West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 16 Sep 1915, p. 8

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Buy Farm it b imund to increases in value. “an iv. a [manna to judge my that no In: atet hung to-da will ever again we cheap beef. Til; certainly "an. an "trl, inert-Mo m the selling who of Mn lands. I ham: tor ale l it!) an. no. Elmore, convrnient to ' ”Ir-mildly improved. only W222 balance at. tr per cent, H. H. MILLER, Reduced fares to Sm Frnntutreo, Las Angelou and Ban Diego. Informal ion and lit-ken- on npplionuon to Agents. WM CALDER. Town Ticket Am. J. TOWNER. Ticket. Agent 01cm can Ili, Egremont. well pr?- «flaw or with another 50 Tt In, In. " acres Egremont. near Mt. Fore-t. Good tum, worth more but offered $4000 or trim, under tor quick sale. H acres Egremont, near Holstein. ttne " the Terr heat farms in the annship. thlsoon he picked up a very low price quotod. Jr acres Bentiurk--the John Clark tum. mu 3. W U R. Cheaper than rver otrered Ninth tl Acres Bentirck. lot 51 can 2, W . G. it., near Durham. Hood farm. IS .. Western Fair", London luau nuns Panama Pacific Exposition leap. 'nu count", atford to BUY or SELL BORROW or LEND without tirst Ice Bags When illness come: it will be well to remember that we sell sick-room aids of the right kind and at reasonable prices, Sick Room Supplies We have many things that lessen suffering for the patient, and labor for the attendant. Absorbent Cotton Gauze: um} Int-uh Our stock of such goods is more complete than that ordinarily carried, but we make an effort to have everything called for in the drug line. The Central Drug Store ABRAHAM New Shirtings New 1i'lannelltsi;im, New Cottons New Fall Underwear New Sweater Coats New Hosiery New Corsets New Overalls Our Full Stock is Complete. maul has to London from n n " “in. Belleviile. Heath. Hth at Wmst. th-rerrf. Hp hQI'VICC' and Inw rate nun".- ninripnl porn" on rvrmm d tents tor lull partieuhar-. SQUARE Time Table Changes 630. B. DIHGMAN, --.-- Proprietor The J. ll Abraham Co. Property Now Hot Water Bottles fountain Sytlnges Invalid Cushions Clinical Thermometers lulunm tion now The Store that sets the pace. , M ptrAet' up , Sunday School at IO, Services at ll 'd' l a. m. and 7.m p. m. P John Clark I Epworth League Tuesdays at 8 p. m. Cheaper than E Week night service Thursday at 8 p.m Hanover E REV. D. B. MARSH. Sc.D, nus. Pastor Bandages I]! m, are in the market to troy cream "we: or sour. at the hitthest market price. We suppiy two can: free to each of our patrons, pay all express chaxges. pay twice such month, cheques payable It par. Receive cream any day in the week. test out: can received. and send our patron a Human; oi same. Write for ens and give our creamery a trial. Be- ferenee--arty bank. Payment on 15th of each Month Sunday School at 10. Service at ll nan and 7.3) p. m. Y. P. S. C. E. Tuesday at 8 p. m. TRELEAVEN & RANTON, Palm Creamery, Palmerston, Ont REV. T. H. lBBOTT. Ph. B., . 'a"GiGGdatitiaTurr; Five on. jun heron (in: to bed. All druu'i-u. 25c. or and to 15W HIDE!!! co., “IMHO IO Adhesive Plaster, ace. Presbyterian Church Methodist Church Pastor worth Lune ind Sunday School Convention eontinned its mien. De votionnl union conducted by Rev Ir Vaughan of Deanna The roll all of the VII'iOlll eehooll on the It Forest district were called. each one newer- ing by giving an interesting report of the work done during the year and a round table conference we: conducted by Rev A. N. Cooper of Grand aniey. A very interesting address on "What the Sunday School requires" wu given by Rev. Eli B. layer of Durham. which was illustrated by s chnrt. He showed not only the heel- tifnl dignity of