West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 26 Aug 1915, p. 4

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i, It"t John McGowan In 'dit', 2fTgr. oer 'rLiuriui9i'xiri'iia?""""iiG%"; an? Bair than here. We In" a Fresh :nd varied stock ot the ancient Groceries Oranges, Lemons. Peel; Dates, Nat Candies le. kinds, ',',ttl oyerythinz mixing!“ the Bt.slidar louivitiu. All kinds of grain bought It market price. Special Reduction on Flour and Peed in ton Iota. Your Hoiday Groceries, Fruits and onfections Headquarters for Confectionery and all Bakery goods THE?." CITY BAKERY Sovereign, Eclipse and Pastry Flour Large Qqaqtjty of No. I Feeding Hay Wheat, Barley and Oats Chop 500 tons of No I Mixed Chop WHEAT AND BARLEY e REVIEW is well equipped We American Cm CR'MPED OATS for Horse Feed at FairPrices CHOPPED OATS at. . . ., very reasonable rates for turning out all kinds of Commer- cial and Job Printing. Give us a trial. Feed Feed Feed THE PE0PLE'S MILLS Every bag guirantaed. If not Jatistaotor, bring tt back and get your money, Freshjand Clean, the very best. see-this ttay before' purchasing elsewhere. It will pay you. Special prim in over five ton lots “If You want goodheavy mixed feed, try our Chicffain (nu-n Food " It gives good utisfactvigni - - -_- are in the market for any Quantity of OATS HOBBS; mo " Night ift6 e Rob Roy Cereal Mills Co. (ht-ed Hills, Durham . BLACK 3 Er. A ROWE We absolutely guarantee eyery article to be " represented. Mr. CrSwford jrrtivdruoing , 1 west about threshing time to look I ' after his important inter-eta there. I He goes on to tell of a great :borse barn going up, the beat in {the country. Another neighbor of Mr. Crawford's is building what Mr.Tucker, his cor., con- siders will be the best farm house in the Province, the hot water and plumbing arrangements alone costing over 81000. He is very anxious to have Mr. Crawford back. Robt. Vollett, John and Wm Sin-s, all South Grey bore/ argues: by and_ doing well. I 1 I suppose you are quite well ;suited over the Manitoba elec- ltions. The tories surely gota l, good drubbing and Sir J as Aikinl ldid not escape. I suppose the [crooked work done in connection iwith the new Parliament Bld'gs 9 could not be more corrupt in any _ country and the Roblin gov't will go down in history as the most 1corrupt gov't in the history of I Canada. Alberta certainly made in clean sweep in their votes for 1eroybition. and I understand {that your leader of the opposi- tion, Mr Rowell is going to put e up a great fight again in old On- ltario for total prohibition. He 5 made several speeches while out his country and I think was 'tli, received every time. The closing of the bar has been a good thing for Unity, we never see a drunk man now, and on fair day when so many people were here not one was drunk and I think the same applies to all the province. " I wish you could see your way clear to start putting up that l block again. Last week we had la man here that wanted to start a /gents' furnishing store, and could i not get a place so had to go away. I Also the Gov't would have rented l a part of the building for the new lphone offices and the only place {they could get was the back of j Tailors' shop in Walters building. l, We have the phone system about jompleted, there is I believe '. about 180 miles of wire in the [ country, going north, east, south _ and west and 44 phones in town, so you will understand that it is some system and requires some room for the offices. Bnt they could only get the place mention- ed and they are not suited with it very well. " "Mr Simmonds was in to-day, l 13th inst, forhis twine and starts cutting on your farm next week and cutting around Unity will be (fairly general then. I have nev- er seen a better crop in this or any other country. I was out over your farm ten days ago and it certainly looks fine. The oats near the buildings are ready for the cutting and wheat will be I ready by the 18th. Wesley Sirrs _ (formerly of Egremont - Ed.) [ 'started cutting barley yesterday and he will be kept busy right along. Mike has a grand crop, told me when in for twine he ex- pected to have eight cars of wheat to ship. He has put up 100 tons of hay besides breaking up the quarter of new