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Durham Review (1897), 2 Dec 1915, p. 4

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‘ In . Toronto, Doc. I, 1915. Billy Sunday made-mess is icons-in; in on. tr, c, “and by the (ulna of tho (, "e -mmenl. either to shallot tho li.. r, , mm _themulves. _or tlt gm I). F, ghoul to tho Review. every, 1Gns.-" lhe CH"). left no ir- " weak, nervous, run-down condition u too weds todo my Mark and , .n mt. slam. After' ‘2“. diluent n -1-nelwi them!!! hollow u F 'ts!tlt,_.trerytrt_tt and -tite. Vinol r. " Futlyam rr't amid!“ the broad, with?! aa " strength ad and". \l-M: mum & t "L. Brunch”, Durham. 0m. , 1’5.qu lad. 3m BrVinol pl: . ell-nee to I!” ifontby‘ rendum. t n "and modfdno and" our, weak, was, run-down woman that)“ take -Mm. Gm. Mm. M i, our delight» eod, liver glad iron Pun] Says Vinol Cream Ittmagth r ury Hill Home, Hawthorne, N.Y. ’ i.avo_used Vin.ol (or any nug- " weak or erntc:itsted pnuenin with ft One young woman wan to weak 'il she could badly fh1,'L, my door .. 2. I “fried Vinol to r “bonny in . mon I 2e,2 recognized her. . as strong. her co or churning 1nd neeks rounded out. "--MortiER M. 'H'INSA Luann. o. S. D., ' gunman y-ol toinnrpen they»: ", aid dimmn, enrich the blood .4.“ 1mm \Lu-tunuw & Co.. Draggi-ua, Durham. Ont. PHONES:Day§1,Night§26 The Rob Roy Cereal Mills Co. "h the n iti, waive: “3.2.1., £33329 1'ltu1'lf up If you have any to sell, bring it to us and will pay highest prices for it. Grain Wanted ; We have a large stock of HEAVY MIXED FEED on hand. If you need feed, get our prices, MOTHER SUPERIOR lumps tirut wasvever displayed in any one store in this part i' the country. Call early and get your choice before the best are sold In Brass Goods we can satisfy your wants in Umbrella Stands, Pot Pedestals. Jardlneres, Ash t'ruys, Smnkvrs Sets, Smokers Stands, Tobacco "ands, t.",ryd Trays, Sewing Trays, Vases, Flower Baskets, Hanging Fern disnes, Cuspi‘lors, Fern dishes& other articles too numerous to mention. Wealso have a large assortment of Electric Cooking Ltensils such as Irons, Toasters and Broilers. 81.56 per you. 'l.00 if paid in adv-m. DECEMBER 2. '" 'v'e are in the market for any quantity of Electrical and Brass Goods We have the greatest assortment of Electrical Milling Oats Feed Oats Mixed Grain Feed Barley W. -l-NiuiN_-f_li,_I,i.r.,. MIN men can afford the fiiu,t my ofa car. Yew can afford the after expense ofmost cars. Like its first cost,the af- ter cost of a Ford is lower than that of any other real motor car. The Ford has made walking an extravagance. The Runabout in now I!!! l the town car was ', f. o. b, Pmd,0ntarto. Allmcotnoletcly equipped includ- in electric hoodlum: Ith',',',',,'" docs pot include Mania. Get minim mm C. S-IthCSonl. Ford Touring Car' Price $530 Oatmeal Mills, Durham "MADE m CANADA" . The “bending Billy Sand-y mac.» Back to the Trenches Again "w, nrtuah, Judged by tbs IIZB of tis _ _ trt"rdteurpimrd myth». [n che bi.