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Durham Review (1897), 26 Aug 1915, p. 8

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triet Passenger Agent, Toronto. Seaside Excursions Attractive trips to Maine} Resorts, ncluding Kennebunkport, Portland, (Ad Orchard, etc., tickets good going August 27th, 28th and 20th, return imit September 13th, 1915, Particuâ€" lars from @anadian Pacific Ticket Agents or write M. G. Muarphy, Disâ€" August 26th, from stations Toronto io North Bay inclusive and east, but not including Kingston, Renfrew or east thereof, August 28th, from staâ€" t‘ons in Ontario North and West of ‘Toronto but not including line Toronto to North Bay. _ For particulars as to tickets West of Winnipeg, apply to any Grand Trunk Tieket Agent. HARVEST HELP EXCURSIONS $12.00 to Winnipeg "Canadian National Exhibition" RETURN TICKETS at reduced fares to Toronto from all stations in Uanada. Special train serâ€" vice and low rate excursions from all principal points on certain dates. Ask agents for fall particulars. | WAR TROPHIES | Field Grain Competition Greater Poultry Show Acres of Manufactures REDUCED RAILWAY RATES FROM ALL PSTuSs Belgian Art Treasures Creatore‘s Famous Band Biggest Cat and Dog Show Farm under Cultivation Millions in Livestock $150,000 ";/%"#,«" $150,000 Model Military Camp Destruction of Battleships Battles of the Air Aug. FXHIBITION August 21st and 26thâ€"From ‘Toronto, Sault Ste. Marie, Ont., and East in the Province of Ontario, ineluding intermediate stations and branches, but not East of or including Kingston, Tichborne Jct., Sharbot Lake or Renfrew. August 24th and 28thâ€"From Toronto and stations West and North htbmdom.'& but not including stations on line North of Toroato to Sudbury Sault Ste. Marte, Ont. * August 19th and 26thâ€"From Kingston, Tichborne Jct., Sharbot Lake, Renfrew and East in the Provinces of Ontario and Quebec, including intermediate stations and "PATRIOTIC YEAR" WM CALDER, Town Ticket Agt. J. TOWNEKR. Ticket Agent MAMMOTH Military Display MARCH OF THE ALLIES Naval Spectacle REVIEW OF THE FLEFZ One Thousand and One New Things to Scee J FoR HARVESTING 1N WESTERN CANADA "GoInNG TRIP WEsT" "RETURN TRIP EAST" $12.00 TO WINMIPEG I $18.00 FROM WINNIPEG Boys‘ E School Suits We ars showing an aftractive range of School Suits for Boys. Neat patterns in the new Fall Shades. R. MacFARLANE, Agent, Dorham. _ Phone 21 Canadianfi National ~ TORONTO THRILLING The J. D. Abraham Co. MANY THOUSAND FARM LABORERS WANTED t Exhibits Via Canadian Pacific garding transportation west of Winnipeg, etc.,see nearest C.P.R. Agent, or writeâ€" M. G. MURPHY, District Passenger Agent, Can. Pac. Ry., TORONTO are special values. inâ€"we‘ll use you right. See our Window. The Store that sets the pace. 4,50, 5.00, 6.50 GOINQ DATES the Secretary, A. M. Hunt, London lOnt. The special programme of Attracâ€" tions offered by the management of the Western Fair this year will be above the average, One set alone, the seven Adas, a troupe of Aerialists, will be well worth the price of admission, Tho Seaberts. the World‘s Greatest liquestriane. with their â€" beautifol horses will be an attraction long to be remembered. The Pekinese Troupe, real Chinese Gymnasts, will be some thing new and startling _ Les Ortanâ€" ey‘s will furnish comedy that will fpleqae everybody, while the Bard Brothers arc reported to be the best Acrobats that ever appeared on the stage, also the Lefell Trio and many others. There will be Music by the best bands obtainable every day and evening. A change of fireworks proâ€" gramme will be given eyery night and will be the best eyer seen in London. Two Speed events will take place each afternoon in addition to the above. Bingle fare over all railways west of Toronto and fare and oneâ€"third from outside points, All information from Mr and Mrs Wm Sharp, Hampden, visited Sunday with their sons on the 3rd, Mrs, Ed. Smith and family whe