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Durham Review (1897), 9 Dec 1915, p. 1

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Itil? t. 91 es V.’ me " VOL. XXXVIII, NO. 49 M K d prcnnt and the only 1: many more had not ves of hearing Mrs Hunt. m Shnrlhorns il would”. both ”a in cair, m k IL 1d for " Christmas g of the Institute hursday, I Bramp- Durham H ternoon ccupics td noth. 3 down. I of the fought worry began. use wo. for oth. ft " which ', and mover Stole Bars " She nt D b awn cq ' M Koch, ti lawsun [1503”). F. McLean. I’rmu: Sum-u. DmAR'rnHM' Sr tth- F" Lawrence, C' Bust-him, Ir,' Rear, M Turnhull. Clitrord Buschlen. Jr tth-Ward Koch, M Cox, M Mor. er, E McDonald, It Comeld. tir 3rd-B Pettigrew, M Snell, D Johnston. W Snell, C Wiggins. Jr 3rd--W Jami). S Russel, E St but: N Falkingham, A Blair. 31 'end-E, Lev)rw, , 1.3mm, c, Me. JG.- M cGichter,' E Willis.' Jr 2nd (ar-B Ritchie. " Boyle. C Mom-av, A Heb-an. y, Bean. Jr 24d (br-B Trnynnr. RLesine, I Sharpe, FMckay, M McDonald. Sr 'st-A Hewitt, M hlcConlgby. B Hun, R Jacob, F Krona. Jr lat- L McClocklin. K Milne B. Hartford, A Vet,sie, M Mountain. SENIOR PRIMARY Clasn A-C, Murray. u Piikey, M Abraham, B Mch'arlane, M Pettigrew. B-- I' Brook, N McGIrr, F Ryan, H Pllkey. scrlpllon list tuaatiy vou, [Home put down my name for Sm." The doctors muny Durhuu friends Warmlv apprecialv we are sure the kindly sentiment that gull wants IO rank use” with Durham interests and friends of the Fund are gran-tn! for the gram-om gift. He adds "thunk Heaven we can look forward to the ultimate ta iumph oi the Alle. Why should it not he sn ? Ttow havo every cause of justice It Hinds (law A-d Flvimte, l Saunders and B Slvles eq., t) Marshall and N Blair “(I ' M Pickering. J Holmes, F, -A Coliiocon, S Mellmltb, M Lie. ing~ton, M hughes. N Proctor. HM Hy c-ts Have.» and I Starry 2%.. McClymc-nt. U MrAulitfe, A thtel D Marshall eq.. 8 Bruokr, and righ W XMAH PImenmP .-mease " teen of You: friends Xmas with: photograph of yoursel or family. Thrwe extra photos with tel-y dozen. Make your appointment-ey. --- H Jun MN trout at Beg m Caulphvil. Form H-L It Ctruplrell, Jessie lurk. A CHIN, w Hutton, l McCuaig Form L F. Twamlry and A Living- mn Pq ' M Koch, G [.wwsun H Sharp. W run HI M Mat Hum tlu Durham School Report Durham d on Sm Search. I Kelsey, M Lawrence We aluminum. thtgittE A Generous Gift TIt JUNK)". PRIMARY Mr sl-fresh water herring and Mime. M \lnrv Mcllmith. M Hu til, Glenna Campbell. , M Tue Dundalk Her. trtscttso,iuq the new >uys: The Herald Installed on Tuesday) sing meter whwh n a hill on us. It is "who Commission is wheels never Wop. P on or not. If Con.. nr sump other ottie. ~.~r. the machine The bankrupt when the for payment at the t 1,000,000 kilowat; t, DEPARTMENT 3f Brampt nstltutc. ny Durham friends " we are sure the that an” wants no Durham interests. Fund are grateful in. The REVIEW to New Subscribers to lat January l9l7 for only One Dollar :xNG.-Iu the Town ruiting meeting will vening next at 8.15 utter church servic- . invited. r this and ot min with the g4 n contributing When the tr' W vou, pleaw esentatives of the 3 should have been and address at the mating here last M tt LRY STORE.- Mr the immediate fu.. l an; to have MD for the P: h "I have Ill-u me " for over} ted F. W. KELSEY ry a letter dated M. Furqulmr- FV for st m srlan urselves um lit for Arte. Bur confrere ents tht a nt USIHCSS " If Heef.' address " nth fr th and ood I. It ll He had ample evtdcnce of the Ger man plan tbeiore the war started) to tirstcrushFrancc, then Russia, then Britain, It was a powerful address and should stimulate recruiting by untied men and liberality in giving by those who can't go. 