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Durham Review (1897), 23 Sep 1915, p. 8

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l F4 TTU Lancet! Cares to Sm Pram-loco. Loo Annie. and Ban Diego. Infor-ation and tick!!! on Ipplintlon to Agents. WI CALDER. Toms Tick-4 Nd. J. ”WEBB. Iteket Agent Lure Toronto DJ!) I. IL, 8.21) p. n. and um p. I. daily. L In Toronto Rm a. In. 600 p. and 11.45 p. In. daily. SIIARQ © Sweet c blui Wham. red-W W Ramage. Spnng wheat-B FSharp, Raungo. Barley, 6 rowed -Henry Cowan. White oats, long-J00 .Stnelair, Jno Suwenson, Ramage. White on“. short-ll-unsure. black oata--H Im. mrnt, " b' Sharp, Humane Peas. tud"-.W Aldcom, J A Smith. En. smze eorn--u' Lexie E V Matthew. Panama Nciiic Exposition Emnipmenl the tinegt on All unin- t. Cucumbcrs..C Dmmm. Hrs F "dan. Coil beets and turnips. .J b mum: ynd. Coll "tttstables.. , Woody, bi V Mytittrr, J A htm- _ "___- V. w. "W... .......... tural Society "iGiiu-aGciiG success yeuerdsy. The ttate receipts were ahout "Mt, practically the same as last {can and they would have been Larger ad not harvest conditions been so untoward quite anumber, in the east tspeetallntuing advantage of the flne Joys to complete a belated harvest. There was a falling off in entries from It” by over 100, but with Mot entries there was the making of a good show. I IO entries in horses took up much time In judging and the same may he said of c, ttle with 96 entries. One lelt his Sympathy called upon for the poor nudges in their dttticult task. Experts say the pure bred cattle was of rare ex- ccllcnce. Sheep " entries, swine at. puultry 76. showed good competition. :37 Cntritttg in roots. " in grain and wr-ds. " in trust, thawed outdoor IL’lVlly. but it was far surpassed by the l. Hts, who had a bemldering and be. Main“). diapiay. For instance Ladies A " had 240 entries. Pastry dairy and n me manufacture Ml, Fine Arts and l' were cach J: and 2 by ashool children Favored with flne weather for both d p, t! the show the.Berenymtt Agricul- Prize List GRAIN t.".allpyhest, white:qu Stevenson. T'oregtto-Chteago Toronto --Mlontreni Fort CHICAGO wsamo day a of Holstein, . times as many [e H H. Muller rung many Inc Pine Weather and Great Success was scrvmg proht all to t Red Cr, Holstein Fair F Sharp, “amaze. Peas, V Aldcom, J A Smith. En. rtt--U' Luge E V Matthews rtt---b', V Matthews, ll Reid, seed-Jae Stewenson. B F' Satstiuwer-gia. F, Doupo, POI MONTREAL w'h NOTES attended Flesherton and rushed to ace the say there were at lean 1y at the latter place. " rkers did a rushing cal: m R. lrvin'l warlunda. a on the grounds, This is the beautiful Piano ..B F Slurp. Jno Swanson. Cro. chet work, 1001...] C Faltbalm. Mn Pattie. Fancy knitting, wool..H Sincluir. Miss E Donpe. Crochet in l PASTRY i Twoloaves horuc made bread-J. l, A Ferguson. E. V. Matthews. Bread [ iron: Jewel Flour-Thus Bunston. 2 iloaves bread and fruit cake-W. J. iEccles, Irwin Robb. Buns, fancy-- iJ A Ferguson, Irwin Robb. Buns, lplam-J McEachern & Son, Irwin iRobb. Tea Biscuits-W. Aldcorn, .11. Sinclair. Fruit cture-McLaugh. Ilan Bros., C Drumm. Marble cake-- Ile? Tubby. W. Groat. Tarts-W. tAldcom. McLaughlin Bros. Apple ; pie-John Sinclair, W Aldcorn. Putn- pkin pie-Alex Aitken Jr, W Aldcorn Doughnuts--] S Woods, Peter Hutch Lemon Pie-C. Drumm, W. J. Reid. Mince Pie-Geo Tabby, Jno Sinclair. lColl. Cookies-Jennie Adams, J. S. Woods. Honey in Comb-Mia, E. I Doupe. Honey extracted-Wm. Gil. lies, Miss E. Doupe. Maple 8ttttttr- (?,i,i'j,iriiviii,, W. Ramage. Maple (tyru.p-yv J Eccles. W. Ramage. Candy homemade-.R. Irwin, Mrs. Petrie. Apple Jelly-E V Matthews, il Irwin. Currant Jelly-Peter Match, Wm Great. Coll. jelly-Wm Great. 