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Durham Review (1897), 7 Oct 1915, p. 1

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aÂ¥ ce II AsBouxpixe Crors,. â€" Mr J. W, Orawford, writing from the west to Mr John Morrison, says : " Now in reâ€" gard to my jJourney west, I am here two weeks and there is no chance of us getting threshed yet. So far as 1 cau find out all the machines are engaged, and a let of those working are on the bum, not working half time. and the best of them can only clean off 40 to 50 acres per day. Arch, Young & Son has 1700 acres to thresh and has now been two weeks on one section, 610 acres, and is not yet through. He exâ€" pects to have all told 60000 bushels of graim. Th« crops are certainly grand. Whea: from 25 to 50 bush. per acre, Weather is good, had a little rain Thur«day, bu: it is fAine again to day. Wm , John and Wes. Sirre, also Robts Vollett have all got threshed with bumper crope. How is school and Hyp dro getticg along ? " The lightning storm of MonRay night was of a severe nature and wh no bodily damage was done in Durâ€" bam or vicinity, it might have been a close call, No. 9 schoolhouse was struck sometime that eveniog, the lightning going down the belfry, knocking a framed picture of Queen Victeria off the wall and smashing it to pieces while it the rear end of the school a desk was turned over and the Hoor splintered in some places. Tnaxxsorvi®xc Â¥rrx, Torsoay Oor. 13, at the Mount Rprest Business Colâ€" lege, â€" Many new sRudents wiil enter on that date. Three Repts,, Shorthand Commercial and Civil Â¥ervice, In the last named Dept. positRMms are guarâ€" anteed hy Domimion Kovernment. Graduites of other DeptsXssisted to good positions. Efficient te®Rhers and indiviJual instruetion .. Writ®Mor parâ€" t culars at once. G.M Hency, Prigcipal The Dornoch branch of the Woâ€" men‘s lastiture will meet at the bome of Mrs Mortley, Thursday, October l4th, at 230. All members are reâ€" quested to attend if possible, as busiâ€" ness of importance comes before the meeting. Ladies having quilt blocks finished, please leave them at the store. Visitors always welcome. Brox®s His Lwo.â€"While engaged in loading logs at McWilliams station last week, Mc Wm, iyan met with an unfortunate accident. _A log rolled against his right leg, catching it and breaking the bone clean in two places a little above the aukie. It will be some weeks before he regains the us« of the limb, The Zion Branch of the Women‘s Inâ€" stitute will meet at the home of Mrs Colin McArthur on Oct. 14th, at 2 p. m. Come prepared to answer roll eall with a question. The Institute intends holdâ€" ing a Jclly and Jam shower at this meeting in aid of Red Cross work. All badies are cordially invited to attend. In onr writeâ€"up of Darham fair last week, we omitted to mention W. Black‘s eplendid display of Stoves, Happy Thought ranges, etc., on the east side of the main,building. Mre 8. Mcintyre was in charge of the exhibit and five ranges have since been sold as a result The Durbam Branch Women‘s Inâ€" stitute will hold their next meeting at the bome of Mrs Thos. McGirr on Taursday, Oct. 7, at 2 30 p. m. Papers will be given by Mrs N. McCaunel and Mrs T. McComi and Roll Call is to be answered by our Favorite Pickle recipe. Mr Huagh McCormack, Pittsburg, Pa. bought the Wm. Legette farm at the Rocky last week and gets possession next March,. _ Mr. Leggette intends to go west we believe. His brother Angus wiil run this farm in conjunction with his own on the 2nd con, Bentinck. be present both days and Mrs Fargquâ€" harson is expected also. The usual fall communion season is on 24th inst. ELECTR,CIAX WAKED â€"Who can do general wiring an ing up housâ€" es for town work. AppM on or beâ€" fore 15th October, W. B. Vour®t, Tow& Clerk or at Mayor Roffice. The Presbyterian Anniversary will be held on the 31st of Oct. and Monday following, Rev. Dr. Farquharson is to and has beer honorably dilr:hargcrd from further service. A public reception was tendered Pte Guy Wickham of Wailters Fails in Meaford on Tuesday night. He lost an arm in the battle of Langemarck Commencing Monday, Oct. 11, the Drug Stores will close at 6.30 every eyening, Saturday excepted, opening again at 0 o‘clock for distribution of evening papers, Tb&nksjaving Day will be observed on Monday, October 11th. Large atocRof Stanfield‘s Unshrink» able Underw t Grant‘s, Mr