'l'lw humus " nese and Made in Canada Toys at ‘he Variety Store An rimming? say: "To practiee what you put-rich Is grandlogic and Jw times in Petrolia believe in carry- ing it out. hem-hing in song that ltst'Y would kies all the soldiers when tlrvy returned iron: the trout, they put ihc'u- sentiments into practice at a. re- crumuu meeting on Monday evening, Witets M of them kissed Pre. Todd Firming as an evidence of their ap- preciation of his wounds received in 'rVutwe. Same of them even gave dullhl“ meagre. About .t1v!mty fel- 19 Nov. 1915. Owing to Ihe fact that the Electrical wiremen have not been able to meet the demands of applications and clear up the defects on the inside wiring of a great many houses. no order has been given to rut oti the supply of current until a reasonable time has been given to meet the situation. When the time arrives howrver. that all can be 591 ved by the electricians. a time limit will he set. and ali who have not complied with the retrulmions will be‘ cut of!- __ __ tiii' lugs of the people. should teach Ca- nadians what they might expect if the war went against them. There was pathos in the speech as he told of the sufferings and the labors and loyalty of the women who gave up their rings and jcuelry for the cause. The war he smd, was scarcely begun yet, for we were simply holding them till we not ready. He paid tribute to Belgium for the precious three days they held the German host, allowing Britain and Franco time to line up to oppose them. .hMxs Pun ",'it.ipug.--The best way topleast'y urfriends this Xmas x. to my"! them a photo of yourself. We haw- 't mu lete new line of mount: and ic,ldt: “all and see than laws on the Main Street will be Enlist- inst and going to Petrolia qt Oil Springs " "Rough on Rats" clears out Rm, Mice, Ptc, Don'l. die in the House. 15c and Kw at Drug and C'ountry stores. Not since the war started have better addresses been given here than those of Messrs Miller and Somerville on Monday night, That of Somerville’s was intensely graphic " he gave his personalexpcrience in Germany and Austrialn It)”. The feature most im- pressed on him and through him on his audience was the preparedness of Ger- many and Austria for war. On the declaration of war every railway was commandeered. passengers and all the tunic but military were thrown aside, humid his party had to wait for the next train wh.:h came in five weeks'. The rough and ready method of flnan. cmg by seizing up to 50 ‘per cent 9fthe Thanks arc due to to the band boys, to Mr Wm. Rulings and other musical (ricnds for assistance in the program. Rev Mr Mayer gave " few pertinent im. promptu remarks. Mayor Hunter was In the chair and the hall was nearly llllcd when it should have been over- nowing. The meeting closed with the National Anthem. Dr. E 1 .vnrd Lander, " Durham boy Wit h gruernus heart, Honda $300 to the Campaign and closes». In. letter with these work: '. Let us have faith that right nukes might, and in that faith, let m now and to the end dare to do our duty." That duty is plain this week. T 0Y5, BOOKS 8' NOVELTIES THE VARIETY STORE IV." giver Canvaseers have been out and meet- ing with fair success. hat getting a chill in quarters 'lo',','.'"',!,',',',":?,',,, sym- mthy was looked for. he nuvusers . re not beggars '. there in nothing Bel- il‘h in their aims, they simply repre- sn-tit, an organized attempt to swept from the people generally the prompt- mg»; of liberal hearts to the Putliotic Fund which provides for the de end- vnts of those who, amid mm? and know. are fighting our battles, and helping to save the Empire. We Mk thow who upurn the collect- wru is this not true? Where is the miuakvi‘ Jom them in ibis move- mm! this week and