1iol Preserved fruit-C. Drumm, R. M Switzer. Coll Pickles-O Drumm. [Col]. canned vegetables-R. M. Swil- Yarn. homespun..Miss E Donpe. Wool BUCKS. homespun..Mrs F Jor. dan, RANichJaon. Wool socks. tine .J A Ferguson, J C Fuirbairn. Men's mitts..J C Fairbsirn, Geo Tabby. Rag carpet. ..I C Fairbairn. Rag mat..Wm Aldcoru. Miss E [1)unpe. Floor mat. nut hooked.. Jno Sinclair. Coll macs..Mies E Doupe. Straw hat..B K Sharp. I Judge-L L Grant. , Collection. .0 Immun, Mrs Guides Mrs W T Petrie. Cut tioweric. W ’Gmat. C Drumm. Hand bouquet.. C Drumm. W Grow Coleus plant.. 0 Drumm, J A Ferguson. Coll stocks W Grout, C Drumm. Coll dnhlila.. W Grant, Jno Rice. Coll users..C Drumm. Coll Gladioli..C Drunm. Coll pansies..C Drumm. Coll be- goniu. .C Drumm. Mrs Geddea. _ Coll geraniums. A) Drumm, H Reid. 3m fuchsia. . Wm Grout. c 1biiiriiiil Sweet peas. .0 Drumm- Judges. .0 Firth, Geo anie. DAIRY Tab butter, 301bs..w Aldeorn, J ti Woods. Crock butter, 20 lbs. . W J Held. W Aldeorn, Geo Tabby. Crock li) lbs..A McCaw. B FSharp. W W Manage. Prints, 6 o'g'trir,,ti,1.' Mulch, W J Eccles, Thos unston. Rolls, 5 lbs..W J bhelea, Jno Sim‘ clair, B F' Sharp. FRUIT I Collection winter apples. . It Aitken J] McDonzall. Sign? npples..R Ait. ken, W Aitken. assets. .8 Alston. G Lease. Winter appier.R Irwin, J McEachern & Sons. Fall apples, large..Jos Eeeles, ll Irwin. Fall apples, amal!..ll Reid. H Lamont. Pears..A Aitken, Jr. Plnmu.. Henry McDmgall, W Aldcorn. Crab anples..Jno McArthm, Ram. lute. watermelon..E V Matthews. Tomatoes..1Ienry Reid. Citrons.. E V Matthews, David Grier. FLOWERS CLOTH Aitken l ll Ait. kicken. Irwin, ipples. IN ll Employees of this Store are not allowed to take any part in this contest. Each contestant must tie their votes in pack- ages. count them and mark the number on the top of each package. They must be brought in every Wednesday to bere- corded. You can also keep track of the number of votes you bring in so that you can check up your votes any time. Print- ed rules of the contest can be seen in our window. Every contestant entering now gets Two Thousand votes free to start. DURHAM The I _ - " - __ â€"â€"_v__.. ____._ .. --__. """'" - - oyvllu mu.“ ”“1qu uvlv on any IGUU claw. Gnu v: “VII-‘6 -. -. -- help you win the Piano. We will publish a list showing the standing of each contestaht by number only. Remember your number. It is not necessary for your name to be made public. We will give you a number by which you will be known, and Four votes will be credited to that number. Then you can tell your friends to watch your number and see‘how it will grow. Someone is going to get this Piano absolutely free. It costs nothing to try. Why not start today to collect the votes? The contest IS just starting and the one having the greatest number of votes to their credit at the end of six months takes home the Piano and puts it in the Parlor. That's easy, isn't it? It might as well be yours. Jump in to-day and tell your friends to be sure and save their votes for you. Come in, and let us explain it more fully. - Every cent you spend in this store gives you one vote. Every quarter means M votes and every dollar means 100 votes. Come in and have your name entered in our Register as a contestant. It costs you nothing. Then collect your votes and bring them P to us every