West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 18 Nov 1915, p. 5

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remedy works m. .33ch the most ta. fall's zuaranteed. [ore [inc hl Si-ZPZEEW‘ s3:-::-::<:<EE Igggtg _----------"--- , i Js, , , i "r'ihsbsorot , . fo hand, -» 6 . . t Military 6 T V * .. L. URANT t ' , _ -§:"»!-$¢$¢&*% All , Ttll' ighest Price 15W iood 3lannelette kets WEN? ER 19, MB s h.',: Drawers Paper shut; in time sum ii “in: you feel one rr... f LRAITH LL urham UP PWS 33?}: " hoes . m. "M White - _' r' tlso Blue , " I Funnels 'ur Scotch J, ir25 and ll M11 Ofliee {Hokets here n Flannel t cplenish- the most the most easy " Paper in able and but not n's Working mide price It's in» }»¢‘l'fecti01|. _ and lite. patent, gu- are stylhh. manufactur- all kinds ot slippers out er gal"! want Small Clubhogs, as which For interior of huildio better and "htatiptrt than huh and “I. they to handle on. with a saw Easy put. on Cannot fall " gives tae) No art or - Call and no for your“)! SI Shingles and Lath always on {land at right tht Custom Mwing promp y attended to Aitur Sula Agent And Mr for Dur- ham and vicinity of the DURHAM. The undersigned begs to announce to raeidenta o Durham and surround- x_:_15_cmu_n.ry. tha! ty has his Planing DURHAM PLANING MILLS EH if KARSTEDT nos. 'h"ltiri1f.N,'ttet1: ti Eammmmmmgmammmmm a»: new 4hyrft NEW FIBRE BOARD ZENUS CLARK JAMES rarrrsor.A.f.fW"t"r Jewel and Maple Leaf Plants, “mated by no oth. er Hannah. Wheat Floats, are classed with the high.“ grades ot Float, Tilt in price. lake it your bu le- to try a bag and be convinced Remember we guarantee ev- . v . Be. There a absolute! no comparison m the value we offer. low are al kw items if our sailing simply illustrating the ecomony of dealing here. noun I “W St awxence A - . Rtletly,',rde EM out _ . " "luvwlvll - . . .,_.-_ no". r“ _‘_ ___ - Maple LG... . . . . . . .1455 regular selling, per lb IOU -----r-""". handed back Bacon, 30c Highest Grade American _ regtlat “m?- e,,'.' Corked Shoal er Ron so Oil, M. will at We gal. lette, reg. selling, lb. c We always lead in pricea olered for Farm Produce. Butter solids. mils and Int-tn, no m. Fresh Eggs, " cents dozen. When our cum-cu m atutied, we ere, bat not until then. Rank! 00111:; Mike“! Jewel . . .gzg Hardware Men}: Wear NOVEIIBBB 18,1915 J. J. ransom PRICW Winter Bulbs in Pure Drugs Regular Scllmg ONTARIO ugding louse Good reports come from the West for good crops Chas. Dixon, son ot Teacher Dixon, ngemont. threshed ttooobuahels of wheat and as much Our town shares a tair business, We see P. F. McArthur attending behind the counter in Pattison & son's. Peter is an old hand at the business as well as the obliging pro- prietor. We had a look at the black-. board at Pattison's and read in plain tigures--Eggs, 38c a dozen or 3.Ve apiece. It is tine for the woman who goes in with a big basketiul to get such a high price, but the con. same: who probably has to par 400 from the retailer, scratches his head. The sick people are not much bet. ter. Allan McMillan is somewhat better and seems more cheerful. He is attended by Nurse Miss Charlotte McDonald. Mr John McMillan, the old gentleman, is pretty low and dangerously ill, as his age is against his recovery, but we hope he will be around again soon. Mr John McGlllivray, of Vaughan, is up seeing his nephew, Mr Alex McMillan, and will be staying for a while. The well diggers are at Don, Me. Lachlau's yet. They must be down nearly zoo feat now and no water Monday morning, Isth Nov., 1915. Some snow this morning, but not enough to make sleighing and not enough to stop the plowman from using the plow, but the north wind teela wintry and chilly. yet. Grain in general did fairly well. In some instances ten, twenty and some thirty, but none as high " the hundredfold . In the land of our forefathers in