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Durham Review (1897), 16 Dec 1915, p. 1

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hem ARE l 9. 191 ay LEA} IR to m ill I Change of Command VOL. XXXVIII, N0. 50 y, an (Special to the Review Luxnou. ENLLAND. Dec. tg.--War “like announces Sir John French has bcen relieved at his own request of the mmmand on the western front and is ”“1th by Sir Douglas Haig. Sir John H i been created a Viscount and wvcn l 'mmand of home forces. A " mm“ mine m Adriatic sinks an Inna}. uceroycr and troop ship. " Owe-n Sun!) toil bugle h huNnIlun. ttt full? uh unis , Iteriwiit d: The annt use: In com WIN be held December in Scholarship: WIDIICIS and Adumsauon Red Cross “In yi, Quay Tanning Comp-my. It wn Slum-I. hu'e ottered to Pq'lip 3 ml: huglt' Imml lnr the m-wlnlh Grey ".I'Hilv‘r‘, cor/ting of twelve haul". I' I If u; um». mu] one Imps drum. The ' 1M, , ill druids” ha uc epted The :mnuul Commenc nt Eater- t -scs tn connection with Du am School “I” he held on Friday C ning, 17th l'cccmiwr in Tom Hall. cdall and 3‘.‘!;()Llrshlps w; be pres: ted to the Winners und addresses given The Sunday School of Durham Bap. [Hit Church wtll hold a tale ot home- r'udc mkmg. candy, lunch, do. on Saturday afternoon and "going. Dee, n R A " :’ in tiauudcrn & Aitchiaost'q old "and. ' re proceeds go to Re Cross Fund. \nvuv.l-rs.xry Services of Hampden b rcsbyxrlzm Church wil be held next tuna.” and Monday, .19 and 20. It“ Cos. “Mann of lkerton, will Hutch u both Sabbath vices-at ll " m. u .k; 7 p. m. A spltt id progrgm M The L nines" And of Presbyterian Church rcgrct that when forwarding h .u-s 1) our soldiers, the following were ovcrlosrl.ed, owng to Society not having tuctr names. However boxes have been scat on to them this week: R. W. T. IrcDorr.dd, Wrlhe Gadd, Alex Firth, hmcs Culwllc. Sidney Baker, Dan Mc- l)-ngll. The Sunny has also sent in ' t sly : 36 pr. knitted Socks to Queen ll lry Such Fund. Toronto, and the lol- unvnng hat to Red Cross headquarters, Toronto : I! sheets. 06 pillow cam. 51 chla, :0 tarlcd bandages, 107 wash \ mm. a)..'. sponges, 8t Ihlrtl. , set! py 1.1mm. 34 finger stalls. 132 rolls band. .ngcs. " slings. Ills wipes, s." compres- mc'ti, til p'ilows. H Mar th u Th -n Vst. V Austria I! opposed to disavow“! of m up. Ancona and may defy U. Stain. Aft '1' muliug of minutes and pau- mg m mum“, t'ouucil gave Mutation ttr I' apt Flt-min; of the Co. cf Urey li it Mung [vague who had several Ir ”urn: R. Fih't. if Council could le- Anne Ilu- link or a wiuitOtie building to ',' ill w. u an was pmsihle.tbe privilege lull'ul m- around. if 50 on more recru’ta t ardd he got from Durham " a center. He aim stated that r; [and so {aryigu‘ed i" i _i'iirs-- "T-QPICS up he” and the Humiliation br' the l wal "Indira! examiner had shown them ltr he above the average a. In as medical tituess was concerned. Some minor Operani on a low were neces- _ nry however, and he stated that It. H "mg! surgeons bad done the work yum. u ' other necessaty "penu- nun» by the council. Ho was asked ttt In mun kmw out day as to num- I pt. ot (mes. Net t lb lunghhv. This was a claim for com- nun-n41 loss ln-muse for [our nights he 't ‘d a“! no power to run the moving pu-mn» urn-him. The council ohject- .1 to (in. on the ground that only for Me night was the power oth the tail- vm- on other nights henna due to I ' mlLy tnsnsformer, and he had not Ind coatrttai"ts after trtAtt,t 'y.eyh Tr n ' pr? OW N42344: Sumo discussion took place over DD tccoutrt. ot_coo presented. tr trt wo. t u ui.r"iiJiiirikuired%ettteria of me w-wks light charge but. no damas- ES. _ "ssurteea, wloctriral engineer con- M m! with council to corn-n detleien. cips “I elm-hie light tgan In: paid to Hydro people on “count In the mainline. "st,le Arabs defeated by British an AV canal. " Mass comut v at reeidence Inl- S~'J)Tl..\Nl) -- Regal.