have spent the last two weeks at the Wallace home returned home to Torâ€" onto last Saturday . messrs Edgar Renwick and Wilfrid Braggins left for the west on Tuesâ€" day,. # Mrs Jas. Coleridge and daughter, and Miss Jean Isaac, Toronto, are visiting with relatives in the comâ€" munity, & ur 0. Copeland, Toronto, is spendâ€" ing a fortnight‘s vaca tion at mrâ€" Jos. Eccles. Bornâ€"On August 17th, to Mr and Mrs Jas Petty a son. Miss Jennie Jackson of Mt. Forest spent a few days recently with her friend Miss M. Backus. Glad to say Mrs R. R. Watson and children are improving. Miss Elva and Merle Morice visited Tuesday with their aunt, Mrs. Will Petty . Bornâ€"On August 20th, to Mr. and Mrs John Leith a daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Philp, Mr, and Mrs. Hopkins and daughter of Holstein and Mrs Fettes of Proton visited Sunday with the Wilton family. Those on sick list still are Mrs D. Marshall, Misses Mary Marshall and Lizetta Birr. _ We hope for a speedy recovery for all . Miss Eva Renton is holidaying with acquaintanees at Louise. Mrs. G. Robinson and baby are visiting with friends in Stratford. The regular monthly meeting of Dromore branch of Women‘s Institate will meet in Russell Hall, Wed. Sept. ist at 2.30 p. m. A paper on ‘the *‘*Heroism of Women" will be given by Mrs R. Renwick Jr. â€" Anyone wishing to contribute jam or jelly for the soldiers at the front, kindly bring or send to this meeting. A good attendance is requested. . Miss J. Kinrell, Dundalk, is spendâ€" ing a few days at Robt. Renwick‘s. NORTHâ€"EAST NORMANBY September 1l0th to 18th The Western Fair DROMORE ABRAHAM SQUARE AND WHEA4EBAS the amount of the existing debenture debt of the said Municipality of the Township of Egreâ€" mont exclusive nf local improvement AND WHEREAS ile amount of the whole rateable property of the said Township of Egremont according to the last revised assessment roil thereâ€" of is the suwm of $1,93v,712, $251.04. AND WHEREAS the total amount required by "The Municipal Act" to be raised snnuallg by special rate for aying tbhe said debt and interest as Kergin;ttter provided is the sum of issue the said debenturgs at one time and to make the principal of the said debt repayable by yearly instalments during the period of {wenty years being the currency of said debentures, said yearly sums being such reapective amounts that the aggregate amount payable in each year for Erincnp.l and interest in respect of the said debt shall as nearly as possible cqhtul the amount so payable in each of the other nineteen years of said Eerlod (as shewn in Schedule "A" hereto anâ€" nexed.) AND WHEREAS/i it will be necessary to i of the said Township/o the sum of $3,000 hb vided (which is the dbbt created by this Byâ€"lkw, of the said debenturps t the purpose aforesaifl ar AND WHEREASY it A Byâ€"law to authorize thf borrowing of sum of $3,000 by the issue and sale of Debentures to provide ffor the cost of a plant to distribute etric power to be supplied by the Hydro Electric Power Commission of Qhtario at the Police Village of Holgtein, in the Township of Egremon WHEREAS it is deethed advisable and necessary to raise by way of loan on the credit of the Murficipai Corporâ€" ation of the Township) of Egremont the sum of $3,000 to vide for the cost of works, plant, frachinery and appliances necessary #or the distribuâ€" tion of electric power ifithe said Police Village of Holstein irf the Municipal Corporation of the T shig of Egreâ€" mont, to be suppli y the Hydro Electric Power Commisgion of Ontario. AND WHEREAS/id order thereto it will be necessary to issue debentures of the said Townshipjof! Egremont for the sum of $3,000 bbreinafter proâ€" vided (which is the dbbtintended to be created by this Byâ€"lkw,} the proceeds of the said debenturps tp be applied to the purpose aforesaifl ard to no other.) _ AND WHEREASY it is desirable to of the Municipal Co the Township of AND FURTHER KE