Scotland, last night was Halloween in the old style and was kept up to the rules of the order to perfection by old, young and middle-aged. Threshing and ploughing is the order of time at present. but likely both will soon be wound up at the approach of a snowstorm, for tractiott engines cannot be driven when the snow is a few inches deep. Neither can the plow be used when snow is a couple of inches deep on the land. Saturday nicht, the 13th Nov., 1915. fine, clear and cool, cold all day and plowrnen worked with coats and mitts and say they were not too hot at that. Friday night or last night, very high winds, almost gales, light sleepers were disturbed by the roar. ing of the wind, but those who sleep sound did not pay any attention to the weather as long as thev found themselves in the same position they were when going to roost. Redpath or St Lawrence reg. selling percth Have you tried our Special , .. lee. 1egul" sell 270 Boned Hams, pickled or smokedaeg. ullinng 23c Roitytitie.tye3ed, Ilk PRICIVILLE in}. " 1b PRICEVILLB AND ioiifii “BATS Last Friday night the Sunday Schoolhelda social in the Grange Hall which was well attended and although the hall was crowded. the order was perfect. The hall was decorated with hunting and fltgtg. Lunch was served first which was followed by a program ot over 2 hours in length. an Mr Meyer was an excellent chu rinse and Miss Mortlev organist vi the evening. Theahildren did Meir part well, showing the careful training they had received trom Miss Mortley. Chemises. solos. duetts. recitation and a couple ot dialogues wore all well given. A collection was taken " as there was no charge at the door when some led to over $9 which puts the Sunday School out of debt alter doing abr-ut $80 of repair- ing on the Grange this summer. The O'Neil tsroi have gold £bolt 50 sheep and a few cattle, Nov. 26, 1916.-0n this date H. B. McLean will sell at Lot 25. thm. s, Glenelg. some valuable stock and im- plements. Sale at 1.30 p. m. without reserve. Terms ' lg mom. on approved joint notes, 0 per cent " for cash in lieu of note. Mr. Jo . Hooper of Ebenezer and Master Irvine Geddeu ot Dromore, visited " the home of Mr T. Green- wood', he: week. Mr. W.J Firth badanew Baker windmill erected over his drilled well lately. This makes 9 windmills ina2 mile, district. four of them being Bakers. Mr M. Wilson from F'lesherton spent an afternoon with Mr. C. " Clocklin. The London Advertiser The thresher boys have come back when his expected they will thrash the neighbors crops and wind up. Mrs. Williams, of Sank. In: the goes: at Mrs D. MeAalifrt, the pat Wee . The tax collector came a-lpinnlnz out on Thursday last. It won't take him lone when he has a cat. Western Ontario Greatest Daily All the News all the Time M by mail, any Editlon. " payou- Circulat'n Dept,LottdonAdvtsrtiturr Mrs. Jan. Nelson accommnied by Cecil and Rllph. is visiting in the vicinity this week and her old friend: no glad to see her once morn. Mn Obs: McClocan x: recovering nicely at present. Mr Arthur Blair of Travomon had the misfortune to lose a nimble “Wlby choking on a. salmon t"reet app e, Mr and Mrs Wm. Stimuli from new Durham Visited with Mrs A. Melt-b on Sunday. Hunters no out LG' Rib-its those due bat there are not may pm. ridges. A number from here attended the ingot-ll of the late Mr Toilet. _ V - . __- --_.. mum-"'0 Lacuna McMillan came down this morning to see his sick father, Mr John McMillan, south line. Mr and Mrs erGroonwood. visi- ted with Ma Nelson oneday recently. George Watéon is GG, a new addition to his nulls. The miller is kept busy and muting good work. out: and barley. The Um him $rooo.oo, so the oath} in: to the quantity of crop. goat tanner: in this am an; m we quantity of crop: Our big. gest human in this pert don't pay over $30 or $40 for their' thanking. T -44- -- ----- Gin Pills act on the