' l 1h h f Wu l Ji) Write for full particulars or better still send for cans and give our creamery a trial. We do not employ anyone at a big salary to canvass for us. This can only he done at the ex- pulse of the farmer. Our ex- penses are low putt] we will meet any honest competition. To Creamery an Cheese Factory Patrons We want your cream during the Winter months. Write tori rA/i; 'JLGiiii'and par- ticular. at onâ€. Mt. Forest Business College Ir.A.lbheL.uueLAm G. M. an") President. Principal Flu- Management of thin Collette wen-ind 22 avplicntious in 2 - in October. On Monday. Nov. lat. 'lone. we hud 7 applications for Bookkeepers and t5tenoterapttertr. Demand for help isin excess of unp- ply. Now is the tune to enroll. All MIL-Gladys"! in pfmitiorys. swing m; can. Ettremont, near Mt. Forest. Good (no, wonh more but cloud on» at tetik under for quick ale. 300 um Wont. nou- Holstein. On. of the Heat farm. in the Township. ml soon he picked up at vary low pm quoted. "f, an. t'tN'tii.""dote clt2, arm. can - so not at: More. Ito acre. Bonupch. lot 51 con A, W . G. w, near Durham. Good “an. cheap. You cannot. "ord to BUY or BELL t '. BORROW or LEND without an: ti. ti. MILLER, 22 Applications in 2 Weeks , In One Bay mun. An our" hm V "__ "GrtGTiiiiiik prim of In lands. 1 have Mr alo l It!) not" near Dertmore, connnient to whool. Splendid†improved, only Cull) down. Mace " 5 per cent. Price “w. M) urea con 18. Egremom, well pn- “HTML†or with another 60 “It is bound to Intro-u in â€1:0. 3ieny'etapmtumstos' out“. no in." I"... tlt","",':" ever 'y.rtiheteetiite, 'auT,l'rt,'ipl,' Buy Farm Palm Creamery TRELEAVEN & RANTON, . oday, that R th ' been of Dry Goods sn sale t would c0033: st',',',)';',-',",; to fifty per cent more if we had not bought them before the advance] Eh. Runaboyt in now “so; the town car .780: t. o. b. i',t."utt..tiyti.tu,tlAfii' 29999!st tatupred. .irtthstr T"'", ununo. All can completely equipped jaclud- mg electric headlights. 'tgtg',',',',,'", doe- pot Include 'tttere: Get particulars tom C. Smith & Sent. Most men can afford the first cost of a car. Few can afford the after expense of most cars. Like its first cost, the af- ter cost of a Ford is lower than that of any other real motor car. The Ford has made walking an extravagance. Ford Touring Car Price $530 $8' Palmerston, Ont. Property Now There is a REASON “HAD! m CANADA" And That’s Not All Hanover Brown's Trees, the best th, grown. Who is our agent in vc "And in any case, surely even your Prussian junker must have learned in this year's lurid light that 'armed peace' as truly as actual war is hell. Thalia whyImeungit when I say to hell with all militarism, with big militarism in Germany and with little militarism in America. Yes, to hellwith all of it!" "I know Canada's first duty just now is to help end this war but our next duty will be something constructive to make this the last war, And the newspapers ‘0! America and Europe mustlead. They (must show all the peoples how militarism and the war lords everywhere are the sworn enemies of peaceful citizenship and international good will. Neither nations nor men allowed to arm for war will keep peace for long. And the press of Germany, controlled _by the war lords, incited this war and do not yet tell the truth about it. The interviewer states, however, that Mr Ford, despite his denunciation of militarism in America, is quite as def. mite and emphatic in declaring that when Germany violated the guaranteed neutrality of Belgium, there was, for