West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 9 Sep 1915, p. 4

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H I) rt! "rt'9'RT-rNe"q W4" 1"" --t-t--------..-.-- i, 2f."t John McGowan The .mr them here. We hare 3 Fresh and "tied stock of the chancel: Groeeriee, 0mm Lemons. Peels Dues. Nuts. Candice of all kinda, and everything required tor the Holiday futivitiee. Ottr pncee will suit your purse. Give III e all. All kinds of grain bqqght at Phone Your Holiday Groceries, Fruits and Confections Headquarters for Confection; and all Bakery goods Sovereign, Eclipse and Pastry Flour THE CITY BAKERY Large Quantity of No. l Feeding litter Fresh and Clean, the very best. See this Hm: Wheat, Barley and Oats Chop 500 tons oi No l Mixed Chop WHEAT AND BARLEY " ramammmmmmnxmammmmg Chest prices for Have you seen the Ironing Boards ? CRMPED OATS for Horse Feed at CHOPPED OATS at. . . . very teas r REVIEW is well equipped for turning out all kinds of Commer-( cial and Job Printing. Give us a triaU It gives good IEisfaoEo‘nT - - M..i- We are in the market for any Quantity of OATS PHONES: Day " Night , 26 The Rob Roy Cereal Mills Co. Out-cal Mills, Durham Peed on" iiATi - W W" Illa "P'"'" Iota a 'ut't2t'ct. Are selling 1n ton . 1fteraneuenrertetu. $160 Pleeueemieeu," Pertmt.............8M0 Oats, Shorts, perton....................3o.oo Bean, rerun """-o..................... 28.00 Feed Peed Feed THE PE0PLE'S MILLS Every bag guGntoed. bring' It back and not I - " "‘0 ""J Fresh and Clean, the very best. See this ttay before purchasing elsewhere. It will pay you. “If you want good heavy mixed feed, try our Chun sin (a..- lama n 1tt,h1ry 809d_stuh of Com and Ground ‘ bag guaranteed. If not satisfactory 1t back and get your money. 1 bought at market price. on Flour and Feed in ton Iota Special prim in over five ten lots can” . BLACK 2 '. A ROWE e Feed at FairPrices very reasonable rates Special Reduction Fast time. Convenient Train Service Modern equipment between Montreal Ottawa, Toronto, Detroit, Chicago. from principal points on certain dates ll, MacFarlalue; J iiGi/iiiiii'i"a l ii, iiiiiiiir Be sure to consult C. P. R Agents regarding EXTRA TRAIN SERVICE REDUCED FARES to London from stations in Ontario, Belleville, Have- lock and West to Sault Ste. Marie, White River and North Bay inclusive also from Detroit, Mich. I NOTICE is hereby given that I 3 have transmitted or delivered to the [ persons mentioned in sections 8 and f) of "The Ontario Voters' List Act“ the _ copies required by said sections to be _ so transmitted or delivered of the l list, made pursuant to said Act ot all i persons appearing by the:last revised Assessment Roll ot the Said munici- l pality to be entitled up vote in the ’said municipality at lections for I members ot the Legislat we Assembly and at Municipal Elev. one and that ‘said list was tirat post d up at my l oilice at Durham on th 23rd day at August,1915 and rem ins there for ') inspection. _ Western Fair Dated at Durham on the 23rd day otAugnsc, 1915. ' WM; B._ voJPin', v - -._- --.v-.. any - Y"_""M, to take immediate iiiiiitiiii to have the said errors c rreeted accord- ing to law. _ a! The publishers were favored with a an address by Major Chambers ot Ottawa, chief censor tor Canada, who [deeded the press tor the assistance and patriotism displayed during the (present war crisis. and who issued . t