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Durham Review (1897), 2 Sep 1915, p. 3

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act 'tll pro- tent. tt anger othing. varied though ere is of it. d the should I the as: is a mu m the tieety :h it rdeu in at he” th on Ip- he in able This The the ew 'en he he Ite " " is ot t A decpctch from London says: The Times Mitylene correspondent says there has been I split in the Turkish Cabinet owing to the alleged persecution of Greeks Ind Armenians in Turkey. The Grand Vizier, accord- ing to the correspondent, has threat- ened to resign unless the reported treatment of the Greeks and Armen- ians ceases. Enver Pesha. the War Minister. Mend the Grand Vizierate to Rifaat Pasha, President of the Ben- ate, but Rifaat declined the oliee and Is now trying to bring about peace tn the Cabinet. tions, Mid IdVlSlUS IN BANKS The twelvemonth period showed ex- ports of explosives valued at $41,476.- 188, as against $6,272,197 in the pre- ceding year. More than one-fourth ot that tour-ttei-wt" ship- pod during June. Gunpowder showed exports of $3,234,549 in June, com- pared with $5,091,542 for the year. Sixty-two aeroplanes were exported in June. In the preceding year only 34 were shipped. Nearly eight times W.? many automobile trucks were ex- ported in June as in the entire year envied June 30, 1914. June exports of bath passenger automobiles and "not. . were valued at 813,364,800, mil for The year at $60,264,685. In the humming year they were $26,574,574. Figures for barbed wire, harness and A despatch from Washington says: That a great part of Europe's enor- mous orders for arms and ammuni- tion did not begin to move from the United States until comparatively re- cently was indicated by export figures issued by the Department of Com- merce. The statistics, covering the 21 months ending with June, showed that, while exports of war supplies Increased tremendously over the pre- ceding year, the greater pert of the increase-in some cases from one- fifth to one-third of the entire year's exports-left the United Mates in June. MUNITIONS MOVING Ti) EUROPE RAPIDLY lune Figures Were About a Quarter of the Entire Year's Business. The siqnifleant announcement in the Admiralty report that it is not the practice of the Admiralty to pub- lish accounts regarding the losses of German submarines, together with the statement of the Earl of Selborne, President of the Board of Agriculture, in the course of an address to a deptr. tation of agricultural landowners that the navy now has the submarine men- ace well in hand, lends color to recent unofrieial reports to the effect that the British have of late months captured a very large number of these sub- mersible vessels, and that many others have been sunk. The number sunk has been variously stated at from 20 to 40, but this statement is the only official admission that there were others than those previously an- nounced by the Admiralty as having been destroyed. Concerning the recent bombard- ent of Zeebrugze. Belgium, by a Eritlsh fleet, the Amsterdam Tid) says It has learned that a large number of soldiers were killed by the fire of the fleet, and that 90 severely wounded men were brought to Ghent. The material damage done, it adds, was apparently very great, " a shed built for submarines was completely destroyed and with it some sub- marines. In the cue referred to above, how.. ever, the brilliant feat of Squadron Commander Bigsworth was performed In the immediate neighborhood of the coast in occupation of the enemy, and the position of the sunken submarine has been located by a German de- Btroyer." Nt is not the practice of the Ad- miralty to publish statements regard- ing the losses of German submarines, important though they have been, in cases where the enemy has not other source of information as to the time and place at which these losses hsve occurred. Single Handed, Me [hopped Bel-ho on Undersea Cult Near Outend. A despatch from London an: From out of the sky me a weapon that destroyed nn undersea boat but Week, recording in the urinals of his- tory the first time that an nircrnft lent a submarine to the bottom. Lieut.