Britain, no alternative but to stand loyally to the itreaty she had signed, "and for you in Canada there were no twoicoursea. The response Canada is making is something wonderful. Mr. Ford, according to the Globe edi. tor, denies for the first time the state- ment attributed to him concerning the vicit toAmerica of the allied loan dele- gation. in which Mr Ford is reported to have laid "they should have tin cans tied to them and be sent home." "l never said it," Mr. Ford is quoted an laying with impatience. "Never used the words nor thought the idea. I did say something about the proposal being 'eat-ned out of the country' and I am now " much opposed to a United States war loan to any of the beligerenta as I van last month. I can see a far bigger and better service which we can render both the allies and the world after the _ war, if we only keep ourselves from being muddled into the war now." J. A. McDonald. editor of the Town. to Globe, has had a further interview with Henry Ford, auto magnate " Cor- onado Beach, California. the story of which is told in In article "An Hour or Two with Henry Ford" published in the ‘Globe, Mr McDonald refers to the fact that about six months ago he ac- cepted " a gift from Mr. Ford, a Ford car, and the present interview, he said. was sought not " a reporter but " an editor with an opinion to express. Sun he never um am. but lam!!! Bomottting like it. I N Trees, the best that can be Who is our agent in your town , BROWN BROTHERS COMPANY N urserymen, Limited Brown's N nrsuries. Welland Ford Denies "Tin Can†Brown’s trees back to the Mill and nuke a good. profit on it. We could ship all our YARN TBURIDAY. 18th Ntmilogat-. On "all date Richard Irvin, Holstein, will offer for ulo by Public Auction. valuable Snack sud Implements. Be ginl at 1.30 p. In. Sec bill: for credit terms and other panic-Ian IE Noble eq, A Noble, Dnerr. Jr 3rd--E Wilson, C Moleckin. B Me- Meelrin, M Pollock. Igt-k Allan. A clue S Noble, J Manhell. B-N Lennox, V Kerr, A Lennox. W-lt ( Wilson. . Average attendance l9. ‘ J. P. Ross, Teacher. l No.1]. nonrandom Jr4 u-Mary Wileon.'1‘ena Wilson, John Schenk. Florence Gardiner, Geo Arise, Lillie Wilson, Sr 3rd-Ruttt Robb. John Myers, Jr 8rd--Veima Sbicer. Herman Wagner. Mario The- dorf, George Gardiner. Sr 2nd--mror Golder. Archie Ichhern. Royle Howse. Jr 2ad--Wiitse Wileon. Ivan Watson. Milton Myers, Cecil Folrbeirn. ut-Lime Calder, Johnnie Calder, Willie Dodde. Freddie Sumner. Joe Melanie. Bughie Swirl". Herbert Mchchern, Della MtsBaehern. Br Pr. -Jos", connelly. Helen IcEechern Murray Hello». noun Epicer, Theo'. dare Wagner. Reggie Weteon. J r Pr. -Dogta1d Gerdlner. Curie Colder. Ruby Bpicer. Johnnie leLeen, Jim. mie Menuhin. Gordon Watson, Genuine Mel-eon. No. 2, EGREMON'I‘ Sr 4th-E Woods, J Kerr. Jr 4th --1 Barttottr, It Moleskin. Br 3rd-- ye??, W Mushy]! R B3rbonr and 166, Madeleine MoClocklin IM, Ruby Kerr 127, Lloyd Hamilton 128, Daisy Irwin 120, Willie Malian-i0 104. Laura Hunt 102, Pearl Dingwnll 98, game O‘Connell 92, Burrows Smith Jr 3rd-Floremse Reid 200 (b), An- ly, 1Jyr,tilto.n 110.. Magic Paligrew Sr 3rd-Frank Dingwnll 229 (h), Martin Bye 212 (h). Katie Baird 208, Lo7nia Woodyard 201, Junk Sutton 11 ' SENIOR DIVISION Sr 4th-Sadie Hamilton 742 (hon- ors), Mary Bye 712 ft/ Mary Myers 687 (to, In MIth 68 ' Pearl Drnmm 581. Anna Cars: Mn, Edith Ibbou 478, Viola McClocklin 475. Ernie Sutton 453, Rosie McKenzie 438, Mer- tm Pauigrew 393. Edna Hut MO We notiee Mr J: Goddél returned home from the West. reporting