note of caution as to what should or 8 l should not be revealed. The prin- :cipal speaker was Dr. Talcott Wil. l liams, Professor of Journalism " Columbia University, New York, . who addressed the regulsr session 3i and excelled himself in an after din, a; ner address at the luncheon tendered , the press men at the Exhibition ' l grounds on Saturday. Press day. Dr “l Williams has a splendid command of ir2.ese, is a man of vision ands ‘strong supporter ot and believer in lthejnstice of the Allies' cause. One 'of his remarks was, "At this hour ' when the scales of battle quiver and ‘the great struggle rocks the world, , it is impossible to see clearly and to ljudge with history’s unprejndieed 'eye, but forty or fifty years hence , jibe German nation will look upon l the issue ot this war es best for them as well as for the world," Electors are called a n to examine the said list and if a omissions or any_o§her_ errors are ound therein, Apply to any Cu P. R. Zienn for full articular; or write H, E lurphy. mum {new Agent. Toronto. Not only were the journalists _ treated to an excellent luncheon by {the Exhibition Directors when ex- I Mayor Oliver. President Csnsdisn _ National Exhibition presided, but they and ladies also were given a supper in Nalsmith‘s restaurant under ’the Grand Stand and also reserved tickets to the Grand Stand perform. _ once in the evening. The exhibition [ ‘ authorities realise the value and as- sistance of the Press in the success of I their Nation-11 Fair and are generous ' in showing their appreciation thereof. Municipality of the Tow, of Durham, County of o ey unease in the cost of production and living, combined with decreased revenues tron: advertising and other sources daring war time, the pub- lishing fraternity has been bard hit, and though no defittits, action has yet been taken it is felt that the 81.50 per annum rate must come in the near future. Yoters' List, 1915 Special 1..- has V - 7 - _ ._J --‘I-tl'lllUIlV ot the p,olit8tet,--miehinisry, type, paper, inks. food and clothing has soared, in many cases doubled or tripled in price over that of a score of years ago. Winh‘this general in- --- - -ee'e. ‘vulv'l “I.“ w . io M. Seim, Holstein; J. R. Incl:- tyre, Dnndslk Herald; G H Mitchell Hanover Post , a. E. Hudson. now of Beamsville Express; end W. Irwin and P. Rsnage of Durham. In general the proceedings would be of little interest to our readers One ot the most serious questions up for consideration we: the increasing ot the snbsori tion price at weekly newspapers to Ilfl'l per year. Since newspapers were established in this country, the price has remained con- stant at $1.00 while the stsndard of almost every paper hes been greet- ly i.eyyytd,,_ajid, "etr.eqttirermsot l The holding of the Ann] Meeting Cot the Ono-die: Preee Auecietien in l Toronto last week during Exhibition Home wee e timely 11i.ea,,brinring together the lergeet getherieg ot the members of the Fourth Eetete in the history oi the Auocietlon. Editore were there from Nora Seetie to Vel- eonver Island, to ettend the mine held on the 19th floor of the new Royal Bank ehyecrnper, e planing ', feature beleg the large attendnee of Western editors. From this dietriet there were present Melat- Wright end PPI, of Mrt'Foreet Coated and Rep. ft II . aim AI-l‘:_ A I .. .