West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 16 Sep 1915, p. 4

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l, 2,yt John McGowan c'A' ax".oeoeoc3eias'-eaeawaeae-eoe- od {when pea foe Bar them here. We here e Freeh end varied stock of the choice“ Grocer-in. Orenzee. Lemons. Poole Dem. Nate. Candice ol ell kinds. and everything required tor the Holiday tetieitiee. Our pneee will mi: your puree. Give III . all. All kinds ofgmin bought " market price. Special Reduction on Flour and Feed in ton lots. Sovereign, Eclipse and Pastry Flour Your Holiday Groceries, Fruits and Confections Wheat, Barley and Oats Chop THE CITY BAKERY Headquarters for Confectionery and all Bakery goods 500 tons of No I Mixed Chop WHEAT AND BARLEY Large Quaptjty of No. l Feeding Hay he Feed on htcld that we are selling in ton lots " following prim: tr.ete9mrertetu.............at.e Shleftt9eornruea, porten.............80.00 Oats, Shorts, pet ten....................- Bran, mica "".-.................... 28.00 It gives good satisfut'io'ni - - V'- We are in the market for any Quantity of OATS PHONES: Day " Night §26 The Rob Roy Cereal Mills Co. Oatmeal Mills, Durham THE RED FRONT _llil'ettd Feed Feed for turning out all kinds of Commer- cial and Job Printing. Give us a trial. CRIHPBD OHS for Horse Feed at Fairprices CHOPPED OATS at. . . . very reasonable rates Special prices in over five ton lots “If you want good heavy mixed feed, try our Chief, sin ann Pant. " THE PE0PLE'S MILLS Fresh and Clean, the very best. Seevthis tia"y before purchasing elsewhere. It will pay you. Every bag guaranteed. If not aistaotor, bring 1t back and get your money. REVIEW is well equipped We Pave , g09d_stock of Com and Ground 9mm a, Corn In Pocket Knives we can supply you with different kinds, ranging from 5c to $1.50 each. Have you taken a look through the Show cases in the Red Front Hardware Store ? They are filled with marry valuable articles, some of them very suitable for Wedding Pre- sents, such as Water Pitcher and Tray, Pud- ding Dish, Fruit Basket, Butter Dish, Biscuit Jar, Casserole, 4 piece Tea Set, Berry Spoon, Cold Meat Fork and other articles too numer- ous to mention. We are also well supplied with King Cut- ter, Clauss, Farmers Beauty, Diamond Steel, Crown Sword, and several other kinds Razors. IV. BLACK Hardware and Silverware '. A ROWE Fast time. Convenient Train Service Modern equipment between Montml Ottawa, Toronto, Detroit, Chicago. from principal points on certain dates Be sure to consult C. P. R Agents regarding EXTRA TRAIN SERVICE REDUCED FARES to London from stations in Ontario, Belleville, Have- lock and West to Sault Ste.Marie, White River and North Bay inclusive also from Detroit, Mich. Western Fair Lot 8, Con 12, Proton, containing la) acres more or less. 90 acres elem-ed and in good state of cultivation, 10 acres of hardwood bush. On the prem- ises is is brick veneer house 18 It 24 with kitchen 16 x 22 and woodshed w x Ib, also a good bank barn cu x 66, driving shed 18 x 24 and bog pan. The farm is well fenced and well watered. Good orchard. Mile and A quarter from church. pmWofr1csy and school. For terms apply to Geo. Sturrock, Sn, Hopeville. or Jas. A. and Geo. Troup, Box 3725. Pen-e, Bath. t] This frank statement of the case was dealt with by Grain Growers’ Guide as lollows: " In other words the new arrangement Will enable the canners to reduce the prices which they pay to farmers for fruit, tomatoes, corn. peas, le., and increase the prices which they charge to the wholesalers and through them to the retailerr and con eumers, for their products. It is the Protective Tariff that makes combines of this kind possible. Under Free Trade the Canadian sanncrs would be compelled by competition with Bri- tish end United States concerns to manufacture and sell a good article at a fair price in order to retain their customers. That the Canadian