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Durham Review (1897), 28 Oct 1915, p. 4

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ig _ Sovereign, Eclipse and Pastry Flour 1 Mn °C 2C BC PC PC PC PC hniea@s p â€" 6. A. ROWE Bay them here. Wa have a Frosh and varied stock of the choicest Groceries. Oranges, Lemons, Peelis. Dates, Nats, Candies of all kinds, aod evarything required for the Holiday festivities. Our prices will suit your purse. Givsa us a call. 500 tons of No 1 Mixed Chop WHEAT AND BARLEY Wheat, Barley and Oats Chop All kinds of grain bought at market price. Special Reduction on Flour and Feed in ton lots. he PNENENRIENNOING YÂ¥ N@PIIPIEICIPIONOIC. @NIENPICIPNP) 3\ Large Quantity of No. 1 Feeding Hay Your _ Holiday Groceries, Fruits and Confections T HE CITY BAKERY Headquarters for Confectionery and all Bakery goods The Rob Roy Cereal Mills Co. Oatmeal Mills, Durham Are you all ready for the Hydroâ€"Electric ? We have just received a large shipment of Hydroâ€"Stand Lamps and Hydro Bulbs at the lowest price. Blanket your horse early and he will not be shivering all winter. Have you examined what we are offering you in Horse Blankets ? s Do not use an old Halter on your horse, chance getâ€" ting him loose and injured, when you can buy a good halâ€" ter so cheap. We have a choice stock of Halters at present. We have a large steock of HEAVY MIXED FREED on hand. If you need feed, get our prices, is sending out a number of Happy Thought Stoves and Ranges nearly every day lately. There is nothing equal to the Happy Thought for every purpose. + Have you secured your assortment of Cattle Chains? If not, take advantage of our bargains. If you have any to sell, bring it to us and will pay highest prices for it. We are in the Grain Wanted REVIEW is well equipped for turning out all kinds of Commerâ€" cial and Job Printing. Give us a tria‘. CR!IMPED OATS for Horse Feed at Fair{Prices CHOPPED OATS at.... very reasonable rates Mixed Grain Feed Barley THE â€" PEQOPLE‘S MILLS Fresh and Clean, the very best. _ See this Hay before purchasing elsewhere. It will pay you. Every bag guarantoed. If not satisfactor7 bring it back and get your money. W. BLACK HARDW ARE The Red Front Ha John McQowan PHONES : Day § 4, Night $ 26 market for any quantity of PC B6 BC BC B€ 3¢ PC BC «BC PC FC PCE Feed Oats ale Store na’siim?'f' one. The trustees are progressive eduâ€" } .méontlpd A:d spare no.%dnnolea‘;nmn i an s have every advan {. preseblation and acquisition Mowm hC 51 FREES:$1 per month in a@vante C# § 100 acres on ts 43 and 44, North Durham Road, Nienelg, 1} miles west of Priceville staRon ; well watered, comfortable buil®Rngs, 10 acres good hardwood busb. Duxx McDoxnaLrp, R. R. No, 1, Pricevill What a telling indiectment! If drinking liquor as a beverage in war time is an unnecessary experditure and a waste of energies and resources, how can it be otherwise in times of peace And Edith Cavell bhas not died in vain. Every drop of her martyr blocd calls on ber countrymen to avenge her death. In all parts of the emâ€" pire the story is bearing fruit in inâ€" creased recruiting and increased deâ€" terminvation to hamble the Huns for this brutal deed. ‘The press of all neutral countries and even some German papers conâ€" demn the coldâ€"blooded morning murâ€" der. Miss Edith Cavell, a name that will eyer now stand bigh in Britain‘s honor roll, was an English nurse in Brussels. Davoted to her profession, she hbad nursed German wounds as well as those of the Allios, but she had aided in some way a few British and Balgian priseners to escape death, by getting out ol the country, She was found out, did not deny it, and was imprisoned and suffered much