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Durham Review (1897), 14 Oct 1915, p. 8

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sb * t* t % € % «4 <» & L »tween all stations in Canada, Fort William and East, and to Sault Ste. Murvie, Detrost. Mich, Buffalo and Niaâ€" gara Falls, N.Y. Single Fare, good going Monday October 11. return limit Monday, Oct. 1! iÂ¥15. Minimum charge 25 cents. «are and Oneâ€"Third, good going Oct. ©â€" 10 and 11, return limit Tuesday, Oct 1 MacFarlane, Agent, Durham 1 eave Toronto ® 7 hanksgiving Day EXCURSION FARES UDURHA M, »nngles and Lath always on 1and at right prices. Custom ~awing promptly attended to DURKHAM ~ ANING MILLS ~ _ and 1100 ». m. daily. _ Eo uipment the fines. on all trains 1215, Minimum charge #5 cents, _ \Apply to any C, P. R. Agent for full meculars or write Ww, Fulton M. G. Murphy «< Dier Pass, Ag Dist. Pass. Agent Toronto Toronto . as Review to New Subscribâ€" s to Jan. Ist 1917, for ealy 1.00 1i is bound to increase in value. V ca in a position to jadge say that > farmer living toâ€"day will ever + ain see cheap beef, _ This certainly © «ane an early increase in the selling ice of farm lands, I have for sale : isao Sole Agent and Dealer for Darâ€" im and vicimty of the Euy Farm UUBLE TRACK ALL THE WAY I‘n« undersigned begs to announce vâ€"sidents of Durham and surroundâ€" x country, that he bas his Planing and factory fully equipped and is «red to take orders for r interior of buildingsâ€"better and «per than lath «nd plaster,. <v to handle Cuts with a saw sy put on Cannot fall off ves fuel No dirt or muss Call and see for yourself duced fares t» San Francrtsco, Los â€"oles and San Diego. Information tickets on application to Agents. WM CALDER, Town Ticket Agt. J. TOWNER. Tickot Agent anama Pacific Exposition ) mnores near Dromore, convenient to ©uool. _ Splendidiy improved, only »1000 down, balznce at 5 per ceni, < riee $2500, ) neres con 18, Egremont, well preâ€" * vodw or wWith another 350 res, k ) scres Egremont, near Mt. Foreet, ‘ood farm, worch more but offered JDOO or trifle under for quick sale. acres Egremont, near Holstein. 1e of the very best farms in the wnship. . Wiil soon be picked up yery low price quoted. acres Bentinckâ€"the John Clark m, con 3, W (i R. Cheaper than er offered before, eres Bentinck, lot 51 con 3, W . G. ZENUS CLARK Toronto â€"Chicago Toronto â€"Montrea rFOR CHICAGO NEW FIBRE BOARD *A P $ »a connot afford to BUY or SELL ‘ORROW or LEND without first H. MILLER, H, DOORS, and all kinds i HOUSE "ITTINGS Toronto 80# a. m., 6.00 p. m. and 11.45 p. m. FOR MONTRIAL You must bring them in every week to be recorded in our Register. This is important. Remember that please. We are bound to make this the most popular Store in this part of the country. Every day we are meeting new faces and raking new friends for this store. We are putting on this contest to bring you here, so that we can prove to you that this store offers you greater buying inducements than you can find elsewhere. We know that when you get acquainted with us and our methods of doing busiâ€" ness, you will be one of our best advertisements. near Duorkham Do you know that we are givâ€" ing away absolutely Free a Cabinet Grand Piano which cost us Three Hundred and Fifty Dollars to the person reâ€" ceiving the greatest number of votes during this contest ? SQUARE Property Now Don‘t Hold Your Votes con 3, W . G. Good farm, ONTA RIO Hanover Sunday School at 10. _ Services at i1 a. m. and 7.30 p. m. Epworth League Tuesdays at 8 p. m, Week night service Thursday at 8 p.o REV. T. H. IBBOTT, Ph. B., â€" Pastor Sunday & The Review and Toronto Daily SEA IOK 1 .YOMEâ€"ccrccarcersercersiriry The Review and Toronto Daily News for one yenr.................. The Reyiew and Toronto Daily ‘WORNETOF . YOREc.ccsrsccsserertcrert The Reyiew and Weekly Mail and Empire for 1 year.................. The Review and the Family Herâ€" ald and Weekly Star for 1 year The Review and Weekly Witness TOF 1 YOUK.scvrrceceeneencreriereratuiene TLs Reoyiew and Weekly Sun for IYOMEsserer v c« rne cexiers ihe oor reu revveyevie The Revmiew and Weekly Advertisâ€" 0K fOF ORC YORKs...corss rrcevertssscers ‘The Revieow and Toronto Daily ChiODG HOF UYOCUEsceryerssrerseetnins The Review and Toronto Daily Mail and Empire for 1 year...... The Review and Daily Free Prese TOF I YIORE es ersrserrrerencrraveniiisi‘n dn The Review and Weekly Free PD6SY SOF ONHO YOUF.