West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 2 Sep 1915, p. 5

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I 3nd 1.00 and um. £33355 Durham [may " not a Office ls here 'en, ior Men mm: and mt work Sman Proiits ;Fadden 3 stand. the day iered s, II e are eaten: ived bewmg iuds In , 1915 and 600 Hosiery " largo 1.75 1.50 81 up dof 1TH ' ,ns, EAR ur big oking r line, You Price. The undersi ned begs to announce ttt resident. 'rkhl'lil', and surround- In: country, that be In. his Planing AMI and factory fully swamped and is prepared to take orders or SASH, DOORS, and all kinds of HOUSE FITTIIGS Shingles and Latin always on hand at right prices. Custom Sawing promptly attended to DURHAM PLANING MILLS Il,o Sole Agent and Dealer for Dur- h no and vicinity of the Fi uy to handle DURHAM. flammammsxm ii' “QUALITY um " Ill! KARSTEDT BROS. 'htt'htN,'t',dt'. iii y,y,y'o,XillhlfiillKiiiggllft 'tllf?llXlXlflllglNllRlgtggglfit NEW FIBRE BOARD ZENUS CLARK C EYLON These cold evenings lake one think ot their Manuela. In Ladies ', we have a full range in both white end 'tatttrn1--iuat what Nou are looking for. In Men's and Bora', on: Mock All Wool um? rinkuble, Unions and Fleeced Line could not be beaten-and 4.; at the old price. This is a trig item, since .11 Woollen Goode 1” t_' advanced so. How nbont a new Sweater Cont? We have " x: t hne of these goods. Here are a lew Specials we ate handing out in Boys’ and Girls' School Boots. Get them before they are all-picked up. Then, th, re is an excellent line of Men’s Urns Call Bucher Boots at a b .1 gum, together with 1 tine line of Fine Shoes. No need ot com- nu mung on the 'Empress Shoe for Women.' There are none better Let us have your business. We can one you money. in " Li-mund deal. It is time now to "plete m, .- Flannellelte Blankets. Woollen ,'iilri,1tru',St'd'ae,tti'r,t 541mm; and Cotton Bottipg, Bongolow Neg, Laee (3mm and iiyitreud'2,t2Jg',t,etiter, “WW to brighten " your home W I er. e show you these linen. mmid be only too pleased to There are four Wool Squares " x o. and a bargain. Suitable for you: Parlor 0:11,le no: " yds. " PLUMS PEACHES c. Red Crawfotdn FRUIT 8 Shipments this week FRUIT' pd- member we close IN OUR BOOT& SHOE DEPT. we shoe with cuban heel. nyd mm toe L: SEPTEIBBB 2, 1916 In Underwear & Sweater Coats J. PATTISON AND COMPANY Lombards Johnston: GreenGagcs Sham higher iUeTiLperiai make. PRICEvmm Highest Price: - for :1! than of Product. Shoe Tacks. . " Carpet Tachs.se Shoe Brushes " Cizm ......5¢ Buy one at rel another 'isi'"it Priceville's Busy o" Prion Putnam, Manager SATURDAY ONLY in Home Furnishings ONTA RIO lin Footwear "guUr price and get (tr for one cent. 2 [Mann energy-1i "CA. "a --‘ --- _ - smut toe, kin“ top, pat'd me. a regular $4.50 shoes " CELERY TOIATOBS FEARS GR. P B? PDRS make Selling Easy Our soldior boys, Hector and Don. l McKinnun And Goldie Patterson who Jpom the week end at their home: :here, are leaving attain for the i cunp Tuesday. Miss Lizzie labor is in Toronto trending 1.. Fall Millinery openings t are. Quite a number of delegates from our Women’s Institute attended the county convention in your town and report the moat enthusiastic and beat {negating of tho kind they ever atten- Mean Rob McLenn. Jack IcT-g- [an and Don Meninnon S. L , have zone was: tor the harvest. Rev Mr Matheson and family have returned from Muskoh where they hue been spending their summer holidays. Miss Rena Cargo and Mu Vida Henderson ot Flannel-ton are visiting with Miss Violet Watson. Mis- Martha Watson hm returned home after spending some time With relatives in Hopevnle. Quite a large gathering at the vil- latte and surrounding people met in Watson‘s hall on Monday night to do honor to our three soldier boys. Lient. Hector Mekinnon wan presen- ted with an emblematic ring from the s. 