s. minister of the gos- lbntprovsd himself on expert in grind-y School work and Durham ought to he congratllnted, on hnving such a preacher in their town. A discussivn was then led by Mrs. W. Sims of Yeovil which was n sonrse of great interest, Mrs Sims being an active worker in the church and school at Yeovil tor years and has had much practical experience. At 10.30 Ir. J. A. Lambertof Mt. Forest gave a splendid address on "The Sunday School constituency" which was very instructive and help- ta', the discussion being led by Miss Lena Tanker and others. Then the President Rev w. D. lesson gave an address on “How we can get its Epwcrah Leagues interested in soul- saving." In the afternoon Rem Jon Ward of Cedarville conducted the Dsvotional Exercises and reports from all cir- cuils in the district concerning Ep- worth League work. Holst'ein‘s new Epwurth League was a source at great encouragement and God hath blessed their efforts as the meetings are proving very helplnl and blessed. Otto oi tlse best reports however came from Durham Methodist church and Grand Valley. Kev. P T Meek sang a beautiful solo "Abide with us." Rev. J. W. Slum-not Drew, gave a Kowertnl address on "The Epworth eague as a force in church and national lite" after which a con- secration meeting was held which proved a source oi aspiration und blessing to all present. A vote of thanks was then given to Rev. T. H. Ibbott and the mem- bers ofthe church for the entertain- ment given. All agreed it was one of the beat conventions held for some yuan. The new off1tayrs for the com- lug year were then appointed ; Rev. W D Mason, Pros. Kenilworth Miss McInnyro. Secy.. Grand Valley Miss Maria Brown, Tress ' Holstein This annual popular event will be held this year on 28th and 29th Sept- ember. With such officials " Pres. Wm Oroat and Secy L. B. Nicholson and an enterprising staff of Directors the Fair of 1915 bids fair to surpass all previous ones, should weather prove favorable. The loyalty of the township to their own show is un- questioned and is the chief factor in past successes. Everyone should have entries in early and plan to be present on second day, White and Brazil, popular entertainers, are en. gaged for the concert on second night, and a band will be in attend- ance. This is the 48th annual ex- hibition and hit Adam Brown, now of Durham was one of three men who took the first steps in its organization in Confederation year. Mr. and Mm. Falkingham were delegates to the Convention “Hol- stein last week. Don't forget the Orchard Methodist church anniversary and Harvest Horne next Sunday. Sept. 19 and 20. Rev J. W. Ward of Conn will preach both morning and evening. Servleee ll a. m. and 7.30 p. m. Fowl sup- per on Monday night when atrplen- did program is to be given. Dr. Jamieson, M. P P. will acne chair- man. Durham quartette is engaged for the night. miss Ida Iioeflin returned to Tor. onto Friday. Born-On Wednesday, 8th to Mr. and Mrs J, Smith. a son. Mr P. Cornish took in the Town to 1u'arbibition last week. Mrs Smith ot Holstein and Mrs. A. Stevens visited Sunday " Mr. R Robertson's Mrs W. Finder and Miss Grace tit- tunded the Walkerton Fair this week. Well here we are in Little Ireland enj0yinz the sights and the season and lecllng tirst rate, only backward weather. Harvesting sesmsa long dresry task owing to the wet weather but most are well over. A very untoward event occurred early last Monday morning. Messrs Chas Small and Philip Ccok left for Renaud: to secure In new threthine oattit. On their wnv home they in some waylosc control of the engine and it had to rennin m the ditch over night. Euly the following morning Mr Wm. Wells was called to