“ mtttct1 " follows, _ BY-LAW NUM DAVID ALLA 1 of the Townsh detst oeeGed I int at; crime... By-uw NUMBER 304 [tpit; h thfA'tt,eti,t ' nli, “we. I. “nn3n=--I "Amnu-‘ -1 -A Mr. -1 ac, - _.,, _. . _ de.emed advisable ipecinl rate for and interest at is the sum of it?) Waring of the said ative respectively. f August. A. D., ttiee in the Town- 0 o'clock in the ppoiuted for the ‘lerk of the said umber of votes tive and in the :OLSTEIN LE kND ENACTED er in the Town- Aorta day of Aug. TH UR, Reeve AN, Clerk rporation of gremont. 'pthe above is 11 passed by the e Township of h day of Aug- [P bf Egrem ont BER 305 AKE NOTICE ad place there- Ie votes of the held, th day of Aug. 2"" the 4th day of August. A. D., g. JAN]. " DOES. Admin-tutor by m. Solicitor, J. P. "q"iiWii'iii'il August. All)” ,'tlr, are cquireddto sen y opal or ot twice e.. livel to J'3'Afl'llt',',, of th Town of Durham, Bolloltor for the miniatu- tor, on or before the 21th d y of Aug- mst, 1915, their names. Add "" and description and a full at: moat of 'partiettiars of their claim. the na- tare of the ”corny (it " held by them, duly eertittid, and at, after the nld any the adminls tor will proceed to diamante the use“ of the estate among the pallet entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which he and! then have no- tice. . Inthe matter of the E tate of Alex. under Coutta, late of e Township If Eqrmont. in the c, nty of Grey, armer, deceased. NOTICE is hereby tti n, pursuant to R. S. O. 1914, Cap. IN, . 60, that all penonl "vlntt claims Iinlt the estate or the aid Alexa er Comte. who died on or about the lat day of lypeb It, my, my equired_to In the Surrogate urt of the County of rey. ‘be fiually p-eeed by the Council of the Mnniclpelny of the Township of Egre. mcnl: (in the event of the assent of the electors being obtained therein) after three weeke from tho first publication thereof in 'THE Donna: REVIEW." the dete of which flrtrt publication was Thursdey the 12th dey of August, A. D. 1915, end the: the votes of the electors of the Police Village of Holstein in the aid Township of Egremont will be teken thereon on tle day and " the hours end place [ht-rain Muted. DAVID ALLAN, Clark of the Township of Etrremont, NOTICE TAKE NOTICE that the above is a trite copy of II Bylaw which has been taken him communion and which will Referred to in the for showing how the nu) therein required to be by special mu: is appur Year Principal I at 1910 80 04 l 1917 90 77 1 1018 "ti 70 1 1919 101 08 1 1920 100 68 1 1921 112 " 1' 1922 118 63 ll 1923 125 16 L' 1924 132 04 11 1925 Iso 30 11 1926 1-16 97 10 1927 155 os n 1928 163 58 8 1929 172 57 7 1930 182 06 1921 192 08 58 1932 202 64 48 1983 213 79 37 1934 225 M 25 1935 287 95 13 1925 1920 1927 1028 1929 Notice to Creditors DATED at the an}: the Township of Harem: of August A. D, 1916, 8, The Clerk of the Council of the said Township of Euro ttt aha” attend at his off1as in the an Township of Egremout at ten o'cloe in the forenoon of Saturday the 28th (In of Auguun A, D. 1915. to stun up the number of vat-s for and against this By-jaw. T, On Thur-day the 2 h day of Aug. ust. A. D. INS, the Re a of the and Township of Egremont hull tttlend at the Clerk’s Otfieo at the and Township of Egremont at the ho of tea o'clock in the toronoon to app int persons to attend at the Polling lace aforesaid and " the tintl summin up of the votes by the Clark on baht” a! the persons interested in and promo " or oppoumg the pricing of this By-ln respectively. 8, The Clerk of the Council of the At John D. 1toherts' Hall in the Vit. lage of Holstein by David Allan. Dep- uty Returning Uttieer and J. B. Hunt, Poll Clerk. I On FRIDA Y the 27th day of August A, D. 1915. counmencmg at the hour of nine o'eloek in the forenoon and con- tinuing till tive o'clock in the afternoon of the same day by the to_llpwitw dep. uty Returning Ofh'cer and Poll Clerk t 5. This By-law shall take effect on and from the final passing thereof by the Municnpal Councilor the Township of Egremont. . 