pro- duct is not of the best quality was proved not long ago by the report of PY Chief Analyst of the Dominion 1 Government that one-third of the con- tents of cans of tomatoes examined by him was water. and that three cans out of five contamedless than a reas- onable standard of frui', such as was required by the State of Ohio, for example. Nevertheless canned toms- toes and other vegetables, including com and baked beans, are 'proteettU" by a duty of " cents per ponnd, the weight of the can being included in the weight for duty With an additional 71, per cent ad valorem under the war budget. This, truly, is .. protection " which tuusrifueg Ju people at large to the greed and cranium-g of (is: exploners. Apply to any u. P. R. tr.Giile, full “Incubus or write M. . Murphy. "ttiet Pas-eager. Agent. Toronto. Last week the Sun referred to a big canning combine which had been formed with the view to controlling all of Canada's canning companies. The Monetary Times outlined the ant- uation as having in the past been one where disputes areas as to what were fair prices to be paid by the canning companies. Then. too, canned goods sold at too low prices to suit canners. Up to the present time B. Columbia has not even had a loan! Optic!) litre but now it looks as if the public are going to have a voice as to whether on no: the whole liquor areas in the Province is to be wiped out. Mr Rowell "id,--"It we hue in our midst to-dar un institution which is demanding sums of money for its perpetuation end is giving no return in mine but is impairing the eummg capacity of the men who patronize it, there is only one patriotic duty for ev- ery patriotic citizen; that to the ex- tent of his ability this curse wilt be wiped oat-. the curse of the open bar. Let us hove the courage in this su- preme crisis to use to the height De.. cessary in order that this thing should he done and done promptly," - » v, The largest. most "pre1trntatt..te and most enthuamtie convention eyer held in British Columbiajuet recently closed its sessions. The GODMDHOD passed a resolution asking that the Government should submit to people the question of the abolition of the liquor trame in tr G. by a billeimilsr to that carried in Alberta in July. Spanking n thin meeting, Sir tho. "id.--" I con!"- to you that ovary time I no the open but and no the young Ioldiera of thil country coming m and going out, every time 1paisi the open bur and no the unemployed who perchnnco has got I day's am- ploymem. making a baeuitur, I can- fees that my loul cries out for the closed bar in Guilds.” Sept 9. At Toronto with " Goo. Foster " mun! muting of Lite Und- ocwritora' Anoom‘on o Cumin. Sept, 7. At Benfnw. Oat, with tkr Geo Foster. IFte 'herrtste Raina Sept. 6---utror Day. With " J. Hendue. Liam. Gov. at Gastric. n Sturgeon Fully. Suki.“ " Wetting Men and the Bar." Mr. Rowell’s War Speeches Special Low Fans Buying Water for Tomatoes Sept. l0 to l8, I915 That Canning Combine SBPTB MBCR IS. I.“ $139 per yen. .1.“ if paid in dune. Farm for Sale 3 Agent, Durham London THE DUDE“ REVIEW A London deerntch to the New York Sun says therezheve been groee trends or extreme carelessness. on the part of some American manttfae.. l turere engeged in the supply of mum- ‘tione far the Allies. In one one it is aid that one bulk order of ti00,-, 000 shells supplied by en Amerieen mennfeotnrer wee peered by the Brit. ieh ilepeetore in the United Stetee whose duty it is to exemine the goods before their ehipment. end reeched the trenchee before it wee discovered that not one of the ehelle fitted the gene. Another shipment of meehine gun emmunition wee found to be ten per eent deleetive. The tregedy for which thie might be reeponeihle eon eeeily be conceived when considering that every tenth shot would clog thel Ont end compel the men'in utend-' enee to rennin unprotected Frj,iiij of the enemy) " while removing the delective imeteidge. ' gravel ...... .....t ...... ... 