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Durham Review (1897), 9 Dec 1915, p. 3

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'2' i‘0AST LUM ER EOPLI troll And pair. New il tiow mls if {ARSTEDT BROS. 'i2'r1t!11s.fl."lii,tat'd, jjji' 2'23. 3’22-21-22-3-11-21-13-11-2‘33WEXEEWREEEEE " Quality Pharmacy mnusvm. ..-.-_ ONT. M thli The last words haying 'iu irwreditrte umdi inst FLOUR Lis. Pattison & Co. faking 5514:4331-3455:333aaagshhmfiéiémifl E} Only 2 weeks till Christmas 'iiy unwy um r parlicul J. J. PATTISON, Manager AMES PATTISON & COMPANY a Twice Fresh Fruit and Cereals nth Is who to advance. It has, whuh‘sale but on "c- LOU R rum" ot' nm- corttrat't wah the mills we urv still "He to otter. Maple lmat and King Edward tlotus, wer, I wnly, Whett vnu huy M 'ple, [.uf fl .nr an in reputation Iltte Vr'ri 4 'l Maple LWKf Flour. cal-1501"? milk are. ottertng "'7 not In“! “Inns. Made In Hanover by Knechtel Bros. ‘oronto Chicago route -- Montreal n/ink. r tours to H FR \‘a'KAIJ. TH E WA Y h A few timely Suggestions For Mother california all Paeilt Florida, deans. Ste. ' N b', it, “it! sell every dollars worth of seasonable goods in 'ircir Priceville store before the llith of January uiT "wt-'1 Wait unlll tho last. week when everybody is in truth hut ke yuur selections NOW while you have the best chowe of quick .1 " merchandise, Our Xmas “Imminent is new IL in beat. DECEMBER 9, 1916 " I '1:lg-l‘.)f nur store in Pricevilla abmiu‘vly when to .\ :1 7111-5 saunn's m-rch mdi-Ie ovnr. abut-"y giving the :vnh’v , rhr- r,tutefir. of securing thi, nation’s morehandisrt' at " A I av when. WP are thus enabled in 1910io otror Reasonable :U »' t I ol' held oven work as sold hymany Of our eoruprstitorn. a-» . .‘au .. an in“ \CTCIIS We have received \ m ts, mltrr k ot' re-vleaned c'urrants, mimne. uvapumted peat-has. "1"i, tisyi, a. Em] "prtlr'.u, ('nnnpd goods. svrmw, Han-hes, "tc, The iw A Hva "tu. tbe lw~f. lt pay» In Ivy tlt" best. For Suter ' lianu'keraiers a; South .rlert ”with”! Guess towel- fe Linen .:.. Cutlery d painted China “In-H Hit?! Uont . if“. u, erl Wt " h and C'omt, Set: on Carats 3l'tppett, PRICEVIILLEMQEE lipsom Salts il I " th we CEYLON m Full partied millions on applicar ' Agents. t. Town Tichet Att? Ticket Agent ttte M The Leading louse .2 .in with a sale to swe- mom-w far our (-mtnuwrw. '.t Vim-w lik" th:rse every dollar mud and "hrruld 'ttrt “due and with this in mind w . have, we heiieve )'* "wt Int " InrgainW, shim: you tho best for your h we ever been ahie to offer you. Brae our posters Place Now ; == ECONOMIC SALE in Pure Drugs fi If M trharriert utikerchicaria, Chi: rth while, if s tra' on Sale " THE LEADING HOUSE ,, ttt "nest ie uae Bring In your Beat Fowl Row tpest the coast Texas, Kid Gloves For the Children patcnt Stop ol Toys. Torc, Trains, Rania. Dolls him- Cups and tsaucers. See our display. Hi Jas. Pattison, President He was a man of high ideals, a lover of music and art and a most loyal supporter of what seemed to him calculated as an uplift to the community. His devotion to family and home was a prominent feature in his character. “is children, bereft of their anther very early in life, found in hint an affectionate and rare regard, which continued to the end. His father was postmaster of Wood. "ridge (away back in the early 50's) known then as lit-rwick. From then- they moved to o iio. wherein a but time father, a lnothcr and a cousin, who resided with them, all died Ill the space of 3 or 4 years limit Malar. ia, Dr, Mahaffy, an uncle, " this time was practisihg in Orange Vallu and knowing of the reversts with which his Sister's family had met, mm. for them to return to Crinada Mr James began his life‘s work H.". a teacher at Burgoyne. Ont., latr. came to Priceville and establish) the Tannery. which he cariied cr, successfully tor several ye irs. H U' I;,' smvived by ltrs lbw s of Markdalw Miss Jennie (invalid from rheum atisu: for onears) Bertha, [with and Mrs Herman McLean of thin place, to whom the sympstherot all is extend at. Wreaths from members of the Methodist church, A. o. U. W. and the family testilled to the high e.