a good time. Min Jennie Ferguson was engaged at Ar Wm Moore‘s for 3 Inch. Sorry to hear Mr Joseph Moore is improving but. vory slowly. Mr and Mrs G Haw visited the lat. tery sister Mrs Wm Moore the begin- ning of the Week. Mr and Mrs J. Long vinited Mr and In DAVE Lone Sanity lam. The weather hue been very mild this put few weeks with the except- ion of e light fall of now which made things look like winter. Mr Ind Mrs Adam Douglas from Gait visited friends in the neighbor- hood Sunday. They unaided the fu. neral of the farmer's mother, In Schnm, on Sound-y. Qune . number from thm neighbor- hood attended the tuner-l of their old friend Ind neighbor, Mn Mary Selma. on Suturdny It Durlmn. Mr and Mrs th Bomb and Mr Ind In Chu. Jasper, from Hildmny, tspent I any Int week with Mr and Mu War. Finder. Mia R. Hopkins spent Int Sunduy " to: uncle's. It Ju. Brown. Iiu Gnce Pindo: visited Int neck in Durham Wlth her friend, Mia Ba. die Bailey, _ Mm Tsylox returned to be: home at Stamford Sunday. after visiting I couple of walks with Mm Irslkirw ham. Holstein School Report. swam D. liPBAIL. Auctions: LITTLE IRELAND J. DE Gunman, Tueher I. A. Run-roll. Teacher. Cashmere lose that cost. al- at Me moot double that price at Mill to-dar. HOLSTEIN m can all you qRrTUteHNEs TORONTO Ihe J. D. Abraham Company a?" The Review to New Subscrib- m to Jan. in I917, {or - I.“ run tor one "ar.................. The Review and Fnrming World for I "v..................... ......... The Ruin! and the Fumm' Ad. vocate for I you... .. ".".......... Thyrtyuw nil Can-din Fun: The Review end Toronto Daily Btar tor I "M....................... The Review end Toronto Dally 1 Newefol one your.................. The Review end Toronto Daily World for PM..................... The Reyiew “a Weekly Mail end Brown for 1 you The Review end the Femilv Her. eld end Weekly Sm for 1 your The Review end Weekly Wntnesa for I "M.............................. The Review end Weekly Sun for 'r."-............................. The Renew end Weekly Advertis- er for one "v-................... The Revi'w end Toronto Daily Globe tor tr-....,,..............". The Review end Toronto Daily Hell end Empire for t yeer...... The Review end Dell] Free Prue an 1 "ar.-........................ The Review end Weekly Free ’m DORE“ REVIEW Another one of judgmcot summons between F MeOIcoklin as plaintiff and G. Calder " defendant-, tor an un- settled bill ot $97 and costs was be- tore the Judge and the defendant was ordered to my within 30 days. The evidence ot the deience all Went to Show that the cane ofthe road was not excessive, was reckon- eda good Job, and presented no dit- lenltiee to the ordinary driver. The judge ruled egeinet the plaintiff, who wee eeddled with the costs, emanating to over thirty dollars we believe. 90s "' 'owfelp “OHM trtteteets be- Holstein Presbyterian church will In! the party liable it " all. hold their annivers Iry services on Barrister Clark of lit. Forest notedjthe 21st and 22ml ol this month. for plaintiff, Barrister Wright ofFRev MrLemon olCliff'ord will preach Owen Sound tor the Township. A. gSnnday morning and evening. Miss mong the witnesses for plaintiff were, Barbra roster ot Toronto, one oi On- besides himself, his son Clarence Cal-ltario‘s finest contralm singers will der, C Drumm. W J. Pettigrew, Geo. Ising both at the Sunday services and Hunt; those tor the defence being also on Monday evening. A towl L. B. Nicholson. R, Irwin, It. M. supper will be served on Monday Tribe, Reeve McArthur, Chas