“ v "sectirut of Ben NOVis Camp ‘nuhv. 17th Dec. Election of null o'her Inning“ "quin- "rlance. " an " At " and-hand t no condition em nu r the last yta'tMory "tretintt r." ttl' Wednesday evening, ”w Sutura‘ay "moon. 1 the Happy Hou heatre, t', Punks Crm, now on n \\ n1 wll at 3e per lb. la- "s t"rrmerly. I Christmas Tree biit be s' Church, Rocky Saugeen, evening, Dec. 30th, 1915. g. Proceeds to go to the fown Council mission 5c on Western Front "uriuterett tihorthorms I IN I tuonths.hoth and it:l'r't),'ili'ie' call. .1 Mann N. Wu J ‘h'FAIHIl-IN l R M I LE.» wicsoy No Mlnve nrgun t sale cheap. rring and urban: Last Call Comes to Reeve Ryan, oi Normanby On Monday last this well known pnhli: mun passed over to the major- ity an" a long and creditable career. He was Bl years of age. The history of Normanlsy could not be written without ziving prominence to the name of W H Ryan. Hit, fathea was county superintendent ot Eda. cation in the early days and his more brilliant sun early in his career gave attention to municipal life and work. His threwdness and mathematical ability wan early recognized and he was made. Treasurer of the township over to years BRO. In this ofBue and during the runway Debenture period he distinguished hinnelf and his work for his towrvmip bore such good fruit that the council recognized hi; worth by an address and pleasent of a gold watch . He “we to he called the "Cl" of Norm-null)" Wilton" the riaitster idea that often underlws the term. Few undertakings Were gone on with with- out his enunsel or opinion and the def- erence [mil to him sersrtted always to he jushllud. He Wat' appointed". Police Magistrate many years ago and as Mich wan golden opinions. Thtve years ago he "signed the position to run fur the council and headed the poll. One year aw, at the age ot 815 he came out for Rrerve and was ngnin elected and came within alew days of computing the rearu wmk. At the November 'reseion of County Coun- cil he was bright and capable nml his fe0ows had little idea that the end was so 'tear. He mm of Irish (lvscent. a strong advocate of temperance prinmples and for the was! put. threw in his lot with the Liberal party. His ntnerat Will take place on Satur- day, Is h December. and will no doubt he largely attended He has died in barnen an example to the young of a man “my: and lunhful to da'y to the end. Theta" John MAlillivray wan one ot the pioneers of the township of Bentinck. He phased away on Bum day, December 5th. at then a ot 81; years. ll months. s days. greased w»; horn in Ross Mull. Arttylesture, Scotland. on Jan. lit. [Bill and CBme to Canada with bis parents in 1850 For about. a year they remained in Vaughan to. and then removed to Bentlnck. where the deceased made his home and remained until his death. In April, 1858, he was married to Miss Finns Benton and to tham Were born nine children. three sons and six daughters. Two children [ire-decom- ed their father. a daughter who died at the agentlhree years and a son Angus who died in Saskatchewan about a year ago, There remain to mourn their loss the widow l Alexan- der, postiiiaater at Uh-stsworth l Don.. aid at home; Mrs Henry Patterson. of Priceville I Mrs Gideon Chur. Teknn l Wash. ; Mrs Robt Lona. Walkerton; Mrs Wm. Fulton, Mulock and Mrs W. P Meursttin. Briarcrent. Sitsk. A brother of deceased. Mr Donald Mo. (lillivray. is living in Elmwoud. The deceased zontloman Is must highly spoken of be all who knew him and was a kind and utilizing neighhor. not a man of many words hm, Alwavs- sincere In his uppech, meaning what he said in all lima-N. One coald de. pend implicitly an hie word, He Wm! a member of the Baptist Church at Muluck. having been can vetted und baptized in 1860 under the mummy of (an Rev. Robert McIntyre, Ile was a Liberal in politics, but was) governed by his princxplen rather than try ma partylsm. He was interred in the Rocky Sm- geen cemetery on Wed., Dee. Shh. and so there has gone from our midst. om- more of the hardy, stalwart pioneers. who faced the hardships of life in the new country and made a home " their family, winning for themselves the honor that comes to [hone who bravely face and surmount. the d.m- culties of Mr. We shall miss him sorely, but rejoice that he has entered into his wetiearned repose and i, "At 1test."