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Durham Review (1897), 25 Nov 1915, p. 1

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has - Free 'ON ett aa-a " ”-5.! iread l8. 1915 ree do“ tri In! Iii, con. ll. " the ripe old tut" of TH vgnrs, lit months and tl days Eu h n [due to a gsncml breakdown. Dr- l"'é|§Pd was horn in Dumrriemshire, H Mland. and "nurtured when 18 years t am). He muse to Bentinck shr‘llly inerwards and had lived there ever wince. He married Mum Malzaret 1r- vuw, a sister of the late Wrpiam Ir. wne. who predeceased him 12 years ago next January. They had fum- children, til living nu follow: I Wil. liam G, on the homectemd l Andrew. on 8 h com. Bantinck I Margaret. {Mn Ed. Bro-n) of Barnum-b and Janet. (litrn Robert “mu-d) of Shoal Lake. Man, Damaged was an elder of the West lieminrk Presbyterian church. and , ma who coined the respect of nil who know him. The funeral “in rim on Friday “lemon " 1 o‘clock to Woo: Boutinck mrtneerr.9aoover EARLY Sunni“ G'oss.--Mr Amt. xv-w Mastic. one of the earliest uetllers or the tnwnship of Bentinrk. pissed .uvav at 'd o'clock on Tuesday morning at [big week atthe family homeland wood well r also Ct use H1 - _ __ - .".'-" pm... cows and 50 yearlin and calves. Terms: Any tinte upt 12 mos. credit giwn an npnrovedjuint Mes, hearing tnteretrt at tt per cent an nnum. Rum, 8mm M, Proprietor and actions". Mrs Hummer, at Brampton," will ad. dress tir. Durham Branch Women's Institute tn Inc L:hmry on Thursday. Dec. 2. m 2.30 p. m. All who heard Mrs Hunter lot August. will be de- lighted to hear her again. Each mem- ber is et'petGlly asked to trepresent and to bring a traeud with her And all ladien an» cordially Invited to Illend and hear this splendid speaker. tumor Yuma ATTLK.--0o Wed, nestlay. December t, at his ruldence at Allan Park, Mr R r..,Brinham will sell by public mw‘in - Rood young cows' and it) yearlin s and calves. 0n \leneulay, 08, Dnrenwend'a of Toronto, 0mm! furs-mmt hair. goods designers an manufacturers. will dr.sr.'oy and dem straw in sam- ple sun-k " Indies qua y hair gnodi and ietttlemrtrt's toup nd wigs at the Hahn House. Durh . A free tle"rorritratioo. of any at is atsil. able to any or". iiterested. Rercttxtso Hst.rtostn.--ttn Sunday Inst U.3 invalidrd soldiers arrived in Toroulo and were given a hearty new mus welcome. Manny pathetic scenes occurred as tor" ones met the manu- od and scarred mun-"inn heroes. This in the beginning ct a series of such swank-s as win become» all too enm- mun. The Markdale Standard knows a good thum when it aim-s it and pats lir.hed but wank. without the custom- ary crud". the Municipal record of Glam-lg otBerd, which appeared in the Review a few weeks ago. The historical Vain.- ol the Record is wor- thy of widest notice. A Box Social nth-r the auupices of lhe fwd Gross wi hr held in ti. N. No. lo, antinck. an 1' 'day evening, has. 10. A good patrio program is being provided and also ita‘bln accommo- dation tor houses. Admisgion 25c. Ladies with boxes he . The Ladies of the Rm] Cross Society intend hsving a male of fancy articles PIN! ty.rmrayadrhakine Dec, 11th, to he held a the Lmriri."'Aaiuraii'orf; to the salt- will he thmkfully received by the Indies. Mr John McQueen received this Weak a atlondm photo of Mr J. Wheel.. er, welt. nown ity North Frgrernont, who salt-ted in me mm and is now w-th the 8ch Battalion m Regina. Mr Piercy Cornish," the 2nd con. ot Norruaithr, is retiring from me farm. His health is very poor and he hns given this fartn to Mr Fortune». of Arton, to sell. See his ad in this paper. The Girl Guides, Co. No, 2, win hold a gale of homemade baking on Satur- day Mrrrnocn Nov. 27. Lunch sawed hum 8 '0 ' supper from s to 7. In UuldPl"! Hall. Engaged (maples. Note, --Dun't Git In Ice Mir-ad. Meek and her re- lu' um bridegroom n the town hall, Friday, Nov. 2am. Admission 25c. Messrs Witt and Hub. Amity-on in" re-purchued that father's fart" lrom Mr Waiter Penman. of Nor. nmnlm and gets possession of it nettt Maul). Monday. 