6. The votes of the electors, of and Police Village of Holstein shall he tak. en on thm Brlaw at the following time and place, that. is to any I l During the currency of the said debentures there shall be taised ennu- ally by special rate on all the ruteuhle property in the Police Village of Hol- stein the sum of 8261.N for" the pur- pose of paying the amount due in each of the years for principal and interest in respect of the said debt (as shown in Schedule "A" hereto annexed.) s. Thr mid debentures shall bear interest. et the rate at 'lated, cruel-half r cent " annual. " 0 car y at rd, 'GU' of the “El. Benkyof Mon. treal at the Police Vi]! e of Holstein and shall have attache? thereto cou- pons for psyment of the aid Interest, which coupons shall be signed by the Reeve and Treasurer of the said Town. ship of Extenont. 2. Each of the aid debentures shall banished by the Reeve of the said Towmhip of Egremont and by the Treulrer thereo and the Clerk of the aid Township of Egremont phall at- tach thereto the Corporate Seal of the aid Municipality. "_"uur.otug the lunicifnl Coun- cil of the Corpontion of the ownship of Enchant enact.- " follows _ 1. Tint for the pumme- aforesaid it shall be lawful (only (Jam-w , f ' in aid Municipal Corpouuun ' I 3.. Townshi of Emma: to bot, . hr out!) a! 'ltlll, and to issue debeucu, , s of the Mid Commotion to the amount of 'Moo. each of which debenture- thalt be dated on the date of the issue thereof, and shall be payable within twenty year: thereafter at the Dice of The Bent of Montreal at the said Police Village of Holstein in the Township of lineman SCHEDULE DOM REVIEW we urt y of rey. , the E tale late of e i n the c, nt; ad. web i n, f,l','l'dil $2020 80 $5020 80 I,', ll- p, ll 11 10 58 96 4 40 37 " 25 it 13 Il E 59 41 Facing By-lnw. Isnt of $251.04 raised annually noned. . west Total , 00 21 04 , 27 21 04 i 28 21 Ot l 01 21 Ot cil Cmmber in at this 10m day 46 17 74 ONTARIO ARCHIVE§ TORONTO REEVE CLERK 21 04 21 04 21 04 21 01 21 04 21 Ot 21 Ol 2t 04 21 04 21 01 21 Ot 21 Gt 21 O4 21 (M 21 04 21 04 21 04 21 Ot 21 04 21 04 Attractive tripe to Maine Resorts, ncluding Kennebunkport. Portland, Old Orchard, ete., tickete good going August 27th, 28th and mm. return limit September 13th, 1915. Particu- late tram Gunmen Paeitle Ticket Agent. or write I. tr, Murphy, owl Mot Penman- Ageut, Toronto. Seaside Excursions A few weeks ago License Inspector Allan, Constable Eccles and vigil- ance committee of citizens went to the station to make a search there owing to allegations that liquor was kept there. They found some well filled bottles and several empty ones. The Grand Trunk headquarters upon hearing tales concerning the find, _ sent a detective to Holstein one day] last week for investigation of the matter. His report has not yet been heard of, so whether action will be taken or not by the railway, has not yet been learned. Speaking to In- spector Allen of the matter, the In- speetor understands the liquor was for private consumption by a party in Holstein and that likely there will be no case. l Early Saturday morning following several weeks' illness, there passed away in the person of Wm. Hora burg, one of the pioneer settlers of Egremont. He was 70 years of age. He is survived by his wife, five sons 'and five daughters, all being at his bedside when the end came except one son and one daughter. Mrs Dun- can Paul and Andrew from Saskat- chewan and Mrs John McFayden were present when death came. The funeral on Monday afternoon to Reid's cemetery was largely attended, Rev. Dr. Marsh oiheiatihtr. We print! only a few facts this week, as a fuller: obituary from the able pen of Mr C. _McInnes has been promised for next issue. . u": .qu at macs mummy morning. Inspector. Allan has a luaor case, Our football team were successful Wm .Magri.tttrate McLean at Cedar- Ivs. Priceville in a game at Buuesuu ville this Friday. He expects a cou- , last Friday score I-o vietion as the outcome, l ' F Rev. T. H. Ibbott, ScouNfaster, has received a circular letter from the secretary of the Duke of Connaught. expressing the