> teem in which he was held, -Do your Shopping How The name oi C. C. James has been pre eminently associated with Price. ville and its early history, he being one of its tirst settlers and was a name _, huh Hymns added a touch of dignity and tespect to any otganiza- tion to which ht: belonged, whether social, religious or as a citizen. j The drath oi this gentleman has {stirred Pricevtlle and neighborhood :as few deaths have done. An ac- "iuaintance of 47 years led us to form 'tt high opinion of his character and 1public spiritedness, and we join with the many friends, who, in the trying hour extend sympathy to the daugh- ters. His home life, even under try- ing ofllictions, was beautiful I his pnblic mice! was worthy of emula- hon. his devotion to the higher things oi life was an example that Will always furnish a precious mem- ory to his loved ones. Our regular correspondents and Mrs N McKinnon 1 do justice to hls memory. Mrs. Mc. l Kinnon sags; PRICEVILLE Net k Tues Handkerchiefs Shins and C'ollncts Mocha Gloves Club Bag Silk and (Yashmen- hoaiorv Military Brushes Sweater Coat Hweatet Coat Underwear Mitts nr Gloves Milk Knitted Scavh V'Jck The He Heavy Rubbers The Late Mr c. c. James For Brother For Father Handkenhefs The funeral on Friday, the 3 'd ill-t: How Vinol Made Her Strong to Irvine eemetery, near Mm~kda1a.| Be ll ill Ohi "I . h ll was largelv attended, three oi his oil, vo',ff,"/','fll t,lr'ell'iai2i,1'lhlotllhnfvri pastors being wankers at ma luzmralt Vinol. I Gi so run-down, weak and namely ; Rev‘u (Mowall Humphrey i, nervoullcould “when Eve thingl and "W late New" KW. Mr Leeea. we hurt me, and the 'l'tJiyfit7i.Tl1d' ta- The vuung pastor. Rev. Mr. Brwes, l ken did me no good. I decided to try gave. wey to his old pastors, Mr 0 tc. Vinol, 3nd before long) could eat our . , ' M Ha u : . thing I wanted and could sleep ollm ht. well over " "'" a: t, r p Now I m well Ind Incas, And m get. rev about 20 years, and Mr. Levee ter health tho I hewe been for an.” who lets lattt Mumuer. ' .--Mrg.ANNA 1hla'l'll1,'l'd'llffrdt8hi. E-wh spoke m highest terms ot ma w. qu_nrytte Vino] for all run-dawn, faithlnlneu of the dart-ad R v. not not! dominant! condition It anthem: alto also e that in the M. t M, kh Egunlntn. I o patiently, awaiting the time she will Join mother, lather and brother in the home where no parting is known. It is natural to suppose that the Wile will be the tirst to greet the husband and the sun the hither-what a. hip py union it Would be when mother, father and son will meet to part M) more in the home at the blessed, It is natural to think that friends will know each other in Heaven tttttall are as one, iamily there. Th " dear daughters who are left lonely are new as a ship stripped of her sails for ttte main supporter is gone and the home is leit dreary while their thoughts will often be what is home without1 lather or mother. l The subject of our writing this is the well known C. C. James of Price- ville a ho departed this hie on Wed- wsdzus lst Dee., 1915. alter a few months illness, aged 7.e years. Heart trouble and other ailments was the ”use. In is nvodless for us to begin :neulvgiZe the Ma and eharaeterot 'Hli" dvparted friend " it was Well known to all who formed his ac- quu;lirailce that he was a man (i c,ClHl!g qualiiiLsnnd principle. In we dea'h of Mr James, Prieeviile "tt'"rgagreat .053. as well as the allurch ol which he was a pillar in I l