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Durham Review (1897), 23 Sep 1915, p. 5

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HS ALVE 55 Goods i. :-::-: y,' 1-233m5-i T: t x 119*??? £333 st Price [LRAITH tht agin- Quality GRANT notwear t 30, 1915 um r. I $449.15.}: Small Profits 2.35 White, ll, Urey HS 50 SD Itt lvetl yt 3g. nd he or- " ... , _ f 'ite, , T he last words 'l,',':" tlouards, Epsom Salts . , a iii KARSTEDT BROS. 'fa'ti'i','/lhyat. ti £3fiEEEEWSMfiEEEflRXflEflEEXEEE f ,ii,t,""aa"imllaimtiitiiiaigriimmai, (iii,, “Style-Craig Clothing In.» nn‘V kind lur domestic use JAMES PATTISON & COMPANY Some exceptionally good values from our Tweeds F lannels Flannellettes C ottonades Cottons Print Ginghams Lawns Linens Woollens Plaids, Etc. Simply charming are the new hats. They are not in we least elaborate; most styles are quite simple in shape 3l'l l trimming~ simple, but not plain. Sailor shapes are popular as are also the oblong turbans. Prices are very “wk-rate. Cull early, look over our display, and make 5mm choice while the chooslng is good, Our Millinery Openings were highly successful, and ,l .- many ladies who have already visited our Showrooms “we delighted with the display. MISS E. MATHER Pricevi That N WANTED-ttve Fowl, lens, Chickens, Ducks, '. J. PATTISOIL We're ready for the nah in rt"slylfl per garment. Fleece-lined Buys. and Children'.. Buy now J out what is wanted tor man won: . . I an or C' u been placed In stock during the pat wedfhad.‘ “I” sell at less than the old price iuat t . rues range trom. . ... .... . 'T.'?.'.!???, o clear. We've been fortunate in securing the Mcncy for thin well-l Wand of Men's Tailored Clothing. . We Uve Suite of Clothes to your measure from $15.00 " to "5 00. M” a Iplendid m Overcoats. Let us show you out line and leave your me 5 msraction and perfect fit (Imam. SEPTEMBER " a; so, 1915 r0 Sweaters 4 always in drug “on: Have you purqhased yours Jet.' If not, we have one to please you,.r can make one to your order. Often the Cheapo-t, Always the Best for Pickling yuu'll Bnd in Etc. Highest trade prices. Brought weather gets colder. Underwear for the EICEv‘I‘fEm‘ PRICEVILLE'S BUSY STORE in Pore Drugs I if} We were right on the job Last year getting our order in for this line Of goods before they had begun to ad.. vance and the buying public will buy these lines" not according to market fluetutitions, but at the same price they always paid and they can rest assured they get the newest stock procurable as our old stock is practically exhausted. seeseeeeeseeee Saturday Bargains Made in Canada good, but straw in soft and hard fo thrash. Grain had to be put in sometimes in the afternoon alter a big night‘s ram. Potatoes We are ntraid are 1 com- pleto {ailure on account of the rot. We heard of some big potato growers up the south line, who dag a whole Our churches were alimly attended on Sunday on account ot the rain. The Children's Service in the Presby- terian church was postponed to Sun- day, the toch October. to give an op- annuity to all the school children to be present, hoping the weathe! will Colin McLean Is buy threshing down the Durham road was: of Price. ville. The grain in gtnerrrl.i? prttV What a tremendous rain on Satur- day night and up to Sunday noon. Thane who have crops on: yet on low land will have them swimming in water up to the