West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 11 Nov 1915, p. 4

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H! {A o d, a i it I I I tt , tt l , T g ind RI , we can tt abiplm I w , made I t of EU I Lumps tt m 2 have di tt speclim tt tt w b nuucu-c 2 l 8 t t 2 ”an“ The REVIEW is well equipped * -e3eaeaeae manna“: Highest prices for Butter and Eggs. on: "we. in] Eu}: -.%iGiiriiy"" Tra%"i; an. Buy than here. m hue I Fresh and varied stock of the choices: Groceries. Ounces, Lemons. Peel: Dates. Nam, Cnndiu of all Linda and everythinc required for the Eoliday (mimic-- I In. gm-.. _:n “4:. ----- -_--_i, I“ "t 2,t't John McGowan All kinds ofgnhl bought at market price. Special Reduction on Flour and Feed In ton lots. Headquarters for Confectionery and all Bakery goods Your Holiday Groceries, Fruits and Confections THE CITY BAKERY Sovereign, Eclipse and Pastry Flour 500 tons of No I Mixed Chop WHEAT AND BARLEY Large (luar)tjty of, No. l Feeding tiay Wheat, Barley and Oats Chop Keep your tioors, elem by using some of our Door Mata, We have different kinds. Our Flerible Door Mats are worthy Mis. nmnnJ..- u: _ -|_- 1 A - . .. speetiou, We duo have sound eiGiirhratr.' We hm. nnw In stock I good supply of the well-known and mucu-talked-o! Dussbuno. so much thought of by the Indies. of Elnirio Good; their L' iGiGi,%ra"tiii'niilirii"i,"hiiiiii7, Lamps. Shades and Globes. We shun keep up with the times und in so doing we hive mating!- gr”: change tor the btyriit of tttt public, by adding saws]: The otdera are coming in very hauler Httppy Thought Stoves and Ring“ “the Red Front Hardware store, in in» so hut that we cannot hop pace with oar orders. Did you see the immense shipment we received Int Wednesday ? The Rot, Roy Cereal Mills Co. Oat-eel Mills, Durham We have I large stock of HEAVY MIXED FRED on hand. " you need feed, get our prices. It you have any to sell, will pay highest prices-for it We “e in the market tor my quantity of Grain Wanted for turning out all kinds of Commer- cial and Job Printing. Give us a trial. CR'MPED OATS for Horse Feed at Fair Prices CHOPPED OATS at. . . . very reasonable rates THE PE0PLE'S MILLS Every bag guaranteed. If not Ltisfaotor, bring It back and get your money. Fresh and Clean, the very best. See-this Ha'y beforeipttrchasing elsewhere. " will pay you. HARDWARE . BLACK '. A ROWE :Day " light l 26 ttfits" , bring it to us and we Peed Oats Peed Barley P't,Tr71 National D & Chemical Co. of' Cmdnmiimitod, Toronto. Sr. Runny ONT. Four years Mo 1 Incl such ins in my back that I could not work. At ins ex- tended to my arms. sides and yl',',,r/e'r'ss. I med many kinds of medicine for over a year, none of which did me very much good. I read about Gin Pills nnd sentjor I sample and used them, and found the pain: were leaving me and that l was feeling better. So I bought one box and before I used them all. the pan-as were almost gone and I could keep " work. After' had taken Ill other boxes of Gin Pills, I felt as well and strong " I did " the Age of so. I an: a farmer, new 6: your: old." 25 FRANK LEALAND. All drtt gist: sell Gin Pills It toe. I box, at six boxen L%'ht maple free if youwrite to "Service" has been adopted as the motto of the Liberal Club Federation of Ontarie and ' many compliments have been given the organization for its choice of a slogan. The Toronto Star for example in an editorial on the question says ; A vote against union would make certain hymn sentiments ridiculou- " We are not divided, all one body, we," " Like a mighty army moves the Chutth of God." The great work done by Presbyter- ianism can not be lost, the worku't and other bodies are doing will be enhanc. ed by the remoyal of overlapping and by the quenching of differences that hinder united action. Once a year we have union prayer meetings for a week, sometimes two, and if united supplicatione to the Throne of Grace are considered important for a limited time, we fail to see why all the time would not be better. be no long gaps of empty charge- while the eontttettation wan measuring up, sometimes with bitterness, the merits of the