West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 9 Sep 1915, p. 1

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916 Lore ion Sal e 'ttrmtte C: tor 18th Iles i ERS Implemc IO, 19l Mr James Kerr, Hampden, became the 'to-or of a Ford car, Saturday. Mr Arch. McKinnon has sold his aut- omobile to Mr Hugh McDonald, mason. Farm-rs will gm igger Fall Wheat crops by using Haro ertiliaer. Foe sale by C. Smith & Sons. There Ire 54 recruit. in training " Owen Sound " put of any County’l next quota of men. Twelve student: are attaining Hano- ver Model School thte term. Two are from Durham and only one of the dozen ia a boy. x Mt Forest Fall , it will behold next Wednesday and Th' sday Sept. " and It}. Revised and en tted prize list and all come“ attract: . Buy Four eta for London Fair " the Central D more. Fair opens Friday, loch Septe r. Tickets no good L0 return until ' September. The Children's Aid Society of Uo. Grey, lucnted in Owen Sound. intend We belie us to make “Flag Dayl" of all the local (airs. lhe funds In ured that to go to the aid of the Such-u, a very worthy institution. POLL raar.--M, have been inform. ed that About M) pan-tia- in this town, are 1mm.- tlt pay thiq unpopulu but pmhmlv just municipal tax. about one quarter, BO far, of those linblo have paid Constable Arrowsmith and the others an: no doubt,thinhintt about it'. Two week, more and then South Grey Fall Show in Durham. Only in.” to become a member. Get a prize list and see the liberal miles ob tered. Somewhere in tuid, and": or home you noel. ltimulute others hy uhuwing what you can do. A garden party under the auspices of the Women's Institute will he held on the lawn of Mr Wm. Weir, 3rdcon.. Glenelg, on Friday evening, Sept loth. VOL. XXXVIII, NO. 36 Tht' calibre ot lacrosse plaved in this diutiiut WM deuronsttated on Monday whnn orrsugeville, the winners. played " with \Vingham in the semi Salli. W'ingham was reputed to he the hu- lut team in the intermediate not. but Urangehllu held them to n6.--6,1 tie right in Wimthsm and will dquht-‘ lr-m win the rmgud in the "turn - liriday in ()rnngeville. The outlook " that the swift Orungevilie crow. partially composed of Fergus and oth, pr outuide plavers, will appear in the “and, with bright prospect. of uln- ning tne 1interutediate honors t if .0, Durham's- home brew tum will luvc the retiected glury of being runners up to the champions. Buy your school books at McFarlanes. A Stu-mama. Ptcmc.--Over aro children and a great. number of man. were in attendance " the Prubytor- ia" S. S. picnic at unseen Punk but Thursday afternoon and all enjoyed the day thoroughly. " v" the Int picnic or the nelson and may childv I iir,)0trrii'iaa)t 2i» i555: OPICS F hire-eating game has q nasty setup wound to March! Haulage by a 180N000 .(ich which rmuired medical aid from DrHun. Lunch at 3.30 wuenjoyed try a hungry multitude of little folk. and following this item It not of clmiy contested loot races closed thr day" wort. The following won the race. l Boys 12 and and" --R. Bil-chum W. voliett, A Veggie. Girls " and under Mar '.McGirr, I. Hands, Nary Me: Bchechnie. Boys g and tusd---). an Laud". John Brown. [pound Vollet. Girls I! and under-Once Donnelly. Clan. lull". N. Meairr, Boys 15 and under-IL Dania. C. lbs *5irr, O Vollet. Girls " and ttnder-- I. Hinds, B. Wattle”. o. Buschlol. Shoe "aee--C. wakelteld, I WI). It W. Vollet. Sis an District Peach season now in full swim: 3nd but vnneties, Peaches, Pearl. and Num- ne tea- dy fur preserving or dessert pur- pooea. Hon-cheapo" would not dvhy telling their grocers what fruit: to order tor them. FRUIT BULLETIN A interesting letter from the pen of Jim anqu'hunou at the front, is held on" ml next week, Mr. Ed. Pratt drilled a well for D. McA rthur, Dornoeh, Ind struck I tttte ttowing well. making the fourth flow. ing wetlMr Pratt hns found in that district. A movement " on foot in town this week to have the matsieipality recog- nize in a tangible Why the service. of three Durham boys at or bound .for the front, namely, Lieut. Dr Cecil Wolfe, Gunner Andrew Smith, And Pte. George Lloyd. A REAL JOY Rina-Last. Saturday Inspector Campbell and Mr Thos. Ai- lan oiled up their cars. mltrd the tool", looked at the weather and decided all was right and ripe for a day's outing. The family of the former tiued one car and In the other were