25nd November. "yd the uni!» of thigh hell- on our ”not: In the tirrtt time this sewn. Pri" Hi C'hoeol, tum. Try a box. lanes Drug Store. Exerlsio: Con ition Powder your hmw in co Bion. 2Se Paula!» 's. L Fen rt-.-ma of tive room in EDP" Town. Apply at Review Of- CP. ‘ VOL. xxxvnI, NO. E it L'hrwolutes are hiring in rn Powder willput. ion. 2Se at Mac- Only “mag-m: We haw taken advantage of your being at home again, to have you met: with us, your old companions and friends, once more in a social and friendly way. We have all felt the deepest admiration for you in your manly and noble traerifice for your coun- try. You are giving up voluntarily the comforts and pleasures of home to take up hrst the discomforts and trials of the military camp and then the awful risks and hazards ’ the b.aticfieldit. self. We hope t, " wherever you go and at all times, that you Will bear in mind that we are With you in sympathy anJlove and that after those arduous duties are completed that you will re- turn tous sale and well and happv, We ask you to accept this small token in. remembrance of your past friendship with us. Gordon Gun Honored Mrs. Calder entertained a few hf Mulvin'a boyfriends to a musical ev- ening in honor of Pte Gordon Gun. " which they presented the guest of the evening with a signct ring and the h l. sowing address, read by Mr. Normal Lenahan and presented by Mr. Melvin Greig ; Deypr Gordon,--- A m the Work cf tho wmnen. making powerful contra" of the treatment o the woundvd and the dying in th 'trt'St'ttt war, A hemtv PM of lh xv'ki W'H no my tru, of w. LdMraw, w, (Hide-r alve- to the speak-1N, and not to allow new emu I impulses to den-nip", a. commit“ was (unwed In (:er y on! a wstemati canvass of the h‘wn. Mayor Hun" H Emil-man. 1teeve Lulder, Vic. Chairman, A. H. J wksun, Trans. C H-mmusnSery. Ir i: sincwreiy to t, hoped that a gnu-tram welcome m be given the collectors and a liberal r' spouse made to their appeal The National Anthea: closed tr. meeting, - - - "oxt. It had haw: admitted even 03; Ranch Gena-11:4. that but for C'ana, Ilwn gallantry. the Hum might. Haw reached Calais. The 2ad and 3ed and 'w heliovsd suhwqueni cuxmngeng. would Le as have as the titit, the An- 'ies wen- zrtling on (new foot. mu t'uukmg of anee till tyranny Wm crushed. He made optimistic refer. o-nce to the wealth of the B ‘itish Em- pire and closed with line compliments m the Work cf tho wmnen. making " powerful contra" of the treatment of the woundvd and the dying in lbw He defended the administration of the Pul.iulic Fund before proceeding to his main topic--tue debt we owe w she British Empire. We owe a debt tor the Iunnuy Britain has ginu us fur dwelupment purpnsvs. for the prowe- Iion she has gun-n our comm. mm for what she hay done in this war. (bu.- ada tttouch like done something a 'd tte recalled the pt'omptattttle sthe spruu to arms and narrated some of the gag lam, deed, done that have made them famous. He instanced the opinion of an Ameriern, well qualified to judge, mat, the Canadians were the best. Sn!