knees. The harvest is almost done around here, but south in Proton and part of Egremont there ta iota to do ‘yet, which cannot be done at)tisfaptorily now. ii, Kiel al'We'ani'ioipate tystober to be a fine month. No Review but weak and this week probably the paper will be so tall that more will be no room tor Priceville, humanize Scotsman said " She'll land it anyway." PRICEVILLE AND LIMITS all Hat Dry Goods Dept. riceville I} (Intcndod for lad tuck) We really tat one Band-y without mitt and My. 20th in!" the lur- “in Tenn. MioGillivrgy In": on Thursday tor Torouw. Corn farmers are busy cutting the corn. Some splendid patch“ ot " up the road. Miss Josephine MacNIb went to Toronto on Tuesday. Pte. Kenneth MacKenzie. from tliagsrs, visited it Mr Neil IuGil. ItrN'tt., A ___ _ - _ Mr Thomo Davis in on I billions trip to .Peurboro. Toronto 3nd Gr halt. Mr and Mrs B. Wells. of Emmet. visited her parents. Mr Ind In Nat. Whitman. We are expecting to have snow soon now. The weather keeps rath. er cold and rainy, Grandma and Thomas Nelson and Miss Winnie 0. Jackson are away an a two weeks’ trip to Gait. They have been away on week last Pri. day: - .k _ A - - Miss Manley, of Durham, upem the week and with Miss Elaio Baton. Mina Nichols visited Miss Winnia Binnie last weak on l. Miss Laura MaoGillivray returned to Toronto on Tuesday. she: visiting tor several months with her tuber. Mr Neil Mtus0illivray. Mia: Jennie MocGIllivny is home fiom Toronto, tti John Collinaon In staying with bus son George " pagans. ‘ Miss Annie Mis9illivray, who took a trip West some time ago, in writing home trom Arrow River. Man, says that they used 401ba. ot twine a day. She also said of the norm they had, fisuttning the grain that was not out. We hope they tinidlt the harvest be. fore any more wind norms come. Potato digging is the order of the day. A number are tonnd rotten and not a very big crop as it is, Mr Duncan Dunbar is laid up from a bad fall. He is improving slowly. Mrs T. Ryan is a grant. deal better we are glad to say. Redeetions ot a are were seen “my north on the tiith. Last week your young scribe was about to send a slip out, but u the pablishera were taking a holiday he and to wait. Misses Kate and Sara Ferguson, of Proton and brother John were the guests ot Kate and Archie McDonald South line, one evening lately. Mr and Mrs Neil McCannel. of Durham, movotedvhrotuth here ten days ago on their way to visit friends at Scayuer and Coilinzwood. Miss Charlotte 1laDoaald, nurse. is home after spending a month an. tending a patient in Durham. Our shoemau. Mr Grundy, ban on- listed for the army and will be leav- mg in a couple at weeks. Mr Grundy had two brother, killed at the from already. During the thunder Storm ot a couple ut Weeks ago, lightning struck the harness shop ot W. G. Watson of this town. Mr Watson In: only awn y a short time below the electric storm and when he game back the piece of htunem he we. working on War; all turn to tttt salt wua umyw cglllor Mr “man. It struck r Dwid Hirroiits ‘EJFi'haEJ'EVeT ulna, but no serious damage done. Ire to be taken to fricevillo or not. Probably interment will take place at some ot'the cemeteries near Tor- onto. Miss Ada McLean, of Toronto, who spent a tew Weeks visiting friends at Durham and south line, left again on Smurday his: We are sorry to hear of the death ot Mrs White, ot