land. . . Mr. J. W. Crawford has given us the perusal of a letter received a few days ago from Unity, Seek. which gives a whiff of western optimism over abounding crops. The writer is a hardware merch- ant and in close touch with the farming community. He says: " The candid opinion of most sons. ible men to-dny is xutmistalralrly in one direction, mmely. um no counv try that is at WV hns any INSIDE“ permitting the trontirumneo of a trade which imposes unnooonuy burdens on industry and commons and entail- worse angel than war itself. " The present campaign will be " economm one. Throughout the prov- ince it is being fathered by shopkeep- ers, miners, professional men, mill bends, lumbermeu, farmers and busi- ness men of all kinda. " The present movement springs from senses. clesses end interests which in the msin hove not hitherto been "untasil with temperance re.. form. One has only to move about In the business community of this city and province to be convinced how comprehensive is the extent of the present sentiment. Undoubtedly the war. responsible for men] disil- lusionments, coconuts for the present conditions. " British Columbia." the auto-em begins, " in soon to " naked to pro- hibit the liner tram. during tho war. A convention " to be held in this my in a few days and n nuptial) will then be outlined Ind plum for its grounder: undo. Ipecinl to the Duh-m Review; Vnmnr. Aug. no, 1915 A irgttititant sign of tho rising tide of public opinion in British Columbia nesiust the liquor traifie ll tohcl'onud in a shaman: issued by John Nolan. Publisher of the Vcncounr World, (Independent). in which he snnonuus that his pope: will nndettnkc u dsdits ite csmpsiru sgsinst the trtd%, " “ritiah fN",t-Ki, II ' ...r... -_A Ely: putlgmu And Now British Columbia Optimism In Unity, 31.50 per year. I.“ it traid In aim. Splendid Crops AUG. M, 1015 THE mmmug mun Thousands of Men will be required from Ontario to help in the great work of haunting the Western crap: and practically the entire task of transporting the great army of Bar. veeterl to the Walt will (Ill to the lot of the Canadian [wine leay. . Excursiom from pointa in Ontario to Munitobs. Sututchewm and Al. berta will be run. nd amid trains operated, making the trip in About thirty-six hour: end "aiding may change ot urn or tun-fern. " Going Trip Welt.” 812.00 to Win-l nines. “Return Trip Eat.” 'e' from Winnipeg. Con-alt O. P. R. Agents was... l puticulnr- in connection with tum 1n sad but sing memory of my be- loved brother,' Tues. H. u'orlett, who 'died Aug. goth, 910. ' Many Thousand alla Required for the Harvest in Western Canada In life we'll me no more ; Our thoughts are ith you Darling On yonder dicta shore. God has given, God as taken. All of us must hea he pain ', For the lawns One h promised We in Heaven shall eet again. Though eurthly‘ies are broken, Mrs J. Wagnei Ind daughter spent Monday eve with the Mines Mun.. teal). The Women's Institute was held " Mr A, Clmpball'a. Two new mem bers iomed, which we are pleased to any. It was domded the ladle: would make ' quilt to make money for tLa Red Cross Society. Miss Reid left for hume on Friday, after spending a {cw darts with the Manley family. Muss Came Manley acccmpanied her home to Dromo:s. . Mr Morrison Sumh returned home from Toronto on Friday. Miss Norms Black. Duruis, is spending a few days with Miss Llsla McKnight. (Intended for lust wow) Mrs Wsre and family. of Torome are visiting her father and sister I and Miss McKnight. Mr and M”, K. J, Corie". epent Sunday with the McIntosh family. The Dornoch Branch of tho Wo- men‘s Institute met " the home ot Mr, Alex Campbell Aug. 11th, 26 being present. Mr Trout. from Owen Sound. addressed the meeting in the Interests of the Children', Aid. He reminded the ladies the: in working for patriotic purposes they do not lose sight of the worthy cause that he is; interested in. the reclamation of or. phan and neglected children. The roll call was responded to by all the members. They have decided to make an autograph quilt in lid of Bed Cross. Any one wishing to con- tribute may do so by giving in their names to the Secretary or any of the 1 members. i Miss Ivy Dan-gavel. accompanizd by her sister, Mrs A. E. Smith, of Chicago. returned home to spend a few weeks