- diers iit {1112099, Ge,rm.tt_ Coming Mr M(G.u‘rv informed the audiene" that if the button idea was cutie! out. Dr. Jamieson would b" wearing "m", for not. once, hm. often”. he had uttered his uervncvs. Tolune mo had ottered and was artuoptad and would proudly leave mu‘ suares in defence of the right. Mr Tnlmie i4 " “and story tenet and rises to eloquence occasionally. " was no use showing " To Hell with the Kniswl." a remark helrtd heard from a young man: Shouting must give place to ncliuu and he closed with " strong appeal to young men to line up and Would have the governuwnl Rive a button or badge to chase not oeeeptcd, so as tostruw tho were, not shirkeré. He gun a graphic picture of how Redmond and Gamma had buried theit dnHerem-w. ttow partyism had beer, sunk in a coalition gnvernment. how Auntraliu, va anlnud. Canada. S Africa, Wen India, had sprung into the hum-h. showing thut there must he mulm'hnnu in Nut. tration worth Mandi-n: for. worth lighting tor, worth dying for. Britain dld not, ask Canm‘a -Cu.nnd: alien-J in gratitude. Th-, tide is still rising '. Men un- otrering "1an nullily, “if urn [mm libern’, "tothers, marr- li 't'r‘nl tn nuke tho great stcritice,and he mnphmically declared that " the mumry mutt. be unmanned by tttt men." play We we wally in thn trenehe, " Wu wattle the imxwr! o? Ibis would widevattclvsrc. Farm FH'KIHOD i, a vulturru numb-r and thuld have r night to himself, not simplya" till im' Mayw Tnlmie. qura- vomvtimenls t: Hun. Dr. Jatrnescn for hie smut!) and ubilily as Spvaker. pictured scum of the unusual features of the war, The (“let-Unit for. every able bodied man mould be cum"!- .. Why sun I not m Khaki ?" or bb What mu [doing an a naval heme ?" The ulnry of out flag was nor that " ever and alway- nnquvrwl but. that It stands for th "ettutee ottlte weak and the down- brodden. [ Rev, Father Ferguson opvnrd with compliments to the ladies for their in- teros? as shown by their large um out. The Fattter has decide literary Mam-u um] made up' quotationn. hear. mg Im the war situation from Bulwer LvUnn, Edmund Burke and others. Hunk" thought .. The glory of Europe is eottirsguinhed for ever," in tho Muck hourq hf Aumlvon'q maMery, but " was-MN and couldn't be mm. if a gene: am chiv tlry was show" by our young mun. Ile rmuiudkd thrarrt lmwevev "rc' n I'lnvulry of yawn-any war .».. I I I .v A . _-- _ p. m. tram, the time was titled up hy gt The Maplo Leaf for Ever " snug m spirited manner by a male chorus, a duett by Misses Bl.uk and Wilson and and a speech from Father Fertrueon, Curr, Hun-t too mun by the M'rivnl of Museum T W. hicGnrry and Rev. Jun. Tobuie, both M. P. PT, and of diver- gent pnll'll‘ill views. pleas of the locust mummy; league. a ravioli." meeting was held which Entiuld have had Ehrlich larger audi- ence, The Town Halt Iraq barely three quarters full, Mayor Hunter was in the chair and as both the principal upeakvrs could out arrive until the!) ffrndfv_ev_ening last under the nus- Rousing Speeches -----i.------- (ite iliiittttlittitit tiltgittt Your Durham Pals Tolmie and McGarry The REVIEW to mu. The Brat. vr'r-rn was fight. r" must tealim hum P. turf. tt in tho Manche- t ot' Ihl~ wank} Owing to the hen that the EIActrit-ul wiremeu have not been able ht meet, the demands of upphcatious and clear up the defects on the inside wiring of it great many houses, no Old-r Inc. been qiven to cut " the supply of current until a mum title time hns tn-orv given to meet the situation When the timeauivw however, that. all can he sot-Wu by the rlutricuns. a tune limit will he as: and all who have not'comnlled with the regulanionq will be cut on. W. H. CBOYDON. ' DUtrlet [attractor Premier Hearst through illness. ww unable to hu present and sent a letter " congratulations, Sir Adm: Beck, assisted by Mayor McQusker, Owen Sound. released the power. Should the circuuurtatteen wan-tut the hugenia Fells plant can be lined up With the other two plums on the Severn s stem. namely, Big Chute and “Vulcan's Falls, From an rxchanw we copy tin fol. lowing l The plant “emf l _ of the moat approved construcn-m. It t"'ptreBenL, a capital investment of between $500,- 000 and WJXJO, which along with an- unm- 35mm, ior trtsusrttiqttion lines and transformed stations, will bring Im- 10!.le mvretmenl up In the million mum. The tum] head of water avail. able is. aw feet, Tn.