-Commande, Bizaworth won for himself the distinction of having accomplished this feat. Single-handen ed, while on an 'air patrol" near flt) tend, Belgium, he tackled a German) U boat and within n few minutes iiiiil victim, completely wrecked, sub-l merged for the last time. - A damn]. from Paris ”In: The 0ttieiat Jam: publish. the deeUra- place of the Italian expediti foree against Turkey. Stories of wounded men who Arrived " Alexandrin tell of burly the allies came to rain tlon of n Neck-dc of the eiiiirir Ali! Minor and Syria from the ishnd of Sumo- to the Egyptian frontier, to date from August 25. This convey: the first hint of the proposed landing ghee of the Italian expeditionary (III-n "e..,..- m."- Two More Bit mam) ifiiii"'iiiiiii"==e' ," 08m OF THE l'l'ALlANS SANK SUBMARINE bowed similar export condi- OF TURKISH CABINET e Hours of Darkness and Turks Would Have Been Cut Off on Gallipoli to training . have how t A despatch from London says: Sub-Lieut. John McLarty, of the Royal Naval Flying Corps, won killed while firing n mplnne over South- ampton Water on the English coat. The machine met with a mishap, Ind I McLarty fell out, dropping 2,000 feet. DROPPED 2,000 FEET FROM FLYING SEAPLANE A despatch from Copenhagen says: The German undersea fleet at present comprises fifty-eight submarines, ac- cording to a neutral authority who has just returned to Denmark from Germany. Germany'a Baltic fleet, ac- cording to the some authority, con- sists of 38 warships. Six thousand marines from Kiel have been sent to the eastern fighting front to reinforce the pioneer service of the army, it is sated. 58 UNDERSEA CRAFT IN THE GERMAN FLEET A despatch from London says: In sentencing a soldier for fraud in con- nection with separation allowances, Magistrate Sir William Treloar re- marked that he understood the nation was now paying something like 240,- 000,000 ($200,000,000) a '.year in these allowances to families'of sol- diers absent at the front. $200,000.000 ANNUALLY FOR SOLDIERS’ FAMILIES Punishment also is threatened to any person who hinders work ordered by the Germans or induces other per- sons to decline to work. A despatch from Brussels says: General von Bissing, military gover- nor of Belgium, has issued an order providing for the punishment of every person who without adequate reason refuses to undertake or carry on work of public interest which is demanded by the German authorities and which is suited to his calling. TO FORCE BELGIANS TO OBEY GERMAN ORDERS The comrades of the lst battalion of the Fusiliers displayed extreme valor during the landing on the Gallipoli Peninsula last April. The King awarded three crosses. The survivors elected Willis, Richards and Keneally as having performed the moat signal acts of bravery and devotion. A despatch from London says: The Victoria Cross has been awarded to Capt. Willis, Sergt. Richards and Pte. Keneally, of the Lancashire Fusiliers, by an interesting, though not unpre- cedented, method of suffrage. I This raid was duplicated by one of Iequal proportions against the wood iii Monthulst, north of Ypres, in Bel- gium. In the squadron which sailed lforth there were 62 machines, but i they were not all French. British and lBelgian aeroplanes participated. iHeavy fires were observed as the i1it,rt turned and began their flight I back. . SURVIVORS AWARD So far as official reports have dis- closed, there never had been previous- ly an air raid of such magnitude, so far as concerns the number of ma- chines employed. In a few earlier ventures of the kind 80 or more aero- planes were used. Press despatches have indicated that the principal belli.. gerents have built great number of aeroplanes, and as a result of the de.. velopment of this branch of the ser- vice since the outbreak of the