West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 18 Nov 1915, p. 8

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h - \\¥\g f Write for full particulars or better still send for cans and give ulll' creamery a trial. We do not employ anyone at a big salary to canvass for us. This can only be done at the ex- pense of the farmer. Our ex- penses are low and we will meet all y honest competition. Flt. Forest Business College ID.A.MeL.uaiur, Cl, M. [Imam President. Principal To Creamery _ and Cheese Factory Patrons We want your cream during the Winter months. Demands fur nur titenographers and Bookkeeper" ulill exceed the supply. b?very graduate now m a rmwmou. Business men want them Menu” they are well trained. It you want a better paying whim), get our catalogue at once. Superior advantages nine-d. Write " once And Still They Come lo. acre. Beegtioi.-ttts, John (M farm, 0003 W G R. Cheaper than war o before. " aura Bentlnck. lot 51 CHI) a', W . a. " , mm: Durb an. Goad farm. .heap. You cannot. “lord to But or BELL m BORROW or LENDwuhout tirst s wing ti. ti. MILLER, Hanover .-'.'..... u. "rtb an..." _ AGuiTiiiGi', price of (an but. 1 have for sale I UH arm no" Drona". connnient to whoa]. Epic-mildly improved, only "oo down. Mums at 5 percent, Prim m). 100 acres con 18. Egromont. well pre- wry!!!” or with another 50 acres, $. l Ith) 1cm Egrenmm, near Mt, Forest. (Mod (um. In": more but ottered! ”labor trath, under tor qnlck sale. l " no In" um m. win "a," - ___--'- - -9Fe-. s't'.ir'ti':,'t'f.t,hirift'.le', Iii. canny!!!“ Mr R.‘R. K,nox retyrysd from It is bound to he"... in vulne. ii7ditii, Hunting season. He Men in I Poettiera to M“. '8’ Ittelriecured a deer. no .lunog ling. tall','! will ever. w» n h ,, . . .. Bay Farm t are. “venom. 'sea; Holstein. Otto of the Very best (arms in the 'L‘nwnuhip. Wilt soon he picked up at you" low price quoted. Palm Creamery TRELEAVEN & RANTON, PGitioa REM. tat - tot 2 - m U - I46 at " " " " " " " " " 19 Palmerston. Ont. Property Now 102 IN 152 " I” I” tot 187 184 MU "' t38 137 loo tht Contestants will kindly observe Rule 7 which says that votes must be sorted, each denomination separately and tied in packages. We have Thousands of votes to count every week, and this will aid us. Thank you. A Cola-bi: Phenom” has been purchased from Mr H. J. Snell, and will be presented to the lady who finishes Second in the Contest. The Second list of the Standing of Contestants in our Great Trade Winning Contest, is given here. Where is your favorite t Are you doing your share to help her t _ Mr W J Knox visited Durham friends. I W" '” "T'.'"'"".' '"'ft "th"'.."'" Comr J A Ferguson reported Dong "1rdson entertained with his f.” McCannel building bridge lot 19 con phonograph while tea was being 18 and tilliryt approach“ $20 ; Jno. served. Show! // Per in when Et' and Miss Gertie Ray of Mt. Forest 5 roton. ' and covering iwitlt R!" visited friends here and attended 2,'Si,5/t.'"i' Hunter, 52 rods wire Salem anniversary. " ... 8.t, f -. - -- - About midway in. the program, Mr Alfred Kent was presented with a military watch and an ap- preciative address.. Mr Kent briefly thanked the people for their expression of goodwill and their prayers for his safety. The little Misses Richardson and McLean sang a very fine patriotic selection, also the little Misses Sterne. Rev Mr Berry made the address of the evening, which though brief contained a host of weighty thoughts. Mr Clark of Dundalk and MrJessop, sangal duet, and then with the singing ofl the National Anthem, the splen- ‘did evening's entertainment was brought to aclose. We almost omitted to mention that Mr Rich.. ardson entertained with his fine phonograph while tea was being served. Salem anniversary was held on Sunday, Rev Mr Berry conduct- ing the services. On Monday night a fowl supper was served and a large crowd was there to enjoy