Toronto (Farr Me. Arthur), only daughter of Mr John McArthnr, of the G'len, Glenelg). at the age of about 40 years. Mrs White has been ailing for some time with throat troubles and other all- ments, At the time at our writing we do not know whether the remains Tue funeral of Mr Steele.otCIi- cage took place to the cemetery here on Sandalv. Mr Steele was married to une t the McLean's " the hills west; of this place, We have no par- ticulars. the usual time. Thin will irdii _ he the lent time till next 1U2lt 'ld who can poeeibly come ehould take the opportunity ot being there. We are Scotch enough to uphold the lounge of our fathers end mother; although by birth Canadians. It in acid that geelic lee deed lunguge and no busineee done in it in any ehnpe or torm, but We remember when emell the fitttt meeting in B. 8. No. 2, Durham Road. Glenelg. the whole business wee conducted in guano. The late Lechlin Black. (cousin of J. S. Bleck, Clerk ot Glen- elg).' was chairman and nddrceeed the audience in guelic and ell mo- tions Were put in that language. Mr Black was an old school teacher and L'r'dr, studied in the land of his irth in Scotland tor the Priesthood, but nfter coming to this country he devoted the most ot his time to school ( teaching. _ a] ufternoon and only got none , but“ M can! m-.-._ _-4 A. . .. - SAUGEHV VALLE Y BEAVER CREEK Wtmmiir HOPEVILLE Table ornament epergne--T. Pet- ty, J. & J. Hunter. Coll. rotreti--C. Lang. Lou. "ateua-Ah Lang, H. Mc- Donald. Dahiias-T. Petty, C. Firth. D'upthuts--C. Lang H. McDonald. a1tidioii--C. Firth J, Mellraith. Larkspur-T. McGirr, l. Petty. Marigoitits--C. Firth, T. Petty. Phlox. drammondi-T. Meuirr, W Surf. Perennial-C. Lang. B. Mc- Donald. Pansies-C. Firth, T. Petty. Petunia- Mattie-d. Meuraith, B. McDonald. stoeu-.H. McDonald, N. Harvey. Bnapdragonis-th Firth. C. Lang. Verbismur-J. MeItraith. ainnirsr-B? McDonald, T. Petty. _ POULTRY-MATURE. maisk Minorca eoek-Luxton. 11en-Loxton. White Manama] cost-Luxton. Bi-Luxton 1&8. " Butt Wanton Won. . Orpington. 5.03. eoeY-Luxton. MencA3ausor, Lunch. Fuchsia, double-J. Marshall, C. Lang. Bingle--J, Marshall. A, Mc- Donald. Abutiion--J. Me1lraith, C. Lang Calceoraria-H. McDonald. Rose in bioom--C. Firth, W. Scarf. Heiiotrope--N. Harvey. Coeucoruta--T. Petty. Bamrintrlaatt?trzfl._La_tur. CUT FLOWERS. Open-air nowera-'r. Petty. Bouquet, large-O. Mc1traith, H McDonald. Hand-H. McDonald J Mcuraith. Hand, house tlowers oplyr-0. Me1iraith, Mrs. Maurer. Light Brahma cock-W. Connor, A. Luxton. Ben-Connor, Luxton. Dtrk Brahma hen-Luxton 1&2. White Plymouth Rock eoek- Connor 1&2. Ben--Cpnnor 1&2. lvv keranium, plain teat-N. Harvey. Var1ettated-H. McDonald, 1. Petty. Meander-g. Mellraith, T. Petty. Ivy-a'. Petty. H. McDonald. Bitocus--C. Lang J. Mellraith. Amarylis-J. Mcttraith, Howard McDonald. Tricolor geranium-T. Petty, H. McDonald. - iurrrisdrlitirmduttt 'ttmek "cock-.- Luxton. Beit--Laxton. 