West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 25 Nov 1915, p. 8

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lt " When you can have a Free Demonstration of the style that v. ill answer your demands. LADIES :-Switches, Braids, Transformations, Pompadours, Waves and many other hair-goods creations of the finest quality hair. lead Office and Showrooms, 105 Yonge St us Puo'rooaa as.-Pietst", fit. n at you “had tXmu witha Nymph of yum; or funny. Jenn pinto-n with very din. I your appointment w. i.Lr-honer’e resume in the BANK-n- . had IIOOI mg elect on the [mg knee and the danger of treachery tta In. been lessened. " required ', a hint of . roman-cl“ block-do- wnduce . better spirit. Serbia is t I; up a splendid tight against 1 odd: end inc Allies are helping .vely. - 'nr--'- T"'"".""", it. We will continue togive 200 votes with - package all next week. awn Wins humus Now.-- k. J' the popular dog mascot of dist. Regiment Oven“: quota nu been equipped with n bucket ': be will proudly want In the, pur- I'P of his omrial duliel. It id of "tulation " ki Mada. edged with ad tsersrs on one side the striking mom-mum “I an ready to tiOt time " and on the other .. How t you ? " The work was: done by Fin-lie Muller and arc-named to the um (we of do "tte. The: Sun's in- .I.’. u- Jaun: that " Duh» ., wars' " h ul ham a farmer w»: urwnu. b Hanan-vi] he plop"! v ot Dr. fr, trl, ~h- mum" lndmn mu.) Have you tried this new package Tea? If not, ask your neighbor about it, or come and get a package. If you try it, you'll always buy it. We will nnntinn- “.4..- SPECIAL “weary Tea ADDIIIONAL LOCALS SQUARE L“I'Cl‘h ' H and In the m- "--O. B. Sun Most men can atTord the first cost ofa car. Few can afford the after oxoense of most cars. Like its first cost, the af- ter cost of a Ford is lower than that of any other real motor car. The Ford has made walking an extravagance. 200 Votes with Ford Touring Car Price $530 iuakm and u. Steal on my, he In “some Hygenic toupeer and wigs which are indetectahle, feather weight and are worn by over a quarter million men. See what a benefit it in to, Your Health, Comfort and Appear- ance. DORENWEND’S T he The J. D. Abraham "MADE 'IN CANADA" GENTLEMEN ! KELSEY lu _ Special 'Ten Day Sale Hahn House, Durham on Wednesday, December 8th LADIES who have not suffici- out hair to (Injustice to their ap- pearance, and GENTLEMEN WHO ARE BALD, come to the Should be seen by every man and woman whr would keep attrac- tive and Y' uthful. Dorenwend’s Diaplay of ARTISTIC HAIR GOODS 5' .. Mt Fore: t, hmi. f m sch This is mm of the best nnd can fun“ in the Tm, "ship of No. “uh Good roman!) fur selling. For em. and math! ions, apply to f The Rev. lrl R. [Inch 1910 Almanrc is by far ths “most, large-u and bu! ever betote. prin'yd. The Hut-ks slo'm and weather fm'm'asls for 191t5 unit have pmwn their ttWh and value, and this splendid All”: "HC fur 19M stun Li find its way sstrt;,,rht imn "ver, hm IF and 'ttire H' Aw-vrim. The 1lre Ill And 50 votes with - tin. Try this new Talcum Powder. It is put up in the full size sifter top tin, beau- tifully perfumed. For ten days we are putting on a Special Sale at Fifteen cents and 50 votes with each tin. Me tins Talcum Powder 15c T he Rov. lrl R. Hicks I9l6 Almanac SPECIAL R. u. FORTUNE. Arton,twt Word and WI tk. rut would ala " I nnlv um- dnl " TORONTO D! Works PI nklin Aw r Mrs W. I _Hunter, B mpton. will 'speak to ting Women'a stunts at all memoirs, meetings d at the general meqttrtrs in the ingu. A practical and entertaining nker. Other speeches and a al pro- gram will be provided hymen! talent for the evening meetings. All