West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 7 Oct 1915, p. 4

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| : 14 | § 4 4 . U ._f t § 6 % K 4 LT] 4A | Sete Bay them here. We have a Fresh and varied stock of the choicest Grocaries, Oranges, Lemons, Peels, Dates, Nuts, Candies of all kinds, and everything required for the Holiday festivities. ; Oar prices will suit your purse. _ Give us a call. $ Your _ Holiday _ Groceries, Fruits and Confections Headquartors for Confectionery and all Ba:ery goods «s John McGowan THE CITY BAKERY All kinds of grain bought at market price. on Flour and Feed in ton lots sovereign, Eclipse and Pastry Flour T he Large Quantity of No. 1 Feeding Hay : _Stoves and Ranges 500 tons of No 1 Mixed Chop WHEAT AND BARLEY Wheat, Barley and Oats Chop :‘ THE RED FRONT hest prices for Te P tp h for you to pick from. It is well named, as alzo Wood. HEATING STOVES CR!MPED OATS for Horse Feed at CHOPPED OATS at.... very reas Have you seen the number of Happy Thought Ranges that have lately left the _ NEVIEW is well equipped for turning out all kinds of Commerâ€" cial and Job Printing. Give us a trial. W. BLACK The Rob Roy Cereal Mills Co. Oatmeal Mills, Durham We have a large FRED on hand. 14 Every bag guarantocd. If not sutisfactor7 bring it back and get your money. If you have any to sell, bring it to us and we will pay highest prices for it. T men uns ~ onl zin 4 Fresh and Clean, the very best. _ See this Hay before purchasing elsewhcre. 1t will pay you. We are in the market for any quantity of Grain Wanted THE PEOPLE‘S MILLS REVIEW Call and examine what Milling Oats Feed Oats Mixed Grain Feed Barley ns M etit â€">ulll ty i ’k-nn' P We also have a variety of Red Front Hardware Store rom. Our 3â€"inâ€"one is a good one , as it burns Hard and Soft Coal, . A. ROWE )rse Feed at Fair Prices +. very reasonable rates e steck of HEBEBAVY MIXED If you need feed, get our prices. : Day §4, Night § 26 we have to offer you Special Reduction We Sell Parisian Sage, and we Know the Guarantee is Genuine PARISIAN SAGE, the quickâ€"acting hair restorer, is guaranteedâ€" To stop falling hair, To cure dandruff, To cure itching of the scalp,. To put life into faded hair. To make harsh hair soft and luxuriant, To make hair grow, or money back. Jt is the most delightful hair dressing made, and is a great favorite with ladies who desire beautiful and luxuriant hair. Large bottle qanly 50 cents. ‘ Macfarlane & Co., Druggists, Durham, Ont. 1 All the News all the Time Rate by mail, any Edition, $2 per year Circulat’n.Dept,LondonAdvertiser Morning, Noon, Evening Western Ontario‘s Greatest Daily The London Advertiser _ _â€"â€"Lloyd George, ever activye, has appointed a committae to enquire in. to the health conditions nnder which lwuborers work, with a view to a betâ€" terment of physical efficiency and comfort in and for the worker. The committee is composed of the very highest medical talent. _ â€"Hamil ton holelkeepers have noâ€" tified the Commissioners that they will absolutely refuse to sell liquor to soldiers till the war is over. If proâ€" hibition is good@ for the soldier it ought to be good for the ciyilian. Barley is placed at 51,655,000 bushels from 1,509,850 acres, average 84.25, | The preliniinary estimate of this | year‘s wheat crop in Canada is a total of 308,889,800 bushels from 12,086,â€" 4C0O aores, representing an average yield per acre of 23 78 bushels. Ths total is 147,559,800 bushels or 91 pr cent in excess of last year‘s inferior yield of 161,280.000 bushels, 77,122,â€" 800 busbels or 88 n. c., in excess of the previous highest yield of 281,717,.