West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 16 Sep 1915, p. 1

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is, VOL. XXXVIII, N0. 37 Farme . I grow bigger Fall Wheat crop. by am March Fertiiiaer. For sale by C. Smit Sam. '2r'l:,'tre,ti,i;di,t.'r-'""t door Mae hrlanr'n drd tore. Contractor LuGer has fhtished the new Electric Sub-nation which appear: trim and trig behind the Fire Hall. Rrpmt bu it that Kart Lamina. mu or Jan Lenahan. formerly of this mun, has canned u Owen Sound. Me. Arch. McKinnnn purchased a new Ford touring car but week tron) C. Smith dc Sum halving sold " loflln- cur to Mr. Hugh McDonald. [Mum ot Pncovillo nod neighbor- hood, this work 1nd later, will ttad and: to interest mom in Mine Mather's millinery room". See her mt, page 5. The Sum]: Grey Teachers' Conven- tion In" meet in Durham thin year on Oct. H and ls. An "ort is being undo lo mute President Falconer of Toronto University. Min Glenn of n Charles. Tor- onto. w ll be in Dsuti . Hahn House, Month). Sept. 20m wi a full line of lt lit lauds. Mus Glenn ill he plans- " to thumb-tran- name. Pun: extra to urhes were on tho 1'. P. R. noon train on Wednesday to can, ' xcuuiunius to W dkerton Fair and unwary carnival. A few climb- od on hoard at Durham. A meeting will be held in C,aldet's Matt on Thursday evening of next. weak. Zird inst. to decide on disposal of the puriotie lands eontritruted for presentation to three of our loci-l rectum. but week Guam] sh, .eeond comin- gem. 25.000 strong more moved from England to France. A number of England to France. A number or boys well known locally wall thus soon he on the ttrintt line, notably Stanley MeHnttr, Glut-on Mcosa1, Well. Whillnkvr. Dive Brathwictr, Dan Me. Donaall. Andrew Smith. Tho Durham Cbmul Boeiety has resurrected their play. "A Nautical Knot," which proved so succeulul bant wring. being invited to present it " Ayton FAN Fur Concert. on Tue.- tur,tgepe. list. The Company will motor over. 50!!!“ A Lotti-Bread has taken another tlop in price and the three' pound loaf now retails at to cents and the smaller load at hall the weight for 5 cents. This is good new. Ind house wives now await the bakers arrival with a welcoming smile. Yemjitney bro-ml WI" be popular in Durham mud on would a great many other counted- ities ancho- beet. if they would bat mine down trom their high horse. Thp monthly meeting of the Dor- nuch branch of the Women's Institute met at the home of Mrs Sherk. Sept. 8 h. Attendance ltl Mrs Pathogens a synopsn of the Convention in Dur- hun. The Question drawer was tak- ell up and many questions nked nod answered to the satisfaction of all present. The Secy. Mrs. Campbell, was appointed to send for yarn to do knitting for soldiers. oreaxotsvuul th' Tun Fts,xcs--rn a tloaely conteid tlame in (Mange-ville but Friday. Orangeville won from Wingham ll to s and " the game in Wmtrham ended a 6-6 tie, they take the round by IT to ll and enter the o. A. L. A. tiaalst against. Weston. This No. ldistrict was the strongest sump in the province. the six teams nll living of “rerun? ntreoirtt, or over, and " was a preth wife -nthst the winner which proved to he Urangr ville would climb in the send tinals. " was: big surprise lo Wiotrttnm, who easily captured their own dil- trict. Weston won at home from Cunpl‘ellford 38--2 but they won't approach this with Oranleville and two close games Will probably result. than: Bocswrt-Mr. Cos-mg lon- dou. agent of the Bible Society. gave nu address in the Pres. Clutch On Monday night m tho annual meeting " the Durham branch. It am fail " inlom.ttion oi the minim rise and usefulness of the Britith turd Foreign bible Society and it. many oftaoot.. The war has had a “humbling elect on their work and the Society aim. to .....m. "a" soldier with a copy of on their work and the Society aim. to provide every soldier with a copy of the word of Uod, An at. attraction be um wed a large number of limelight vi, w: of cities In the war Bone and other war features which Were much enjoy ed. Ther were I ttue collection. otneertr for the current year are Pres. idem. RN Mr Wylie : Seq Mr Knee. tel ", Pres... Mrs C L Cram. All min.': asters are members of Executive and no. member from each congregutlon in town t - Monet. T. Allan. H. Mctlrtve, J-u Lloyd. The collection amounted to $113). The Executive willeppoiut cunvueeu to cover the territory covered by the congregation- ot the town. Note the uovern-'. Id'erlil- lug unit); you about Cndodinn Crawford Peaches. You would an your Grocer or one: and pm. down on our. nuppIy of Nun.“ Grown Vinita. This you and!” in tine tor conning. Fruit mono good health. FRUIT BULLETIN Keep the inkleu IWI] and I frees, clear akin. O of our beauty card- free will show how. Maciarlanea drug store. The Hamilton Herald sum; the ex- tm war .tamp on letters abolished us being a nuisance. It in really some- thing nurse. Designed to increase the postal revenue no a war manure, it Ins actually so reduced the sending of letters that postal revenue is said to be declining. Under these cir- cumstances Canada mono: too quickly get. hack to the old "an of postage. On some of Durham rural router, the number of letters posted, it is said, sometimes dwindles down to two or three daily. Anniversary and Harvest Home Services will be held in the Methodist Church, on Sunday, Sept 20 h. The church will he appropriately decorated npecial music will be rendered and al- together the services of the day WI" be brighl and inspiring. The public Me cordiallv invited to the Salbhath services) and also to the old fashioned tea meeting to he held in the church on Monday evening, Sept 27th. An excellent program of music recita- tion and "ddressts will he gun-n. Ad- mission 23. adults and IS: iliildn-n. mtssion The Gnden Party at. Mr Wm Weiru' rvsi'iencw. Crlettelg, on Friday right. under me auspices of the Women's In- stitute. was well attended. It was inn ideal spot for one and nothing had been spared on My Weir's part to make all feel at home. Town autos ran trips taking priseengers from town, and we learn n number waited vainly down town for can that did not come. Some mango in the system of conveying by town cars must in future be made. After a generous time given to inter- tningrntr round the nnnieroun tables. Hon. Dr. Jamivsun took the chair and Called to order a large section of the crowd. He Rave an inn-resting re- sume of the war and war conditiong, and the necessity of Usnuda heing in earnest to help bring about the victory all mu sure would come. Other I speakers were Rey Mr Meyer. Rev. Mr Whaley and Messrs Geo. Binnie, Jno. A, Graham and G. Rulings. The chief speech of in; evening was Mr. Whulvy's who dealt exhaustively with ‘Germauy's great mistake in allowing l herself to he carried away by false ideals of militarism which would yet land her in disgrace.‘ He reminded them that from the home where they were assemblgd had gone the first of our local volunteers and he closed with a powerful recruiting appeal. Aquanetto- composed of Rev. Mr. "dfl we: and Means Hugh MLCrue, Will Glass and --U'oservs, rendered a num- ber of fine selections. Messrs Thea. and Geo liltchfo on the violins delight ed the company and were much up- predated. The proceeds of the evening were about 880 which after expenses “(was towards the (h. of Urey Motor Am- balance heiug provided by the en's Institute. RU'I‘HKRI-‘HRD --.\lA-TL!\.