West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 23 Sep 1915, p. 4

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as: ' as: _ by " 5 It"t John MoGoWan The Bay them here. We hue A Fresh and varied stock of the choices: Gmreriea. Oranges. Lemons, Pools Dam. Nun. Candie- of I" Made, and everything required tor the Holiday “Vidal, Our no. will suit your was. Give an a all. Attest pyes foe All kinds olgmin bought at market price. Special Reduction on Flour and Feed in ton lots. Your Holiday Groceries, Fruits and Confections Sovereign, Eclipse and Pastry Flour THE CITY BAKERY Headquarters for Confectionery and all Bakery goods Wheat, Barley and Oats Chop Largt Quagtjty of No. l Feeding Hay 500 tons of No I Mixed Chop . WHEAT AND BARLEY nouns: m, u, light we ' The Rob Roar Cereal Mills Co. Oat-eel Mills, Durham If you have any to sell, bring it to us and we will pay highest prices for it. We have a large stock of HEAVY MIXED FRED on hand. If you need feed, get our prices. We are in the mrket for any quantity of Grain Wanted for turning out all kinds of Commer- cial and Job Printing. Give us a trial. in havojnst received a largo CR'WPED OATS for Horse Feed at Fair Prices CHOPPED OATS at. . . . very reasonable rates THE PEOPLE'S MILLS Every bag guaranteed. If not Ltistaotor, bring It back and get your money. Fresh and Clean, the very best. Seevthis miy before purchasing elsewhere. It will pay you. REVIEW is well equipped Milling Oats Feed Oats Mixed Grain Peed Barley [mm qGqr8qt I . umnmaow '. A ROWE f your money back." ..- ___..- v" "u I PARISIAN SAGE in I plea-mt. l daintily perfumed tonic and heir tram. It is guaranteed to stop falling airm- itching of the scalp, and .to cure all I diseases of the scalp and hair. i PARISIAN SAGE human! imitaton i -get the genuine. Will Darnevel of Vlncouver eocom- by his sister Mrs J E Picerd. Toronto, came home Wednesday to see their father who is very ill " present. Mr and Mrs Herb Hunt and son motored to Domoch Sundny und spent. the afternoon with Mr Dargavel. ' It's easy, and ou take no Egg}: risk. Step in 'leg')', and get . a large " cent bottle of ENOUGH PARI IAN SAGE, the germ M killing hair restorer. t on not cure n ru Mt “1"”. A” ft Barry to hear of Mrs J. Watt', Illness and hope soon to hear of her recovery, Recognized as Cunndt'o Indium ach' ool of Business and shorthand. Our "In 8 “or" building. sac of upe- chime. We plum Et,'ltet. in good positions. on. can: free. CAPLBIIIROJ'CA 'amgte, aha. , L?ti..ry9lfirigtrik “at; I. 1gr,t1dhr,ifraer, Miss Lyla McKnight arrived home Saturday after spending a few weeks With her sister. Mrs Ware. Bryce bargavel of Dacron. is spend- mg a few days with his parents. Mrs J H Klein and dlu'gblor Mad. eluse of Toronto, are visiting her par- rents Mr and Mrs Durgavel. BUHE MUM”: M 50 tft, Jack Ray vueited Dirham friends on Sunday. Mr C Cbislett. accompanied by Mia: Annie McDonald. called on Dornoch friends Sunday. Mrs R Mobil-en left Monday for her home in Peterboro after spending a few ms+ With her parents Mr and Mrs