- - Entertained by Exhibition Diretrtom-. lubscripilon Price m” be Increaud. Sept. IO to l8, I9l5 - gulp»: 3mm Press Men Meet in Toronto SEPTEMBER 9, ms 31.50 per you. '1.00it paid in advance. London Clerk of bdih%, 'W THE DORE“ REVIEW ireese, Bounéholiiooi; "Gir""ii'ire", articles. l About 16 tom of flrst clus'hay. About '2.2 cords of wood. No Reserve " proprieto is leaving the country. Everything must be sold. TERMS l $6.00 Ind under cub. Over that umount my length of t 9 may be given up to 12 moo. bout a Interact M 0 par out per "tttum. l tor, Bdie1 chui-ETII -ii, irriii""aiif'l7iir" dition and nearly new. Set waggon lift-nose. jet tnatr,trCht.rn.eys., ll Belg -'r -ee .. --.- a""'" -8sr T""""", null. Massey-Harris Binder 6 Rent. Sulky Rake 12 ft, Mower 6 ft. cut. - teel Roller on. Ditmond Tooth Han-o 3 section, 1 lead Drill, 1 Gang Plow, C'oekshuti walking plow, Cocuhutt r ding Plow. UUthahi fanning mill, timber a eigb. wagon. buggy, cutter. 2th. p. gaso- line aniline; Manda-d Cram Separa- .A_ n_ .. ..__ ".8, X__ n, _ . STOCK . Sorrel horses re old, Ba mare 9 yrs old with colt, Black man t yrl old, 7 cows. 1 heifer 3 yrs old, heifeett yrs old (both in c If), 1 stee 2yra old, 4 yearling ate rs, steer nos old, heifer ll won ol ' 4 aprin1 calves, sow one year old, 0 (ttoats,' bull There will he sold by Publ c Auction on E pt Iota 7 and 8, con 2, ormanby, just was. of Vamey, on at-l o'elock, the followmfz valuable stock 3nd implements t of Farm Stock and lmgiements Credit Auction l Sale DURHAM .................Sept. 2324 Flesherton...... ...... ......Sept. 28-29 ytn?ter........"....l.r.'.'.aiiytriiiii. Holstein.............. .....tiept,2ti= London (Western Fair). .. ..Sepl.. 10-18 yyutdtuis.....Cr.C.C.tGjtE 12.13 Neatorti.....,C. ......tiept, 30, Oet.1 Mount Forest. ...... . . ......8ept. 15-16 Ottawa (Central Canada). ..Sept. 10-18 Owen Sound...................0¢t. 5-7 Priceville... ...... ......Sept. 30 Oct. i wslkerton..../.l.CT.T.'isGt,"rT1i (Arthur.,.... ....'..r... Ayton ..'...rr.......,., Clttoworth,............ Uhesley.................. Delboro................. Dundalk......,.,.... ... DURHAM.............. Flesherton............... 1yyuureer......r.."..Ir. Holstein.............. .. London (Western Fair). . yyutdtuis.....C..V.C."..' liytatorti.....,,i.r.r.ii, you“ Foreat............ Mr Wm. Edge is attending Toronto Exhibition this week. Mr and Mrs J. Dunsmoor, ot Ham- ilton, are visiting thll week with the inter‘s brother, Mr T. Greenwood. Miss Alix Edge left Tuesday for Lindsay to resume her studiel at the Collegiate Institute there. Mr. Will Finder and three sisters. Misses Blanche, Grace and Mona, mo- tored from Orchard and spent the week-end with Mr T. Greenwood. INGRAM, E. LEEBON, ”cancer . Mprietor Mr and Mrs John Scheurman. Mr Ionnington and Mr Itobt, Hastie left last Tuesday for the big West, Miss Dinncha Redford left last week for the West to become the bride of Mr Jns. Stimson. at tiaak. Mrs A, Coutts returned after 1nieit- ing over a month at Will Lamont's in Brant. Miss Jennie McLean, of Durham, is visiting ather grandmother's. Mrs Bord. Mia- Agnes Ramnge, former teach- " at Mulock, visited at ll. TWumley’a one day last week. Miss Sarah Mcbougall returned to Hamilton Tuesday, utter a two weake' holiday with relatiyel. MISS McPheo. of Owen Sound. is visiting at A. Campbell's, Friday, Septémber h, 1915 A Pus and Box Social in aid of the Red Crosa was held at Louise last Tusaday