0. s. while all three Rector and Don McKinuon and Goldie Pat, tereon were presented with purses lrom the people. Now as to whether our boys ever get to the seat ot war or not, is not the question. We only hope that it will not be necessary. but the tact remains that all honor is due to those who stand ready and willing to so whenever the need and call comes. Our principal. Mr. Miller, has re- tnnod, bringing with him his bride of: few weeks. Mr. and Mrs Miller intend taking up their residence in the home of Mrs. McArthnr. We wish them long life and happimsrs. VVMriJ. W. Wilson motored to Flesh. enon Sunduy. Glad to report r J. Wilson'shttlo boy artprovintt, also R. Hum-m. Mr. Wm. Gardiner of m. Pom: is putting the Mishintt touches on In. Geo Wuuon'l house. - “a“. C. Williams of It Pore" in u- siating Mr Gurdiner at Swinton. The question of the day is where is Chu- Harvesting is in an swing around here and it good weather continues, will be a grant bsttefit to the farmers " the grain crop is extra heavy and broku down. gr,tii"ptal for me OTHER 3 ICIALS '.C."..r.Crror 1.13 PRICEVILLE VILLAGE EW‘E‘E Thur-{at 6 o'clock SWINTON PARK showing , " Terr, neat NEW POTATOES CABBAGES cucuunRs she, ETC. PRICIVILLI Store Ai l c Sale 3.50 Turnbull-Neuro--.. That the Reeve and Mr Pen-t. be appointed to meet I committee from Holland Coun- cil to Investigate defect. in townline G & H.-lhxriied. Peut-Turnbull-That Collectors be appointed as follows: Ward 1 Thou MoGIrr. ward 2 A B MoLellan. 'ward 8 Mike Quillinnn, ward 4 Wm Benton and that their salary be $26.00 each. --Grried. Pettrt---Yoang--1'Ut sheep claims be paid as follows '. Sylvester Martin $19 34 ; Geo Morwood 6.67; Thou Conner: 5.00. being 2 3 value in each case of sheep lulled by dogs, --0srned Expenditures were paid for as fol- lows : Gleneross bridge $80.18 ; Ap- propriation ward 2 77.08 ; Appropri- rion ward 4,52 85 ; [have] for roads. 57 20 ; salary and postage tor Clark. 25.85 ; C W Rutledge. priming. 45.25 ; Municipal World, stationery. 1,47 ; S H Wright, for sheep inspect- ing, 4.00 ; J Young, oomtnioion, 4.00 ; M Melanes, oom., 6.00 ; Geo E Penn. com.. 4.00 ; the reeve. 00:11., 10.15. yonng-/Nrrtbul-- That County rue be struck in 6 8 10th mills and that towneh'p rate bo 6 mills for prea- em ,etir.-Ahtrried. The Council adjourned to Septem- ber 11 tttlt) a. m. The huge conduit, representing the most dinicult etwneerlng problem in the development of the Hydro-Elec tric power plant at Eugenia Falls, has been tested and found satisfactory in every respect. The test was made; few days ago, when the water wee turned on for the Bret time. There were a few minor leaks, but this was to be expected, and these were speedily repaired and the huge tube which conveys the water from the dam to the penstock. over one mile in length is now completed. The eomstruetion of this conduit was the most ticklish part of the work and the result of the test will be gratifying not only to the engineers in charge of the work, but to the citizens of the Owen Bound and other municipalities who are looking to the Eugenia plant for their future power. Young-Mehmet-ist By-an No 555 be now rend a third time, signed. sealed and engrossed on By- law book.--thrried. Successful Test of Hugo Con. duit at Eugenia The Council met Aagult 7th pur- suant to adjournment. All the mom- bera present. the Run in the choir. Minutes of lost meeting rend and con- firmed. Cotnrnanioatiism, mod n fol- lows: Munioipol Concrete Ot., Ltd, A E Trout for Children‘s Aid Society. Ontario Municipal Association, E Sal I lino and Elijah Donnet " tttatttttt labor, from Fred H Rutherford county rote. from Commissioners for wards 2 and 4 reports on ward expenditure, from the Reeve report on special work on Glencrou bridge. Jan MoAvoy de. feet on town line, By-lnwa 555 and 556 introduced and read a flrtst and second time. A mom- party‘ tron: Owen Svnnd Sundayed " Mr R. Kiutiell's. The waterwheel and penstock. which have been completed by the Swiss con- tractor, were also tested, and were round satufaetory, or " a spectator said " it did not shed a tear." lie tonight , - Mr J. lawn of 'Danmuk. use tyrant, In. 