West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 16 Sep 1915, p. 5

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French bf war. mm Oihce kets here ildren. n for Men VFW?) acturerl, and not Quigns, noel. ordered 16, 1915 WEAR Price only rived Odds and tom work 333355 Neatelt Kes, III we are next ur largo S mall Proms Hosiery Prices ices on mil 1.60 2.36 2.25 .tf Quality Pharmacy , I'l'icb'YlLLli, - our. - - _ t 25 i": KARSTEDT BROS. 1hl'r'tfst/lN,'tft: ii 5523-: y1'hh"-i'oalrXler4ar%Misotsiamsyrxg 3:3 3.X'hllSllfll 121mm: Uur Drugs and Stationery lor. Delicious Light Summer Desserts use Preston's Jelly Powders Split Bamboo Rods, Silk Lines, Gut Leaders, Front Hooks, Etc. .'xr,' cw FishingTackle N Minus kinds Disinfectants Wcial and Silver Polishes, rlouse--cleanlng ? CEYLON l c Salt Thursday and F FRUIT 8 Shipments this week FRUIT MISS E. MATHER Priceh 1' LCMS C. Red Lemmas Humember we close Tues. Milli/ "tth f.rteeries always on hand ill : ()I'K BOOTa SHOE DEPT. we shoe with cuban heel and smart toe hiuchcr laced, Imperial mitt. I "I We handle the best goods that can be bought. a, slogan is guilty First." It is said that Tras will be much higher this fall. .) m a stock before this occurs. Our blends are perfect. 1-‘RliSll FRUIT OF ALL KINDS on hand. Get them now. Highest Prices you for on this of Ptoduce. - '. J. P511130": SEPTEMBER 16, 1916 " ire any Flavor. 10e a Box simply charming are the new hats? They are not in l 1m»! elaborate; most styles are quit simple in shape l (rimming --simple, but not plain. Si or shapes are mlzu‘ m are also the oblong turbans. Pr as are very 'uwatw. Call early, look over our display? and make 1r ( hm. -e while the choosing is good. ti enGages PRICEme PATTISON AND COMPAQ? You are cordi ly invited to attend our Fall Millinery penings to be held on Shoe Tacks. . 5c Carpet Tack-5c Shoe ambasc Cigars ......5¢ Buy one ‘isit Priceville's Busy Our Prices EACHES TOMATOES Crawfords FEARS Johnston? GR. PEPPERS Standard CELE RY ' and cr ay, Septemlk‘ 16 and 17 SATURDAY ONLY t at regular price and get another for one cent. s..5c , W".,".'. Clocks It L15 :ks.5c for o......,...' for " beesc (tgrstth'th1'c11 ate _ttet 6e own spurns And following FALL BPT. we are showing a very neat smart toe, khaki top, pat'd 3 50 me. a regular $4 so shoe, at . i,LiCse1ling Easy The heaviest thunderstorm of tho season came on Sundny. lah Sept. and lasted most of the day and till 12 o’clock at night could see in the east retieetioeta of light ceased by the electric ttaid striking some build- ings. Lots of grain oat in this dis- eotiol yet. V It is a. hard matter to do anything when a person is not in good humor, so we cannot give much ot a budget this time. Some hove threlhed up the south line. Colin McLean is oat with his big otttfit and will get plenty to do this tall. Potatoes ore rotting badly on account ofso much rain. Churches were slimly attended on Sunday on account of the rain. R)bbie Conkey is home at presmt but will be returning again to his dwelling place this fall. Miss Ads McLean ot Toronto is spending 3 while with heritiends in this put on the south line and in Durham for a. tow Weeks. She is in the hair dressing business with her aunt Mrs McPherson ol Toronto. Mr Neil McCannel of Durham gave friendsa call one day last week while on business farther east and south. Glenelg Council met on Saturday, the 11th inst tor general businels [ATOES NEW POTATOES JtS CABBAGES PEPPERS CUCUMIERS an ETC.,RTC. and Thurs. at 6 o'clock PRICEVILLB AND LIMITS Openings and get PRICEVILLI Store Sale 1c A deputation from Mt. Forest ap- peared before the Council on behalf of the good roads scheme being taken up by Wellington county ot building a gravel or mac-darn road between the townships of Proton and West .Luther. Arthur and Egrsmont. A motion that the Council approve of the scheme being tlken up by the Town ship was vowd down. A rate of 1.2 mills on the dollar mu, struckto pay County. Townuhl and General Sehcol rate. Council adfonrn. ed to meet " Hopevnlle on Sept. 25. On the 17th of Mush. 1915, there was held in the village ot Msrkdsle a sale of pure bred beet breeds of cattle. These animals were contrib- uted to the sale by the breeders oi the County of Grey. This sule was not the success that could have been desired but it paved the wav for sa!es bigger and better. Grey County Breeders' Club to hold Another Sale Arman...” s..............,." 