+«ravess ssrseeert The Review and Farming World TOK EYUIME â€"ysrrser c unc earethuin: sexusvru‘s The Review and the Farmers‘ Adâ€" FOCab@ fOF L YORK :sccz crcrreacretuence TheReview and Cauadian Farm TOF I â€"YOWEs sc reitcrieertÂ¥ce¢enthtniten‘se . E. 5. C, E, Tnesday at 8 p. m. REV. D. B. MARSH Sc.D, FR.A.S, Pastor FOR SALE.â€"A: quantity of Fodder Cornâ€"Either by the row or by the acre. Also, some firewood. Apply to Many good wishes and more su/~ stantial things were bestowed on th> happy young couple, who after a bris/ honeymoon, will begin housekeeping at the groom‘s home, near Zion,. The ReEvieEw joins in felicitations to the happy lovers . The evening however was not chat and ceremony. At an approp ate time a handsome repast was serv and comspicuous amoug many go things was a four storey wedding ca‘ Guests from a Cistance were: the Misses Lee, Orangeville ; Mr and mc Thos. McNally, Z:on, Glenelg ; Mr and Mrs Kingston, Meaford. The groom‘s gitt was a gold watcb to the bride and a gold brooch to ine orgamist, Mrs Qusen, The Engli<h church choir sans« a chorus after the ceremony, which was performed by Revy, Mr Morris, Auglican ministe, the bride‘s pastor. orange blossoms and carried a bougue. of nmaiden hair fern and white aste s, the whole oulfit adding to the cha. m of the fair young bride. The travy iâ€" ling suit was a navy blue serge ar d she wore a white plush hat. avd get the bect in training an« resuits. A postâ€"card writtem tc day, brings free catalogue of in formation. D.A.McLacuctax, G. M. Hexa®y, The wedding dress was of white ivory satin, trimmed with Toullon la :« and shirring and homemade ros > She wore a bridal veil caught wi i Can succeed if given a chance. and a Business Rducation will give him that chance. Send him tothe Mt. Forcst Business College [Pretty North Egremont Wedding,; McMaruyâ€"LEe A pretty wedding was celebrated at the home of the bride‘s mother, Mrs Wm, Lee, North Egremont, on Wedâ€" nesday, 6th October, 1915, when bher daughter, Isabelia Margaret Jane. was united in marriage to Mr Arthur Joh» McNally, of Gienelg. _ The guests number no fewer than 125 relatives and friends of the contracting partics and the cersemony being at 4 p. m., 2 very pleasant afternoon and evenin2 was spent in felicitations and go> wishes to the happy young couple a~d neighborly chat and reminiscence. JAS, ATKINSON, On Durham Road, just east 0 Presbyterian Church DO YOU KNOW ? Methodist Church School at 10. Service at 11 a.m:. and 7.30 p. m. 8. C. E. Tnesday at 8 n. m. YOUR BOY Do you know that we have decided to give two other valâ€" uable prizesâ€"a Second prize and a Third prizeâ€" just to enâ€" courage you to get busy ? Start toâ€"day. IOF = YOMIe.ccsssrssserreceenee 8 75 ew and Weekly Mail and FAOR 1 YORKscoccccccrccresces "X T8 ow and the Family Herâ€" l Weekly Star for 1 year 1 90 iew and Weekly Witness OUK us raev es es rancenvanresseriee â€" k O iew and Weekly Sun for ew and Weekly Advertisâ€" HONC YOMK se« secsrcrsecressessesce * I 90 iow and Toronto Daily BOK IYOUEssurperssssertavicies S YQ 16w and Toronto Daily ad Empire for 1 year...... 3 90 President. â€"Prineips i Aubbing Rates of town The J. D. Abraham Company 8 90 2 50 1 59 8 VO 190 3 ) 1 80 _ NOTICE IQHEREBY GIVEN that a Byâ€"Law wastoassed by the Council of Township of§ gremont on the 29th day of Septemb& 1915, providing for [ the issue of debektures to the amount of $3000 for the mlirpose of providing | for the cost of a Wlant to distribute electric power to D supplied by the Hydroâ€"Electric Power Commission of Ontario at the PolicQ Vilage of Holâ€" stein in the TownshYp of Egremont, | and that such Byâ€"LaQ_was registered or Under and by virtrie of the poweis vested in him, the Adjninistrator with the Will annexed of