'sailing on some ofolr pro-porous lumen looking for onion, llr. Wm. Wuaon is engaged with Mr D Hanan! for the "rree. The conduit between the surge tank and the power-house is constructed or toughened steel, but between the tank and the great dam the water is carried through a pipe composed of thousands of wooden slate, bound " iron bare at every " inches. Thug pipe runs along the level top of the hill for a distance of over a. mile. It is constructed in a trench end will be covered in by enrth. The thoroughness of the job is tetieet- ed in a set of heaters that will operate by electricity to keep the water a little above freezing point at one sec- tion of the line where it is liable to ex- post!” to severe weather. _ The conduit is about. nix feet in dia- meter, and can convey weter at the rate of 300 gallons th second down a very sleep bill 540 feet high. Under the pressure of the water in the dam, and the extreme elevation. it is eati- mated that the above mentioned vol. ume of water is tsutBciettr to develop over 8,000 hone never from'two units. To reduce the pouihility of the steel conduit bursting Ui',',", urge tank bu been intro uc In the I? line. It is located on the brink art (9 cell and is one hundred and Ive feet tall. Any interruption in the water flow would cause the water to surge about in thli tank and come to a standstill gradually and without damage to the conduih. The Installation oflhe generator is well on to completIOn and mag be natal-ted almost any time "ow.- . B. an. Lot 8, Con 12. Proton, containing 100 acres more or less, 90 acres cleared and in good state of cultivation, 10 urea of hardwood bush. On the urem- ino is a brick veneer house 18:24 with kitchen 16 x 22 3nd woodshod 16x10. nlooagoodbank barn (I) we, (laying shod 18 x 24 and hos pen. Tho farm in well fenced and well mun-ed. Good orchud. Kiln and n quarter from church. post-NN? and school. For terms uppll to Geo. Stun-01k, Sn, mtptriye,. or u. A, and Geo. Troup, Bad 378. Peale.Suk. ther Turned on tor First Time GLENELG COUNCIL wtmmht Farm for Sale J. 8. BLACK, Clerk, Ef 'I‘ill freedom won. Hu, place I cannot. take, But for my dead son's sake New ettorU I will make For home and right. No garb of mourning sad I’ll wear. My heart is glad A non so two I had To nobly Ighl. Friendly I law him go With ms young life Iglow To meet his rubles: foe With hope and jny. Mine will be joyous tears Mine Will be grateful cheers, Through all the coming years. For my brave bay. Mrs W. H. Martin. Bowmlnville, when she heard her son was killed in France. said ', " If I had another son I would like him to so too." Tho' eyes he dim. True-hearted, strong and hue. A just, kind boy was be, A loving Inn to me. Why mourn for him ? When duty”: call timt came. He went with tteart mama. And won an honored name; M y valiant Ion. Had I more suns. they too Would be, 1 know, " true, And their whole duty do, There are still some readers of news- I papers and magesines who are heard speaking in terms of impatience snd1 fault-finding with advertising. Prob.l ably the criticism is usually due to the propensity to speak firat and think afterwards, There is no phare of corn. mercial life of this era to which more earnest consideration Is givsn than to publicity. or advertising. in multilerm ways. It is almost Incredible whet large sums of money are expended in" this way. The work is not done in a haphazard way. Men of fine training» unusual nature] brightness and re- sourcefulness are