never let it be tt ml [Int thts great opportunity found you wttlt deaf ears and buttoned pock- thmtriltutions may tstUl be given to an) of the collractxus, to Treats. A. ll, J u-kum ur to either of the banks. and will be acknowledged in the press next week along with others. '. He gives twice, who gives quick- ly." .. The. Lord luveth a cheerful The meeting on Monday night to inaugurate the campaign WI! one of the most brilliant and successful of the many such gather-Inga here. The spPuxers were on hand, they are - talkers, the arguments and inn-tra- tions were cogent, and since that day the tune for talk has ceased and it " n time for action and going down into the pocket to help along the " Cause that needs assistance The wrongs that needs resistance." Splendid Addresses The $5000 Campaign 1elytpartrtr" W -----i.i----.- Wiring Notice ppnmm, maunsnu, DECEMBER 9, 1915 W. H. Caoruox. District Inspector not Fail to see our Special Attractions in F. W. KELSBY Fancy Goods, Notions, was With which is incorporated the Holstein Leader Beef-raising farmers should send to the " Publications Branch, Dept. oi Agticulture, Ottawa " for a copy of a tine new book on "Beef luisinzin Canada.” In is finely illustratud and abounds in practscul information on breeding, rearing, feeding, housing and marketing of beet cattle. Here is an extract '. " The great secret in pre- paring a. carcass of beef is to Creat an animal in such a way that the fat grown with it during the entire period (f)f ite life." Send for the book ', it is ree. Consumption Ha tes-te per kiliowatt hour " the tirst j? mllowav-hnms per' month on 1,000 sq. teetot floor area. and 3 killowatt.hmira, per month for each additional 160 rquare feet ot tioor area charge. and 'lic' per ki0owatt hour for all remaining consumption. Prompt payment aeeount," l0 per cent. Minimum su-yice charge on 1,000 Square leek. Maximum sex-vice charge on 3,000 square feet. Service Rate-3c per 100 nquarv feet of tioor area. COMMERCIAL LIGHTING lk. pm kiliowatt.hmu. for the tirst 30 hours monthly use of installed capuc~ ity. The following charges will be made to users of electric Current in the town of Durham. for domestic, commercial and puw"c0usutuptionas indicated, 4he per killuwat.hour for nllnddi- tiara! consumption up to the next 'io hours monthly use ; and cent. 1him per killowaumour fur all re- maining consumption. Prompt payment dlscounr,10 per Prompt payment discount, li) per cent. Service itate-e1.oo per mouth per .horse power of connected load of max. "Lulu demand. Consumption 1lates--3.8e per klllo- watt hour for the that 50-110mm mouth- ly use ot the load. The Cost to Users of Electricity 2.50 per killowatt boar for all addi. Liana] consumption up to the next 5U- hours monthly use ; and 9.3:: per killowsut-hour for all maining consumption. Signed on behalf of the napkin Sun day School and Young People . Misses Annie u, Muchnzie. Lily Walker. Gladys Search, Jamel Wylie. Eva Redford. Mar God protect you through dau. ' gers seen and unseen and bring you} safely buck to your home and to your' many friends in Durham. when all ', this cruel strife is over and peace once ‘ more pervades this once-happy coun-' try. Before parting now, We ask you i to accept from us this small puree oi" gold as It little memento by which to? remember, us when you may perhaps; be far away from tbelittle' lmlul of" friends around you here to-day, i Our kindest regards and beat wishea will tultow you wherever your lot may be cast. Britishera, the wide world over, re! Mrs Mul. McMillan and Mrs Thos. gret. the course of events that tttrust 1 Ali-final} “and little daughter Mugdelene the ravages of ruthless war upon them. [i muted irionds 1:1 Guelph over the week The path ld. duty is unmistakably I end. 