the Estate of the late Alexander Coutts} de€eased, will offer for sale by Publi¢ Auction at HAHN‘S HOTEL, RHAM, on Thursday, Novembér 4th, 1915 at the hour of 2 o‘clock, p. m., the following valuable freehpld property, consisting of * Gore Lot "A‘" in the \r3th Conâ€" cession of the Townshif of Egreâ€" mont in the County bf Grey, containing by admeagurement fiftyâ€"five acres more or 1¢ss. The property will be offefed for sale subject to a reserved bid. TERMS OF SALM: Ten per cent. of the amoukt of putr® chase money at time of saleland bal~ ance thereof within thirty days there" after without interest. in the Registry Ofic® for the South Riding of the County W.Grey, on the 13th day of October 19R\ Any moâ€" tion to quash or set aside the same or any part thereof must b&made within three months after the lfirst pyblicaâ€" tion of this notice and carlinot g&mnde thereafter . Dated the 13th day of Octbber 1915 DAVID ALLAN, Clerk. Further paxticulars. may be had from the Administrator, James\Geddes Holstein Convoyancor Issuer of Marriage Licanses Money to loan at lowest rates, and terms to suit borrower. Fire and Life Insurance placed in ulorowzarlz reliable companies. _ Deeds, gages. Leases antl \Yilll executed on ehur wet notiee. All work promptly attended to. Solicitor for the Adminifstrator R. H. Isaac, Auctioneer Dated at Durham October 12th\ 1915 Notice of R&gistration of Byâ€"Raw Mr Wm Falkingham hbas taken charge of Rev, Jno. Ward‘s circuit whila he is at college , Miss Sadie Bailey, of Durham, spent Thanksgiying with her friend, Miss Grace Pinder. Miss Florence Talkingham, nurse of Toronto, is visiting her parents here for a couple of weeks. Miss Edna ton, is visitin W. T. Pinder‘s, Un Friday afternoon was the Rural School Fair at Hoistcin. A number of the pupils from here took prizss. A number of the Orchard poople attended the anniversary sorvices at Varney Sunday. Miss Edna Wilton, from Walkerâ€" ton, i3 viaiting at her aunt‘s, Mrs day Some months ago we sent out requests for settlement to a numâ€" ber of our subseribers who had allowed themselves to get unreasâ€" onably in arrears for the Revisw. In most cases the request was corâ€" dially attended to. However there are a number who have paid no attention to our request ana this is to inform them that if settled at once, or arranged for, old rates will prevail. If not so settled, ex pense will be incurred, which we will regret, but for which we are not responsible. Write or call toâ€" Do you know that youx have a splendid chance to win one of these valuable prizes. Your friends are receiving votes here every day. â€"Ask them to save their votes for you. ADMIN IS’J‘fi:flORS’ SALE OF \LANDS J. P. TERLFORD, W. J. SHARP LAST WARNING ORCHARD HOLSTEIN THs PuBLISHERS lp of Egrer it_was regis c§ for the $ y W Grey, 01 198.\ Any aside the sa1 :ltl made w e Airst py d carinot gg The Store that Sets the Pace The Contest is just starting. All that is required is a little energy on your part to hustle around among your friends and collect their votes. Lots of your friends have votes and are just waiting for you to ask for them. Don‘t be backward, you can win one of these valuable prizes. The votes cost nothing but they are worth a lot to you. ~Get out and hustle. You have as good an opportunity as anyone of winning this beautiful Piano. At the annual meeting of the exeâ€" E"C! cutive of the Temperance and Moral| Whi Reform Association in Listowel, Rev, A*M John Little, field secretary for the ; mat Perth Alliance, who, now that the‘ KReyv C. T. A; battle in the county is over, ud is to resumse pulp t work, was made ror the iecipient of a worris chair. â€" Rev. pas; Mr Little will tegqdler his resignmation ~pyg, to the Stratford aeadquarters ef the y,, alliance on Oct. 21. He has accepted w, a call from St, Helens to preach. He . _ a call from St, Helens to preach. Be ioo thow a lone and happy life: will move thither on Tt?udly, Oct. | 1PB &am a long and happy life. 19. ; Through this world of care and If you would lise to become a snb scriber to the isbrary, now is the time. You can be a member