NOTICE that at the hourt, day ahd place thereâ€" in fixed for taking the votes of the electors the poll will be held, MAaADE, PASSED An at the Council Chamber ship of Egremont this 1 ust, A. D., 1915. . i JOHN McARIHUR, Reeve _ DAVID ALLAN, Clerk NOTIO TAKE NOTICE that the above is a true copy of a Byâ€"law paesed by the Municipal Council of the Township of Egremont on the 10th day of Augâ€" ust, A. D,, 1915, First Buhliehed the l?t ust, A. D., 1915. | DAVID ALLA] Clerk of the Township 5. The 28th day of 1015, at the Olerk‘s Offi ship of Egremont at 10 forenson, is hereby ap summing up by the Cl Corporation of the nu given in the affirma negative respectively. 4. On Thursday, the 26th day of August, A. D., 1915, |at the Clérk‘s Office in the said township of Egreâ€" mont at 10 o‘clock in the forenoon, the Reevye of the said Toynship wifl in writing, signed by hitp, appoint two persons to attend at the final summing up of the yotes by the Clerk of this Corporation and ome pprson to attend at the said polling place on behaif of the persons interested in and desirous of the answering the said question in the affirmative and a lke number on behalf of the persons inkerested in and desirous of the answefing of the said question in the negative respectively. 8. A true copy of this Byâ€"law shall be published in the following newsâ€" paper on the days bereinafter menâ€" tioned, that is to say | In " THu® Durâ€" HaM REvirw" on the 12tb, 19th and 26th days of August, 19015, respectively and a copy of this |Byâ€"law shallâ€" be posted at the[Polling ace mentioned and at the Post Offife In the Police Village of Holstein. On Friday, the 270h day of August, A, D., 1915, commenkging at the bhour of nine o‘clock in the forenoon and continuing till five o‘Flock in the afterâ€" noun of the same day ; At John D. Robert§‘ Hall in the Vilâ€" lage of Holstein by DAVID ALLAN, Deputy Returning Officer and J. R. HUNT, Poll Clerk. A Byâ€"law to take the vote of the‘ ratepayers of the Police Village of Holstein in the Township of Egremont entitled to vote on money Byâ€"lawk on a question to be submit whether the said ratepayers$ are in favor of a supply of elegtric power from the Hydro Elecfric Power Comâ€" mission of Ontgrio. WHEREAS the Municipal Council of the Gorpgufim the lgwnnbip of Ifismonc eems it advisable to subâ€" mit to the ra ers of the said Police Village of tein in the Townâ€" ship of Egremont, entitled to vote on money byâ€"laws a question as to whethâ€" Are you in favorjof obtaining from the Hydro Electric Power Commission of Ontario a supply lof electric power ? 2. That the yotés of the said rateâ€" payers shall be takeh on this question at the following timb and place by the Deputy Returning |Officee and Poll Clerk hereinafter mentioned, that is to say ;â€" of the Municipal Corperation: of the Townshig of Egremont. money byâ€"laws a quiestion as to whethâ€" er the said ute‘)ny are in tayor of a lnppg of electriic power from the Hydro Electric Power Commission of 1. â€"That the foll submitted to the Police Village of H icipal Corporation Egremont entitled byâ€"laws :â€" } THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Egreâ€" mont enacts as follows : BYâ€"LAW NUME HOLSTEIN _ LEADER BYâ€"LAW NUMBER 304 wing question be ratepayers of the lstein in the Munâ€" the Township of to vote on money th day of Augâ€" ed advisable way of loan icipat Corporâ€" of Egremont e respectively. ugust, A. D., in the Townâ€" ‘clock in the ointed for the rk of the said ber of votes ve and in the D ENACTED in the Townâ€" th day of Augâ€" poration of gremont. ER 305 of Egrem ont of the “});ted the 4th day of August, A. D., JAMB® GBDDES, Administrator by his Bolicitor, J. P. TRLFORD Du: In the Surrogate Court of the County of Grey. 1928 163 58 87 46 | 251 04 ,1929 172 57 78 47 | 251 04 1930 182 06 68 98 | _ 251 01 1981 192 08 58 96 | 251 04 1032 202 64 48 40 251 04 1983 213 79 37 25 251 04 1934 225 55 