Messrs Allan and P. Peterson and their wives and Mrs Jno. Towner. They struck north to Owen Sound, east to Meaford, south and West through the Bearer valley to Eugenio and then home A trip of about no miles and never a mishap. A real joy-ride. l The management me making ple preparation for the entertain eat of visitors to the Fall Fair in D ham on Sept 2ttb. Besides the exhi its in the Hall and the Live Stock its duller- ent classes, which Dug to be the chief attractions of the Show. there will be an exhibition ventriloquiam before the Grand tt nd by John A. Kelly, dancing' by as Munro, music by a highland pipe at football match between the Dro ore and Priceville clubs, both good and evenly matched. a good game i certain. A bicycle race is also on the program in three heats, once mind the ring. With good weal r a good show and a good time is as red. Everybody can an- joy theu' elves and meet their neigh. bors an friends who will all be there. The employees of the Cement (30. met in Ualder's Hall on Saturday ev- ening and “an: Nimble remembrance to two of their comrades who hare left the employ of the company. Geo Lloyd who has Joined the ranks of the 70m battalion, Niagara, and who was home over the week Au, was presumed with a military wrist watch valued at 815 and a purse containing about 3'9. Mr (ice Iiarbottle read the address which accompanied the gin. Mr. Ben Benton was the second re- cip'ent at the good will of the (lament men. He was presented with a hand- some club bag, Mr. J. H. Robertson, reading the address. Ben has been popular among the boys at the big plans and has now entered upon . matriculation course at Albert. College Belleville. with the intention of tak- ing up mechanical engineering at a later date. Met in regular meeting on Monday night And minutes of many special matings show that our town father: with the ettieient clerk. are having a busy time of it, The following accounts were ordered paid t--. Clerk, sunny and poytago......... $30.41 C. Bananas &Bon .................... 65.60 b'. G'rey Rey. Ott1ce m...........'..... I 00 C. L. Gram, supplies to Baker q m family ..........r...... ................ Constable, salary. tle..,............ N.Mclntvre, 100 carbons for street lampa -t-"r'"'"'" Uoum-illor Saunders mused the ques tion as to whether the aid being givvn to the Baker family m very distressing circumstances. would make the town permanently liable. It appears that they moved here quite recently from an ndjoming municipality in whose care they should rightlully be. How- ever humane considerations prevent any thought of moving at present. Mr John Stewart. who, last spring, purchased Mr Peter Reid's properly in upper town, appealed to Council for relief from paying poll tax which had been asked of him. Since he had done noihing at. the Court of Revision, the council male helplesss, but advised him to appeal to the Judge's court later on to have his name entered on the list. A grant of b5 was made to the (Join ty Urey Ctsiidren'n Aid Society. _ Calder-- Lloyd - That Olelk be in, attuned to receive the msterial pun! elm-ed than the (femoral Electric (20.. said material to be properly checked _ over, an advance of 10 per cent be ad- ded to umlerinl supplied to customer- and spot cash charged for all supplies wld. Carried The Horticultural Society was grun- ted tree use of the Hall tor Flower Show. Carried. _ arant--Wolfe--Ettat matter of raise ing wires to top of poles on pambton Bt be left in board. oi camaiittu up: painted to supervise the erection of pole. and wires. Outlet! The clout mu gunned n holid-y of on week nod the coast-bl. toar d5).- iiht iliihttliiTtit 'tilttjittttk Cement Presentations town. Council The REVIEW to New subscribers to January I916 for only Twenty-tive cents. a..t-uir-ei,efirtrar, 5102.01 125 M.2s That there is a disreputable contra- band trade in liquor being carried on in violation of the law is very evident from several occurrences here this summer. The latest instance of the kind has been brought to light by the vigilance of Con- stable Arrowsmith. While engaged in some of his street duties he observed the express waggon go by, driven by Chas. Chisiett, and two tsuspicious looking cases caught his eye. A trunk on the waggon he allowed to be delivered at a residence near the north- ern limits of the town and seeing the waggon returning