week and have them credited to you. Ask all your friends to save their votes for you. You have dozens of friends and neighbors living close to you who would like to see you get this beautifu.l Grand Piano. Many of them are customers of this store, and would sooner give you these votes than throw them away. The votes cost them nothing. E'hlere are many of“ your friends who would just as soon spend their money here as any place else, and by doing this they can Brood mave-- w Grout l and P.. Spring colt- -W Grout, Spring Bor- tleo Harris, w Grout. 2 yr tmy-Geo Harris 1 and it, Chas bilstorf. Team -Cltas Gilstorf. GENERAL PURPOSE Brood mare-Ed McRobb, Jog Dom. line, Geo Aitken. Spring colt-Ed McRoho, W J Lamont. Spring filly--. Geo Hmoks. Geo Aitken. R A Nichol- am). 1 yr sreldinit--Ed McRohb. 1 yr tlily-Irma D Roast Son, Rawn Bros. Sam Reckover. 2 yr ttetditttp--W T Binder. W Fairhaim. V Alles. 2 " filly-R A Nicholson, Edgar Gardiner, Ed McRobb. Tearn-N Allen. Jno Boss & Sun, J C Fairbairn. AGRICULTURAL Brood mare--R Aitken, Joe Howling R A Nicholwn. Spring colt-O [Riggs Spring Mr-Ed Gardiner, W T in- der, A Aitken, Jr. 1 yr trelditttt--A Last week we paid Three hundred and Fifty Dollars for a Cabinet Grand Piano. We are going to give " away absolutely ERIE to someone. " might happen to be YOU. Here’s the story in a nutshell '. Bull 2 yrus--W Gillies, Jos bowling. Bull l rr-Gillies. Cow-W Gillies. Tribe & Bowling. Jos Bowling. Bull _iiiioiiii'iiiiiii'; Jon Dowling. Heifer 1 yr --los Dowling, Gillies 2 and 3. Heifer 'Y, year-Flutes, Jos Bowling 2 and '3. Heifer calf -- Tribe d: Bowling. Jos bowling. Wm Gillies. Judges-A) B Muffin. c, W Whetham GRADE CATTLE Pair 2 yr steers-W Aitken. R Alt. ken, W Aitken, Pair 1 yr tsteers-W Alike". R Aitken, kd McRohb. Cow --Geo McBride l, 2 & 3. Heifer 2 yr-- ll Mchide l and 2, Ed McRohb. Heif- Pr 1 yr-Tribe& howling. R Aitken, Ed McRobh. Heifer tsit-Ed Mt?ttobb Geo McBride, R Aitken. Steer calf- Henry Reid. R Aitken, W Aitken. Fat ox-ue" MtBride, Rd McRobb 2 and 3. Herd Pedigreed cattle-W Gillies. Jon Bowling. Bull 2 yr-W Pairbairn, lt Aitken. Bull calf-W Fairhairn l and 2. Dow --Ed McRotm l and 3, R Aitken. Hei- ter 1 rr-W Fairhairn l and 2. Heifer calf-) Aitken, w Fairbairn 2 and 3. Cow-d D Roberts. Heifer 2 yr--' D Roberts. AYRSHIRE FINE ARTS Hard painting, satin or velvet.. W A Lawrence, Mrs F Jordan. Hand painting, landscape. .W A Lawrence, E V Matthews Hand painting, fig. ures..R M Switzer, It V Matthews. Hand painting, f1owers..W A Law- renee, Mrs F Jordan. Hand painting glass..Mrs Geo Plume, Mrs F Jor- dan. Hand painting, oilcloth. .Mrs F Jordan, F MeClocklin. Pen and ink sketch..Mrs Geo Plume, B F Sharp. Judges..Chris Firth, Geo Binnie. CATTLE-DURHAM Fruit nranch--Dcpt. of Agriculiurc Canning and preserving fruits are almost done, although some good peaches ma! eyen yet be obtained. Thoae who ave not canned or pre- served trtrtBttiettt to last for a year. should act promptly. Do not tat that grape jelly is delicjona an a liberal "apply ahonld be an ahelvoa for the coming winter. Got Smock Peach”. the late-tam! one of the but for canning. this week. " you can atill got a few Elba-tau. take them. Do not Ion-get our addicts. ooupititrtrfittheonAese.tqs. mutilate with the Canadian Club or Red Croat Branch in than“: my Uow--il Boyle, Jno Rice. OFFICIAL FRUIT BULLETIN Cow-Robert Boyle. JERSEYS HORSES REGISTERED CLYDE HEREFORD HOLSTEINS The Ritchlo'Broe. havi, just oom- pleted . Bement black lilo for Mr T. Wallm. Ill-Alina