25 49 251 04 1935 237 95 13 6y 251 04 $3000 00 _ $2020 80 |#5020 80 NOTICE TAKE NOTICE that the above is a true copy of a Byâ€"law which has been taken into consideration and which will be finally passed by the Coungil of the Mnnicipality of the Township|of Egreâ€" mont (in the eveut of the assent of the eleciors being obtained therefo) after three weeks from the first publication thereof in *Txz Durnax Review," the: date of which first publicalion was Thursday the 12th day of August, A. D. 1915, and that the yotes of th¢ electors of the Police Villsge of Holstein in the said Townehip af Egremont| will be taken thereon ov iLa day ard| at the hoors and place therein stated DAVID ALLAN 4 Clerk of the Township of Agremont THAKREFO the Municipal Counâ€" cil of the Co: ion of the Township of Egremont as follows :â€" 1. That for\the purp~â€"~« aforesaid it shall be la for the Coun ic of > said Munici Corporative â€"¢ ne Township of R ont to boris.. be sum ef O{(!D agd to issue debentu:.s of the said Corporation to the amount of fig)o. each lof which debentures shall be dated o% the date of the issue thereof, and shAll be payable within twentg years thereafter at the Office of The Bark of Montreal at the sard Police Village bf Holstein ~in the Township of Eerémont 2.. Each of the gaid debentures shall besigned by the Reeve of the said Township of Eg emont and by the Treasenrer thereof $nd the Clerk of the said Townshp of |Egremont shall atâ€" t.u!l _t._hergl:p the Cgrporate Seat of the in arrears, 2 THKREFORE the cil of the Co: ion of Egremont to a 1. That for\the pu it shall be lawfhl for t said Muanicipal Cor debt secured by special rates or assessâ€" ments is the sum of $ nil, whereof no part of the principal or interest is in arrears, ;\ 1925 1926 1927 1928 Referred to in the foregoin showing how the amount « therein required to be raised by special rate is apportioned Year _ Principal Iuterest 1916 86 o4 165 00 1917 90 77 160 27 1918 95 76 155 28 1919 101 03 150 01 1920 106 58 144 46 1921 112 45 138 59 1922 118 63 132 41 1923 125 16 125 88 1924 132 04 119 00 1925 139 30 111 74 1926 146 97 104 07 7. On Thursday the 26th! day of Augâ€" ust, A. D. 1915, the Roeeyelof the said Township of Egremont shgli attend at the Clerk‘s Office at the saift Township of Egremont at the hour of ten o‘clock in the forenoon to appoint| persons to attend at the Polling Plade aforesaid and at the final summing up bf the yotes by the Clerk om behalft of the persons interested in and promoting br oppesing the passing of this Byâ€"law redgpectively. 8 The Clerk of the Coupcil of the said Township of Egremont shall attend at his office in the said Téwnship of Egremont at tex o‘clock in the forenoon of Saturday the 28th day of August A, D. 1915, to sum up the number of votes for and against this Byâ€"law. , DATED at the Comncil Ci the Township of Egremont thi of August A. D, 1915, 6. The votes of the electors of sarid Police Village of Holstein sball be takâ€" en on this Byâ€"law at the following time and place, that is td say : On FRIDAY the 27th day of August A, D. 1915, commencing gt the hour of nine o‘clock in the forenoon and conâ€" tinuiog till five o‘clock in fhe afternoon of the same day by the fdilowing depâ€" uty Returning Officer and Poll Clerk ; At John D. Roberts‘ Hall in the Vilâ€" lage of Holetein by David| Allan, Depâ€" uty Returoing Officer and J. R. Hunt, Poll Clerk. Township of E§| Treasenrer thereo said Townshp of tach thereto the C said Municipality. 8. The said delfentures shall bear interest at the rate bt five and oneâ€"half per ceot per annu yable yearly at the office of the shid Bank of Monâ€" treal at the Police illxe of Holstein and shall bave at thereto couâ€" pous for payment df the said interest, which coupons shall ‘be signed by the Reeve andâ€"Treasurar of the said Townâ€" ship of Egremont. 