\'D A quiet Wedding of interest [on large circle of friends of the bl ide and groom took place on Wednesday morning at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Maitland, Fitteenth St. East, when their daughter Audrey (iiil united in man-mm! with Mr. Fred H. Ruihevlonl, county clerk and seere.l taty I'reasttver of the Owen Sound Hoard of Educ-mun. The wedding way very quiet owing to the recent death of the groom's father and tbe ipreeent feeble health of his mother. The marriage service my: solvmnized by Rev W. J. Badman; pastor of the Disciples Church. Immediately after- m-.a um hannv couple drove to the iiht Entnam .- jliil,toiriitt)o: ward the happy couple drove to the} U. P. R. where they took the train on I their wedding trip to Toronto. Niag- ara Falls and other points on the bur. der and in Western Ontario. Both are among the. most popular people of the town and their numerous friends will join in extending hearty felieita. tiomr.-O. Sound Times. (The bride's father was secretary- Treasurer of the Cement Co. Durham, _ seven or eight years ego.) ttr Institute Garden Party PUBLIC SCHOOL Miss I.McKenIio'I room Ilia A. McKenzie‘c room Mia ankor'a room.... Miss (Jan‘s room........ Misc lulford'a room.... “in Iluk'a room. .. .... Marge School Attendance Total Attendance .-.----i q ------ Hymeneal The REVIEW to 316 Form 2ad Form lat Form Wom- 40 41 42 under the auspices of the Durham Horticultural Society pus brilllnntly successful and those who did not we the exhibit mined a treat. The table of cut Bowers especially wu of lur- passing excellence and the ofBeittl judge, Mr. Geo. Baldwm. Toronto, was profuse in his expression. of praise at the whole snowing. Many rare and beautiful plants caught tho eye and the collections in the Junior Members' class showed taste Ind dili- gence in selection that muutlhaye some from pure love of the beautiful. Hulda Harvey covered herself with glory in this class. Horticultural Society Exhibition At the guessmg contest for guessing the nun her of seeds in the tsunflower, Mrtr, Neil Mt-Uannel wall Bret with 153i, Mr. J.Knighl. 2ad 1663, Mr. J. Morrison 3rd 1501, the corlect number being 1539. A handsome jaldinere was awanded to the one guessing nearest. FLOWERINU PLANTS IN BLOOM The prize list follows, the names me in order of merit l Coll. Home Plants-is. Mellrmth, Mm Halve-y, Mrs Blackburn. Foliage plants-Mrs. nt-llrnilh Auracaria - Mm McGowan, J. Knight, Jos Brown. Asparagus Sp: iuiteri--Mrs Blackburn " Humour-Mrs McGowan, John thnittt,'Jotsn McGowan. Bauam---Mrs J. Harvey, Mrs Black- burn, Mrs N. Harvey. Begonia Tuberous trooted-Mrs. Me. Gowan, Mrs Petty, Mrs Mellruilh. Begonia, tlowering-Mrs Everett, Mrs Mettraith, Mr. Hay. The l915 show of flowers and Planta Begonia, Rex-l. Meoowart Mrs. Blackburn. Mr, Koch. tJoieus--Mt'. hay, Hrs, Petty, hire. Mcllmitb. Coxeomtr--Mo Petty Fern-f. McGowan. Mrs. McGowan, Mrs. N. Harvey. Foliage plant not on list-Mr Koch. Mrs. Blackburn. J. Morrison. Flowering plant not on list--Mra, Mcllruilh, Mrng. Harvey. Fuchsia, double-Mrs J . Harvey Fuchsia, single .....J, Knight,Mrs. Me- anan. Hitiscus--g Knight. Mrs Mcilrssith Geranium, single-Mr. Koch J, Mor. rison. Mrs Blackburn. 102 Geranium, doote--J Morrison, Mrs. Petty, Mrs McGowan. ot,ir/atiiuro, rrrwvatt-Mrtr N Harvey, Mrs. Blatkl'urn, Mrs J. Harvey. Geranium, ivy leuett--h1rs N. Har. vey, Mrs Mcliraith, Mrs Petty. uloziuia--Mrs Mellraith. Geranium Coli.