" ttst it n '*rrtwattT-it, Bantinrk. on Sept 15H). to Mr and Mrs Donald Stewart. I ttmotels-r-Vera Alberta. The annual ll-uvest Home services were celebrated Ill Trinity Church on Sunday. The weather was very un- Livnmhle which resulted in small con- gregations at both services. How- ever the rha, .c'er and orderot the g Atherings we†very high and it is to he regretted tt. " more could not have allentlt-tl. Rev. Mr Henderson. of 'r.nover. exchanged pulpita With Ree. tor Morris and conducted the services in an able manner. For his morning text he based his discourse on Genesis in: l. and impressed his auditors strongly with the (act that forgetful- ness and nealect of spiritual worship was often nu outcome of a bountiful harvest. the renpers of which often took the credit to themselves instead of giving the glory to God. Yot'su Worms Assuri- Rncnurrtno L-r.--), is much clerical work and letter writing to he done in the newly formed Urey County Recruit- ing League. This was made known to the young lady sttrrtoteraphers of Owen Sound and they volunteered to do their bit in helping the recruiting of 250 men for Overseer Servire by vol- unteering their seryi. to gratis every evening totypewrite the letter- which are being sent out on the business of the League. The work is arranged in relays and up to the present twenty live girls have participated. Not only the otticero of the League but citizens in general-re grateful to the young ladies for the prnctlcnl interest they are skhowing in thls very Important wor . Lennox-Harvey-tln Tuesday Sept. 'di, m St. Stephen's Clutch. Toronto, Mr Wm. J. Lennox, electrical engineer. London, Ont., to Mini Emma 0. Harvey, eldest daughter of Mr and Mrs N. Harvey, Dur ant. Since mir hut i,osue almost a Italic and fatal accident occurred to Miss Shin tt. teacher at Vickers. - During a thunderstorm while sitting in Wm. Lortttntone's house, . bolt of lighh ning struck her, eating her dress on tire and killing a dog under the seat she sat on. She was mun-rely burned but will recon-r. She has gone to her home in Arthur to recuperate. tter place Ming taken by Mr Harold Main of Holstein. A SlALLIm LoAe.--Almoet co-in- cident with the drop in the price, of bread hem 12 to 6 cents to 10 and 5 can“. come: the news that the size of [behaves has aha been reduced. In. "and of the old 8 pound loaf. we now have the 'dk pound article and the smaller loaf just half of that weight. Baker, claim that in selling the .. stuff of life " " former prire, all protit wan done away with. Dzvmlle LIHIIAL THINGS -Bruee County Council has promised to give F Mn per month tor patriotic purposes. Huron County has done halter with 80000 per month. Shelhurne set out to mm 3400) but a weekh, campaign made it over 350(1). Acton had 595 contributors 3379 35654. John Joym, Lucknow. will give 8l000 per your. while the war lasts. Pun-v or TttAcruutts.---The Nor. mal School. in Ontario are crowded this new!» us never before. All of these Institutions hr the training of loot-hers bare well over the 200 mark in attendance. Toronto and Stratlord having in the neighborhood of 220. It looks like on Abundant-e of teachers for tome your: to come. SCHOOL Fatstrs.--Etremont School Fair wilt he held at Holatein on On. 8. The Proton Fair mu pouinoned from Sept. 23nd to Oct Is, owing to the huekwurd harvesting conditions in that townuhip. We understood that alt Public School children living in the town-hip no Nimrod tr. competent when lain. Normanby held a increas- fut ochool fair in Ayton on Sept. 18. Canning and preserving Fruit. In almost done--- the Government Notice to Housomfe. A low good Hagan Grown Peache- Itill loft, Do u the Government “yo-Put down so our: tn',',' this you - Plums and Grape. or jun and jelly "turned at onte Misn Spereman. the oMeiaieatatmruer of the Department is In town and is overhauliog the Libury and patting it on anew and more modern basin. The town treasury In: enriched once more Int week to the amount of .25 on, the proceeds of a line for viola. tion ot the Local Option try-law. Ma- "gitrtrnte Luiettaw had charge of the case winch was brought before him try Gun-table Arrowsmith and no! contested. Rirrvrttr LIBRARY Booo.