West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 2 Dec 1915, p. 8

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h' 1.. Lunar; & CU. Durham 3 .itraaraar.t..t.a.t.aaraai,a,ttvaaaeart:irl (,. LEVINE & co. o\ tt " -'e 3 3333333333 333 333 333333333 333313 , w The above prices will show you where you can buy your goods for much less than eIuwhere. It In to you: own benefit to see us before buying anywhere eloe. This is the only place where you can save money in buying your goods. jar-us: Hun. to-hr" will. ever un nee the-p beer. This celtamly an: an out" inc-rem In the tolling ca of hr- hum». I have tor sale ; ame- nm Dr-store, eoureaiertt to .lbunl. Splvndrdly improved, only a“!!! down. balance at 5 per cent, 'riee 3250). urn-s um 18. Egremunt. well pre- r-t vwl £11!) or With number Mt I "N, J. ' Mn»! Futremont, near Mt. Forest. " farm. math more hut otrered , .1: ur tll'l" In. " for quivk sale. l '1'tr'_ lino-nu» If, “our Holstein. weight. regular 83.00 for.., ".F.t.w ,, _ .__r.. 1.69 [up and hirls’ Sweater Coats, reg. 2.25 for. 'r.."..'.. 1.49 Buys’ and Girls' Sweater Coats, special for .F....Fr....... 98e Men's Overshoe Rubbers, reg. 1.00 for..............,....... 73e Ladies" Overshm Rubbers, on ale for............, ' ... 59e Girls' Rubbers on tsale, 490. Children's Rubbers on sale 39e Man a Heavy Lumbeman Rubbers at.........reduoed prices of ladle! Winter Coats, Men's, Boys' and Girls’ Sweater Coats, for lien. Women Rubbers and Children Early Xmas Shopping nu Lmlies' (loans. regular up to 88.00. for.,.................,,., Moira Heavy Sweater Shttytt, storm collars, heavy GEO. B. DINGMAN. P: G. T. R. Town Ticket Agency m- huvvnpcm-(land "iusra.v/d Jur Pntirv stock of (ilft 1'rtrruliitwlilins,r rein-"y. Confectionery. funnies, Hand Bags, Brushe- ‘lollct tun. Manicu- c:uo, Pipe. and Smoker-Inuit: Olga", (It 61m. Fancy China. Eta, Etc. Make your choice now and we will keep your selection till Xmas for you. . Note-You do not have to pay the whole price at time of selection. Quarter payment and balance when you get the goods will suit. CENTRAL DRUG STORE ac It"! H. MILLER, in not later than saturtirrriier4,' ‘wrhollglle standing will be made up and published. be suitable Contestants will please remember that the golloyvotes pow pains issued must be handed " The Tea with the flavor. Try it and you will always buy it. This new package Tea is Five cents less than other package Teas and just a little better quality. To introduce it into every home, we are giving a special offer of Tipperary "r'llEA 4th. Gets more no time to select certain article or , tow price Ilu m Dentin” run 3. w G R ttered hetore. ' Bantinck. lot par Durham. Special Sale ns' nd Secures the choice " " mmmodate pened and Mu! tarms In the man be picked up “mud. the John Clark R. Cheaper than n BUY or SELI ‘30 without tirst Advantages of con d, W . G Good farm The Early Buyer Hanover iil7,' n the early buyer (the really wise one,) displayed our entire stock of Gift THE of the Xmas stock These are exactly the can)" churulte which twisted for can hetweeu thu . ada, England IU France before tte war, and are the result of an nan-u ment or Uonvmntiou made betwe-w these cannula. and Canada, and‘ three countries hwe not agreed ' lower their rates between Englanl and France. Canada has to pay IO them the r m)» rates as before the‘w r and mm: (lurw- the same pustmze. In all “was parcels tnt. the ttoo'- In must If the add-1mm is in England. th . an on panels for lngland appli. " which is twelve cents per pound, whilst. if he is in France. the