kid-u- nnd the bladder. Th1 name and heat the ligand organs. whic are causing the III erhsg, New“. your Y,'grt and swollen hand: and fee , wrists Ind IV! les, are Iikely to (allow. A dose of Gin Pills in time an. I world of Don't complain about pains in your back when the remedy lies right to hand. Gin Pill: Btop backaches, and “a? do " in in as, _ttatu.r.at way by you; rig t to tho root ot the (roam: In. pa You will realize their value when you read whttt Mrs. J. 1'. T. Wedge, of sum Paid. writes: "Gin Pills are the grates“)! all ma- ner remedies and a medicine which In " present doing me a wmld of good. The! are worth t cit weigh: in gold to any sutterer." Get GIN PILLS cod-y " your deqier% $0e, n box, or 6 boxes for $2.50. Trill trant. ment FREE i! you write " National Drug & CW Co. of Canads_1hietl.,. Toronto Stan . Baokachos Morning; Noon, Evening Wtimiir BEAVER CREEK THREE EDITION‘B Sale Register EDGE HILL 1he tyenltirttr eott _ontlay ia, Girrd Tossed out in a fur coat, gauntlet gloves that leached to his elbows, one would be ted to believe that he had just come from the polar region. And the High Constable polished up his tttar as he w). Ked “madly into the superintendent's (Alice. " His honor, the lord high clon. tttable," half a dozen persons murmur- ed in unison, and at has: a. dozen more interested faces peered at the at ranger from eyery tride. So now High Constable Cook " here in person. And before he undertook to lead his prisoner away, he sought the aid of 801m. Reid, of the Windsor police force. And the High Countable led the reportel mm a secluded corner of police neuquarters to show him what had hem borrowed from Bergt. Reid for this momentous occasion. The reporter' looked and saw a pile ot. chain. The High Constable raised the chain in the air and let itdrup. It elunked ominously. " Leg irons," said the High Con- stablo sigaifrcantlr. He'll hee to be a party slippery was to ttit out o' them.’ With pomp and pride he bummed in- to the detective bureau. There could be no mistaking his authority. for there, righvin p'ain view, pinned on the outside of his coat, was unim- meme gold hadw, with the inscription " Lord High Constable, Ceylon, Urey County, Ontario. The "porter investigated and laun- ed that the High Constable is after Thomas Mighton. who was arrested lust Saturday by Detectives WHIOD and Bond. Mighlon is wanted for an alleged offence committed four years "so. when he attacked his wife and a man. Mitthton and his wife separat- ed following the trouble and Mighton kidnapped his two children. the Cuna- diun police say. They were found later in a. small town in South Dakota. Mighton was arrested later in Winni- peg. But while the otricer was taking him huh to Durham, lighten slipped out of the irons. while his captor slept. Referring tr- the sauna incident the Detroit Times has the. following I " S-hm-h,” said ngh Constable Cook. " I'm here after a. party slip- pery can and I'm a-ttoin' to fetch him back to Durham. It the High (Jon- atahle can’t fetch him back, I reckon there‘s nobody else thet can." It isn't often that High Constable is able Roget away from the press of du- ties at home and journey to a foreign country, So a reporter. whose curios- ity had overcome his tear, ventured to " High Constable Cook what mighty mission had ted him to De- trait. press. with An euy grace. And Ins badite-ah, hm badge! Oitieers at central station. who are more or less familiar with statistics touching on the matter of badges, Hy they have never seen one quibe so large or qulce so shiny. The High Constable wears it pinned to his beaver breast. He fairly ecintillatee. High Constable Cook is A sort of eompoaite of the theritf of Notting- ham. ot Sherwood Forest fame, and Sherlock Holmes. He wens " beuver coat, but recently rescued from the camphor Iutneuea of the clothes Arriving with the