--). Petty, Mrs. Blackburn. Hanging basket-Mrs McGowan, McGowan Hydrangea, ttouise--J, Morrison Hydrangea. Knight Lities--Chris Firth Oleander-Mr. Koch, Mrs. McIlranh. Mrs Petty. Palm-Jos A Brown Petuuiag--hV Hav Primulua~Mrs N Harvey, J, Morrison ftose--hirs. Mellmilh. J. Morrison Rubber Plant-Mrs Blackburn Hetiotvope-hies N. Harvey Wax VI-ant-Mrs. N. Harvey, Mrs. Blackburn, CUT FLOWERS Antirrhinums-Uhris Filth. . Asters---.urs N. Harvey, J. Smith cundyturt--Mrs Blackburn oahliar--Uhris Firth, Mrs Petty. Donthus--Mrs El Dean, Chris Firth Gaillapdias A,'htis Firth. t,Hadioti--J Knight. Chris Firth Hvltyttock--Mrs Blackburn Ltuipur--Mrs Petty. Lillien-J. Morrison 1iartxoldsr--Uhris. Path, Mrs H. Dean Nasturtiuuss-hirs Everett, J Morrison Pansies-Mrs Petty, J. Knight Petunias--Jot' Brown. Mrs McIlralth Phlox Annual--] Knight, Mrs Everett Poppies-d, Morrison, Mrr. J. Harvey Phlox perenials-Mrs N Harvey. Chris Firth. saipigiossis--Dr Smith titocks--2, Morrison Sweet Peas-Ed, Watson. Dr Smith Verhenaa-Mrs McIlraith. J. Knight Zinnias--Mrs Everett. Mrs Blackburn Table boquer--J Knight, In McIlth Hand bequet house tlowers-il Knight Mrs. Mcllraith. sootiowertr--Dr. Smith. J. Knight Coll, Open Air Flowers-J. Knight, Mrs Blackburn, Mrs Petty. Coll. Herbaceous perennials --chru. _ Firth, Mrs. N. Harvey. JUNIOR MEMBERS CLASS Coll. mid ttowers--Arthur McGowan, Hilda Harvey. Boquel wild tlowers, term, ttrMtretr-- Hilda Harvey can. Patusiesr--HmU - l Best spikes sweet, peas-Hilda Harvey, Anetta McLean Boquet house and garden tl-- Hilda Huvey. Arthur IcGowen. Anetta McLeun. Coll. Asters--irMa 1urver. Al garde a-Mrs McGowan, J New Subscribers to lst January l9l7 for only One Dollar E01131)“, SEPTEMBER 16, 1915 With which is incorporated the Holstein Letter Lieut. Col. W. N. Chisholm has re- ceived permission from Divisional Headquarters to recruit a company of 250 men and tive unicorn from the 3lttt Regiment for overseas sex-Vice. This company which is the largest quote. that the 3lst Regiment has yet Ween permitted lo raise will reinforce one of the butallious already organi- sed and will replace a draft of similar proportions which has already gone overseas front that liatallion. The Inatnlliun to which the compnny from the 31st Regiment will go hat not yet been specttied. Stops we now being taken to com- mercea recruiting campaign to en- roll men who are willing tn enlist in ty Grey County company ‘to be com- manded by oftit?ers from the 31at Rest and also when they will be available. It is expected that a. lot of men who have not quite made up their minds to vnlunteer fot active service, not knowing whom they would have as comrades would he willing to go with a company of men whom they know. While recruiting has been rather slow lately owing to [Invest it is an“ tieipated that plenty of men will be available hom now on and that little dstticttlty will be expelienced in secur- ing the required number. Company from Grey County Ne lashllgbts and batteries at reduced ices at Macinlanea Drug Store. Mr. c. R, McIntosh of the News,' Went down to Regina and the Fort Qu’Appeiie district when: he " inter- ested in farming, last Smurday. le- turning Tuesday evening. In the vi- cinity cf Etlgely and Avnnhurst on the Regina-Melville Gr T P line as well an thrrrughoat the whole country trav- elled. crops were naver better. Next season heinl.enda to break oonsider- able raw prairie for wheat production the followins yetu's- Battlefotd News Credit Auction Sale of Horses, uggies. Gutters, Harness, Hons old Furniture, Ere. The under ned Auctioneer has been instructed t \ sell by public auction at McLellan's mplement Wsreroome, Durham. on Saturday, eptember I8, 191li No Review Next Week Next week we will take our annual "week off" holiday, con. uqnentiy no Review mar be looked for at the usual time. The omiee will he open " al. ways for Job printing or busi. ness of any kind. the following l Buy mare. Clyde, 4 yrs old, sorrel pen 4 yrs old, iron grey pony 3 yrs old, umamenr' hay cult 8 yrs old. All br en to harness. single and double, 2 buggies, onea oat new, 2 cutters. 