the bounteous repast and afterwards a very fine program. Rev Mr Bowes, the pastor. was [in the chair and the choir was ‘there in full force. After a few 'preliminary remarks, Mr Bowes called on the choir, then followed selections by the orchestra, solos by Mr Jessop of Orangeville, Mrs Sterne of Mount Forest; and Mr Bowes. The Dundalk quartette rendered some fine selections, Mr Edwin Fowler gave a humorous reading. A number frdm the vicinity at- tended the ball in Dromore on Friday night. Mrs Geo Haw has been in Eg- remont with he! sister, Mrs Wm. Moore, who is ill at present. Mr A. Robinson spent Sunday with Mr B. Martin. Mrs Stoneman of Toronto, is at present the guest of her parents, Mr and Mrs R. J. Porter. Mr Martin from Hanover spent the week end at Mr C. J. Porter's Mr and Mrs Chas. Moore and son spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs U. J. McCormack. Sask., where he spent the sum- mer months. Mr Jas. Knox returned Satur- day from Muskoka, where he en- SWINTON PARK and Some are neither Up nor Down . D. Abraham Company an: are Up, and some www- --- em Bron. m ttradar and irons for Arthur- bridpzo 5.80 l Wat McDong all. sheep killed 010; David Bruce. do 10.66 y " Grout. do 12.00 ; Jno. McQueen. do 9 33 ; Ju Eden, do 5.33 l Wm Willa“. do 2.30 ', And, Hunter. ttt irmpetttori.00 , Jno. Sinclair, do ; Wm. A human. do 3.00 ; Jag Goddeu. do 750; Clerk. Rte,? slimy 50.00 , Wright and eiiord, in Dir. Calm 15.00 ; ROY-l Igobb---J A Ferguson-That " or. der be drawn on Tress. in favor of l Wm Spears. undertaker of Toronto, we burial of Herb McLean to the famouns of $15, allo an order on "i'reas in favor ot King Edward Sam ' Mariam, board of Herb McLean, 17 l days in month of8eptember, amount- i ing to $17. Carried i J A Ifergttsors---w b'ergmson--That J, w. Hattt's new for tile amounting Q to $11.70 be paid. Carried. Resolved that the following acct”! he paid ; Clerk judges order to Cr. of Revision $8.92 ; clerk. telephoning and :elegrnphing re Herb McLean, 31801019110: no: on “acumen: rolls 45. : " Harrison. gnu! 2.40. Geo Swunuon. " 2.30 ; Alex Mc- Gllliyny, an"! E10 ; A. IoGIlli- Vny it day thonlliuf travel 750 , The. Tucker. can Mr, Itobt., Dodds, do. IMO; Hoary Conan. do1 4.68 ; Ala Dru-Ii. do $6 : Hench-I trltIrty.. Tr 3995! 9d Ire for Robb-J A Ferguson -That Ilobt. McCaw receive " tor breaking road on base line in winter. Carried. J, A. Ferguson-Robb-That the Reeve, Trans. and Clerk prepare the Financial Statement tor next meeting of council. Carried By-law No. 308 authorizmg the Hydro Electric Power Comm‘ssion to remove or trim trees in P. V. Hoi. stein, was passed. W l"erguson--Gordon-Tut Comr J. A. Ferguson‘s report be adopted and that he receive $3 com. fees. Car. Gordon J A 1"ergasorr--TUt comr W Ferguson’s report be adopted and that he receive " com lees. Carried Com'r W. Ferguson reported Wm. Bryans, 64 rods wire fence Varncy sideroad $12.80 ; Arch Ferguson, rep. hill lot 21 con 22, " also examined Mr Anthony Lawrence 'ty water griev- ance gore A and would recommend that the ditch be deepened in some placer. Gordon-J. A. rerkLon - "Phat Corny Robb 9 report be adopted and he receive $3 com. tees. Carried. Comr Robb reported Albert Mayer gruelling $25.50; Henry Cowan, opening gravel pit $2; Hen’y Schenck drawing gavel rep, culvert. lot 28 con12 $1.50; Sam Comm, 60 rods wireteuce $15; Nichol McDougal. gravelling lot 52 con 2, $15. I Gordotr--w. Ftsrttttsoir--1n regard to the resolution pulled by the Joint committee on Aug. 3rd at Mt Forest ro the establishing of the boundary line between the counties of Grey and Wellington under the County system l that as the Tp. ot Proton has declin- ed to take any action the matter be laid over " the present time believ- ing that it is ot more benefit to the Tp, ot Proton than to the Tp. of Eg- rcmont. Carried Com'r Gordon reported the follow-Y ing road