-m is ur- I.amly requested that all ttootsiborrow. ed from Durham Public Library ha Severe electlicnl no: In. and doling" ot min have been frequent of late, Lust Sunday about. an inch of min by. musing . rise in the Saugeen like A Ipl’lll' bullet. East from town on Silurdny Inst some maid, of stock: ware Hill to be seen. Thank-[hi Day will heuboerved on Hominy, (h/p, th. Farmers will grow bkf’all Wheat crop. by “in; Harob F ilizer. For sale by C. Smith & Sam. ' thm", ot our items thin week will hare a Del-ted appearance, owing to our um unl " week " " Int week, Rev. Mr Whalev " Sundgy Child- ren'ts Day service, mule culling use of name clever drawnuga by Willie Milne. whose ability in that line for 1 boy in most. marked, 'tttt s,l,.ftt,, OPICS Thanksgivi Day will he ubser n Monday, Oe Pr' ith. Farmers will grow Jil), Full wr VOL. XXXVIII, NO. 38 & 39 WITBULLETIN IAIISID. BORN The wanker- put up telling nau- ments sad it no to he hoped that in the hearts of many young memnm tied by family or business eoniidesra.. tlom. there was an answering te. wow. The sentiment was unanimous that the war situation showed such gravity that a Wakeuing up was necessary and that to avoid conscription a much more generous altering of recruits must be forthcoming. A motion pre- vailed that a local recruiting commit- tee he formed at once and Hon. Dr. Jamieron, M P. P.. Wu chosen Pres- dent, S. Hughes, Vice President, J, P. Telford, Secy. In addition the fol. lowing parties were appointed on the Executive. John Kelly, A, U. Wolfe, Win. Laidlaw. Thus. McGirr. Jas. Mc- Nally. Wm. Weir,Jms. Lloyd. - Bry- on. all of whom have sous with the colors. Other members are A. H. Jackson, W. Calder. C. Ramona. Win. Irwin. Thom Allan, ti. Lenahan. u. Binnie, N. W. Campbell. Dr dun. Dr Hutton, Mayor Hunter. with power to add. On the afternoon of Show day, by courtesy of the Directors, at deiega- tion ftom Owen Sound representing Grey County recruiting League, spoke to the masses from an automobile drawn up at. the foot of the hill. Pres- ident Calder acted as Chain-mun and the speak?" were Magor McQunker. tr-)urizorlemoo, Col. hisholm, R J. The o. Sound men rplated the steps that had led to the. formation of the County League and the success it bud met with. The county had been ask. ed to furnish 250 men in addition to the soo or 600 already “one. and they were confldent that the response they were meeting with would enable them to M the hill. Mayor McQuaker “id they were not professional alumina hat there Was need for alum " the enemy In to be etreetively met. Wednesday of last week a meeting was called by the Mayor to be address. ed by a deputation from a recently formed County Recruiting League in Owen Sound. h '.he absence of the Mayor, Warden C' tlller took the chair and gave an appropriate introductory selling tothe nun-ting. which was ad. dressed by Mr Menzies, Lieut. Douglas and ex-Warden Breeze of Uhatawnrth. Several local men also spoke. Ball, H Anniversary Svrvicea Will he held in the Durham Buptist church on Sun. day and Monday. Oct, 3rd and 4th. The Rev. H. S. Mullowney. M. A., B. TIL, owaen Snund. will preach at both services on Sunday. On Monday evening a sumptuous tea will beset by the young people of the church. The tea will he followed In a lecture entitled " Fighting machines and how to handle them " by the Rev. J. H. Fuirfull. of Clinton. Ont. Mr Fair- full spent 18 years in the armament works at Elswick, England, and knows all about nownz m1. rrsval, held, ma- chine guns. torpedos, etc. He will give much usefulund interesting in- formation About the construction of these guns and how they are used on the batue-tield. Songs, duetts, etc, will also be given tlwouehout the. eye- mg. Fort POLITICAL Pc'rtirr--rhat the names of contributors co political can). pnipn funds he published, and that a prosecutor, independent of the Gnvern. ment, Int amw-mhle to Parliament, ha “moaned, are two demands made by the Bind of Burial Service and Evangelism of the Methodist Church in a resolution on franchise and poli. tical purity, which they passed in part at Toronto on Thursday. The resolu- tion deplores the practice of party pa- tronage and chitin that it is degrad- ing the enuntry's political system " to a tyrannical nu tocracy.' Eunaxm TUNNEL BtaocxEn.