2 sets single but ens. Several new buggies will be " red for sale. Cook Stove alum (new, parlor heat- er, either wood or cal nearly new. a number of stove pl ,8. extension table nearly new, nideh ard nearly new, new Improved Ray and Sewing Mac- hine, good lounge. 'when table, half dozen kitchen chairs. itchen cupboard 2 rmkmg (hails. wash " machine and wringer. hind sieigh w th iron runners! 2 iron hrdateads, all ABS trimmings‘ with mut'reas and Ipri gs alt nearly new, 1 ext”. maltresl. ekec cradle nearly new. pictures, d h churn, 2 hundles of wire netting, c IS-cut saw. buck saw. level, square. 5 ovela. tim-l her axes, granite and iron ta, cracks sealers. smoothing irons, d ner pailr, pans and numerous other ar Clea. Sale at 2.30 p. Ill. sharp Terms '. Furniture, cash. horses and rigs 6 mos credit given on urnish- ing approved joint notes. 6 cent. per annum " for cash. A. B. McLELLAN, D. McPHAIL. Proprietor Auctioneer THE 'tiiiiiiiiiii'iiiii'j' 'iii/tp/ To PUBLISHERS DURHAM BRANCH, The A,B, C of Banking Deposit Your Savings Rego ularly Every Dollar Earns Interest From Date of Deposit as We solicit your account in our SAVINGS DEPARTMENT ASSETS OVER t4tUNNt,tttttt horses 'urnish- rn, 2 tttbw, l Mr R. J. S. Dewar, manger of the tim. Standurd Bank at Denemnto, In: re- 2'i'iiii,iy,g and taken a. position with the pan“. T Dominion Match Company of that . Itown. Mr Dewar was teller in the Standard Bank here a number of ones 79““ ago. ~nish- l Mr. --- Cosenl from London visited cent. over the week end at. his aunt's. Mrs. Knot-Mel and Mrs H. McCrae in tow n, ML, and took a service. in the Boptist and nneer Methodist church Sunday. NOV. Mr Wylie in in Thornbury this week attending the ordination of . minister there. Sergeant Fred Kelly wu home from Niagara Camp over Sunday on " farewell visit, before leaving for Eng- had. Mr. and In. Robt Burnett And Mr. Geo Burnett are attending the Wete tern Fair in London this week. Mr. Fred Lsidlnw has enlisted in the Tlet battalion at London end left on Tuesday to commence training. Fred was one of our athletic boys, being proficient in baseball and tennis and now goes to take up sterner duties, in which his many town friends will wish him good fortune. He has completed a year at Dental College. Misses Hazel Willis and Emmu Ritchie left this week boatload Tor. onto Normal School. Mrs and Miss Pnniy Coiling have re- l turned home from the Coast after: two monthU visit. Mrs Coiling viii-i ted her daughters. Mrs. Rey. R. Petr- son of Cnigury and Mrs. Geo. Dongs] McLean of Bhuughnessy Lodge, Tran. couver, B. G, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McDonald. Up- per Town, went to Hamilton Monday to visit their non Jim. Mrs R. McFarlnne spent a few days over the week end in Toronto. Mrs (Rev.) C. Boone of Saginaw, Mich. is visiting at her tather's, Mr. lu. McDougtt11'tr, Dr. and Mrs. Ernest Leesen and son and daughter leave this week for Swazea, Indiana, where he will re- sume medical practice and work after a year on the homestead near Varney. We regret to hare them leave us. Mr Gordon McDonald of Ghatsworth has been visiting at Mr J. P. Hunter's. lie tsorenliated for the front in the machine gun section of the ith bist. talion and leaves in a. few days for Niagara to commence training. The machine gun section to which he be- longs is manned br the boys of the "9ril1ta Hockey team, the 0. H. A. ‘chmnpions of last winter. Miss Will" from Walkerwn iting Mrs. W. Buchan. Miss Sadie McDonald left Monday to attend Stratford Normal. Mr Mur- ray Findlay, Dromore is also in attend- ance. -6iiV'i'jiAit5 ARCHIVES