with the casee, he stepped up and found they were stamp- ed with the names Gooderham and Sea- gram and contained bottles of whiskey. He at once took possession and ordered the stuff into custody. One case was addressed to Robert Campbell, one of the Hydro employees, then boarding at the Central, the other was addressed to Alex Crosbie, chaffeur tor the Hunter family at the Hedges. Both gentlemen deny ownership and all connection with the stuff and are natur- ally indignant that their names have been used in any such connection. The constable hopes to make some discovery that will lead to the exposure of the shipper and true consignee. Constable Captures The case against the Middaugh House arising from the discovery of saleable liquor under the floor of the kitchen a- bout a month ago, to come to trial Sat- urday, but the day previous the prop- rietor, before Magistrate Laidlaw, ack. nowledged the violation, and was flned 8300, which was paid and deposited to the credit of the town in the usual way. This makes a sum of $660.00 deposited by Mr. Laidlaw within a period of five or six weeks, and during thc year over 8700 has been deposited as fines for il. licit liquor trade or from parties being found drunk in town. This cannot con. tinue and if it does, we may rely on the vigilance of the authorities in stamping out these fruits of the liquor trattie be- fore many moons. With the co-opcrat- ion ot Community, Council, Courts and Constable, we may expect a clean town. Canada’s great National Exhibition at Toronto is now almost a thing of the past for another year and it pro- mises to exceed in attendance the mil- lion mark. We had the privilege of attending on Saturday last, Press day, which was a record breaker in num- here over 115,000 people being on the grounds. The products of peace and war have this year Intermingled to make the ex- hibition more interesting than ever before. On the war side the regiment of soldiers camping on the grounds.tbe exhibits of primitive flretustue, and the captured trophies of the present inter- national struggle with some of the re- salts of the use of death-dealing wea- pons are on the grounds to satisfy the interest and curiosity of the crowds. On the peace side the fruits of industry are displayed in greater abundance and variety than in any previous year. In the Government building, the models of British torpedo boat de- struyers, river monitors, submarines, and cruisers make an exceptionally tine exhibit, and lovers of detail in assemblv and construction mar ob- serve the graceful outlines of these models and the skilful workmanship retlected in their construction. The big Krupp gun, captured by the Brit.. ish on the battlefield in France, makes an imposing exhibit. Many other war trophies are also shown. The transportation building is noted for its wonderful display and variety of automobiles and in dearth of car- riages. showmg the present day trend. The horticultural building is one how- er of beauty. 1n the dairy building, we believe it was! we were impressed with the magnitude of the can display ~3b0ut10°.lX)0 dozen. and by illunun- I ated diagrams ot hens, buildings, etc.. showing the wrong and right methods of caringdor and marketing eggs from producer to city consumer. in the sev- eral steps. _ _ F Space forbids further mention other than the grand stand performance, which was scarcely up to the mark of former years. The acrobatics and lirtt. works are not as elaborate " usual but the musical ride ot it horsemen is still popular, and the march of the Allies. 1 each company in their country‘s uni- 1 form, with their national 'Mr played to their march. was the striking feature. ) The 86th battalion in drill was at pleats. ing spectacle. Toronto ladies have caught the war fever and a home tuard has been or. ganized with 81 membership fee.‘nnd has now 900 members. We notired three Indies in their khaki uniforms ot shirt and jacket, ptradinit thehroqnda. The movement will probably grow rapidly in the city. On ToroptoU streets, it is said. the dearth ot men is much more noticeable thou A few months ago. nbout. 