West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 25 Nov 1915, p. 4

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N ', Mir tlt l i00 tons of No l Mixed Chop WHEAT AND BARLEY 9 have a Bargain in this range, 'the Northern,' in six m, warming closet and reservonr, for the small sum of Mtnh'htlt E. A ROWE My them here. We have I Freeh and varied etock of the one!“ Glenda. Ortega. Immune. Peele. Dates, Nuts. Cendiee at ell Made. end everything required tor the Holidey (gamma. Ounce-will nit your pane. Give a: A cell. Wheat, Barley and Oats Chop Large Quantity of No. l Feeding Hay b"overeittn, Eclipse and Pastry Flour ttt kinds ouraht bought at market price. Special Redvctlon on Flour and Feed in toaior" THE CITY BAKERY Hendqnartera for Confectionery and all Bakery goods Your Holiday Groceries, Fruits and Confections Tm.” John McGowan We have a. large stock of HEAVY MIXED P331) on hind. II you need feed, get our prion. If you have any to sell, bring it to us and will pay highest prices for it. We are in the market for my quantity of Mr. BLACK CRMPiZ'D (ATS for horse Feed at fair Prices CHOPPSU OATS at. . . . very reasonable rates Milling Oats Feed Oats Mixed Grain reed Barley T HE PEOPLE'S MILLS A Range Bargain Fresh and Clean, the very best. See this Hay betoreipurchasing elsewhere. It will pay you. Evexy bag guaranteed. If not sntisfacton bring It; back and get your money. Rob Roy Cereal Mills Co. can“: Mills, Durham nous: my " ttight we Wanted $28.06 .. price of farm 1 l [00 acre. near ", whoa]a Sp sum own. f Price $2500. . i 100 an; con l l Berr ;3 mm. " / tat no," Ran You connn'. “ford to BUY or SELL to BORROW or LEND without new H. H. MILLER, " vary low price quoted. 100 my Betttitteb-the John Clark hm tg,U W G B. Cheaper than on 0 before. mo more: Bentinch. lot 61 con 2, W . G. R.., near Durham. Good farm. 1w new Earemont, near Mt. Fore-t. Good farm, worth more but adored 94000 or trifle under for quick sale. 200 acres Egremnut, near Holstein. One of the very belt faun- In the Townshjp. Will-can pa picked up " A letter was received from Dr. A3oatta this week bearing date of Oct. ism. He had been in lupin! tore 2 week or so and felt like taking on his duties 1min, but he odds: "The medial oiNser in eherze nines to I give the word." The centers! health ,eonditions on the islnd are lotto "good as we could wish. Is says: Tour ot our doctors are leaving in- fvelided tor Englsnd. There seem to be en evil spell over the place. 'len simply can't keep fit. Another fol‘ the sisters in one of the Canadian :hospltnle heroes the harbor died at ‘uyaentry e tortnight "tr--. In Jag- ml. the mutton. a cousin ot Sir R. L. Borden.“ He speaks at the uncertain- v ofthe Balkan sitnuiou and their -agemess tor news, but, they, like ourselves. are in the dark as to the ‘5 gnilcanee of the changing move- ments, Lance Corporal J M. Farqehsmn sad a short furlough in the begin- .nng ot November and Wes able to visu. some ol " lriends in England." We do not employ anyone at a big salary to canvass for us. This can only he done at the ex- pense of the farmer. Our ex- penses are low and we will meet any honest competition. Write for full particulars or better still send for cans and give our creamery a trial. TRELEAVEN & RANTON, I'iriitista5oii '. -__ "tr'"" . 100 uru con 18. Egrcmont. well pro- served,” or with another 50 lt is hound. to incrme in value. Men in a pension to judge any that no farmer" living today will ever again see cheap beef. Thin certainly means an early increase In the selling price of farm lands. I have for sale l [00 acre. near Dromore, convenient to school. Splendidly improved, only Wdown. balance at 5 per cent, Price 32500. Buy Farm f _ The following clipping In but sent as Dr 00m- 1: . brother-1n- 'lnw at Ree. Dr. Fsrqulnnon nd the loondlsionl he (lepton no no! “len- lated to Ito!