West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 21 Oct 1915, p. 4

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3 1. 4/ *x OM John McQowan 4 i e «ARNXCKRRER 500 tons of No 1 Mixed Chop wWHEAT AND BARLEY Wheat, Barley and Oats Chop Large Quantity of No. 1 Feeding Hay All kinds of grain bought at market price. ; on Flour and Feed in ton lots. Sovereign, Eclipse and Pastry Flour Bay the n here. We have a Fresh and varied stock of the shoicest Groveries, Oranges, Lemons, Peeis. Dates Nuts, Candies of all kinds, 1nd everything reqaired for the Holicay festivities. Our prices will sui; your purse. _ Give us a call. fxutc" E6. A ROWE The Rob Roy Cereal Mills Co. Oatmeal Millis, Durham We have a large steck of HEAVY MIXED FRED on hand. _ If you need feed, get our prices. If you have any to sell, bring it to us and will pay highest prices for it. Your _ Holiday _ Groceries, Fruits and Confections T HE CITY BAKERY Headquar ters for Confectionery aud all Cakery goods We are in the market for any quantity of REVIEW is well equipped for turning out all kinds of Commerâ€" cial and Job Printing. Give us a trial. CR!IMPED OATsS for Horse Feed at Fair Prices CHOPPED OATS at.... very reasonable rates Milling Oats Feed Oats Mixed Grain Feed Barley THE PEOPLE‘S MILLS Fresh and Clean, the very best. _ See this Hay before purchasing elsewhere. It will pay you. Every bag guarantoed. If not satisfactor7 bring it back and get your money. PHONES : Day § 4, Night $ 26 Je 22 Wanted IG 3t BC 2C BC BC 3C P 3 3 Special Reduction &\ At the yery time when the Governâ€" ment presamably thought that with the passing of the eight o‘clock order of the License Board there would be a litttle respite from the agitation against the liquor traffie, they must be very disappointed to find that inâ€" stead of a rest, a period of ever greater aetivity has been ushered in. I; was on the evening of the 12th of October that the eight o‘elock closing rule was anmnounced, (which by the way has pleased nobody, eisher the liquor interests or the temperance men) and it was just three days later, on the 15th of October, that the Comâ€" mittee of One bundred, modelled atâ€" ter similar bodies in Saskatchewan and British Columbia, was launched at the big Toronto meeting. This Committee of One Hundred is to be the Executive of a new temperance movement, entirely nonâ€"partisan in its natare and which will be satisfied with no nibbling or zigâ€"zag process, but which is dewvanding the complete prohibition of the liquor traffic in Onâ€" tario or, at any rate, a reterendum of the people on the question. Ehe Burkam Review The movement, which is still in its in{fancy, already includes prominent men of both parties from many secâ€" tions of the province and prospects are bright for a successfal career. Eight o‘clock Closing PUTS HAIR ON YOUR HEAD AND KEEPS IT THERE What‘s the use of being bald? What sense is there in deliberately allowing your hair to turn gray! |_ _ _ PARISIAN SAGE _ Do you want to look old before your time? Give up the thought; old age will come only too soon. _ _ _ ____ _ Look after your hair. PARISIAN SAGE will kill the dandruff gferms, and is the only preparation, so far as we know, that is guaranteed to do so. Man or womun, no matter how old you are, PARISIAN SAGE will make you look yOung..... :; > /. ~.. / Come in and get a large bottle toâ€"day, it only costs 50 cents, and your money back if it does not cure dandruff, stop falling hair, or itching of the scalp. It will make your hair luxuriant, bright and beautiful, and it is the most refreshing, ple:tlsant and invigorating hair dressing made. The undersifgned begs to announce to residents of Durham and surroundâ€" infi country, that he has his Planing Mill and factory fully equipped and is prepared to take orders for Shingles and Lath; always on hand at right Yfi“" Custom Sawing promptly attended to If you have a lame backâ€"or any sign of Kidneg troubleâ€"get GIN PILLS toâ€"day and start the cure working. goc. a box, six boxes for $2.50â€"and every box guaranteed to give satisfaction or your moneyfick. Trial treatâ€" ment free if you write SASH, DOORS, and all kinds of HOUSE FITTINGS For interior of by i‘din?uâ€"-be'. ter and cheaper than lath sand plaster, Easy to handle Outs with a saw Basy put on Cannot fall off gaves fuel No dirt or muss CQall and see for yourself Also Sole A{tnt and Dealer for