war these machines are now sent forth in f1otillas for organized assau'ts on a large scale instead of being despatch- ed singly or in pairs, principally for observation purposes. The losses, if any, are not stated by the War Office, nor is the probable damage. But it is hoped and expect- ed here that the damage was great, as it seems it must have been, from the huge quantity of explosives car- ried by so many aeroplanes and drop- ped on a single target. Ssarlouis, over the heights of Del- lingen, a small town in Rhenish Prussia, was the objective, for at Saarlouls is a great German factory where shells and armor-plate are be- ing made. From the moment that the outfiiers, the scouts, crossed the Ger- man front until the army of aerial invaders had returned the crack of anti-aircraft guns was incessant. A despatch from Paris says: Sixty-two seroplanes rose from be.. hind the French lines into, a grey dawn recently, wheeled and monoeu- vred into four groups, and sped away towards Rhenish Prussia. It was the biggest and most formidable squadron of fliers that had ever set out as a body to bombard an enemy position. Sixty French, British and Belgian Aeroplane: Pnrticipate in [rest success in one of their attacks. An Austrian offieer declared that if the allied forces had had two more hours of darkness they could have covered six hundred ysrds of ground which separated them from the Bari Bahr hill, generally known as Hill 971. Once this hill was in the allies' hands, the officer declared, the Turk- ish communications would have been cut and it was for the possession of this hill that the dominion troops fought so bravely but futilely. RAID BELGIUM HONOR BY BALLOT l Montreal, Aug. 3L---Corn, Ameri- can, No. 2 yellow, 90 to 91c. Oats, ICanadian Western, No. 3, 69e; ex- I tra No. 1 feed, 59e; No. 2 local white, 1 Me; No. 3 local white, 67e; No. 4 lo.. lycal white, Me. Flour, Man. Spring (wheat patents, firsts, $7.10; seconds, 16.60; strong bakers, $6.40; Winter fpstents, choice, $6.25; straight roll- ers, $6.40; Winter patents, choice, ”6.25; straight rollers, $5.40 to $5.60; do., bags, $2.50 to $2.60. Roll. lid oats, barrels, $6.25; do., bags, 90 , lbs., $2.90 to $3. Bran, $26 to $26.50. (Shorty, $28. Middlings, $88 to $34. .1 Mouillie, $35 to $40. Hay, No. 2, per, ton, car lots, $17.50 to $18.50. Cheesew ":finist westerns, 12% to Wie; flneat l easterns, 11% to 12%. Butter, iiiiii) :est creamery, 28% to 28%c; seconds, '; 27% to 27%e. Eggs, fresh, 27 to (Fe),) s," selected, Me; No. 1 stock, Me; No. 2. ( stock, Me. Dressed hogs, abattoirl I killed, $13.50 to $14. Pork, heavy), lCanada short mess, bbls., 85 to 45i ’pieces, $29; Canada short cut back! bbls., 45 to 55 pieces, $28.50. Lard 'l I compound, tiorces, 375 lbs., 10c; wood i Ipails, 20 lbs. net, 10%e; pure, wood y pails, 20 lbs. net, 12% to 13e. l steel-I, ifcfl to $8.65 butchen' cat- tle, eho cc, 87.60 to SILK; do., good, 7.30 to $7.45; do., medium, $6.40 to 7.40; do., common, " to $6.65; uteherl' bulls. choice, $6.50 to $6.25; 46%e. Flour unchenged. Bran $20. Duluth, Aug. iri."i.Ui7uicCilo'. 1 hard, §.10%; No. 1 Northern, $1.09; No. 2 orthem, Plt to $1.07; Rt tana, No. 2 but , 9736c; Septem ' 97%e bid; December Me bid. Lin- seed cull. 81.61%; éepumber, $1.61 naked; December, 81.61 bid. Live Stock Market. immune. -.81.;-. 32st be“! Minneapolis, Aug i',1a-lrte/ri,e,'t tember, 96c; December, 95%e; ens , No. 1 hard, $1.16%; No. 1 Northern, $1.06 to $1.16; No. 2 Northern, $1.08 to $1.13. Corn-No. 8 yellow, 74% tt.76e._. ous-yo. 8 -whi_te, 4510 Baled hay, new, No. 1, ton, $19; N?. 2,Aonstii, to $16; istrtiw, ton," $7 . M.' Lard-The market is quiet; pure lard, tubs, 11% to 12%e; do., pails, 12 to 12%e; compound, tubs, 10 to 10%e; do., pails, 10% to 10%c. v1.00 u) we} KNO. 5, $1 to pa. Poultry-Chickens, yenrlings, dress- ed, 16 to 18e; Spring chickens, 20 to irl.e; fowl, 14 to 15c; ducklings, 17 to Bacon-Long clear 14 to 14%e per lb. in case lots. hiits-"-usiiifl7, 18 to 18%e; do., heavy 14% to lik; rolls, 15 to 16c; breakfast bacon, 20 to Me; backs, plain, 22 to Me; bone- lets bgckgl 25 to Me. tge." qlytyer-Ltyare, 16 to 15%e; 15% to 15%c for twing. Old cheese, 21%e. Etrsrs-2G. 1/22 to i3d Eradi, in c339 lots; 93mm gt " to Jme. Honey-No. 1 light (wholesale), 10 to 11%e: do., retail, 12% to 16e. Combs (wholesale), per doz., No. 1, $1ctr0. to $2319. 