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Durham Review (1897), 9 Sep 1915, p. 8

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" is Buy Farm " reduced fares to London from .m- mus in "atario, Bolleville. tKotia Jet. mu South or wtsrt thereof. Special min sauce and low rue excursions 'rntu principal Pom" on cert-in dates. Mk agent. tor (all particulars. Reduced lures to SI- anmaco. Los Much-n and San Diego. [Mar-stint: ind tickets on applionuon to Agents. 3mm dawn. halnnco at 5 per cent, Price W. I " acres con 18. Egnmout. welt pro- tipNi2l'. or with another tio at res, . III) were: Buremont. not: It. Forest. Gnod (arm. worth more but. ottermt $440) or trifle under for quick we. H. ti. MILLER, filletlive Sept. PA Agent). hands. "Western Fair", London “TURN nuns Panama Pacific Exposition u I acres higremottt, near Holstem. (mu of the very beet farms in the T rwnship. Will soon he picked up M very low price quoted. ‘I acre. Bentini-the John cure farm, con 1; W G' R. Cheaper than ever onermt before, " mun-es Bentirek, lot 51 con 2., W . G. WM CALDER. Town Tieket Ant. J. TOWNER. Ticket. Agent Leave your Order with us for 'nu (1»me “Hard to BUY or SELL' Ill tttROW ot' LEND without Y/dl Remember please that we get our Frpit direct from the growers. It is Government inspected ---the best that grows. The Central Drug Store and many more varieties. Put up in dainty pack- ages or in bulk. . _ " - . Sweet Tooth or a Sweetheart , Maple Time Table Changes bound to increase in value. a position to judge any that. an" Hung to-dar will ever we cheap beer. This certainly an pal-Iv ine-te. In the selling I farm landn. I have tor tale . as new Dromore, convenient to ol. Splvndidly improved. only " dywn. balance at. G per cent, Anson-ted Creams Hard Centres '" The J. D. Abraham Co. GEO. B. DINGMAN, ----. Proprietor Creat" Walnut Nut Cer (‘nrauucls Fl Bordeaux Honey Nougat Whipped Cream Property Now otirek, lot 51 con Durham. Hoe tihuard's 'orRdiye ghowlatzcs Information now Peaches Plums ant Tomatoes The Store that sets the pace. mm 3, “I . 0 Good farm Have you a Matted Milk Chocolates Caramel.» and Nonguls ut Nut Centres Fruits in Liqueur Hanover , REV. D, B. MARSH, Sc.D, rams. Pastor ea nplSunday School at 10. Services at ll Cl,. k , a. m. and 7.30 p. m. I: ! _?ipstoryt. Leagug Tt.eyslrststt fyy in). fresh shipment just received Then call in and get a box of Aunmber of the farmers around here have. tinished have". The rain Monday, kept others back. Mr Will Finder and listen motor. ed to Edge Hill suurday and spent over Suudny visiting friends. The Orehnrd Methodigt church is having their Harvest Home services on Sunday. Sept. 19m. Fowl supper on the Monday night Sept. 20. A splendid program is being provided: MrJas iro,rn- sold 1 horse last week. 7 Mr. liDoh-ld ot Nissan Falls. sung a solo Sunday which was much appreciated. -Mr and Mrs J, Brown and Mr. and Mrs L. Williamson are amending Toronto Exhibition this week. NOTICE is hereby given that a Court will be hel urauant to the Ontario Voters' List t by his Honor, the Judge of the ty Court of the Coun ty of Corey, " e fourteenth day of September. 1915. t Holstein in the Agricultural Hall 9 o'cloek a, m., to hear and determin complaints of er. Ior!) and omissions: the Voters' List of the Municipality Egremont for 1915. .qwr.NP. D.A LAN, Cle of Egremont Dated at Holstein this In day of September, 1915. F',pworth League Tuesdays at tt p. m, Week night service Thursday at 8 [MB REV. T. B. IBBOTT, Ph. B., . Pastor Sunday School at 10. Service at 11 a.m. and 7.30 p, m. Y. P. S. C. E, Tuesday In 8 p. m. Judge's Court of Revision. Presbyterian Churd Methodist Church and ABRAHAM FAIR ORCHARD SQUARE Methodist Convention Holstein has had the unique hon. or this week of being the meeting plafeY theyeghodist Sunday 8.91100! l’"“ -- --- - - and Epworth League of It. Forest district. Ministerial and lay dele- gates front atleast m appointments attended the opening seaaiona on Tuesday afternoon gathering which had principally