--Visit- ms to Eugenia Falls WI†no Inngnr he ahle to explore the long unused tunnel close to the Falls. The end of the tannel next to the cataract. has by all appearances caved in and the eastern entrance is completely blocked. An, other story is that the authmities have uwd dynamiu! to close the tunnel up " they feared u mishap was due. WILL LIVE IN DURHAM --Mr Thou. McGirr. who rerenlly sold his farm to Wm. anence. It. has purchased from Mrs Wm. Caldwell. the residence west of Arm. Young's home on Lamb- ton Street, east, and at present occu. pied by Wm. Whitmore. Mr and Mrs Mum†and family will move in November and we hope they may long enjoy our citizenship. The Durham Branch Women's In. stitute will hold their next. meeting at the home of Mrs Thos. McGirr on Tnnrndny, Oct. 7, at 2 30 p. m. Papers will hrs given by Mrs N. McCannel and Mrs T, McGomh and Roll Call is to be annwend hy our Favorite Pickle recipe. Taylor from Hanover. It was detlided to hold the County Convention in Holstein in Novnm ber. The executive of South Grey Sun- day School Association met in Dur. ham last. Saturday. Rev. W. W. Prudham, former pastor here, was present from Wiarton and Mr John Pmuums GONE --Atr we are closing up. word has reached us of the death of Henry Young. Chicago. an old well- known resident of Durham. Also Mn James Marshall. tir., of Normanhv. A fuller notice will appear next week. A busineu meeting of the Women’s Council of the Girl Guides will be held in the Armoury on Saturday at 3.30 ly, Patriotic Meeting iilitt itil Miriam tilttritttt The REVIEW to New Subscribers to lst January l9l7 Obituary. MRS T. A. Warn: It is our sad duty to record the death of Mrs. Mouy J. McArthur White, only daughtpr of Mr John Mr. Arthur of the Glen, Glenvlg, whore she was horn over 18 years ago. The " caused lady has bean rettiding in To. ronto tor the past 25 vau‘s and husband and two Gughters there will sincerely mourn a loving wife and mother. while the blow wnll fall heavy also on father and Mothers. She wan in active worker in St. John's Presby- terrtrtchureh, Toronto. until failing health some months no prohlhitod it, She was buried on Tundny in Mt. Pleasant. cemetery. her pullou- Rev. J. McP. Sen". conducting unit-u, as. sisted by Rev. Dr. Wihon and Rev. J. A. Bt-art, ot Beech Presbyterian Chan-h who ia minted. Her thrre Mother! are Arch. 0. and Angm, in Gland“. Alex D. In Newsâ€. Form Ir-stil-ship, value 810, gum-1m H. H. Hannam, Swinton Park. Form I---Seholarshio to Reginald L. Camphell, Swmmn Pal-k. Dr Jamieson's medal to Candidate standing highest in S. Grev atEn. trance Ezaminutiorr--Fritz Knechtel. Hanover obtained by private tuition. " has now been ascertained who won the honors at the recent exam- inations and we extend to them our congratulations I Form IIr-hledst1 presented by Prin- rival Allan goes to Miss Reta M. Roberts. Holstein. School Board's Medal to highest Dulham pupil goes to Stella Methat. The Red Ora w worker, made 8200 at their booth in town, $10400 VHS t'eahva.d from the sa'" of roses, 2. con- .ide-rnhle sum trom the sale of little this. and the Bay Smut» made 8126 at their booth on the grounds. which goes to show ttta' money is not so scmce after all. We thank the Secretary for favors in securing the Pr Be List which we hope will he found correct. The concert brought in tN000and the performers of the afternoon. to- gether with Mism Tookey left a, favor- able impression. Mivr Irwin accom- panied. With a larger Hall perhaps half as many mor, would hare con- tributed. 0n the grounds there was a novel attraction presented by o, Smith and Sons . an attachment to a Ford Uar by which the engine power can be mud to saw wood and other purposes. The educational exhibits of writing and map-drawing were numerous and "roused interest in both old and young. Credit should be given to Messrs J. H. Harding for a fine display of stoves, furnaces, to†th P. Kinuee for an dwarf}? Brynn-fa d.ispiar, and to H. J. Snell for his displayraf GGGli instruments. Upstairs the handiwork of the La- dies chums M mual prime attention but we cannot pirticulurize. Bread and pastrv. pickles and preserves, looked of tern tting excellence and the Fine Art exhibits were not without some studies of more than average excellence. The manner of display- ing however is faultv and Directors should provide a hanging wall facing the light. In the Hall the eye is first attracted by the splendid