took charge at Children‘s nlly day In Knox Int Band”. In.Ju. Wm in VII! (at. tow we“: WM Dom Mom In Ju. Marsh" Br. is n" loo " pron» I'd her may Mud- hne Hula 1ortftr but mover). _ Mr and Mrs John iioariiiiii"iiii. ily returned Monday from I week'- visjt with Fergus Mandi. miss M. Bachnaleft In: Tnesdsy for Colliugwood to take charge ot Miss ReniihN school during her ill nets. Born on Sept. 9ta, " Duke. Sank. to Mr and Mrs ltd. Iley a dnghter. Brood sow-John Rice. Sp. sow; R Irvin, Jno Rice. B Icon ttotta--Hr Comm, H Rent. Judges-R Brigham. Br Living- stun. Brood sow Spring sow--] Aged ram--- IV Fuirhairn, H Lamont Sh. ram-IF' Fuirbairn. Rum latuts-, H Lamont. W Fairhalrn 2 and 3, Aged ewc--.H Lamont, W Fairbtirn. Sh. tsive--" Lamont. 14" Faisbaim, ll Lib. mont. Ewe Iatntr--Hr Fairbairn. H Lamont 2and 3 Pen-H Lamont. Itaut lamh--d & Assed ewe--Shtuut l Shand I and 2. l and S. Pen-Sbm Giant. J & A Sham! tiHEEP--LErcEeTEtt Aged ram--Jtt Woods, W Grout. Ram lamh- Jet' Woods, I, 2 and 3. Aged eme-.H Comm, J S Woods, H Sinclair. Bhearling ewe--g S Woods land 2, H Cowan. Ewe lamb-W Croat l and 2, J S Woods Pen-g S Woods, Le, SPECIAL Beat colt, any claae-Oeo Harris. ROADSTER Brood mare--T Bunsmn. Spring colt-Irwin Robb. spring tiltr-r-And Hun-er. I Buuston. 1 yr Relding---W Finder. 1 yr tillr-Wui Sterne. R Aitken, u Lugge. Team-it Irwin Single---' D Robert, Edgar Gardiner, C Lewis. s'isddle-It Irwin, Wm Al- lan. Jun Thednrf. Brood tttttre-W J Lamont. 1 yr fltlv--Ed McROhh. 2 yr ttilr--Arid Hunter, Ed MoRuhb. 2'eanr-W I Orchard trtngle--G'eo McBride, Wm Nelson, Jr., Geo Aitken. Lady driver --Ueo Swanston, W Aldcorn. John Ross & Son. Judge-Albert Priest, Philpiston. FOWL HEAVY DRAUGHT Brood mare - Alex McGilllvray. Rom Taylor. W Grout. Ith t3oitc-- It Taylor. Geo McBride, ex McGillI- vrav. Spring t1llr--W Grout. It tr Sharp. 1 yr Re diuguCreaAitken, Geo Hanna, Edgar Gardiner. 2 yr gelding ---Gao Aitken. 2 yr filly-W Fair., hnirn, W Nelson. Team-Geo Harris, Alex Meuillrvray. _ -- -V - m quVUIII " Liam Birr is kiln. min on the THE DUKE“ REVIEW NORTH-EAST NORMANBY n lamb-J & A Shund t and 2. ewe--S'hruut 1 and 2. tits. Pwe-- i I and 2. Ewe lamb - Shand 'd. Pen-Sbund. Fat lamb- IV . J & A Shana. Henry Reid. tiwrNE-wHms BREEDB ------ OXFORD DO IVNS SHROPSHIRE a' Abraham Co. TORONTO Mt. Forest. gave acme readings, which were all much appreciated. Our home talent daaetvea mention. Mn lhhott. Ilia: Sharp and It .1110. [an]: all did exeeitentlr. The Bay Beoto m in attendance. They met Lteut. Aadetaoa at the atatloa and eacorted him to the hall when The Patriotic Concert which was held here on the 17th inst in the Ag- ricultural Hall was a splendid suc. cess. The speaker of the evening was Lieut. Anderson, of Toronto. lie held his audience spell-bound, telling the story of his experiences from the time ot enlisting. which was four days after war was declared by Britain. He is one of the victims of the gas which the Germans used and intends returning to the front as soon as he has fnlly recovered. Although only a comparative boy, he has the qualities. which nine a splendid man. If ever he comes back to Bol- stein he will receive a warm wet. come. Besides Lient. Anderson, there was splendid tale-t. Iisa MW. of Toronto, sag; couple of “Pit and In (Dr.) . "e ot A serious accident befel Mrs Doug. Cameron on Tuesday afternoon. While driving to Mt Forest to bring home her daughter, the horse took fright after passing an auto, and Mrs. Cameron, either in attempting