lend a helping hand and the otrtit was got tons dominalion on late hnttrthat night. Later when the wluel was slurred it was found that the boiler was leaking and Mr John Earnest of Mt Forust was called on to repair the engine. some new pom being neocon- try. Mr. and Mrs. J. McKenzie took in the Exhibition last week and report Igood time Fall must be drawing nigh u we see the plough bu and once more. Smy to my Mrs Wm. Ilooteh am on the sick list. Concluded from hut Week On. Wan-day will: the HOLSTEIN TIEADEL Methodist Convention Egremont Pall Show LITTLE IRELAND ORCHARD THE DURHAM REVIEW be Sept. sofh. No paper next week-ity our an' gnu} holiday week. Next issue will Mr J I Dixon had his btother hum Rochester, N. N., n n recent si,iror. Miss Jean Brown has taken a pos- Itioif in Leith's tttore. Mrs James Black and Miss Veima Manse: of Toronto are guests of Mrs J. G. Smith. Miss Ruby Rogers, of Toronto, is home for a two weeks holiday. Arthur Farrell, son ot James Far. rell, had the misfortune to severely break his arm by {suing from a choke cherry tree last Friday. Mr James McQueen, B. A., of Tor- onto, son or Mr D. McQueen, ex- teeve of Egremont, has been appoint. ed Mathematical Master of Toronto't, new Technical School and has assum- ed his duties, after visiting his home in South Egremont. Mrs, Jan. Keith, Mr Will and Miss Eva and Mr Irwin Bunkard motored trom Goldstone and spent over Sun- day " the home of Mr. Thos. Keith. Rev MrWallaee of Weston, p:ea:h- ed in the interests of the Lord’s Day Alliance in the Methodist Church on Sunday. He IS at present relieving Rev. Dingman of Mt Forest, who has undergone an operation for throat trouble. Miss Viola Rennie of North Egn- moot has been taken suddenly ill with appendicitis, at Ravenna, Calling- wood township where she teaches school and will undergo an operation. Mr and Mrs Fred McClocMin and Mr and Mrs James Brown, Orchard, were among those who enjoyed Tor. onto Exhibition sights last week. Mr o. hi, Seim has bought the printing plant of the Bradford paper, called "The Witness and South Sim. coe News," and has already assumed charge. Bradford has a population oi [400. and with his ability as a news paper publisher, should make a suc- cess there. We wish Bret. Seim suc- cess. Mrs Seim and children leave on Thursday for their new home. Mr and Mrs Thos. Allan, Durham, visited in the village on Saturday. MISS Effie McMillan of Dromore, is a guest of village friends and of the Horsburg family on the 12111. Miss Marion Coburn is the guest " Harriston and Clifford friends. J. w, Hunt has an order of three car loads of cement tile to ship to Palmerston :hortly. , M18 Hugh Renwick has returned 1. her home in Ottawa after being a welcome visitor at her home and a- mong many friends. Mr Scott Pennock of Mt Forest, re- covering from a serious illness, was a visitor here, for a few days, returning Monday. Sunday night's storm will long be remembered for its intensity and dur. ation, Though considerable damage could have been expected. the only case we know was Mr Ins. Brown's house at Orchard was struck. Both chimneys were damaged, one being almost levelled flat, plaster was knocked irotn the walls and the floors and wainscoting were damaged. Scarcely aroom escaped but fortun- ately no one was hurt. Report has it that four burns in J?roton were hit by lightning but we were unable to ascertain the truth of this statement. Mr and Mrs D. P. Coleridge, Mr and Mrs R Irwin and Herb. Strausser motored to Harriston on Tuesday at- tending the Fair and military cele- bration there. Dr Fergusoh is taking a holiday this week and left on Tuesday to join Mrs Ferguson in Hamilton. Dr. Snepth is looking