exhibit of tlowers, among which one many rare speci- mens. Field roots and vegetables are up to the nvamgc and fruit in an " year, must he considered excellent. There. has been Keener competition in strain and potatoes. hat the gmslity in general is good. J ltenwlck goal Arch. Burnett J. ole Kenzie I. bank R. Irwm G. (ll-tides r. luck W. Knox A. Hutton c. b. hat-k G. Mol‘nggart fl. Watson r, h hack W. Grundy Cl, Harrison l. it. back T. McCrae ll. Hot-lea c. forward A. Anderson k. Henry I. right tr. lcCrae W. Findlay o. right W. Campbell A. Nicholson i. left N. McDonald J. Nieholson o. left R. McLean Hobt Watt, Durham, umpire. The sheep classes were well repre- sented l in horses also there was keen competition and prizes well distribut- ed, Cattle and hogs were We think in quantity below the average. The Poultry reXhihit showed its old time excellenfu and the only regrettable feature is that a. more general partici- pation l this department li' not taken advantage oh l The football game between Dromore and Pricevilte Was not commencnd till 5.20 and resulted in a victory Ior Dro, mure by 2--0. Swami of Priceville's "est men it is said, went West, other. wise tlt, match unit". have been closer, The teams C The decision to cut out horse racing, was a. venture which has been o'airtifud by the results. Part of the program was not carried out, owing to time Kiven to a patriotic delegation trom Owen Bound, representing the Co. Grey Recruiting League. The delega- tion lirought with them a pipel’s band and their music was much appretlit' ed ; the dam-mg by Miss Munro was a popular feature and Kelly's exhibition of vetttriloqurum with his little manni- kir,s was a treat to the youngsters. Durham hand at intervals enlivened the afternoon. Few if any past shows of thin Soci- etv have been more ancceuefnl than lint of 1915. None ever bed better weather. and the people in town and country turned out loyally. Pres. Calder, Beer. Binnie and the Directors smile. The gete receipts were $487.00, Urgent, we helieve in its history. The Judging gave general satisfaction, the exhibits in most cleseee were up to the average. so that the fair ended with a ihsvor that bodes well for 1910. Dromore South Grey Show Succe ssiul DURHAM, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 23 & 30, 1915 Won Medals Pricevllle Misses Glenna Campbell and Mabel Benton of Durham High School visi- ted our the week end with the tor- men parents. Mrs D. McKechnie and son Don of The gifts wme all of a hamUome as Wandbv visited friends in this Vicin- well as useful na'ure. including two ity recently cheques and will adorn their new . ‘home on the 20d "m, Glenda. farmer- Mn. J. Fullaxse and Theodore 9f.†occupied by Mr J, H. Manyden. Dttrlmtnwisited recently at A Brown a I The groom's bridal am to the bride Ind D. MuEeehuie's I Q'dd eg"'r,""tg,ou, brooch set wit: ear 5 an to e organist. A sol Mieeg GlennaCamgbell and “IP91 l Emmet) with brilllnuu. The bride’s Benton of Durham High School war going away suit was of tue navy blue ted our the week end with the for some black velvet hat and large plume, Miss Etta Twamley is taking up High School work in Durham. Mr. Alex. Stewart has enlisted for the from and leaves shortly for Owen Saund and then for training. - Mr. Will Campbell is home from the United States. Mrs J. McDongall and son Norman was over from Brunt the beginning ot the week to see her sister In. R. Twamley. ' Miss Sarah McDonald is home on I. short Visit from Hamilton. Mr Duncan McKinnon called in the vicinity to say good bye before his departure " the West, Miss Tana McDonald of the Review staff holidayed at A. Hobkirk’s last week. Messrs Andrew and Neil Milo. of Brant visited Sunday at D, MaKin- norhs. With which is incorporated the Holstein Lender Interesting Children“: Day Services were held in most of the churches on Sunday. The church wan pretcily decorated with fruit. iiowers and vegetables, be. tittmg a harvest home function. Mr Morris did more..he made the speed. of the evening and no more ringing utterance has been made for many a. (lav. Hie topic helm: " The perfect man," he showed that hysical and intellectual life Alone did not make perfection ', that had been shown in the war and the Allies " well as Germany needed to waken up to the Get, that there