in spite of the intervertion of the Ameri. can Ambassador (acting at request of the British goyernment in her behalf. (On Monday next, throughout the Province of Ontario, no liquor may be sold in any lisensed tavern after 8 p. m. by order of the Proyincial Inâ€" cense Commuseioners, _ The reasen given is that owing to the war " ail unnecessary expenditures * should be curtailed. Premier Hearst in endorsâ€" ing the finding says we *‘ must conâ€" serve all our energies and resources." It came to be known that she was to be shot and the Ambassador used evary means to save her, but was deâ€" ceitfully put off and put off till the truth came out that she was shot by soldiers acting under authority at 2 a. m. Bhe died a bheroine, pinned a email union Jack on her breast and said she was glad to die for her country. Germany in the war has slain ber thousands and bhundreds of thousands of her enemies, as well as murdered bundreds ef thousands of her own ol diery by the usnal frontal attacks. She has got odium in great measnre for her wanten submarine attacks on passenger vessels and for Zeppelin at tacks on undetended cities and innoâ€" cent nonâ€"combatants, but a greater depth of infamy is laid to her charge by the deliberate murder of one noble woman. Shooeting of One Woman Shocks the World Ehe Burkam Review DURHAM HIGH SCHOOL The minor aches and pains that man is heir to, disappear as if by magic when the hot water bottle is applied . at such reasonable prices that everyone can afford to buy one. They are guaranteed. GEO. B. DINGMAN, â€" Prop. G.T.R. TownTicket Ag‘cy Buy your Tickets here We sell a dependable line of Hot Water Bottles The hot water bottle is a necessity in every home It relieves the various aches and pains and often saves you a doctor‘s bill. Hot Water Bottles The Central Drug Store Unnecessary Waste Staff and Equipment. $1.50 per ycar. $1.00 if paid in advance. OCTOBER 28, 1015 m for Sale br. J.?. Min, THE DUBHAM REVIEV TORONTO Keduced fares to San Francisco, Los Angeles and San Diego. Information and tickets on applieation to Agenis. WM CALDER, Town Ticket Agt. J. TOWNER. ‘Ticket Agent Torontoâ€"Chicago Torontoâ€"Montreal FOR CHICAGO Leave Toronto 800 a. m., 6.00 p. m. and 11.45 p. m. FOR MONTREAL Leaye Toronto 900 a, m., 8.30 p. m., and 11.00 p. m. daily. Says an exchange ;â€" Soldiering is a ‘ cure for sore eyes. When Great Britâ€" | ain firet started to recruit her enorâ€"| mous armies for Kitchener, large numâ€" | bers of young men were rejected for trifling defects in vision. Later the bars were let down and the wearing | of a pair of eyeglasses was not made ; cause for rejection. _ Then it was| learned that many dâ€"fects of the eyes | disappeared within a few months.| The answer, of course, is that physicap | training and outdoor life does more to | correct the vision than all the specâ€"| tacles in the opiicians‘ shops, Young| men who previous to enlistment could not cross a road in safety found that in three months they were able to read fine print without the slightest | trouble and without the least ill effec:t i0 their eyes, Mr Jim Buchanan, of Paisley, pussed through istcly on his way io Latona cemetery, where he placed a fiue monument in memory of his father the late James Buchanan. While hbere he was the gnest of his sister, Mrs Wm. Smith. The majority of the farmers in this locality have finished thrashing, with tha result that their altogether too eapacious barns and bins of late years are filled to the top. Earnest Leuck and his able assietants are doing good work and a lot of it. Miss E. McGarrity, who is teachâ€" ing at Aberdcen, spent the week ena with Miss Lolitia Walsh. We are sorry to hear of the illness of