50 Ayton o..................).'" Chatsworth...... .. ....Sept. 16-17 Uheoley.....................8ept.21-22 Deat,oio......-...........fGpt.'2s-u Dundalk........ .... .........0ct.7-8 DURHAM.................).) Flesherton..................8ept.28-29 Hanover....................Sept. 16.17 Hoistein....................tupt.28a8 London (Western Fait). ....Sepl. 10.18 Aluminum. . ..,.......,..oet. 12-13 Menhrd................Sept.a).0ct..l Mount Forest. ...... .. ......Sept. 15-10 Ottawa (Central (kn-Adm). . .Sept. Witt ttwentsGnd..............,....Aht" Pricevillr......... ...,..Bept. so Oct. 1 Walkman”... ...... .....tHp',u-il' Arthur.. .... Ayton '.. .... Chatsworlh . . Cheney. . . . . .. Deaboro...... Duodalk . ' . . ., The breeders had their annual meeting on July 3rd lot and deeid. ed to have their annual sale for 1916 on the 3rd oi March. This is just two days after the Guelph sale and should catch many of the western buyers when they come east Ind do notget whattbey trant at the Guelph sale. This meansthat our breeders will have to make it a point to get their animals in ttrtst clait shape it they are to cum wand the highest prices for the western trade or tor any other trade tor that matter. The Treasurer wu authorized to accept trom Arch. Ferguson " being error in taxes. Many small accounts, principally for travelling and road improvement were passed. Jas Scott was paid $2.25 for use of house tor Council meeting. Miss A. Ferguson of Hopeville via ited at J. Aldcorn's Sunduv. All entries (or the sale murt be in the lands ot the Secretary. Thos. H. Binnie. Priceville R. R. No 2, not later than Jan. l, 1916. so that the animals be inspected and the po 'rer animals asked to remain away from the sale and advice given to the breeder Is to how best prepare and ship the animals to the sale in Mark. dole. With the entries must be sent amoney order " 85 per head to cover the expenses of the sale. ad. vertising, auctioneer, ae, It the animals entered tall to pass inspec- tion the fee will be returned. This is done so that the officers will not have the slme trouble c Meeting the expenses of the sale “they have had this year. Mr R. McNanly and Wm Dingwall hr ve commenced wreaking. We have the good cattle in Grey County if we will only fit them up for sale. Let us all get busy and see it We cannot make the 1916 sale one wnich will be hard to beat in the vears to some. Proton Council met " Hopeville on Aug. 21gt with all members present. and Reeve, Jos. Goodfellow presiding Mr. N. G. Wilson, S. Kinnell and Ed. Digby were Exhibition visitors. Mr and Mrs. Wm. Lunches Sum dared at Mr D. McCormick’a. Mr and Mrs. Wm. McMillan spent the first ofthe week at J. Aldcorn'a. Miss Jen Aldcorn leaves Monday for Toronto. Mr. Wm. Gardiner has completed Mrs Watson‘s house Mr Gardiner seems pleased to have Charlie away as he thought he would sicker: him. selfeatiug Green Hus Alex McMillan, south line, who has boon nilintt tor some time in im- proving. Three no} dry good “are: in Priceville and groceries. all doing a fair share of food buiness. Miss Lenard spent Sunday at We toria C were. Thigh bad weather tor automo- biles andlbe good old hone bum t.sts.pturonizsd when the roads ire Mn Beckett and daughter Edne ”not their holidays in Toronto dur- um: the past week. Mn. Secke t takes an interest In any good new 'est always doing her were in the wor . We received s eopy ot the Glens]: Voters List (0(1le and we commu- lete the good venenble clerk J. 8. Buck. tor its one of the best yet, so Mr Bleek is only itntrrtrrtntt sure advances end as a pity the: his Age could not be renewed like .the eagle for unquestionable if Glenelg can produce " eqesl In future. So we wish him many you" yet in the business. Dates of Fall Fairs, l9l5 PROTON COUNCIL SWINTON PARK VICINITY The Review to New Subscrib- ers to Jan. lit 19l6, for only 2lic Isee John War quite frequently as he is in the some brigade and we are generally pretty handy to each other. Also met quite a bunch of chaps from North Grey. I am on duty till about 4 B. m. and its notyet 10 p. m. Two cf us are running the signalling station so we are in twelve hours out. of the twenty tour. We work in eight hour chills so that we have plenty of time to sleep. .0. o'"""-'.