to jump from the buggy, or by being thrown, had her clothes caught on the step and was dragged over a mile before the driver of the car could reach her without frightening the an. imal. She was taken to Mt. Forest hospital, having two fingers broken and some bruises about the face and possibly internal injuries. We trust) she may shortly fully recover from" the effects of the accident. Mr John Swanstou has gone on a trip to Gow.Ganda and other places in Northern Ontario. He expects to meet James Ellis, an old Holstein resident and will spend some time to- gether travelling through some of the mining country. Dr. and Mrs Marsh attended theltor Joh funeral of Mrs Marsh's brother, Mr (hue. James Gardiner, of Walton, who died from G after a long illness. Wm. Seaman, Jr., and wife, of Minnesota and his mother, Mrs W. Seaman, of Mt. Forest, visited friends in the village the first part of this week. On Sunday evening last Dr Marsh preached a very forcible sermon on Temperance, the men and boys tak. ing the centre pews. There were about so ladies in the choir. Dr. and Mrs Ferguson and family returned last week, after spending a short holiday in the city. We are glad to hear that Miss Ada Gardiner is recovering from an oper- ation for appendicitis. She spent her holidays here with her sister, Mrs Marsh, and made many friends, who all join in wishing her a speedy re. covery. Mr and Mrs Wm. Hamilton, of Re. gina, are visiting Mrs Petrie and oth- er friends here. Dr. Gardiner, of Chicago, brother of Mrs Marsh, visited at the manse over Sunday. Mrs C. Moffat and Mrs David Mof- fat, of Wroxeter, are visiting at Mrs Walter Morrison's in the village and at Mrs Wm. Gtoat's on lath con. We regret that our village is about to lose one of our popular young men in the person of John Marsh. He has taken the Missionary appointment at Ayton and Mildmay for the term of six months. The Presbyterian choir loses a very competent leader, also the community at large will miss him, as he has always been so will- ing and ready to help in any way he could and especially with his voice. We wish him success in all he under- takes. Miss Mauser. who has been visiting relatives and friends here, returned to Toronto Saturday morning. Miss Ruby Rogers returned to Tor-. onto on Saturday, after spending a couple of weeks' holidays at her home near here. yam 'SS:99998t8Mt4t8Mb, ELOGAL AND PERSONAL On Thursday evening. the 3oth, there will be a meeting in the Agri- cultural Hall in the mteresta of re- cruiting. The Hon. Dr. Jamieaon will speak. We hope there will be a large attendance. Meeting com- mences at tr o'clock sharp. HIVES I) WANTED-100 boxes Dairy Batter Messrs Knox tad MacDonald spent Sunday with Glenela Centre friends. Mr. Lott Frock bu disposed of " firm to Mr W. McNanlty. Mr Wm. Richnrdson in very ill at prone-t. line C. quirr. Durhun. nanom- 1Grvisating operations have been somewhat tedious owing tome wet weather. A timber from here took in Dar- Nun titr. Born, Soft. 12, to Kr. and Mrs. W. A. Richm- Mm, a daughter. Mr. Jos. Ferris had the misfortune to rat " heel with the axg when (mapping yood. A g oaon<a Mr Will Knox spent tittoday with (llyelttrriemls. 