after his practice while away. Mr Murray Findlay, Dromore, left Monday to attend t3trattord Normal School. Mrs Marsh is in Walton at the bed- side of her brother, whose death is hourly expected. Rev E. S. Meyer of Durham wiil conduct the Yeovil anniversary ser- vices on Sunday. Afowl supper is being held on Monday night. Mr W. B. Sutton has resigned his position as station agent of the Grand Trunk. It is now widely known here that events oi a shady character that happened a few weeks ago has result- ed in the agent's resignation and all regret that Mr Button is leaving for he made a capital agent. A good word should be said about the citi- zens who worked earnestly in Mr Sutton‘s behalf and endeavored their utmost to have him remain at his post here with the company. Dr. Marsh and L. B. Nicholson represent- ed the citizens at Stratford last week, where, armed with a petition bearing the name of every business man in Holstein, they met the railway super- intendent. Through their intercess- ions, leniency was shown and Mr S. will probably be given a position else- where in the employ'bf the company. LOCAL All) PERSONAL Fruit Branch-Dept. of Agriculture Not many days left. fur securing the hest of Peaches and Plums. Graw ford and Elberm peaches areobtain. able at moderate prices. but prompt action will he necess‘lrv to thnse wishing a supply of those malicious. IyyMth-eivinir (runs. It is impous. ihle to have too much fruit In our Osnadian winters, The Red Cross Society would be grateful for a few gun for our boy. m France. and the tenant Club hugrmnloed to look after delivery. IT, Gandhi: homnwife should put on “I the fruit-_-UR, Pouch-uni Hm tint the en Wily 0M. OFFICIAL FRUIT BULLETIN TORONTO Fulfilling theold adage, "In Union there is strength, tt the various pat- riotic societies of Holstein were weld- ed into one body at the meeting Fri- day night. The new society which is to be known as the Holstein Pat- riotic Society, will naturally bring into the fold many influential persons who were formerly not connected with any body. Now, everybody is going to do their " bit." 7 The meeting was well attended, en- thusiastic and productive of results. Dr Marsh was chairman and L. B. Nicholson. Secretary. The otfieerg and committees then elected were: President-l. R. Philp. Vice Pres.-Mrs W. H. Rogers Bec'y Treas.--Miss E. Sharp Buying Committee-G. Leith, F. Allingham, Mrs Nicholson. Examining Committee-Mesh- Reid, Butch and Sharp and Miss Adams. Shipping Committee.-D. W. Cam" tiron, Mrs Roberts, Mrs Petrie. Executive Committee--] R Philp, Mrs Reid, D W Cameron, Dr Ferg- uson, R Irwin, R M Tribe, Dr Ellis, ff. McClocklin, D Grier, A ll Her- shey, J. McArthur, G Bye, J.R Hunt Mrs Drummp Mrs Rogers, Misses Morrison, Sharp and Adams. The speaker of the evening was Mr H. ll, Miller of Hanover and withouta doubt it was one of the most masterly addresses ever heard in Holstein. Mr Miller spoke along patriotic lines and mstilled a deep fervor in the ranks of the new org- "ization. A patriotic concert is being held this Friday evening. A good pro- gram is being prepared and Lieut. Anderson of the 48th Highlanders, who has seen active service on the Flanders front, will deliver an ad, dress on the war. The confines of the tenitory for the society to operate is the full lim.. it of Egremont, north and south and from the O. S. gravel east to the 10th sideroad. Collectors wilt canvass the dustrict for donations. The BOC. iety will meet the Ist and 3rd Mom. days of each month. On Monday, (ith September. Mrs. Reid of Moosomin, Sask.. who tor some weeks has been around her early home in Normanby and neigh- borhood was invited on her return