jobs; Ephraim Elliott, put-i ting m tile on o. B. Road and filling) m ditch $3.50; Wm atineon and Jane. 1 Robinson. brushing on baaeline $25 's,) I Wm Wallace Jr filling in washout on 310th eideroad ts ; Wes Funeton men and teams on grader con 8, $7 ' Ed. Runnell do $3.50 ; Edwin Gardiner do $3.50 ; JnoEurig do83.50 ; Edwin: Gardiner gruelling con 2, $38.25 ; Peter Meanhern. operating graderi 2 days $6 I Chas Snider, moving grit der $1.50. J A h'tsrgasurr-itototr-Th" Com'r Gordon's report be adopted and that} he receive $10.00 com ices. Carried I V V_vvv- ‘- -. -1 .. v-Illr_ bell, P. S. Inspector. re the anoint- ing of Trnsnt omoem that the up- pointing of trnant clients he lettin the hands of the Board ot Trustees ot each school section in the township and the clerk be instructed to notify Mr Campbell to that etfeet. Curried Itobtr-w rtswuson-in regard to tte/seen,"?..'?:)?!! of Mr N W Camp- ..| -----6-- - _. . Council met Nov. 18th, members all preseng giant“ adopted. Egremont Council m Donna 33min HG ARCHIVES TORONTO The kind you always pay a shilling for. Splendid heavy 10c weight, full yard wide. Bpetsial...J...........,"........,...lr..". A new package Tea-Black, Green or Mixed, Me pound. Five cents less than other package Teas and just a little better. For Ten days we will give 200 votes with every package. Try it and you'll always buy it. TIPPERARY TEA duo. “cloth bu rented “no Orr mm In bu -ttttttttstnit ploughing. A number from Hound here took an the Ball bold in Ree-ell Ball, Dro- more. In! Fridey night and upon: I very enjoyable evening. proceeds going to [unions fund. Alex Steven had I private ule Mondey In: and disposed of severe] aniolee of his household elem. William Nelson end A. R. Bender. son were "and 'Petvamitttt for the Minionery Budget last week. Mr Milford Hilton and Mine Gladys Hpoper spent Sunday with the for. mer'l litter, In J. D. Britannia. Two Thousand yds. Flannellette Mr Alex Stewart left for Strain Tuesdev to spend the winter with his sister there. F. Hopkinl. tax collector. is ag-in on " roundu. Tu us are not no high " some "titsipsted, only Ise on the $100,00. Mina Shilton visited at D. Long's over the week and. Mr Ne!son and Mr McDonnld. of Owen Sound. spent a few days hunt. ing in this neighborhood this week. A tow from around here took in the fowl supper get up by theOrangc- men of Holstein last week and report having had aaplendid time. We are all so haw p‘owzhing that news stubbornly refuses to exist. Mr Wm. McArlhur from the west spent Sunday at 1Jouglas', Mr and Mrs Wm. Finder viaxted with friends on the 2nd com on Sun. day. Mr Wm. Falkingham in rseruiting omen for this part. There are still some young men around yet. Mr and Mo R, Lewis visited sun day at J. Smith’s. son were married. Jacob was a Bend boy and we join his other friends in congratulations and best wishes to himself and bride. We noticed in last week'a Rep. that Mr Jacob _Hyptr and Miss Hau- y On Wednesday, roth inst., our 1township councillors and some invit- ed friends enjoyed an auto trip to Durham. The roads were good and Old Sol smiled brightly on them. After spending a pleasant day in that respectable town where the sale of firewater is prohibited and while the sun (not the moon) was glinting "in the lift say hee 'r they proceeded home ward and were ready to escort each guest to his home. May their aha. dows never grow less. Miss Marguerite Kelly is visiting friends in Wingham and Teeswater and elsewhere. Councillor Gordon didn't forget the Bend. but had part of our Main St. graded last week and the way the loads of gravel were hustled along shows what South Benders can do. Mr Mills,Jr., o. S. R., has leased the John Hunt farm, lately worked by Mr J. Eurig. Misa Waters, of Kenilworth, is vis- iting her aunt, Mrs J. Eurig. Mrs James Anderson and children, of Falrview farm, Normanby, and Mrs Barker and son. of Mt. Forest, called on friends here some time ago and of course didn't forget those at the Model Farm. Mrs Robbie, of Toronto, is visiting her daughter, Mrs Frank Hunt and on Sunday all drove to Cedarville to visit Mrs Robbie's brother, Mr Gar. diner. leobtr--aordon.