parcels rue subject to the rules applicable to parcel» for frame. which are as trl. lows ' I "t....32 as. Ihs...tu cts. tr' 1br..Ri.r:: 2mg..4m-ts. 5|ba..72cts. Plhti.., I I" " "uni-h as. " "se.,fiO as. ll! ibs... I, N' The rate of postage required on par" cels addrumd to the troops depends upon the location of the addrensvr' ttll mass parcels for the It!) he addressed f' o Army Post London, England. but than lave you Tried 'rop “ha. 5 Iba, R [In 7 “Is. 200 Votes with Every Package JU cts. ti lb,- .72 cm. plh., ii) ctr. 10 We " cte, It “at $2.49 The J. D. Abraham Company :35: u, l For Immediate tgale-T roamed cot- 'I' tages with three eightbh acre of land. bei Apply to J. P. Telford, Durham 1 . . _ Xmas PtiorooApHe,-.Pleage " “I I teen of you: friends at Xmas with a n'". . 'r'ttotogr'rtph of yoarself or family. l ', Three extra photos wi:h eVery dozen. t , 2take your approittttuenfytr. --- ‘7": HOLSTEIN First clue barn on x 02 and 40 x 50. Good ("no home. A" building. good. Water in bathhouse and labia. IB um ploughed and rally for the spring seeding. 0 miles from Ayton, thm.frorn Durham 5 " Huluein. 1 mi. from ctturrh 1' , " Mt Fore", k mi. from’m bool This is one Of the best and cheapest; farm-r in the Township of Normanby. Good reason for telling. For term:, 3nd conditions, spply to t The fitful an of Novemblr l Glanced down on Toronto fair, I Ber streets were thronged to welcome 1 Oar returned heroes there. Wounded by buyonet. shot and ball, l On battle fields tar away. ! Where many u bright young life ! went oat 4 lathe midst of the deadly fray. l All honor to the brave r Who battle for the right. , Ail honor to Canadians Who tor their country fight. The Piercy Cornish farm. lots 31 and 32, con. 2, Normanby. conniving 'd10 acres of Ind. 165 acres of good work- able lund. balance bush 3nd pasture. I We are, sorry to hear ot the death a"! Win. Halliday who died in the l West from typbold fever. His re- i mains Ire being brought to his home " here for interment. THE Yomu's Counmox Boston. Mm. New tiubscriptions received at this Office. tthates the best traits in American and (‘umdirm life in its stories and sketch- rs, upholds the best standards in its articles and other contributions, and combines the practlcal and informing with the entertaining sud blood stir, ring. If you do not know The Companion " it is to-day, let us send you one or I'm current issues free, that you may thoroughly test lhe_rpaper's quality. We will send also the oteenst forltn0. Every m w subscriber who send:- :-'125 for [be tif y-'wo weekly ignues of mm will I'vcrivo tree all the issues for 1915 and the Companion Home Ualen. dar for 1916 The Borden government have done :1 sensational thing. They have taken possession at 2o,0tyr,000 bushels of “mat in elevators or m transit and wrll [my tor It at a price slightly in ad. yum;- of current rate“. This will empty the Human and compel a muvntuL-n'. in wheat that ought to "ertetit the farmers. t_hough tt Elly You take no such chance in giving The Youth's Companion for a your. Did you ever know a home in which ir thtttse amiss, or of one in which it was not conspiquus on the library table or in some one"s hands all through the year. Don't take chaneesin the matter of Christmas presents, You don't want yours, like so many others, to he re. ceived with inditference or worse, and tett days after Ctuistmas to be cast aside and torgotten, lt is worth while to make a gift of that "Ort, and " ii worth while to re- wive it, too, top The {dougpanipn illus. P"'""" -- .