4. / During the cutrency of the said debentures there ghall be raised annuâ€" ally by special rate all the rateable property in the Police Village of Holâ€" stein the sum of $251.04 for the purâ€" pose of paying â€"the ambunt due in each of the years for principal and interest in respect of the said\ debt (as shown in Schedule "A" heret¢ annexed.) 5. This Byâ€"law shall take effect on and from the final passing thereof by the Municipal Councilof the Township of Egremont. THE DURHAM REVIEW Notice to Credif 90 77 95 76 101 03 106 58 112 45 118 63 125 16 132 04 189 30 146 97 155 05 163 58 172 57 182 06 192 08 sCHEDULE "A" RJ CI o aforesaid f the yvotes he persons r oppesing ’E\'E ERK f $221.04 Ors annoually amber in 10th day Byâ€"law, 201 04 251 04 251 0+ 201 04 201 04 201 0£ 251 0+ 251 0+ 251 04 251 04 251 04 251 04 251 04 251 04 251 04 251 04 251 04 251 04 251 04 251 04 TORONTO Total The deceased was a member of the well knowr Horsburgh family that settled in and around Mount Forest when the place was kvown as ‘‘The Early Baturday a. m., Aug. 14th, 1915, one of the sturdy yeomanry, who in his time helped to make the townsl%ivp of Egremont what it is toâ€" day, illiam Horsborough, in the seventyâ€"first year of his age, passed peacefully away to the bourne from which no trayveller ever returns. Maitland." His father the late Daâ€" vyid Horsborough and family, lived { Fine weather aad un attractiye arâ€" ray of events made the garden party at Fairbairn last Thursday evening an exceedingly enjoyable one. One of the largest crowds of the season assembled and the church was packâ€" ed. Supper was served from 6 to 8 u‘clock and before darkness descendâ€" ed a game of football between Â¥eovil and a visiting team was played. The following are those who took part : the male %nartelte. J. Marsb, Dr. Ferguson, C. Legge and Coburn Bros , addresses by Dr. Marsh, J. K. Philp and Reeve McArthur, solos by Miss Buchanan, I, Murdock and Mr J. Marsh and Currie McArtbur, reciâ€" tations by Messrs Frizell and Archie Clark and selections by the choir. _ The Victoria Cross has been conâ€"| ferred upon Lieut. Frederick W.! Campbel!, Mt. Forest, of the First| Canadian Battalion for conspicuons‘ bravery on June is at Givenchy,‘ when he took two machine guns over| a parapet, arrived at the German first line with one gan and maintainâ€"| ed his position there under,the heavi | est of rifie, machine and gur and | bomb fire when almost the whole of | his detachmeat had been killed or{ wounded. Lieut. Campbeil subseâ€"| gpe?tlv was wounded and has since | ied. | Vote FOR in both byâ€"laws on Friâ€" day. Miss Anpie Keith left Friday to take & position in Toronto. Mrs @. Hostettor is visiting in Deâ€" Rev. Mr McCullough, of Port Hope, formerly of Harriston, preached in the Presbyterian church on Sunday and his discourses were much enâ€" joyed. Secretary Nicholson, of the Agriâ€" cultural Society asks us to make a correction in the Fair prize list. In the Leicester, Cotswold, Oxford and Shropshire classes of sheep, item four of each class pertains to ewes haviog raised lawbs in 1915 and not 1914. Exbibitors please make note of this, troit. School starts on Wednesday of next week and the school tiustees urgentâ€" ly desire that all children be in atâ€" tendance on the first day. Especially is this so with children who are jast beginning their sehool carcer. Enâ€" trance into slesses later in the term does not give the pupils a fair chance and holds classwork back. Off to the West on the Harvester‘s excursion on Tuesday : Chas. Legge, Clarence Ross. Jack Ross, Alex White, James Geddes, Sam Patterâ€" son, Sr., Edgar Renwick, Archie Smith Wilfrid Braggins, Alex Hamâ€" ilton, Wm. Webster, R. Keith, Wm. Dodson, Miss Lulu Hamilton. At Mr Jno Orchard‘s this week are visiting Mrs J. Orchard of London and Miss Reuter. in Holstein is without a minister for two weeks. Rev. Dr. Marsh avd daughter Ina are holidaying in Peterâ€" borough, Port Hope and other '[poiuu. while Rev. Mr 1bbott is in Toronto