25.000 bowing en- hsted in use city. . Exhibition Impressions. Another $300 Fine DURHAM, THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 9,1915 ------ C ------ 2 Cases of Whiskey With which is incorporated the Holstein Lenin ' Rev Mr. Cousins, Toronto, will ap- pear in the Pretsbrteritrn church next Mondaiy night and ml! gin an ad- dress illustrated by lime light view- on the work of the Bible Society. September Home Fair will be held in Durhlm on the 16th inst. ’Twill be a good orte-htwtt your horses ready. Schools re-opened on Tuesday with nlarge attendance and not yet com- plete. Principal Allan of the High School fears accomodation will he in- adequate. Next week we will be able to give some dehnite tigurer. Amongst the number who have vis- ited Toronto Exhibition from town are Mr and Mrs A. H Jnr'kqon, MissA. Ramage. Miss M. Petty, Mrs Janos Hepburn. Messrs N, McIntyre. Arch. Robertson, Geo. Kress. W. B. Vollet, Geo. Arrowsmith, Jae. Atkinson. Mr Neil McLean favored us with n sight. of some North- Dakota wheat and oats he had received from Mr Mal Cameron formerly of Bentinek, both good samples. Mr Cameron has 110 acres of Marquis wheat, 30mg 30 bus. to the acre and 90 acres Bluestem go- ing 25 bush, 75 acres oats go 50 bush. to the acre and some other crops as good. A rosy year out west. except where hail struck. As a result of negotiations with the Malltdale Council, Minms Bros. wall transfer to the town their electric distribution system, following an ex- ample set, by owners of lighting plants in other municipalities. Mr. Minnie realized this to he in the interest of everyone concerned. On Monday last he fell intoline and did his share tc. wardshaving the hy-laws carried by good mtajuriues.--Matkdts1e Standard BREAD Lowuns m Prucsr.-0wiug to a drop In price of about 82 a. barrel for flour, town bakers have reduced the price of thrir 3 pound or large loaf from 14 to 12 cents. The reduct. ion has come none too soon to suit consumers. all who would welcome 2 cents more knocked " the mice and be on the level of Toronto, \Valkerton and other places where the dime and nickel loaves are in vogue. The Directors of South Grey Agri-' cultural Society are making every et. fort to make the Fill Fair 8 big suc- cess. In these strenuous times when farmers are urged to do everything possible to increase the production of the farm for the benefit of themselves. the country and the Empire, it becomes the duty of everyone to make the Pair a decided success. The Board could- ently expects that especially the far- mers of the district will became mem- bers of the Society and exhibitors at the Fair. By doing so they will be doing good to the district in which they live, helping the Society in its work and reaping a benetit for them- selyes. The Directors give their labor and time freely for the good of agriculture in the district, and though not weary in well doing, they hope that eyery- body will come out and assist them in carrying out the work. Besides the axiicultural end of the Fair, they are providing a number of new features before the Grand Stand in the after- noon, which will be advertised in due time and a grand concert at night. The prize lists have been sent out and the Secretary will he in Durham on Wednesday and Saturday afternoons until the fair. Bend in your entries BORN thotrmF.r.L--.Irt (ilenelg. on 15th Aug- ust, to Mr and Mrs George Campell. a son. RRN'roN--'No'r'rtMt --1n Toronto, on Thursday, Sept. 2ad, Miss Annie Trotter of Toronto. to John Kenton. eldest. son of Mr and Mrs Wm. Ben. ton of Dornnch. Automobile for Sale 5 Passenger Tour' 2 Car. cost moo. Engine Iboroughly el hauled only a week ago. Two tir nlmqst now. demonstrate any. time. Vill take $550 if sold this week. , b ' .. THE STANDARD BANK All Ready for South Grey Fall Show _." A, aUNT'Ek;\ - 7 'The Hedges ' Durham MARRIED. a The A.B,Cof Banking [31 Annotate Scour-it: Best of Service _ _ V Courteous Treatment m We solicit your account in our SAVINGS DEPARTMENT DURHAM BRANCH, Ir. a all __ I T, FST, Established over Forty-om; Years ASSETS OVER “3,000.0” Min Jean Gilchxlot returned to her home in Toronto on Tuesday after open- ding the past two weeks with her friend Mia Flo Limin. Mr, Ed. Hutton left Tuesday after- noon for a position in Guelph. Mr. Alex. Kearney of the Standard Bank. Kingston, is spending this week at his home how. Mist N. 