evening. The program con- sisted of addresses by Messrs H, ll, Miller and R. J, Ball and inarrutmmt- al music and some, The neat sum of $40.00 was received. Mrs Wilson, Sr.. of Hanover, is visiting friends in this vicinity, Mr Oscar Clark, of Toronto, is visit. ing at. Alex Campbell’s. The co, F. had 3 church parade and specinl service: last Sand-y. Rev. Mr Aucklcy. Methodist preacher, preached in the Presbyterian church. Rev. A. Leslie took over I week's holiday. Mr It Darguvel returneg 7 home on Monday trom Toronto Hospital. Sorry to hear he is not improving. Mr C. Pratt, Woodstock, spentSun- day with Mr and Mrs Dnrguvel. Miss Violet Fallaise of Durham, in mending a. couple weeks with bar “pt Mrs C McIntyre. Sorry to hear ir, P. McIutash is not improving. dar. " Mr and " A, E, Smith returned home after spending a. tow week! with her parents Mr and Mrs R Dar. gavel. Mr Win Clark was, this last week, busy thrashing tor farmers around Poplar Hill. Dates of Fall Fairs, I9lli Mr. Logan. formerly of T..r mo. but at prawn: tt train hand on war! train from Dub-m to Hanover, Vinit- od Saturday a: the Bnclmo home. Mr ok, and) lost": tlm, colt last Thursday from pneumonia. Ir J aha Biol!” was on the sick. list tor a lewd”- lot week bat at tune of Irma; in improving. Iter. Mr. Itclhccon, Prieari1le, 1c "pected to take chcrgc ot the Pre- Hratory ccrvicc in Knox church ccxtSnndcy. uh Sou lycrs nu c 1ttt her Bu lad-y School trirls In: Mo M. About " girls Were precem cud cpcat an enjoycblc cftcrnocn. I Threshing is now the order of the 3W (Arrived too Idle for hut week) NORTH-EAST NORMANBY EDGE HILL v- v I an“) AKUH'VES TORONTO CRAWFORD DORNOOH .. ........Oct. 5-6 .......Sept. 20-11 ... ....Sept. 10-17 .......Sept. 21-22 .....fept.N..S4 re old, Bay Black mare 3 yrs old, l M), laten- Th steer 9 Oct, 7-8 o4stiheaseauaieasoirsasooeaii'i'y 330. L. tie Also Guberdines, Cor- til? ded and Plain Velvets, 'i? all colors. g; Poplins in colors. t: Serges t Dress Goods i Flour perewt .... ... Oatmeal per "ek,... Chopper ewt......., Oats, feed..... ...... KallWheat.......... 4"bseiFii?sbsebsbst+rsiy Dunn. Sept. 8, 1915. Batter................ 22tt Lot 8, Con te, Proton, containing IN acres more or less, to, acres cleared and in good state o cultivation, 10 urea of hardwood bush. On the prem- iqes is a brick veneer house 18:24 with kitchen 16 x 22 and woodshed 16 x Ito, also a. Rood hank barn 60 It 06, driving shed 18 x 21 and hog pen. The form is well fenced and well watered. Good orchard. Mile and a. quarter from church. post-office and school. For terms apply to Geo. Sturrock, Sr, Hopeville. or Jan. A. and Geo. Troup, Bok 378, Peruse, Sask. Departmental $12.01; Bring your Produce 'iiiiiEirii"iiiiiiltrt""f I: muons ll . “â€" --- - an: LUC PW'uct of tlte,best In lists . . ' havig, all ttli'i" Oriental “it; ll the flamous 'hed R,tt,"tattt,e,es, 'get'" up stoc u arge an a in a 1 lines. S . . . . . and delivered at once. p 'eial sue; and desiemi, ordered . Boots & She- ii! me 1Rttsdlk was a; '3,icr'ii,'L"ts1'Cr. 'll, gammammmmmmmgxmmama333135? The Linoleum: and F100 the best up-to-date designs. 1 still selling at the old prices. Durham Markets. The Wall Papers are made STAUNTON’S. Thnv ans r.“ too costly. Our stock is large and varied, comprising the Newest Patterns in Wall Papers, Linoleums, Floor C Large Sales - - ~-"'! .. 