devoting themselves to the work in a constructive and gen- erally helpful way which makes them slmost equally servants of the buyer and seller. There hes just been held in Chicago . convention of advertising clubs of the world, which wee inter- esting and impressive alike becsnse of its great size, the widely separated and remote sections represented. and the spirit which found expression. The nulpits of not a few of the city churches were occupied on Sabbath by members of the convention who de. livered suitsblo- and morally helpful addresses. The convention, as simi. lur previous meetings have done, put emphasis upon applying conscience in business and condemned in deitaite term s the practice of deceit and un truthfulness in advertising needs of any and every kind. Moniq‘o min - hum“ agnin and the frat Which we In" bind the lat few nigh“ hue frozen com slightly and loan under veg.- nblu in gsedesm' in thin liltriot. For my dead Ion l0 dear, I shed tb mother's tau, But in my hurt I cheel. Mr Ind Mn T. Firth Ind dnughu: Jon left In: not for their home in Lieder, attae enjoying the bonds): tt (and! mi “lain: Mound Edge I . Mm lmn. um. I'm-t. w the gum of her liner. Mmw. HOW- lane, In: week, Min In, Edge remand to Dray- ton, Mood”; when the hu beau touching for 'ttent/tit", to rename duties for "other "at. Mile Ethel Greenwood iett on " tsr4a, to yieit {made nee: Believe: foe I In deye before commencing to leech " Ten for the (ell term. Three week: more and then South Grey Fall Show in Durham. Only $1.00 to become a member. Get a pnze list and see the Pe'itlt'tg of- tered. Somewhere in He! ' garden or home you excel. Itimulnte others by showing what you can do. Guano-OW...” 0...? TEE DURAN BMW . By James L Ruche- A Noble Mother EDGE HILL ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO The Prise List olered this yen bf. the Weltern Feir Association is the most liberal in its history. In the} Live Stock Deportments the prim are] exceptionally large. The Horse It-l hlee have been disinfected very thor 1 nughly under the direction of Dr. Temblyn, V. 8., and everything put in ttrtibeMat' condition. In the rattle barns there will be increued accom- modation, " last year tents had to be I brought into service. A new sheep barn is being erected where Accommo- dstion he been provided bravely huge cheep exhibit, as it is felt that! the increeee in the Prize List will‘ bring out all the [use t1oeksr. The! Poultry Prizes ere increeeed and should bring out all the beat birds of l Ontario. The prizes for grain and vegetables are also higher this year] and there should be a large exhibit in this department. Prize Lists. entry‘ forms, programs and all information! from the Secretary. A . M. Hunt. LOB-l don, Ontnrio. l MUST luvs LrtmNtm.-There is a penalty of I50 for first oth,nee, 8100 at jail for second otrenee and three months injail without the option of a flne for the third oleuce for peraom hiring or accepting money tor the as» of their names without a. chaulfeur‘a license. Your home -metchant will back up our guarantee Onthis splendid range. At ‘togee tuii"i'tet,tf, let him demonstrate its . q . many exclusive features to you. Juefllg.rt4eaier in “salon . sold by mm- a: Melechnle I" .1 Scptomber 10th to 18th The Western Fair Government of Province of Ontario Gambi- woaltln" t, t to and 'itetttg'it'ttttte'i?f, M'ld 'E'. .i..uG.. 0 Canada- and an a commune. '"GGtiriGNSmada, and ad a commune. it: neuritic: are most highly regarded. The City of Toronto, in the points of population, wealth’. industries etc" is the first 'ttttlr,'. for in the Mince. The unused on as of its tat"" is in - of 8565.00 , . 135m 'GI Duc'lnM 1m. Immune: and cw. Doairmktat4tm 'dfgt Duo "t Jul ' ms. Interact m Jam and My. ' Mimic!» $t000. N. - of mouomdlmorlc t a on." mac!» when. . u u y City of' Toronto A. E. AMES a co. f ‘23... _ - 4m...