2, $1 to_82. - Butter-Fresh dairy, 26 to Me; inferior, 20 to Me: creamery prints, 28 _to 29hey, iiir.,12f/iii,'riiii to 27e. M01feed--Car lots, delivered Mont- real freights. Bran, $27 per ton; shorts, $29 per ton; middlings, $30 get ton; good feed flour, $1.90 per ag. Ontario flour-Winter, 90 per cent. patents, $4.60; do., new, $4, seaboard or Toronto heights, in bags, for pr9tt1pt shipment: - - Ontario wheat-No. 2 Winter, per car lot, nominal, $1.15; new, $1 to $1.02, according to heights outside. Cereal wheat $1.05. Sprouted or smutty wheat 75 to Me, according to sample. Peas-No. 2, nominal. Barley-Good malting barley, No. 8 feed or better, 52c, nominal. Buekwheat--Nomiiu& Rye---No. 2, nominal. Manitoba flour-First patents, in {Lute bags, $7; second patents, in lute ags, $6.50; strong bakers', in jute bags, $6.30, Toronto; in cotton bags, 10e more. l American eorn-No. 2 yellow, 85e, on track lake ports. . fi'.""""" eorn--No. 2 yellow, nom- ma . Ontario oats-No. 2 white, 51 to 52e; No. 8 white, 60 to 51e, according 2(1)? freights outside; new oats, 40 to c. - Mariitobd Bit'El'No. ‘2"?! w., Me, on track lake ports, "prompt settle- ment." Brendstuthr. Toronto, Aug. 81.-Manitotm wheat --No. 1 Northern, $1.28%; No. 2 Northern; 31.21%, on track lake £10113; No. 8 Northern, $1.18%, Port cNicoll. These quotations are on a “prompt _settlernent" basis. The Leading Markets msviiw left their horses In the reu- am may of Gorman D (ions had Just taken up a position be- hind 5 barricade of (nu-twine]- to m an enemy outpost. 'au'utll"lglt/d In from the eastern from. WW Baled Hay and Straw. Business in Montreal. Country Produce. U. S. Markets. Provisions. A PARTY OF. GERMAN DRAGOONS IN ACTION $17 to baled Bheik-U1-haun, Gut priest of the Mohammedan, has declared I holy war against Italy. A despatch from Athens says: Ad.. vices from Turk” tttate that the mum," replied June; "but I have to. Your daughter's sweetheart is a bank clerk, while my young man is I chim- 'tet' sweep. tt nukes a difference, "The only thing I have to any against you, Jane, is that your wash- ing bill is far too extravagant. Last week you had six blouses in the week. Why, my own daughter never send! more than “10.: "Ah, that may be In the German answer to the Bryce Commission report on atrocities in Belgium it is seriously stated that old men, women and children were spared to the greatest possible ex- tent. But the world will ask what possibility imaginable could require the tsaeriflee of children as a measure necessary to the safety of the Ger- man army. Such tratatement is a confirmation in itself of the Bryce re- port.-iltimore American. A despatch from Geneva says: The Tribune says, under a Bucharest date line, that thousands of Roumanian workmen in all parts of Germany have been given notice to leave the country and are returning to Ron- mania. Roumanian banks at And, Temeavar. and other cities in Aug- tria, have been closed, the Tribune asserts, while passports have been issued to large numbers of Rouman- inns in Kronstadt. ROUMANIANS HASTEN TO LEAVE GERMANY Much will depend, the correspon- dent asserts, upon the attitude of Roumania, whose intentions are un- known, but who is believed to be averse to another Balkan conflict, and to disapprove an attack upon Serbia. The Times correspondent, who usually is well informed, declares he has reason to believe the Bulgarian Government has been notified of this intended aggression with the admoni- tion that opposition would be futile and the suggestion that it eo-operate with the central powers. The fate of Belgium, lie says he has heard, has been cited as an object lesson of what might happen if resistance were offer- ed, while Bulgaria has been told that if she acquiesces in the plan she will be given a free hand in dealing with Serbia, I Montreal, Aug. 31.