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Durham Review (1897), 25 Nov 1915, p. 6

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O' a} Your mom has "thom, Brand" Syrup In that. new 'm aha iars--or will get It [or you. And be nun and tfi save those in: for planning. $5 "aow"rand"uauoooidtntt,s.tona2o-ass 143 g: T!!! CANADA STARCH eo., UNITED, MONTREAL Ti? .1 hl a" 1". 'wr, "p . , but Trent war. th, second time within man. in whose no aim. lay at his m less, golden light clear as the Va Francis was ly groaning heavily whom he was gathered into n im. Trent hrusl and made a brief he had him earri, Fs', u It: 1ffv'?t'38trTaWs3r3tttf4, upén the ground, Trent's little party lay waiting. Barely a hundred yards sepa'utml them, yet there was no sign ot life from the camp. The long line of wages advanced a few steps rnorv, their spears poised Above their heads, their half-naked forms show- inz more distinctly as they peered forward through the may gloom, ~;i\.‘s.".- and ferocious. The white men m- "' Manly sleeping still. They were as mm- now as they could get. There was a signal and then arwild chorus It was Trent himself who kept watch through that last long hour of moonlit darkness till the wan morning broke. With its faint. grey Itreaks came the savages of Behrin- do, crawling up in a semi-circle through the long, rough grass, then suddenly, at a signal, bounding up- right with spears poised in their hantlwwnn ugly sight in the dim dawn for men chilled with the moist, damp air and only half awake. But Trent had not been caught napping. His stealthy call to arms had arous- ed them in time at least to crawl be- hind wine shelter and grip their rides. The war~cry of the savages was met with a death-like quiet-there were no signs of confusion or terror. A Kru boy who called out with fright was felled to the ground by Trent wi'h a blow which would have stag- gered an ox. With their rifles in hand, and every man stretched flat :1ftfi2adf bTSSite'r :eiriit'a"tilffi ty "Perfect Seal" ll Quart Tr r.hti THE GOLDEN KEY CHAPTER XXVI. 3 pound Glass Jars Or “The adventures of ledgard.” By the Author of “What He Cont Her." it It tiiiirii'i" great: . use of) I /,IN, w afiiGtil, 9 r . elilttt l ‘ n 13’ l LJ. l . "a E %' .l: Fou tEt en , The advanced method for readlness, cleanliness l " and reliability in Writing. One Warehran's Ideal l - will last for years. Every handwriting can be fitted. . . Above trademark is your guaru. _? of sriiiofaction. v, if,' Price: 32.50 to 3150.00. Illustrated by. r mailed on "put. 5 I Ell 't' At the Best Stores in um _ t, - -' vrsrTowas 55" L E.wat.rmo. Canyon” Lap _ ' V , ;! '_--------, --__ an...“ IUI' tea Ind reliability in uniting. One will last for years. Every handv Above trademark is your guaru Price: tt.so to 3150.00. Ill-shut“! 'rom the bushes belch- e of fire as the rifles is men rang out their run at least of the men looked never again if their wives, the rest c, in whom was the ', made then his first MINI for a sally, and “Iver in hand, upon Hat? the blacks ran sits; the remainder. wring Trent and his ,e9ttr" th start were made, hthal. For the few hours this r it was to ruin y. That he had tt mmmg. curling wn with ry mom: “I ‘htinz Kru b known circle: a" waxy»: fully into" Gli went for his tt thi th if remainder. It and his moment it and Trent Navado t to the on m al Th m com- mph and tze Th “$1511“:-Wwpiqmyyvgayyflwzp ferr, "rr, r' k,keile Hr??~':¥r ' x: 19%? _ 61);?in? 'ittht'ittecy1 Pstk1%' t ith'i l, w; r) rthpgl for readjness, cleanliness mung. One Wa!eman's Ideal .Fyery IPndwritirursG be fitted. of to into Attra, pale, gaunt, and hollow- eyed. The whole history of those days would never be known by another man! Upon Trent they had left their mark for ever. Every hour of his time in this country he reckoned of great value-yet he had devoted fourteen days to saving the life of John Francis. Such delays too-and such nights! They had carried him sometimes in a dead stupor, some- times a raving madman, along a wild hush-truck across rivers and swamps into the town of Garba, where years ago u Congo trader, who had made a