Robb. evening and a splendid program is Jno. D. Roberts. P. McE ushers, J. R. being prepared. More particulars‘ Philp, David Allan, Tnos. Gordon. next week. I for I you: It will be remembered that this case was brought before last court. implicating the trustee: oi the Police Village or Holstein, but the Judge ruled it out, as being wrong! y enter- ed, the township not the trustees be- ing the party liable it at all. Judge Widditield held court in Durham on Wednesday and much interest was taken in the proceed ings, especially by the people of Hol stain and vicinity. The chief case was that of Geo. Calder against the Township of Egremont. a claim tor damages " injury to automobile, owing, it wns claimed. to road being excessively rounded in grading. and not covered with gravel for comr- weeks said the plaintiff, some 8 or 10 days " id the defence. Egremont Won Case at Durham Court A bright musical program will be provided for all meetings. Ev- eryone, especially young men, cordially invited to attend. A speaker from the Front, and others will address all meetings. Hon. Dr. J amieson will also speak at the Dromore meeting. Ag. Hall, Holstein, Special Meetings in the inter- est of recruiting will be held in Russell Hall, Dromoro, Monday, Nov. l5 Pres. Church. Woodland, Tuesday, Nov. 16 Special ooo SAVE THE KING! u........... our-nun"..- Clubbing Rates Recruiting Wednesday, Nov. 17 'ird Meetings 175 890 375 175 Don't forget your Piano votes please, with evety purcheee. One can {at out! 4teatt and produce counts the same us Cash. You have 1 friend in the ace; the wants you help light How. The “ending of Contestants will be nude up on I". “II. when all blue votes must be in. Don't hold them. _ Why you should some here for Undetweer. Basics], VIII. W: " mwm' Shcetings and many other lines which you cannot get else'heu “the Mee. We m out to make this Store the most popular in this pert of the eotrnu, and n.“ “I; it, There ls only one more month left in the Twelve, and believe us. irhen '" tall I“ et lest Saturday's business was the largest in the yen. THERE'S A REASON. It 0 amply s matter of Dollars sad Sense. --__ __v - -"""i..-..r'_t. vvll-I Wilt. A brouen wind shield was the only evidence that the car could show for the accident. Mr Hunter has not been the least unnerved he the "air and in now a very fair driver. while .3an would make " excellent chef- . -__.-._ ""‘v 'l R. J, Reid, Thomas Irwin, Herb. 1 Whitman, Walter Preston, John! Reaich and William Lewis. 1 l Mr J. W. Hunter, of t_'ritseetott/ dormer merchant here, bought a Ford l par two weeks ago and has since en- l perienced a sensational thrill withl the new auto. While taking a pre- liminary spin with Earl and two oth-. ; ertrlends, the car swerved into the) ditch and turned turtle. Earl's agil- I itv in jumping saved him from pos- sible disaster,' but the others IPP; pinned beneath. Almost by miracle it seems, Mr Hunter escaped nnhnrt. l, also one of the panengere, while the , thlr'dlnlered‘a fractured collar bone. I A h“ - .. -I..ua.a A. -- - I On Saturday 1't,t.etd.st,t William l Brandt, ot Harriston, for erly hotel-f keeper here, for over a year, died at) the Strathcona Hospital. Mount For; est, whither he had gone the week; previous for treatment for an inward 3 growth. Mr Brandt was in his 46th year and was born in Howick Town-i ship, the eldest son of the late Samu- ei Brandt. He is survived by his wi..I dow and seven children. He was a] member of Court Harriston, No. " l C. O. F., under whose auspices thel