“ optimum t We want your cream during the Winter months. "Ftp puélgam Quinn To Creamery and Cheese Factory Patrons Wm the County of Essex and made m appeal to all Canadians, irrespec- nvo of racial origin and on the grounds of their common Camdmn citizenship to join the colors. We guarantee Vinol, our dolicious cod liver and iron tonic, foe all weakened run-down conditions ind for chronic txatghq, colds and bronchitis. At Windsor Mr, Ilomsll addressed an audience composed of Canadians of both Fyemb Ind, English origm Vlnol. 1 did umnd within "week my ap- petite improved and I could sleep till night and new I feel well and strong. ".- Ron M. KELLER, Albumin, Pa. Bellefontaine, Ohio.--", wish every tired, weak, nervous womm could luv. Vinol, for I never spent my was)? in my life that did me .0 much tr us that I spent for Vinol. I was weak, tired, worn out and nervoul, and Vino? made me strong, well and vigorous after everything else had failed to help me, and I can now do m housework with p1t?.sure."-Wtul. ' Lugs)“. " The Montreal Humid described Mr. Howell's speech befono the Montreal thform Club as " a recruiting speech .viueh should fiud a place into every Canadian home," . wdirartuiGd trjiGl." aideiieioi" cod liver and iron tonic, for Bll weak, run- down, nervous, debilitated conditions. Special to the Review. Toronto, 22ad Nov. Mr Bowen‘s wanking engagamems on the war within the last week, in. cluded two addresses in Montreal, one at Windsor, one in London. tio statesmen or pciiticinn at either par- ty in Canada has done so ethretms vork " Mr N. W. Rowe” for the muse of recruiting and enlightening the public an to the issues. Alburtis, Pc-" I m n mcher in the public schools and U',',.', into . vex-1y ner- voun run-down con ition. I can d not sleep and had no Appetite. I was tired demand had no Appetite. I was tired tl! . Ae. Mryii.ttr.ealred we totry For Tired, Weak, Nervous Women conditions Bad at Duduelles -."qlrqt-T. M; SCHOOL TEIBHEH Ward- off Xenon: Break Down "Our gallant Canadian sons" he Macturlune a co.. Drulgiwcs. Durham. Ont, Mucfurlunr & Uo., Drugstistir, Durham, Ont Palm Creamery illilil 1lllllilM't WISH Rowe" lntensely Active 31.50 per you. '1.00 It paid in ulna“. NOVEMBER M, nu tmTARRr9TRCHNES TORONTO Property Now Palmerston, Ont. THE DURHAM REVIEW I L"tr,,'f'li! Morrtner-.Pttart--Th.t the Maui. sips] World be paid " on for moons - (“Truman Ind 013th on». Yormg--Ptmrt-- Thu commission an expendiuma be pit I Thou Iam. bull $10.00. Geo Pout $8.50, M ths lnnia "00,-Akrried, Psart--Yoog--'Nist the Clerk be pad $20.00 an "urr.--turried. Brart-- Melam- - That Joseph Young be put! $1.80 for trip to Dar.. noch on township bsoiuata,---Grried. Yottng-bieInnu--Tot Wm Me-. Lood, BL. be relieved from Pttrmg dog an. In having no iiog.--tkrrud. Pttart--Yottng--- That the statute llbor charged “an"! Wm F Allmse be struck off G llactors' Roll. Ytmtg---MeIttniir--TUt the Reeve and Dan Edge be appointed delegates to meet the Hydro Commission: and look oyer plant of propseted roads.- Curried. Petut-Me1tutis--Tllud the Farmer', Institute has the use of the hall for th meeting on December Jlrd.---Csrried. Pesrt--irubali--Timt chequw i, sue for ward appro .rumon and bum,” Labor " folio“ : Ward 1 uppruprua- non $8.26; ward 1 statute labor. $7.C0; ward 2 appropriation. $58 00; ward 8 appropriuton. $36 M ; Warn '3 statute labor, $14.00.