2 65 P Monnuin, 291mm gravel.. 1 45 W Home”. " load: gravel.... 2 2o HShirk, 6910adlgravel...... 3 45 Wm Laurette. 41 loads gravel.. 2 05 N IcLeen. 23 loads gravel.... 1 " FSheWeII, eommission...... .. 4 9o Turntrttll-aautney-That council edjourn to meet " Lamlnh. Satur- day Oct. 2nd, " 9 o’clock tor tran auction of general buineu. P. Timmy, 'u1derbrtusluntt.... 7 50 G Alexander, 2 days shovalling 2 40 J Ireland, picking atonel...... 2 oo H Jones, 8 hr: shovoiling...... 1 20 J Tran, bridge lumber...... 3 30 J. Ledingham, 28 loads gravel 1 " H Ridden 62 loads gravel...... 3 86 Wm Smith, 39 loads gravel.... 2 95 J. Sullivan. 80 loads gravel ... 4 00 A. Mchan. X cost 104 loads of ' grader t..... ...... ...... ..2 W Bieman, 8 hours team '..... 2 E. Boyce, 8 hours team.... .... 2 D McKiunun, 8 hours team..... '2 R Boyce 8 [us shovtslline....., l A McDouguH, 8 hrs shoveuing. 1 FShewell, commission...... .. 1 J MoDougall. 1 any team...... 3 D, McDonald. lday team...... 3 R Hanna, 1 day shovelline. . 11 N. Teasdale, 1 day show-Hing. 1 D MCDODIId, 1 day abovelling 1 U. gay. picking ytones...... .. 1 erader .... ...... .....rr..r.- S Patherbougb, 7 hrs operating 8. Putberbougb, 7 hrs team on H Mchslin 44 loads gravel . . . . 3 52 EEdge, 163 loads gravel..... 6 ls B. Braithwaite, 35 loads gravel 1 75 S Laugh“. 56 yards gravel.... 4 48 E Roseborougu, 135 yds gravel 10 30 F Wise 103 yards gravel...... Is " E Johnston, gravelling con 2.. 16 so Jag Turnbull, eommiairiort..... 4 00 II. Ohmick, 7 hours team on Frauds in Munition Supplies dividing line.... .i.... .... . Is 40 J. Brunt, “net 62 loads gravel l 55 E. Roseborough, gruelling lot 60, con I..., ...r.. '........ 2075 A. Bailey, caning bill con 2.. 15 lo A Bailey, removing hamper” I so J McDonald, 6tiloadittrtGl., 3 " H McCain). 4) loads gavel... 2 oo H McCaslin 44 loads gravel.... 3 52 EEdge, 163 loads ttravel..... 6 ls G. Brown, rep. Eitit's bridge.. H Chimck, 2 days shovelling.. P Hepburn. work on 8. L. 60.. NLMqCallum, Ji cos; work on mate for Edt', bridge It. P. Buck, rep. lat-d}? prigige T'ttrnbt111-ieweti--That M. Don. nelly be paid $10 for Iheep worried by dogs Ind A. Magwood $1 for in. specting ulna. Carried Ltumsr--Turuball-That a rate of 3 mills be levied for township pur- poxes. Carried. Sshtnirit--Lomsr---TUt a by-law be passed concerning the levying of rates " follows ; Township rate 3 mills, amount re. quired $3935 t General school 8, 1-10 mills. amount required $4C65 ;Coun- ty 3, 4 10 mills. Amount required $4500; Provincial war tax I, 4-10 mills. Amount required $1800. School trustees rates levied accord in; to requirement of different sec tionl. Bromr--8Umsn--Tut the Treas- urer pay to J W Viokers. Saoy. S. S. No 3, $4106 98, being amount re- ceived for Sale of debentures issued on that section. Carried _Bromi-Bheweu--Tut a rate of " Imills be levied for towmhip purposes. b'ehmidt-- Lunacy - That Reeve and Clerk lune orders tur following accounts I D.Aiiit, timber and work on We Met to chronicle the death at In Joseph Fol-dine paced emy on Thar-day, Sept. 9, at the only one olwyun. In Fold hue beer In poor health for home time bar In and came very suddenly. In In] a we: pre~decoued by her hubanu over three yours ago. She lee": to mourn her Ion. one son. Arthur, her mother, In John Hughes. Ibo we listen. In A. Derby of Benny er and In John Achen " the old home. three brothers, William, James end Robert. the latter two in the West. Much eympethy is felt for the her- caved temily. Interment took plate at Hempden cemetery. Lamluh, Sept. 4, 1915 Pursuant to adjournment Council met " above time and place. lam Ala: Man And Thom-l Darby was in the Tomaso Exhibition In: week. A number from here attended the Leann .10 on Friday 1-0:. In Walks: at Gal: . visiting with but lumber Mr John Henry. Porn- to [rad In J. 