-Tut we now ad. Journ to meet on Dec 16, according to Salute to receive Financial Sme- ment Ind general basin-u. Carried ion Printing OfBee 5.75 ', titttt'i World Supplies 11.50 ; Reeve selec- ting Jurors end com work 6.00 ; As - selecting Jurors 3.00: Clerk, do $3.00: councillors ply sheet1;4 days meeting 22.50 ; John McGrntb, an of Council room 2.00. This Week’s Budget EAST EGREMONT Lmst SOUTH BEND ORCHARD week's budget DAVID ALLAN, Clerk No. 10, EuREMONr For SepLembur atrd October 5ch~Ruby Plulp. 4ch--Aunie Nith. .lson, Donald Mclnues, Lealie Eccler, Nellie Bunston, Murray McGuilivmy. Colm McArthur, Eu'l Brannon; Gor. dan Long, Ralph Lanna“. tir ad-.. Elgiu Lamont. Hazel Campbell, Gertie Long, Mnrmy McAthur, Norman Drimmie, Murray Long. Jr i'hd-Alex Henderson. Don. Murmur. tle 2nd-- Melvin Long, Mary Drimmie. Hurt-y Henderson, Wilford Batman. J . 2ad .-ihae1 Nelnon. Lillie chouglll, Bots Bender-on. Rutherford Handel-Ion. Alex Nelson. Pt Aut-Alam Bun-ton. Evelyn» Hamilton, Irene Dun-ale. [ Mario McDoupu. Primer A--M" l Henderson, lull: Robb. Arthur Robb. B-mo Sinclair. Archie .icrrieiiiii.i) Round McArthur, [label Lamont. U-Jun Henderson. Bury Henna”. John Long. Stella. Drimmio Jun Watts Ruuel Neloon. Ernie Etna“ on. D-. Lamina Swarm. The Women's Institute will meet on Thursday. Nov. 18, " the home of Mrs J. T. Reid. Mrs Ibbott will give a paper on "The Joy of Living" Roll Ctur--Exetuunre of 0hristmss The Peterborough Cereal Co., of Peterborough, have opened the elevator in Holstein and arc prepared to receive all kinds of grain, for which the highest market prices will be paid. ( (Intended for (as! wow) The fowl supper which was held on Nov. 5th, under the auspices ut the Orange Lodge here. was s decid- ed success. The evening passed " very pleasantly. Alter n hourly sup- per a splendid program was given. Among the members who took part were Rev. T. H. Ibbott, Rev. Dr. Marsh. Mr Hershey, Mr Eccles. Mr Hunt. Musical selections were ttle- en by his: Sharp and Mrs Ibbott. Mr Thus. McMillan and Miss McMillan; songs by Mrs Hershey. Mr McKenzie and Mr Long ; recitstions and read. was by Mrs Coleridge, Mrs Plume and Mrs Hershey. A plenum. part] of the program was the children}: part A song was given by Miss Rus- w McKenzie, due: by Misses Eli: and Clara Matthews and s piccolo se- l lection by Master Murray Long. A hearty vote of thanks wss teriiterdil to Mrs Jas. Eccles, who had super- i vised the excellent supper. The l meeting closed by singing the Nat I tionnl Anthem. The musical pluy entitled "A Nautical Knox“ wlli be given on Thursday evening in the town lull here by Durham ladies and gentle- men. This play has been givenln several towns and all speak very highly of it. Miss Elizabeth Brown sang " the patriotic meeting at. Dromore on Mon- day evening. _ _ . -_V.." .. ... wu a-uv . I'll Minna]. - Mr Cooper and Mr Sturgeon at Mt. Forest. Rev. Mr Smut], of Dromore and Iter T. H. lbbon, Holstein. The Presbyterian church here will hold their Annlversury service. on Sunday and Monday evening. On Monday evening: towl supper will be provided by the ladies ot the con- gregation and ulterwerds an excel- lent program wilt be given. Miss Barbara. Footer, one ot Canada's beat singers, will sing, also Mr Jno. Marsh orMtldmay. The speakers at the evening mil bo Rev. Mr Lemon. Bee For chwmp‘ to J. M. Mas. Wb'. Mr Allincham was in Fern: Mon. day visiting his son Hartley, who. we are pleased to eav. in reeoveting nicely and expects c , be home " the end of Hue week. Mrs Pattie, who has been visiting relatives in Guelph fur the last week. returned Erma on Monday