iameral took place in Harviston on} Monday, a large number of the breth. i ten being in attendance. Rev. C. L. ‘ Poole conducted services at the fem-l ily residence. The pail-bearers were : I The Women's Institute will meet on Thursday. Nov. 18, auto home of Mrs J. T. Reid. Mrs Ibbott will give a paper on "The Joy ol Living" Roll Cair--Exehange of Christmas ideas. _ The Pcterbor h Cereal Co. ' of Peterborough, hav pened the elevator in Holstein and are eparcd to receive all kinds of grain, for hich the highest market prices will be p id. On Monday and Tuesday evenings ofmis week meetings Were held in Fuirbairu and “O'Neill Presbyterian churches respectively at which Mr Museum/f Harrlston and Mr Media. mara. of Drayton gave interesting addresses for and against; church union. The Patriotic Society has rented a room from Mrs Tanner and will hold their meetings there in (mare. On Friday anernoon the ladies will meet there tor work instead of in the Pres. byterian church. Mrs a Ramuge. Mr Peter and Mint Alice Ramage. accompanied by Mrs, J. L. Taylor, of Bmmpwn, visited at W. H. Emery and D, P. Coleridge‘s the tirgt or the Week. f Mr. Howard Drama) tt ho is in Fergus Hospital is recovering nicely after his operation. Mrs W. ll, Rogers is in Toronto this week attending the Women's Institute Convention and visiting her daughters. Mr A. B. Pattie ol Guelph motored to Hols'ein and visited trienda over Banday. Mrs W. T. Petrie returned to Guelph with him. James Troup and Wm Webster arrived home from the West on Fri- day night. Mrs McLaehrie and two children are viaitmg Mrs. Pettigrew. Mrs Allinghnm went to Feral): on Friday last, to me her son Hartley who is improving nicely. We are pleased to know that Mrs. D. Cameron is getting better. We hope soon to see her out attain. Mrs. Nichol ot Durham was the mascot Mrs McClocklin over the week end. a 3 9 LOCAL AND PERSONAL F 'ili2'.2'.u'l,'ll'd,,t2,'2'1'lt.J" Miss Edith Edge visited Miss Rita Roberts on Sunday. f""'""""'"" Is that not a Good Reason tuksis, mooted-"E0 "b:- ii," :id-ol the- Patriotic Fund. hrtN.utv-rn Toronto, to Mr. In. J. W, Hungry. "on. The Patriotie smoky m holding . Patriotic Ball on Friday. Nov. 12th. A Iioo1,ortshetra vyill he in Amad- A Recruiting meeting will be held in Russell Hall on loudly event-(J Nov. 15th, Dr. Jouleoon. M. P. P..j is expected to be present. ulna _ spenker from Toronto will give ml addreu. Music will boluppliod by: Amos choir. l “in Ellie Home and Wllfred Ren. l wick ore taking u course in Mount- ForeSL Business College. Mr W. Hutio returned last week. after a two montbl' visit " Webb. Seek. and Fort Frances. Proceeds go to Patriotic Fund. Attend your bit. Admission Me. Children undnr This Operetta has been given a splendid reception wherever it has been played. The Choral Society. " strong, have already rendered it in Walkerton. Hanover Markdale, Ayton, and three times in Durham. Julia. . Mrs A. W. H. Lauder CHORUS Nance . . .Miss Zeta E. Black Mrs. A. Gun, Mrs D. MeAttlifre Barnabas Lee..J.L. Stedman Mm A. MePhee, - N: UatttoE IJoe Stout. . . .J. H. Harding g" J. Ir.. mm. 1.Eie Amr l . k elly. Miss Edna Linux. Mrs G. 13..ill Salt. . . . . . . ..J.A. Coo MeKechnie, Kiss Alice Bounce. Irim, Spray. . .Peter Ramage mas Bessie Telford. mu B. Me- I?ehtip.t, . 1dyiNlh'flitit,,1,t Auliffe, In T. loGrath. ?Ne 11 ---;- . 