are aordialiy invited to attend and take part in the discussions. t J. W. BLYTH, GEO. JWNIE, President lav. Mr. 1110 R. Philp at anover, V tom Durham and Vat y : “Alfafa or Corn." Mr ll, C, Duff, st ict Represent. ative " Dromute, Ho tein Dornoch and Glenelg a select subject. Mr, Geo. Gier, aldemar, at Hau- over, Holstein. urham, Varney and (Hench; To ship Hall, will talk on : "The Eco omic Producuou of Beef." At Drom re and Domoch. "The Breeding of S tthoms." At Ayton, "Tile Drain e." 30v. 30, " over Ayton Dec. t, D more Holstein 2. Du am Varney 3, Doi och Ty. Halt, Glen. All afternoon eetings will beheld at 2 p. m. and vening meetings at S p. m. For Sule~A number of Pure bred Bl wk Minorca crrcktsrels, 81 each. W. Sackett. Priceville For Imnwdiare thtle-7 roamed cot- tages with llmw eighth» acre of land. Apply to J. P. Tell rd, Durham T'rto'rooitaprra Fun " B.--U'orne now and make your a inthnt. Fiiteen photos with every en. Yon could not glve :\ better Xmas' in. Oct. 28 Nov, 17 Meeting) of South Grey Farmers' [Lstitute w lbe held in the follow- ing places respective dates c, Plate......-.......................... Yeovil Methodist collection plate Holstein Boy Scouts............'....... S. S. No 2,1.45. S. S. No. 8, 4.14 S. S. No.4, 5.70. s. S. No. 6. 1.30 S. S. No. 8, 6.00, S. S. No. 9, 8.60 S S Not0,3.30, S. s. No. 12.1.00 Private Subscriptions.................. In enema n at Nov. so. fl ov Dec. t, D ma Amount donated to the British Red Cross Society by the Tp. of Egrcmont to date are as follows ; Dromore Patriotie Society.........83|9 00 Holstein Patriotic Society......... 100 00 Fairbairn Patriotic Socict ....... 100 00 nggtcin Presbyterian '8/,riiaia, 7 Supplies have been forwarded to Mnore Barracks, Bhornclifte, England. as follows; Pyjamas 57 pairs, Hand- kerchiefs 3 dozen, Wash cloths 6 doa., Shirts 16, Odd pieces 5, Mouth wipes 6 dozen. Towels 21, Socks M, Quilts 3, Slippers 3pr, Bandages ll doz. and eleven. E. SHARP, Secy Treas. Patriotic Society Holstein, Nov. 22, 1915 Lieut. Anderson's cxpcnscs.. .. " 6 50 fi.P.ireith,soldieribtidges and ptge 6 " Miss Morrison, expenses yarn. . . M E. Sharp, gtge and stationery... . l 00 Canadian ed Cross Society ... M 00 Jessie Merchant, butter, lair tea 4 29 Mrs Balaton, re motor ambulance 50 00 J R. Philp. British Red Cross . 100 00 F. McCloclilin, sup lies fair tea. 12 45 H.Allinghum. yarn I supp. fair tea 7 09 V'.P.Leith,goous and supp. fairtea " 33 Balance...-.... .. ............127 70 Candy . "' - a M) Oct f.Boldiers' badges...... .... . " " !iuryirier-earu1r, apples,poem,etc fl II' Fair tea. -... _....- Donation .beef ring Subscriptions... . .. Sept l7.’l-5 To door and flower. receipts pat. meeting826 60 Candy " 6 M) Farmers' Institute 1.75, Tweed Suits, made of good serviceable material, sizes 24 to 28, with bloomer pants Better suits in sizes up to 33 special ist SPECIAL Suits for Boys mo. R PHILP, _ Secy. Treas. British Red Cross Holstein Patriotic Society 1lriKyLs'TE:iIts; Hon. T. W. McCarty $550.00 In .1 lo " Postage..,......,..,.......... 39 DISBURSEMENTS EXPENDITURE PROtiRAu RECEIPTS Total In evening at Ayton Holstein Var ney l.. sons .... 14 00 ....223 " UN l ARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO 8 567 24 8567 24 8359 $359 an ZLSEY 430 650 475 550 559 HI The Anniversary Services We!