Miss Mary 1. Kenny, south of Dernoch, but hope she will soon reâ€" gain her health and strongth again. Mr and Mrs Don. Campbell have gone to reside in Durham, The neighborhood regreis losing such good kind neighbors and extends a cordial welcome to their son D, A, and his estimabie young wife, who will occupy the old homestead. Last Friday night was an ideal one for the party given at Mr Jim Weleh‘s. Abous sizty of the young people gathâ€" ered from Holland Centre, Durham, McWilliams and surrounding country and merrily whiled away the time in that pleasaut pastime, dancing. All speak warmly of the genial hospitality of Mr and Mrs Walsh and family. In order to facilitate the handling of mail at the front and to ensure prompt delivery it is requested that all mail be addressed as follows : (a) Regimental Naumber (b) Rank (c) Name (d) Squadron, Battery or Company (e) Battalion â€" Regiment (or other unit) Staff appointment or Departâ€" ment (f) Canapian ConTINGENT (g) British Expeditionary Force (b) Army Post Office, Loxnbpon, Eng, Unnecessary mention of higher fosâ€" mations, such as brigades, divisions, is strictly forbidden and causes delay. Mr Bob Corlett has bad a stee! track and other modern improvements placed in his barn recently, which will no doubt prove a great eonvyeniâ€" enee. Communion was observed in the Presbyterian church last Sunday. Recognized as Canada‘s leading sch ool of Business an 1 Shorthand. Our own 3 storw buil tinog. Staff of Spe ciatists, e plwce graduates in good positions. Uatalogue free. C A PLBRINO, FCA 0. D. FLBMINOG Principa! for 35 gears Secretary Mr A. MeDonaid §r, and grandson, Howard Lamout were over from Brant Sunday to his home here. Lhere passed away on . bSaturday afternoon, Mre John Henderson, afâ€" ter a long but patient struggle with cancer of over a year‘s duration. Her hasband dicd only about three months ago and she leaves to mourn her loss two sone and five daughters. She was a member of the Presbyter ian ehurch and interment Stook place on Tuesday afternoon to Hanoyer cemetery, Rev A. Leslie officiating. Mesara Hugh Wright and Alex. Stewâ€" art who are andergoing training at Owen RBound were oyer the weeks end visitors at A. Campbell‘s. Mr, Donald Beaton of Pomona and daughter, Mrs 8. McKechnie, yisited the former‘s sister Mrs J. Brown over the week end. DOUBLE TRACK ALL THE WAY Equipment the fnest on all trains. Panama Pacific Exposition Addressing of Mail DORNOCH WEST Strayed from the pkemises, lot 68» con 3, Bentinck, a riging 2 yr. old vlack mooley heifer, ast seen the beginning of Oetober golng up Hutton Bill. Anyone giving information that will lead to recoverg will be suitâ€" ably rewarded. Containing 1to acres, more or less, being lot 7, Cont, 2, W. G. R., Benâ€" tinck. Good barn, 40 x 56, 20 feet posts, stone staRling under, Good log and frame Mouses on property. Six good wells. C@uvenient to school and chureh, Fwo\miles from Dorâ€" noch P. O. Terms\reasonable. Apâ€" ply on the premisestor by letter, Flour per ewt ........ Oatmeal per sack . .... Chop ?er CWii....... Outs, feed........: .: . Purnam, Oct. 27, 1915, BUbt@r,.«.««:1... «.1 â€"â€" 20 t0 * 24 my stomach. I was so bad I became alarmed and tried several medicines, also a doctor, but did not get a.nf relief. A friend asked me to try Vinol and it broufiht the relief which I craved, so now I am enjoying perfect health.""â€" JACK C. SinarEton. We guarantee Vinol, our delicious cod liver and iron tonic without oil, for chronic coughs, colds and bronchitis. Macfariane & €0o., Druggists, Durham, Ont. troubled with a ;'ér{ severe bronchial | cold, headaches, backache, and sick to Durham â€" Markets. List has been carcfally reyvised, YVields To Delicious Vinol Philadelphia, Pa.