8.8. Hamburg cock-Lux' Hen --Luxton 1&2. Rhode Island Red hen-C. Lang. S. G. Dex-king coek--Luxton. Ben -Connor, Luxtqn. . -' White _ Dorking eoek--Luxtou. Ben-Luxton 1&2. Butt Leghorn coek-Luxton. Hen -Luxton 1&2. Donnie geraniums. white-7.1 Manual, A. nicuonalu. Any out. ee-J. Marshall, A. McDonald. _ Single geranium, wuiitlLiPct- ty Any other-d. Mursnall, H. bic- Donald. Buff Plymouth Rock eoek-Lux- top. Betr--Luxton. S. C. white Leghorn cock-Con- nor. LuxtonARen-Connor, Luxton- B.C. brown Leghorn cock-Lux- ton.. Bin-Connor 1&2. R.C. brown unborn cock-Lux- ton. 1hyrr-Luxton. Begomas, uoweling--d. Meh. raun, ‘1. Petty. Coieus-a'. natty, J.. Mellraith. Foliage plants-H. McDonald. C. Lang. - Collection, I'd varieties-J. S. Me- 11mm). ' Ueraniums, doulne-T, Petty, A. McDomatu. truutie--l1'. Petty. Scent- eurC. Lang, n. Harvey. __ 7 Cuuection. an; varieties-Ho ward McDonald. Winter pears-d. & J. Hunter, M, Barber. Fan pears-J. Marshall. PLAN 1'6. Coll. hot house plants-C. Lang. Con. house, 20 varietiea--t, Petty, h. McDonald. Coll. Plums-D. Edge. A. Ram- age. ' r Mums, Lombard-A. 'McLean. C. Lang. teltow egg-D. bane. Mum’s ticeutttrg--W. 1iiiitraton, A. nar- vey. 7 '1suman tsweet-d. Atkinson, J Mummy . _ Standard-J. Marshall, A. ble. 1llemheims-g. Atkinson. Cot-ta-...,). & J. Hunter, J. Marshall. Duchess-A. McLean, I'. Binnie. Golden russeLs-J. Marshall, W. Gramman. lungs-D. Edge. Mann-W. A. Livingston. . b'prts-D. Luge, W. mvmgston. Ribston pippur-J, & J. hunter: D. nuge. tipitaeuoerg--D. Edge. tr'now--W. mym, J. a J. Hunter St eaithy--U. mm], A. Luxcuu. baulwttr-0. Marshall. hen tAasutr--h, uivuokston, T. bmme. Threshing is the order of the day these mm a The 1icrG1llivray's and the O Neill machine have both done good walk. We welcome Mrs Will Wlllisml to this line and wish them long life and happiness. Mr. and Mrs. Adam Anderson mot. ored with friends out to Eugenia on Saturday. Mr. R. E tor had the phone put in his home recently which mun-16 on line 98 and is the mutt. ph -nes on In line from Durham. Miss Emma Richie is attendi: Normal in Poronw at present. Eaplin waiver-u, the 8rd and 4th of October woman a tron. Sunday a. m. the pastor Rev. Graham will preach and " 7.80 B". Mathewn Prleenlle, will tab charge. A apeeial feature of the evening will be the Young Men’s Choir. Monday evening a foul anrper will be served followed by a choice program at Chm-uses. Ad- dresses, Dialogue: and Orchestra Be- lections. Mr: am,- And lino! In Stut- dy, Toronto, upon: Monday at Mr a. B. Gilku'. Me D. Hor, In Puma and It not! In W. Bloviu mound our to Clark-hug Baud” calling at qoi1t'ttg- wood and other points. ' . ' . F Threshing tmthta m plentiful this you. In." Joe Billinp. All)...“ mil Chu Hm m on the job. "stern 3:. MI, tuttWmg " this low pieces. . Durham Fair Prize List THE BUREAU BIVIIW Continued from Page 4 EDGE HILL PP, I 1Nyafttns...-d.' Edge, B. Edge, G Ritchie. Filly or gelding, two years-W. Mgrrison, T. Mngrr. Mare or Igeldintt, 3 years or over-A. B. Cameron, E. Edge. Span horBea-A. Cameron. Colt from St. 1vel-E. Edge, G Emden gander-Luxton, Lang. aooise--Luxton. Toulouse ttooae-Unt Gander, a.o.v., named-Luxton. Gootse-Luxtom B0EWEs-DRAUGRT. _ Brood mare-B. Edge, B. Puther- boygly A. ledge, W W - .. Rouen drake-LGtou. Duek-- Luxton. Drake, a.o.v.--Luxton. Duck- Luxton. DUCKS AND GEESE. Pekin drake-Luxton, Lang. Duck-Luxton, Laps. TURKEYS Bronze hen, aged-Luxton. Bronze coek, yotmtr--Luxton " 2. Bett-Laxton. Butt Orpington coek--Luxton. Bisn-Luxtoh. Orpington a.o.v. cock-Connor. Black Spanish hen-Luxton. White Wyandotte . cock-Loom Ren-Lui-n. B.L. Wyandotte cock-kin- 16; 2. 1fen-Kistnee 1&2. W. c. B. 'Ppland hen-Luxton. Bantam a.v. eoek--Luston. t Ancona eoek-Luxtom Ben-Lax- on. Boudan eoek-Luxton 1&2. Hen -Luxton 1&2. . 