fr-rtune, had built a little white-wash- ed hospital! He was safe now, but surely never a man before had walk- ed so near the "Valley of the Shadow of Duuth." A single moment's vigi- lance relaxed, a blanket displaced, a dose of brandy forgotten. and Trent might have walked this life a multir millionaire, a peer, a little god amongst his follows, freed for ever ., -- l‘ . ' -’ A, "Great Heavens, Trent, wha, 1tt been doing?” Trent sank into a chair. "th me wine," he said. "I am all It over-tired." Cathcart poured champagne harm, if not to altogether ruin him, Was his now. And he would not hesi~ tate about it. Trent knew that, al- though broadly speaking he.was inno- cent of any desire to harm or desert Monty, no power on eerth would ever convince Francis of that. Appear- ances were, and always must be, over- yvhelrnin,zly" against him. Without interference from any one he had al.. ready formulated plans for quietly putting Monty in his rightful position and making over to him his share in the Bekwundo Syndicate. But to ar- range this without catastrophe would need skill and tact; interference from any outside source would be fatal.and Francis meant to interfere-nothing would stop him. Trent walked back- wards and forwards with knitted brows, glancing every now and then' at the unconscious man. Francis would certainly interfere if he were allowed to recover. l a ke ine words." Trent had a1wdvsCfUt that the man was his enemy-certain- .ly theyower to do him incalculable ysaved his life went for nothing. In the heat of battle there had been no time for thought or calculation. Trent had simply obeyed the generou. in- stinct of a brave man whose blood was warm with the joy of fitthtine. Now it was different. Trent was sel- dom sentimental, but from the first he had had an uneasy presentiment concerning this man who lay now within his power and so near to death. A mutual antipathy seemed to have been born between them from the first moment when they had met in the village of Bekwarido. As though it were yoqterday, he remembered that !eave-tukrine and Franeis's threaten- tlane littl heat been f.oItnieht _afterwards Trent rode UP we, a peer, a little It his fellows, freed for ll anxiety. But Francis ras only chairs. CHAPTER XXVI]. len, ever ready to fight ress of the fever and twitshine lips or shiver- ve warning of a change. I days he had not slept; lad reached Garba his lever been changed since "ted upon their perilous he rode into Attra he 0 in his saddle, and he the office of the Agent 'thost than a man. (‘nthcart and his assist- ', only a boy, were loung- airs. As he entered they 'xehaneinst quick, sstartvl Then Cathcart gave vent, clamution. i ety. But Francis was ver a man was tended '. himself had done his carrying, tvet. keeping Trent, what have the death-“EEK; "Get me I all right into In the British and French A battery of artillery has six trt about 200 men. men. g. I Salt will remove tea stains from l A brigade is a “in of infantry or ti deljeate. china cups. I cavalry. An. _ infantry brigade is’ Good pumpkin pie depends on the from 4,000 to t,000 strung, and a cav- l, generous use of eggs. l alry brigade from 1,000 to 2,000, When making a brown betty, add; strong. . in few raisins to the mixture; it is! An infantry regiment is from 2,000 l very good. . I to 4,000 strong. A cavalry regiment, Be sure that all the plants you. from 500 to 1,000 strong. itake indoors for the winter will get Squadrons of cavalry consist of 1,50'. plenty of fresh air. I to 200 men. l " - “W“ b, e-xc,,, . . - .a nun: “gut. arm I A division is a body of horse. foot,) Vinegar, hot, , and artillery of iron 15,000 to 20,000 : marks from glass men. f. i ca“ ...:n _-__-,- An Army Corps. Division. Brigade and Squadron. An Army Corps is, on a small scale, a complete army in itself. The strength varies from 35,000 to 45,000 men. "Why, to England in the Ophir!" the woman answered. Then Trent began to feel that, after all, the struggle of his life was only beginning. - After. a rest Trent climbed tho hill to the Basle Mission House. There was no Sign of Monty on the potato patch, and the woman who opened the door started when she saw him. "How is he I'" Trent asked quickly. "Why, he's gone, sir-gone with the Jewish gentleman who said that you had sent him." "Where to ?" Trent asked quickly. "Why, to England in the Ophir!" the_worn;m answered. 