was such a thing as a nation] lack of spirituality before _ pelfection could be reached. England had abolished slavery in her Domm. ion, hut Was still In slavery herself, in slavery I: the liquor trafBe.tss was shown when opposition from both lay and clerlcal quarters was given to; Lloyd George’s proposals to have Bri- tu‘n stand four-square in opposition to the drink traffie, as Russia and France had done. She remains a slave, but before we can hope to ma fiualt ' these evils have to be remedied. E: closed an eloquent, fiery address, With this injunction, '. Do not cease it you know of evil in home, church or else- where. till you have eradicated it." Registrar Richardson was called up. on nnd made some pertinent remarks on the beauty of harmony in the churches. The National Anthem was sung before dispersing. The following original and am using ' skit ' by may. Mr Mayor. met with beauty applause t There in; I haughty Emperor. Whoge ham wu about Bill ; He had I xtwui'nbmnn’, Ami a. not: big Powder Kill, He thought he'd go a-shootinl Down to Paris City Hill, But a hero lad named Albert, Bum " You ean't go through my ville. There's lots at room at home for you To ploy the gain of 'kili'; So youd better not so in Away For fetsryou'll nuke aspili $f But, foolishly, he rushed lion g. This haughty Kaiser Bill, Uutil the neighbors all turned out To give the man his till. He's wishing now he hath]! gone, Because hers taken ill ', the doctor hld to come Mound Anti tix him up a pill. He finds it hard to swallow. so hco chewing it until He has time to look around him . And, pereuruw., to make his mill THE STANDARD BANK Rev. Mr Mover asked the audience to open with " The Maple Leaf for Ever?' led in prayer and gave: wel- coming address before calling on Mr Irwin, who made an effieient chair- man. Rev, Mr Wylie conveyed Bap- tist Church greetings. He raid elo- quent testimony to the virile ttfluence of the Methodist church and closed a pregnant address by urging the culti- vation of optimism " be a hopeful peo- ple. pessimistic people never did much in or for the world.' Mr C. Ramnge. in absence of Rev. Mr Whitley through illness. conveyed greetings from the Pres. Church and Rev. Mr Morris did, the same on behalf of the Anglicans. I Bucky and Miss Whittaker were popular numbers, the latter being en. cored. Mina Tookey'u recitation and Miss Irwin's instrumental were also worthy contributions. The choir distinguished itself and the quartette. Messrs W. Glass, Rev. Mayer, H. Hethae and Bert Saunders were splendid. Solon by Misses P. Bnrciny and? Miss Whittaker were Interesting and uplifting nddreuei were given on Sundny by Rev.Mr Mayer himself and on Monday even- ing a social lime was spent in the basement where tn admirable " spread " was made and thordughly enjoyed. When this '5' over, ud- journment W48 made upturn and an excellent program carried out. Methodist Anniversary tyURHAM BRKNCH, Ir, nun l CRAWFORD Established aver Forty-one Years ct You LSU. .mume. m We solicit your account in our SAVINGS DEPARTMENT The A,B,Coannkjn¢ 'oinl Accbuntl are I Goi. 'yenienoe. beep I Saving Account. and at Tour Money Accu- ASSETS ovumoumoo The Review ioii" ‘iEE-‘othen in Ji'. tending good wishes for a long and happy life together. The ceremony hour was 8.30 o'elock, taking place under an arch of eval- grenna and flowers, and the nupti l knot was securely tied bi Rev. B, lt' ),2,tN; She was. brpug t in 2 her uncle r. Allan Bell of town, en wee beautiful?I “owned in white duchese satin wit shadow lane end peer! trimmings. cerxying a large begun of white asters. Miss Nina Me Adden tstticierstiy presided at the organ prey- Ions to the ceremony. A large wedding link place Wed. nesday mt. at the home of Mrs. Rdht. Bell. ti, Line, Glenelg, when her eld- est daughter Susie was united In wed Ieci.'" bonds to the man of her choice, Mr Will Williams. son of Mr and Mrs. Harry Williams. Edge Hill. Mr James Lease, of Saskatoon. who has been for some weeks among old eccues and old friends round Dromore and neighborhood. spent three days with his old neighbors at the Review onice. Mr Leask in spite of his 81 years is still hale and vigorous. and it is a privilegs and leasure to be enter- tained by one of 'tle,' pioneers. m, re- turns next week to Saskatoon. where he has his home