thet hint flash of down and giving " a. strong odor of moth . bells. there enjoin-nu in our city for the tiny one Cook; high constable of the town at Durham, in the prov- ince of Ontario. He is resettled with mingled emotions of awe end tear by the otBttera u control police station. To be a high countable in quite a thing. Not everybody con be one. olthough eertain Jealous menial: have hinted that the post is more picturesque than important. Detroit my": last we] - I in. moron- ooloring to Ooh-tuba Cook'- with to their city to bring home not. lighten The 'Nowl' you the length of hunting it with ell-mono. The following In it. write-up ' " I mm Robert Cook, the lord high Cook in Detroit , " DURHAM REVIEW i'iCiiSi'atts'it,l'ig)' li v1; “awn The Review to New Subscrib- ers to Jan. In 1917, for only l.00 TLo Review and Weekly Hell end Empire for 1 you.................. Tht Review and the Family Her- a.“ and Weekly Sm for 1 you The Review and Weekly Witness for 1 "Br-....................... The Review Ind 1Wekly Bun for ly'ear.................................... T he Renew and Weekly Advert“- er tor one "br-................... The Reviv w Ind Toronto Dailr Grabs tor 1ytrtsr..."...............". T'uo Revmw and Toronto Daily " ill and Empire for I your...... The Review end Daily Free Pres. lot-1 yi................,............. Tho Review and Weekly Free Pros for one your.................. The Renew Ind Farming World for 1 "l..-............. ......... The Review end the Furmere' Ad. TheReviaw In?! Canadian Fun: for I "v...-.........--. (Junk and his prisoner, impeded with Chain! and shackles of every deactip- tion left for Durham at noon. Might- un is wanted for assault with intent to lull, " being alleged that he attack- ed a man whom he found in " home, and rhea kidnapped " three children from his wife and left. The children were recovered in Mmitohn and have been taken back to Durham, " on. I'll inks one of 'im alright. You see.” and ho pulled uvcnl heavy chain: from thoinner recesses of " cont. " he isn't going to get "In. I've been looking for that nun for nigh onto two your. He not only from me once, Why. he slipped than) shncklea right otr't, bl! wrilu when 1 Watt atakin' 'im from Winnipeg to Durham. But no mote, no time! Them shackles no" on his nrmu this tiuee, and there'- 3 ball and chain ago- iu' on his leg.” “Rough on nu" clears out Rats, Mice, etc. Don't die in the House. 15c and 23c at Drug and Country stores. 6t Oh, yes." aid one, " we Ind u: nwful time locking that mu: up. Ho knocked out two detective. nad thrott- ened to about “other. " Do teu,', rem-rim! the constable. his eyes looking over the group. in- creduoualr, Than he went on t The Review Ind Toronto Du’ly Star tot I yearn..."................ Tbs Regiaw Ind Toronto Duly In lest, than a minute, go inlet-cowl detectives had grouped than-elve- arOund the new Irrinl. and we" put- ting him question after question con- cerning the mm he had come to bring hack. r?: i.1ttiow "id Tororto oiiii constable of Grey county. at! I can for Thom" Mighton.” he oaid, In A voice that In unquutlonubly author. italive. Utilizes every heat unit. Flues arranged so heat inforced to travel ova-top atom in vacate for l Pe... . I?"'")""" World for "tw........,.."...-..".:. Pariddra New: fog one "ur......."....-,.].,'.', feet??? down behind it and twice un- der the bottom before escap- ing to chimney. See the McClury dealer. a son by unu- a New Clubbing Rates “‘3‘ _.., _ (tiii my“: _ Lil 176 375 1uo 175 Boi 378. Penn; Sui; Lot 8, Con I2. Proton. containing 100 acres more or Ian. go um cloned and in good lute of cultintlon.10 urea of hurdwood hush. On the prem- im in a. brick veneer hon-918x24 with kitchen " x 82 und woodnhed 16x10. aisoerr, w" hmk bun (I) It 60, driving Iliad Is x 2.4 uud fer/tt The turn: is well fenced Mad w watered. Good orchard. Mile and a quarter from church. potst-otrlce and nhool. For terms Ipplv to Geo. Stun-och. W,, yopnillg: or J e. ' and Geo. Troup, 100 Acres on Iota " and M, North Durham Road, Glam-lg. M lulles was! of Priceville nation: we." wanna. comfortable buildings. 