-: held in the Presbyterian church on Sabbath last. Rev. Mr Lemon, It Clifford, very ably filled the pulpit morning and evening. The choir gave excellent music, assist:d ty Miss Barbara Foster, of Toronto and Mr Jno Marsh of Mildmay. On Mmday evening a fowl sup_er was given in the Ddfi‘mtllt. which wt. followed by a splendid program, l' m: s akers who took part were Rev. Mr {goth Rev. Mr Smith of Dromore, Rev. Mr Sturgeon of Mt. Forest and Mr Chas. Rsmage of Toronto Miss Barbara Foster delighted the large audience with her singing. Among the selections she gave were the much favored pieces " Flow Gently Sweet Afton," 't My Ain Folk." " A Hundred pipers and a' " 6t Loch Lo. nsond," Mr Ramage, of Dromore snug in his usual good style. An excellent article on the program was , duett by Miss Poster and Mr John “and. - Anthems were given by the ishisidirhieh were well revndcnd: Pre. rcaeda use out $60. THE DURHAM REVIEW " A Nautical Knot " which was given in the Town Hall here on Fri- day evening last by a company from. Durham, was very highly appreciat- ed by all who were present. It was a treat which well deserved a full house. Music and singing Were first- class. It will not be ll: 3 before m. :2 business plans and homes Ill lil- . stein will be w red and receiving hx - dro light from Eugenia power. This week Mr Nicholson is having his house and mill wired and others will follow shortly. We understrnd that the Presbyterian church will install a lighting system and the Methodists possibly will at a later date. Mr and Mrs Abray, of Thatnesville, are visiting at the home of Mr Jam. Stevenson and other relatives in this vicinity. Miss Barbara Foster was the guest 1! Dr. and Mrs Id wtsh from Satardr to Tuesday. Miss Mary Marsh returned home from Toronto on Thursday last. An event in which much interest is centred takes place this Wednesday at the homo of Mr Peter Match, when his daughter, Miss Jean, be. comes the bride oi Mr Wm Crispin. We trust an account of the wedding will be sent to us for next issue. Miss Ethel Mutch is spending some holidays at her home here. Mr Isaac Allan, of Detroit. who has been spending a few weeks here with his mother, Mrs Allan, Sr., returned to his home on Friday last. Mr Milford Bowling has bought Mr Robt. McCaw‘s farm on the toth and moves after New Year's. Mr John Brown has purchased/Ili) back the old homestead on the aims" mm. from Campbell brothers aud‘ed' takes possession in March. 1mm H” Congratulations are cordially ex- tended to Mr and Mrs D. P. Co‘e. ridge, who on Saturday completed 25 Jeors oi walled life. They Were Ic'- cipients of a beautiful silver teapot from Mrs Coleridge's brothers and sisters, while cut glass gifts were given by Durham friends. The vote in the Presbyterian church was favorabie to church union. ie'"""""'"""""'"': ts, LOCAL AND PERSONAL E; 'tuast.s:e:esv.t,ts, tsrtt:tF:et.ttpt:itP' Mrs Bruce attended the funeral of her cousin, Mrs Bipond, in Atwood last Friday. Mrs John Orchard is visiting friends In Toronto. Telephones are now being installed I m the ht mes ol Messrs Walter Hus-y tie and Thos. Renwlck on Line l5- I The Manse is now represented in.I the Canadian armv. as Rev. Dt. _ Marsh's eldest son, James, has enlist-i ed with a Montreal regiment. ',, Rev. and Mrs Bracken. missionar- res from West China. home on tur- lough, were guests of Dr. and Mrs Ferguson for a few days, with whon, they were associated for manv years during their work in the orient. Mrs D. P. Coleridge is a delegaw 1.0 the Library convention m Grand Valley his week, "i_i'i) Company _,i,lii,i, Double Votes iter on Boys' Suits "tir,") SPECIAL Get your boy a Suit for Christmas and help someone to win the Piano. 