- nreseut capacity if fur plant is a 4.000 lmrsv-powvr; tue nuunale capacity, 8.000. There tre. tive damn, namely. fourth Bamb- 11-13 and one concrete, The concrete dam nus a maximum height of titty feet, and " one of the longest in (Jan "da. '1 he storage basin consists of 1.700 acres. Tue anglh ot the trang. mission lines, serving the following "tunttupt.l'uiett, IS 313 miles t--Owen hound. ()haotswmih. Mnrkdals, Flesh. lrLon. Dundulk, Sh-llmrne. Durham. Uheslvy, Mt, Forest. Holstein, Orange- ville, Hominid, Port Ktgin, Southamp- mu, Wiarton, K-ncnrdlne. Wuleerton, Hepworth. TAM. Paister. Shallow Luke, Arthur and Grand Valley. "mun some littlé avg-sight. - ijLGriEi of the sweet. lam" . ‘~-t-idedly pleas. ing and the light. fur... wi', l is good. sides The water Is haw detieeted into attiheial vhannels, gathercduud haul Into an immense wooden stave pipo, mule tive or six fut in diameter anu 3500 feet long to the brow of a hilt u-mvued with an ‘mposing high struc- ture called a " surge tank.’ and there " enters a big steel pm! and falls it ttt said 530 feet to the." Power House away down there in the picturesque "Iggy. _ Thi, lights came on Thursday mum. but, (u; a few nights that: Was utter. uuttem intertyn (:"s._which go doubt Thursday last with considerable vol“, and the presence of Sir Adam Beck. Uitairmeu at the Pruvumiul Uorutaission, with hm colleagues. Hon. I, B. Lucas and W it, McNaughr, and " lnl'ge number of representatives of ututticipaiities served. the Hydro Power Plaut “nu put in operation, The Beaver liver, th no tor ages untold, tray “one uvel the Falls, now poetical- ly named Eugenia, has been arrested m its course, dammed up till it covers 1800 acres. with aconcrete dam, 2500 leet wir'n and sumac high at, highelt point, sum to be the human in Cats. ad", and a “umber of can!) dams be. snluu The water Is now deflected into Pte J. L. Stcden of the 'lst bat- talion, Galt, came up for a couple of days last week to play his part In "A Nautical Knot" concert in Holstein last week and spent a couple of days among lriends here. "Jack" was giv- en only three hours permission of re- moval of uniform for the play and looks well in his experience of soldier life. Mrs. R. A. Marshall spent the week end in Galt with her son Caldwell. Warden Calder is presiding at Coun- ty Uonncnl this week. Mr. Alex. McUannel, Warden of Bruce Uo., woo, with a party from Wtsllrertou, motored to Eugenia Falls inst Thursday to the oMeiiil opening of (he Hydro plant, called on his friend Mr Neii McUunnel. Mr. Wm, McGowan returned home last week utter spending the last three months, running a Separator near ])n_A_,_, t, II .. ‘ Portage la Pram}. -HeGraa"ri"a ifiii word for the West and states the blg- gust crops ever, favored Portage this ..I! hits Jas. L. Taylor. Brampton, who in» we“! a tttquilt plunmmly with Known in Durban and Egreuuint, re turns w her home m-day. Mrs. Leeann Sr. of Mt. Forest who is waning her son, Dr, Leeann of Varncy, spent Monday and Tuesday with Mrs. c. Rumuge. Geo. LGiirL the 7 ware we"k end tsitt in town and lenelg. eat 'lil". Masai-4 Gord, n Gun and L {nee Mr. Uur. of the 7ist bum. Gain were. so!