8.0. Barking coeic--Luxton. Hen --Luston. White Dorm eoek-Luxton. Black Java hen-Lain. Black Minorca eoek--Luxton Lk 2. Hen-Lain. White Minor-ea eoek-Luxtou. Ben-Lain. Butt leghorn cock-L-n. Hen Luxton. 8.8. Hamburg hen-Lang, Hamburg. a.o.v. coeit-Luxton. 11en-LuxGn. Rhode Island Red cock-Lang lution, H.ep--uuur. - -- R.C. brown Leghorn eoek-Lux- ton. B.c. White Leghorn cock-AV Donald 1&2. Ben-u. McDonald 1,2 S.C. brown Leghorn coek--Lux- ton. Hauv-Luxtofr, White Plymouth Rock cock--. Connor 1&2. Hen-Connor 16:2. Barred hock cock-Lux' 1&2. Butt Rock eoek--Luxton. Ben- Luxton. Dark mam; eoek--Luxton. Hen -Luxton. . t Anconn c.oek--Luxton. Ben-Lux- on. CHICKENS. Light Brahma cock-Connor, Hen --f'orspor, 14mg. Bantam, a.v. teoek-Luxton. Ben -Luxton. Cochin cock-Connor. Herr-con- nor, Luxton. .'_.- vv'u-‘V‘i' --%.. =. Blu- nee 1&2. Ben-Kinnee 1&2. G.L. Wyandotte eoek--Luxtou. W.C. B. Poland hen-lain. tGame eoek--Luxton. lun-Luv. on. White Wyandott'e' eiraLUJiixtom Ben-Last) 8.11. Jye.ndotte, cock-C. P. Kin- . at the same time. Many exchr. 'RItrge aive features you should know about. Let the J)f,.gf1ltrrsr4ytier show you, '. Sold by hath:- & Melechnle Pandéra 3;qu Spam-l; hen-Lu-. You can eooktothe fitlicepstcitr ofthe top and btesyn_or_enttA1of good thinttomrittuy C. SHIT! & SONS: The above prices t. o. b. Ford, Ont., eftective Aug. 2, 1915. No srpeedttmete.r included in this year's equipment. otherwise can fully equipped. Car: on display and ale " Ford Runabout Price $180 . Ford Town Car ( Price $780 _ aim "MADE IN CANADA" :5 Towing Price $530 SHRO‘PSHIRE. Ram, two shears or over-W. A. Livingston, H. G. Brigham 26:3. Shearling ram-Brigham 1&2. . Ram lamb-Livingston 1&2. Britt- Ewe, two shear: or over-Liv. ingston, Brigham 2&3. Calf. heifer or ateer-J. Mather W a. Traynor. Steer, two bears-Mather 1 & 2 Orys yey'--MathtfW. Egggette. Heifer} 2 vitdii, -iaieiTi year, and Berd--R. W. Hunt. JERSEY. Cow-T. Petty. GRADE CATTLE. Mitch cow-J. Mather, W. Con- nor, J. Marshall. Heifer two years-J. Mather. One year-J. Mather. HEREFORD. Bull, any ture-AS. Hunter, 1,2,3. POLLED AN GUS. _Bull, any age-J. Marshall, 11. W. living: coyr--1LW. Hunt 1&2. Heifer, i years-W. Livingston. W. Leggette, One year-W. Living- ston. Lar-ft, Enggston 1&2. um um i, n Quick hitch-up-P. McClockhn. R. Campbell, W. P. Yandt. CN1"1'Lil-4iHOit THORN . Bull calf-H. Fulton. ' Cow-R. Fulton, a. Ritchie. Ah'. Liy)ntratom Lady arwei-e. bproal, W. F. Yandt, h'. McClocklln. tangle driving horse-C. Lewis, J. o. Rubens, D. Autumn. Span horses-n. uwm, J. D. Ckreeuwood. sedate ttorBe--1'. Lauder, J, W. Blyth. . ' COACH AND CARRIAGE. Con. lrom Wmmnt-U. Ritchie HORSES IN ACTION . Test or speed, farmer? horttet- W. tf. Yatrat, It. Morrison. Filly or gelding, two years-T. Lauder. u. nil-chic. son. Fatal 1915-A. (Shanon. W. Weir. C. r. munee. _ may .or sucking, one year-W. Manson. may or sewing} two Veer.---" u, bugnnm, gt. burner, w. Les- gene. Span itotaeti--W. baker, ll. Mor- risen. Mare or gelding, three years or over-W. baker. Foal 191a-t. McGirr, W. Baker, A. McLean. Fwy or gelding. one year-gs McLean, u. Hera, .w, Henderlon. Paxton“ ’â€" -- ”â€" Brood mare-w. banner. T. Mc- err, A. human. Ritchie. . AuttuRJinlURAL ON GEN ERAL Ram _ ROADSTER. Brood mare-w. War. A, (iner- TORONTO ', Damn. on. - To" “T1106 B. JACKSON Hehe dink-cu tf t ' than“ I ”mean ialll'f,'ffl'M, (an. 1 ott1ee--43vtsr Jewell W.C. PICKERINU o. " s., L its “was out) an; of Tomlin. Unmet-any. b lulu of Royal (when: of Dena! Sulgeuns . Unmuo noun" Ova: J t J new; .lt’u New Eton Imam. 8011mm In Sum-om Com Iota." mom: Gt-ieoner locum Agent. Money to Loan 'gtrtgfdtxtNtt't'gt Axel: cull-anew cum J. (1.dilN'std, 4.0.. J. gil orfy.i.t . on: J. P. 1211mm on“. nun, W may om. “any“. annual Mun: mum at “any Ola on “one at “but u. on“ noun Ht...