1 ll "We'll make that road, anyway," thn bctanswyred, with a smile. Trent Cathcart picked himself up. "Well, I should like to know who's going to make your voad," he said, spitefully. "PII make it myself," Trent roared. "Don't you think a little thing like some stupid laws of science will stand in my way, or the way of a man who knows his own mind. I tell you PII level that road from the tree there which we marked as the starting- Ity to the very centre of Bekwan- I o." "I'll send your clothes to the hotel," he said. "Take my advice, young man, and keep out of my sight till you can find a steamer to take you where they'll pay you for doing noth- ing. You’re the sort of man.wh0 ir- ritates me, and it's a nasty climate to); ggtting angry in!" "My boy," he said, "Pll make your srtune as sure as my name is Scarlett quarters in this country .of the Eek-i Potatddmeiet is Deiii/iair-raket want“) Company, with which 3:011 have i large, freshly baked potato and scoop “Emmi to ‘do- fl,tt,,hp,"'d,t,'i . l _ out the inside. Beat this until smooth and-list 933.25%? i'ctfi'1t.t,'tJt I]; _ and mix with it half a saltspoonful of prozpmtly appointed surveyor here!" ipaprika or white pepper, one-halftea.. 1 "You're a liar!" Trent answered,1spooutu1 of salt, a dessertspoonful of jyou've no connection at all with the ' lemon juice and the yolks of four icompany! you're dismissed, sir, forleggs. A minute or two before the 'tincornpeteniee and cowardice, and if'omelet is fried fold in the whites of youve not " the li. _inises in threcithe eggs, beaten to a froth. Fry in minutes it'll be the worse for you,"' lil well-greased very hot pan and serve "),lo/y,-,eyc-hasytt the power to; in a hot dish ' @133: hfi,a,tJ1,ii'g.rt stuttered. . ! Date Bread may be something new. “We'll see about that," he said. “11" cup of chopped .da.tes, two CUPS of never had much -fuith in you, sir,,)sealded milk, a third of a cup of and I guess you only got the job by§sugar, or half a cup of molasses, a rim .But out. you ir,0 now, sharp/quart/u. of a yeast cake, quarter of a {{ntlz‘illg": itln,ynth/g,g,1nv.insr you, you i 31% of lukewarm {watery (am: and one; "l! " . ”1 a teaspoons o salt, ve cups 0 CatlIiI-‘iflite Eel-1:3,!!!" my trlothes--.- isifted entire wheat; mix milk and su- Trent laid his hands upon his i gar or molasses and salt. When, shoulders and threw him softly out/lukewarm add .ditslt.sd yeast and! side. (flour. Beat well, let rise in buttered' up" mu“! ..,..._ -IAALA . u , . t .- . - _ "Dori1 talk rubViih'i'"cil'iiieart . Jul angrily. "Pm the authorized and properly appgintggl alarveyor here!" "They're nothing of the sort," Trent answered. "They are the head.. quarters in this country of the Bek- wando Company, with which you have nothjng to do! 1ht y_<_)u_gq!” "What do you mean?" he exclaimed. '"r.lyye {we my quarters!" Trent rose and opened the door which swung into the little room. “Ont you go!" he said f)ereely. Cathcart looked at him in blank as- tonishment. "So that's your opinion, is it?" Trent said grimly. "That is my opinion," Catheart an- swered. "I have embodied it in a report which I despatched to the sec- retary of the company by Mr. Da Souzt.” . "I have come to the conclusion, Mr. Trent, that the making of the road is impracticable and useless. Tnere is insufficient labor and poor tools, no satisfactory method of draining the swampy country, and further, I don't think any one would work with the constant fear of an attack from those syrattes." Catiieart coughed 31131 was obvious- ly ill-at-ease, but he answered with somelshow of digni_ty. - “So much for De Souza," he said. "And now I should like to know, Mr. Stanley Cathcart, what the deuce you and iyour assistant are doing snacking ere in the cool of the day when you are the servants of the Bekwando Company and there's work to be done of the utmost importance? The whole place seems to be asleep. Where's your labor? There's not a soul at work. We planned exactly when to start the road. What the; mischief do you mean by wasting al fortnight ?" m I.