probationem sent. to sup- ply. In the proposed Union then ind to be of com-0e give and take, but it in wrong to any. as is being uid now for a pur pose. that every distinctive feat. ure of Prmrbrterianisun is being shan- doned. Eyery individual congrega- tion will be allowed to retain"; or- ganization if it so wished. The " cell" to mini-ten would still be retained. the pastorate may go on "tdetuiteir, There Will be no lowering of the stand- ards of the ministry and there would In the memory of meny ltill living three or four Methodiet bodlee merged into one and It on yet 'ttour here- membered by thou ln middle life when Auld Kurt, Free end United Presbyterian Churchee went: their eeperete weye. with " much of etend- otNm to each other on now exiete be- the three modern bodies. Who would be bold enough to any that the unione of the put were not food? And if this further etep were taken we be. lieve that before many new went by, the bittereet opponent would any " l was mistaken." How They Help The [at meeting Vol the Gonna] A.. ulnbly of the Pmbyterin Church by a large Injurity favored the Bait. prepondenung msjoriliu in the other churches nloo favor it, sud would it be consul-mated in a truly ,Ohrmlnn spirit, it wound be a decidedly uplifting force in the unions! life. GEO. B, 01.6”, - Prep. G.T.R. Town Ticket Ag'ey Buy your Tickets here Tho qua-lion of Church Union In at meant I tire question mg Pushy- terinno. the vote of the congregation. hula; to ho taken um month no to whether they hyor union with the Mothodilt And Congregational bodies on the " Basin of Union.” mowed one: Innoh are and punt-(u! thought by committee. of the three bodies. at such reasonable prices that everyone can afford to buy one. They are guaranteed. llpie bdrm: 30in! lot Water The minor aches and pains that man is heir to, disappear as if by magic when the hot water bottle is applied. We {sell a dependable line of The hot water bottle is a necessity in every home It relieves the various aches and pains and often saves you a doctor's bill. Hot Water Bottles The Central Drug Store 01.50 per _ OLD it - in adv-nee. N OVBMBBR ll, nu "Service" KIDNEY! TORONTO an: mmun mm Mary Bert. James Marshall, Harold Watson, John Marshall. A-Norman Martha“. Merle Marlee, Ronald Smith, Jimmie Borsburgh, Carlyle Smith. B -Margaret Watson, Margaret Webbe,r Florence Canon, Bertie Smallman, Janet Martha", Jessie Marshall. Average attendance 28. . A, c, CLARK, Teacher. No. I, NORMANBY Sr tth-Jean Maidmcnt. Jr 4th-, Julia Burns, Walter Kerr, Charles Ile. Alister, Elva Morice. Sr 8rd--Anna- bell Marshall, Rita Carson, Cameron McNaughton. Jr 3rd--Bather Petty. Sr 2nd-Norman Canon, May Mount. ain, Mary Marshall. Jr 2nd--Ceci1 Webber, Kenneth Kerr, Auguita Me- Aliucr, Rita Mountain, Arthur Petty, No. 3, GLBNELG th-lth-Uecit Paylor. Jr 4th--John Ritehie. Br 3rd--Howard Ritchie. Jr 3rd-Mary Givnc'oss. Marion Boyd, John Boyd, Willie Morrison. Tom Morrison. Jr 2ad--ilville Anderson Ella Ritchie, Ethel Anderson, Verna Paylor. Br Pr.-metauletterosm, Wil. bert Greenwood, Margaret Anderson, Mary Morrison. " Pr -Marlorie Rit- chie. Fredericx Staples. Glenna Firth, Ada Paylor, John Morrison. M, Hummer. Teacher. No. 3, G. & B. 1 Jr 4th-Peter Ledmgham. Mary Morrison, Annie MacGillivray Sr 3rd -Plorenee Benton. Howard Smith, Joe Dayison, Maurice Smith. Jr 3rd sunley Ledingham, John Morrison,; Hattie Mortley and Katie Morrison) eq. Be Md-Katherine Ray, Pearll Mortley. Annie Schafer. Sr lit-Y/y/ Braun. Jr lst~Dormhy Schafer. Allie ' Smith, Maggie Ray, Edward Melosh. I Sr Prirmrr--luarr Helosh. A D Macln- I tyre. Jr Primer-Myrtle Mortley, Charlie schafer. Clark Morrison. George Benton. I think It would be a good thiog it the women of Canada would learn this an '. The British Women',, National Anthem " for bun-Iv ittsthe prayer of every loyal ir. icish woman." God save our men." As aha sang. every man stood, un- coveted and with bowed head, and there were not many dry eyes. “I attended one day a. recruiting meeting. A great crowd of men and women liltened tn the recruiting Rer- geants. all of whom had " done their hit " at