'itt'i' “with " leads to self-suu-ihces' Misses Jean and May McGowan are un “ownl m tttie .world betore tite l returning home from the West and New present 5 renuous time. 'Olitiirio respectively this Wednesday, the . All hongrtto you IJohnston e,' see ‘Iutter teaching more since lust spring. in our u emu an ex racin . F r. . , mg olp"rlo"r't'lf,irt; to 'IU/J/l, 11:19.1 dut‘yw Mr IN m, 1yiisy, ol Gyelply has been faithfully and fearleusl}. Your manly I yj.sj.tinir the lust few weeks with MrsGeo. conduct will be an incentive to all true) Wilson, Upper Tuwn. young meg. why are physically tit to: Mr and Mn Peter “mil are visiting 'ro,t,tyi1t likewise. ithis wvek minim; with" l mny relatives in In, 1nd hm..-“ --_-- nv, . , i.. We are plehsed to have you back time has made his home ll Mich. amongst us once more in our little Mrs Runciman. th,, left on Iueadar Baptist Sunday School here even al. l for Proton Station and will spend ti l though it be but for a. very short. time. 1mm the holidays with her daughter, It is needless for us to say how much I Mrs Neil McUulmel. we admire your true manliness in Ire-,) _ » ' in: among the first from Durham to! “Air's: A. I? Ile, J"",',',',',,',', a f"ht otter their services to their King and l ". m“) mg 1t “ 1Cll para yzo er country in this awful war in which i right side though she still regains her British freedom, British liberty and _ WW" hf,y,.e,e..y/y , Her son I'liy “me. even the very eminence of the British l, home ll cdncsddy from Detroit to see nations are at stake. i her. At the close of the Sundly School at the Baptist Church this week, the fol- lowing address was read by Miss Janet Wylie and the presentation made by Miss Gladys Search to Pte. Johnston Allen. who was home from camp at London over the week end. Pte. Allen is the son of Mr and Mrs David Allen of our town. Dey Johnston,-- DURHAM BRANCH, 'lohnkelin. DUB I Presentation to Pte. Johnston Allen l'T'D 1.73 DOMESTIC LIGHTING ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO PO W ER .- o.-v _<__,,,~ STANDARD BANK DEPOSITS RECEIVED SUBJE TO CHEQUE. Savings Bank Deposits bear interest at highest current rates. m OF CANADA HEAD OFFICE - TORONTO t' e ; Juan Mt'GlLLH‘RAY There is being interred to-day. Wed. pe-day. 8 Dec,, all that is mortal of the late John 11oGiilivias, of Mulock. Ht died on Sunday in his 83th year and is unwind by his wife aud a. large tam lily. We defer fuuher particulars xe- gmding this: pionepr of the neighbor- lhood as we an promised a full account next week. ' - a "w“, v-..” . ...... I ing, Licut. Douglas. Sgt. Lenihan, and _ Lance Corporal Willis' opened a Re. f:ruiting station for Durham and district in the "rmoury here. Lt. Douglas wlll be in charge and with the two lat. Itcr will enlist as many as possible from 'tlixs part. 700 men are yet required. ’Thc new battalion 13 147 and Uol. F. G, MacFarland. formerly of Markdale, ‘will he commanding (Juicer. St. M people last w Composed cutirc!y of Grey County omccrs and men, an energetic campaign is now nndcr way to recruit n batallion, 1100 men in this County. 376 men are amrady recruited and in Hamil; iat Owe? Scum}; On Tufsda): Capt. lam: Mr Geo. B. Din, Drug Store, was in 1 business. Mr and Mrs Ad ham, announce the l Pte, Jul lion, Galt Sunday 0 daughter M. A., of Sergeant K Sound, uttende al in Glenelg I; town friends. their and phew ing v Mrs Willw home Mond; greatly impn ution she un, Ah McGrath aidi jiiiji; Mrs Runciman, Sr., left on Iueedgr for Proton Station and will spend ti l after the holidays with her daughter, Mrs Neil Mcthuinel. Mr Josh \Viggins from Jackson. Mich” visited his sisLer. Mrs J. J, Wilson of Rocky ts'tuuteeu, last week. He was one ot Bentinck's boys about thirty-four years ago and since that time has made his home ll Mich. --He- _ -. ...