the laying of plane for the future as its purpose. The roll call of delegates then was " fol- lows ; T Rev A. C. Eddy, B. D., Mt. Forest Ree. B. S. Mayer, Durham Rev A. M. Cooper, Grand Valley Rev W. D. Mason. Kenilworth Rev. P. T. Meek, Monticello Rev T. H. lbbott, Holstein Rev J. W. Stewart, Drew Rev. Mr. Vaughan, Damascus l Mr John Sinclair, Yeovil Mr S. E. Halliday, Drew 1 They were addressed by the Rev. Lloyd Smith, B, D. of Toronto who is working in special interests of the church. Mr Smith emphasized the need of educational anniversaries and advocated the needs of Victoria Col- lege for funds and general support. At the evening session devotional exercises were led by Rev’s Dr. Marsh and Ibbott. Several Epworth Leaguers were in attendance and re- ceived good instruction from a paper read by Rev. P. Thornton Meek, on league work, the subject being 'Set thine House in torder," and based hia) remarks from Isaiah 38 ; r. Mr Meek: told them that now was the proper tune to be up and doing in league work. In summer many of the leagues had been suspended for the holiday season and that it good re- sults were to accrue, energy must be expended at once it they wished to "Set their House in order. ,, He re- minded them that the League was to be more than a mere Society. Its scope should be broad enough to serve the whole community and et. fiisieney was the best test of a success- ful league. He urged work along evangelical lines this year and made an appeal for tstutrifiee so as to perform christian service. Mr J. E. Robertson gave a thought- ful address on "The older boys of the Sunday School." Mr. Harold Main gave some pleasing violin music. On Wednesday morning the speak- ers were Revs Cooper, Mayer, Masson and Mr J. A. Lambert and discussions were led by Mrs. J. A. Sims, Yeovil. and Miss :Tasker. Mt. Forest. On Wednesday afternoon Rev. Mr Stew- art spoke and the reports of the var- ious committees were received. Mrs. Alex. Gillies who has been visiting triends around here for the past few weeks left for her home in Buffalo Saturday morning. Hob Renwick and The: Stansby of Dromore were helping Jno Nelson with the harvest last week. They finished drawing in on Saturday. just in time for the Wet weather. Well done John. Jan Henderson and David Long each lost a horse last week. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Nelson and Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Drimmio motored to Durham last Sunday and stayed lot the evening service in the Presby- terian church. Rev. Mr. Whaley preached I splendid sermon making tor his text 1 Cor. 16; 18; “Wazeh ye, stand lastin the faith/ quit ya like men, be strong. " Mr and Mrs Victor Adams visited at J. D, Drimmie’s Monday last. Mr Ed. Hinks visited at his home tor s couple of days last week and then left for Montreal to join his bat- talion:en route for England. Ed. enlisted in the West end has been training at Nisgnru Camp ior the past few months. A number ot his friends gathered at " home on the eve ot his departure andgave the following address and presentation. The address was read by Mr. J. D. Drimmle and presented by John Weir consisting of , purse of over We are gathered here to night on the eve of your departure to join the colors which is one ot the most noble self tuMstitiiaes that any young men could offer, "erifieittg all the pleas- ures ot peaceful liberty which we all enjoy tor the good old Empire we are all so proud of. Yon are not only going to tight for yourself but you are tUthtlng for us, each one ot as. that we may continue to enjoy our present liberty. We ere proud to have a young man in our midst to off ' himself, you being the tiritt in this neighborhood and no hope that you they come through the tsoMiet; coming out victorious and return to as as sin. jii." iFBllbwiEg is the'addrcsa; Mr. E. Hints. Dear h'riend,-- - _ We could not think of allowing you to depart from our midst with- out showing you some small token of respect Plane accept this puree " I remembrance of the esteem in whien we hold you and whenever you have mansion to use " ell we ask is to thinly.