with their parents. Mr And Mrs Dargavel. Mrs Htry and Mrs E. Round visited with airs Watt Monday. What's the matter with the Dor- noch baseball mam unis year ? Is it because they lost one of their good players. Masters Harold and Irving Picard, who have been visitinc their ttrand. parents, returned to Toronto yester- day. acmmpanied by their grand- father, who has been ill tor the pas' four or tive months, and has gone to consult a specialist in Toronto. Misses Manley spent Monday eve with Mr and Mrs J. Ledingham. Mr and Mrs J. Daigavsl and baby motored to Dornoch on Friday eve and attended the garden party. Miss Annie McDonild. of Durham. upon: a. couple of days with her triendLMisa Ivy Dargavel. Mrs R. McLaren Ind children are visiting her parents. Mr and Mrs P. McIntosh. Sorry to Mar Mrs McIn- tosh is not improving. The Dornoch garden party w“ held Friday eve and proved I great success. A fine programof speeches. longs. tke., were rendered. The ptooeeds ware tsbotttp1 When nearlv nine o'eloek, Rev. Mr. Mills tookthe chair and emriently conducted a very line p~‘~:*!m. Com. pliments were showered w 1. Nil liarnsford choir for their m1. " " in srleetlons and in rendering. Tu. .- r- rlng strains of the bagpipes in the hands of young McGormack were thoroughly enjoyed. Solos were xiv. on by Mr Allan Bell. Miss Katie Me- layden and by some members of the choir. All this with Mr._R.Uetintr- tuunu fgramophone selections gavea mnslcal character to the evening. Mr. C. Rama” was called on for an tui- dress but gave up his time to H. H, Miller of Hanover who had to leave early. Mr. Miller has few rqu tlsin‘ making a stirring patriotic amen] and " outline of the war and the neces- sity of Canadians ”raking to their re- sponsibility in the latter was power- fully set torth. Mr. Breeae. Chats- worth, was the next speaker and at some length along the same lines gave tuerat expressions to many tine senti- ments. may evening Int a successful Gar den Party wu held on the ground! and under the auspices of the Pro-by- terian church " Deenoch. A It!!! crowd gathered even thch the ev- chin. III suitable for beneath”: wort. Abundanee of good thing. set out In the: huement in the moot or tnctiye tuhion em enjoyed by all. -hom hi0 lov‘ug tister Alice. Domed: Garden Party IN MEIORIAI This Week'a Budget DORNOGH rrp' 'il, TORONTO “Rough on Rata" clears out Rats, Mice, etc. Don't die in the House. 15o and 25: at Drug and Country Stores. A'number from this district attend, ed the garden party at Dr Jackson's Monday evening and were very mach Interested in Col. Carrie's address. The farmers are having a hard time getting gram cut, the wind and rain having knocked it down so bad- ly that the most of it had to be out one way. Miss Emma Ritchie, Miss Winnie Greenwood and Messrs Earnest and John Greenwood and Jno M. McFay- den and Miss Kate McFayden atten- ded Dornoch garden party Friday, the latter assisting in the program mth a well rendered solo. Mr and Mrs. J. W. Firth and little daughter Jean returned Monday to their home in London. after visiting for some time with the farmers moth- er, Mrs. D. Firth. Congratulations to Miss Edith Edge on passing the Junior Matrieulation exam. Mr. Ed. Pratt has finished drilling at Will Fittha. He started in a well 24 ft deep and after drilling 100 lft, struck water. This is the seventh well he has drilled in this district. All are giving good satisfaction. Mr and Mrs. Geo. Ritchie motored with Mr and Mrs Jas Wilson to Eu- genia one day the beginning of the week. Mrs. Blough and Miss Watson of Paisley were the guests of their cous- to, Mr. Geo. Ritchie, the beginning of the Week'. Mr. J. W. Greenwood, missionary student from near Gore Bay, is visit- ing at present with his parents, Mr. and Mrs T. Greenwood, iigtg9ngggtmgfalMlglig was!» [a TALCUMS I] S GOING DATES A060" 241-- AND 881‘-me taxon- to and stations West 1nd North in the Province of Ontario, but not in. cluding Station on line North of Toronto to Sudbury and Snulc Me Marie, Ont. For full wrticulara regarding trans- portation eat of Winnipeg, em. see mares: C. P. It. Agent, or write M.G. Murphy, District Passenger Agent, Toronto. Departmental Sidi; portation east of Winnipeg. Bring your Produce v - ,,_-..- _..