10 ncm good hudwood bush. Containing no scres. more or less, being lot 7, Con. a, W. G. R., Ben- tinck. Good bam, 40 x56. " feet posts, Itone subling under. Good log and (rune houses on property. Six good wells. Convenient to school and church. Two miles from Dor. noch P. o. Terms reasonsble. Ap-- ply on the premises or by letter. Taken from the prowl." of the nudeuigned a thoroughbred African gander. Muck billed. with knob on bill, A round of " will be [and uny- one who give: information lending to Its recovery. Gm. MILLER, Aberdeen. Dunc“ ucDoxALn. R. R. No. l, Pricevllle PUTS RAID " ton- nun AND KEEPS " “III What's the use of being held? What sense is there in deliberately allowing 'er hairtotyrp m! l__ - Do J"? not to look old befom your time Give up the thought; old on will come only too noon. __ngk gtqnyour hair. “PARISIAN I4”- Illcl' m mur. PNKIUIII‘ SAGE will kill the dartdruft rf,?",','; and is the only preparation. no " " we know, that in guaranteed to do no. Man or man. no - how old you are. PARISIAN SAGE will make v02 1ook.roung. _ _ . _ . Come in" and get u lnrge bottle to-day, tt only cost- so canto. and your money back if it doe- not cure dandruff. otop falling hair, or itching of the scalp. It will make your hair luxuriant, bright and beautiful, and it in the most refreshing, pleasant and invigorating hair dressing ma e. PARISIAN SAGE "iariFiaaraTt Trailrii FEE-7.31.5? am In; an. 'tem? no Miusurttte.& Co., Druuuu. Five Dollars Reward Farm for Sale Farm for Sale Farm for Sale ROBT. HAY, Proprietor BIG A “at: m FALL 6000: CANADIAN PLCIE it! J. t1.l1tl'1"1'ina,as. UNDERTAKER and Funeral Director m-....... ..1nsdiGiFGii "M.u-...m,i,o ad the per yard (Imam Sheeti. r trdc widv‘lsc " 'er, “I“ .L>.: my; 2 yds A - w.c. mama o. u s, " n a tioNutt UHAULATL ot l'UIIum. Uninulty. grudumt ot linyul l um " of D-tat alumna ot Um ..no Mum-1a UM J t , HUN] an ts (MM! morn m. Sttttenor 1n Supreau Coll! In!) fauna Commlsuonvc “on, w noun. .0. on Lunluun IM., opp-Mu- O WW5 buhlen. "lam-9's Runs "m I: we 'st; thecuitortt: luxpu» 'ions" Putteulars from It Marl“ "luno, A -:- "It. Mun. or wt-I-e M. u “UKI’H\ ' Diet. Hana . Amt , Tmunlu R. MacFarlane, Agent, Durham - IUt Aaaeor, trtr “Rel: . r WOO-”my. . . .. Lire-pair 'tta "" Mud. ttta B. .nkus, “wouly.....f . "vt.. 185nm“ Car In In“ Print: now In. Gull-naive mew. . n ._. W. H. BEAN IIo'fl.t GRADUATE “hunts: l un'cnu). “Bonn uouuuv mum r-J'b; . u. I”, ttgall Mt ”than“. OHM-Over Jowem-y wow .1 ' w “a Edit ("11.43. ARTHUR h. JAGKSO‘» Pacific CW: ' " ‘mhx.u5u'“07 " IIIIIOII: “in Jr/tM" " Culclor A, “in _vidc. Lott pt MIMI-Chums qew ft tutaed top "e Mob tJour. t w» while um! ue1e: Ovu- J. t' “In Aunthiu'l' ' Wei . we noun» mum ot Hugh u: on In an. ot “In" at. MICE not.“ Hit. '-tinas '-4tr.ur mutation mun-cu win:- an: m ttmgamoe M .1. no”. all new.“ Ba. " uzwpunue u. I... 1.. can“. [We Ail-rm Ma. r to Lout: [mot " nun men ' N, A gun on! launch] but" mu bt unmet. d, Let.- Mu. A:n...;eun.uu not alc- a mum.” at w.» m; nun-w J harm. h." token-mum“): oauaea-t km. .4 a. “an”. Lu" an. at [tuluf-‘J! .mled w, "ma.qtt .wumuuu to Una-ed Aucum an "" (A). one) LEGIANT D.D.s ...D.$. - do“... hum-nun wdbmx.‘uu Uuww by.“ W ikOLda." - NM, Publit, u' "uui'-olotu'r, WIVIYAHL JR. M. tNmiAdt,0ti'.', 'vs,., A 'x., Through TWIN“; -No Cictt fi' 60. that Fo" nLrl hen" , Full line of Cl dhnllc Huh. r and black tpp 1m. , Up for ac“ poo: , J. P. TEM'UhD. ific Cue at To viA'rHrr-r'lc'n'rt' cmwm mums " AT'I‘HAt'TI V r: FA It i .5 b. lanuu. Layton or you. want Durham BELL [won't ' ".40ch th?,

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