P. McIntosh. Last week's budget Mr and Mrs G' Colliuson. Ceylon, Mrs Crawford, Durham And Thomas Dnrgavel. Wurton, visited their broth- er Robert Dargwel who is quite ill at present. l --b'teffemson, the explorer, sent to the Arctic by the Dominion govern- ment in 1918, and longaopposed to be lost. has got in touch with oiviliz ation once more and reported to the government that he In still $t on the job "so to speak, He has an inter- esting story of new lauds discovered. north of Alaska not without much privanon. He is preparing to pursue the work for another winter. --'llhe Provincial elections in Prince Edward Island manned in te. dncing a Conservative majority of 28 to 4. Only recently untomobllu have been allowed to run in the is land and run or not run was an issue in many constituencies. This prominent British public man passed away in Gluzow last week and the ranks ot labor sustain a Very great loss. As boy and:young man trom 7 to 24 he knew tsfretitirele what labor meant in the mines. He was wholly sell educated and became a man ot uemarkable culture. widely read, a tine speaker and had a ready pen. All his soul and all his attain- ments were given to the cause of la- bor, to advocacy ot peace. to Wom- tttth suffrage and to otle'lhumani- tarian causes. His ability was early recognized by his fellow miners, became President of their union. run for Parliament which he entered in cloth cap, trutnel shirt and tweed suit. He had abiunding moral cour- age and though "more [rocks than roses were thrown .at him" he held on his way, olten in isolation but al- ways respected. When, however. the Upper Bonn. the House of Bishops, got to the question they declared and so ruled that it may be sung with perfect pro- priety. The ennouneement of this decision I report we “creeted In undeseribeble scene of enthueium which was not dampened when " Millmeu of Toronto rushed to the " iorm end begged the members net to forget the forgiveness petition in the Lord's prayer." God any. as all, Thin had been his out the layman] some yen: ngo. nnd by n vote of 89 to 72 it wu decided not to minus“. It, the main reason being tin It In: amshriatian and unnecessary u n expusaion of patriotism. And unto them fall. . Contound their politic: qunm their knuyish trick. On my our hope; we hs The Lon! Home of the Angli- csn Synod had . hot that our the quution of the mica nm of the National Anthem which uh " 0 Lord our God "in Scatter our OBOE!” Macfnrlfne & Co., Dwain“, in to. rock) Ke Gif £3,533 SEPTEMBER " i so. I.“ OWEN SOUND 31.60 per your. 01.00 if void in nan-cc. DORNOCI'I Keir tiardie Sing It Fs m DUDE“ REVIEW Men’s mitts. tine-Mrs. Savant. R. Morrison. Coarse-R. Morrison. Women’l mitts, tine-R. McDon- aid, Mia: Idmin. ' Darning-A. Anderson, mm Limin. Ladiel’ underwear-Mrs. Savage. l J. Mather. ' ( Button holeir-A. Anderson. Mrs Maul-er. I . Laundry bag-Mrs. Towner, Mrs Mgprer. t M N Mel ancy oweo-. rs. . ntyre. N'; 8m M h... or "ron-- rs. Ric Bon. W. J. Eiandden. I Slippers, knitted-Mrs. lumen; A. name. Five o’clock tea cloth. embroi-i dated in gtik..