A. McLellan, 81 Agent of Darâ€" ham, his sold Mr Hugh McLean an outft of steel stanchiens for his barn, Weston won the 0. A, L. A. interâ€" mediate championship by trimming Orangeville 4â€"2 in Orangeville last Saturday . VOL. XXXVIII, NO. 40 All persons having business at the court are required to attend at the said time and place. . , Dated October 6, 1915 Notice is here given that a court will be held purkuant to the Ontario Voters‘ List Act by his Honour, the Judge of the Count urt of the Counâ€" ty of Grey at the ToWn Hall, Durham, on the 19th day of Ocfigber, 1915, comâ€" mencing at 1 o‘clock p. m. to hear and determine the several plaints of crrors and omissions in the\Voters‘ List of the Municipality of Durh®m for 1915. Rey‘ds, Whaley, Morris and Moyer brought greetings from their congreâ€" gations and spoke in patriotic yein, Ur Jamieson gave an interesting acâ€" count of an interyiew with the British purchasing agent at Ottawa and of the exacting n«ture of the tests made on the shells Insp. Campbell and Messrs Allan and Irwin added their quota to a most inceresting evening which closed loyally with God Save the King, He rose to eloquence occasionally in fine sentiment as whea he said ** An glo Saxons don‘s love war for its own sake, they will fight if they must, but they want the best of orduance." Alâ€" so in his defence of the navy for the maryelloud$ woik they were doing in ** choppy misty North Sea." Britain had the ftinest guns and the finest gunoâ€" men in the world, and yictory was sure to come. The first feeling of a visitor to these mighty shops was one of awe at the magnitude and precision of the maâ€" chinery for turning out the death dealâ€" ‘ ing gune. He gave a graphic descripâ€" tion of the mechanism and ficing of a 13.5 (read ‘13 point 5") gun, marâ€" vellous in its fineness and exaciness. Next he took up the making of a shell, gave descriptioss of ihe torpedo, of an 18 pounder, ano graphically irlustrat: ed life on a submarioe and ** the agony of incessant watching" entailed on those operating (them. The wonderfuj work of the Torpedo boat Destroyers in protecting battle ships, transports, &c,, from the danger of underwater craft, the almost unerriag aim of the guuners who can hit the small periâ€" scope at three miles, the helplessness of the submarine when this is destroyâ€" ea, all made interestiog talk. Rey, Mr Wylie on opening gave cordial welcome to the many from other church=s who were present. Mr Fairfull, who had 17 years experience im an Eoglish armament works, gave & unique account of the processes in the manufacture of gans and war maâ€" terial as in his day, though he remindâ€" ed them since he ieft 8 years ago. many improvements had been inade, f MONDAY EVENING _ _A pleasant social time was spent from 6 to 830, discussing an elegant repast, after which Pastor Wylie took the chair and called off a long pro. gram, the chief item of which was the address of Rev, J. H. Fairfall, of Olinâ€" ton. The choir did itself justice as did also the soloists of the evening, Mesâ€" srs A,. Bell and T. Fallaise and Miss Walker. Miss Treleaven, of Palinmerâ€" ston, gave two well rendered recitaâ€" tions, the first an amusing, and truthâ€" ful as amusing, charge against the evils that sprung from the tobacco plant. The other was * Ye Mariners of Eogland," which fited in admira bâ€" ly with the talk of the eyening. The brilliancy of the intellect is inefâ€" fectual to produce happiness, so all earthly plans fail to saye. *"The only way to achieve Salvation is by the way of the Cross, througb the name eof Him whose name is above every name." not save men uoless the great Name is taken in. " A full dinoer pail alone will not save the soul or satisfy its longings." Socialism, trying to adjust differâ€" ences between Capital and Labor will The saying name of Jesus as found in God‘s word was not taken seriou«ly by to6 many. Law and legislation never made a good man, Science and philosophy alone were also failures. German science and philosophy had dethroned Christianity and brought in its place blood, ruin and devastation in their most devilish phases. He dealt with the term salvation which meant much more than deliverâ€" ance from physical danger, it saved us from the power as well as froem the punishment of sin. The old testament dealt largely with national salvation, the new testament deals with the