“ at tor we will be mum-going- . . - Sight?! 'itihrtialttrfattdiener, t F _ J. D. Drimmie, ' John Weir Although taken entirely anew-res It Blue replied vety appropriately thanking an end hoping the Gen-menu ,vo6ld never surprise him in any way. Holstein Convenneer lunar of [urine Licenses Money to loan st lowest rates. and terms to “It borrower. Fire Ind Life Insurance placed in thoroughly relinble companies. Deeds. Mott. gages. Len-en and With executed on ohm we! notice. All work promptly attended to. i"iii7rX,.,%t' r 7 l m 'Tv. {a _ W r V v, w 'Mitre?. .. .. f _ l'r Mr. x 'dN _ w W41- " 7" -e , 5%)." HOLSTEI ttil _ E5105; EAST 'EGREMONT W. J. SHARP was Donna 35mm Ewan. AND PERSONAL g South Bend friends were pleased to hue I visit tram Prints Alex . Bell on Sunday. Ill- Ethel Mum: who hm hee. viming " Mr, Perttigrew's, mnrn d to o. Sound on Monday. accompanied by luster chk Pettigrew who had been holidlying here tor . month. was B. Tucker has opened the millinery parlors in the former Post atiee building. which is premly tu. ed up. Miss Inez Allania uni-mm. The anniversary of Yeovil Metho- dist church is booked tor Sept. 19 end 20, a. chicken pie upper end social to be held on the latter evening. Mrs Wm Grout. and Mrs John Rice have dnhlin plants which might well adorn the Fall Show tsblesthis year. Mrs Grout has s whim dshlis bloom which measures 15 inches in circum- ference and " inches across. while Mrs Rice's flower, red in color. is 13 inches in circumference. Fleming Reid's spirited team mud. a dash for liberty while standinz in the mill yard on Tuesday alternoon. In crossing the budge, the wagon crashed with one ot the sides, break- log the part of the rack in contact. but after that Fleming showed his skill as adriver, for cleverly the team was swerved into the church yard and out ut' danger. The trustees and citizens deeply re. 1 met the demonstration of rowdyism‘ which took plaice near the home of Mr C. McKinnon and giving offtmee to him, on the night of the hydro election. Some enthusiastic youths whose exuberance from the Hydro victory exceeded their jade- ment in how to behave wisely, vent- ed their feeling indecently and indis- creetly at Mr McKinnon‘e home be. cause his views were opposed Hydro Electric. This was carried on entire- ly without stimulation from adult citizens who regret the conduct ot the boys. The boys are reminded that such conduct will not be tolerated in thefuture. W. A. Reevas has been re appoint- ed assessor ot Egremont " a salary ot $130, Mr Ab. Hunt was home from Clif- ford for a couple days this week. Mr and Mrs Frank Bunce, Durham visited in the village over Sunday. Mr G. Calder who had his use a- gainst the village trustees dismissed last week in the Division Court, owing to tlw, fact it should have been enter- ed against the township council, in. tends, we underswnd. to now, take action against the latter body. The September meeting of the Hol- stein Branch of the _Wortsr_i'is Institute will be held at Mrs R. Irwin's, on Thursday, Sept. 1_6. The subject in "Problem orwts Girl on the Farm" by Lydia Ferguson, 1nd Roll Call,-- “Summer Sports." All ladies wel. come. - Mrs Tollard of Guelph, was a vis- itor recently at Mr Arch. Baird’s. Holsteiu‘a Boy Scout Manor, Rev. T. u. Ibbott, had the signal honor ot being one of the leaders in I grind review and march past ot 1000 Boy Scouts before the Duke of Counaught in Toronto last week. Rev and Mrs Winfield Hunt and children are remrnin home to Nor- val this week. Mr Benn: goes to the a city next Week to write " the flrstl subjects in big final year. 3 Mr and Mrs Chicholm and son Wil. fred and Mrs Meltsehertt motored from Owen Sound on Thursday last. and visited at G. P. Leith's. Mu W. D. ifergtvott and two sons are visiting Hamilbon friends. Toronto Exhibition l tailors include. Mr and Mrs R Irwin, Petty Ross, Mr and Mrs P. Match, Mrs J. Orchard. Mrs J. Brown, Misses Elizabeth