evening. Mr Murphy is m our village this week m we interests at the Hydro Electric Co. He has rented a room in Mrs Tanners residence to keep Hydro nxcums. etc. and In: been in, terviewing our citizens to tind out how many expect to have the Hydro in their houses. (lu.otyu. AND PERSONAL i) 'haiaaiiaudiaTaUt Mina Edith Kinnr-y.ofMt. Forest, visited Mist Pearl Drumm over San- day. - zoo Votes with every pacing. School Reports t. A, Wluol. rancher. Store that ‘ the Pace ', 3:11pm, and Interns no We will give two yards of our best Pailette Silk. sold by III at 'l.00 per yd, and at other stores at LM, to the Indy bringing in the greatest number of Me labels cut from our new package of " Tip- perary Tea." There are two 35c labels on each when (one on each end). You have just a month to collect them. This ottor closes on Saturday, Dec. 18. Cut the two Me labels from each package and see if you cannot win this beautiful silk valet. You may have your choice of colors-Light Navy, Dark Navy. Royal. Tan, Seal. Tuscan and Black. A beautiful Christmas present for someone. We meen reel Rubber-v -etot seconds or thirty- treeonds-ttut First qunli- ty Maltese Crou Rubber. That's the kind we oftsr you. This is Rubber week. Come in. MrTelred called upon uprooted his pleasure at the good result: that {allowed A previun meeting sud characterized this put of thetown. Ihip u the beat in the county. After tying a. compliment to the British K'avy which bud been the ulntion He returned again to Red Crou giving. believing in equal taxation on theiureot mean: of raising money and the only mean: to catch the small man who will give nothing voluntarily. The doctor no linen- ed to with good attention throughout.‘ He dealt with the msnnfsetlre and testing of shells " Valeertierot the rapidity of 'tattttfaeture, thouunds per day now being turned out. Told at s recent visit to New York where he saw many German liners tied up in the Hudson river, silent and eio quent testimony to the eiteetivenes, ot the British New. He referred to the desire of the Kaiser to reach Constantinople by winning in the lekans and reuse up the Moham- medan populations. more of whom are underthe British tue than thst of Turkey. I it. no sport: on the nine ul Prepay ullornn'oe'l uni - ttt III parednesl as illustrated hythe upoedlma dependent: toe ambient. with which Germany mobiltch.l¢“.°d by the War. Thou wan-o Great Britain has her had: full in tttted for u, T'g upologylorlon pup. providing lor her slilck. gauntlet: It! nation. de nucleate.“ we u auncmgot -' l e and at " er 2"ft'lel', so it behpoveirttato%slp Ithgh:;h=:£::l 3rd“, Tdl an in tinatteial and other ways. He train the tront on '50.. PM.“ pictured the supreme cervife being they had icii',dh. Rev. B. M. lrendered by the Brim." n."y, gehitth Smith. called upon was palliation is bound to be the ".lttyryt card in think that it was 'iikiiirr, to hold the war, to imagine it defeated, one those meetings but drew contort or the results would bathe overrun- from the {not 'Cl than 'u . God ning of Canada. He "Yond' by over all who would overrule and cause olilsialrness a modified torn: guide everything to . Mill- of conscription arid paid warm trib 'sue [to “proceed plant. at tho at? so the patriotism which te rte-Inn; tone oilili', we“... and .0 on. ante in raisingr an Army C) over .. ' 3,000,000 volunteers. ghould he managed. Thanh ed to the chair and celled off so in- teresting p-ogrsm. the salient points of which were the speeches of Hon. Dr. Jamieson, M. P. P. and Mr J. P. Telford of Durham, The doctor som- plimented Dromore on being shesd so far in their giving: to Bed Cross lands. over 3300 being to their cred- it. He spoke on the nine ot pre- perednees as illustrated by the speed with which permsny mobilized. On Monday, 15th inst” a recruit- ing meeting was held in Russell Hall Dromore. Reeve MeArthur was Vot- Rubbers Recruiting Meeting at Dromore ie JOHN M. FINDLAY Dromore . ymoaoaonono . 