5m lt' Ladiu' Common Sense, thin Ladges gongola Blue, verv It Lakies Banzai; ii; BOY" School Sheen, T - as, _ I A - Our Ru 5 are t , n. an ”E. racr.Lttt,paPyct,.of, the bust oftheu: Yum...... Ron" Violet.... ...... mrmooyRastr..-.- VioletDuIce........... DuchouRooe.......... Nylotis...... ....... .. Matyflower ....'... .... BouquetJennice....... tG'riirtUriiidirr, Try N othintt in more delightful or refraining ihtl.te [arm gather in Black, White, Blues, Brown, Grey and Red. Farm for Sale For the Particular 1ddKedl1r1iet, Weekly i7iri"'ii"'i' (h d; AJ-G‘MOKEGHNE House Furnishings On Second rim... GRANT Linoleums MacFARLhNE'ti Drug Store 150to200 55to 55 1aJto110 22to " 10to 19 345to400 :rs are made by the Canadian Wall They are reliable, new in design, neal -- v-v-" and Floor Oilgloths are 0! Canadian and Scotch ml tsigns. NotwithstamiiU the great advance in prices Id prices. _ 5 very servicubl. ', dremr.....C. 1 good substantial shoe . . . . so, thin an.d eyytortabie. . . ontr Watt Papers "= ",,,?,l,tttr.1sttrreummmm,m,, am,,, ‘2‘ Wm _'i"i';iiiiiii'iiiiiiiisariarrrir""r aiarrxtkiiiii, School - -. “NEW CANDY i'; _ ,,.-___ ___-_ F) We must have more room stock must be reduced at once for a snlp in In instrument, O', call and see us and arrange y will find our prices right. MWadden's Old Stand Often the mane-t. We In headquarter. for every- thing in the school lino. 1 have purchased the stock of W. J. McFadden and moved my present stock to McFadden” stand. The store is now filled with Pianos, Otgans, Sewing Machines and Musical Instruments, of all kinds in the highest and best grades. 'MMMhhMWilhhMhilhhlhWWWhW1llillliliihhhMMir; Musical Instruments Must be Disposed of Trunks, Valises Suitcases at bottom values. Odds ail, Ends of broken lines at cut prices to clear. Custom work and Repairing attended to as promptly as possible. THE Down Town Shoe Store Men's, Ladies', Misses' and Children's Hosiery with many other makes in medium priced lines. Prim“ are the same in most lines as last season. Close prices a“ Classic for Ladies, Eclipse and Westons tor Misses and Children, Astoria llld Brandon for Men Be just to yourselves by having a look at our Jam. stock before selecting your next pair of In our higher-priced goods we have FOOTWEAR Spring Goods have Arrived and Floor Oilcloths Second Floor ucublo. .1.76 .........2,10 Rugs New Scribbler: New Exercises New Requisitos I have, purchased the stock of qr, We pay you, Highest price arinrs the In. Supplics Shoes Two Businesses in One ‘. J. SNELL fewest Design and the Neatest 'loor Oilcloth and Rugs. Wall Paper Manufacturers, , neat in appearance and not Mega}; “R; $11.3. Mon'n Split Bat. . . . room, and to get it, pug big J. S. McILRAITH We “no rent them by the day 'Nemttoth-....itoetuuic/ Dtmtnitattntttseiatar..30e, q: = If yJu are' lookingI or anything in outline. your own terms. You rum..." ...... .50: and 1.00 Bud can. hit: Ind mm. C. P. R. Town Oiiice Buy your Tickets here Syotoh. makes, in Mill $t up Durham 1.76 Small Protits 1918 II is? KARSTED as 'X/'ir'l'yy.0'.y... [8 Fresh Gro 339:3?) I Qualit “new I NewFishing in (H) 'llh a prev SASH. DJ House-cleanil Various kinds lhsinh Metal and Silur " PLAN Shingle hand a Sawing “Um Alp or tVt, Itk Our Dru Split Silk Line Fror Ill ski ON NEW ZENUS C SEPTEMBER j.PATTI CIYLON FRUH l c Sale (CI Wil OUR imam-1 . " Men' Slt

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