-'""-'""""-, Well Peter by the time this realms you. the farmers will.be into harvest.- ing full swing, Glad to bear the crops are good over there Hoping chm finds all well as it leaves us here We have had trraatteithy no excite- mam around here lonely. or coune more is “my: a lot of sniping done during the night and a certoiu amount of shelling in the do, time but we are merely holding the lines. The Russians seem to be getting it m the neck and it looks as If the Ger- man: would go further on the Ene- tern frontier still, We are going to have a butallion conceit tomorrow night to help pass the time. C'nrortumsusly most of the fellows will be working so only a few will be present. ‘.However they don't really miss much although we hate some pretty fair talent. in the regiment. August M, 1915 The people here ere busy with their hervoet " present which name to be very good, I think the wheat crepe ere even better then inuCenede end th at is saying quite e bit. Thin is e very pretty country except where the trenehes end Jeok . Johnetone hove torn thinge up. We heve just some out of the trenches egein " things ere fairly quiet et the front. We here never had to vtey in more than 4 deye et e time. Percy Br) an is in No. 1 Company end we generelly see each other every dey. I use Jim F erquhereon end Wm, Felkinghem quite often. All the boys from Grey ftp Contingent ere here in the t . We have just come out of the trenches for four days in reserve which I hope Will be a rest. The batulhon " working hard and for the past month and a half the fellows have practically had no rent. The Signal- lers come off a little better than the chops in the oompnmes, as :our work is to keep up communications only Ind not to dig. It is probablyjust " important but not " strenuous. Our last four days on the firing line certainly justify the famous saying. "War is Hell." We had about four thunder storms and it rained until the trenches were more like irrigation ditches than anything I know. To make matters worse, the Germans commanded a view of our lines for abouts mile behind the firing line so we had to use communication trench- es almost altogether. Several times rather than walk through too much mud, we crossed the open fields but it is directly against orders as the Ger. mans have a habit of shelling when. ever they see any of us. Just I hm, to lot you know I am null in the had of tho living cud en. joyiog thelifo Immanuel}. My pal and I In lying "m the uma of the old apple tree." m, Wm Smith is writing to the Canadian Echo (t Wnnon. [Me Peter Baum In planned to roe-in the (allowing letter Im not from Mr John Weir. whit, we no gin! to see. in well Ind hearty :] lat Can. Expeditionary Force 8rd Briguh. No. 4 Company 16th Battalion Donr Priemt,- ComdesontlcPidngLine Toil and Mad and Sniping _ By J. M. Farqnharson lint DURHAM REVIEW War is Hell John Weir "WW ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO “Rough on Rats" clears out Hats, Mice, etc. Don't die in the Home. 15c and 26e at Drug and Country Storm. The Review and the Fumera‘ Ad- vocate for 1 you... .. ............... TheReview and Canndian Farm The Review end Weekly Mail and Empire for 1 you The Review and the Femilv Her- eld and Weekly Star for 1 you The Review and Weekly Witness for 1 "M....--............. The Review Ind Weekly Sun for Thi Renew and Weekly Advenil- or tor tttMe'...............,........ The Revirw and Toronto Deity Globe tot lyour....,................ The Renew 1nd Toronto 1):in mm and Empire for I "Br...... Thy Review and Ddly Free Press The Review and Weekly Free Press for one year.................. The Review Ind Farming World Tile. Rtviey Ind Toronto Daily The Regiow 'Ind Toronto Duly Newn fox one "ur...".:....-...:.". The Ryiiow and Toronto Daily bread, cakes, Imdldintttv.etc, baked in a u always come fr'é'sh fend Wed fRyife from its perfectly ventilated oven. See the McClara dealer in, yqur town. Sold by Landau & Melechnie for I "tbr...................-- tr1tsr......-............:............ fort "trr............?................. for I "ar....................". ......... World for "tw..."