TORONTO MISS Ethel Ilvidge is visiting her sister Mrs. Kaiser in tit, Thoma. Mr, and Mrs. Lorne Vail, Detroit, were guests for a week with his sister, Mn. Arthur Gun en route to Mont- real and Quebec. Mrs m. Pickering andl are expected home Fridw, ing the summer with her Chas McKinnon, Susana, Mm m. Pickering and two children are expected home Friday after visit- ing the summer with her sister. Mrs. Clue McKinnon, Susana. Alta, M rs. Wm. Wright. and, daughter Pearl of Hanover, visited In: week With the former's sister, Mrs. Andrew Ritchie. Mr. Oliver and Miss Margaret Hun- ter arrived home Wednesday from their trip to San Fransisco Exposition and claim than Canada by long odds has the premier exhibit. Mrs Wm Scarf returned on Tuesday from a two weeks' visit with her hus- band in Toronto. Mr Vet non Elvidge left last week l for MacDonald. Manitoba. where he l has taken a position. Mrs D. Jscksun and bmther, Mr R. Armstrong left for Toronto on Wed- nesday. Manure N. B. Hunter and Oscar Hahn are taking in the Wetrtrrn Fair at London this week . is vis- s Grey FALL FA FRIDAY, Sept. 24,'15 1.00 Ir. m- " Fm. ATHLETIC SPORTS Now is {he Time " p. BL Acting by " p. L. FOOT-BALL MATCH The Directors of the South Grey Agricultural Swim y have decided to make " Athletic Sports" a feature of special attraction at the Annual Fall Fair this your. Competition will be open to all residents of S. G rey. l 100 yd race l Running ttop, Stop and Jump 3 Standing Long Jump 4 Running Long Jump 5 Running High Jump 0 Standing High Jump 7 Tossing Cuber 8 Throwing Sledge , Vaulting with Pole IO 400 Yards Race Points will be awarded to those taking lst, 2nd. 15rd. 4th and 5th place in each event. The winner of each event will be awarded 5 points, the second will get 4 points, the third 3 points, the fourth 2 points and the fifth 1 point. At the close of the Contest. each thomptstitor's, points will be added up and the following prizes given to the first five in the contest : 1st--$6 tud---ti 3rd 43 4th 42 5th --.tt w No Entrance Fee will be charged for any of this events. The Directors will expect l field of at 1mm ten competitors, but will be glad to see i 7 'ery much larger. Everyone who desires to comp 'te will l) i -- ‘ , “A 4...“. chm {net s'f', DROMORE This will be a splendid game as the teams are V very evenly matched and will contest every PRICEVILLE inch of the ground. Don't miss this contest. _---------------" Everybody should be out on the Mth and see the Splendid Exhibit _ A = . J“... mngrtmnnts naweil as the Prmirjun t,f.spot1? Everybody should be out on ms nu; - - -..- -.- in all the Agriculturel Departments tvswe11 as the Program of sports in front of the Grand Stand. Remember the High Class Concert in the evening. Come out and meet your friends and neighbors. ---- - "”“" GEO. BINNIE. Secretary [61501. an“, --_- - heartily welcomed and given In Three Heats noon, Bol our New Fall Suit CALDER. President . F. MORLOCK We have just opened out our New Dress Goods-- Velveteens, . Corduroys and Serges Serges are taking the lead this fall. In these we have a fine assortment in Blacks and colours. We secured them early in order to avoid the advanced prices. The prize medal Velveteen: and Corduroy' are our Special Twill Back and fast pile. Call and Bee them while you have the opportunity. The Store oi Honest Value For you to see about PROGRAM : - -"'"V v ata. Will be run off at intervals during the after- so there won't be a dull minute. Judging Horses & Cattle Acting by J. A. KELLY Dancing by Miss MUNRO A Bicycle FALL FAIR Punt-Ind Wan] st 01.00 s ”a. 0. MOI h BONJ’u-umu if strict just no. W; 75¢" ., t3 I. I. L l " "

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