inâ€" dividual, _ Wood congregations on Sunday last turned out to hear Rev. Mr Mulâ€" lowney, the wellâ€"known Owen Sound preacher. The church was filled in the evening and gave earnest attenâ€" tion to an edifying sermon from the text in Acts 4 :12 " Neither is there salvation in any other, for there is none other name .... ... whereby we must be saved. \ Baptist Anniversary Services Che DQurhim Reviem. WM B. VOLLBT, otice The REVIEW to New Subscribers to Ist Januaryfi -l9l7 for only One. Dollar [In the crush of Show week the tolâ€" lowing obituary notice among some other items was isau verteni‘y left out] Mas 0. Isaac On Wednesday, 2ad September, Caroline Sutherland, widow of Geo, Isaac, passed away in ber $38th year The remains were brought to Cliâ€" cago and in.erred in the family plot at Oakwood Cemetery, beside those of his beloyed wife, who passed away in Many friends made in that 98 years will yet remember the kindly gentleâ€" man who was loved and respected by all. In religion he was an Episcopaâ€" lian, in politics Conservative, and a joyal British subject at all times for bhe would never take out naturalizaâ€" tion papers in the Bcates. His friends s:y he was deeply interested in the war to the last, feeliog cshat with the assistance of the gallant Canadians, Britain and her Allies would surely win. Mr Young, wbo was well known in Durham, was born in Co, Tyrone, Ireâ€" land, in 1835, was married there in 1861 and emigrated to Canads in 1863. He located first in Weston, row a suburb of Toronto and from there in 1870 moved to Durham, where he and part of his family resided until 1898, when they moved to Chicago, where his sons were in business. As we briefly intimated last week the abuve gentleman passed away on 23r°d September. He died at the fam. «ly summer home at Midlotbian, l11i aois, surrounded by the following nembers of his family, W. H., 6. H., Eonest H., Elizabetbh, Mrs Albert R Gates, Ellen Jane, wife of Dr. Theo dore K. Sedlemayer. Margaret, Mrs Rupert J, Henry, all residents of Chiâ€" cago. gie and Elien s home. Intermen took place ou Friday, Revy. Father Fisaâ€" vien conducting the services, many friends and neighbors paying the last tribute, Mrs Ryau was » native of Tipperar?, Ireland, and came to this country in youth, setcling in Glenelg in the days when hard work and hard times bad to be met with a stout heart, someâ€" thing she always possessed. She surâ€" vived ber husband by seven years, a son Deunis died 15 years ago. Her urviving childre= are William on the farm, Mrs Quaiilinan (Mary Anp) on the 6oh Concessicn, Glenelg, and Magâ€" gie and Elien s home. Intermen took place ou Friday, Revy. Father Fisaâ€" The REvirw joins in the condolences to all the mourners. Mars Tim Ryax This respected lauy, one of the piâ€" oneers of centre Gienelg, died at her home on the 5:h C cession on Wedâ€" nesday of las, week, the immediato cause being hea t ~ailure, resulting from nervous prostrstion from which for some (Uime she has =nifered. Sh« was about 65 years of age. Me and Mrs Edward Ferrier, Alpena Mich,, attended the funeral and all the relatives, except the Minnesota brothâ€" man, and was popular in his neighborâ€" hood as was shown by the large at* cendance at his funeral on Taesday. In religion he was Presbyterian, in politics a Liberal, and was an intelliâ€" gent student of public affairg. His pastor, Rev, Mr Mills, conductâ€" ed appropriate services at house and graye, amid a large concourse of mourners, Three sons and three sonsâ€" inâ€"law were pallâ€"beavrers, Dr He married Miss Ferrier, also of Bentinck and a family of nine children blessed the union, of whom 8 surviye. They are Eliz., Mrs Alex Mclntosb, Dornoch ; Mary F., Mrs Klein, Torâ€" onto ; James at Rock Mills ; William at Vancouyer ; Maud, Mre Pickard, Mr Dargavel was born on 22nd Sept. ’ 1851, in Kirkcudbrightshire, Bcotland, _ and when about one year old, was brought by his parents to Canada and settling near Aberdeen, Bentinck, he there grew to manhood, receiving his first education in Durbam. He reâ€" mained in Bentinck, engaged in the lumber business till about 85 years ago when he started a sawâ€"mill in Dorâ€" noch and conducted it very successfulâ€" ly till a few years ago, when he sold out to the Durham Furniture Co. Rost. Daraavyrt On Sunday last there passed away in the 64th year of his age perhaps the best known man of Dornoch and