- --. have consequences unforegeen. The wheat of course is meant for Britain. nnd may he the beginning " a system of British purchases here to the ex- clu ion of the Sinus. Produce and shipping Hie-2 are- ali agitated, some of IL. in tH uumlmg. Mr and Mrs J Smith spent Sunday at Thus. Kirby‘s. Ameeung will be held at the church Saturday evening at 7.30 to make arrangements for the Sun- day School Christmas entertainment. Miss Irene Rice and Harry White from Mt Forest visited Sunday with their friend, Alias Grace Finder. not in any way affect the rate of post- age which depends entirely upon the location of the addressee. Commandeering Wheat R. R, FORTUNE, Arum, Ont, Just the Right Present Farm for Sale SOUTH BEND ORCHARD F. W. KELSEY ON I AHIU AkuHIth-a TORONTO THE. DURHAM REVIEW Cliifcrd Express t " Rev. Dr. Marsh, of Holstein. occu ied Rev. Mr Lemon‘s pulpit int Sabgath. " the latter was preaching the anniversary scrvicu at Holstein. Dr. Much is inclined to be somewhat national in Alt discourses, but is muted. enter. Lttltiam,r. end instructive. We under- "tand he makes astronomy a hobby, ‘and as he savs himself, after a life time of star gazing l'e is only begin, ning to realize how lime he knows ofi it all, the scope lung so far reaching. I Next Sabbath. his am: John Marsh, i the student in charge of Miidmax .and Ayton, will occupy the pulpit! The marriage of Miss Isabella Mar- garet Calder, daughter of Mrs John Calder, ot Yeovil, to Mr Dethloffe Ii. Klein, of Buffalo, was quietly aolemn- ized on Wednesday morning. Novem- ber 24th, at the home of the Rev. Robert J, McAlpine a cousin of the bride and minister of Central Pres-1w- terian Church ot Buffalo. The bride wore a travelling suit of brown gaber- dine and velvet hat to match. Mr and Mrs Klein left for New York and other Eastern po a's and on their re. turn will reside at No. 54, Park St., Buffalo. The Fresh terian Sunday School expect to hold their Chfistmas enter. tainment on Friday evening, Dec. 17th. The choir and two bible clas. ses ate giving "Epochs oi Religious History" on Dec. 30th. A Choral Society has been orgrm. ized in Holstein which is to meet every Wednesday evening. Mr Coo k of Mt Forest is to be the director. This week the Societv will meet at the home of Mr and Mrs Leith. Mr. Cook will also give lessons in vocal, instrumental and elocution. FRIDAY, DE“). to.-Jatr, 13. Pet guson will sell at Holstein 15 hcad young cows and 15 twoyearold heifers, all choice stock. Sale at 1,30. Terms-.8 mos. credit, 6 per cent discount. The Sunday School Convention for South Grey "ill be held in Hal stein in the Presbyterian church, Dec. 2, when morning and afternoon sessions will be held. These med ings wall be both interesting and in. structive to all who are interested in Sunday School work. The Provim cial Secretary, Mr llalpenny is to be one of the speakers. A splendid program is prepared, Mrs Robt Miukleboro was in Moss. boro last week attending the funeral of her sister Mrs Vance who was in her goth year. Mr and Mrs D. Leith of Normanb\ visited at the hcme of their brother Mr G. Leith this week. In a letter which Rev. Mr. Ibbott has recently received from his son Walter which was dated Belgium, Nov. ist, he tells of an experience he had with a German aeroplane. When he sighted the aeroplane it was about 25 f: up in the air. He took aim with his rifle and Brought the aeroplane to earth. Two were killed and ore wounded. The wounded man was taken a prisoner Mr. Jas. Marsh arrived home from Cochrane on Tuesday evening. He has enlisted and leaves again on Thursday morning to go into train- lug. Woodyatds are moving into the house vacated by Mrs Rogers. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hiscock who have been living tn the west for tln past year and a half, returned to Holstein last mek and are now get. ting settled in the” new home which they purchased from Mrs Philp Sr. Mrs Wm Connor of Mt Forest and Mrs A. Zoellenet of Los Angeles, California, visited Mrs Hostetter on Wednesday of last week. We were pleased to have a visit from our old townsman, Mr. J. W. Hunter for a few days this week. Mr. Chas. Legge taunted home Item the West on Saturday night. t." LOCAL AND PERSONAL a? 'ttttmmm-steer-tarts-ares': All . Iinery will be sold at spec- ial low p 'ces until Dec. 18th at Miss Tucker's. _ The Simcoe P Rtry Co. will pay highest cash priced or live ponltry at Holstein station ne t Wednesday " ternoon, Dec. 8, and ursday forenoon Dec 9th. tice ad. on is page. d'""""""""""'""" Mr. Wm. Nelson of the ttith con - ------ __ - ___ --_--_- . 1,, ,,IIL!,A'¥,,, _ ll_llY_‘hn-HA~ D. MC? HAIL, Auctioneer One Thousand Votes with every Woman's Coat during $10.00 Coats now 6.49 Not along in February, w To-day, when you need it most, every Ht man. The materials: member please every coat in th have a new coat for ( hris1mas, For Women 11.00 15.00 305.3 Dntagao-0n Vomit. in Bglemom, to It and Mrs J. U. Drftmme, a "ttttttten Mr Eiwnnl Henderson returned home after yMtiug Aiends in Gal: for e. ‘nw days. William Nelson la n mid his farm to e his Ferguwn of N ”marshy. Mr Water Spencer and Min Clan Uri-pin visited at Dare Long's and Jno. Nelson’s last week. Mm Maria Sour-m i. at J, D, Drim. mie's for A week or no. l Mr and Mrs Crispin left Thursday morning on a trip to Hamilton and other points and an their return will reside on the itroom's (arm on the 13m Gun ot Egn-imnc We exzend tn them cur best w‘sii " for their fig. ture happiness; lln‘ “FA er'r'r A quiet In", prettv wedding wan so]. (ZulliZi'd ul the parmmngu, Niagara-nu. tmike, nu \V‘Uné‘sd 1y, Noe, 10th, when va. Dr. McArtltur united in umrx-iaun. Vl‘l'd Addison, oetoud dwghmroi Mr and Mas James Fur cett, Niastara, to Mr Melwlle Jam" Hay of Val-my. The bride iooked dainty in her Iruwlliug suit of any blue serge. with beaver hat and while plumes. After the ceremony the bridal par'y retwn ‘d to the. hoioe ot _hte htide', uarwi'w on Queen St, whim- a wvddinz suppt'rawrsited them, after which the evening was spent in mugs and naive. The bride receiv ed ”any "town‘s, showtng the blah mleem in which sh" is hold by her "tan, n ieraio. Barb. Lamont', ouuit tiniUted up the threshintt in this neighborhood In}: week. After the ecu-mow and congratu- lauuns. uh 'ur tiny gmsts partook of the goal things provided. A pleas ant nvening wu spent In music and games. The mmy beautiful pros- ents tegtilied to the high esteem in which the young couple are held. A quiet but pretty wedding took place at the home of Mr and Mrs Peter Mulch. Nov, PA, when their eldest kaughter. Jean Grant, was untted by umrriazu to Mr William J. Cttspin. by their pastor, Rev. Dr. Marsh. IN tsile Mrs Abruy. of Ridge. tnwn, cons”) ot the bride, played the wedding march. the. groom, followed by the bride leaning on the urm of her tuber, took their places in the parlor under a pretty arch ot ever- greens, decorum! with flags and lowers. The bride was dressed in wni'e brt-catlvd messaline silk. wi'h COENCILLUHS PERSONALLY LIABLE --titrat ford Count il gm a bad Jolt [rum Justice Msduletou Ctrl Friday but. Th» lumpPr-mre forcvs petitirmed the coun- ci, to submit 3 