and Margaret. Brown, Mr W Rogers and son Clifford. Mr Tanker of Mt Forest took the morning service " the Methodist Church Sunday. while the evening service was withdrawn so as to allow those who wished to “tend “The Pil- grim's Progress" illnetreted service in the Presbyterian church. This edifiee was crowded end all enjoyed Dr .uerlh‘a sermon and pictures. There are 90 pupils enrolled in Holstein wheel. the lumen: in years. The primary room has JO of these. Satisfactory progress in both rooms is reported. Rev T. H.1bhott having returned from his holiday, will preach two special sermons in the Holneln leth- odilt church nut Sabbath. Morning subject “Church Unfty.’j Evening- " What does the War any to ta." . l patriotic meeting It being held Fridny evening to merge the various patriotic societies into one body. Councif met Sept Ist. members Ill present, minutes Popted. Trordoircaohb- That an order be drawn on “saunter ip, favor of Mr. J obn Hating some smpunt of $9 " damages to his buggy Ind humans in his upsetting into dutch on o. B. Bil, he asking " dsmsge and Mr, me ting to look to Nermsnby council for $9 being total dsmsge, Carried Com'r W. Ferguson reported the following road jobs ', Earl Mathews. gruelling gore A, can M, $24.75; John Wilson, pathmaatet, gruelling $5.25; liUrrar Larrrenee, palm»- ter gruelling $8; The. Hum-on. gamma-m. gruelling " J A Ferguson-Robb-That Can't W Ferguson: report be adopted Bud um he receive $1 con fool. Curio! Cami: Gordon reported " Harri. Egremont Council TORONTO - In his saygj~ "There have pressed trhout British Comm line of the Gr obaervtrtit?ru! lt opinion that t -Bohirr..g A Ferpon--l1htrt Com'r Gordon's report be Idopted pad that be receive 81 com fees. (jun-led Throws Opal Millions tiyglili1UD fir k i.,."fi,jjtt,=,,te1zt,ais,,i,t;; iris" gountry, th auured as a sto {arming COUBU’V. . ‘..nvv\nfl "After leaving the 11,119 ot the Rirl1wtrr, were it suitable t1rr,yr..rlf, so. rep' hole in bridge on sideroad $1 ; Jun McLaughlun repairing Webster'a bridge Mg ; Edwin Gardiner repair- ing bridge 500. tarmmg wu....,. "After leaving Prlnce Rupert. on the line of the Grand Trunk Pacific Rallway. there Is practically no land aultab-le tor agricultural purposes un- tll Terrace la reaclmd. 100 miles from Prlnce Rupert. Here the Rheum Ka. law and ukelee Valleys extend on each aide ot the Skeena mver. There 1. probably u! area of 250.000 acres of lend in than two valleys suitable for .grlculture. Considerable development has been effected lately in the Kitsum Kalem Valley. The clearlnz here, in comparison with our mast dlslrlcte, lg compautlvely light. The so“ 15 very productive lad is well suited tor gen- eral mired farming purposes. Dairy- .. 4-.-.-- on]. "rrsestl fruitnnd Comr J A Ferguaon reported Sam’i Rules furnishing and putting on 1200 ft cedar coyering on bridge can n, $23.50 ; Jar Mclnnes putting railing on bridge 15th sideroad. $1.00 and repairing bridge lot M con ll $1.25 ; F rink Hopkins. deepening and re- placing culvert lot JW. con ;6. $4 ; Hugh Moanhern hauling 7 piece; covering from Dromore. and re it bridge 20th sitUeoait $3 ; (Nos 'r. an! mueu "a....'".'. B'""". . '7 lug. poultry 111an and small (mutant! vegetable growing may be proneauted successfuny. The district In particul- arly well suited for zmwinz straw. berries and other small fruits, the quality ot the berries being very high mi realm“ stood prices on the Prince Rupert maria)! ' Thtt Bulklty VIII-y. "Ottr next stop was at Sumner ' in tbe centre at the tamoun Bulkley {up by. A very large amount of develop- meat worit ttas bepn undertaken dur- Itsq the past year in this magpmcem Fruit Brand-Dept. of Agriculture. Inmberda Ind Gage Plums are now in their prime. Cunning nod pro. serving should not be postponed. The quality this year is high in both peaches and plume, due to the Net that the tree. we not overburdened. Crawford nod Elbertn peaches ere now arriving. They are the beat product. of our Canadian orchards. And ere upturn. both for eating and