Durâ€" ham and vicin:ity of the DURHAM, DURHAM PLANING MILLS National Drug & Chemical Co. of Canada, Limited NEW FIBRE BOARD ZENUS CLARK Mact{arlane & Co., Druggists, Durham, Ont. $1,50 per yrar. $1.00 if paid in advance. Toronto OCTOBER 21, 19015 We and More Wanted Ont. ONTARIO TORONTO THE DUBHAM REVIEV Mr N. Anderson, of Ingersoll, spent Thankegiving with his parents bere. Mrs McLean, of Durham, spent the week end with ber mother, Mrs Henâ€" derson. Miss Eva Ritchie, of town, visited last week with ber many (riends around Edge Hil}, Miss Maggie Eqge lett Saturday for Toronto, where she will spend some time. Mrs Wm. Liitle spent two weeks at her old home in Detroit. The sacrament of the Lord‘s Bupâ€" per was dispensed here on Sunday last, many availing themse‘yves of the opportunity, three sew im morâ€" b â€" ing added to the roll, Ferguson‘s of Dromore spent Sunâ€" day with Mr John Heunry. The Misses Philips, of Toronto, are epending their holidays with Mr Wm. Sharp. Mr and Mrs Jno. Firth visited with the latter‘s uncle, Mr C. Jaeper, of Mildmay, on Sundry. Mr Arthur Greenwood had cement stabling put under his baro on the Banks property last week by the Eéâ€" wards brethers. Mise Mitchell, our Hampden teach er attended the Sehool Teachers Convention held in Duarham. Miss Sarah Fuolton is filling the vacancy in the Vickers achool for a sbort time. Mr and Mrs Jas. Andarson «. d family, of Londom, spent the hboliday with their parents Mr and Mra Alex Anderson. Mr T. Mather, of Priseville, visited with the Sharp fammly recently. Rev, Mr Whaley hbeld a prayer meeting in the Grange on Tuesday night. Few have the gift of applying Bunday bchoo! lessons equal to Mr Whaley. Mr Wm. Hooper, from North Egremont, was the guest of his uncle, Mr T, Greenwood, a day the first of the week. Canada‘s Most Artistic and Popular Magazine This elegant magazine delights the eve while it instructs the mind, conâ€" cerning the picturesque doings of an interesting and higbly entertaining wor‘ld. Is war picturee are alone worth the woney, Each issue is literally crowded with the highest quality of photogravares, many of them worth framing. It is the most popular " Pickâ€"me up * oo the wasing room tables of the leading dociors throughout the Dominâ€" ion and in the big public iibraries it 18 literally " used ap " by the many who are attracted by its entertaining and beautifu! pages, It‘s a "love at sight " publication and it has departmental features of great interest to the young woman and the homeâ€"maker, Of itâ€"juast to write one man‘s praise from among thousandsâ€" the late R, Hon, Lord Strathcona wrote : * The * Canadian Pictorial ‘ is a pub« lication which, it 1 may be permitted to say so, is a credii to Canada." (Signâ€" e4) Strathcoua. The *Canadian Pictorial" is pubâ€" lished by Trx " Picrortan Pusuiseâ€" IxG Co.," " Witness Block, Montreal, @anada, Try it for a year on above offer. Walkerton Times : That local seller of candies who was asked to loan his Santa Claus costume to a Walkerton Sunday School Christmas tree enter. tainment that caodies bought at a Toronto departmental store might be appropriately handed out to the childâ€" ren felt something like The Times scribe did the other day when asked to publish a long mgmarole about a wedding, the invitations to which were printed in Toronto, Tt is not often that such cheek is on exhibition. but occasionally flashes of it come to, the surface even in this neck of the woods. Oa trial so New Subscribersâ€"Twelve months for only 65 cents. Containing rto acres, more or less, being lot 7, Con\ 2, W. G. R., Benâ€" tinck. Good batg, 40 x 56, 20 feet posts, stone stab! under, Good log and frame houkles on property. Six good wells. Convdgient to school and church, Two mildg from Dorâ€" noch P. O. Terms reasdpgable. Apâ€" ply on the premises or by %etter. ROBT. HAY, prietor Lesye Toronto 900 1. m., 880 p. w., and 11.00 p. 1m. Juzly. Requced fare« to Saa Francisco, Los Angeles and San Diego. Information .mf' tickets on applieation to Agents. WM CALOER, Town Ticket Agt. J. TOWNER. Ticket Agent Leave TForonto 8.00 a. m., / and 11.45 p. m. FOR MONTREAL DOUBLE TRAÂ¥wk 4 LL THME WAY Equipment the # 16st on all trains. Panama Paciiic Exposition Terontoâ€" Torontoâ€"â€"1 Cauadian Pictorial IVES® EDGE HILL Farm for Sale 6.00 p. m. «* * i tm §xmmflxmxmxmmmsm3333&3@3%Eflz aceleld Mr and Mrs Mills, of Shelburne, spent a few days last week with his brother here. Mr and Mrs Greenwood spent Sun day with Mr and Mrs C. M«Iatyre. Mr Will Dargavel left Tuesday for Toronto, after spending a month at his home here. Mr Angus Mcelntosh spent a few days with Mr and Mre Greenwood, of Ebordale. Mr and Mrs J. Dargavel and son kobert spent Sunday with his mother, Mre R. Dargavel. f Serry to hbear Mrs P. Mclotosh is not improying. Flour per ewt ........ Oatmeal per sack . .... Chop per ewt........ PDornay. Dutter.....s 114 Fall Wheat..... Epring Wheat .. Oats, milling... DAFIGY : :.+ «.¢.‘*s+ssass 48 to 50 Buckwheat...... .... 70 to _ 75 Potatoes per bag. .... 100 to 1 00 Cides....¢. ++ 1s%s: 14 00 Beef, dressed ...... .. 12 00 to 13 00 Hogs, live, f o b..... 9 40 Hay, per ton...... .... 12 00 to 14 00 Darley .:. ..:.>+. Buckwheat ...... . Potatoes per bag. Cides....¢. «+ 1ss Beef, dressed ... .. If ~ _ Vinol creates an appetite, aids digesâ€" tion, makes pure blood and creates strength,. Your money back if it fails. Macfariane &Co0., Druggists, Durham, Ont. in mx chest and took cold euldl? A friend asked me to try Vinol. I did and it built me up so I am strong and well and I am able to do my housework which 1 had not done for three months before taking Vinol.‘"‘â€" Mrs. Y. R. HoRâ€" BOUGH, Waynesboro, Pa. Nes WOMAN ALL RUN DOWRA Made Strong and Well By Vinol Waynesboro, Pa. â€"*‘ I was all run down after a hard spell of bronchitis so it was hard for me to keep about. I had pains Durham â€" Markets. List has been caretally revised, Are good Pills.........> You can save buying now. A Dollar Saved is only 10 days more A new stock of Linoleums, in the mewest paiterns, 2 and 4 yds wide. The 4 yds wide is from $2 peryd up We have just received another consignment of the 28¢ brooms. A Fine Stock of Men‘s Allâ€"Wool Undershirts & Drawers which notwithstanding the advance in price of wool, we are selling at $1 per gar‘t A very large stock of Flannellette 36 inches wide in a fine assortment of patterns at from 9e per yd. A large stock of Flannellette Blanâ€" kets at from...........1.19 per pr Flannellette Blankets Bring your Produce Large Sales Departmental Store, DORNOCH MacFARLANE‘S Drug Store M Store BS;; Iy,; McKechnie‘s Weekly News i A Dollar Made Oct. 20, 1915. Flannellette Linoleums Brooms JUST ARRIVED 23 to 24 28 to 28 2 85 to 3 00 . & J. McKECHNIEH Fresh Groceries are Continually Arriving 38 plem- Full lbs. Is selling well because it‘s a good one. 'A new package just outâ€" «THE PRINCESS" Principal for 35 years Secretary Never Before such This store‘s showing of Ladies‘, Men‘s, Giâ€"ls‘ and Boys and Winter Boots surpasses all efforts of previous years Variety, Style and Quality in Footwear Ladies‘ Pat. Bals in Black Brocaded, Tar, Grey and Black Kid Tops. _ Also special :ines brimful of style and solid wear for Misses‘ and Children. k Many new specials in Men‘s Pat. and Gunmetal Bals and Button Shoes, Splendid values in Heavy Working Shoes for Menâ€"solid leather through and throughâ€"the kind that brings you back for your next pair. Splendid stock of Trunks, Suitcases and Cb bags. Come in and inspect our HOSIERY Dep.tment where the prices are right, Down Town Shoe Store THE ‘M REPAIRING PROMPTLY DOXE We pay you Hig=est Price Don‘t forget to see our Scotch Biankets. They are 4.50, 5.25 and 6.50 per pr. Our Shoe stock is being replenishâ€" ed weekly, so that we ‘1ave the most approved styles, mace on easy fitâ€" ting lasts. A pretty stock of Wall Paper in all the new Fall styles, durable and having a nice appearâ€"vee, but not too costly. Fall Shoes Wall Paper J. S. McILRAITH g*w******w%m, â€" To handâ€" > t l4 # C. L. GRANT : J & p pÂ¥$ yA $L»* * OCTOBER 231, 1913 in Black and White * and Kh=ki, also Blue * and Red Flannels at * 40c, 50c and T5c. n ab a reasonable price see curs. It‘s just about _ perfection. Prices 11c and 12¢. Durham If you want Flannel ‘ Fall 2y UNDEF Funera Picture Fr. Buow Rooats Hoo Rustorvor â€" Lawronce‘s l«’ a&cres mo and in goo aw pes of hand isos is a br with kischer 16 x 16, «iso a driving shed farm is well 1 Goo@ orcha from church For torms ap Hopevilie, or | Choice from Hol Spice Howards The Quali PRICEVI The last Mor We Dairy B Brit highest market : Full lin and bi for aged Emba‘ JA Me La Fow! It is ked : intr« Our Our desp free) both This in I siz stan with pres dren Hig

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