for $1.00 until January, 1917. Mr A. 8. Bennet, of Swift Current. Sask., and Mrs Hartley, of Courtâ€" wright, Ont., spent Thanksgiying with Mr and Mrs Allingham, also Mr Tanner and son, Dorking. The Egremont Rural School Fair on Friday last was a great success. The different schools of the township were well represented, The sports were held in the Park, the exhibits were excellent and a fine display of fowl and vegetables. The baking hy the girls was first clsss, also the sewâ€" in ? and the collections of weeds and insects. â€" Some splendid addresses were given and altogether it was a very profitable and enjoyable afterâ€" MrJames Mickleboro, of Toronto, spent the holidays with his parents and sister, Mrs Nicholson. / Mr and Mrs Donald Urquhart, of Detroit, spent Thanksgiving with Mrs Hostetter and Miss Adams, also attending the funeral of Mr Uiquâ€" hart‘s sister, Mrs Straub, of Mt. Forâ€" est, who died suddenly on Friday last. Among the number who spent Thanksgiving with their parents here were Miss Anna Rice, of Hesâ€" peler, Miss Mary Marsh, of Toronto, Miss Irene Drumm, of Listowel, Mr Bert Eecles, of Stratford and Mr John Marsh, of Mildmay. The Women‘s Missionary Society of the Presbyterian church will hold their Thankâ€"offer.ng service on Sabâ€" bath evening, Oct. 17th. Rev. Mr MeNamara, of Drayton, will address the meeting. Miss Fulton, of Fulton‘s Mills, is sperding a few days with her sister, Mrs Coburn. Miss Marion Coburn, who underâ€" went an operation forappendicitis, is recovering nicely. * The monthly meeting of the Woâ€" men‘s Institute will meet at the home of Mrs L. B Nicholson on Thursday, wet, 21st. . Papers will be given by Mrs G. P. Leith on * Importance and meaning of Economies. Roll callâ€"women‘s work. On Tuesday evening a very enjoy.â€" able tea was held in the parsonage by the Methodist Women‘s Missionary Society. A Union meeting of the two churchâ€" es was held in ‘he Methodist church in the interests of the Bible Societs, on Sunday evening last. Mr Jno. Swanston has moved out to his house near his mill, which will be more convenieut. _ Holstein 1e Erets to lose such good citizens as Mi Swanston and his sister. Miss Deguerre visited friends in Toronto over the holiday . Miss Thompson, of Listowel, is visiting her auut, Mrs Drumm. Miss Ross is moving into Mr Swar ston‘s house in south end of the vil lage, Mr â€" Ibbott spent a few days with his parents, Rev. T. H. and Mrs Ibâ€" bott. Mr and Mrs Wim. Hamilton, who have beeh visiting friends and relaâ€" tives here, are leaving for their home in Regina this week. a LOCAL AND PERSONAL % *h imssmepessenseantch, %m&&fiéssuwmsfim# Miss Atkiuson spent Thanksgivâ€" ing at her home in London. THE DURHAM REVIEW Do you know that we give one vots for each cent you spend in the store? One hundred votes for every Dollar. Proâ€" duce counts the same as Cash, Start today to save your votes. Â¥our TORONTO , On Wednesday p. m., 6th inst., a ‘very pretty wedding took place at the home ot Mrs Ira Rawn, when her only daughter, Rowera Azelia, was marâ€" iied to Mr Wm. Steveson, of Normanâ€" by. The handsome parlor was beautâ€" ifully decorated with wreaths, flowers, etc., and while Mrs Sim played the wedding march, the groom took his place under a beautiful arch. The bride, who looked lovely in a dress of \grey silk and carrying a boquet of | white roges, entered leaning on the ‘arm of hber brother George. The marriage ceremony was performed by ‘Rev, Mr Btewart, of Letter Breen, ind after receiviag congra+ulations rom thuir friends. a sumptuous reâ€" past was served in che dining room to over seventy guests. ‘The presents were numerous, handsome and useful. We join their many friends in wishâ€" Mrs Frank Hunt received a letter recently from her orly brother, who is in Shornecliff, England. _ Mr _ Robâ€" bie resigned a good situation in the West to go and fight for the meteor flag. We wish him success and a safe return. Crops here were abundant, but wind and rain made them difficult to eut and house in good condition, But Mr MeDermidcame with his threshâ€" ing outfit and naade