-There was a [fair demand for steers and sales of fair sized lots of good quality were made at $8 to $8.26, while fair stock l brought from $7 to $7.75 and common (from $5.50 to $6.25 per ewt. Butch- ier’s cows from $5.25 to $7.25 per icwt; canning stoak, $3.50 to $4.50 :per cwt. The demand for lambs was :good and sales were made at 87.60 ito $8.50, while sheep brought from $4.50 to $5.50 per cwt. Calves from $5 to $20 each, as to size and quality. Hogs than, choice selected lots at $91 ( to $9.40 per cwt., weighed off cars. A despatch from London says: Telegraphing from Bucharest the Balkan correspondent of the Times says reports have been received there from many quarters to the effect that the Austro-German forces which are being concentrated along the northern bank of the Danube for the projected invasion of Serbia will enter that country through Bulgarian territory via Widin, Belogradchik and Sotitc Fate of Belgium Promised If Coun- try Sides With the Allies. GERMANY 's THREAT TO THE llllJlllhftW6 do., ood bulls, $5.90 to $6.25; do.. rougg bulls, $4.75 to $5.36; butchers' cows, choice, $6.50 to $6.75; do., good, $5.25 to $6; do., medium, $5 to 35.25; do., common, $4.50 to tii; fee ers, good, $6.50 to $7.50; stock- ers, 700 to 900 lbs., $6.25 to $7.25; canners and cutters, $3.75 to $5; milk.. ers, choice, each, $65 to tim: do., com- mon and medium, each, $95 to $50; Swingers, $50 to $95; light ewes, id to $6.75; do., bucks, $3.50 to $4.50; {carding lambs, $7 to $8; spring ambs, cwt., $9 to $9.30; calves, $8.75 to $11; hogs, off cars, $9.15 to $9.40; do., fed and watered, $9 to $9.10; do., t.ol, $8.65 to $8.70. - - l HOLY WAR DECLARED. Makes a Difference. Germany Admits It. ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO A mun of seventy In: renewed hi. finger mile 186 times, and hu grown I? ft. 9 in. of nail on each finger. Geribeldl; bu Seen severely "iiitmd. ed in the face during the tUhtintt with the Austrian. CARIBALDI'S GRANDSON WOUNDED AT THE FRONT A despatch from Udino, Ital uyl: Ezio Garibaldi, son of Gen. {locum iilarilth8, 5nd grandson om“ not} lin state tint ihe Landfill We: lave been notified to .hndy to 'te- spend to a call to.the ctplortr. A despatch from Amsterdam says: As a result of the serious situation facing the Teutonic allies in the Bul- kans, Germany is preparing to mobi- lize more 'roorP. _Adlriees from Ber. GERMANY CALLS OUT LANDSTURM RESERVES Universe Will be "Dumb with Admir- ation" When It Realizes Fact. A despatch from Paris says: "The Government now has under control all factories able to produce cannon, rifles, projectiles and explosives," said David Lloyd-George, British Min- ister of 21,,'1ft,',t in an interview with Char es Humbert, new editor of the Journal, From what Mr. Lloyd- George showed him, Mr. Humbert be- lieves British preparations in many ways are more ample than those of the French. He declares the army now in training will be one of the most powerful the world has ever Been, and when, later, it will be possi- ble to tell what has been accomplished by the British, the universe will be "dumb with admiration." Police officials, whose prerogatives have been somewhat confused during the period of military rule, show great satisfaction at the removal of all dan- ger of eoniliet of authority and at the possibility of pursuing reconstructive measures. MOST POWERFUL ARMY WORLD HAS EVER SEEN A despatch from Paris says: Mar- tial law has been abolished every- where in Paris outside of the zone of military activities. The decision of the Government in this respect is in- terpreted on all sides as a sign of eonfidenee in official circles that the interior administration of France will not be disturbed again by military operations. The