--- Carried. Mrs Watt had a narrow escape of being burnt out “Gently. Only for the neighbors everything would have been gone in a short true. We must commend our fire. brigade. both wo- men and men, forthe good work they did. Miss Margaret Mottley spunt Sun day with her parents here The Con-uni um November Il-rn I pursuant. m trdjroutsunent. All the I members presest. tlw Reeve in [a , chair. Minutes, of law. meeting read I and eoniirturcd (ltommunieatirons a" g follows: T J Hailing“). re Hydin I Electric Railway ; Canada Bond Cor I poration, re debentures issue ; Geo E I Penn. Thoe Turnbull and M McInm-su reports on road expenditure ; By-law [ No. 558. Nominations. and Bylaw" 660 appomting Truunt. olheera was I introduced and mad a first and nomad I'., time. " ytuvog--Pesr -- [mt Bylaw y, 558 be now read a shit 1 time, signed Scaled and engrassel on by-l.-w boa, --camed. Mtshmur-Ycuttrt --- That By-l ti' M0 uppomuug George Unnphml m a _ Duguld Mch-mxck Lrunnl. vitieerts, bi now read a third mac. signed. sealed and engrossed on Brlsw book.---Car. 1 Mr W. E. McAlliarer and Mr Robs. Watt snout. a Wank huntmg m Prom: lately. It looks as though winter has come to stay. We see the sleighs and cut- ters, although the sleighing is poor, but it reminds us that another _ ear is almost gone and Xmas IS nearly here with all its joys and sorrows. Mr and Mrs Chas. Smith, of Moan spent a few days with the former 8 mother, Dr. J. L. Smith. We were sorry to hear that Mr Hay's barn was burntThursday night shortlv after dxrk The cause at it was the lantern upsetting. Only those who've felt the loss of fire can sympathize with Mr Hay in the loss of all his grain and feed and winter coming on. Turubull-- Ycung - That Doyle Brnichwaiue be Purl $2.90 for gravel, -Ca.rried. Miss Maggie Petty is at present, laid up mm an attack of tomulitU. Mr. Wm. Mama” wound up ‘I... thrashing last wrrl 'ttt this line, It) threshing Mr Wallace’s two barns. Mr and Mrs Dave Ritchie, of Conn, spent a few days with the latter's uncle, Dr. Smith. Miss Lysla McKnight entertained her many friends one evening this week and all had a very nice time. Rev. Mr. 8mith addressed the u. diel’ Auxiliary which wu held m. Nor. 10 " Mo Jae Watson's home 28 ladies were present. The addre.“ was much appreciated, also the solo by Mrs Samuel linemg. Mrs, Cook of Markdnlo is visitme her mater. Mrs Jae Watson u present Mr. and lire W. C. Caldwell spend Sunday last " Mr T. 11ehlheter's. At London It. Bowel! expressed tho hope um ropuunmivel of 1min would In ' to meet mth the 1:11. perm Conference this year In a war nation. m thought that such All invitation to India would stir the an. agination Ana gull further quiekcu the devotion of “it: mere than three hundred millions. ot people In India who bud dandy ohown such loyalty lid anoriloe m this war md had earned the right to a; peal for a place in the Impeml Uouference. Mr, Ind Mrs Arthur McClocklin of town spam aday [enemly at the Me- Alister home. Mr. Alex Smith had the misfortunc to lose a fine bone a eouple of weeks ago. Mr and Mrs. Geo Sharp and dnngh ter spent Sunday wah Mr. and Mrs McKenzie of Woodland. fighting in . common -, “glad with their blood . amount which would bind together tho two are“ non ll Condo. The people of Condo of both British and French origin would units, " RING!!! ond Boots in SonmAhiu bod united to Atttt for the common tmu" of Liber- ty and junioo." “$1.” of both Bruin]: tad French trife, by" on the pinin- of Europe: NORTH-EAST NORMA NBY GLENELG COUNCIL DORNOCH (' tpt)-vt'afvttri(Mf, . l, tai-li-ill?))'-)-,]-)]'-!