“ Union Bank Balding, Tomb I "s, 'ultpsrtiettuar-guH. ' , To Ylold 5.05% To Yield " u Km; " - 5 We sou Parisian gap. and w. Know I the durum In Gaul-o To the Public. PARISIAN SAGE. the quick-noting In" mtorer. in guamnteed-i To stop falling hair, Te, cm tttll';, th map tt was o e . To put life Int. Med hair. To :1: hag-ah hair soft and luxuriant _ I‘o _ e hair Brow, or money back. lt it the moot delightful hair dretrsins made, and II . guest “Mt. with Mia-s who lulu beautiful and Inns-hat hair, Urge bottle only 50 centt. Maclnrmn: & Co., Druggusta, Durham. Ont. Recogniled u Clnldl'l loading gets, pol of Bnaiuue and Shorthand. Out own 3 storey building. and! of Spe, r-iminu. We plus graduate- ir good positions. Catalogue free. C A (name. . CA a. D. Emma "irrG"cGiiro, is year. Wary OWEN SOUN D NEW SPRING GOODS """h"u""u""""'u"gt I” " has Blown. new " 'tr,?.1l"itth?i1trtit; " a ..‘ '1" ' Attoia,WMt1'i'tlh'lldtdde,t,' FiellrPatyhcuttemomre,rut,w ht]- Unu...a. and stei,ee he 'herehtttm"uettirdisxvur'."scs. Envy blotch-c. It.“ I as Tar.".'?'.".'?.'.?.".?.'.'."."..?.'. New Buy] 1134 Flannelletle Bhmksu, _whimrand gram“... ...l.50n pull J. 11.f10a'i'dd,A.0., C hi Ho", 1214 iuaeiutu, mauea," whiumstr.......... mud!!!“ pm HONOR gunman: of inrvm Unii‘mity. gamut: of Royu: can“ ot Dental Yir.egt of Oatutio Is J JU, 070: J a , lib EBB New at 'ro Licensed At:ccioneer for Conn.) ol Grey. Terms madman. Arr:"ntNtttteute, total: dates an be made 'sm “(Vida Olccornt my residence he!» io u Phone can to Tic. a, Durham mu 's promptly “tended to. - MrNcitttatl no A telephone In dance Mt Ceylon. 0tt1cs--0vtsr Jewell" not. a I op.', , me Post otaea, MOI-bu can... Phylum uni bum . nun-w Oefifu' Ovu- J. P. “an“ onus. ' . owl-aim m w on. RESIDENCE: tie-9nd no not ‘.: ot is, ‘ Mon an n Ut of AE: as. on (CE HOURS Him. 4-19.. , my. Who-e commutation new.» oaro .. by“. an " All Mn; wf PleERlNG o. o s., L it 2 Pun-om of mama new Ind cheese tucatrivr, We mm; your mum during me - monu: I. Emu-I pace- p u 'urng cram‘ “la t, up my two can; itee and My twice Owl month. Write tor (EMS. D. McPHA AL J. ARTHULC COOK in now gunk been: in 'wico Prod.“ won tn J 'ttth at :‘m home ui in ti. k . he kunb, em " Tuuduy. from 2 m 7 Fm. Appointment. now nah... booked. meoqrRoo--Aeeqt" [tom mu 1...; Hon ARTHUR B. JACKSON lnnunnoe Agent. Mor " to Lou Inner ot 51 mugs Lieevuu. A : a; on! “main! bounce: uwmu-d. UNDERTAKER and Funeral DIreow. We tt Speciality. Picture Framing, Shortest iirti,t ran! madam Amman. w: ' 30min. an“. Damn up '.. r a LTiiEiiCUV 2Fii'iraikiaU" an; an Cebu; r o., mu m 5.93;; s'ligUgitr 81:2: M - Iqulpmt Mutton-mu! um “any. in W out amp, “a .M lulu. is. fatal! lulu mun. tttr' s',tt _ M's-L The Miami. coupe. l ,. I', we In - I "og. um. kidnap!“ Plum... V . Cl .001 M. In cull or a ntiiiFf6rNar.Tiiirftiir.] Edna " be, 'd't,gtMt'2's in“. Dunn- lh an: “an‘n.mlumt n n. pug. Woo. ,m'Koo-u 01.3.3390!!! mm? =lrrlU%tra%'l'lh'ilsG'fi '.."" . m "Ye. ado-All '.l'fis?,tlgt'ft,1,T"dTll ', ',?it'i'igii'i,ii1'iii's'ii'itiiii'il;7, ,v. Manama 'r'.' law tmzunmmmu _ 0.1mm Ge" UGG, W. iar in than wtr.Tiiiir; , m to, Ian.- ou swam-dun u ”ONOB GRADUATE Torn. p Duncan; ' ur . date no»! coma beam b‘uzgeau m1: an at when. licenced Au, Lioneor hr 00 DURHAM llilll0ti SCHOOL J. EGRANT D. 0.8., L. D. S lax-rm», Soucxtor in Supra!) In New: mug Commune. Money to man. an. on Lumbron tet., opp- [a l deoXe'n Stables. {m ILL“. Notary Pu hlic, Dominican. 9w: magi». DOW. ONT. (Lowe To Full line of unmask have: and black it or be Cup to: Metl palms. J. I'. TELFORD- A. C BELL Cream Wanted It, M. ISAAC DJ! " L. 60310:. dM,thu'tr,f, 0w. SINGING .. H. ititAd, Duh; Pun: Crunch Pal-tirc, o ..:...1akiir' {Jail Meghan. Be Mls youth it CD I! l.') h

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