â€"*" Last Fall I was We have just received another consignment of the 28¢ brooms. Bring your Produce A new stock of Linoleums, in the mewest paiterns, 2 and 4 yds wide. The 4 yds wide is from $2 peryd up Departmental Store, A large stock of Flannellette Blanâ€" kets at from...........1.19 per pr A very large stock of Flannellette 36 inches wide in a fine assortment of patterns at from 9¢ per yd. Flannellette Blankets which notwithstanding the advance in price of wool Large Sales BRONCHIAL COLD Heifer Astray Farm for Sale R. WEeeBsER, Aentinck R. K. No. A Durham ROBT. MAY, Proprietor ine Stock of Men‘s Allâ€"Wool Undershirts & Drawers McKechnie‘s Weekly News i. Flannellette Linoleums G. & J. McKECHNIE Brooms JUST ARRIVED Fresh Groceries are Continually Arriving The Review and Toronto Daily Star fOL 1 YORT.....cussssssssesnnnss* The Review ard Toronto Daily News fOt ODO YOAT....sssss mss ene»* The Review and Toronto Daily World fOP Y@MP...sssssscessssee»* The Reyiew and Weekly Mail and The Review and the Family Herâ€" ald and Weekly Star for 1 year The Review and Weekly Witness fOF 1 YOBT....s«s»eeseeesee sns ssee00 008 The Reyiew and Weekly Sun for IYOBAF «+646 660 av4 64268 s6r se8 es4 se 8444288 The Review and Weekly Advertisâ€" @F fOP ODO FOAT .. +s sensensensenenneee The Revicw and Toronto Daily GIObG LOK 1 YQORP.sssqssessenssesenee* The Review and Toronto Daily Mail and Empire for 1 year...... The Review and Daily Free Press fOF 1 YOAT... 260062 ee 24026800 en en 008 The Review and Weekly Free Preas fOf ODO YOAF....sssss se ssee»s The Review and Farming World The Review and the Farmers‘ Adâ€" The Review to New Subscribâ€"‘ #: ers to Jan. Ist 1917, for only 1.00 *# TheReviow and Canadian Farm Empire fOr 1 Y@OAT.....susscsâ€"see>»> fOF I YORL,»»»»» se sessssssres snsssnses YOCate fOF I YOAI... . . ssssssarsaneess fO® I YORV...consrssseesressessenssserere This store‘s showing of Ladies‘, Men‘s, Gi:ls‘ and Boys‘ Fall and Winter Boots surpasses all efforts of previous years. Many new specials in Men‘s Pat. and Gunmetal Bals and Button Shoes. Splendid values in Heavy Working Shoes for Menâ€"solid leather through and throughâ€"the kind that brings you back for your next pair. C Splendid stock of Trunks, Suitcases and C‘ub bags . Come in and inspect our HOSIERY Depsrtment where the prices are right. THE Down Town Ladies‘ Pat. Bals in Black Brocaded, Tan, Grey and Black Kid Tops. _ Also special lines brimful of style and solid wear for Misses‘ and Children. Never Before such Variety, Style and Quality Clubbing Rates REPAIRING PROMPTLY DONE. We pay you Highest Price Shoe Store J. S. McILRAITH Blankets. They are 4.50, 52? :;d 6.50 per pr. Our Shoe stock is being replenishâ€" ed weekly, so that we have the most approved styles, made on easy fir. ting lasts. A pretty stock of Wall Paper in all the new Fall styles, durable and having a nice appearanee, but not too costly. , we are selling at $1 per gar‘t Fall Shoes 8 75 1 7 Wall Paper | sie Â¥C. L. GRANT i & pBAPpLP PP 4 + zw*wu#w*fiw&«fi * To handâ€"â€" : ; in Black and White #° and Khaki, also Blue # and Red Flannels at + Good 7 Flannelette 40c, 50c and 75c. Military ab a reasonable price see ours. _ It‘s just about _ perfection, Prices 11¢ and 12¢. in Footwear If you want urham Flannel * 1916 2 sa aas s 555:5 KARST {eSolerajes oessecpienale Picture Framing, UNDERPT Funerai Buow Rooars Hon ResipENO® â€" Firs: Lawrence‘s Black drivit farm 100 a and wcnes awith t1 H Choice from Holl Spices 0 OCTOBE Howards To The last Qualit: PRICEVII Full line and bliac for aged Embaiming JAYM LC Men‘ Ladi Fowl M (1 1 1¢ 11 Dr

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