and other places. Messrs Tribe, Nicholson and Sharp were a hydro delegation to Owen Sound last Friday . Mr Geo. Calder has entered two cases of law against the village trusâ€" tees, asking a total of $85. This is to cover damages which Mr Calder elaims to have been done to his car when it it was over‘urned on a newly gravelled piece of roadâ€"bed in the south end of the village. We underâ€" stand that the plaintif alleges that the gravel was not properly laid, hence the mishap. The second case is in connection with certain changes made at the entrance to his lane gateâ€" way. The hearing will be held at Division Court in Durham on Wedâ€" nesday, Sept. 1. Mr and mirs Jos. Brown, Durbam, visited at Mrs Petrie‘s last Saturday and Mrs Petrie and niece are now reâ€" turning the visit to Darham. Miss Ferguson, of Swinton Park, was a visitor at J. D. Roberts‘ for a tew days. Mrs Jas. Coleridge and daughter Jean, and Miss S. A. Coleridge, all of Toronto, were recent yisitors with friends here. The former is visiting relatives in Egremont and Durkam this week. To more effectively carry on patri® otic work, the Women‘s Institate have organized their order into a pa triotic society, retaining the same officers. This active society deserye great credit for the work they do along social and patrietie lines. Mr and Mrs Thos. Philips, Guelph, returned to their home on Tuesday, after visiting at Mrs Geddes‘. Mrs Thompson, of Listowel, visited over the week end at C. Draumm‘s. Miss Irene returned with her to conâ€" tinue school stodies. Mrs Manser, of Toronto, is a guest of Mrs J. G. Smith. Mrs T. Allan, Darham, visited friends in the village Monday. Four motor loads and several drivâ€" ing in vehicles, left the village on Monday for Durham to attend the Red Cross garden party there. LOGCAL AND PERSONAL Wiruiarx HorsBorovch An Appreciation | _ If rejected Friday it will almost certainly be undertaken some time in the future, but at more inconveniâ€" ence and expense than at present. The details of the service are someâ€" what obscure at this stage, at least to \novices, but the best argament in its (favor is that not one place that has adopted it has been sorry for doing |so. We are told that expense at |first may be a little heavier but that ) _ Ratepayeis of Holstein have an imâ€" !portam choice to make toâ€"morrow. | Byâ€"Law 304 asks for acceptance of Electric seryice from the Commission, | Byâ€"Law 305 asks sanction to spend | $3000 in 20 years to secure it. The | citizens have no doubt considered the question in all its bearings ard will be able to yote intelligently it ge:s fess when finally ldjnetod.l The service is bound to be upâ€"toâ€"date | and all communities eclaiming to be progressiye have adopted it. Who have but little education may prepare in a TOW months for positions as Railway Mail Clerks, etc. Salary ~$500 to $1000 with mileage rate. Fall Term opens Aug. 30, 1915. Write for catalogue at once c D. A. McLACHLAN, Pres. _ G. M. HENRY, Principal Câ€" â€"â€"@>&Lâ€"â€"â€"â€"@>QL+â€"â€"â€"@>kSâ€"â€"® His pastor, Rev. D. B. marsh, conâ€" ducted the tuneral services. The pall bearers were Alex mcGillivray, John Troup, William Rogers, Thomas Keith, Peter match and Chas. mcloâ€" nes. near Yeovil in 1962 A friendship at that remote date kindled between the deceased and the writer which never faded, but became stronger as years passed by,. William began as a tenant farmer on part of the estate which be now leaves to his sou Norâ€" man. We extend our sympathy to the beâ€" reaved widow and family. _ _ The deceased was a man of more vhan ordinary pbhysical strength, a hard worker, always taking an actâ€" ive part in sehool and township afâ€" fairs. _ He was for a number of years a collector otf municipa! taxes. In polities be leaned to the Conservativye side, but in 1911 election was an adâ€" yooate of reciprocity, saying * It is time farmers were loeking to their own interests." k xc