Turks are making a very stub- born defence of their positions, but the allies have eonfidenee that with the strong forces at their command and the assistance of the fleet the Dardanelles will be forced before the arrival of the unfavorable weather, which is due towards the end of Sep- tember. ABOLISH MARTIAL LAW THROUGHOUT PARIS In the first attacks the Australians and New Zealanders reached the sum- mits of Sari Bohr and Chanak Baht, commanding positions on the west coast of the peninsula, but through the failure of the new landing party at Suvla Bay to make the progress expected the troops from the domin- ions were compelled to fall back. An- other attack was made last Saturday, but on this occasion, having lost the advantage of surprise, the British could not reach the summit. toa PROGRESS IN , .9 THE I)hll0hlilllll,uis The report sets at rest rumors which have been in circulation for several days. crediting the British troops with having either cut " or outdanked the Turkish forces. The statement indicates also that additional troops" have been landed on the peninsula, although no details are given on this point, and it is stated simply that "further reinforcements have arrived.” It is stated that the losses have been very heavy, but that the Turks suffered more severely than the British. A despatch from London says: Re- cent operations on the Gallipoli Penin- sula have enabled the British troops to extend materially the area. in their position and to connect their lines along a ront of more than 21 miles, according to an official statement. Objective Aimed at Not Yet Gained, But tt Decided Advance Hus Been Made. Above I. a, 'dT,egtr'4tt of the Princes. Eulodls on the left and her m the Nude”: on the rich! " they Appeared In the o! ttteste WI tt'tl' It Sophia, Duluth. The Prince“ :1. m born In " and her ulster nun born the )I‘ur fob. . n. by. two bothers. Crown Prhwe Borll. no: (went,- on you. all ma PM on“ '.'grtu"rc Their mom. now Send m We lake. was: o a ie, beet at Puma. and: no “I. Inno- Elm-e. of Rona-Roma. who an. m m - ma Cro- work In the numb-Jumbo. P2.-.“ In M an “In“: will an" the - on the 'dde at ye, Pat?” "Mighty bad," answered Pat. "It's starvation that's staring me in the face." “Is that so?” said the sympathetic inquirer. "Sure, and it can't be very pleasant for ayther of ye." Not Very Pleasant. Patrick's Nee was so homely that it had been described as an "offenee to the landscape," and he was as poor as he was homely. One day a neigh- bor met him and said: "And how ure Assistant Fire Chief Thompson of Vancouver says the city will get a shock if a big fire breaks out; there aren't enough men to handle the ap- paratus. The liner Titan had to refuse to carry two trig-ton guns from Victoria to the Phlllipines for the U. S., as she had no machinery to lift them aboard. W. A. Aldritt, prisoner of war in Germany, recommended for the Vic- toria Cross, was once physical direc- tor of Revelstoke Y.M.C.A. Private Walter Smith, of the Can- adian Scottish, killed while at ambu- lance work in the trenches, was a Prince Rupert boy. _ Guiseppe do Cesare, sent from Nel- son to New Westminster for life for murder, has been sent back insane; it is doubted, too. The fur trading posts of the Hud- son's Bay Company on the Stikino River have been reduced owing to the war conditions. A cargo of British Columbia Doug- las fir has gone to Hudson's Bay, vi- the Panama Canal, for the railway work there. Vancouver Council must spend an- other $60,000 to relieve its unem- ployed, the city is supporting 625 families. Promise of an abundant fruit crop in the Okanegen Valley caused the B. C. Government to look to the marketing. The East Kooteniy Lumber Com- pany is working two shifts at their Jam-3y mill on nilway grain doors. Telegraph rates between White Horse and Shmy are redtte.ed from a dollar to 50 cents for ten words. DAUGHTERS OF THE KING OF BULGARIA IN ROYAL GARDEN ‘The oat crop of the Yukon will bepoorthisyeufromlackofnln. British