â€" 000 bushels in 1913 and 112,814,000 bushels or 58 o. 0. in excess of the annual yield of 196,026,000 bushels tor the five years 1910 to I914. In acreage, average yield per acre and in total yield the present estimate is the highest yet recorded. | o the Public Ottawa, September 18th, 1915.â€" In a bulletin issued toâ€"day the Cen.â€" sus and Statistics Office publishes its annual preliminary estimate of the production in Canada of the principal grain crops (whoat, oats, rye, barlcy and flaxseed) as well as a report on the condition of ali field crops at the ond of August. News seems to be somewhat scarce. The farmers around this locality have jast finished thrashing, the grain turning out well. _ This week begins the sile filling. We are very sorry to report Mre. Alex Grierson is on the sick list. We hope soon to hear of her speedy re covery. Mrs Topling of Shelburne, yisited with uncle, Mr. Jas Mather recently, A number from bere cook in the Holstein Show. Mrs Walker of Galt who has been visiting with her mother and brother for a few weeks, left for her home on Saturday last, Alo, 13, BENTINCK Jr 4thâ€"Mary Alexander, Fletcher Riddell, Gladys Corlett, Percy Ledingâ€" ham, Hector Boyce. Jr 8rdâ€"Mortow | Riddell, Myrtie Boyce, Marie Walsb. Sr 2ndâ€"Henrietta Alexander, John Corlett. Sr 1stâ€"Mary Ashley, Sadie Castle. ~Jr 1stâ€"Edna Leuck, Albert Ashley. _ Sr Primerâ€"Gordon Kiddell Jt Primerâ€"Perey Leuck, John Ledâ€" iogham, Edward Lang, David Boyce. J. M. SxiITH, Teacher. No. 9, GLENELG 8r 4thâ€"M Haley, M Atkinson, V Ritchie, Jr 4thâ€"M Newell, M Whitâ€" more, A Lindsay, M Davis, 0 Bell, A Ritchie, G Bell. Jr 3rdâ€"R Davis, G Lindeay, R Davis,. â€" 20dâ€"M Bell, J Bell. 1stâ€"H Ritchie, 3 Lawrence and E Hargrave eq,, M Horst. 8r Primer 1 Davis, M Hargrave. Jr Primerâ€"R Arnett, A Horst. q&: Putl!um Beviecw OWEN SOUND ~Abounding Crops FLIZABETH ScoTt, Teacher $1,.50 per year. $1.00 if paid in advance. OCTOBER 7, 1015 School Reports HAMPDEN ' HOLSTEIN Heiter, 1 yr or overâ€"Jno Burnett. GRADE CATILE i Cow, Dair urposer~Thos Nicho * fuk "bfetrw ;‘aom-'"' W J Memill w, be r = CcMillan, Thos B}n,chol guond 3. 2 yr beiferâ€"W J McMillan 1 and 2, John Burnet. is hewe m ithp L2 0908, r urnet 1 a; w ] McMiNap, 2 THE DUBHAM REVIEWG Judgeâ€"Nathaniel Jobhnson, CaTTLEâ€"DURH A M hBull, agedâ€"W J Meads, L McArâ€" thur, Ball calflâ€"W Paton & Son. Milk cowâ€"D McMillan, Paton & Son, D McMillan, HERFFORD ‘ Bull, 1 yr or overâ€"W Burnet. Cowâ€"D W Adarnms. Heiferâ€"Wm Burnet, 2 yroldâ€"E J McRobo, 1 yr oldâ€"E J McRobb, L McArthur. Single driverâ€"Robt Culliton, W L Dixon, F P Reiley, Judgeâ€"Nathaniel Jobnson. ey. DRAUGEHT HORSES Spanâ€"Alex Mce@uilivray, HJ Millâ€" ner, Lachlan McArthur Brood _ mare â€" Alex McGillivray, Lachlan McArthur. * 2 yr oldâ€"Neil McLeod, Lack McAr; thur, B J McRobb 1 yr oldâ€"H J Milliner. Spring foalâ€"A Mc@Gillivray, L Me Artbur, Spanâ€" ‘ FLOWERS Hand boquetâ€"W J Meads, Table cenirepieceâ€"W J Meads. W J McMil. & , Hoise plactsâ€"W J Meads, D McMillan, Gerasivom~â€"W J Meads, D Catmptbell, Coll ew, peasâ€"D McMillan House fernâ€"W J Meads. Rex begonâ€" taâ€"W J Meads, Begonia, a o vÂ¥â€"W J Meads, D Campbel}, Coll foliage plantsâ€"W J Meads, D McMitlan, ‘ Judgesâ€"(Geo Binnie, J I Graham, ] FINE ARTS pal , 34. t‘ aPDEs, a 0 vâ€"W Ramage, W Mather, Crab apples, largeâ€"W Ramage, Crab spples, mediuamâ€"W Mather, D McCormack, Plumsâ€"F P T) . 1}. 