- Ig, boys at their homes over the week en . Mr Chas. C. ansgp, of the Army “Mimi (Naps, Toronto, was home for t fo-w days. Mr Will Alkin-um ' 'rg cold " prop- erty on Durham Row to Mr Wm. Me. Dmald. who wnll up: into the poultry business on A large angle. Mr and Mrs Thos. Laudet enter. tained a few of their friends and rela- tives last Friday evening. the occasion being the 25th anniversary of their marriage, Mr and Mrs Mundie from Kilsyth and Mr and “In P. F. McAr- Lhur tof Pricrvillv, were present for the ore mun. Edam- Noblp, of Toronto, " whiting his gmndmoihvr in Upper Town " prwem. He, though deaf and dumb, has passed no cook tut-19mm tor one of the city battalions. Mus Lillie Hun-in Toronto i0 ho . a o no :21;in hohday utter grnduation exer- Pres. .krtyest JVWrtr, Alex B, ll and Eugenia Power Lights Durham Hydro in Operation .'.‘...V... a” V IL" “Ir-1 at u nun [.onId, of mg 7lst Baum Btrrie, Wiring Notice try) tititdrVaTGe'ir%Gir', New Subscribers to lst January 1917 for only One 19 Nov. INS. I, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER M, 1915 With which u incorporated the low: Uadee DOMINION OF CANADA WAR LOAN THE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA Patriotic concert, town ha”, Nov. 20, an of proceeds go to Red Cross. We want. you to call on the Minister and his luve!y bride. Lessons in the artistic dettortstinit of parlors given by Musdamps Sharp. b'eegood and Better. days. Enjoy not two beams that heal, a: on" but, two voices that sing at: one. Here you cet, the semimbntnl Mr. Right oourting the praetietsl Molly. Sympuhizp with the aympn-J thetic Miss Jonas etstertaimutr tho bashful Eohrirun B-wlgmve. Uan'c miss the city dude Roht. Spence and the smitivg Miss Emmy, Hear mus. in Hohnaher (all the m-ws. Town Hall, Nov. 26, Admission 25c. a. fine of $300 and costs was imposed. Th f second (hinge was allowed to drop as the defendants ewan they did not know it was the cousmble thee were trying to bu out, and their piers was accepted, In future the ennsmhle will know what to do, meanwhile by his vigilance the town treasury is $300 richer and another lesson given that it is better to walk in the sir :ight path. Magistrate Lvdlrtw ban impowd Bnee during the last four mouths amount- ing to over one thou-land dollars. Wilt the lessnu he learned as it ought to he? Or will there still he under- hand conniving to etuie the provis- ions of the law which tbo has! eiassen of thy“ community uphold, Btrrituer J. P. Teitdri/aaraiYoirtGTiiiGif. an t 5 . The tirst charge was proven abun- dantly by the 30 bottles of Crrooderhaut booze in the CotttM.e 'slr.',, "owst's,ion and .. n - " >.n‘\.» » - Monday last before Magistrates Laidlaw and Young. the Proprietors at the Hahn House were charged with having violated the but by having stocks of liquor an their premises, as we told in the Review last week. A second charge of uhsu-ucli n was also made against Oscar Hahn and E. Bauer. The duty that faces every man who does not go to the front i possible for others to go. The satisfaction of knowing, that in time of nations and individuals, they were not found wanting. is tl The town, we hope, from of seeing 55000 exceeded, but for building the temple, it is willingly." A great campaign will be undo! will be the 7th and 8th of December. will call on every citizen. Arran into quarterly or monthly payments workmen will give one day's pay, so year. Every citizen of Our town should rifice is commensurate financially w: The maimed and the wounded are b battles they must not be neglected. The Canadian Patriotic Fund was incorporated in August, 1014, for the purpose of collecting, administering and distributing a fund for the assistance. in case of need. of the wives. children and dependent relatives of men and onions. reddente of Canada. who, during the present War, may be on active eervice with the Naval and Military forces of the British Empire and Great Britain's alliee. 