0 1m SAILORS’ HOBNPIPE D el.ia. I C.' . . Miss .M: Hunter! Florabel Nichol, Jean lorlock. Daisy.Miss Vaddie Caldwell Kareem Ewen. pmâ€. Burnett, Dora... . .Miss Lily Walker J. D. McPhee. A. D. MeAulifU, Artists. . . ..John McIlraith, Martin Lauder, M. D. ItcPhee- Earl McDonald PIANIST...MISS RITA IRWIN Synopsis of We . "A Nautical Knot" is essentially a sailor's play td l is based around Julia, the haughty belle of Barnstapool {I . The sailors of the place all love her but she doesn't re- turn it. A wandering artist, Barnabas, appears and he immediately falls captive to her charms. The sailors are jealous and stow him aboard the "Bounding Billow." Joe Stout, first mate, loves Nance, a gentle maid and as he leaves for a years absence on the boat, commissions Bill Salt, an old sea dog to tell Nance of his (Joe's) love for her as he hasn't time. Bill mistakes Julia for Nance and tells her of Joe's love. Julia is surprised but ac- cepts the fate. Later Joe finds, this out and makes Bill correct it. All ends merrily as a wedding bell. Under the auspices of the Holstein Junior Patriotic League. will present their femoue Operate. In Ifl, Holstein next Thursday, Nov. " 'i'Ffit'rrtW,,M?FrT..r " A NAUTICAL KNO'I' " Tickets on sale " Loith'a DURHAM CHORAL SOCIETY DROMORE 'rt?iArgkiic,8 Cut of Claude" .n Me. Children mg; iTniii. It's, Allingham's and KoClocklin‘a Item nouns: u. 1916 l Theotd reliable No. 2t intold in Damon by _ ~~-- -...Ma. III - u wilt live you your-none, luck. 'tere/stats up an! ":me SAGE in" '?.tiiq “a. itA.eiiryEGjiiiiillNill'l s...“ ie le 5¢M_g., Hid 1ttur.uirotiitt-t,it. [hen is one can can (M - may.“ MUM“ In! aid 7.. totiairtrmnd. 2,'eree, 1e%tte-uir n. " have M. Mouth: seam. l Mrs. A. Gun. Mrs D. MeAuliffa, Mrs A. McPhee. Mine N. Lennox Mrs J. H. Herding. Mis- Amy Kelly. Mie- Edne Limin, Mrs G. McKechnie. Min Alice Rena-co. Miss Bessie Telford, Min 8. Me- Auliife, Mrs T. MoGI-eth. SAILOBS' HOBNPIPE Florebel Nichol. Jen Morlock. Mergeret Ewen. Frankie Burnett, J. D. McPhee. A. D. McAuliife, Martin Lauder. M. D. McPhee. PIANIST...MISS RITA IRWIN 2'h'1.'C'rP,f_teetAr-. ' ir, it a]... but. Inau- my 'it,iiib,F1ri,i'isii! P A Ja'll'lt'LWt',dute - â€Magnet or., 1ritrirFiiir, or a Luau-Hench, and do 531239! you inte " the ray»: latched m :r. ' la Molly ready an bit." He WM h that he walnut! Plug Lhe looys. “in, hummer. m (awaken the joined the mldwr do: and took hi It». didn't New "ttte bit though. ated to owe the for the dog. T mount he mused “once ' up, CNN“! and â€an oH-rey I‘m-n qum manic!!!“ Can-cynic. A I. In. - -theeee Emacs†Urns “can. vireihs" Hydro Electric U mood that the an is to be emu "th. The devel complain! and t My for openm. Agam Beck. Ho other uoluhlei wii opening ot the is Emu} no. 4 Whoa the loc tl an M their route m in Haunt. q. fun by the ttood but uncanny I Puma ot ttw l Corps was m U dar. Me My int tantalum accident when ail injuries tt to Canada and He wticipm.» Ila-lbw '3 to uplift hr “Us. moral um i I “a in thi,. L' “(an it 1“qu “Ruble may: - as mu u I generator: In h I... I mitten! Booker T. I - dm man no. died Ivit Sun: PM man who hcca law went too eeetgged “an Pines amoun more of costs o-tly lesson "cord" Church and ties. the min mum. ded In ' Bring all HM and 'she-kms- ham. Me mum the Yolk l, [101' tit r Guppel w In“ In} "day. 'd Lu" next It gun. At In and paettes al ed to return ' of theme book: Metioa of the TI h " In home nu“ {We lruinu Thurs noun l them 'am-i. in pour but“ Faith. V. out he! Mat-nu in boa Fen "ter-at, Upper town. A be. A law“ IV a To Bout n d the Public I “Jun": All t If [it " m Ut I He 9:1th mach FM tre of punch 'HI ill Dr. II co mu TMDIAI‘III Ind nuke n plump wt " R ll " W Ur