943045043941an BURN-V riiiiiht "Staff of Litda Make your Get a Silk Waist Itree Eaémoge Bread and Better rea 'tiiii2r y 'ew of us eat dgl3ll1_ We believe that ttt00t people do ttnt ya: realize that any “nee of Dry Goods are becoming deity ttl nor lees amenable or lo nd. unced in price In to be (In Oflle new if m: otdittorr tug-er. Our present ptieu (n tte loll: Mtg wocllen “cede ere; HeevyWool.7lb. per peir .....,...... “no Blankets " 6 lb, per pair ...... ...... ttit " 5lb.perpelr _rq.._...... .25 Flanneletue. IU, per pair ...... ...... $1.86 FLANNELEI‘TES We hue I specie! line, 34 In I“... m Yarns " We buy the Best " Canadian Yam. I'lculorl ...... ...... .... New"! Scotch Fingering. blnck orzrey . . . . .. . . .. $1.10 par lb Saxony Knitting yum in one chunk knot: Ilitt pct knot DRY GOODS THURSDAY. new NOiri?MBtia- On um date Richard Into. Holstein. will offer tor “In by Public Atretittet, valuable Stock Bttd [uranium " ttina n 1.30 p m. the " lor out“: term: and otisor partial“! Dr. Junieaon in replying mid be bid written the premier him-u Id- vocating n comma gown-out du- ine the war sud demented hi ina. bility to tnlk 1gt program to " fool- ‘ings. Mr Tenor foe reply - " Rule Britannia " with In. tut-It. Mr Wat. Rum-(e at the ope-ht an: " the Grave ot Baum " ind " the elm-10f tho I lug the spirited p'motic =t?ttg"g Jolly Britons,“ while [in Bron. d Holstein. am: a m with the up propriate title "an li." NOVIIBEB Is. 1915 had ”lined no weft-h}: aa :0: coded by Ir J. I. Pieidl" an ear- rled engunlinstioully. sue. He expressed plenum It the fine tone ot the upeechec. and no on. should be discouraged. Though unions for recruiting he could any that the any one you; It. not here were diluent In Moon. I. maven! a vine of 'itytuto all who only thing to uk eev you: an no go to the front, There could be nothing more honorable than that they should otter the-lulu- for " noble: purpose. Called. had 40. well in "mitntt 100,000 In. in I, short a time. He spoke a In. . for Sir Sum Hula: tho-(h not , agreeing with him in everything he In the right man in the [tilt place. He read was ”locum culled or. ing the Iver and well-ttttad to Mlle the recruiting spirit. - He told ot the of theyorld. he aid It was not a is: 'AIIPHAIL. I!“ maln- for no all land «It _ 000 In. In " A. to a In. . I: thal‘ll not ' everything he he this plan. it vine. who pred ago new. .Hnuu chum-‘0, 'ul lwu “on G. on ttte hq on " com. Mm“ H. Um»; of Bent Robert “Icy-ml; Deceased w.» a 800“an I'lvehy an. "endow! know In... The on Mn] “(.11 Wat launch EABLY an“. re. “helm, one I of the tuwnalup H'IV ll 2 oilock of the Week 'tt t "" lot Is, con. u. 24.". lo mum due to I Ren Pvt-Pd nu Wm “whim. and em at age. He ' m Mud. and “use. He mun Vine, . new" at vim. who peed e-qu'ua by M 14"“th to I to encourage- clone of the w vo-d which I uoud plum-u well modern-d all-o cuntrihux non- lo to elm Sound: Sch" " the prom In!!!" of tho- wood well r Ill-0 c: not w by All Friday Glenda l production 'as unccr . foliowmg 1 much, gm " lunch ir " Durham C final present: to a Holstcm mg (Ina-u It)" I [Inlituu- m l Dec. 2. ttt 2.31 In Hume: lighted to he her is eh'itei and to brill“ “(New un- t' and in“ Chi cow.- nnd nil [ term-z Any In ghen ml Apt"v. lame-ll u If pm HAL: W yo, nod-y. Damn It Allan Park, “ll by ' demot"tti:atiTrv," We to may um On WHim-I ot Tumult“, gonad amial wilt dish; ty' A pl! can uf I and gnaw-mu Q'Hahu H “I ope: Toronto “my. '" occurred " Mid " IF Ins! GIN the hint thy R the h N, B, in. J Pe""': datio Lad" u "h" W Mr. Hun (l hn' h Aw M hum l in In tank]. the ti all? your h Full": you Ran.- Lmr town um. Th Tl tan M BM with the heai tl “again: in N rm nut, u , . od "a M ll " mun m hll [he wet w i In hi. Wat mud will I“! h 0c wt

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