----, Trent driuaifU, tumbler and lit a cigar. - "Gone-to-sen - his - shares!" Trent repeated slowly. "You mean to say that he has gone straight from here to put a hundred thousand Belt- wando shares upon the market'." Cathcart nodded. "He said so!" "And why'. Did he tell you that t" "He has come to the conclusion," Catheart said, "that the scheme is impracticable altogether and the con- cessions worthless. He is going to get what he can for his shares while he has the chance.” p7 tl Trent we: puzzled. Me scarcely un- derstood this move. "Did he give anv reason?" Catheart smoked for a moment in “leggy After_nll though a .' e nus was passing from his cheeks. "Where is D. Souu t" he naked. "Gone back to England.” Cathcart' answered, looking out of the oven cuement shaded from the sun by the sloping roof. "His steamer started yesterday.” ". SOME ARM Y TERMS. gulp nnd naked for Biscuits: “in; man's recuperative powers were won- dering Alrea.dr the de_a_thly_ white- (To be cqntinued.) tumbler. cavalry consist of 150! plenty of fresh air, If you want to , and French Armies a feed it corn; if yov. ery has six guns andlfeed it wheat. oNrART0" KRCHIVES TORONTO p I Salt and hot water will thaw a Hrozen drainpipe. , Fowls should never be turned out , in snow and wet. i The warmest clothing is that which l is both light and loose. it st . or consistency of thin cream. seian, and when cakes are baked, put portion between layers and same over top. _ Oyster Shorteake.-For the filling: 1One quart oysters, two tablespoons lbutter, two tablespoons flour, one Iscant cup milk, salt, pepper and eel- ery salt. For biscuit dough: Two cups flour, two tablespoons baking powder, one-half teaspoon salt, one- fourth cup lard, butter or drippings and three-fourths cup milk. Divide dough into two portions, roll out thin, lay one part over the other, with dots of butter between and bake. Or cut into individual biscuit rounds and bake. Make sauce with butter, flour and milk, add oysters cooked in enough of their liouid to make sauce, Vinegar, diluted, applied to l Beans and Tomatoes in Combina- ition.--Soak white beans over night in cold water, and in the morning put {over the fire in boiling water, slight- 'ly salted. Cook until tender. Drain with tomato sauce, made by cooking together a tablespoonful each of but- ter and flour until they bubble and then pouring upon them a cupful of strained tomato liquor. Season to taste and rather highly, unles.s you have previously added salt and pep- per to the beans. Stir the sauce in; with these and bake, closely covered, 1 for two hours. j Oyster Pie.--Line a deep pie plate ;with puff paste, till the interior. with ibread crust (to be removed later) (and fit it on a top crust, buttered laround the edge on the under side ithat it may be easily taken off. Stew in quart of oysters for five minutes, ,l.stir: in very slowly a cupful of thick ‘white sauce and the beaten yolks of Jtwo eggs. When the paste is done itake off the top, remove the bread ' crusts, till the centre with the cream- I led oysters, replace the top crust, and ‘set in the oven for five minutes be- fore sending to the table. bread pan in a {noderéicly hot oven orrbake in gem pans 20 minutes. it com; if you want it tank: it wheat. l Real Irish Stew. - Four pounds ‘mutton neck, five large onions, two pounds potatoes, one tablespoonfu1 chopped parsley; salt and pepper to taste; water to cover. Cut meat into neat pieces, put into a large casse- role, add onions sliced and enough water to cover. Simmer two hours, season with salt and pepper. Add potatoes sliced thinly. Cover closely and simmer another hour. Sprinkle in parsley just before serving. _ i you wanato fatten a chicken, Ipieces, and two onions thinly sliced in [one-third cup of butter, 10 minutes, {stirring constantly. Add three- (fourths cup stale bread crumbs and gone quart boiling water, and cook :until vegetables are soft. Add one {pint of hot milk and two tablespoons finely chopped