- _ h 1 " P-mnhnmn W, of Toronto. were 'igriitieant um i thr, for the mult- whnch “a libel., 1 to allow but evon more so u n m: , musk-bl. symbol of the Iuength tf public feeling againet the liquor trai- Io right now " the prawn time. , The Saudi] meetings, held undo the Inlplcil ot the new non-patina 1 committee of 100, and attended h thorium“ of out-ot-town viaitorr, as well u by Toronto people, were in rum, monster outbreaks of public dirgpprobnion of the liquor truitie. Never in the history at the country In than such a pitching. i1ghtirr “not on the rule of liquor.md Bl- though there [my possibly hero um; there be some disagreement " to Sunday’s language Ind methods. than bu teen no attempt it denial of the obvious hen that Sunday's denuncn- tion of the liquor traifiu was can" and uasngwerablm Newioundlmd Now Newfoundland has just voted In. Prohibition and Lhil increues the long ha! of places which are leavin: Ontario In behind. Mr Howell's 03ers " What the public of Ontario Inn“ decluod Mr Bowel]. in a speech-i Toronto Ibis week. .. is not "gum ol the liquor rain, but. compl' thalition of bus. clubs 3nd shops, It Bowel! repeated his offer, an stand-n; for almost a your. that tr. beenl Pally Vault] co-operato wit the Government in cloamg all bar, clubs and shag: during the war. at to ba re-openod "cept by vole of tl, people. or if the (iowmmem. wnah not. take thu resnvmaxblh y Lhemse‘vv let than: at but. as the gmemnm- of Album has dam and as t'ue govern menu. of Msniootra w going Lu d J, an: the people a chance to vote out tt tmftio by relenndrm. Being on duty the entire night with nothingto do but tit tight with . watch eeee reeelver etrepped to your oer. in one of the meet monot- nnone Jobe I have ever experienced. It in now 4 e. m. no I heve jut three more honreto kill before the other Ichepe will be up. The fuel (bis: cnita) new out e while ego tro I can't even amuse myself by keeping the fire blaring. We ere in reeerve billets " present no there is nothing doing on the wire. Lt is a deuce of . night for the fol- lows on thetrom line. About? p. n. ’he rain commenced and it is "ill going strong. so I immune some of r,tye tellowe will be eleeping or sand- mg in water by the time. A ditch .3 not the woe: comfortable in dry weather but in wet it 13 several var- ietieg of Hell. Winter appears to have commenced with a Vengeance and I presume we shall have fairly steady rein till spring. I presume Fanny has written to say I was in Poyuton last week. Ot warns I had a glorious time and I only wish I were back them still. It nukes you feel kind at awry to hare " come back to cave dwelling utter mvelling in luxuries tor n week. My trip cermnly did me 1 great deul ,1 good anne fellows any I look 100 pm cent. better. “I‘bis wood has been held inum by the Midland Division trom - till - (I twget dams ) Underneath is an- other sign ; I Owen Bound papers any Co. Council 1 had a. fairly busy week, though math. _ mg very startling occupied their atten- l Hun. The 81000 a month contribution in the Patriotic Fund Is still continued f and next, year may he doubled if the war' contiuuw. V Snwu funny thing to-day. Ina Wand return" held by up}; a 0ng ', 'This wood is held hy the Cams. dians and will be hem by the Cu- muhnns till hels iteeaeasover." Typ. 1c..nyUunadiun is ituot? Some. at m: Mums me taking a photo ut ma signs and and.” u to the Duly Mirror. A brlaw was passed making Ayton m police Village. with three Trustees _ but no reeve, the chief object being to [ rumble the villago to levy rates for tire l proteetton. All the people at Posnton are well and just an decent. to me as war. Any Limelum in England I shall certainly nuke Povmun my ilcildqQSIEGI'l. [mule back trom England with my pack tad hf knlck knauki which 1 mm; been Wanting for ages My I 15mm salted to campaign me imuer than etret' before. In fact tor a may tune I