irom visiting relatives in Grand Val- ley, Brantford and London to meet with some ladies in the park in the village of Holstein near which was her early married home. The day not being suitable, the gathering took place " the home ot Mrs Bruce where 25 old neighbors had been in- vited to welcome the guest of the day and renew old friendships. It wasa perfectly informal gathering at old chums, friends and neighbors. Mrs Bruce and Mrs. J. T. Reid had charge at the proceedings and a pleasant afternoon was spent in rem- gr""" chat. games, on quiet. music. 0' After a sumptuous tea. there was more games, music and good fellow- ship ending with the hearty singing of "Auld Lang Syne" by the comp- any and hearty good wishes to the guests of the evening, who bears away with her many nice mementoes of her old Holstein ntrghtrors. v. ..... -._ _w._.-._ -- ,..--.-. In. Reid leaves for her Western'; home in a law days and will be m- eompnnied by her aged mother Mrs. P Gum. and msny old friends of moth-; er und daughter will wish them It' pleasantjonrney ind sale arrival. ', The ttrest Hydro Electric railway sur- vey from Guelph to points north has commenced lost week says the Guelph Herald. A party consisting of nine men. fully equipped with thelr Inrvey instruments, arrived from Toronto and at once proceeded to the northern outokiru of the city. from where they began working. The Retold learned from the mm In chum of the party Holstein Patriotic Society Organized Mrs. Thos. J. Reid Honored Reception in Holstein BIGGER)? BETTER THAN EVER . White and Brazil, Vocalists and Entertainers, of Toronto, will take part. All seats reserve --35e. Plan at Telephone office. Fall Ex ibition, Holstein Tuesday (il/ ednesday, Sept. 28 ty 29 Plan to attend on Seco d Day-youll be sorry BAND IN ATTENDA CE. BIG CONCERT ' Night in W. M. GROAT, President. . w, - " " w,, ii 5‘1" IVES Admission to Hall anMrounds, 25c that they expected to survey a route to Owen Sound. and that they would go by w:lv of Orangeville, but did not know as yet what the route would be, whether in would he " Erin or by Fergus. It is understood that there are several routes to be surveyed north oquelph. but it will be some time yet before any definite decision will be reached. but it begins to look as though something would be done. in the near future. Arthur .. . . . Ayton .. . .. Chatswwth Obesley. . . . . Dashoro .. .. Dundalk.. ., DURHAM ........... ......Sept. 8-24 Fleaherton..................Sept.28-D Hat-er....................)". 10-17 Holstein....................Sept.28-29 London (Western Fair). . ...Sept. 10.1i' Markdale.... ._.............Oet, 12-13 Meaford..., .'..'. ......Svpt. 30. Oft-l Mount Forest. . . . ... . . ......Bept. 15-16 Ottawa (Central Canada). . .Bept. 1048 Owen Sound. ...... .... .... ....Oct. 5-7 Priceville., ...... ...... Sept. 30 Oct.t Walketfon...-,..-.. .....Bept,rt-16 The Review to New Subscrib- ers to Jan. lst l9l6, for only 25c W. J. SHARP Holstein Goneeytuteer' lssuer of Haulage Licenses Money to loan at lowest mum. and terms to slut borrower. Fire and Life lnsumme placed in thorn" his reliable companies. Deeds, 1lr'1.'l. gages. Lenses and Wills executed on chm wen notice. All work promptly attended to. temont Ag. Society Oates of Fall Fairs, l9l5 SCHOOL OPENING THE VARIETY STORE Western Fair L029.” fi SlltMHa "" on: An. nus": Welt a "mate, at In: m Cue-hm In. can. _ Prize Lists, Entry Forms and all information from the Beer, W. J. REID, President. A. M. HUNT. Secretlry a"--------, Excellent Program of At- tractions Twice Daily. Prizes increased this your by 83000.00. Music by the Best tunable Bands We are now prepared for School Opening and seek your