preserving. Plenty of canned or prmrved peechee end plume meme good been]: all winter. Br perfectly eterelinlng the bottles and fruit-no - is needed. There in health, economy end luxury for thoee who not promptly. Phone or gulp!) your grocer end have him ullon 2%h'eohel, and by book your er in sauna. OFFICIAL FRUIT BULLETIN IN have been many opinions ex- nbout the lands in Central Columbia contiguous to the he Grand Trunk Pacific. on; Lona led u- conciusiveiy tp the that this part of the province mtry, the future ot which is as a stock raising and mlxed valley. The qualuy ot . Urge mu or- tion ot the land la all that can“, be. desired, and very good crop- nre mined thereon. Crops at oats nromlslnx to run 100 bushel: to the acre were seen. and all proapeou were moat oncouraz- IDS. Farmers are realizing that the time has arrlved when they should de- velop their lands, 1nd 1artd-ctenrintt operations are itt evidence on all “926: I, . l. _ __ - "rt 1: dltrieii1t tp eatimtste the; amount ot 14nd suitable for gal-Mannie In this wonderful valley, but it runs Into many hundreds of thousands ot acres. "Proceeding tlgif, "lt line of the Grand Trunk Pact! c, ruer Lake lt' reached. A considerable number of settlers have gone into this district lately and are pyoceedlnz to clear land and develop their holdlnn. The gen stop wag u Van‘gergoof: 15,1319 centre of 'the fame“: Nechaoho Valley. we were immensely lmpreued with the enormous extent ot good had In the Nechncho Valley.moat of which an be cleared at a very low coat indeed. A large number ot settlers have gone ttl there, ‘apd onP.1.1. aid}! one. sees lun- ot activity. Settlers' log house. Er. managing up in every lrecllon, and considerable enemy is being ghoul: by knot: ot them in clearing holr "tttft grad getting them Into crops. new. son putting in cedar culvert and M. ling approach“ over ditch. Mth lid.- road $20.50 ; Juo Plantar work on Eg't and Proton T. L. between can'- 12& ll, $40; Wm Nelson. pul- muster. grnvgllmg con 16, $37 ; L, McDougsll. moving grader " By_-law No 'll? to levy the um was pissed. a rule of eight. Qnd ”no tenths mulls in the 5 being rcquired nod aub,divided u follows ; for coun- ty three uni eight Math; pile, + aaid um. um! eight “lithium. pro- udea 1 mill ibr provincinl and " mill for county In: tax) township two And li" tenths mills Ind annex-ll uhool wo Bad four tenths mills. Br-tor No 807 to appoint tn nun-0:33. pus-ad, the am of want Room was intend in brrle, salary $180. $ithb--Gordom--"iltwt [10217: .g. A. Ferguson's report. be done tttd an; he receive 155 com feel. Untied Com Robb reported I E Andra" spreading gravel. condo; 750 ; I Ibo Wagner, 60 :06: win fence Eg't and Proton townjme $12.50. , J A FergoonCW 1htrgttaon-Itm It McEnoheI-n sud Jo. loEuhorn be plid the sum of itll cub toe moving the destruction of 2 dogs found M: tying they. (lurid. .Rabb-..W Pe-r-mat an md. " be drawn on More: in [not of King Edward lacuna-1 u Elo- Leon for $81. Carina. J A F "ii'ii'r-'wiiriasan-rhit Corny Robb: report be s.d,ottsrd. Cur. AW tsMiit 0mm; (11 ifiems wag Nechaco Valley. suntan l "There are m-ny (not. of [nod "- ricultural land takeout to Prince George, whim Ct the um. than then !s g consider-bu are: ot jack - land. where the aoil h light and then- tore Is not the but had for meal- tural pummel. "The wonderful country visited .be- tween Huenon Ind Prince 0m. has a great future lhead at It. now that transportation has been 'etise '. It is ' big equntry with g m {um and, as boon as time; lmptgv‘p . commons right thernselvtxs, . m. 13:. ward movement must mu pm. Ttto country traversed grov- maniac“: Props of timothy, can we ttaptti. Wheat may also be trrt"rtt IBM“- ly it care is exercised In getting a. seed sown an early as math}: n M to avoid damage trom (roam. 0M0- aud other vecembles ind can“ trttita do veryyell. by: PA t1ytsrty.tttro loud ced me to'the conclusion that this pm ot the province ll not adapted for my. in: tree fruits commercially. Certain ot the hurdle: varietlm may be trr0mt all rlght tor home use. but every " tort should be mode to prevent all country being navel-thud by gay n. tereated name- In mum. for com. perch! tree trult nouns. It tn, W excellence. I tttttNt cad mixed to“. legally." - ' _ be tteftt Sobriety» grwel $2.04 ', P luck. do, 2.70 ; Wm Plum. do, 5.84 ; In Egan. do, 1.80 ; " Mor. mon do, 2.28 ; me Smith do 2.76. Kn MoCumel, da, $9.60 ; In Bam. ilton, do. 6.18 ; D. Porter, do, 6.70 ; Geo Stanton. do 8.88 ; J no Gill.