-)?) “Rough on Rats" New" out Rats, Mum, etc. Don’t din m tun Hume. l5r and 250 tst Drug a‘d \ 0,..nry Home. _ The Conde,, mljuumed to Dawn Der15th at 10 a. m Pei-biennial/hut Angus Me. Anhur be pud $6.50 for damage to plow working on "rrl v-Grid. tr y to "imam yum w .J this Xrm" it to [we them :L r ttt of ynuo-vlf. w. haw a “unfair now lme " "Irwin-Ls and tol- ' II and a” Hum --- Why Demanded (ic'ittpil,1s "Gin PilU did for m husband and In what no other remedy cou{d. I have MM two other parties to use them, one of them In ing my mother who 1ttsstteenttgreat 'sufferer {or upwards of'JO years, and one belated tttr, was to tatnhle he! to sleep on her left aide, vrrtttethiag shc could not dd for may I ye"- ‘nm tlostors told her they could not can bet. l, m could rrlirve her by an caper-don for I l, (ling Kidney, but on account of her-“they it:,', “1 rt think It Advisoble for her to go. U?- mv advice she tried Gin Pills which cured " and tor which she is ever ready to Ipelk “I m ma of pulse." MRS, THOMAS H. [’LESTID National Drug & Chemical Co. of Canada Limited. Tomato. Imam. We pm.- grad-mm 'in qreod positions. Uatalogue free. C _ FLEMING. F CA G. D. FLEMING Principa' for " yew-a Secretary Roeotenized as Canmh‘a lending Ich‘ "ol of lithium-ma and tiltorthand, Our own 3 mun-y lmihhmz. Stat! of tipe' XMAS PHororAyus -The best New Term Opens Sept. lst Your druggist "its GIN Ptt,tith-6te, '15 Bring your Produce We have just received another consignment of the 28c brooms. Departmental Store, A new sin-Ck of Lindeumc, in the newest patterns, 2 and 4 ydl wide. The 4 yds wide is from 82 per rd " A Fine Stock of Men's All-Wool Undershirts ct',, Drawers which notwithstanding the advance in price of wool, we Are selling ' t 81 per gu’t Fianne1iette Blankets A huge stock of Flannellettc Blan- kets at trrm...........x.19 per pr 36 irchv: v id, Large Sales OWEN SOUND at tbe J. ti, BLACK, Clerk. Richmond, P. I); B31116 P. E. Island McKeohnie’s Weekly Ne-r iff! Fiaunellette Linoleums (l, & l McKECHNIB Brooms JUST ARRIVED Fresh Groceries are Continuity Arriving Kama“ , 'NFL' a. “minced fureu to Sun ancuco. Lou Angelo-u and sun Dirge. Inrotitiort and lilkels on application to Agents. Leave Tumnto 800 a. .11., (H!) p. m. and ILM p. m. [CI NON?“ Equu av» Tnnmm “WI. nu, 8.3) p. m., and 11.00 p. m. dote, Panama Pacific Exposition WM CALDER. Town Ticket Am. J. TOWNER. Ticket "an: "Did you know that they can make Shoes out of all kinds of skin: ?" "How about bun“ skins T' "They nuke clippers out of them." Oar Shoes embrace all the good leathers, m l: in patent, gun metal and Donzoln. on the latest mode} lute. they Ate stylish. durable and handsome Shoes No better footwr " " manuhctur- ed, and they are priced according to quality. Come in and inspect our new Military In! Itt Menu Working Shoes. Best on the nut“. We have Just received a Ihipment of S lit-c; ses and Ctubuget, price. “aging from $u40 to 5 so. Down Town Also have stocked a line of Children's Sv"-no! Cam which retail at 60c. THE "will lbw [lam-t on all trains Brown’s Trees REPAIRING PROMPTLY DC. _ It Shoe Store J. S. McELRAITH We pay you Highest Price Use for All t Blankets. 'ru, are 4.sJ/si'r"ii'ii" 6.50 per pr. Our Shoe stock in hen. replenish- ed weekly, to that we have the most approved styles, and: on easy fit. ting lasts. A pretty stock of I' all Paper in all the new Pali style . durable and having a nice appear‘nce, but not too costly. Fall Sh oes Wall Pa met l! c. L. GRANT siiiqstiyssc-s4tsqsW-4kee' :iiat"r'""1""i""'"', - To hand...- "t ' Good i Flannelette Military in Black ind White i' and klrki, also Blue j and tttil Flmnels at f 4tte, 50. and Tlie. _, an a reasomble price f sea was. It's just ' about perfection. f' Prices lie Ind 12c. I Durham If you want Flannel 11-: - F, 33cm: g ws to (Bum inc em: Kill an Prep"' t PLAN} SASH. C Stagl:s hand at Sawing “no 5141 ' bun Ind v For ittte dupe! my D. - I . DUBHA tram I10“ Spices “award The on! Th The last Qualit places " my Mott N E W ur I“ IE I‘d JAI " to ttigha Oil. rel “use! Maple W We fo

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