locol option hv-law and ‘he vow to do tO stood 7 to 5. Later on rumors tiwt “me petitioner. wanted to withdraw their names, n sueeial meeting was called and th, Mruur motion rusemded by 7 to 5 A Mandamus was then applied for and Jude," Middleton derided against the unwell. They must. submit a. by Law and nunw the Mum tnemhersof mum-ii who win-d ngwinst the petition must my fo: tho Mandamus. probably amounting to H00. flowers. The bride was tiretmed in wni'e brt-caucd messaline silk. wi'h bodice otemhrnidered nei and car- ried P. bouquet c4 pink roses, ferns and lily at [he valley. The adult bible class and choir of the Presbvtetian church were enter- tained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Pettigrew on Monday evening last. Arrangements Irt-re made for the Xmas services, also the officers for the Bible class uere appointed for the coming year as follows: Presi- o'ent--fiarllleid; Vice Pres., Miss Atkinson; Sena, Ada Maury ',, Run Dr Marsh gavea lecture on Astro Physics in Guelph on Friday evening of last week at the request of Prof. Graham of the O. A. C. He also gave his lecture on Labrador in Ayton on Thursday evening. Mr John Hunt " Fergus visited his sister Mrs Miekeboro and Mr In. Hunt, his brother last week. Buy yo Xmas groceries at J. M. Matthews. sh goods arriving daily. Grocery . e one door south of hardware. We are told that there is a numbet of our young men seriously thinking of enlisting in the near future. has sold his farm to Mr Walter Fer guson of Normanby. teas. Chas Evans Winter Coats EAST EUREMONT 7.98 9.98 CRtsptN--MUTctt Hymeneal ---- $3.00 Children's Coats, now $198 q En " u 2.39 3.50 4.00 ry, when everyone has bought their Winter Coat, but right now-- aost, we make these startling reductions, which should appeal to ials are of excellent quality and the styles right up-to-date. Re- in the store goes in at these prices. A splendid opportunity to mas, at less than it cost the man who made them. manages-means...” A number of nu hrwd Blur}: Mir, ortte and Rose Chat; [Hindu Island Red, Room-mp, also Ihrte Pekin Dnclu and Makes. Mun he sold Fe.. fore Xmas. sth-Hugh Findlay, Walter Hastie Mildred Scott. 4th--Benl Rennie, Sarah Tucker, Grace Ramage. Gertie Stevenson, Cecil Atchison, Kenneth Findlay, Reggie Ramage. 3rd--Ar. thur Hastie. Harold Atchison, harms Hooper, Percy Harrison, Stanley Harrison. Sr 2nd-Itene Hooper. John Smail, David Hooper, HM": Small. Jr 2nd--1touert Small, Mur. ray Allan, Luella Ford. Alex MerL Ian, George Hooper, James Adams. ist-Edwin Findlay, Viola Henry. Ernest Baxter. Sr Primary--' don Leith, Harold Morrison, George Renwick, Gordon Adams. Jr Pr-. Jeanetta Geddes. Clifford Henry. James Ford, Walter Renwick, Arthur Leith. Russell Ford. Mr and Mrs T. tstattstrie were the re- cipients of a fine Izmmnphone shipped from telntiven in England rerently. MrC. $Vatrort finishes threshing the!, first of the week, thun (-umplvtmg the! mun-hing once more in thi, burg, l Misses Bessie Weir and Edna Dixon vistted over the week end at R. Ren. mek'g. The Organization meeting of the Ihoruore Social Club will he hvld in Ruisell Hallon Fridav evening, Dar. 3rd. All those interested are naked to "a present. The result of the voting on Chuttlt Union in Amos Church was: Elders- for 6, against I l Memiset s-for. 189. against 11 I Adherents-for lo, against Mu John Fan-h airn called on fr hands in the village one day last w-lek , JOHN M. FINDLAY Dromore tit oomononoaruaob o omunonumonono , Are You Interested in a , Saving Money on Groceries? , Live Pdultry iiriri""t""i""ii'" SIMCOE POULTRY CO, Thin in our Int [auditing t in Thee prices are good. Do 't lower when the buiiduy lush a Please tell your Mend: 1nd a Pure BrNoM for Sale Durham Grand T unk Station an 1., Tu Dec. 7, and Wed. venom: till II c. aioek,t Also at Holstein s ation, Wedness; y after Bee. 8th, and " May forum a, Bee We will pay Cash lfor all ll so. here Bre some Iricet' tor tin next two week: which should inter-cs ~00 t 15itttrG'ramalisted Buttarfor......