02 um onl 0 Sn Pister, D Harrow, Cucumbers, pickâ€" Iing.. Alft Hincks. A D MecBeod. COnâ€" cumbers, ripe.. W G Watson, L Fishâ€" er. _ Table coro.. W G Watsou, T A Ferguson . Garden herbs.. D W Adams, Muir. Coll field roots .. Mair Coll vegerables (dirs McKinnon‘s special).. T A Ferguson. Judges.. J I Gratam, Geo Binnie. CRUIT . Nor. Spy applesâ€"Geo Tryon, W Ramage, _ Golder russet applesâ€"Gco Tryon, W Ramage, Apples, winter, & 0 Â¥â€"Geo Trvon. D MaMmamslLlp a t Co!!_pa‘iminga in oil ring foalâ€"A M((iiliivray. L Mc ur, AGRICULTURAL HORSBs ad"â€"lâ€"f;Otâ€"w Mathoe~, Jobhn 24 m _â€" _ UrCa._ Pumpkin, a 0 v..D McCormack _ Equash.. W G Watson, D MeCormack,. Vegetable marrow «. W G Watson, Thos Nishol. Celery white.. D Camphell, L Fisher. Celâ€" ery, a 0 v.. L FEisber. Tomatoes.. L Fisber, D Harrow. Cuenmbare nmian‘ ley, D Campbell. iog.. W J Meads amage.. _ Apples, ormack, D W Adâ€" Lawrenceâ€"D Harâ€" â€"Karstedt Bros Am 9. 'Karstedl i Mice, ete TORONTO â€"Mauir t wa aaet Apâ€" and 25¢ for a Walkerton paper, From 2 to 6 | cases of a sensat onal nature resulting . |from too long a lingering at the beer lpump, are recorded in the Walkerton | { papers every week. 1t makes good | news from an editorial standpoint, but ,'t‘rom a moral view point it is not an . ,bonor that our sister town should be proud of, and it is safe to say the vic» [ tims do not feel elated at the publicity inspired by their actions. Local opâ€" tion has proven times over that if it does not introduce total prohibition it throttles the traffic to such an extent that the newspapers suffer a great dearth of news concerning drunks and disorderlies.â€"Flesher ton Advence, _ t you want an object lesson on the ; benefits of local option, and the baseâ€" }ful results of the open bar, subscribe 'fur a Walkerton paper, From 2 to 6 Departmental Store Fresh Groceries are Continually Arriving Bring your Produce _ 1y 5 2a l o We have just : consignunment of the "Rough on Rats" A new stock of Linoleums, i newest paiterns, 2 and 4 yds The 4 yds wide is from $2 perâ€" A large stock of F lannellette Blanâ€" kets at from...........x.xg per pr â€"_ LEICESTER Aged ramâ€" Muir, Don McMillan, Muir, Sh. ramâ€"A S Muir. Ram lambâ€"Muir 1 and 2. Aged eweâ€"Muir, D McMillan, Muir, Bh. eweâ€"Muir 1 and 2. Ewe lambâ€"Muir, D McMillan. Flannellette Blankets Steer calftâ€"F P Reiley, T A Ferguâ€" sou, W Mather. Heifer calfâ€"W Mather 1, 2 and 3. Judgeâ€"George H Core. If you want sSWINBEâ€"BEREKSBIRE Sow, pedigreedâ€"W G Rose. Sow, over 3 mosâ€"W G Ross 1 and 2, Boar of 1915 â€"W G Ross 1 and 2. Ped. boarâ€"L McArthur, W G Rose, YORKSHIRE Sow of 1915â€"W G Watson 1 and 2. Ped. boar, over 1 yrâ€"W G Ross. Judgeâ€"Geo H Core. 3 OXFORD Aged ramâ€"W Paton & Son. Bh. ramâ€"Paton & Son. Ram lambâ€"Paton & Sor. Aged eweâ€"Paton & Son. Sh, eweâ€"Paton & Son, Ewe lambâ€"Paton & Son. 35 C. P. R. T Office [X %fl The Mm Buy your Tiz::;s here :fi se ponisnremremreas m «oo rcarepan ereereonr mesrea pad en men en readredd m S wl adiiotd 2 Eds L ced i En CR 5) it *n which notwithstanding the SHROPSHIRE Aged ramâ€"Geo Shand, Ram lambâ€"$hand 1 and 2, Aged eweâ€"Shand 1 and 2. Sh. eweâ€"Shand 1 and 2. Ewe lambâ€"Sband 1 and 2. SHEEPâ€"COTSWOLD Aged ramâ€"A 8 Muir. Ram lambâ€"Muir 1 and 2. Aged eweâ€"Muir 1 and 3. Sh. eweâ€"Muir 1 and 2, Ewe lambâ€"Muir I and 2. Large Sales h on Rats" clears out Rats, c. Don‘t die in the House, 15¢ at Drug and Country Stores, _ JUST ARRIVED ine Stock of Men‘s Allâ€"W G. & J. McKECKNTF Flannellette Linoleums McKechnie‘s Weekly News Brooms t5 â€"l We received another : 28c broom._ MacFARLANE‘S Drug Store ims, in the 4 yds wide. advance in price of wool 88 pieces, 19 varieties in every Full lbs. 60c.. â€" Halves, 35 Just a little better than the bestâ€"tr Rexall Gum =â€" 3 for 10c e e 0000 nxannsnSSEnsRHREREERERNECEN N WWe t J%. 