pleasure of His Royal Highness for the assistance the Boy _ Scouts throughout Canada are giving recruiting officers in the work of re-l cruiting and helping by messenger service and many other ways. The Scouts seem to be taking a keen l pleasure in this work and the mili- tary authorities with whom they must co-operate appreciate their efforts: greatly. l The undersigned wi hue a car of Peed at Holsmin Staci this week. Wheat chop ot good qnl y in sacks. Prices moderate-ttUs p r 100 lbs. Cm MCINNES Mr John Walls, of Harriston, who is supplying at Conn in the absence of Rev. Mr Ward at college, preached very ably in Holstein Methodist church on Sunday. Rev. Mr Ibbott preached in Mt. Forest on the Bats. bath. Next Sunday in his own pul- pit, the latter will preach two special sermons, the morning discourse will be on the subject; " The Year After ", and in the evening. " Should Minis-) ters take any interests in Political‘ and Municipal affairs." 1 Many citizens regret and are annoy- ed that Sunday joy-riding on motor cycles on the main street goes on. The practice is wrong and there is some talk of having some law used, but we hope this will not be neces- sary. The farmers are working their hardest this week and speaking gen- erally, crops are excellent and the yield promises to be heavy. la some cases the grain is down and tangled. D. Allan says he has 7 good loads of barley from " acres and J. Brown has a fUld of the same grain, stocked so heavily that roadway between the stooks is scarcely possible. These are samples at the harvest. It is es- timated that a full day's threshing per 100 acres will be needed in most instances. The Young Peoples and Robert. son Memorial Societies of Fairbairn church are holding a garden party this Thursday evening at Fairbairn. Mount Poreat's horse show and postponed races took place on Wed.. nesday, several front this vicinity attending. Mr and Mrs Thea. Dixon, of qi. cage, are visiting their respective parents in Holstein. Mr St. Ledger. of Toronto, is holi. daring with his wtfe at Mr Durant's. Mr and Mrs Geo. Swanaton came home from the West on anday night. Friends in Holstein are pleased to hear the success of Clinton and Flor- ence Main, who ttif, their High School exams and argaret her Eu. trance examination. Mr Sam Smith is laid up with a very bad foot-blood poisoning. we have been informed. Mr Geo. _Hoatetter, who has been spending his annual holidays here, has returned to the west. Slat. is this part. Mfaa 8. Etteker la attending the millinery openings in Toronto and securing ideas of the lute“ wrinkles in hat wear. Mrs Petrie and mu Anna Cum gave returned home from their holi- aye. ELM“. Mo PERSONAL is renewing. acquaintances G Via Canadian Ncitk _Thos. Reid, of Houomin. Miss Ella Renton contributed I fine solo at Amos Sunday morning. oer.too.tyu1. team were successful Mr D. Christie, Mount Forest, made a business trip to the village on Tuesday. Miss Annie Knox, Swinton Park, has been visiting for the past week with her sister, Mrs Jno. McMIrdo. Mr James Moody, accompanied by his sisters Ella and Miss Stella Ic- Millan. Bethel, visited at Mr C. Me. Millau‘s on Sunday. Miss Marion Petty, Durham. spent a few days recently with Mr and Mrs James Allan. Mr Andrew Hay is working with Mr John Nelson at present. Mr Rob Eccles, Galt, visited with his brother Dan one day last week. Master Nelson and Miss Marjorie Rocks are spending their holiday. with Mr Wm. Nelson. Mrs Payne and son Ralph, of Tor. onto, have been visiting for the past week with relatives here. Mr J. G. Johnston recently pur- chased a five passenger Ford car. Miss Lillian McIntyre, Port Ar- thur, accompanied by her two broth. ers, are visiting at Mn John Buns- ton'a. Mrs Moody and son Will and Mr and Mrs Auchenbauch and child, of Buffalo, are the guests of Mr and Mrs John Renton. Dr. Sneath motored to Barrie on Saturday, where he is spending I two weeks’ holiday. Misses Ellie Katie and Belle Pat. terson are holidaying with friends in Tilltontutrg, T119 Central Drug Store B. M. Smith ably filled