didn't even ”mesa lune Mule my mess tin had been replaced. by an empty jam tin. Christmas will be here before we know what is happening and in all likelihood we shall be in the trench” sending across some .303 souVenirs .o the Germans. unless they decide to give as a rest " that time. Am sorry dad broke his arm. The irony of it is that n I had smashed my arm I would have been consid- ered lucky. Well if I haven't been writing at this tor a couple of hours. so it is unv. nearly halt past six and my trick willsoou be over, Ibuvon’t but! a. call all night, so it has been merelya matter of killing time. I like practice on the job since u soon llaaman becomes a good operator there are Ill kinds ot decent posi- tions Walt”). tor him over here. NW. 12, 1915 Treuurer Parker reported on the i f1mute1tu condition of the County and asked a. salary of 8200 for the Deputy- Treasurer. , Warden Calder entertained the mem- ‘hers at an informal " At Home " on Friday evemug. m-Dr. Spronle. M, P., spake: of the House of Commons, may go to tho Senna. it is reported. It no the French Duputy Speaker will an his plan Int! 3 all darn, be “out: imam the English-spa ttttt ”when. A deputation from Urey County re- uniting league told the couneil that 8137 had already been spent in this pa- u-wtlc work and as much more would um needed. They asked a grant of 8300 which Was unanimously given and later was added to. A resolution Was panned asking the .urue men-her. oi (In: Legi-lature tor ', d unmty to urge upon the govern- ‘ent the lumninzuf an act to 1'0"an \r-V nrrs at waste and pasture land to meat them watt] a prepart'tiou to ex. ‘cnuumte the up 'sshopper pest . A “other resolution naked the U,P.R. tt give a better dHLVH'e between Walk- vlwn and o. Sound by running the bunch train to Lwen Sound instead of the long mm at; the junction. W. H. Wright, turnkey of the jail, asked tor an increase of 8100 salary. winch was granted. The Warden and Mean Ryan and L.arlse were unnamed a comluuwe to Hun-r11! an Ih-uuumaed address to th J 'o. ltuttrerton'., .\h Gr H Ryan, the venertslrle my: " tCr, why imiumled to the .ualml was I e u d r', sample ot a m-W b 1...! LI 1mm , “huh 11.. evolved. “inn tte u ter "rt ulstrihulmg to r tclt of the m "uls,mit. On motion at m Mullen. M, Rs' .0 gave. a tuurorr of um "eiutior, (I be new potato 4nd w.» “tended a beauty vote of thumb for hie explanation and his gift. Rumors no “road that the Dom. Parltnmom will meet on 18th Jana. My. In the regular order g; things fins wean be the In: lemon; ‘ml war condition: mny lend to n Ungtir emng of the term. Thou bu bloc boon a toyinl of mi of " ml, alu- tion, I. the gunman: bu than til Rennrta on tive important bridges constructed during the year were Int- i-t'aclm‘dy dilpneed of. ted. This sessinn raids Mr Catderu term " Residing ott1c-r. That he has hanoredlho pomhou is freely admit- County Council Ayton a Police Village By J. M. TBS DUB BAM REVIEW I AHIU AKUHIVt$ TORONTO Mr Sollmn. of Burks F3115. via‘ted last week at Wm. Cook’i and " her “on. In Harry Cook's. Milo Ethel Henderson lone: W ed. Ieoday for Detroit. Mr and Mrs John Shem-man and In Shelmln‘a father, Mr Jas. Stin- an. BN expected home tum the west this week. Mr Bolt. Hum returned from the west. where u has been engaged n thruher engineer. Misses Linda Fisher awn-14.41 E Henderson are appointed " c, v- gates to attend the Sunday Sol“)! tel Convention to be held 1n Bolszein