'trem-tt BENT! NCK COUNCIL J. ll, CHITTICK, Clerk TORONTO 245 240 240 2do 120 120 245 so so 50 H o4siyqsa8s4sqs9sqsitsqsgsitsiiy t c. L GRANT il MacFARLANE’S Drug Store iii M C. P. R. Town Oifice :5 ii! m 'tattsdllk Ml! Buy your Tickets here iii M ik Also Gaberdinee, Cor- * ded and Plain Velvetl, , all colors. sibisiettrsbsiFsbrbqFiFsilii, 3 Dress Goods Come id and get a large bottle today. It only cost. so centa, and your money he}: f it doe. not cure dandruff. stop falling hair, or itching of the scalp. It will make your hair luxuriant, bright .and beautiful, and it is the most refreshing, pleasant and invigorating hair dressing ma e. t Serges AND KEEPS " rm]! What'sthetmeMttdng held? Mt tense in. there in delltpe%terr all your hair to tum T"! . Do J"?: want to ook old before your time Give up the thought: old use "I." WE“! too “309- -......... ..... “m- ""'" ..,. n..- Look 'gtte. your hair. PARISIAN 5.402 wnll kill the andrutr emu. and In the only. preparation. to?” u we know. that n guaranteed to do no. Wait or woman. no matter how old you In. PARISIAN SAGE will make yo! 1ookcroung.'" . . . * PUTS HAIR ON no: mun PARISIAN SAGE Departmental Store, Bring Your Produce Our Rugs are the product of the but -ii. tut, LOO-l, . t . , having all the Oriental tints of the “not: Eu‘tem ngl, but"; $3353“ Our stock " large and full in alt lines. Special sizes and designs ordered end delivered " once. ' still sellin'g at the oia_.1);;écs: The Linoleum, and Floor Oi1c1oths are of Canadian and tle bes/yrtordete dggigns. Notwithstanding the man nan-n. The Wall Papers are made by the cLia,, STAUNTON's. They are reliable, new in design too costly. Poplins in colors. Our stock is large and varied, comprising the Newest Patterns in Wall Papers, Linoleums, Floor C Large Sales Macfarlane & Co., Druggasta, Durham, Ont. in Black, White, Blues, Brown, Grey and Red. 1uw School Ihoeo, I good subsunthl shoe . . . . . . . Ladle.“ Common Benn. thin and co-bnable . . . . Ladies Dongolo Blue, very serviceable. . 1,75 Men Lakies Dongola Iluc, dreuy. . . . . . . . . .110 M- Wig McKechnie’s Weekly N ei/ii G , JLMOKEGHNIE House Furnishings Linoleums and Floor oucloths Boots & Shoes Watt Papers On Second Floor n uugwcns are OI Canndian and Scotch makca, in Notwithstanding the great Advance in prices, we are 00% Town Men's, ladies', Trunks, Valises Suitcases at bottom vnluos. Odds and Ends of broken lines " out prion to clear. Custom work and Repairing attended to no promptly as possible. Spring Goods have Arriv DU JUBII w Ju:--.--rv-.vw ,' _ stock bof to [eating your next pair of In our 'ffi'l12"lh'l'Jl goods we luvs FOOTWEAR Classic for Ladies, --_- with many other makes in medium priced lines. Prices are the same in moat lines In [at lesson. Close prices on THE Py the Canadian Wall mpn’sing the Newest Design. and the Neatelt , Linoleums, Floor Oilcloth and Rugs. Bow» to. reumsivetrArf,iH, thtt,'e.e/.?t1t Rugs LiiiUiL Weston for Misses ind Children, Astoria and Brandon for Men We tttty YOU Highest Price Shoe Store J. S. McILRAITH Wall Paper Manufacturers, , neat in appearance and not Mel}; Io: Ri . iiiii. Main Split ltd . .. Durham 00-00.... Small ProSts 1.75 Eli KARSTEI 3.3. yl/lr',DyAr:yl _ealEMeieiEErt'_--r.ic"r's-"rs' f" For Oeliciou Summer I) 133333153 Ptestoi, NewFishinri Split Ban Silk Lines. can. to I Mid? in chilling. Our Drugs an House chad Various kind Metal and S Quality Ph PRIchLLL. are all fret {on not w or Tout n. Thursla, popu mod( Will be the tl detract and Swen u (a as our pres prospective buyel My in a stock In: Fluaellettes, W1 annoys an also I popular lines. kind of last Also Heavy tf MISS I In all etc., will Brand , is I Iplendh Work Shi Fresh G Milli J. PAT CIYLON FRUIT N PLL'MS IN ov K then w bluchx Remem Sale???" _, SIPTEMB 1c We ha Quality I .0! in I s FRESH any From Hunk ttt oo Ilghc Me mt IA o

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