9w it mt a B W J, ARTHUR COOK is now giving lessons in Voice Production and Singing. at the home of Mrs 8. F. McComb, every Tuesday, from 2 till i p.m. Appointments now being beoked. Is selling well because It‘s a good one. Intending Students should enter at the begin ning of the term if possible. _ Board can be obâ€" tained at reasonable rates. Durham is a healthy and attractive town, making it a most desirable place for residence. The record of the School in past years is % fattering one. The trustees are progressive eduâ€" cationally and spare no pains to see that teachers and pupl{l have every »dvannfifor the proper presentation and acqusition of knowledge. FEKS3:$1 per month in advance. are in charge : THO8. ALLAN, Principal and Provincial Mod Staff and Equipment. The school is thoroughly equi lnse.cnmg ability, in chemical and d:ww au fttings, &c., for full Junior Leaving and Matricâ€" ulation work. The following competent staff C. RAMAGE, Down Town Shoe Store J. 5. McILRAITH Many new specials in Men‘s Pat. and G.mme.tal Bals and Button Shoes. Splendid values in Heavy Norking Shoes tor Menâ€"solid leather through and throughâ€"th: kind that brings you back for your next pair. Splendid stock of Trunks, Suitcases and C:ub bags. Come in and inspect our HOSIERY Depsrtment where the prices are right. REPAIRING PROMPTLY DONE. DURKHAM HIGH SCHOOL Ladies‘ Pat. Bals in Black Brocaded, Ta» Grey and Black Kid Tops. _ Also special lines brimful of style and solid wear for Misses‘ and Children. This store‘s showing of Ladies‘, Men‘s, Girls‘ and and Winter Boots surpasses all efforts of previous years A new package just outâ€" «THE PRINCESS" Never Before such Variety, Style and Quality in Footwear THE Chairm ap el School Teacher. 1st Class Certificate SINGING We pay you Highest Price Biankets, 6â€"50 per pr. ool Undershirts & Drawers Our Shoe stock is being replenishâ€" ed weekly, so thas we have the most approved styles, mace on easy fit. ting lasts, A pretty stock of all the new Fall sty having a nice appe too costly, DR, J. F. GRANT, Fall Shoes Recretary new Fall styles, duril;lre‘ â€" They are Wall Paper Blankets are selling at $1 per gar‘t J JDLhJ 3 4 k k J JX £ C. L. GRANT appearance, but not s# Also G=berdines, Corâ€" # ded and Plain Velvets, * all colors. + Dress Goods * Serges e ofa ofe ofe oy: pte ofpa ofe oBe ofe ofe oy: :0 correct thing in fine .n.:iu?:y â€" Tinted or White, â€"â€"Small, Mrdium or Large. * Examine it. POpIiflS in colors. OCTOBER 7, l91s Wall P.per in in Black, White, Blues, Brown, Grey and Red. our Seotch +*59, 5â€"25 and ®9 8 q N Small Profit Boys‘ Fall ED o "Sty1 x KARST! ® 'gfi o a s o s . .. appregees u> Quality Pha‘ PRICEVILLE, _ â€" Motto : Oft« The last words The only k Howards Choice Wigtp from Holland. ~ Spices of al JAMES Powl Market 0 EVERY W Ladies® Purest always Men‘s Simply c the least elab and trimming popular as ar moderate. . your choice 1 Our M the many 1 were delig} MISS Have you here to pleas« T hat k I. FA WANTED we‘re ready $1,00 per garme: Boys‘ and Child: Just what is has been placed â€" will sell at less t Prices range fro We‘ve been brand of Men‘s to your measure Overcoats. L4 Satisfaction and OCTOBER Sweat â€"~Unde for Pickh This ye; Ladies® dies wit our line in Und Winter W W e weather g Btc. Hig NC nZ iur â€"PSO CEYÂ¥ W

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