on _ Ill Thursdsy ot this week. {.9 Death has claimed another old res- " ideal of this community in the per- Z Ion of r Alchie Hallie. who pu536d &ll “my on the 18m Nunr.. only “mum dtsyts' time betseum like two brothers. Andrew. of Wean Be,vunek, also puau- I M ing away. Mr hustle has been Crip- w pied for some yaara with rhenmui- X inn. His wife pn amused him shunt . tour years. his dag-gnu Belle bong l 3 his only nurse. hum: Care ot him in ‘> It his declining was. He was an elu- 3?: or in the Presbyv new church " a if number of years. He ieaves Bevan if: daughters and mo dot a. who are at: i Yu" married excrpa Bane »ud band. N? 'Nrntmil-Stsemsll--Ttut' the tal. I L Walsh, 5 ibrti ”a. tean [mung accounts tur sheep killed by I? Manon m a n, Walk one» be paid: l) Lest" all. m a; 5 mm. EdWclld BJ)¢‘:..............SSUUZL Hayd tsbt, .- ttl D lempbun‘... ._.... .... .... tf U”; I man .6 x w ilt'ttiut_..... .......r' ii.'!ociArxv, .,,51 ‘w. JAtst0tmdort/............., 5-=..H Aly' .: y. 'el, 1iParytss....,............... i'rca'iii'wa,atc_,.'ru. . 'ds" it I‘munley. impming ....... 2 w fwd sun-w, V tu. ... TCIM‘K. luspt-cmugf... . .... 1 UV; ( imam-L nuns; A oitwruod, tumpeeting... .... 2 oolr, Kuwait 3 run watt 'e, Lumlush. Nov. 20th, IN,', Pursuant to adj mrumeul. Cuuuml not at the above mus Ind place. bspanidt-. l‘un bulb-That Goo Bau. en be refunded $1.50. being crror ti' we day In tr.aur'.s io bor. - Cum u Tarnbail--sae we” Thu rcpuu to grader be pud, " ia--.0arried. t"ctumdt-l'm l bui,'-'Iltust Mr ii it Mule: be pad HMO iur pinning ou restitution n! Dy Ina! No b re u humerus S s No 3. -Uurucd. b:tusudv--Luru,ey- that J P Tet tam be palu SN 00 km preparmg B, laws of u"euaulp,--(Juaritsd. b'neweil-b'enaV Phat. ll W 11qu be paid "75torr [1&2er IO auto te- cmved an approach to Durham bridge -U'arried. Lanney-Selumdv---That By-law No 9 tor mu purpose ot gaming eacu accepted volunteer who Is I maiden: 01 Township ul Bat “has, the sum u! $10.00. being read a Iceoud and mum time. be tiuauy passed, Signed by the Reeve and Cle: t.--Carried usr........... .'... .... .... E Bryn-t. ramming gander. . . A Wilma, operating under... A Wilson. team on grader. . . . Wm Lunacy. i dny on road... J Ynnds. " any pleklng none W Ballard. gruelling lo: 16 oon6...... ..'. .... ..'. ..o. C Loren. 1471mm grunt... 0 ',tfff i can: 121 yd! sn- ll Subs. 111mg washovc con 11 Willmn Lunacy. Cum . . . . . .. N Hoodlum. rep urain. ...... W Fulton, rep mad..... ...... GHay, workon S 1.8.... .... a Aland», 8 hours work" . D “pull. " loud- gavel... IlAEEf Pet2ecvss.o. 'Nrnbull--tiheweu--That By-law No 10 mating can: of Nomination Eaecnen day, pollute 000ml. return- mg oifusers and pull clerks be read a first tamr.--0arried. 'Nrnball--Luntier--That Bylaw No 11 tor the purpose of alluwmg Elmwood ratepayers Lu Vote on cum- mmug ot statute la nor be read a second time.--Uarrictt, t9:tamitit-abeweti-That By-law No 11 be pubnsned m the Banana Post in :brce Issues precedwg elec- tion date, --1Jartied. Lt1nner-8hewell-- That the fol- lowing uceoums be paid t Wp ii.tultrqd, x post gravel. --. u iinglot10,eco6... J...... 15 85 Hy Lippert, nuderbrusbing swamp. lus23, cut: 3 ....... 4 50 1" Ban, 1ttsderbrasluug swamp lot 12, con 6. .... ..... .. 