'Hepburn returned Tuesday after a. month's visit with Hamilton friends, M" J. MCAulitfe and Miss Lizzie McAuliffe are visiting in Arthur. Miss Nan Gum L. 10. M., after spending the holidays at her home here. left Tuesday to resume teaching at Toronto Uonsersrtstory of Music. Miss Agnes Wattet1e1d left day to commence a. course Forest Business College. Miss Marion Calder returned Wed- nesday after visiting her friend, Miss Annie Russell, Toronto. Mrs. J. H. Ooleridge. Toronto, mth daughter Was a guest for a couple of days at the Rlvunv Otrier. Mr, and Mrs. Andrew Black of Ful- ton, N. Y. returned home Tuesday, followmg a weeks visit at her sister’u. Mrs T. R. Whelan. Mrs. E. W. Limin returned home on Saturday after spending three week with her sister Mrs. J. A. Thomas at their summer home "Echoville," Lounsbury Park. near North Bar. Mr Chas Urquhart of Port Credit. in a guest at T. R. Whelan’a. .A large number of members of Ep- worth Leaguers and Sunday School attended the sessions in Holstein. Tuesday and Wednesday of the Mt. Forest Dist. Epworth League Couyen tion, Miss Nettie Lennon holidayed the past week at her home in Wiarton, Privates Ernest McGirr. Alex Bell and Geo Lloyd came home on Friday "futht to Visit with their home friends ‘till Monday morning. The bays enjoy ‘camp life and fli1 their uniforms out llike real soldiers. Mr. J. W. Crawford left for Unity, Sash, on Monday morning. He spent a couple days in Toronto en route. Messrs W. Irwin and P. Iamage attended the annual meeting of the Canadian Press Association in Toronto last week. Former friends in Durham will be interuted to learn of the marriage of Mr Henry Cameron of Toronto, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. John Cameron, of Durham. to miss Marguerite Forest of that City. Mrs Max Heddle and child, Hamil. ton, are the guests of Miss A. L, Mc- Kenzie. Mrs. W, Dunn and Miss Dunn re. turned last week from an extended visit with Oshawa, Peterboro and Columbus relatives and friends. Mr Wilbert Kmsley of the Standard Bank Btailt, Little Britton is holiday- ing at home. Horace Elvidgc, formerly of Mc- Kechnie's. is now engaged at the Grand Trunk Station. Mrs Richardson. Swinton Park, who has been visiting her daughter in God- erich, visited Mrs ill. Burnett and Up- per Town friends Thursday last on her way home. Mr Hswrr'Hurtter, Minneapolis, is visiting his mother, Mrs J. H. Hunter at the, Hedges. Mr. Wm. Laidlaw Jr underwent an operation for appendicitis in Welles. ley Hospital, Toronto, on Tuesday. Miss Pulford of Leammgcon 'com- meneed dutiu as assistant primary catcher on Tuesday. Misha: W. Park and B. Telford leave on Thursday for a. holiday at Ur. Park's cottage " Burlington Beach. Mr and Mrs Chas Anderson, a brid. al couple from St Catharines, visited over the week end It the bride's unc- les, Messrs Geo and Edward Kresy. Rev Mr. Whale, and Mrs. Whaley returned Friday hom their holiday. A large congregation turned oat to welcome them Sunday. TORONTO on Moro at Mt. Valuable Stock, Implements and Household Furniture Liberal terms. Sale at 1 o'clock. See bills or ad. on page 8. Friday, 1061 September, 1915 E. E. LEESON, Prop. Now is {he Time Your New Fall Suit S. F. MORLOCK SCHOOL OPENING THE VARIETY STORE Western Fair liey,,lon Prizes increased this year by $3000.00. Excellent Program of At- tractions Twice Daily. SINGLE FAKE OVER ALL unwnrs West of Toronto, and In." and One-Third from otttaMe points. W. J. REID, President. Prize Lists. Entry Forms and all information from the Sec y. THE LEESON SALE We have just opened out our New Dress Goods-- Velveteens, Corduroys and Serges Serges are taking the lead this fall. In these we have a fine assortment in Blacks and colours. We secured them early in order to avoid the advanced prices. The prize medal Velveteens and Corduroy: are our Special Twill Back and fast pile. _ Call and see them while you have the opportunity. The Store of Honest Value Music by the Best Available Bands We are now prepared for School Opening and seek your esteemed patronage in this line. We carry a complete stock of Public School requisites. Come here for all Supplier-Books, Scribblers, Slates, Pads, Pens, Pencils, etc. For you to see about (Half mile west of Varney,hon $30,000.00 in Remember and Attractions Published Wukly " t1.00 .m. c, MOI h scum.- Canada R. BRIGHAM, Auvtiuncvr Two Speed Events Daily. PireworkrOhrerr Night. New Steel Grandstand. Midway Better Than Ever. A. M. HUNT, Secretary Sept. 10th " 18th 1915 I leg if? h

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