-hhes. 'ltC'tit, ttti Richardson. In white-L, n: Tow- ner. mu When. i 'l‘nv cloth. (Maxed sitk-.-Mrri; 'ataos, Wh Town; White GCI Women’s atOckinga. tine-R. Morrison. Menu 30613, tine-Mrs. Towner, R. Morrison. Coarse-Mrs. Maurer, R. Morrison. : ' Bed spread; bEdElféiers. Rich- ardson. Embroidered-Mrs. Rich- arisen, W. Connor. Mat," rag-A. Anderson, Wa. Dargavel. Woouetr-J, McIIraith. Mrs. Towner. . , Wine-R. McDonald. Howard Mr Donald. Piekiea-J. Me1lrxaith. A. Herd. Maple 'sugar-W. Ramage. Maple tsyrup-A. McLean, W. Grumman. Honey in comb-Al. Ritchie. Honey, tstrained-J. Marshall, M. Barber. Crab apple jelly-A. McLean. o. Ritchie. LADIES’ WORK. O.uiit, log cabin-J. Matthews. Cotton-Mrs. Maurer. Woollen- Mrs. Manner. Crazy work-Howard Mchnvald, Mrs. Maurer. Pie. any other-H. McDonald. w. McFadden. Fruit cake-O. S. MeUraith, Mrs. Richardson. Light eake--A. Anderson, A. Herd. f Coll. pastry-W. McFadden. Canned fruit-xW. McFadden, J. McIlraith. Lemon pie-W. McFadden, J.W. Blyth. b L Bread, Mrs. Beggs' prize-M. Barber, P. Sprout. ' Buns-D. Edge, J. Mather. Tarts-W. McFadden, 11. Mo. Donald. Apple pie-W. McFadden. J. Mather. Pumpkin pie-O. Mather, W. Me.. Faddeu. Bread, Eclipse flour-O. Mather. W. Grahlman. Bread Sovereign flour-A. Park. W. Grahlman. Butter. Ianciv printiiLi.' Binnie, J. Mather. , ' DOMESTIC PRODUCTS. Bread. Miller's prize-A. Park. A, Grierson. Bread, brown-A. Grierson. J Mather. Butter, bib. prints-Ar Hender- sop, T. Binnie, J. Mather. Butter, croek--J. Mather, W Crtahiman, A. Herd DAIRY PRODUCN, Butter. 301b. tinnet-J. Mather, W. Grahlman, W. Henderson, 'I'. Binnie. Green flesh melontr-A. Herd, A. Anderson. Watermelomr--A. Herd. Citromr-A. Herd. A. McLean. Radish, summer, J. Smith, A. Herd. Coll. peppers-C. Lang. Tomato. reu--J. w. Myth. W. Connor. Coll. tomatoea--N. Harvey, Beets. long-D. Edgc, W. Conner Beets, turnip-A. tark, D. Edge. I Onions, trom tseed-A. Park, J. Marshall. Onions. pieluing--C. Lang, Mrs. Maurer. Onions, potato-T. McCain. W. Traynor. ' Onions, Dutch set-W. Connor. Onions, trom Dutch sets-U'. Mc- Girr, W. Connor. Squash, taote--W. Grahiman. Squash, bush-A. Bamage, J. Smith. w Vegetable marrow-C. Firth- Pumpkins, yettow-W. Connor. Tame turnips--J. Marshall. Sweet corn-W. Connor, J. W. Blyth, . Caboage, winter-A. Luxton, W- D. Connor. Cabbage, red-A. Luxton W. Connor. Carrots, long-T. Petty, D. Edge. Carrots, tsthort--A. Luxton. W ' Connor. Parsnips--T. Petty W. Connor. Celery, rea-U. Lang. Celery. white-A. manage. W. Blyth. Radish, winter-C. Lang, W. Henderson. Cauliflower-C. W. R. Luxton. _;Cabbage. early-W. Coll. vegetables-W. D. Connor, T1.Aeftr, A. tuyrutge. - -- Cortr,%sitrttte--g. Mather, w. J McFadden. Mange“. any other-A, Herd. T. B. Binnie. c Carrots, white-T. Petty, A. An- derson. . Mamtetts. ttUttar-A. Park. A.Herd Squash, large-W. J. McFadden, W. Leggette. _ - Potatoes, uiy otureofor-W. G. Henderson. w. Rama. W. Grant- man. Coll. potatoeJo-J. M. Smith. 'lurnips, Bwede-A, Park. 