-Uom. The Sunday School Entertainment in the Presbyterian Church will be held on the evening of the 21st. _ Corp. Alex Stewart, ol Owen Sound, is around doing some recruiting work. Some boys are enlisting, Tom Bailey of this part being one of them. -. .A,A 1-1 .1... ....- r-.- "m" Some from around here attended the Patriotic Concert at Aberdeen and re- port a good time and a good sum was made. Mr Donald Beaten. of Pomona. called on Mrs J. Brown and attended the fu- neral of the late John Mc0illivray. The old pioneers are fast passing Tll and one is the late Mr MeGillivray MN ulock, He will be much missed in the neighborhood. as he was of a kind disposition and liked by all who made their acquaintance with him. The old pioneers are Tll and one is the late ' of A ulock.. .H.e Tll be The Late John McOillivray end Mrs A. GG is visiting her sister. Mrs J. Sumpton in Bruce, at present. ' - .. . gi-u....., -iiii, vélc'nna Campbell, c High School, was home over Perhaps before this is in print, the amount aimed at by the Patriotic Com. mittee an a suitable gift from Durham will be exceeded. Some have come for- ward and Increased their subscription, as u atudr of the situation promoted them. A most unanimously, contribu- tion: were made gladly. with regret: that they could not give more. The "of will be complete before next week’s mu We El ttttttttit ilhtgittit. Durham will Raise the $5000. -------i.----- CRAWFORD The REVIEW to New Subscribers to lst January l9l7 for only One Dollar oi Durham r the week Since our last issue and following the big Sunday evening meeting in Town Hall, the local recruiting committee have been making their mark. No few- er than 47 have signed up and over three-fourths of them have been exam- ined and solar only one has been held over. Examination of the others goes on. In a few cases boys under 18 have signed up, causing pain and anxiety to some mothers who think them too young to leave the parental nest. There is no doubt that some of the boys are actuated by a spirit of adventure, fired by stories of enlisted companions and not realizing the seriousness of the steps they are taking, and recruiting sergeants would do well to avoid induc- ing under age boys to take the step. But this is war coming home to " 3 Millions of mothers are weeping to-day and will not be comforted. Many of them through their tears are making the sacrifice, that victory may the soon- er he achieved and further toll be not taken of the young that are the hope of their country. All honor to those who tronrpatriotic motives will don the Khaki. We hope they will conduct themselves with hon- or and be a credit to their homes and community, and that if called upon to go to the front, they will come through surely. Fred Torry Neil McGillivray Charles Chislctt Anson C. Lloyd J. H. Mellraith W. H. McGowan Harold McConnell W. A, Lauder U. H. Oynes J as Wallace John Bolger S. J. Hartford W. Nichol P. Mcllraith T. A. Lauder F. Catton Chas. Havens J. C. Bryan R. J. Calder C. H. Darling l F, McKay l S. W. Trafford ‘G. W. Trafford Vernon Elvidge Alfred Cove F. Watson J. A. Lloyd Lewis Newell W. H. Lauder Victor Catton Campbell Clark L. Bailey T. Orasby R G. Lindsay J. A. Davis J. Godden E. V. Trump H. Brown H. C. McKechnic J. Bailey G. Fischer A. Pust V. Scheurman Aaron Jacklin Wesley Baker Arthur Baker w. J. Hopkins Following are the names secured by Lieut. Douglas, Sergeant Lenahan and Lance Corp. Willis '. The meeting on Sunday evening at close of evening services was in a. class I by itself, as patriotic meetings go. The Hall wm totally inadrquate, many went away, many stood in aisles and doorway, seats were all filled and plat- form also, Dr. Jamieson was chairman and outlined the purpose of the meeting arranged as part of the campaign to gather in recruits for the new ., 147th Grey County Battalion " recently asked for from this county. For a day or so previously, Lieut. Douglas and