wpport, tho, Mechodisn denomina- We feel it a duty upon us as cor- respondent tram this town to give a short sketch of another Jellow citizen who pass-d from tins world at troub- ol Ir, We hope, to realize thgjrty'l-l'g- speakable in the world beyond. The Prieevilie Union S: 8. have de. eided to hold their annual Xmas en- zertnimnem as usual. the date de. eided on being the Wednesday be. fore Christmas, the TInd inst. More particulars will probably be given later. Mr. W. Sacked: city to work in the factory. [ Summit our soidier bovs from o Sound and elsewhere spent Sunday with parents and friends here. Heck looks splendid in unilorm. All honor we say again to our boys in khaki. Din McKinnon spent a couple days with his parents here last week ere sailing for old Eneland. A large crowd Rabin-red at the station to snv good bye and wish him Godspeed and we know there are many pray- ers ascending to the thrcne ot grace‘ tor the safety ei our own boys. We believe they are already on thel ocean. is not of a seriotG natur Jean mill soon be In her health main. Mr. Imam McLean who has been an invalid for some time is Dot. as well as usual. Little Jean McLachlnn Was opera- ted on by Drs Lane and Gun for an abscess. We trast Mat the ailment i., n... ,1 " ---. A l It is with sadness that we chronicle ‘the death ofone of our most loved laud respezted pioneer citizens in the person of Mr C C Jsmes Ind slthongh ‘h-viug passed the three score and [ten mark, Mr. James by " brisk 5 and energetic manner and blythe f and cheery disposition. always gavel . the 'mpression of being much young- irer, and will be greatly missed. not {unly by his own iamily but by all 1 who knew him. He leaves to mouruI him the daughters, his only son hav- lup: died some years ago when quite a young man. It seemed to fall to his lot to have a great deal of troub- le but like a true soldier of the Cross that he was, bore it with patience and tortitude. Mr D G McLean is seriously ill with cotutestion of the lanes and as Mr McLean has been a. sullen-r from us- thma fur some years, the disease will be greatly aggravated. Dr. Lane and Nurse McDonald are in attend. ance and we hope fur speedy recov- I ery. PRICEVILLE AND LIMITé [Mrs McKinnon adds a lengthy re- port of the addresses by Rev'l Otto. well. Humphrey, Leece, latheaon and Bowes, which makes haunting reading, but Bpace in at a premium‘ and it must by held oven] I PRICEVILLE VILLAGE VICINITY- Sackgn has gage to the Massay ManitiG nqture and that usual good i Row Vinol Made Her Strong l Beal1sville, Ohio.-" I wish all net. ) vous, weak, run-down women could hnve l yinolr_r, 1reasf1yyt1owg,, weak. am! 4th---Ch" Tucker til, Arch McCuaig 43. Sr 3rd--d May McDougall 9.3. Effie McBachern " Jr 3rd--Esther McIn- nis 190, Flora McDougall 188, Allan lic. Innis l55. J Alex McCuuig 147, Allie Mc. Eachern 136, Earl McLeod 85. Sr 2nd -dennie M MeDermid 108, Annie Short. reed 58. Jr 2nd-Kathleen McLean 220, J Elton McLean 210, Margaret Mc. Dougall 139, Annie McLeod 123. Sr lst-Bert Phillips IN. Ist-Hector McEachern 168, Pearl McCuuig HS, John McDoygpll, 96, --- , MRS. SUCKS lETTEB To Mothers of Delicate Children Palmyra, I'tv--_"My little girl had a chronic can? and was so thin you could count her ri s and she had no appetite. Nothing we gave her seemed to help her, until one day Mrs. Neibert asked me to try Vino], and now she is hungry all the time, her cough is gone, she is stouter ttnd has a more healthy color. I wish every mother who has a delicate ehiH would try Vinol. ' '--Mrs. ALFRED SLACK. We gun-antes Vinol, our delicious cod liver and iron tonic, to make delicate children healthy mi strong. Mucfnrlane & Cu. I): uguisb', . Din-hum. Unt. School Reports PRICEVILLF -lHHty1 2 Sr 3cd- L 'h'iavkett. w MH-L'm', " Carson. Jr 8 d -ll Mannnul L A Mru%eav, G Mai-un, b. Ila, Lv:v. Jr 2nd- " Mnt‘lhmvnl‘, It annd. F Mat-Dougvli. F, Marina“. E Wutrurv, nlibecLeats, l~t -ll alum-u. N Mu- Lean, M Carson, J Feriss. N Muennug. all, K Matheson. Sr Pr-V Mac. Dnugal‘, D MaoLsan. M Watuon, J McMeeken. Jr Pr-L Mm-Ihmald, G MacLean and - MacArthur tul. M. LITTLE, Te Ich-ur. No. 10, GLEN. & EG'T This report is based. cliefly on attend. ance, punctuality. diligence and con- duct. There mun be some light i bon now. We can now rrf seven mnlos away, We don't that. Durham arm Pricwill,‘ and Pritwsills, emu Durham's. Dunbar. M McMillan. Thus. M"- Keown. John Black. Much sym- pathy ishtlt for the La-reauu} family. Mr Harry Grnv returnw] hm.- from Swilt Currant, Sank. Her. tenth going to Miehj,v, um wedc. Mr T.11, Binnie was in H)" city rocently. We are sorry to report the death cl Mr P. fYNeil, of the m. cm. Gi. n elg, He died on Tuesday morning. the 30th New. from old age. as he lwas around 80 years of age. He was ‘born in Wexford Co., Ireland, and came to Canada at rm nru-ly nun, set.. tline on the 4'“ mm. lot 5, (Namely. it is about tst? years ago and Its h, .u been here ever since. The Fills are Mrs J35 Lsmlmn. Mrs Carter, Mo Jae, Luella and Mir, Leo an] ‘LG boys are Michael frcm Sask . len and Alfred at home. All were prov- ent at the funeral. The funeral took place on Thursday to Sr. Joivrst "f m etery, those (run a dicsruwr, lwn‘zy the Doyle Bron , Mr (TNeil from Mt. For- mm and a few mars. Thy pall beams were P. li'ogerty, C. McClackl n, Jul Dunbar. M McMillan. Tluv. Mr. Kenwn. John Black. Mueh sun- putily is tclt for tho i, teravw] family, Mr Connelly, of £113.6be COP. died last. Wednesday morning and was buried at St. John's cemetery on Thursday. Old Man winter Inn .40: in. th snow certainly does can. I, mm to snow last Tuesday and by nigh was abou' a but deep. ANOTHER WOMAN TELLS MLMartin from Hanover smut Sunday at Mr lt J Porter‘s. Mr W Glgnelg Mr T. Campbell had sisal: ol i snlru hold goods on Friday last. Mr (71mg bell and family leave soon for huh pendence, Iowa Mrs Donald Campbell and daugh. ter Ethel have returned from a thue months visit with Western friends. Preparations are under way far ht. Andrews annual S S entertii'.utv.ent, Mark the date, December 2 f, Mrssrs s Elliott and E. Kiatoull of Dundalk, spent Sunday at Mr R. R. Kinnell's. Muss Neiganh spent the week cud with Proton friends. Miss Maggie Aldco}n returned (n m a visit in Toronto. Mr W K Stewart spent a week with Mr and Mrs A Murchison in Glenelg. Mr Robt Knox will attend the Fat Stock Show at Guelph this Wrck. Son; to hearthat Merchant Han McLean is not feeling well tvrthe last Iew days. Alex McMillan is not mach improv. ed bat feels better at times. We hope that through time he will be we}! again. Donald McLachlan “Fuck water at 205teetand now has 150 n of water. It will cost him something over $300. Sleighing is good now and the pogple are busy making use of it, It and Mn John McGowan ot Dar. ham attended Mr James' funeral and yr 0 L Grant yioited the home in the death of Mr J1me: he had lost I vul- u-ble (Hand. The pull baron were ttee of his brother workmen : A Osuander. Neil IcKInuon. Alex. McLeod. u. E, Ar. row-nub of Durham. Hector Mo- Lean sud Henry Patterson, W. G. Watson, undertaker. Willie Knox spent Sunday in BEAVER CREEK W. L. DIXON, Teacher SWINTON PARK Talll DURHAM REVIEW In in Du tcffeerio, dmdn light of IOU H. n. MILLER, loo 100 M) All mm" H: a In nml'i trt<. rip' drumnd fur tlsetu in in r xu-ss of the uoumlv. Eat”! tow. (Ltaluuue free. price of larm [and Ito utes Dear' Dru 300 0 New Year Tern. January 3. D.A.MrI,aousrr, G M, HENRY. Prominent. Princupnl Buy Farm Mt. Forest ll in.