with his daughter, Mrs Joseph Snell. Mr. R. Isaac is moving this week to the Rectory property and Mr. Jacobo in turn moves into the house formerly oacupied by Mr. Peter Reid, 'f/tit. Town. while Mr. Reid is sharing r. R. J. Matthews house. Mr Fred Run- cimun from East Eqremont. expects in occupy the house vacated by Mr. sane. the Standard Bank staff with saline auto strap safety Razor and by Waik erton friends with a militarf' wrist watch. Ma good fortune fo low an- other of our Mth boys who has an> wered the call for king and country. Mr. Caldwell Marshall enlisted in Walkerton Friday week and left on Monday last for London where he will undergo training. Before leaving he was Presented b1 hits felloyr memberl of Miss Bertha Harvey, Toronto, is holi- daying at the parental home in town. Mr and Mrs McCanuel and Mrs J. McGowan and Master Wallace motor. ed oyer to Collingwood and Btuyuer and spent a tew days last week vim- iug friends. Mr and Mrs W. Robertson and hun. il ' of Buthlo. were the guests of Mn 'a,". Scarf on Monday. Mrs D, Allen spent. a few days last week waiting friends in Toronto and was accompanied home by Mr Al- len, who has spent the summer months in Cochrane. Miss Rosalie Brooker, lat usaistant Sterling branch Cumegie Library, Cleveland, visited [at week and this at Mr. C. Kannada. Miss Black visited over the week end at her home in Paisley. Mrs. Jag. Wetoon and Ion B. H. of North Ens-L Normnnby ere viaitingvthe tormers sons in Detroit. Mrs. . in staying for some weeks. . Miss Vaddie Caldwell visited in Walk. erton over the week end. Mr. Herb Kelsey. now a band member at Niagara Camp, visited his brother here a week ago. Mr. Wiiithunpbsi1 leaves Wednes- day to resume studies at Queens', Kingston. Miss Tooke ' Fergus, wanted It her uncles Mr Z. aunt's m town over San- day while here in her capacity as re. eiter at the fall fair concert. Dr. J. R. Beaver of the' Post Grad- uate Hospital, New York, is I guest of Mr N Harvey. Mina Mar not Hartford, from Owen Sound? is visitin her mother te, father. Mr and Mars E. J. Hart. or . Mr Vernon Elyidne came home from Mnnitobn on Monday, after s abort Bo. Jgurn and flrtditttt conditions unsettled t ere. Rev. Mr Langford, of Listowel, will preach it? Tnmtv Church on Sunday. Mr Frank Reinhlrt. from the Candy kitchen stat! of Guelph, is whiting his friend, Misc Magnet Hartford, of town. Mr Art Bukul left for thn city on Monday a; attend Dental College. w1taaaMs-mrra, Q tiytttenettl for only One Dollar ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO 34 bunting“, 168 anger nulls. 36 feather pillowu. 58 3mm pillows, 52 shirts. 8 pairs locks. IM face cloths, 71 towels, 1150 sponges. 18 sheets. " pillow cuss. 163 rolls bandages, 384 compresses. ll25 wiper, 2 small hos. pitnl tune cloths, l bundle dressings. The following is a 1Ut of supplies Bent to headquarters by the Ladies’ Aid of Durham Pres, Church l G. T. R. Ticket Agency The Central Drug Store GIG. B. DINGMAI, --- Proprietor We make a special feature and have always on hand gin" and carefully selected line of hot-water bottles, fountain syringes, atomizers and rubber goods genenlly. Of course, every well-regulated household wants one. But there are syrin; ea a: d syringes those that work and those that don't. .5" you want the last, we haren't them : if yor want the first, the kind that work, and work well, and always work, we have them. Red Cross Activity Trl','?" . f r Ladies COATS (i) Misses Want a Syringe? 'iht"t.q"6qs4sqsitsttistsgsirsosiroo . F. MORLOCK er, we have them in the inst quality end at reasonable prices. Although there is quite a scarcity in Wool Goods now and prices are high- The quality and prices are sun. as in former seasons. we are "owing, some neat Models in Ladies' and Misses' Plain and Tweed Coats. 6i)"t""i)"iretrieqii"tmrsviesivio The Store of Honest Value Rubber Goods We are showing some neat Prices always the lowest. Fall 8, Wi Ptthii- muir It 01.00 cm. C. “no! t SONIC-ulna and get the best in training and results. A post-card written br day, brings free catalogue of in- formation. D.A.McLAvIlLAN G, M. "may. President. p, incip Mt. Forest Business College Can succeed if given a chance, and 1 Engine» Education will gn a him that chance. Send him to the Get your ticket: here YOUR BOY Inter the 'ta D