..".:..-...-..-.."..'. Sta: tor I "ii...rJ..C...V.T.f. Clubbing Rates The above prices f. o. b. Ford, Ont., effective Aug. 2, 1915. No speedometer included in this year's equipment. otherwise cars fully equipped. Cars on display and sale at C. SMITH & SONS, Ford Runabout Price $180 Ford Town Car Price $780 F ord Touring Car Price $530 "MADE IN CANADA" - , 890 260 l Damn. Sept. 15, 1915. Batter................ 22to 22 1'00Istsra................. 20to 20 Flourpercwt........ 34500400 1'00,tNGu"iprAusk,y.y. 350 4.00 a? 1ifiiirii,r, ttwt........ l tiOto200 0am. bed............. 55 to 55 liuiiWttent........... 100tol 10 17 1iprioeWtteat........ 10000110 ”“9“; milling.......... 55:0‘5353 169 Recognized is Canada’s leading sch ool of Business, and Shorthand. Our own 3 storey building. Stat! of Spa ciaiisbs. We place graduates in gnod positions. Catalogue free. c A_P_LB!IINQ. tt CA a. D. FLBMlNO Durham Markets. Durham (huge Principal a " years Secrétai'y OWEN SOUND ttoNoie GRADUATE of Torono, University, graduate of Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario “can” ("at J I J rtiyNTiitt'tt New slum ARTHUR H. JACKSON Insurance Agenc. Money to Luau [unu- of Manage Licenses. A gun on! ttnagtcitU business unwanted. HONOR GRADUATE Torouto Funeral”. an dun Royal College beam surgeon Dam in an m menu. ottue-r9er Jewellry abate ai J ' , t can Poet mace. W.C PICKERING o. D s., L U h J. i1.RiJtt0R,ira,, U if humans a Spochty. Picture Framing, Shortest Notice thyyrRooo--Aerotm ftotn Miadmgh 01110:: Over J. P. Tamar. ottica, nearly own my ohm. RESIDENCE: we ttoutooaut at Regal-H om on out due on Amen M. 05mm: no UL: H15. a t-Ipn. 7-41... u. “when cannula-scion between ttttice I‘ “do“ at all noun. UNDERTAKER and Funeral Director BIG 4 He tutu Cheap uesecurtai- long. do in Tt" pr " Ziydol .Qinwide 76e r " 8 yd. In?" in wide 1:00 gr " Sid: long, 47 in wide 1.50 pr Lilo-ruin! no the new ttnitrised top. Fin. Euclid: Cotton Crepes. white and (Macy. tht................) per yam! Table Linen. . .3, 50 and tne per yard Grey Cotton Sheeting 2 yds wide 25c " Heavy bleached Shei'liug 2 yds wide...... ...... ............m~ m - lrllcl'lull an I "ueptunie m In; “teem Ceylon. In" and Equipment. the school I- thoroughly nipped In teach: “my. in chanted sud 2133mm sum-1 m- 1'lt Im. (a. tor ttut Junior taming IllU Mario ttuttoet won. In. [album competent can an Ill an" ' 130.. am, “new sud "when! Nod a 8.00! W. In Clu- arm “a; mu Ibou'd enter m. the Win mo! wanna-awe. Bum an be ob 'atr?Mp"ettnatrremte. but“. u a bunny tlst,',',") - iortHtuetruiGkuieiiiuUUii' UiFeiiiu7 99°99! 999-95510 W‘“'W‘*ZWW airrai Faraway -_ Wm..." plumn and “was“ mould“. 38.3! pa with In um. Licensed Auctioneer for County of Grey. Terms moderate. Arranguucnu mule dates can brmade at Avvucw J, ARTE UR COOK promptly uttcndcd 1.6 Futons of wanna creunenen sud cheese lacunu-e, we want your menu Jul-mu the Winter quulnu. “tune-l pace- Paul " mood creom. We up tstr um: mm- are and par "no: can swam. Wrue tor cum. Duncan“ my rctudence next JoU. Phone cull‘go Sq. Hi, Durham will be Euarr 11:4 Flannelleue Blankets White"!!! grey....... ...1s'ioa pair Us“, 1214 Flannelletle Blankets. whiteonir.......... ......1 &5apaie “an node-aw Arrangement! tor ute- . ”turn. an. mun be man: " the Renew 0 Ice. arm. at Comipouuisuw “we "all. or to Ceylon P. u., Bull be promptly mama». farm on uppnuuou to Barrister. solicitor m Supt-em Jun Hoary HIM“: Coemnisiuoruir Money to man. also on moron fit., oppomw ) Walpole’u Stables. Malt-nonhuman. mun-Wm “Mum". mum; it I non “all: heel-pm“. 1:93pm aummngoox tn m ya:- It a DURHAM HIGH SCHOOL batons in Voice Production and trusttintt, at the home ot Mrs ti. F. IcUomb. every 'i'atsodan trout 2 till T pun. Appointments now being hooked. “mu J. EGRANT D. 0.5.. L. o. ts. Licensed Auctioneer tor Go. they Icahn ow... thy-mun- an” an goon: UAW“) Notary Public, Gomtuibtuouer, BUREAU. ONT. (Lower Town ' MOPHA/L 'gt-m-rr, t home south of 1Tlrll2rlielL'lllh'f Shop. Full line of Llatuollc Robert And black qua whine Cap for w paplo. J. P. TlilL1i'0RDi, CONVEYANCER. A. BELL . M.JSAAC 0.. " U... Ceylon ones. “alkali. nurnam SINGING H. " k c,, Durham Palm Gunnery. (Minimum. Out Wanted u now givmg I.

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