- s-lp‘. 74y.m. moan-Won between Ottiutt um t'mgthoggq. In .11 noun. - u: Murat“: In“ A magnum m m. I' duwuu Wynn. BIG 4, "tcle)" NEW fPlllliil GOODS Licensed Auctioneer for County of Grey. Terms moderate. Arrangements for Isle dates can be made at tievtcw Otnceornt my residence next door. Phone call to No. ti, nurhun Will be promptly attended to. D. MoPHAIL banned Auctioneer tor Co. urey hum- mmm ArrtuatrcMttuno not an“). " WM m.',, MINI In UAIAA':‘| Cue 84:!ch V “Alum. -. wm-lunueuw ware-u.) M. a ho win». P. o . win he prompt” mm. (an. on .ppuunuon lo lunch?“ ........ . . . ...'.ie' prr ynrd Thus Linear. ..a5, 60 and (II.- per yard Guy Cotton Sheeting 2 yda “new yd any bleuhed Sheeting 2 ydn wife...... ...... ......C...U..40c yd Helyy 1m Flunuvlletle Blankets Whlwmd grey..... .. mm” Fur Hen, 12:4 Muelleue Blankets, whiteuslr..,.............itk-,a pair Lot 8, Con t2, Proton, containing 100 new more or less, MI tV'Petr' "leaped Md in good stub: of cultiulum. lo arm of bummed hush. 0n me prem- iou in I brick , weer humu- Its' tr 24 with kitcheu Mi x 22 and \Vlludghed 10 x Its. Also a ttood hank barn (in x (It, driving shed 18 x 2' and hog pen. The tarm in well fenced mud well watered. Good orchard. Mlle and a quarter from church. pmc-oMre otnd school. For berm: “my to Geo. Sturrmk, tir., Hope-ville. or u. A. bad Geo. hour, Bok 378. Pen-e, bath. lace Carmina“ ’di long, 40 in wule Wc pr " " yds long, " in wide 75c pr " Syd. long. 47 In wide 1.00 pr " tt at long, 47 in wine 1 50 pr MIC-rum. u the new tlaistaed bop. Fly. Euclid) Cotton Crepets, white and 'Ntmsatt OI nu" clears out Haiti, lice. etc. Don’t die in the Hump. 15c 5nd “C It Drug and Country Shires. JUDGES. Grains-J. McGowan Roots and Vegeubiets-g. Gil- bnith, T. Moore. Dairy produce-D. W. Cameron Domestic Products, Udies' Work and Children's Work-Mas Ural- brdth. Pine Arts-N. W. Campbell, C. Firth. Fruit-A. It. 'tsereOtrtou. Plant! 1nd Pio-sr-airs. Ernat. Ppuitry--D. Thompson. Homl-N. McArthur. Cnttle, Sheep and Swine-AT Downey, J. tCanton. ', Show ran-Muir. an lamb-Muir 1&2. Ewe. two than or over-Muir Slut-ling ewe-Kw. Ewe inmb--Muir. Pen-Muir ht cure, any breed-W. A Liv- ing-ton. R. nerd. A B. Muir. [l SWINE. WHITE BREEDS. Boar, any "e-R. Herd Breeding 'ow-Herd. Pair 0pm: Pitts-Herd, A, Mc- Donald. RED BREEDS. . Boar, my Jae-R. Herd, H W. Hunt. Breeding sow-Herd, Hunt. Pair spring pigs-Hunt, Herd. Pa'r bacon hoes-Herd, A. Mc- Donald, Hunt. . MEI} at: - V-vvw cur-III. Unit and see them. J. EGRANT D. no. on [autumn Bt., We. ‘ qhlatpeu'otsuatria.. I...“ Wu:- t‘uyuuuu um hummu- 0|:on Now, Public. Commissioner. N! [ILAACIL 7 he. 01W J. p. TELFORD. . H. BEAN Punt oat, . run; ew-Park. Bord. I i . 1.embrulerd, Muir, Herd.“ ' R. H._ISMC o. tttttit Ceylon or to . RAHAGE. Durham two Farm tor Sale Fiii91, R. H. tSk c,, Datum c'orswow. unto Univ-In... or. and ”(can .tote " J33 a or over-A, s. L] If _ I

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