“ f' u u "it $1000 tf i)tishs,"sfIES THEM LAY. J mm) W d p"ytiu lm All tttttt ”rid. the HERNANGNAL STOCK mu thr. lllll’Ell 72 10mm. 0mm It's Up to You in 1 .' rn rel ttl, I i‘v‘Mll'" F0011 Tunic no "haul-tea the hett'tt system . I r _ 'trrv'toi,,y 1145- " Je a “a if” a C 'ri-i",, a v.35; NATIONAL flaw M, roan Ckdo, ea'.) an”! RY TONOC Down Town Shoe Store Als retail at We haw: prices rangin ll skins )1 them PHONES: Day§4, Night§26 The Rob Roy Cereal Mills Co. S" is: by WM. BLACK, Hardware Merchant, Durham, amLDealers Everywhere. We have tt large stock of HEAVY MIXED FEED on l and If you need feed, get our prices. Come in and inspect our new Military last in Men's Working 10:3. Best on the market. will xture of r We are in THF Grain Wanted and they ar early l Our l and Dan e tl" Property Now h D Milling Oats Feed Oats Mixed Grain Feed Barley ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO If tit if po hot Business College f "d M BUY " SELY. t LEND wall-Jul lint " m. new hit. Forest. r'h mun-1- hut oifeted Mer fur gun k hale. mt, new Holstem. Viv-l farms in the II mm“ be picked up cf H tt lit ou in im '" .w In value. I Furmrrs! Why ruumm idlo all x-- jug" my that bar wh-m you can take tr" n yr Lu-uuy will everlaanm-y? 't'. This “than”: Chum» Ir of worn-tine for ti; 1mm: m the selling t Planting. Liberal Term".. “and . [have tur sale: If")? Outfit. Exclurive Iorri “WP, convenient toi Write now for particulates, Ily improved, .mlyf smxuc & WELLINGTON Lee at 5percent,l Toronto. nu just received a shipment of S lit r, from $r.40 to s 50. h wry pupil. humid the M ADE IN CANADA REPAIRING PROM I‘TLY DONY have any to sell, bring it to us and we ghest prices for it. . the market for any quantity of ocked a line of Children's School Cases which 'School-the I'I'Hlllscthe urudlnws in F. “I" that In mace all the good leathers, made in patent, gun La. ON the latest model lasts They are stylish, hm.- Shoes. No better footwear is manufactur- priced according to quality. . Use for All ! Oatmeal Mills, Durham John Clark iteaper than (h ind w that they can make Shoes out of all kinds of nut bmana skins ?" "They make slippers out ' w1‘llpl'9- trtotisey tio "AMA; Hanover '1 I‘ll] If W. H. BEAN J. S. McILRAITH during his stay in town and here will be found the Old A! (”we tnr Toys oi all kinds, Books, China, Games. Fancy arti- cles, and everything to delight the heart oi all. A Itetpresoutative W.atttru Santa Claus' Headquarters Our Store is Hr DI LULUI and Dim-in _rhusssitle, F-mthill Nun-Fri?“ cases and Clubbag 'oronto, outa, for Split ; It Midumm terri t or y', l" win. P'tFing DURHAM. For interim at mnlamg. L, chapur than huh and Wu Jet Entry to bund'e (fut. v: Elly out at: Camuru - fuel No dun I Alan Bull" Ag'vnl and 19va ham and kunly v.1 the Shingles and bath hand " sight grit: Sawing prumptl) a SASH, DOORS. an: of HOUSE FH my Nmnlr} " and Cu PLAN! ll. ll li CANADIAN to WINNII’EU and l Fast "Dam Atrl' Barrister, Court ti on HONOR on Utttverusts, ' w. ot Dental Su- mt' oeet J & J ‘:1 HONOR UK: mum: liq January In A. ottice--O " sue t' WC, PICA“ ll-it I. I Mephom V OWN. ii umuucu '. ON on es: J. (1.m,rfi't.c,' mills CLARK "net NEW FIBRE BOAR!) i, C. L. GRAN! a'vo,ora,, I t Ae." v J, Uncxccth , m be/Ci," Shou.‘ tr', Civtt Scrun- w! dividual msu crl ', nection Wttlt tw- cl who (mph), rl moat success! _. inventieatc. r' C A FLEMING. F a Principal ior : (st. Good q" .2; FlaancIetie like HUGE LEGRANT D.O.S L DUN!“ tt"iici'iaicicrTiT; t To hand; t Military _ 'e-opens f 'cr term t ttirtt Ducl Hem H In: "rs lc 'tt Tl “d No dart or mun Catt and we for yourself M @703, (4%; ://A //4 in Black and White andKlmki, also Blue and lied Funnels at 400, 60o and "me. 1'iit at a reasonabl Bee ours. lt about u.“ f, M O ot, " " “(I hU If you want U " MCI H ll, " an: tt Flannel ONTA RIO um om

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