the chair and gave a tine patriotic address. The net proceeds were $45.00, which no in aid of the Red Cross Society. A chorus was given by Amos choir and selections from the works of R. Service by Mr T. McArthur, Fleshcr- ton, were thoroughly enjoyed. _Rtsv, The Garden Party held on Wednes- day evening, under the auspices ot the Women'a Institute was n decided success. A football game Dtomore " Holstein, took place, but on no- count of the late hours, neither side scored The programme took place on the fine liwn of Mr James Snell and was both lengthy and varied, consisting of. several selections by the Holstein quartette and String Band both receiving hearty encores. School A full line of Try Comfort Clubbing Rates With all City Papers GEO. B. DING”, ll. R. Ticket Agency, Who have but little education may propel-e in e few months for positions as Railway Mail Clerks, etc. Bohr! 8500 to $1000 with mileage rate. Fall Term opens Aug. 30, 1915. Write for catalogue " once D. A. McLACHLAN. Pres. G. M. HENRY, Principol Who pass the Examinations held in May or N month». The salaries range-from a minimum of $500 to a minimum of $1200. Those who take our course should experience little difficulty in passing the required teat. POSITIONS ARE PERMANENT AND CERTAIN. Our Dominion Government gunrsnteos positions to graduate tsttsnotrrapherts of the MOunt Forest Business College High School Students Comfort costs little. Why, it? Be the day never so hot somewhere. Just hang up or hammocks and be comfortal mocks and hammocks; ours lazing. They are neat too, wear well. DROMORE Prices lurked any down for the balance of the season. are neat too, and YOUNG MEN Why not get a good share of so hot, there is a shady spot , up one of our roomy, comfy Buy Four tickets here The Review to New Subscrib- ers to Jan. let l9l6, for only tlic Mr and Mrs v Sunday with Mr Leith, Nommby. mug her mother, Mrs Jno. kin-53. Sr., and other friends around here. Mr and In Wm. Philp visited the forum‘s 'sister, Mr: Jim. Macbeth. will con. and 'ttttrites Mrs Alex Gillies, of BtMtalo, iting her mother, Mrs Jim. I Sr. , and other friends around Mina Marjorie Roch. of Toronto. is visiting her uncle. Wm. Nellon. Mrs Waddell and lunily, after spending I month in this neighbor- hood, returned to their home in the West last week . Mu Bob Roberson is visiting with friends " Ripley Ind Bruce Bach toe 3 few dun. Mr cur. IleLellun opont I (In in the villus. 1m week visiting Honda. It tNbrie1 the school. Min Ella Kirby Ind Hum- John in mending a few day: with th eir uncle. Mr Cnrmoum. u Glendon. orders in iiiariiiirG, Mum Lizzie Hoeiiin wont to Toronto sum”. get to market are the GI-QOI and Bur. bank. The Burhnnk is the but Jap- anese plum. 1't'iet,'ir known um preurvinz qunlitieo o the Gun. The quality this sexton is nun-null! haemd it will be well to put down In ext" supply. Early Rivermd Alex- and“; peaches are MID ready. They are both aupnmely deliciouI sliced with emu. The Triumph is thetirat Fellow t1eehed pench. nod excellent for canning. Better quality will he abyined boll: in‘penahes and plum- if We no marry to hear that In Wil- Human in on the nick lint. Min Olly. Dickson and brother Henry, of lildnny, visited over Sun- dly " W. T. Finder's. Min Norma Pinder cums home with than. Mn Doug!“ returned homo Blair. " , after tsttdiog two real“ with fun.“ " (hit. Mr and In Thou, Glonorou. from Zion. Vilited Sunday at Fanning- hnm'q Ind Finder's. The tumor- uo troy cutting “(I bringing in their groin. Plum, will be at their but the last two Ttttlit Lulu“; The tip» to le. There ah In}; are the right sort for EAST EGREMONT classy, for the Shady... FRUIT NEWS l, of Anon. in pointing War. Nellou spent f and In David 35¢ and they ir- 7 in ', Jrd 'a a VOL. XXXWII, N th tc MIMI Boys Ask moun Retry tit: Darl pail“ cle ll “"c " Camp Lite at Niagara Durham H M Phillip Hum) I-v. . ...V keeps: otder Pent hes Every gram bundles h Mu: The " FRUIT BULLli’l‘IV rs id I y Wedge G .g tik & Plums talk-c than. It N

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