- tg te if}? IT".,"':,':, do 84.68 ; a on ' ir, 4-1 ‘Ae¥CAnpbl. i, sheep kniled 6.66 ; as... magnum le. ; Come 9ofiiot.t.ttujttPiiii “a i Glut-reg. Voten' In: 1.50 ; Andrn Banter, Ibeep Impeda- 2.25 ; In. tum, pruning. ovnod: of no- tor "listili, not 40b ; tn _tt0oagail. limp your $1 ; “memo" my abut $15 ; no Mo0rath an ot coal- oil room " . W Pht,1tttr-) A F'tnrort--ptt,t I. I)" “foam ti, mist iUjjl, i for you." human. I DAVID‘ILLAN. (Mali , Banks}! that tlst following mania; Xhree f?.'Nttrlysotthaad, , mom-.1 and CM! 3...“. 0" /..APurtuetes on In “a... f V W. -_i.- livlu 1'll'il2h/.1' "do Jdlit1'ht', my on post I untol- Mt.- Forest Business (clap All “TI-W” "Q In peMtiam, I l.‘.l"'u w on u . write toaar ad not It. ' ' One Dozen from Darla.- to trail [Anna-(I Inn-I___-,l.- _ p extent in grain won my x916 an,“ ti'iid"de " VOL. XXXVIII, Fume . I grow busy r Fall crop: by us Harob Fertllluc “It by C. Smit Sons. 20 day /htd'gtr nun hrlum's dr tore Contractor tamGer has finish, new Electric Substation which at trim nnd trig behind the Fire Hal Rppon [an it that karl hell can of In Leach“. formerly l town. In. eatteted a Owen Boua It. Arch. leKinu'm put-ch: new Ford touring car hurt wed C. Smith“ Son- lnving ml '-rearto Ir. Hugh Mel)": Gdire of Pr-ib. und 'teil ‘00.. this week Ind Intel. wi Inch will”! them in Miss " millimry mun. Bee her ml , I Tho s, tiott Will Oct. " made "-ii,i,iisryr.i.'.i'.iaiiiihii:) h m ttoode edtod Mend P. R. carry and Ill- ed on t “all on Thursday I weak. Ttai inst. m ' of the patriotic Sands [mutation on um recruits. Lott week canada gem. 25.000 strong . England to France. boy. well known hm It. on the tirintt line. IcN-lly. ()lutcon Wtrittnlrer, Dave Br Down". Andrew St] "in (Elma of on Cttarle Mo, " ll be in Dathi . Hahn mud"). tiept. S0th wi a lull m “midi. In» Glenn m I The Dul'hull Chum! "numbed their play. Knot," which proved Int Inrinu.hoin¢ invite u Anon Fail Fur Co dumbept. In. The motor out. “is“ A LOAF-Dr: another " in price pound lost now 'etuu the mullet- loaf u hull S can“. This is good I viva now unit the with a welcoming "nil bread II" be pupal-r in so would I are“ man) I Manchu beet. if u to” down from their The mommy motit and: branch ot me Wo lid at the houn- " MI I h. Atwuduu-e In I ”nope“: of we (tum in. The Quantum t on up and 'ts.t3_T quvs -ered Io the 5am warm. The Sex-y. In “maimed to 8"” knitting for whiten. tot Friday, " “lingual! II N wug‘hm endw the round by I o. A. L. A. tl Ill This No. l d “(cup in “If " Max of In the I Inner m1 ville would ch " use I big who ":in c met. We,sts emphellford won‘t: thi " Bum: so"! doo, “an! of I address ttt Monday night ()lu‘sun' of the Durban be information o: l “dame-u of the am. society nod The war hats h 'd on their work nu puma WHY 'ul the word of li M, '0 clu - "t cnu other mu h "ttated, 1 OM" for I “out. kw I tet l neat., note" are m 0.. menstw In (mm '. N v.1)..." " mounted " "spoitt “100ml e - all: Harv Team men in Durham and Is. Att ctr, ten-WHY C at the tow Km macho! were un train on Wrdu undo-Ion to Will“ may carnival. A t ad " Durban. acute Prawn " itttt will up Thuru‘hy . d imtt. to de Note the G n'eruul ll! nailing you " mutual Practice. your Grocer a! once - an: supply of I new. Ibis year " canning. Fruit moi uiverall y a mun we month” A. (In I dimk c (and! council on three of t rut ILL! oded and ' Teacher-f l Farr BC MU " They . m tiari Bo th Wick th Ir Wylie 2 Mrs C l, CC III t run held ICC». " M0" (I th rt u: d M um‘ Fat tteth o " "I “ll MU or! "

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