short work of the stubborn sheaves, threshing the conâ€" tents of seven barns in less than five days. He is a hustler and does the work well. We received a letter from Mrs John Hunt (a former respected pioneer of the Bend / dated Caigary, Alta., Sept. 19th, _ Her manvy friends will be pleased to hear she is well and enjoys life in that western city, Now the frost has changed to crimson The leaf of the maple fair, And the yellow leaves are aweeping O‘er the uplands brown and bare. Memory recalls the vavished days Of sumshine, birds and flowers, And we think of hopes that have passed away Like the fleeting summer hbours. Mrs J. Orchard, of London, is visâ€" iting her niece, Mre John Durant, alâ€" so Mr and Mrs Greenwood, of Edge Hill, were recent guests of Mrs Durâ€" Ant. The officers areâ€"P resident, Campâ€" bell Grant; Vice Pres., Clinton Rice ; Secy., Arthur I. Kerr, Holâ€" stein ; Treas., Mary McEachern. These with a Board of Directors are the Executive. Then there are races for the boys and girls, for the teachers and even for the trustees. Given good weathâ€" er there is always the making of a splendid afternoon aud the eonsciousâ€" ness that an interest has been develâ€" oped in the work of the farm and home during the summer that will make better and useful citizens of the boys and girls, Ambitious ? We should say ! Fanâ€" cy 17 prizes in Oats for, 1. Care of Plot, 2, a gallon of oats from the plot, 3, a sheaf from the plot. In the same way 14 prizes for barley, 32 for potatoes, 4 for Yellow Dent Corn, 16 for sweet corn, 16 for carrots, 16 for mange!s and 14 for sweet peas. Then there are 20 prizes for Barred Rock chickens, 5 for best pair, 6 for best made coop made by exhibitor ard must contain chickens, 5 prizes for best named collection of weeds, 5 for weed seeds, 5 for insects, 18 for hand sewing by girls, 20 for bread, cake, pie and biscuits, 10 for best hailterâ€" broken spring colt or calf and 3 for five minute addresses by the young contestants on any subject. The School Fair at Holstein on Friâ€" day last was bighly successful and judging by the interest displayed and enthusiasm aroused it bid fair to have a career of usefuluess, which is of course the intention. The Prize List is a lengthy and ambitiouns one, and we regret the deâ€" partment officials at Markdale have not furnished us with the list of prize winners, for uo doubt many of the youug folks will be pleased to see their name in print. Do you know that this Store was never so well prepared to serve you? In every Dept. our stocks are full of new Fall Goods and prices were never more inviting. Rural School Fair SOUTH BEND Threshing is the order of the day, Mr Peter Myers‘ machine being at present in this vicinmty, Miss Helen Seatter, who has been in Toronto for the past .month, has seâ€" sured a position as stenographer wich the Board of Trade. Rey. Mr Hamilton, Toronto, gave a fine address at Amos church on Bunday, dealing with the Budget. He also spoke to the ladies on the ocâ€" ceasion of annaal Thank Offering meeting. Mrs Williams, who has been en gaged with Mr Geo, Bunston, was taken serionsly ill with appendiciti¢ on Sa‘urday and has been removed to Mt. Forest hospital. Mr Marray Findlay, of the Stratâ€" ford Normal School, spent the hollâ€" day at his home here. All those interested in the Patriotie jflfld Mrs. John Weir during the boliâ€" movement are asked to attend a | 48Ys. meeting on Friday evening, Oet. 15,| No less tha o in Russell Hall, when Reeye MoArâ€" !chines wer& ?Jp:l:::i:‘u;m:l::d::- thur will be present and speak on the | borhood wishin a radius of less than urgent needs of the Red Cross Society. | a mile and yet hands enough to man M# M aveae Eindlaw af tha Siranr_ Lhem- row May their lives be brighs as day, Aund the loye they pledged grow deeper As the swify years glide away. And when the journey of life is o‘er And their heavenly home is nigh, May they hear the Master say " well done " In that land beyond the sky. ) Poultcy i. "WisDaSonty.® & 3 Joun M. FINDLAY Dromore . 