Berg. Karl Lenahan. of Owen Sound, had been ' among the boys " and so allur- ingly had they presented the needs for recruits that about 30 had signed up. The names were all read by Lieut. Douglas and the young mm and lads were asked to come to the platform. Also some dozen or more of the fath. or: of these boys or who trad sons tel. Conh'nued on page 8 NAME Do not Fail to see our Special Attractions in TOYS, BOOKS 6y NOVELTIES Fancy Goods, Notions, Se THE VARIETY SIfllt?i, Recruits and More Recruits Successful Recruiting 47 Have Joined the Colors DURHAM, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1916 A Rousing Meeting No G when" be 2, Holstein Stanford Allan Park R. R. l, Durham " l, Neustadt Fe 3, Elmwood ADDRESS Durham Durham , Durham Hanover Hanover Hanover Durham Durham Durham Elmwood Durham Hanover 3w 1 which is incorporated the Holstein Leader ram; , Before G many of o of Peace il past, so be: and friend: g tend the I tor a I HAI’l , PROSPEI Laeaeae, Blderx-Hr 113, against 73: Mem. here-for '20st,agtinsc I110; Aol, 'trtt'S --for 890, against 176. Total in: -2517. Total tuoinat--1305, Mnijy f t l':.- itm--1209. Church Union vote in Oxangvville Preabyterv stood as follow; l Aggregate result of Title mun Church Union in Owen F, 'unu' p, eslo" tery l Elders-tot, 112, against 67); Man- benr-for 1713, against, EMU; A6ltervttir, -doy 435, nguinsl. 312. Total Vat? available-me,. Majority for Union --01t. it will ire notu'ed that only 61) per cent, of the membership voted. la 11 charges the tntjority tu' tlu. session were fur union. in it charges they were against. In 21 Congrega- tions the uni "ity was for Church Un' ion. in 16 L'omtregations it was against and in 3 Consregrlious the Vote re- eulted in a tie. SAUGEEN PRESBYTERY The result in this Presbytery shows a. great turn over since thteeyears agn. A maj u-ity of uvor Oro then For Union has burn turned into one of 41 Against. There were 34)” more voles cast than in It”: Commumcalns and Atllwrentu hu‘h went Against hy small majmithw. The vote of the Elders alone alumna a majotity of It For. The Ansemhly of 1916 Will hsye its work much situphiiut by the bum minoxity either For. nr Against. So in that amps: toyalds t mm“: not likely be considered. Homethmg has been gained. A very lime body of opinion t'avorahle to Union has been brought cleanly into the limelight, and us years go by will grow by "ccteiio" till men will wonder at the Vim-“f lots, Tlast is our prediction. 3per cent J putriutu' fu'ld fur try weeks at Beg ' store. iammacacxmmeeacacaé‘ iiP"h"hhhhmh"""i"1h"ii"A1uuhhs a - OF CANADA 2%» HEAD OFFICE - TORONTO ith I W . . r, " A A General Banking Business Conducted. I.‘ l Accounts of Farmers, Merchants and Manu. M! J ' facturers receive careful attention. I.) TRUST FUNDS should be deposited in our SAVINGS 1““ 9““ LT.% _ DEPARTMENT. Higheu current rates of Interest are u'r'n 101: paid half yearly. 214 DURHAM BRANCH, John Kelly, 5 a El Manager Before our next issue reaches may of our readers the season of Peace and Goodwill will be past, so here and now to readers and friends near and tar. we ex- tend the season‘s good wishes tor a .,s/ setF.ti tat) 'h,B' .K PROSPEROIJS NEW h EAR The Publishers i, Phone 45 for Prompt DelNery "temvetttittvt.etvssmertssrtrrs, Choice, Fred Groceries Fruits _an Confectionery and respectfully solicit a sham Cyou r esteemed patronage. You will find here everything tNired for the Christmas baking, and Christmas festiviti ‘. We cordially invite you to call. Wishing you the sea n's compliments, Yours fur In iiness, HAPPY CHRISTMAS *”*”“*'*§, (Mu, Christmas i'r' [RE ' ANN0l-j'NCFNriN'r ! Church Union and a We have opele up a Mean. new stock of Next MaeFarltymr's Drug Store' STAND“!!! IANK W. F. BVCHAN : Mrs James Atkinsnn left on Friday I last far Toronto to visit her daughter, '; Mrs Jesse McClure, for a few weoks. Mr and Mrs John P. Telford m- noum-e the engagement otthesrdatttth- ter, Elizabeth Murray to Mr Wm. Graham Hoig, of the Standard Bank. Markham, son of Mr and Mrs