the front. A lady, with a mNrnifieent voice, sang patriotic songs, which perhaps were more effective than the speechcs of the recruiting Sergeants. At the close of the meeting, it was announced that utter singinq " The King," the lady would sing "The Women's Na. tional Anthem." Then in splendid vouce she sang t " God Save our splendid men, l Send them sate home again, Prom a letter received hyupublic man who does not wish his name known, we make the following ex. tracts: Such a vote. free from party poli- tits, is greatly desired in Ontario. The committee at One Hundred. re- cently appointed in Toronto, and to- tally tree from party prejudice. has such a vote in View as one of the chief objectives ot their activity. The Ontario government will hardly dare to resist the pressure thin com mittee and the regular forces ot the Ontario Alliance will be able to bring upon them toprovideior a referen- dum, "kintt at least, the complete euppreeeiou of the liquor Home in this province during the war. The slogan of the temperance fore. rl, é: " a dry Ontario by lat July, 1 ." The restriction is not too severe bv any means and does not meet the de- alre ot the average Ontario eonaelence. which would relegate the whole bus- lneae to oblivion, la Newfoandlnnd tor some time the hour of opening h .3 been 9 a. m, and must cleae I,',iot',',',t,li,' " 6 p. In There in a measure be ore the local parliament there to provide tor the taking of a referendum on Pre. hibition at an early date. The new regulation imposed on Li- cense holders by the Bond ot License thtttttniarioner, compelling than to clue Inn " 8 p. In. in having . good oitettt it is reported, nd that it is not to be played with, has been proved by neural tUtes for violuiou oi the new ordlmnce. The Federation at present is hold- ing a eeriegof conferences to discuss further new: of lactating in'enter- prim connected with the war. With Mt the Inst week conferences have been held In Hamilton and London for Central and Western Ontario te- apectlvely Ind Iimilar conferences are plnnned for Belleville and the County of Dnndas. God Save our men. Keen them victorious Patient and chivalrous, They are so dear to us. the mottokitiiiiiG"if 6166 Ma- "hns of orstyio, "Berviet", iaAsig- in ottieGs- “M Pf mammals! a! my!“ Let's Have a Referendum M. BLANCIR Rum. Teacher, " God Save our Men " School Reports ‘--o ., -_-__t_ Barley............... . 48to 50 Baekwheat.......... 70to 75 Potatoes perbag. .... 100 to I 00 Hides...?.....'.'.., 2400 Beet,dreatsed,....... 1200to1300 Hogs. live,fo b.... . 8 75 flay,pertotr..... .... l200t01400 List has been carufnlly revised, Flourpercwt ........ (Qatmeal per sack .... mo rewt........ ?llitrs'J/'.v.".y.y.y,y. FallWheM........... Spring Wheat........ gate. milling......... Spring Wheat........ Oats, milling......... Peas.... ...... ....... Barley.... .... P...... Baekwheat.......... Potatoes per bag. .... Titty...?.....'.'.,, DURHAM. NW. IO, 1915. gluten...” .r........ 23 to fl imamsmmsuwammmm Mr W. E. McAlister left for I week's Visit. with Sullivan fnenda last Tuesday. Bee, H. and Mrs C‘ldweH, who ab. tended the funeral of the formel'l brother, left last 1iiduesoday for their home near Hamilton. . The annual meeting of Knox Aux. “my will be held at the home of Mrs Jag. Watson on Wed,, Nov. 10th. Mr W. J, MICalmon, of Lumaden Sui" left last Saturday evening for his home in the Wrist. We wish Will I “to return. Dr. hhsuriuid and Mrs Leeson. tir.., of Mt, Forest. visited Sunday with Mr Ind Mu Ed. Fee. Recognized as Canad Ps handing sch ool of Business and shorthand. Our own 3 storey building. Staff of tipe ciniists. We plaoe graduates in good positions. Catllugue free. C A.y'.raeyitiq, F CA 0. D. FLEMING Durham Markets. Bring your Produce We have just received another consignment of the 28c brooms. Departmental Sto/e A new stock of Linoieums, in the newest patterns, 2 and 4 yds wide. The 4 yds wide is from $2 per yd up NORTH-EAST NORMA N BY Principél "ii/r 55uyeavr.sm secretary New Term Opens Sept. Ist A large stock of Flannellelte Blau. ketsat from...........1.19 per pr Flannellettc