parsley. Season with l salt and pepper. , Vegetable Soup is very good when lproperly made. Vile when slammed )together: Cook one-half cup of eel- :ery, one-half cup cabbage and one- :third cup of carrot, each cut in small and sugar in a preserving kettle, Gr Wax undies which have become 1 ounce of whole cloves, one-half ‘dusty can be made perfectly white ounce of mace and half a dozen pieces _ by rubbing them with . clean piece of ginger root. Boil and skim well. f of flannel dipped in spirits of wine. When clear, put in the fruit and cook ( When doing a little home paper- slowly for two hours; when cold put hanging, the amateur will find the in jars and seal air-tight. paper much easier to hang if the Vegetable Soup is very good when paste is applied to the wall instead properly made. Vile when slammed ofpo the paper. For Spiced Pears.-Cut in half andJiant polish. pare 7 pounds of the best Winterwl To restore shabby black crepe, pears-those commencing to sotten:mix, some skimmed milk and Water are the best. Pour a pint and a half, with a small piece of glue. Make of a good cider vinegar over 3 pounds I this very hot and it is ready for of granulated sugar. Put the vinegar IWC, find sugar in a preserving kettle, add‘ , Wax candles which have become fresh clean iaGai Egg-l; -iaiiiiirinirri%7. - . :'f_ :17 /, . ctc7At a a 3m You may he deceived Household Hints. About the Household *omedavbranhnitatuaot will remove paint Dainty Dishes. furni- 2ty, '; Indian Prince in France. i Early in the war when the expedi- gtionary forces were being mobilized and equipped, sir Pertrahl Singh, a ! seventy - year - old veteran Indian i Prince, who had seen active service in l the past, organiz.ed and equipped at his own expense almost an army (corps of his subjects and offered both lhimself and his men to his Majesty jKing George. The moral effect of {this action and the noceptancc of the {volunteers by the King: of England iltas tended to ceminwt the feeling of iloyalty existing be cen the Indinni 'c Ionics and England. Sir Pertrab1 Igush has distinguished himself with [his command with the British forces {in France. ' Patterns, 15 cents each, may he so- cured at your own Ladies' Home Jour- nal Pattern dcaler, or from The Home Pattern Company, 183 George Street, Toronto, Ontario. 'foundation waist with kimono sleeves and a removable ehemisctte. Herc also is shown the natty effect obtain- ed by the sleeveless overblousc in handkerchief effect and a bib-girdle, forming postillions at the back. The skirt is a five-ttore gathered model, and may be made with or without the cascade overskirt. Cuts in sizes 14, 16, 18 and 20 years. Size 18 requires 6% yards of 36-inch material with 2% yards 30-inch eontrtustifU mater-i ial, and Til yards 27-inch silk. For example. observe the smart, pleasing effect of the Ladies' Home Journal Pattern No. 9101, illustrated herewith. The dress consists of a I From the large number of one-piece dresses which are being worn at par- lies and other social occasions, as well ‘as in the home, it is apparent that milady's wardrobe will not be com- plete this winter without one or more of these garments. The winning fea- ture of the one-piece model are that every taste from the extreme to the austere may be satisfied and the ease with which these dresses may be, made. _ There is no reason for wasting any of the celery root. The inner stalks can be eaten raw, the outer stalks can be stewed and the leaves can be used to flavor soup. Even the root itself is good if the outside is pared off. To clarify dripping that comes from the meat, put it into a pan and pour on sufficient boiling water to cover. Stir thoroughly and leave to cool, when the clear white drip- pine will form a solid lump on the top. A teaspoonful of eamphor added to a quart of soft water will kill earthworms in house plants. The plants should be quite ready for water. when it is applied. Paint marks can be removed by soaking them for short time in henzine or turpentine, then rubbing them with emery paper or a little pulverized Pumice stone. Molasses added to the baked beans just before they are taken