-.... ...... 1.00 lGlboYellowSaanr...... ..... ...... ...- ..... .. 1.00 7ibsrresh0ntatealtor ......".... _.. -......' 25e IittaruGoidfgoept9r..-_.-. ...... .. ....tr. 256 3 tins beatqulny Pen. Corn and Tunac a for.... 250 2tiusChmce 1ted8aimonfor ... .. ...... ...... .... Me 3100 battle. Extracts. all kinds. ....._ ... .. ...... 25c. '20lbpttilPttre Lard. pcrlb...... ......' .r.. .... 16tt 3 lbs Christie's Vnnilln Biscuits for ..... .. ..... 25c CholceCodilsb, perlb...... ...... '..... ...... .... 100 We are prepured to handle an unlimited qt)" “"y of Dead FOWL Let us give you quotations before you die,, se of them. No 13, EGREMONT J. G. GEMMEL. Teacher Hens . . . Ae lb. Turkeys Ducks. . .9c lb. Old Gob Geese . . Ale lb. Old Rom Chickens 9e lb. Crom m next 10 days. Store that the Pace School Reports DROMORE Jon! A. Fuiual'mm. It. ll. l, Holstein 2.39 2.98 All Reduced 'W t COUPON 'l. Good for 20 Totes - Free ' Cut out this Cou- Abmham pon and bring it if; to us not later 'l Square t l, l.' n Thursday, m‘ Dec. ltth, and re- 9 pm... ceive 20 Votes. t. Review Ut" ve ir-.-:-" il lesson for the Eminent. holiday 't take I chance l hum; them 30 " on. hborc uni dotrt 1, ' "rt du Ana clun- J urkeys . . . . . . 16e lb. Old Gobblers. .l3c lb. Old Roosters . . s, lb. Crops must be empty. DECEMBER Abraham Fair and Square The mum as of Tartan Grange held their Ht nual meeting on Wed- ;nesdav evetit T 'st, the occasion be. ing the elect, m office" for the ell- suing year a -d tn partake of A tine supper provult d by the Indies of the mcmlr-rs. M: ms Lothian wheel ed Master ', I) dd Hamilton, o seer; w W. :‘amAge Secy. ; Than. Brown, th., T, :us. ', Sun Patter-eon, Jr., Cor, Sec ', L-tttuter, Xejot Ite.. ces; Stewal'i. Chas. Reid; Ant. Steuard, W Wilson, Sr. ; Door. keeper G. J Johnston ; Auditors, Alf, Haas a. l Walter Ferguson. The Master. ti. T 'y and Treat. consti- tute the examine. Solo. were ren. dered at the c‘rzse by “can In. Lo. thian, John “town. W. Range and Chas. Reid, the two latter taking part in the T1rirtette, along with line. es Florence humid and Belle Pat. tersou. W. JI. Hunter recited the ' Cremation , _ Sam McGee. " Mr G. Geddu road 'e . Klim'l Dream," A “Me of ti k wu tendered the ladies for the : iit? Imioul pies and other good th Es .Jovidod Live Pow! delivered ut Allgrnduz‘ a in positions. Tho dmmnd for 3.0m is in ace“ of the supply. Em»: 111w. Lutaiotyaetree, New Year Term, Juana, a. D.A.M('L.u'uL.\s. G, M. HENRY. Mt. Forer Business College To cLoose 2hr right Bchoot--the one that show: the results-the School that ”hr" in graduate. in good payim "Winona. and that “Les m Inlr -.ay.t, in every pupil. " you with [In .tt, 've, amend the good tiv as "GiUi. it's Up to You (lnIt'Ium'lfov' Incl wont) NORTH [IiREMONT I 'et a, and due. 1., Tuesday dock, Dec. ' ...... L00 ....... L00 Hot... 250 ........ l6o .. ..... 250 ........ 10e ent. ' 1916 Principal VOL. and Dos Shou h' m as " re gum wad; worn given that " utter " Chem t all III in the mute regret w; Ivuled th at. Lawn ttt awe; fty d" , tme M " n

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