-.., _.-:v.., ......-.. his sister. “marred Runeiman, over the week end, Mrs Dr. Br, re visitiruti igtx We Mesa Mr John 1'ergywtuProton, visited A Grey County Battalion with THE of Winnipeg. lace the latter try extend dy ‘hnst The Campaign The Roll Call. ------H O i----- nd ---_----. rt in s on All s hom we of x tor 'e un ll Blvthe from rd in he DURHAM M l me 0 tf ulr uth um Brown, Sn, Dur- mgugement of their Mr A. J. Davidson, The marriage will , part of December. rutulationg to Mr CY Marie Graham. of mer Durham young ited in wdloek there h ttors are busy this ith unexpected en- quarters and disap- It is quite evident n Durham financial- lize the seriousness ‘re would be larger \\ ur, OUR wounded dependents we are of the tist Batta- ver Saturday and some. sun and children mum during Dr. .pitul at Toronto. Varney, returned Toronto hospital, 1th from the oper- *we are making i back? Think sum before next l, of the Central no this week on qt ~~v -- "v "In JV” [Ml a: ll LEVINE & co. Durham w ""'t:.ar:e.aie.eraaraa,t:r:a/i. 9.6%in a) 1l"t,?""ssa:sas.sissasrs:-rse.: The above prices will show you where you can buy you, pm"- for lunch leaa than elsewhere. It in to Your own benetit to ht k u ' before buria. 'uehere elk. This in the only plane when: you all a" mole, in “yin your goods. V -_°.... OVBHIGI vo.W Boys" and Girls' Sweater Coat Boys’ and Girls' Sweater Coat Men's Overshoe Rubbers, reg. Ladies" Over-shoe Rubbers, on Girls' Rubbers, an n-In no- I“ "W" ”wan“ m_ttrtrem, reg. 1.00 for.........-...., Ladies” Over-hoe Rubbers, on "lettor......., '_... . . / Girls' Rubbers on sue. 49c. Cbildrisn's Rubbers on - uh Men's Heavy Luruberinan Rubbers at,.,....,-'-," r Early Xmas Sh opp; =5 of Ladies' Winter (can, Men's, Bore tad 4Hris' Sweater Coats, Ladies' Coats Men's Heavv Cttpua, Cut can. Inc, Chit" Make your choice now and we will kv till Xmas for you. Note-You do not have to pay the wl of selection. Quarter payment and balun the goods will suit. CENTRAL DRUG b it) K (,y', 4th. Gets more ultimate salm'zu-tio‘; Mr. l, _ more time to select and to decide wlwth 1 3 (i :. t a certain article or not. To accommodate the early buyer (12w rm .. t we have opened and displayed our entn.‘ _ 'l, Goods, including Perhuncrr, Confectionery. funnel. and Pap, In t toilet Cues, mun. um. Pipe- ud Smokers Arum 91ml. Cut Glut. Inc, China, My .' 3rd. Saves money, because the reall the suitable prices are the ones tirst so buyer will have to pay more for a gift 1 lst. Secures the choice of the Xmas 2nd. Gets more opportunity to " lo the real rush starts. We are very fortunate in being :5“. tr you some excellent values in Cashmuu c, , old prices. As we all know, these go t':r- l, voiced enormously the last month or .. some lines you cannot buy at any momy, the market. For the next two weeks. Tii-y goods, only slightly soiled and we we b " a sacrifice; Reg Soc each gartucars f Special Salas» Ladies' 6, Children's Umk We also have a fine ‘ Coats, regular up to 88.00, for. .. Heavy Sweuter Coats, storm l Tt.i,t,rhhtyruur $3.00 for...... .. . F. MORLOC: The Store of Honest are offering some Great V CASHMERE H 05h GEO. B. DINGMAN. P, .. Town Tioket Agency Rubbers i, sham? iiaiGiii.' '21525' 'f/i, f 'Peter Coats, special for .. All sizes at the old p:iecc Advantages Our Mantle Trade is booming this season Bigger and Better than ever The Early Buyer THE Published Weekly " 01.00 3 you. c, INC! l 60R.Puu.uuu for Men. Women 1 n d C h i l d ten collars, heavy 'rop p ol a Ich' Wear tt W w W W W it;

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