3 75 W Grtsastutderbratrtuug swamp ,_ 7 ' lot, 16, can li.... .... ....,? DCniLtlck. tillinpt washout. t .. J McMahon. Liam-2: for culvert D Wimp. drawn”; me mud gravel I.... ...c. ...... .. J M)lligam ander humming and filling mmtiutu...,..... .... RLeolie. patting in when. Ftitttunidt, com.,.... .....r .. R Leslie, rep app'u ul to br'ge J Punt. 380taet llama! .. . . . . . . J Pot, 1 tiat'rs A5v'lr. _..... ... A Unmpbell, mph»;- " ad WUI‘K on bridge.... ..-r.'F'..'." J Burns, dlamug 4164......” T I'orry, ttrioring' ils. ....... Wm Connor 10 '".l ' f-r culvert. T Tony, my 1|“(JAUTL ale... Geo Blown. Can .. .. . ...... 0 Cuff, 4 hours with team..... G Noble, cutting trees at br‘ge Ti?yst G_lenelz. M cost work on -Garuraxa.C... ...... ..... R Cuff, repuriug when: .... F Shewull. i cow work on die, mung line........... . N Meialluat, tr 1mm u, Jss'1t'orrttml,, Unit . . . . H Backer. work mu til m; aim» nu t ll Yandv, was i lug aiukhvlt: _ A Wilson, work 6.11”“ Bit-km le.... .... .... Wm Launey, 3 (mil-’- .... J Yaudt, tuuttsrttrrtshiutt ti L L Unruh, {any team _on grader and A any removing none G 'lt,e,,r) day picking atone D Barton, 5 yards gravel” . . E Sacha, 15 yards gravel . . .. . J Bier, 2 days shovelhng. '... C Coztor. 36 yards (rue! .... G Subject, 105 yards gravel . . D O‘brien, 8ti ,aruslt, N01. . .. Wm Hum. opum isg grader. EBryaro, Iaisy Ct "u u ura- g -- TERI}- Elfin”... alga. l noun mm mm... BENTINCK COUNCIL CRAWFORD ...‘....... uuH' ite......... 'ii1','lll n-.......15~,ll -f-:'cul\‘erL10'V-U-, , wanna... sow I . ......... ItVil, ttttmat.,... 12L‘l was " br'zo 27, , nt'. oust-nut I ring none 2 50 king none Tir' gravel.... 6 00; revel..... 1205 'llattt. .... 2 40 rue! .... 2 Wil 5 4raeel.. 8 4U , g. “'01.... b' 85 V 5g grader. l w n u an. [ and"... 1 50; 'r "iuder... 1 ar, radon... 1 gsl on road... 1 Gi gravd umber ....$5Wi(_ Ha\.5 tmW, .... UUUiIL‘AalI .5 ""‘ ‘... 'iierititrr.t,St .'.. 5i".'~vas 'r'.o' '... i'Ju‘rn t'warmc.,itu: .... ZWII'HgdSlIuN-Hf, V .... .1,1/y ( HuNu .... 2 DUN} Ura.uda, 3uay it repmls V UISLKHI. 2% ol, Carried. ll, H.-. A“ 1.. IA tid 12 1685 180 SH) 800 150 35H i W Szheulman; a Mrs with (elm 2 40 tal. L Walsh, a mu Hm team_... 2 lu " 9 w 675 6U.) It.h: 733 5C b0 " iii China for iii Christmas azzacamxamsmmmsm l-.., M“ 'ii'; 'ui Urirot IV [Luau 552; tiid,.tt.y;.i:ipd2L82iti,Ui, ( HuN,) ". sr,aruol ll Urirotti, 31455 Wttit 'tetgtM.. 10 50 V U-BLM‘L. 2; My auuvelllug 3 75 ll Ula'ml. do lub'; gl'uVrln .. 3 90 J Ulrnlteln, use of “a 'per . l w J Ulal7adl. i.' Mays mlt velllutt.. 3 00 w Ltteck,8: tinav,tli, ..... IZU I Racbum. I]; ' yn :HUM‘KHDK 2 " G Band. " 't -y:~ etrovetitutr.. 2 02 u Mum, 1,'d tyn nun team 5 25 W tinter, 2 mys mm mean... 7 ou J B,erwnvtr l (1in .zmvelling 1 50 Jtnrtr.tsiuoiraves. ...... ..... 3 50 G Dnrswiu, use at p,ruict..-. 50 GDsrsustn,t,etun..... ....... 100 U Urstutit, 2:2 days wit'., team 8 75 L' Ulamdc, 2% days allovelling 3 " H Urstadc, , day pxckmg stone " H Unstadn. 20 mam: gravel . . .. 3 00 '1'uruball-sslumtL---TUt councii ad) rum Ln much Wednudny. Dec. tint; at. 10 o'clock tor transacting of qeueral businegs -......