700 1100 1300 for the next 10 days Quite a 1m from this northern part took in the concern at Holstein, at which Miss Foster, Web and favor. ubgy known here. sang with her old mm the and thte mule-I Ma. Mrs Jae. Taylor, recently visiting her oousm.Wm. Run-gs and tam- ile, returned on Thursday of this week to Brampton. uh l l‘omnlo. Mr McQuaker gave a wry (interesting talk st, the war and our 'rluty to our country Capt Pollock :who IS an oili- m in the training camp atOwen Ssund told us cf the ‘tmming which the boys who enlist get in these Camps, of the good phy- isical effect it bas on the boys. He ialso made a big appeal by telling oi iour country 's great need at the pres eat time. Bugler Sanders of the l" Qaeen's Om 't Regiment and who ileft With the ist C-atingent, gave a lvery Interesting story of the war of :hlh own pcrsonal experiences": the "renehes. He spoke of the terrible gside of it, the auocitzes which he had (seen and told of the bravery of our ;own Canadian soldiers. He himsell gwas seriously wounded at the battle {of St. Julian and taken to a. hospital Vin France. but was a little later taken lo England and cared tor in a hospi- tal there. He spoke of the skill of a tit 1~cwy..l‘ t HA: 5 T 1srlli, nth-tuba NW Fowl 'tulrltra' [t fl, hid-A Monday eve-mug at,d apvxu ' pmamut tune. On r'tcCouttt of ttutavoratrle Member, lln- Scariuu of Anni: church un- ex- Icndmg the time of Vuting for church uuiun till bunting Nov. 28sh. All those who have not done so are naked to hand in war ballots by that date. Japanese Dr., tsho was the means of saving his leg from being amputat. ed. Bugler Ganders' hnme is in Tor- onto and he left a Wife and little baby to go serve 1115 King and country. Push, courage and bravery well de- serve Commendation. Two young men gave thair names in at this meet- mg " enlisting, Mr Peter Lucas and Mr Joseph Dyer. A lunch was serv. ed at the home of Mr G. P. Leith for speakers and those who contemplated enlisting, Sleigh bells can be heard in all di. rections. lt looks as if winter bad sen in. Miss Nellie ()armount and brother David walled Sunday at. Jno. Kirby‘s. A number of the people here at- ' nded we Pres. Anmyersury u Hol- em Sunday and Mmday. A number of the young people gath- oted at the Imam o: Ur and Mrs L. Williamson Fri.,, night. and spam the chmg m 3mg. " and music. Mr A. Tuck a brother from the Want. IS mehg trr to: the Winter. Mr A. Cameron muted Sunday at Douglas'. votes with $3.50 Suits votes with 5.50 Suits votes with 6.50 Suits Mr Jno Marsh. of Mildmny. spent Sundn. and Mmdr, at his home here. Mr Chas Run met!) Principal who has enlisu Corps, Visitcd t in the Vilma: M of this week. A Reeruiting League meeting was held in the town hali here on Wed- nesday evening hf list week, The Sprakets of the awning were Mayor Mcotaker and Cr-pt. Pollock, of Owen Sound and [night Sanders, 1t l'oronto. Mr McQuaker gave a wry interesting talk st: the war and out m Ralph Human bu nanny Wedding bella are ringing (In Mam M, d-' NORTH EGREMONT It DRUTAORE ORCHARD ' of Toronto. for, t we school here, A" the Ambulance TYRES and relatives any and Tuesday to Help the Girls Along l SPECIAL In the latest models. If you are not already familiar with these famous Corsets, we'll be pleased to demon- strate them to you. We have hundreds of regular custom- ers who would not buy any other make. Special Offer for Ten Days t 500 Corsets......... .100 votes 75c " ..........l50 votes 1.00 " ......... 200 votes 1.25 " ......... 250 votes 1,50 " ......... 