from the oven gives them a rich flavor. Use about a tab1espoonfu1 to two quarts of beans. UHAI’ED ONE-PIECE DRESSES MIMI-INSELY POPULAR. Practice real economy by using half flour when making the starch each week. It answers the purpose just as well, and the saving in cost is considerable. iture before polishing, ensures a bril- aliant. polish. PEA Warmth and comfort favor the tendency to breeding, which among fowls, signifies increased egg Produc-, tion, By hygienic housing we aim to get warmth and comfort while re-t taining the pure air and the cleanli-f ness of roosting in trees, Each and every building should be so construct- i ed that it will be easy to remove alli of its furnishings and thoroughly! Iing is well put pp it will be a losim (,iii,i,iiri?jijiii. The walls must be tigh ‘and capable of keeping out the worn winds and cold. Such a house witl open front will be much warmer o the feelings than a draughty bout that is built up on all sides, but then are times when we, like to be able ti close up completely and let the birds retain all the heat they have in theh bodies and they can expel within ths coop, ospec'ially at night in extremely cold weather. tr and the poorer ones killed or di of, making the average results higher. . The first thing then .in considering the amount of space available, is what is the limit beyond which I must not go regarding the matter of num- Ct')')', to keep? Every fowl shouldl ihave at least thirty cubic feet of air“ :space in a house, and this, therefore, {in a house 12 feet by 12 feet, with Ii ‘roof average of 61k feet, is large enough for thirty hens. Over andl above that number is crowding. and, good results cannot be expected,3 while frequently a few less will be found to do better work than when‘ the capacity is taxed. If you wish to get the most from your hens, do not' have more than thirty birds in a coop 12 feet by 21 feet, and a few less may be better. Byeulling down to a, suitable number the best can he saved and the poorer one; killed or disposed of, making the averch result: much Very often, if a person would rea- lize that a bird is much more of an outside creature than the human be- ing so many would not be housed where, inside, abundant fresh air ne- ver penetrates, but instead all ar- rangements would be made to give l the greatest amount of fresh air and jelean bright, sunny quarters be pro- (vided, having the same particular at- itentiormriven in the matter of clean- !liness that the good housewife does in, 'the home, relatively speaking. Not) long ago we were in the mops of 3‘ very successful small breeder, and. one of the remarks he made was that he could not feel contented if his hen Aouses were in the least dirty. With ‘that spirit he could hardly help but have the best results, for that simply, typified his attitude in all respects to the. fiock, and meant that in every particular they secured regularly what he considered would give the most comfort and ttive them that' singing condition which mums the habit of shelling out well formed fresh eggs of high quality. fi"""""",""'"""-","---;?; I, great many seeml to be that they expect the birds to do most of the work from their aide of the sane. But it Boon proves that this gill be the case only in so far as the owner gives the proper attention to the needs of the birds, and supplies what they want to make them happy, and in the condition that invites them to shell out some of the product for which they are kept. i chickens are kept that the potion wno . is taking up the subject trim to can clean its interior. Inconveth or- in all the birds the quarters will unwell“ tempt the [Wilma to stand that are available and with neglect the new"! cleaning. A stock of every size and shape, with situation for the poultry house should little or no care but to throw I little be selected which will give it the moot feed to them occasionally or as thc in- favorable position possible in relation clination suggests to them that the to the natural “vantage: for which birds might be better for a little the loation the chosen. If there or. attention. unfavorable condition- the