Robt. Hoyt, Chatham. The weddiuz will lnkv pin-c on New Yeat's Day. Miss Weigant of Owen Sound, is the gums! of her fri end, Miss Amy Kelly. Mrs C. Rumage went to Tomato Friday last. on a visit to her sister. Miss ti. A. Coleridge, who is seriously illat Grace Hospital. She returned on Monday reporting improvement. Miss Vufa Munchkin held a " Show. er "on Wednesday evening In honor ot Miss Bessie Telford, whose nuptial: hm been announced, which was at- :rndeii by a number of her girlfriends. Miss Jean Blown. who has been vla' it ing her p treats for A week, left; for Winnipeg on Monday, where she is to wedo'td on Wednesday to Mr Wilmot IL, ialson. of that city. Mrs Gun, an. returned last week from n lengthy visit. to her son in Hamilton. btw Wis given a pleasant sltl mm: or. Thursday uftrmoon of last Wu L. at the monthly meeting ofthe l'renI-ytm inn Women s Miss. Society, “hm she was presented with a life nu-udnnhip in the trociely, as an ap- pvui lllUlI of her faithfulness and ser- vice in is Interval. Mr A. ll. McLellan numded the fu. ner," of hi.- trrotheruin-law, Wat, Wil. mm. in Quinlan East last Ftidny. Mia ivlclwllm, who spent the last two or liner weeks at his bedside, has also returned . Mr Adam Weir of Owen Sound vis. ited hi, fath'r, Mr. Juhn Weir, 3rd (1m, Gienclg, hat, week. Mr and Mrs N. A, McGillivray, of Kclflcld, Sask., are visiting the farmer's parents, Mr and Mrs Jas. McGillivray, of Saugccn Valley. Miss Lillie Harris, alter a (agile of weeks' visit at home, was cnll _ sud. llEllly to Toronto last Thursday to tuk" Ill-”go or one of ihe wards of the Sir k Cuildrets's Hospital. ch cstend congratulations to Air and Mis. Rubi. Patton, who are residing with their daughter, Mrs. Robt. Isaac, on reaching their diamond wedding year on Tuesday, Dec. 7, both in fairly good health and able to wall; about, though Mr, Patton is getting frail. McCLuitF. cetuher Clure, a THE TORONTO _ '5‘)". - - _-----.--------- In Toronto. on 10ch De- , Mr and Mrs Jesse Mc. BORN In”? DURHAM Chocolate Caramels, Creams, Orange and 1. '~ Slices and mixtures IOC, 15, 20c and 25c Iq Box Chocolates lac, S. F. MORLOCK Silk Scarfs 1.25 to 2.50 Mens Ties all colors, . large assortment 2rc ' Men's Fine Cashmere Sox plain and fancy Men's Kid Gloves lined $1.00, $1.25 Men’s Handkerchief 12c CStt and 2 so Holiday time is usually at trying time because one mun of suitable things to give to Iriends. Our stock will Ll“: decide " it is made up entirely of items sun to ph: IG, , are goods fox men, women, boys and girls and you wl to find something here just right for every pzrs m 'tll y Qua assortment is complete and to see it now 131': "cc best. Separate neck pieces or Mteffler make gift. We have them at low prices. A few Xmas Ladies Silk and Fancy Handkerchiefs m i q. ', l Udies' Silk Scarf: at 500, 75c, trv, New Fancy Linens makes a nice gift m l q, We have them, MEN'S FURNISHINGS Fresh Christmas Candies just Am , .3 FURS Christm as Sitts that galaxy 3tints for "for’ ' Willard's High Grade Chovo. lates in dainty boxes, 25c to " Perfumery. The most popular odors in attractive boxes.... . . FOR LADIES Manicure Sets in French Ivory and llbonv. 32 :'5 and upwards Toilet Sets Hair Brushes ivory Dressing Combs Cut Glass Fancy China Ladies Hand Bags Xmas Stationery. 20c a box and up. Manicure and T'olut Sets in cases from 7. /r" CENTRAL DRUG STOM. G. T. R. Town Ticket Agency Specinl Rates for the holiday lesson. The Store of Honest var, Christmas Cards, any» Jodi: and Ink/s GEO. B. DINGMAN. il 25c to $7.50 Suggestions, THE hhtiiged Wukly " $1.00 Q“. 0. MOI h BOILPunun-no Pipes Tobacco Pouches Cigar Cases Razors Safety Razors Razor Straps Shaving Brushes Military Hair Brush Shaving Mirrors Shaving Mugs Shnving Lotion 3tints for “ill/w Cigars Parisian Aa;, ebony Sooo':, Button Hooks Shoe Horns Manicure Inst Photo Fralm a We have a \w-rv ': nuartmenl and m " prices includirp- Hair Brushes Military Brushes Hat and Bonnet I Hand Mirrors Bed Room C' Dressing 'rop

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