neighborhood, Robt, Dargavel. For eome mouths back he has been in poor health and reengnized that he was gradually failing in spite of physical skill and loving nursing, hy Haexr®y Youxga DURHAM, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1915 The Roll Call. Farmers will grow bigger Fall Wheat crops by using Harob Fertilizer. For sale by C. Smith & Sons. With which is incorporated the Holstein ‘Lea 4#*+r To A. 8. Hunter, Mayor. In view oi che urgency and imporâ€" tance of this just appeal that the Motherland has made to us, 1 contfiâ€" dently trust that you will at once orâ€" ganize with a yview to getting a worâ€" thy contribution from the people of your municipality on October 21," JOHN 8. HENDRIR, Lientenant Governor Their Majesties the King and Queen and her Majesty, Queen Alexandra, are giviog us their gracious patronage and I trust that you will also be able to see your way to help.â€"Landsdowne Â¥acous seats ol war. â€" Frow all parts of tue King‘s domimuions we have aiâ€" ready receiyed generous assistance in our work but with the increase of British and overseas forces at the front, there is a corresponding increase in ourexpenditure and we shall be truly grateful if you will help us by making au appeal and sending the proceeds to us for the objects which I Lave named, J shali be greatly obligâ€" ed if you will kindly communicate the forogoing to your goyernment. "1 beg to insform you that Lord bassdowoss bas sent me the folowing CaviggTetd ; I beg io inform you that the British ied Cross Society and the Order of 8: John in yiew of the great demands upon tha resources both in France and in the near iSast, have , decided to make an appeal thkrough the Empire by street and other collections upon the 2l1st day oi QOctober next. The movey received from this appeal will be devote© eatirely to relieving the sullering of our wounded soidiers and 1 sailore from home and overseas at the The Lieu, Governor of Oatario has received from Lord Landsowne, Coloâ€" nial Secy, in the British @ovyernment au appeal for aud for Red Cross work. He in tura h»s wired the heads of Ontario mumnicipalities asking generâ€" cus assistauce before 21st October, the annuiyersacy of Trafalgar,. THE SIANDARD BANK Gsn Z8 pe6 A meeting of citizens will be held in the Town H«ll on Friday eyening to take into consideration the Imperial appeal for aid co Red Cross fauds. Beâ€" low will â€"e found the text of the appeal received this week by Maiyor Huauter from Lieut.â€"Governor Hendrie. land, of Toronto, attended the funeral on Friday, 24th September. Her pastor, Rev, Mr Morris, conducted apâ€" propriate services, attended by many friends of deceased and her family and interment took place in the English Church Uemetery, She was a natiye of Plymouth, Eagâ€" land, and could tell viyid stories of her early life there and prizâ€"d a medal she obtaimned as a school girl at the fetes in connection with Queen Victoria‘s corounation â€" from & stroke of paralysis, sustained a few days before. She survived her husband, who was a harnessâ€"maker, for about 85 years and for that long period hes made her home with her gister, Mrs W. B. Vollett, where she was always tenderly cared for. She is the first of a family of four to be called, her two brothers being John of Fort William and Robert of Toronto. The latter with nephew Munro Sutherâ€" day. ber of our subscribers who had allowed themselves to get unreasâ€" onably in arrears for the Review. In most cases the request was corâ€" dially attended to. However there are a number who have paid no attention to our request ana this is to inform them that if setiled at once, or arranged for, old rates will prevail. If not so settled, ex pense will be incurred, which we will regret, but for which we are not responsible. Write or call toâ€" Public Meeting Some months ago we sent out requests for settlement to a numâ€" An Imperiai ‘Appeal DURHAM BR ANCH, 5. :. HBHB . : J LAST WARNING Established over Fortyâ€"one Years Os:n a Savings Account toâ€" y. We solicit your acoount in our SAVINGS DEFARTMENT The A,B, C of Banking THs PususueERs ever Defer Saving, but i7 ey Saved is Money *4 B 2. The foilowing are the winners in the Field Mangel Compettion under the auspices of the Farmers‘ Institute : 1 Arcb. Park _ 2 Alex. Grierson 3 D. & A.Smith 4 Ales. Herd 5 Geo,. Rifchie 6 T. H. Binnie 7 Geo,. Pinney Jupo® :â€"Tbos. Delworth, Weston