building No doubt it is the ultimate wish of phould be placed where the conditions those who take up any work with can be remedied most easily. poultry to secure a big return for the Without going minutely into the trouble they go to. The dWeulty with mutter of feeding, it may not be out - - I ,,.,,, A- __:_. A... that it in Inc-Mn! In almost everything that poop“ do there usually is some standard to follow in a large measure that will mean the most "profitable return, and while this is not always such that the same rules will prove best In every case, everything being equal, the some results can practically be expected when they are followed in a similar manner. Bo often we find when chickens are kept that the person who is taking up the trubieet tries to cram in all the birds the quarters will stand that are available and with stock of every size and shape, with little or no care but to throw a little feed to them occasionally or as thc in- clination suggests to them that the birds might be better for a little attention. MAXIMUM RESULTS WITH SPACE AND STOCK. . By A. P. Marshall. pp it will be a losing he walls must be tight ku‘ping out the worst . Such a house with l be much warmer to an a draughty house on all sides, but there we like to be able to tely and let the birds 1 Again. a Inrchester a letter from a corpora South Lancashires. YU, probably unique as a m receiver! a single comm the home land since 1 That corporal’s next Ir per was very brief ' . p, letters ttnd papers, an working through the re and paw has hurl three du parcels , smaller The story of th the front, publisl newspaper, dcscai away "r:hatr.efsue; when the postal and eager hands, Appeal of "Lonely y Surfei: I "The cricket bull works by a (in. fuse. The removal of a certain pin releases a spring which lights In internal fuse timed to explode the bomb in five seconds. You take the bomb in your right hand, remove the pin and east the thing madly from from you. The jam tin variety ap- peals more particularly to the sports- man, as the element of rhttttee enters largely into its successful use. It is timed to explode about ten seconds after the lighting cf the fuse." to the ground nose.downwani. Both these bombs explode on impact, and it is inadvisable to knock them against anything, say the back of the trench, when throwing them. "The hair brush is very like the ordinary hair brush except that the bristles are replaced by a solid block of high explosive. The policeman'l truncheon has guy streamers of tape tied to its tail to insure that it fall. A writer in the current num- ber gives 1n interesting account a the various bombs that are being used in the trenches. He says: Magazine Describea the Hair Bald and Others. I There are no other articlee on the subject of the war that can compare with those to be found month by month in Blackwood':: Magazine. Even the censor has been unable to take the life and spirit out of them, and yerhaps because they see the light so long after the eventa they de- scribe have occurred they contain valuable and interesting information not to be found elsewhere. (even if it is easier to get along some- le 'without and with less units. ;All the little details that most of u: , know should never be forgotten or ne- "idected. Try putting into practice ntl It: thing: you know would positively help, and we feel vermin the resutta will make you realise that the bird! will respond to right treatment every Mme. WA NTED LET?! Without going minutely into the matter of feeding. it may not be out of place to point out that it in better to find out or determine what is the best balance to have for che condition! and the time of year, and having ob. tained that, to aelect the food: that will give it, buying them in apito of some slight inconvenience it may cause to get some of them. If it in what the birds should have, that is what the breeder should get and use, FINDS FOUR KINDS or BONES. fa a the r the arcel m IU ish rib 'i2i repli h Da r 0 .‘UT 3.000. th h ,; not 110m ily h don wk sh the " DIS mini [foul nerve " Are Sher, Br. Wg

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