Horsborough had been in poor health for two er three momths and four weeks before he died was seized with. a paralytic stroke, which deâ€" prived him of the use of his speech and als> of his right arm and leg. He was very much affected when he realized he could not converse with his friends, He married lsabella, serond daughâ€" ter of sbhe late Andrew Swanston, of Hoistein Eleven children blessed the unio, of whom ten survive : Daâ€" vid in Oregon, U. 8. ; Andrew, Rolâ€" lo, Sask, ; William, Waiter and Norman in Egremont ; Mrs Grace Pagl and Mrs Charlotte Todd in Sask. ; ars Jemima mMeFadyen, Sperâ€" ling, Man.; xrs Margaret Dodds and xts Ethel Loye in Egremont. The Central Drug Store GEO. B. DINGMAN, â€"â€" Proprietor Auurmionaily you may expect your children to be waited upon courteously. We bid for your patronage School Books, Pens and Penholdm, Scribblers, Lead Pencils, Note Books, Crayons, Drawing Materials Inks Slates and Pencils are the kind you will find here. Every good thing for making echool work easy. School Supplies the Children Our Dominion Government guarantees positions to graduate stenographers of the Mount Forest Business College High School Students Who pass thé Examinations held in May or November. The salaries range from a minimum of $500 to a maximum of $1200. â€" Those who take our course should experience little difficulty in passing the required test. POSITIONS ARE PERMANENT AND CERTAIN. â€"â€" @arn§2â€"â€"@P>»CS You may expect our prices to be Additionally you Holstein Byâ€"Laws in fact, everything for school use . Ticket Agency, Buy your tickets here -Cv l(c[ B YOUNG MEN l;gi The Review to New Subscribâ€" ers to Jan. Ist 1916, for only 25¢ C Mr and Mrs M. Storrey, of Durâ€" ham, spoat a few days last week. atthe latter‘s‘s brother, Mr J as Brown Mr and Mrs Wm. Pinder attended the patriotic garden party on Monday night at Darham to hear Col. Carrie speaking on the war. Mr and Mrs J. Smith visited Sunâ€" day at Rob Lewig‘. Miss Verna Kirby is visiting at her uncle‘s, Mr Carmount at Gleneden, for a lew days. Mr Gilbert Daraut is spending part of his vaeation with his parents, Mr Wm. Tyndall is slowly resoyâ€" ering from the effect of injury reâ€" ceived some time ago while pushing a wagon out of his barn, We are sorry to hear that Mrs Falkingham is not very well, vut hope she will be around soon again. Mr and Mrs E. Armstrong and two children, ot Durham, visited at the former‘s sister‘s, Mrs J Bilyth. Mr Thos. Kirby has improved his re_oidenoe greatly by getiing it paintâ€" Mr anod Mrs Sheil, of Streetsvilie, vigited the former‘s aunt, Mrs Rawn, Sr., recently. Summer is going, the ripened grain Is kissed by the sunbeams fair, And glistens like waves of molten l1 ds â€" 8.«.us to smile on the scene in loye ; Uve can almost hope to get a glimpse O( the bright, bright world above. Bat more than a year bas rolled away Since the awfu! strife begun, And thousands are sleeping the last long sleep ‘Neath this brilliant Augast sun. Mrs Lougheed, of Toronto, was the guest of her sister, Mrs Jobhn Eurig, for a couple of weeks resently. Mr and Mrs Moses and son Alvin and Mr and Mrs St. Ledger and daughter Jean, of Toronto and _ iss Bertha Bender, of Detroit, were reâ€" cent guests of Mr and Mre Jobn Durâ€" ant. Mr Albert Hant, otf Hols:ein and Miss Fiynn, of Hanover, were recent yvisitors at John Hunt‘s. Mr Tuck is the first around hkere to finish the harvest. gold As the south wind whispers there . The deep blue sky with its feecy entirely moderate catalogue at once | ENRY, Principal (?‘Uâ€"â€"â€"J s0 1915 k s 2i D t Uth the All M ed t« king and 19w crops D brc W R H VOL. A410 D M M M We New Flasbligt A 4 Pe yp¢â€"3 @uOWâ€" LNCC District grown ab lett Pears, Red Plume ready, At shoald place their ure spices H id h kindiy 4 pric W a d ut FRUIT BULALL OM d wn about nd Red Blue y, and hb : their orde Si McFa

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