2t in ac- corded to soldiers’ families through the medium of local branches so that no amiliee. no matter in what nart of Canada they may be living, will be neglected. _ It is now universally admitted that it is the duty ofevery community and of - l family throughout Canada to contribute towards the Canadian Patriotic Fund. that organization which guarantees to the soldier's wife and family a decent scale of living. With most patriotic citizens the only question is “How much shall we give ?" This is governed by two eonsiderations.LOe extent of the need and the ability of the contributor. Probably there will be by Christmas, 1915. tmmtr-five or thirty thousand families on the Fund. Even this number in bound to increase. A conservative estimate planes the amount required during 1916-aud it looks as though the War would last even longer-- at $7,500,000. Large'though this amount seems. it is only $1.00 yer head of population througout Canada. If the effort to raise this amount in made to include every one - and everyone gives until he feels it-tho. amount 'A not beyond our reach. A branch of the Patriotic League has been formed in Durham and the sum of at least 85000 “as been set as a mark to aim at. Judging by the spirit shown in places not so large as Durham this amount may be exceeded. The fund, will be applied to the Canadian Patriotic League or to the Canadian Red Cross Society as the donor directs. All ttriuliotted mom-y will be divided between the two funds on an equitable Ennis. "Oo Your Bit"ot Laughing Will Durham Aid it in Tailor and tittMrdasher - Durham. Ont. regardless of price. As space will not permit us to mention all the extraordinary values we will quote just a few. See the bills for full list. Reg. 12.50 and 15.00 Raincoat, clearing out at...... ._. $9.99 Keg. 10.00, 10.50 and 11.00 Raincoats clearing at...... 7.50 Reg. 5.00, 5.50 and 6.00 " ...... 2.99 Reg. 50c Braces going at....................................... 390 Reg. Me and 5°C Braces going at......................... 190 Also Hats, Caps, Gloves, Mitts, Underwear and other articles too numerous to mention all going the same saerifieing way. Come early and get the tres'. o C if . . RI e Great Clearing Sale What is the Canadian Patriotic Fund? Will receive applications for Subscr'ptions to at All Branches Throughout the Dominion $300 and Costs I have decided to clear out my entire stock of High-grade Men’s Furnishings - q - ,V......-.. "my no u. - 91mg. A and 8th of December. Captains have been appointed you." [Nola-nu A ___ H MM“ . ' _ - - 'igti'2'ii, set an a mark to aim at. Judging by the spirit thown in urliam this amount may be exceeded. The funds will be Patriotic League or to the Canadian Red Cross Society as unallotted mom-y will be divided between the two funds on Muypr to.11um_bl_est citizen. will have V _ ,_._-... _. ... uuvv um 4v}. “UV "In; am” the joy of Israel of old, when, at the preparation recorded " the people rejoiced for that they offered man who does not go to the front is to help make ‘A I...AL.In..L:,“ .t I . _. - - miner. Captains have been appointed and collectors Arrangements can be made to divide the contribution nents, if desired, extending over It months. Many my. some a day and a half, out of every month for a 1y With that the soldier in the trenELen in making. 