esteemed patronage in this line. We carry a complete stock of Public School requisites. Come here for all Supplies-Books, b'eribhlerts, Slates, Pads, Pens, Pencils, etc. $30,000.00 in P: and Attraction All work rum tl i -B.t., p p ’.DURaAu .....Oct. 50 ' .Sept. 20-21 ..Sept. 10.17 . .Bept. 21-22 ..Sept. 25-24 .. . . .Oct. 7-8 ..Bept. 23-24 ..Sept. 28-20 “Sept. 16-17 . .Sept. 2829 L. B. NICHOLSON, Secretary S B PTEIBEB and loc. The undersigned My to announce to ruidenls of Durham and surround- ing country, that he bu his Planing " and factory fully equipped and in prepared to take order. for SASH, DOORS. and all kinds of HOUSE FITTIIGS Shingles and Lath alwnys on hand " right prices. Custom Sawing promptly attended to DURHAM PLANING MILLS Also Bole Agni! 5nd Dealer for Dur- ham and vieimtr of the For interior of ',1fff,',ftid,'t""' Ind cheaper thin lath and p um. Easy to handle Gnu with n law Easy pat on Cannot "ll " save: fuel No dirt or nul- Call and are tor yourself Two Speed Events, Daily. Fireworks Every N ight. New Steel Grandstand. Midway Better Thu: Ever, One D: zen from Durban to train for a Rood paying position by enrol- ling at, the Mt. Forest Business College Three eoursetr-t5ttortt" men-in! and Oh " Service. Lrireuiaoties, are In pooltloov. Our free catalogue tells you why. Write tc-day And get it. D.A.MeL.uarLAN, G. I. an“. President. Principal if you miss it NEW FIBRE BOARD ZENUS CLARK Ag. Hall 'o, WANTED i3. iirit Sept. will :h-lBth I915 sunrthmd. Com' Fit ONTARIO 1t Ct, p; A 6|“an l cidenl with u). bread [mm 12 can“. can“): the (helonvn has al- .Ield of thr old in" the ti . summer lull just Bakeoe claim tttre of lite " at fol-mo done lwny with. UVIngnmm' ning chuck In and till she u! on. but will rem home in A ptaee Imam at Kolstein, strongly with th new and neqlm- Va often an on human. the re LIAGK'E.wThr Mid letter writ newly former itttt Lnaqur. T the young Ind y Sound and n their bit in hr 250 awn for It “herring the: evening tot"). m Mina new the League. '1 “In” and up In girl. tttwe the Olin-re of t in Renee ll are Indicator the we showing in work. Din-"mm Lulu County (fuuucil I tee per ummh umu Cuunly mm per month. tulle sum hm node it over 8 contributors “w Larktsow, will while the war In Mid fat Shun tt . Humidor were C Sn nd a In " able m‘l‘m on" he lunged " 81: I. And imp of . T -tT--irt Baum" k to Mr Had Mo. no. daughter Vern Alte in attendance. having in the r hula like All Urtnost--Harvet or,Tu in St. Stephen‘s Chum: Wan. J. lacnnox, cleet Modal. Ont., to 1r Hervey, eldest s1autih mat tich this new there In teachers pd! ottici "an! "'ist rm Hon ot CM.“ byl once " c unit *Ptnttg We” Hill Sen ot nu Lun h" Coun- of our item. Ur have a when! App-unm- ”an! unl " week " " Ian Rev. Mr Wind" at Sun m'I Day union made a " some clever drawn;- like. what-o nhllily in (In to, is most mu Med. MIKJVR oat Hominy, o Fumers will 0mm by 'MUN Oil: by c. timit Guninz and pn-nvrvmu I. doom done-says tbe 1".”- $totice to Housewife A I luau: Growr, Prawn»: h ltd the Governnu-m an an: supply thi Him and Gr'rpee for j Am Sim The an: MN:Ha Rtrrtum Llama Indy requested th I from Dutlnm VOL. Mu Tht ()l 01 amen up l M. the 1 the cunt ring the a with ttte drxst [mm 12 to 0 one. the newt, a - Isl-m be, I the old ll pom be 2; pound lull junl half claim that In m tat “downer of th Tfit-thi BU LE1l . elect t Red ttave bee day about 'wr, h W Th, wh I rice in th ‘eihet. [in Int some “in March I Smith & Son. In India tobe Tt tre lul w tti dl ttt " putting IAIRIEU "Acearrteac-U in Ontario L a nun-:- Md Inns it r the d H BURN ht D night: ul " I't " vert In " Spec e DI h har h

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