Blankets A very large stock of Flannellette 36 inches wide in a fine assortment of patterns at from 9c per yd. which notwithstanding the advancein price Large Sales $332333ggmmommmsnasamm tab-:55 Pat up in " and sec bottles, this old than ders. Unlike most so-callcd Cough Byrttpt, der stomach and has a very agreeable tute. E That cough or it may stop you. Tte Old sifage, "A stitch in time "ees nine" is particularly true of a cold. The tune to get bitty k vial yo. feel one coming on. In order to effect a. sure cure, use MacFARLANE’S Drug Store The aeegl, Mm J,'; ') u6ef'raf'if',g. ' - 'rllr-fj1"((/)ji)tey OWEN SOUND line Stock of Men's All-W at th Flannellette Mdlfedllnie'in, Weekly News 2th' Linoleum, (l, d, J, McKEGHNIE Brooms JUST ARRIVED 35 to 35 85 to 85 85 to 85 35 to 35 l 70 to 1 70 . 48to 50 70 to 75 l 00 to 1 00 Fresh Groceries are Continual, Arriving CHERRY BARK C0003 SYRUP 28to 285to 24 28 Ream-ed fares to Sm Frauen-co. Lou Angelou: and Sam Diego. Interaction and lickeu on Application to Agemta. T'orottto---Chk- . Toronto-Montreal NR CHICAGO Leave Toronto 300 u. m., 6.00 p. m. and “.45 p. m. FOR MONTREAL Lwnve Toronto 9.1K)I. In., 8.30 p. uh. and 11.00 p. m. dailv. For Immediate gate--' would cot- tages with three eighth. acre ot land. Apply to J. P. Telfold. Durham XMAtt [no-mourns. -- The but way to plea. your friends an. XIII- is to give them Q photo of your-ell. We have a complete new lino of mounts and folders. Call and It. them. tr. W. KIM-I Equipment the tttrest on " trains. Panama Pacific Exposition WM CALDER. Town Ticket Am. J. TO WNER. Ticket Agent THE Down Town Also have stocked a line of Children‘s School Cue- which retail at 60c. We have just received a shipment of a nit-cue: and Clubbqt. prices ranging from $1.40 to s so. Come in and inspect our new Military Int in Ken'l Working Shoes. Best on the market. Our Shoes embrace all the good leathers, made in patent, ‘llll metal and Dongola, on the latest model lute. They m It’lllll. durable and handsome Shoes. No better footwear in unannoun- ed, and they are priced according to quality. "Did you know that they can nuke Shoe. out at All kind: of Skill? ?" "How about banana skins ?" "They Ink: olippen out oft em." STOP this old thoroughly tested remedy work. won. ugh Syrups, it does not demge the most tem Lble tute. Every bottle fully manned. We Pay you Highest Price REPAIRING PROMPTLY DONE. Shoe Store J. S. MCILRAITH ‘ool Undershirts & Drawers Use for All t of wool, we are selling at 81 per gu't Don't forget to see our Scotch Blankets. They are 4.50, sas and 6.50 per pr. Our Shoe stock in being replenish- ed weekly, IO that we have the most approved styles, nude on my fit. ting lasts. A pretty stock of Wall Paper in all the new Pall styles, durable and having a nice appearance, but not too costly. Fall Shoes Wall Paper we was t C. L. GRANT t stra1fsqs4ts4h04ts4iqu.4W6 te"'?"""'"'"?) do To ttttttd.-..,.- 'ir t . , i Militag __ f; t Good _ t F lannelette NOWIBII ll, 19It C. P. R. Town Office Buy your Tickets here in Bluk and White and Khuki, duo Blue and Red Funnels at 400, 600 and Tlie. Durham " a. reasoneble price see ours. We just ebout perfection. Prices lie and IN. If you want Flannel it? MRS . Buy to ttrut i M “I! Ill _ -Ir§ fuel ET: KAlitS Exxxxa SASH. DOD of HOLT ‘V'es fuel The llhdvr to resident,, M/i'iT' t y . and t s." -pared, ',r, ‘ Shingles am hand at In .4 Sawing pr 'LA m Bolt. A h. aruti v" DURHA M DU PLANIN Choice Wi [mm Hollam Spices f, tfoward, I: The only The last srl Quality PRICE ll) Mott We lave good u " dimmed Q odor to den offend by cl Lmht Robb: few “loft-ow Knitted Price Men‘s Tie the tt Ringwoo‘ G Worsted tn fore the uh old plies. "rat G'.- tot Xmu In an. and him than hues. lardwa the Vlnduw doors with liuudly ad [a I “and at". “In, Fowl, bud Menu“ " Now " l U udorweu HEW F ZENL“ interioe be! m... JAM Highest Oil. reg. Jewel Hours, m ct Mam! are classt. grades 0 price. M. t. try a tr heath: ety poum We tl IA trotids, m When on: low ar of dua Reguin'. 1 Mitvertog Maple La ure lights! J. Ji The for in (h

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