-... vs nu: lumOl‘LS Our stock in large and full in all lines and delivered " once. Oar Rugs are the product of the best having all the Oriental tints of the famous n..- -L...J. e, 1 - - -‘ - still selling at thé -iiii"iGiies.d The Linoleums and Floor Oilcloths are of Canadian the best , p-tofdgte dgsjgns. Notwithstanding the Inn-6 m The Wall Papers are made STAUNTON’S. They are reli too costly. V Our stock is large and varied, comprising the Newest Designs and the Neatest Patterns in Wall Papers, Linoleums, Floor Oilcloth and Rugs. Large Sales MacFARLANE'ti Drug Store .ti, C. P. R. Town Office , Tho 'basalt/k Jibgo Buy your Tickets here 3: manmxmmamxmflxmaasxmgmmzmmE»: Boys’ School Shoes, 1 good s Ladies' Common Sense, thin Ladies Dongola. Blue, very " Lakies Dongola Blue, dressy than: ad Tulsa. ,Try one Mth-.. Yua..........25o Rexahviout..............26ts Mamtorsrrtt-.......-.-.e.t' ViolotDulco...............25¢ D.trtu-.........,....2tiis 'fartiiwk..........-?!its Bouquet Jtsutiee.....,.....50ts For the PnetteWr Nothing in non doughnut] or retrain-f in the nun: weaker than I I on Tainan. , Try one EDGE HILL 1ddKail1ni.e's Weekly News 5:22: (lr/r, qirjaKrsainriie House Furnishings Linoleums and Floor Oilcloths Boots & Shoes I good substuntial shoe . . . we, thin and comfortable. . . ' very serviceable. . 1.75 Wall Papers On Second Floor 'h_erttrstreremmrmmtmmeememvr',; u UHFIULDS are ot Canadian and Scotch makes, in Notwithstanding the great advance in prices, we are ade by the Canadian Wall reliable, new in (lesion "on! M!g!gleeeSeeee"==='a-'tr'r.r" V immammmfififimafi School A INNS?“ ti, McFadden's Old Stand, Often the Cheapest. We must have more room, and to get it, our big stock must be reduced at once. If you are looking for a snap in nu instrument, or anything in our line, call and see us and arrange your own terms. You will find our prices right. H. J. SNELL We no headquarters for every- thing in the cancelling. I have purchased the stock of IU:, McFadden and moved my present stock to McFa duo's stand. The store is now filled with Pianos, Organs Sewing Machines and Musical Instruments of all kinds in the highest and best grades. Trunks, Valises Suitcases at bottom values. Odds and Ends of broken lines " cut prices to clear. Custom work and Repairing attended to as promptly as possible. 0065:? Town Shoe Store Musical Instruments Must be Disposed of Men's, Ladies', Misses' and Children’s Hosiery Classic for Ladies, Eclipse and Westons for Misses and Children, Astoria and Brandon for Men with many other makes in medium priced lines. Prices are the same in most lines as last season. Close prices on Spring Goods have Arrived Be just to yourselves by havingf a. look at our large stock before selecting your next pair o In our higher-priced goods we have F00TWEW ..........2.1o TEE Rugs New Scribbler: New Exercises New Bellini!“ _ we ,C'anadian Wall Paper Manufacturers, 't new In design, neat in appearance and not We pay you Highest Price Align the I“. rm English loom, in the best designs, Eastern Rugs, but " lower prices. Special sizes and designs-, ordered Supplies Two Businesses in One Mai"; Li iii; iiiii, Man’s Split Blue. . . . J. s. McILRAITH _er,Seiri"ifFCMd, _ n. ' It y, T, ii',2t'iiiifti'j"Fi": Durham Durham 1.75 L, 1915 i. "st6ii-,ra'. V l r +ru.tras e» , , . Shingles and Lth hand It right pr L SUV“: prompny " For inurior n cheaper lbw I; Buy to haudl. Buy on: on - [av-l * just in - '3? your ins; , Ladies,' B, wt Tho undermgum to reeidettta ot “u i country. Hm m nod facial-y t WI! to take I SASH, DOORS, l."., l,, of HOUSE FET’IN “Bole Agett and Ir-, " I: h.- uld nanny of th, 'EW FIBRE BOA DURHAM ili, C. L. GRAN DURHAM PLANING MI Our Drugs and Man Quality Pharm PRICEVILLL. - “(a 'o render " aetavte in the hump ‘iuum. an I.“ fresh u (on Ret the he or your mum Various kinds Disiuiccl Metal and Silva Poll 9" Delicious L Summer Desse sgtit Bamboo Rod Sltk Lines, (jut Lea Ftmt Hook. Lu House‘cleanin Man's Jelly po, Inthnm, Kan NeWFishingTa Men's Shirts ZENUS CLA We have J. PATHS CIYLON Al we: Fresh OI! lin Special this Week sunny only Arriving Oaily Men's Wearin: Finn Produce Store C AUGUST M, IO Ladies' Waists co If J. J. PR loses W menu! l uric-II H PAT Tues

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