8 <~JId L BP4 DRA L RSMD‘ BSMA DRA § Butter o F, 4 RB4I2DAI2D~DAD *A D* See this beautiful Piano now DROMORE Ford Town Car Price $780 Ford Runabcut erd Towring Car Price $530 Price "MADE IN CANADA* Are still advancing and there is talk of a war tax being put on, but we will this week give you a specia\ line in 5 lb. lots, Biack or Greon at 35C Ibo Still open for Choice Tub Butter, for which we will pay extra price. Are good value in a rising market Long Clear...................18¢ per Ib Smo+~d Rolls. .............18¢ per Ib Smoked Hams..............%3¢ per Ib Mr and Mrs J. Aideorn and Mr and Mrs Fred Rusciman spent Thanksâ€" giving evening at the_home of Mr. W. Ramage. wishes to Miss Belle Lee . Mr and Mrs. J. McKenzie, together with Mr and Mrs (Geo. Hooper, mot» ored to Eagenia Falls one day this week, The usual complaint of rotting potatoes prev«!is here to the extent of a quarter of the crop in some places, Mr Jas Litster of Keppel is v at his sister‘s, Mrs Lothian. Mr Jas. Leask is still a welcome yisitor in and around his old neighâ€" borhood . Mr Wim Wâ€"ir «»d his young bride ef Toronto yisited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Weir during the boliâ€" days. Mrs Hymer and daughter are yisiâ€" ting her sistorâ€"inâ€"law, Mrs W. J. Btephenson sad other triends this week, Miss Susie Tacker of the Ifll(jOE pariors Ho.stein, spent Thanksâ€" giving at her howe on the 22nd con. on exhibition 00TOBEBR 14 NORTiH EGREMONT in our Window . 1915 The Simeoe 1 cash prices for station next w this page, Bumper crop writes Mr R, P. 2000 bush, of w and barley, O prear by are also Mr A. W, B ~Lauder Ford car to Mr Craw! North Egremont . The fine weather of last w till Monday morning, when dampened things liverally tively, Good progress was potato lifting, though ow\ rot, even that was a heart! spite of fine wearther, Knox Oburch, KÂ¥ort their 8. 8, anniverki evening, Oct. 26th i is on the program . m instrumental is in ; Rev, Dr. Marsh of Ho whle speakers will be p time is assured. _ Pop M pl Ixwvre®» nis ating his mac factory on Mon had the misfort of right hand ca a small piece ou two fingers slig bnc home, close to Cc similar positions Write at onee to : cipal Mt. Forest confer with C. Durham . Anniversary s Fresbyterian C# Bunday and Mon Noyember 1. R former pastor, â€" buath Services, | on the Monday « did tesa will As musical | progret sion Monday eve ness 101 program, pI boys at the 1 AxovtB®i ham‘s s oun our recruit of Dr being was a along NeGitr and . listed last w Thursday eve ton and on F1 London to c definite infor Phere winter probably in 8 Anniversary Mulock Baptis Rev. J. B. Br at 11 a m and evening. Oct 2 and patmotic Church, proce Cross Society _A s being prepared I of Clinton will give "Fl‘htmf: machine them. rom a lary ience of over 17 yea: works, Biswick, ng describe the constr Howitzers, Naval, | Guns, Torpedoes, Mr Fairful 1s a cle: most icteresting spe subject thoroughly. him and also help ciety. Supper6 to solos, duetts and and other talent. .A Durham Town C night konored its granting $800 to 1 in reeponse to the sdowne. This is by no means Darh Or last effort in that direction, kampaigh will be launehed be and we trust liberal things devised. All and more will 1 The man who can‘t go can giv wound on a Canadian is a mouth for sacrifice on the those at home. _ Rervice at is goed, service by sacrifice : the stay at howmes, "I ca and »ot feel :. " said a boaster said a listene: "~ive 880 and 1 Or o# The Ladies® Ajd of the P‘ree @hurch have this year so i $469 for patrious purposes a many houre of loving labor forts for the soldiere, Other may have done equally wel coming home to us that Can § 24 OL. XXXVIII, Walker NoTn®® (1ik1 idy in Moaty: s College st in return for ingers slight!y N work two or thankfal it w $500 to Red Cross 1 ankiul l was nol me® Guxnr W axre in M t Forest a Mege stddent to ac return for Roard. close to €ollBge, : poritionsâ€" iW . a at onee to (G. MC D is machine in on Monday, Mr misfort une to t hand caught or c OE th crons t us pay as well as mm mm lc @4 > f1 PDiA blessed 10 N H at Pm 1X R H sel W} H ( H

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