7 Mrs. R. Knox and Mrs John Hill and children " mood from visiting trieuds in Port lillgtn. John Renwick of Yeovil is working for John Nelson. Joe. Henderson bought: I horv from George Calder last week. During the thunder storm on Thurs day last the barn of Dave Long Vita struck by lightning but no serious damuge resulted Other thnn the ten ing otf of . few shingles and uplmcer- mg some bonds. Funk Hopkins and Thou Weir attended the funeral of the former's brother last week. A number from around here attend- ed the Yeovil anniverury on Sand-y lust. 3nd fowl supper the following eve- niryp Thou. Selby returned Monday After spending a week with Toronto friends. Wm. Nelson motored to Durban on Bea, lost, We hue all fimahed humming " lest in spite of the wet weather and some have started {all ploughing. A meeting will be held in the village on Friday evening, Oct. lit, for the purpose of deciding to which fund the Patriotic contribution shall be directed to. All those who have contributed are kindly asked to hand in their donation. at once. --e-iV -. ...... ... 'w.. . ...-.-,, on Wednesday. October am. A paper entitled “Making Allowances" will be given by Mrs T. Acheson. After the meeting an hour will be spent in scwmg for the Red Cross requirements. All Indies Ire cordially invited. . Mr. John Mamie 1i..u'gl'u'ih is visit- mg at the home of Mr. W. t astie and other relatives. yr. Will Hunter is busy this week filling silos in this vicinity. he was greeted by all rising to their, feet as a welcoming salute, The hall, was beautifully decorated with flow- ers and flags After the concert Lieut. Anderson auctioned off the flowers and realized over 34.00 for the Patriotic Fund and a sale of homemade candy brought over $6.00 The collection at the door amounted to $24.00 and there was raised by subscription to the Patriotic Fund over 3324. Although the Society has only been organized about a couple of weeks, there is no lack of enthusiasm. The Dromore Branch of the Women'n Institute will hold their month! meet- mg at the home of Mrs J. M. Fin'gefy'", on Wedneadav. Ortnhpr an. A "It“? JOHN M. FINDLAY Get your old hm and chick- cloud up till um before cold weather not: in. PM “ban on . , mmmvs ONLY High-grade American Oil at............ Galvanized 1trl Bagels with tap...., - ,V__,_-_>. w--v- "u-vw "lull "n"--............ 5.” Can refill your burs! at any time. Finest grade American Oil in s gal. lots at... ... .18c per a: SWINTON PARK During the next three weeks for private ae,,,,,,,.. Will pay extra price for choice quality. EAST EGREMONT COAL OIL, DROMORE The Store that Sets the Inc SEPTIIBER 23 d: " 1916 Musical Bachelor, has to say about this Piano. A reference like this needs no further oom- ment t Owen Bound, Sept. 15 I write to wish you success in your Ennis Piano Contest. Mr on piano is on Ennis, and I om pleased to give you this unsolicited testimoninl recu- ding it. Mr piano has had hard use almoet every day and is still in excellent con- dition, in spite of the fact that the hammers are worn almost to the wood. The action has proved good. and in fairly quick and reeboneive even after twelve years constant use. Yours very sincerely. SIDNEY J. ENGLISH. Mus. Bac. T. N. T. Dear Sir : as}; Read what Signey‘J. Egalish. lThan pulled out the tire in nus she _ would oollspr. ‘The lands all went home with s smile on their (son. Vowing that outtit should ne’es solos their plsce. Next thing "a to rspsir it-hoe us: It to be d we , I'll tell you with greenhorns. it Isn't w- my fun. Ssys Chsrlis t ' Philip. " no on Mk " you like, But rin sad»: the impression wo'vs got it In me Desk." I Here " fell ngun, fee in; rather .chllly, We see the birds fioeking _ south once more. Mr John Scott bu employed It Wm. Kinemon for the painting of his house which giyes bin reoideuoe o much better