Watch the Kaiser say that the invyaâ€" sion of Greeee is as bad a« Belgium, The Balkans will be the theatre of war for a while now. Meanwhile the Allies have an army ashore to helg Serbia, which will be hard pressed by Bulgars on the east, and hGprmans and Austrians on the north. | Compelling interest attaches to the war news, ‘Foilowing the great and successful drive in France still being meintained, came Russia‘s ultimatum to Bulgaria to dismiss her German advisers or fight. _ Bulgaria will join the Hums. This pleased the Greek prime minister and the people who welcomed the landing of an allied arâ€" my In @reece. Like a bolt from the hlue comes the news that the Greek King will not go to war with Gerâ€" many and there may be » revolution. McK:NNoXâ€"In Darh â€"m, on Wednes ¢â€"y, Oct. 6:b, to M: «nd Mres, Arch, Mâ€"Kinnoo, a daught~; Teachers‘ Conventon Thursday and Friday of next week. 14th and 15th inst., in Durham. Instead o( the usual Conâ€" cert there is to be a conversazione, to allow of better aequaintance among teachers. Mr Wm. Wilson has purchased a fine outfit of Beatty Bros. Sicel Stalls, Hog pens and calf pens for bis barn, through Cox & Rabb, local age nts. See Map on inside page _ Mr. and Mrs J. F. McLeod and Miss Jessie motored from Cvilingwood last Friday and visited at Mc and Mrs. N. McMillan‘s, Swinton Park. Mrs. Mcâ€" Millan and Miss 8. Fergusen accom. panied them to Darham Saturday and epent oyer Sunday «t Mr N. Mcâ€" UWannel‘s and Mrs, MeLean‘s. Mrs W. D.. Connor got word on Friday last, that her mother was dead in Saskatchewan. She left same day accompanied by an Ayton friend and by her sister in Guelph. Mrs Thos McGirr and Mrs John Bell were at Niagara Over the week end, visiting their sons in camp there, Mr. and Mrs Robt. Paton, Swinton Park, have come to Durkam to reside with their daughter, Mrs, Robt Isaac, in their recently purchased property , Field Mangei Competition Congratalations to Mr Arthur Mcâ€" Nally, of Zion, and Miss Bella Lea of North Egremont, who are being toâ€" day, Wednesday, united in holy bonds of matrimeny, Nivs A. Grierson was taken to Owen Bound Hospital Sunday by Dr. Gan for an operation for internal trouble. Miss Rita Irwin is in Arthur Wednesâ€" day, having been engaged as aecompanâ€" ist for the fall fair concert there. Mrs. E‘ A. Goodwin visited in Torâ€" onto last week for a few days. Mrs F. Forsythe is visiting her parâ€" ents, Mr and Mre, 8. McComb. Mrs. Fred Pickering, Renfrew, is a guest at Dr, Pickering‘s for a week o" two. Mrs. J. W. Ewen has returned after attending her father‘s funeral, Miss Blanche Murdock is visiting with her aunt, Mrs Welsh, in Mamilâ€" ton. _ Mrs Murdock purposes leaving Saturday for Hamilton and will re« turn with her, Mr. C. C. Ramage has enlisted and has joined the Army Medical Corps in Toronto. mMrs R. Whittaker, Flesherton, yisâ€" ited in town over Sunday with his daughters, Miss Emma and Mre Fred Sproat. Mr and Mre Adam Robertson have gone to Mason City to spend the win. ter with their daughter. Mrs George Smith, Bulgaria and Greece Paise Joll G. T. R. Ticket Agency _ Get your tickets here The Central Drug Store We make a special feature and have always on hand a full and carefully selected line of hotâ€"water bottles, fountain syringes, atomizers and rubber goods generally. Of course, every weliâ€"regulated homsehold wants oue. But there are syringes and syringes these that work and those that don‘t. If you want the last, we haven‘t them : if you want the first, the kind that work, snd work well, and always work, we have th:m. TORONTO 5. 8. No. 8, GLENBLG Want a Syringe New Fall & Winter COATS |; [ss« h i & ip Ip J ip p i fpip J p p p J J . F. MORLOCK Although there is quite a scarcity in Wool Goods now and prices are highâ€" er, we have them in the best quality and at reasonable prices. The quality and prices are the same as in former seasons. oo ofto l abin oie oe shho ols ofe alfe alie tho oite of: ohe ogo op: age We are showing some neat Models in Ladies‘ and Misses‘ Piain and T weed The Store of Honest V alue Rubber Goods Prices always the lowest. Published Week!y at $1 > 1 vear, C. BAMAGE & £ON,P n 1amanse ?0. T. R. &ecial Rate Firatâ€"cia Oe g006 goins ® in day, Oct. 11, ; Puesday, Oci, 12 r \hanksgiving wre, good goin for return da meâ€"third fa Oct. 9 to M: r return ur 4

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