'l'umips. any other-V. Gram- McGirr. Flux aasod-W. Gmhlman. Beam, white-T. H. Binnie. Coll. grain in sheat--W. Gram- mm), w. J3armtette. \ ROOTS AND VEGETABLES. Potatoes, white-W. Leggette w, D. Connor, T. Mean-r. --- _ Fall VII-13L white-T. B. Binnie, W. Birth, _ G. Lauder. . Fall that, red-W. Range. trprinewheiat-.W. Bamatte. Oats. abort whtt...-W. We. Call. long white-W. Birth, T.G. Lauder, W. Gnhlmn. Barley. a'trt-rowed-W. Gnuman. T. a, lander. Peas. small white-W. Grahlrpan- Pears, my 'other kind-J. At sire Durham Pair swayâ€"w. 'bf'cahnor. J. M. Mange“, long ted-A. gem, timothy need-T. B. Binnie, T. Dutch set-W. Connor. trom Dutch Bets-- I'. Mc- Connor. taote--W. Grahlman. bush-A. Bamage, J. early-W. D. Connor, C McIntyre. Hrs. TORONTO Prize List Cragém drawing-Mio Latimer, Mrs.. vage. C" FINE ARTS». Pencil drawing-Mrs. Savage, Mrs. Maurer. Layer eake--P, Sprout .R. Mor- risen. Tea bitseuita--R. Morrison, , . CBILDRENS WORK. Remtstitehed handkerchief-Mrs. Savage, J. Mather. Crochet in cotton-Mrs. Savage. Fancy work-Mrs. Savage“ A. Anderson. Darning-A. Anderson. Button holes-l. Mather. A. An- derson. . Punish work-Misa Limin. Miss Latimer. Knitted 1aee-Ufisi, Limit), Mrs. MgIntype. 7 - Battenburg lace-Mrs. Towner, Mi_ss_ Campbell. _ - Poirt a, Harmon Lace-Mrs. Tgwner. Miss Limin. Diawn work-Mrs. Savage, Mrs. Maurer. Tatting-Miss Limin, Miss Lati- Handkerchief. "tanew-arm, Lau- my, Miss qarppbelV -- _ Iriah crochet" centre-Mrs. Sav- aRe, Miss Latimer. Pillow sham“. embroidered-Mrs. McIntyre. Mrs. Daratavei. Anv other kind-Mrs. Towner. Work bad, fancy-J. &. J. Hun- ter, Miss Latimer. mer. Pin cushion embroidered-W, Ramage, Mrs. Richardson. Lace-- Mias Latimer, Mrs. Richardson. Toilet get--Mra. Maurer 2nd. Table mattr-Mra. Towner, Mrs. Maurer.. Shirt waiat. embroidered-Miss Limin, Mrs. Mam-er. _ Shadow embroidery-Mrs. Maurcr Wallochin work-Mrs. Maurer Mrs. Towner. Eyelet embroidery-Mrs. Maurer, Mrs. Towner. , Sideboard "art.. embroidered in colored nub-W. McFaddem Mum Limin. In white-Mrs. mchardtrott, Mrs. Maurer. Sofa cuihionreizibroidered-Miss Linda. Mrs. Maurer. Lace-Mrs. quner. Mrs. Richardson-r _ --- Tea cosy. embroidered-Miss Li- inin, Mrs. Richardson. Any other kind-Mrs. Maurer. Doyuel. embroidered in colored tsiik--Mrs. Whitehurch, Min Camp- bell. In white-Mrs. Towner, Mn. Whitchurch. - Centre piece, embroidered in calmed tritk-Misa Limits. Mrs Maura. In white-Mrs. McIntyre, Mrs. Towner. Netting-Mrs. Savage, Mrs. Tow- IVES Departmental Store, Bring your Produce . Our Rugs are the product of the best having all the Oriental tints of the famous Our stock is large and full in all lines and delivered at once. The Linoleums and Floor Oilcloths are of the best up-to-date designs. Notwithstanding 1 stilrsellirfg at the old. prices. STAUNTON'S. ' They arcaiaiife,TewTti"ii'si'iit, too costly. . Our stock is large and varied, comprising the Newest Patterns in Wall Papers, Linoleums, Floor C Large Sales grxg5aggggggtgggMggllgllgltr') Boys' School Shoes,. 'tt good substantial shoe . . . . Ladies’ Common Sense, thin and comfortable . . . Ladies Dongola. Blue, very serviceable. . 