're beginning to come home. After fhrhting our All crtaken hye i" in Post places. The date of this I hearty, Chery. British ‘nu noes nut go to the front is to help make it faction of knowing, that in the great testing were not found wanting, is their reward. count it a privilege to give, to give till the suc- AL A], A ar, I 2- _ . _ The government hnve done a Winn thing in raising a man at home instead of ‘niny. to New York or elsewhere and having interest no on. of the cour- try. Full curriculum of the new low will be found in the big ad. on page 5. Thu- amount. naked is 50 million dollars and it will undoubtedly he womanh- Hcribed. a convincing argument. to the (humans who think Canada is coerced inm tho war. “SHED, McKvssos-MxroruacL - In Bramp- "on, on Wednesday. Nov. 4th, at the residence of the bride'. parents, Mien Annie Marshall to Mr Neil McKin- nnn. youngest brother of Mn Geo. Arrowtrmith, at town, both of Brampton. ittrmmnD-McUour--n, Chesley. on Nov. 10th. )7, Rev. Dr. Willunmaon. Mr Thomas mama. of Bentinck, to Miss Eliznheth McCurdy, of Brant, s%grTu--0n Burnside Farm. Glenelg, on 22nd November 1915,10 Mr and Mrs Albert; Smith, a daughtel. JIFFRFY MCURACKIN Today, Wednesday, the remains of the above gentleman, an old Durham boy, are being interred in Trinity Church cemetery. He bu been in Saskatchewan tor eight years or more and died there suddenly last week. We haw notieurnua the particulars of the sad bereavement. " Jett " was in his 34m year. unmarried and his sudden taking off i‘ a How to his Enr- ents, Mr and M re Samuel McCrac en. He was A clever young mam. popular with his fellows through all his young manhood here and his death In the prime of life causes sorrow to many here who knew him well. A Canadian War Loan Obituary. BORN tr, joy, not only it; IultlrV"qlly cc co. Durham fifiéeaeseesseséésgasazsy*~ Ity e - - - - - _,_ -.-.-.,,.,-.a., arrw.a. Gb _ 7, "a Special Sari: all:""""""'-:-.--:-::..-,..-,:-;-':-.;. :te, 2 now as they ever will bean such ex.eelleni Christmas presents. There is already a Christmas feeling in the which probably brings to your mind all tho w.- T and trouble which you had last year in minim. T 'last minute' gift selections during the rush. Avoid it this year by shopping early. You will find here a splendid variety of the most desirable gift goods. Gifts for everyhof New, good, desirable, appreciable. creditable. Con c see them, bring your lists, and make your selection, early. What Time is It I The above prices will Show you when: you can buy l for much less than elsewhere. It is to your mm ‘m m-m before Iv,-ievr navwhere else. This is the only pl: I _ V can nave money in buying your goods. LEVINE & CO. weight, regular $3.00 for. .. . T.. Boys" and Girls' Sweater Coats, mg. 2.25 Boys' and Girls' Sweater Coats, sptwial f Menu Overshoe Rubbers, reg. 1.00 for.... Ladies" Overshoe Rubbers, on sale for.. Girls' Rubbers on sale, 49c. Children's lt Men's Heavy Lumberman Rubbers al..... Ltdies' Coats, regular up to $8.00. for,......... tTe. _ T Men's Heart .teweater fJoattr, storm coliv.rs, hum of Ladlcs' Winter Coats, Ken's, Boys' and Girls' Sweater Coats, GEO. B. DINUMAN. '. T. R. Town Ticket Agency We are very fortunate in being an In van you some excellent values in Cashmere Hose ut old prices. As we all know, these guwls huu' vuced enormously the last month or an. c' some lines you cannot buy at any money, arc the market. For the next two weeks. They me pcricrt goods, only slightly toiled and we Itttt stulitw alum It a sacrifice; Reg 80c each g:trmcu!.sior E4: Jo an” The Central Drug Store First choice is the best an_d priges are, an Men's Underwear e are offering some Great Values in Ladies' & Children's Undcrwcnr We also have . F. MORLOCK TORONTO The Store of H CASHMERE HOS F,' Time to purchase Christmas Goods Rubbers All sizes " the old prices Our Mantle Tm de is booming this season Bigger and Better than ever ?.teectrrut, " .l.0l!‘m. C. m‘ A ”but“ iitte stock est forlen,Women and Children Rubber»: on '... ...roduet or for Val wine have I ue are t ii ow M

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