Columbia is sum I good deal of paper to Auatmlin. All the provincial constubles in Fort George district except the chief have enlisted in the militia. About 750 school tenehers took the special course at the High and Normal School: at Victoria. mousunsncom Steel in the Peueifie Great Eastern Railway has been laid to . point eleven miles above Lillooet. Interned alien: who were inc-pubic of military duty, were freed from the camp at Fernie. Dependents of soldiers enlilbod at Fernie are drawing $700 a month from the Patriotic Fund. WHAT TEE Revelstoke still works for and ex- pects to get an internment amp anguished there. Victoria hi Ate but your in 20 milk; this you it will be 18 mills net. Nanaimo hu . complete company of miners recruited and my have a mend. Kulo impound; chicken- running at Inge and charges " cents for their relate. E2f,'Lou'rl Comm} . all can”: ”In.“ -tqthqem" ttatb-ttae w. hues] hula. Nelson is having.“ out” vim teed in tusd-tmd ables. . ad the (BMW-t “I 1.3!"?an PMPLE On one occeeion there we: a delay on the railweye of M hours, but not only did the soldier at the front get all his food end ammunition, bu.t he did not even have to drew on the re- servee just mentioned; regimental stores were suificient for his need Everything goes by clockwork. There is no room for accident. All day by motor lorry and railway truck supplies for the troops are sent out from these base depots to stores " near " possible to the Brine line. And just as reserves are accumulated in the docks, so reserves are “cumu- lated near the front, since on accident to the railways, might cut " the fighting soldiere' supplies. An Idea of the Giyantic Tank of the Army Service Corps. When it is mentioned that 2,000 tons of tttrods-Mood and other necel- ttities-are sent every day from the base depots, to the firing line of the British Army, some idea of the sigm- tie task of the Army Service Corps will be gathered. This enormous weight of goods comes almost entire. ly from the British Isles. for the Gov, ernment is not buying in France even so perishable I necessity as milk. HOW BRITAIN FEEDS HER ARMY The Daily Mail’s Petrograd corru- pondent also telegraph in an ”this. tie vein. He says a new phase of the Russian operations is now beginning. in which the Russians will have no useful allies, namely, autumn NH and autumn mud. "Alresir," says the correspondent, Neven Teutonic armies in places are tiounderimr 'da marshy districts, where there is I thick fog in the morning and ena- ing. and where the rains are turning the roads into deep mud. Amid the lakes and bogs, where the operationi" te" now take place, the ‘Gemans will often be obliged to move in nar- _row causeway; under the concentrat- ed fire of the Russian artillery, which (ii? will be able to iMiet terrible, losses at small cost. The foggy wea- 'ther will prevent the German airmen feeling out the Russian positions. "An indication of what the Russians will do next is given in an offieiat announcement that the time has come for the Russian armies to select a suitable position upon which to re- main until it can be made to serve as a point of departure for a decisive ad- vance. In other words the Russians now plan to dig themselves into a fortified defensive front such as exists in the west." $llEll1 (RES tmit, Ihltultliis RUSS“ inch-n AW” from London an: Tho like!“ in M in over, M- statement continues. ho- heon non than doubled. and all Mary aun- plies are going forward promptly. The Runian army now is in splendid "tsting condition. it is stated, and the machinery of the international adminiatration its gradually being adapted to the new conditions. “The word 'erneuation,'" any. the cone-pendent of the Daily Chm-aid; “in lain: its terrors in the minds the people, who ue beginning to ro- urd the idea of tsomewhat protracted mobility u a mensible military scheme.” “MFMWRIM iiitifg, :21 gum; in pmuo'u. an LAW

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