lppeutnce. Th an Nan-mic : The oleuuer was good, but the engine In dead ; They started to thrash. but greet wu their grief. For into the vyiimier they could not get u shewf. The feeder we 't out aomowhst down in the li; And found his aid engine or dry u e chip ; He looked at we firamu, end then n the Sun _ And wooden-- in " hurt when the water he l gone. He triod the injector M the!) all the tepl. Threahwg is Ae all: of the day, in {not talking in shout all than done. Here: to the outiit that tmmt from Mrs J. Well. 1118 children Are um ing the Wells family thin week. We m sorry to report thin week that In Wm. Moore 3nd the Ilia Viola Rennie is very ill. We hope for speedy reonve ry. Mr Wm. Dickson bu Ind Ill. mis. fortune of losing 1 nimble hone by lucidem. it Idling through the but: floor. Mu Fnlkingbsm gave a My Wod- nesdny night in honor of Mm Kata Mchlly. Mill Katie McNelly. from Zion. is visiting this week n Wm. Faking- hem'e. Sunday we "h eueoeu to the Ur- chard peopleg hutch being crowd- ed " both to Rev. Jae. lord being the pres e forthe day. Mon. day evening a fowl eeppet we! urved. ht eight; o'clock Hon. Dr. Junieeon took the abut. The Durban quer- Matte 1ny sedated In the program. Jno. Mush wee greatly eppmieted by rendering two eolos. The epeek- or: were Dr Men-h, of melanin. Rev. Jno. Ward, Conn, Rev. Mr Hover. Durhem, Mr lrwin.Dnrhem end It Bucher. The choir geve two eclec- tions, The proceeds of the evening amounted to over $40.00. pnnied Misc Annie Knox homo Pri. day Ind spam the week end hem. Thaoshing mochineo on! be herd an every dureonon. The groin a turning out good. LITTLE IRELAND A 7 -.-.. Buy it now in barrel iota DURHAM ..14c pug-l Auucvmm. l It”! Unwfu u tuning t If John Morrmn. M and w my journey , two Irwh and were getting lhthd yen and out “I the muchl and . let of thow wo hum, not working ll best of them can only are. per day. Arcl in. 1700 um to Hm been two weeks on m, mud is Dot yeti pacts to In" nll told (mm. TL“. (10‘). II' Whoa from '5 to at Wanner h nova. h “In". bu " I. It "In "ttt and We: - Mn " u ”so”. How d-tttne done ? " light In ot I new"! no bodily dun-go . In. or vicinicy. " a choc all. Nu. 9 [ “ruck Domain"- a lightning going (In knocking I framed 1 Vietero " the wall to pica-u while . t u: when! A draA Wli tm I” twink-red in no Commercial n laat would " named hr Grain up: ot ttood poduom indiviuuu mm t an: , at one onul The Dornm-h hr Ill-I". Immun- wid of In I-Irvl-r. T Mill. at "it. All gunned to attend it not: of inpocunce will“. Ladies h Iolohed, phi-e la do". Vioimr. I]! lean tt, n! of the li Bun um Le.u loading [on IL tart week, Mr tVer Informant: min quilt! his right I Netting the (mm .ome U 1adtes we c The Zion B atitute will rl Colin Mchrth Come pmpnrc I quest" ing I J Buck',. eplem Happy Thoua rust. nude ot the McIntym In i and live “ages u malt Mr Hugh McCa bought the Wm. Rocky lat wed: next March. M .0 west we be Angus will run th with his own on tl Itiuuc mil hold the home of TINAy, Oct . will to given by INT. Mecoa, mm by "can. The Torooaitvm communl fo BC pr ham» If Drug even i I up“: li t tie hum null 'Sur ll Meator. The In 0m Lug IN» I}; Mt VOL. mtitsgt Nun. A public new {#:le " -. Wes Ml Thu "om I or Iqrtsut date tbo.nom Durban BI mil hold " ml wirin‘ In work: t Oetohrr) w. B. You eabyterU he 3m , Rev. nl both d expected on lawn amu- Il M ending her-en “(wing thy, Oct ty not F'! in. urd o'clorl hold Lell cept Mn uetr up mu at Mr

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