300 votes Parisian The S. S. entertainment ct the Eb. enezer appointment took place int Friday evoningiu rather inclement weather condit'ons, which detained the Floshertun choir who were ex- peeted. Music was furnished by the home choir and some of the young pupils and mutations given by the scholars, Speeches were given by Messrs W. L Dixon. Geo. Lthian and Rev. Mr Bowes. Proceeds amounted to $2.35. Sorry to hear that Mrs Wm. Moore is no: improving, as well as one Would wish for. Mis_s Viola Rennie is recovering from her siege of sickness nicely and visited at Wm. Ramagc's one day last week. rented his grandlulh John Luwreucu‘s. , JOHN M. FINDLAY Dromore c conu/uvnuna/aanoo The Store that Sets the Pace , Are You 1nterestrrdi ir, , , Saving Money on Groceries? , 00410410430 :1». 141043. is a mixture of roots, herbs, barks and seeds. It tune! up the system of . horse and gives him new life and n glossy coatnf ha". Make. them strong and healthy, It is the best thing you can give a hm 'f for indigestion. liver trouble, coughs, influenza. hide bound or blood trulble. Ind it bring a horse through the winter in top-notch condition for wring work. International Stock Food Tonic is equally guwl for homes, cattle, hogs, sheep, etc. It is guaranteed to make cows g -e from one to thug more quarts of milk every day, and it will make hog- grow magi]. n is a commonsense everyday tonic, blood purifier and l neml ”new Ike-3th- ener and a great aid to better digestion and mimila' m. It in not u, take the place of min but in to be mixed with groin for better health Ind ptofit. It in?“ digestion and mimihuon on all animal- e-d them cost in only " BREE FEEDS for ONE CENT". For ule by dale:- any. where in soc. and $t.oo pachges and " pound pain. for In: by II. BLACK. Imam “at, Dunn. and Denim “when. a-Ali--','), m V ."'" Wd r- _ b. atyr, (Fi-z-r-i-aj))., ""m Q utN1'irca'cu?, ,- 'Ltr'." 'r 3 W c International Stock Food Co. Lilli! Bert. D. to 15ttn Granulated Bagacfor...... .... ,. .. ...... 1w 16lbs Yellow Sagan“... _.... ...'.. ., ...... ..1.00 7 lbs Fresh Oatmeal tor ....-. -..... .. .. '....' 25° IibartsGodSraptor.....-.. ...r.. .. r...... 250 3 tips bestqatrhty Peas, Corn and Tonal. vs form. AU 2tiuisChoiee llediulmonior ..' .. B.... ..t.r .... 25: 3100 bottles Extracts. all kinds. -.... ...-.. ...... 21U 20 lb pail Pare lord, peril) .... ...... .... .... I60 3 lbs Chrisrie's Vanilla Biscuits for ..... .. _..... Mitt CtoieeCodtGh, per lb...... ...... ...... _..... .... 10: are prepared to handle an unlimited qon" y of Dead IOWL Let us give you quotations before you dispusc of them. Corsets Retains flavor and fremness In bread and pastry m INTERNATIONAL STOCK mop ’l‘uNlC It so. here ara smne prime hr w next two Weeks which SIM-aid intern you: MADE m CANADA farm, Mr The yellow votes now being issued must be handed in not later than Saturday, Dee. 4th, when the standing will be made up and published. Re- member the date please. Q t Abraham 2;. ','tt 'Wt an tr. Square o, tl Review W , T mess-mm“: c. Notice to Contestants NOVEMBER M, 1915 BORN ALLAN-ou Tuesday, Nov. "rd, to Mr and Mrs Wm. Ailnn, Jr., a son. some tonic, when burned up in winter, to snpply the deticiener of exercise and green food. Harses Need or cost. mange tt.ieuit"ro"d of head of stock you own. Demands rm our Bteaograpttert aud Bookkrepvrs still exceed tho supply Every graduate now In n pamtmu. Humvee men In“. them hecause (Lu. rtrt. well trained. " you want " I ttep paying position, get our “plum a once. Superior ad \ummgws olrtavrad, Write " once Mt. Forest And Still They Come D.A.\chM 'Ai - Canada ". 1mm: up the system of a hav. Makes them “tong km a for Ittd.tttstytr, liver te -r.tettt "e -"_. "V's. time, e from one to thme grow "Minsk tt "tral 'rrstetet Stream- 'n. It lin not to take Mer hes th M In." titntyU I!" the In“ Business College SN G. M. [IL-run. stock, G Principal “I u. J 6pm ' WI?" it / VOL. k

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