-.. A - Mr tug-rum nu . wlephono In hi. I: dencein Ceylnu. D. ”MPH/AIL) Brown's Trees, the best that can be grown. Who is our agent in your tment BROWN BROTHERS COMPANY N urserymen, Limited Brown's Nursuries, Welland rerun modr'nw Arrangement: for “In . At unwa. am. mun be Inn-11'“ .ne nenew D due. Durham. gar 'orrciutience “dressed were. or to Ceylon P.u.. will be promptly “Landed Io. Term: on .erncmon to “Unused Aucuom-ar tor 00. Grey It would be impossible to ftnd a It"!!! who would not appreciate a mee piece of China. We have dainty articles in Royal Crown Derby Royal Doulton Winton Wedgewood Elite Limoges and Nippon We also have a few special value. n cut glass. Let us show you them rm file/ 10% Item wmc Fi a 1.1 zilette Blankets Large Sales A very large stock of Flaunellette 36 inches wide in a fine assortment of patterns at from 9e per yd. A new stock of Linoleums, in the newest patterns, 2 and 4 ydl wide. The 4 yds wide is from 32 per yd up W e have just received another consigumch of the 28c br-woms. Bring your Produce Departmental Store, Brown's Trees Tenn:- on .)-p:mu'on to tr. McPHAlL. Ceylon or to C. RAIAGE. Durham J H. CUITTICK, Clerk. trsrge. me tl 1l'idKeihnie"tn, Weekly Nam if": a anellette Linoleums ”WISH“ VA Itl'. it!!!” Stock of Men's All-Wool Undershirt; _', Drawers lr cl; of Flanuelietts Blan- toagcl Brooms 11acFARLANE'ti Drug St?” JUST ARRIVED? a ..r.diug the advancein price of wool, We are etelhv: , $1 per gu't ' t, J. MCKECHNIB Fresh Groceries are Continually Arriving IZU 2 25 202 525 I 20 e " 1 4U l 20 1 eo w 3 in) 4 45 .x.19 per pr Maximum Hot Water Bottles 311-5373555542 Something New A Maximum Neuralgia Bottle V A most practical method ing heat or sold to the et head or breast. THE CITY BA :55): Your Holiday t,oceries, Fruits an! Cmfexions Guaranteed by [in than: mm. w, trt Mom ' " . '14. (June u. If til it lit Ml wwc’lulf Jtr prune ttlrtic 3*.- P' wt Highest prices for Butter and Eggs. "Did you know that they cm maio, Shoes " a of all kind: of skins ?" "How about banana skins T' "They make slippers out of them." Our Shoes embrace all the good leathers, m vie in patent, [all metal and Dongola, on the latest model lasts They ue stylish. durable and handsome Shoes. No better footwear is manhunt- ed, and they are priced according to quality. Come in and inspect our new Military last in Lia's Working Shoes. Beat on the market. We have just received a shipment of S nit-macs and Clubh‘l. prices ranging from $1.40 to s so. Also have stocked a line of Children'tr Schuol Cu“ which retail at 60c. THIS Down Town Shoe Store do 122;: E. A POWE u. for 2 year' REPAIRING PROMPTLY DONE, Use for Ali ! nethod of "ply- the 'TCth forc- A pretty stock of .dl Paper in all the new Fall srtyi " durable and having a nice amt-z. cc, but not too costly Our Shut struek in l, g replenish- ed wevkh', so that we .ve the most approved styles, m. .e on my fit. ting lasts. Don't forget to set Blankets. Thcy are ' 6 So per pr. mfeett $.l50 m , ' 1 F- -s 1 arrl cried stock at the [mums Peels. D an. Nun. Cindiu vellum! 'tr aha V lids] Mimic. we. 6 "g “in -...l Fall Si: aes Walt P. DEGIIBEB J. S. Mic {LRAITH Waterman Fountain Pens PM $2 to$6 HUYLERY hlGGE'TT\ LUWNEYJ Buy Blankets are x 50, 5.25 and Durham f2 _ ¢kory goods iff?, ih"dll; 1915 Q i' DOUBLE TllAt i Uttexeel'.ed T the ttncat on And all '1.) prints, r!-, r, It. Orleans u Winter Tour, Low Fares L over prmlt oh a Ian and hem: tion to Gram: _ atetee Winter ttx-tfoil-i. ' Spices oi oh for Pickli' “awards “cool? kin The last lh or/s Quality macaw I lotto m In the Time ' Cluck”! rarest 'ilway J. Tttwh 1.! T'oront 3 Toronto We have???” JAMES" (and Pe l Mor‘fom Stori’v. _ _ we “manta” Fresh " Winter L". M ll Amalia f The \‘.'. or "ripe., , elect from Dunner of ‘ tweed ulsu “In. a ver mall pnc- “lust 0 Ca1ifot ale 16 if J. J. The o lush; 295031 CE ll Chi

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