1.75 I Lakies Dongola Blue, dressy. . . . . . . . . .110 1 t11tylsylU'aper, are (hlfdKahnie'sn, Weekly News House Furnishings il. , ir, McKECHNIE Linoleums and Floor Ollcloths Boots & Shoes made: by the Canadian Wall Wall Papers On Second Floor Writing. Northern Business Col- lege-B. Adieu). FRUIT. Coll. fall apples-T. Binnie, D. Edge. Coll. winter apples-D. Edge. T Binnie. Aiexandera-d. & J, Hunter. Richardson, Mrs. Savage. Burnt wood work- {as Latimer. Mrs. Maurer. SCHOOL CHILDRENS WORK. Map of County of orer--C. Furl- man. J. Corlett. H. Alexander, B. McInniI. Writing, Second gyaee-M. Bell. R. Milligan, D. Mather, L. Adlam. Third Ciatm--V. Reay, Velv: Reay, K. Davin. Fourth Class-B. Adlam, B. Mather, T. gorlett. M. Newell. Painting, India ink or "pin-l. B. Harding. Mia: Latimer. ou, fruit or Chow-ers-Mr!'. Same. tht, landscape or tiGiise-afri. Maul-91'. Min hummer. Oil, tuonaits--hii" unmet. Painting;A water, landscape or marine-- ' s utimer, J. R. Bard.. ing. Fruit or howera--Mrs. thos tute, Miss Latimer. Amman-A. Anderson, Miss Latimer. Painting, on satin or sue-Maas. Manner, Miss Latimer. On velvet-- Miss Latimer. Pen and ink tsketch-Mrs. Sav- age, Mrs. Maurer. Painting y?.n e,cytlware--M" n' Uilcloths are of Canadian. and E Notwithstanding the great advnnce Many new speckle in Men's Pat and Gunmen] Bals and Button Shoes. Splendid value- in Heavy Working Shoes. tor Meet-solid leather through Ind througtr-ttte kind that brings you back for your next pair. Splendid stock of Trunks, Suitcases and Club bags. Come in and inspect our ROSIERY Department where the prices are right. THE Down Town This store‘s showing of Ladies', Men's, Girls' and Boys' Fall and Winter Boots surpasses I" efforts of preview - . Ladies' Pat. Ba]: in Black Brocaded, Tan. Grey and Black Kid Tops. Also special lines brimfu! of style and lohd wear for Misses' and Children. Never Before such Variety, Style and Quality in Footwear ‘ JIM; 'o,'gts,'e'f, . _ m3- . A'. A '.ehsr., Continued on Page 6 Rugs isiexsoagggwtatgmtr1r1i9ii19ilt?, We pay you Highest Price English teens, in the best designs, Eaitern Rugs, but at lower prices. Special Bites and designs, ordered REPAIRING PROMPTLY DONE Shoe Store I S. MCILMITH e Newest Designs and the Neatest , Floor Oilcloth and Rugs. "Meg; ici is}; me: Men's Split Blue. . . . Wall Paper Manufacturers, , neat in appearance and not 29, ' T IC iaiygsgsaiy4tsts8sa8sasutsas" Durham bgt4trieritr+itoietee-r,r, w t I,' Dress Goods '; i, Also Guberdines, Cor- ie ded and Plain Velvets, t all colors. t Serges N .331 Poplirts Scotch makeu, in a m prices, we are ' LAiPANT in Black, ‘White, Blues, Brown, Grey and Red. tte in colors Small Protlts 1.75 Ck Quality PRlaNI.l I Wee Wir [roan Holland Spices o The last IA u "awards [3 Ttte ortle k JANE Our N the nuny L were deligh Simply the least el 3nd trimmi popular us moderate. Four chow Ha ve here to ple MIS Th Tweedi Flannel! Flannej Cotton [ Cotton Print 1 Gingha Lawns Linens Woolle Plaids. Some t Aunt an for f o "

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